PROCLAMATION. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. ~\T r IIEHE AS, in nn'J Hv an act of the Gen TT ernl A*eabl of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled " An act to direct the manner, time end place >( ImitiiDji I'.lec timig fir President and Vice President r.f the United States, enneted the 2d dav of Febru ary. A. I> and the supplement* thereto, it is required of the Sheriff to jjive due mi lire of each election : Therefore I. DAYI> M. <"ONTVEH, Sheriff" of M'tfffrn county, tl< hereby make known and give this public no tiee to the citizens of ssid county, who are qualified to tote for members of the General Assptti hlv, that on TUESDAY, the Bth day cf Xcvembrr, 1861, an election will be held at the souic places at which ntetuliers of Congress Senators and loenrbers i f the Assembly shall have been voted for at the last preceding election, a follows : he electors of the Borough of Netrton Hamilton are to meet in the new scboolhouse in said borough. The electors of v V a yne township a*e t" meet at the new .-ehoolhuuse in the Borough id' N'ewnn Hamilton. The i lectors of the Borough of Mc\ eyto*n nre to meet at the Union schoolhouse in said borough. The electors of Granville township are to meet at the Court House in the Borough 1 Lewistown, aud vote ut the window of the I'rotluMiotary's office. The etcetera of Perry township will meet j at the Court House in the-Borough of Low : isfown, and vote at the window of the Judge's : office. The electors of Oliver township are to meet ; at the Union schoolhouse iu the Borough of McVey town. The electors of Bratton township are to ineet at the brick schoolhouse on the farm ol William Harshbarger. in said township. The electors of Menno township are to j meet at the house now occupied by the fain 1 ily of William Setuple. deceased, in Allen Ville, in said township. The electors of Union township are to meet nt the house now occupied by Richard Brin die The electors of Brown township are to i meet at the public house now occupied by ; John G. McGiaughlin, in said township. The electors of Armagh townsbir residing j east of the line commencing a; the middle of the road at the stone meeting house, in Brown township, thence along said road to the end r.f the lane known as Jonathan Abraham's i lane, near the residence of Thomas Longwell. j jr.. thence running in a straight line to Cress i man's Knob to the Union county line, are to [ meet at E. E. Locke's office, in said township, j Those residing west of and not included in said limits, will meet as heretofore at the public house now occupied by Win. Swine hart in said township. The electors of Decatur township are to meet at iiio house of Joseph Stumpff', now . occupied by Israel Spigelmire. The electors for the East Ward of the Bo rough of Lewistown will meet at the Court House, aud vote at the window of the Com missioner's office. Ihe electors of the West Ward of said borough will meet at the same place, and vote at the window of the Sheriff"- office— ! For the purpose „f electing TWENTY SIX I persons of this Commonwealth as Electors j lor the election of President and Vice Preei ! dent of the United States : arid the several \ Judges, Inspectors and Clerks who attended ' the general election on the 2d Tuesday of Oc tober, arc hereby enjoined to attend and per form at the said e!e> tion of electors to be held j as aforesaid, the like duties, subject to the ! like penalties for misconduct, as they are lia 1 ble_t > at the election of members of the As- ; s< nibly. Sic. ; and one judge from each district j is enjoined to attend' at the Court House in I Lewistown, on FRIDAY, 11th November, Vic ing the third day after the election for elec j tors, tor the purpose of making out the re : turns of said election. 1 also make known that, by an act entitled an "Act relating to the elections of this Com inonweallb.' approved the 11th dav of April 1 T'-i-T it is provided that "Every year in which the citizens of this Commonwealth shall vote for Electors for President and A ice President | of the United States, the Assessors of the j several wards, townships, incorporated dis tricts and boroughs within this Common wealth, except within the city and county of j Philadelphia, shall, at all reasonable time-, j the 2d 1 ucsdny of October in said year-. !" : ™d until within ten davs of the time fixed i *Whiw for" the election of Electors of Presi | " Vice President of the United States, j o i application of any white free- i - Miimi Plfliffflfig-to be assessed within the prop- ! fr 1- , incorporated district or ! a right to vote therein. 1 dte a>£e of lwe nt.V one j • wt.J having resided in ynae. enter the nam ho!6foaah I|4isi, taxable in- at least yrueipheiditoß fifiedtows ,W fWnod'rfy ffsWJ for tfie si. ( i},bwn-tfiqk#J iit* .ol .nttfejh dmytuiu ->Mfofa> 'swyiJ.'aD-ilf deHvof^j.e .HtdipyidoishuVlN'lnignb-iiino^t.fifUrfY'iV^pei;- •itv dw lyioiwT vtsmttf tftyiiftMl JKyc s*id snkT Aa &MwrWfavl Mt. ifd-Mi tftinfawl 4v er.' hoawnfiycir aWvrafi.n'nr.r'addition, 1 'txhdneiof the" 1 -yTlqflmtjtioh' ut or thwdky •oAtiUadUarnlkeAleutviii WJsMtdotteotid - !t -a'J jrtluibuc|'wu , rtiylihwpl \t t|ie" -bA vHeounttsnnA stglff. (furtd.iitrtt,elrJr xt V. f,,T r " .oevhffd taeiKiglnZneightfcr't.firttisr .t'osb ijof-nr/oj tsviiOlvls.i.jiii. ' 1 .luJOflti ft ,BHAO V/ J3UR/f> Sheriff.. .F6Bl ,21 JoO .awolaiweJ .oofffO (disf&ijpjH j ffo aietWT'Mjilj lorfoi# io 4m*m .nwf/rtri'lrnj '"l<| li tpiii !1,.,r .fls—i.,n I— Hl^t, wMlW.'Wrt,.WH O Vl.jl bo •; Ti -us wwiL tnvrtu wnnesTO r hnt/tov to 'J ,Yn , " >;; '" n, 'ThKl y>cfmsfs^naf elect, ns may. and upon enalTengeof any other voter shall examine, under oath or affirmation, j the applicant to vote, (which oath or affimatton any ,>f said judges may ad minister,) iu respect to his right to vote, and his qualifications to vote j,, the particular ] ward, precinct, city, borough, township or county of i this State, in which he claims residence: ami before j j receiving any vot<-. the judges, or a majority ~f them, | j shall be satisfied that sue!, applicant is a qualified vo- j i ter of such plscw. Sec. T. Separate poll books shall be kept and sepa- j ; rate return- made lor the voters of each city nrcoua- ! ty: the poll Irooks shdll name the company and rugi- ; I ment and the place, posr. or hospital in which such I election is held: the county and township, cry, bor j oiigh ward. prccincT or election district of , voter j i shall be endor-od opposite his name on the poll books: | each clerk .-hall keep one of said poll books, so that ( there mav be a double list of voter-. Sec. h. Each ticket shall have written or printed, or partly written and partly piinted tliereon. the ii.tme- ! of all the orticers which may pruperlv t'e voted for at I said election, for which the said elector desires to SKC. f. That the judges to whom any ticket -hall be j delivered siiall. ujiou the receipt thereof, pronouce j with an audible voice the name of the elector, and if i | no objection i- made to htm. and the judge- are satis- j I Bed that said elector is a citizen of the. I'nited States ; ! and legally entitled according to the constitution and , law- of this Stat,- t., vote ~t -aid election, -hall iintre- I ! diately put said ticket into the box e suostanUally the form ; of the poll books to be kept bv the judges and clerk- i of the election, filling in the blanks carefully : Poll book oi the election, held on the second Tues- l I day of October, one thousand eight hundred ;ind • or other election day as the case may be.l by i ! the qualified elector- of counfv. (or citv.) State of j ; Pennsylvania, in company ,of the "regiment ! I of Pennsylvania volunteers, (or as the ease may be.) j held at 'naming the place, post, or hospital.) A B. <; L> j and E F being duly elected as judges of -aid clectioi; and .1 K and L St being duly "appointed as clerks of j said el"ciiou. were severally sworn or affirmed, as per t j certificates herewith returned. Number and names of the electors voting and their j ; county, city, borough, township, ward or precinct of ! j residence: J No. 1. A Li. county of , township of , No. i C 1), county of , tow nship of | It is hereby certified that the number of elector- f„r ; ci uiitv. Pennsylvania, voting at this elec- i 1 tiou, amounts to A R. ) Judges 0 I>, - of ! Attcst-JK. F. F, ) elect,on. L M. Clerks. j Form of certificate of oath of judges and clerk- : j . We- A B. < i> and E F. judges' of this election, and -I K ana L M. clerks tSiereoi. do each severally swear , (or atfirinjthat we will duly perforin the duties of i , judges and clerks of said election, severally acting as i a novo set forth, according to law. and to the host of j onr abilities, and that we will studiously endeavor to ] prevent traud, deceit, or ahuse, in conducting the i same. AB, C D, j j Kj EF, Judges. L M. Clerks. i 1 hereby certify, that CD.E F. judge, and Jl< and j L olerKs were, before proceeding totaiio any votes * ( at -aid election, first duly worn, or arliruicd, al'ore ; BAi had votes; for Seiia ",r - „ „ *otes were ,-a-t. of which E F had i 1 vote-. (, II had votes; tor Representatives > t—. were t ' a " t - which J K had votes, i tl ,i . votesfojid iu the aautemanner as to I o, M'"'ers voted for. •L wLo aV' 1 " 1 '; f n r f i,>4s follows, giving, it officers, their rank 'and thr - f I,;f .Aenawwc'oAi ®f the eleetioh. held as aforesaid on I eight '" AUUO i A hundred aud thirty-fir.-t 1 lfiE2 : ei,n-ylvjTiy.i Volunteers. ,MioijetuUiuUh.nd. and thirtv-fir-i rem. r<-i --io e- at .ffedfic t>f election. •jjr-f.iio lTy{ f, i>ls)Aul7rtiixio• uavte^gn_• tl.w vut.iwSh Md9Wiv r e. | or county, together with the tickets. „t waiAniit 1,1 ♦Wipl-'Krtflso-lrafitdidmiirfli i . , ". w ' Sft i .vMHSr', i ,rl ' J|. Aunm Wi' dLbftk'idi'ffs'ftW-hihftlSWWl)X"-- ffl9 r^vi l *-qi*'.jt%£he like mantfer U—it-Bi ,0 ladutnO i t a- is provided by lair, in eases where all the votes i shall have btsen (iiven aKhe usual plaee of election : Thai rho -cverul courts of this Common r wealth shall have the same power and authority i ■ n.v.'srieote and determine all questions of fraud or illegality, n relation to the voting of the soldiers, as are i) -w* vested in s.isi courts. with regard to Questions of fraud and illegality arising from the voting of per sona not in nubtary service, under the present laws i relating tiier to. i Sic. 21. In elections for electors of President and Vice President ot the United states, it sliail bathe doty of the .Secretary of the Commonwealth t>> iav ■ hef're the Governor a:! returns received by him rtoiii any election, as aforesaid, who shall compare the same with the county returns, and add thereto all such re i turns as -hall appear, on such comparison, not to be i I contained in said county returns, in every ease where | -aid military returns for such counties shall have tieen received by -aid secretary at a period too late for 1 transmitting thorn tq.UK- proper proth m..tar v. in time ' f.r the action of the judges of the said counties. 8 c. 22. All said election- -hall be subject to contest j it. tin- sane manner a- uoa provided hv law: anu in ' I a u eases of contested elections, all legal return- which i shall haw la-en bona drfe forwarded by said judges. i in the manner hereinbefore prescribed, shall be count- i ed atirt estimated, although the .-ante ttiSv not have i arrived or been received by the proper officers to tie counted and estimated, in the twtmter hereinbefore directed, before issuing the certificates of election to ! the person- -appearing to lmve a majority of the votes 1 then received, and the said returns -bail be subject to an -itch objections as other returns are liable to, when received in due time. fine. 2d. It shall be the duty of the Secretary of the * omnionurealth to cause to be printed a sufficient ! number -*t copies -,f this act. with -ueh extracts from the genera! election law. as shall be deemed impor- I tant to :<• 'iiTipany the-nine, and blank forms of poll j j oooks. with tally lists and returns as prescribed in this I aht, which, with the i.eoe-sary ! tray expeit-t s and postage on r< turns, shall, in suffi ci-nt time, before any such election, be forwarded by j saiu - cr ;arv at the expense of the Commonwealth. • *>>" '-•oininis-ioijers or otherwise, as shall be deemed | mo ~ t c.-rtaui u> insure delivery thereof to the captain J or commanding officer of each company, or in case of detached voters, to the officer having "charge of the post or hospital, who shall retain the same until the j day ot election and then deliver the same to the Judges j eh- ted. as provided in tins act: ProiHdui. That no I election shall be invalidated by the reasnti of the ne ; gleet ~r failure of tin- said secretary to cause the de livery id said poll books to the proper persons, as j Bsc. 24. That for the purpose of more effecMiallv , earning out t!ie provision- of thi-act. the Governor i shall have p wer to appoint and commission, under I oie gieat seal of the Commonwealth, auch tfumbirof j eomiuissioncrs. having the qualifications of an elector ' j 'h' s State. as be shall deem necessary, not excecd : one to each regiment of Pennsylvania sokliers in the j service of this state, or of the United States, and shall j apportion ihe work among the commissioners and ; -upplv such vacancies a- tnay occur in their number. ; sm l, commissioners la-fore they act, shall take and | subscribe an oath or affirmation, and cause the 5., m.. I to in* filed with the Hcerctary of the Commonwealth, to i the following eitect: -I appointed cotnmis- j 1 slower, under the act to regulate elections by sokliers j in actual military service, do solemnly swear tor af -1 firm) that I will support the Constitution of the United j States .-md the '"ommonweukii of Pennsylvania, and impartially. fully, and without reference" to political' | preferences, or results, jierform. to the best of my j know b-ogo and ability, the duties imposed on me hv I the sud act. and that I will studiously endeavor to | prevent fraud, deceit and abuse, not onfy in the ciee i tions to be held under the same, but in the returns i t thereof.' And u any commissioner appointed by or | under tiii< act shall knowingly violate his duty orknow j itiaiy omit, or fail to do his duty, under thin net. or vi | olati any part of liis oath or affirmation, he shall be i liable to indictment for perjury, in the proper eoiuitv. and, upon conviction, shall lie punished by a fine, j not exceeding one thousand dollars, or in'iprison i incut in the penitentiary, at labor, not exceeding one j year, or both, in the discretion of the court. >i:r --I. It shall hi- the duty of suen commissioners I to deliver, as far as practicable, m least four of the | copies o! tlr.saet. and other extracts of laws published ! a- hereinbefore directed, and at loat two blank forms i : of pod! lip ok s. tally lists and returns entrusted to i j 'beiti. as mentioned ir. the twenty-third section of I this act. to the commanding officers of every comna i ttv. or f art of company, of Pennsylvania soldiers in ' the actual military or naval service of the United States, or of this State : and to make suitable arrange i in nt- and provisions for the opening of polls, under tlii-a**t: it snallai-o be titeibity ofsaiii commissioners i 1 ; as soon as practicable after the dav of election, to call j , upon the judges of the election atid procure one poll I j iiook, contain", ug trie returns of the election, and safe- | | ly to pneserve tlie -nine, not only from loss, but from ; alteration, and deliver the same without delay to the ! Secretary of the Commouwealth. Sec. 2t. Said commissioners shall receive, in full j compensation for their services under this act. ten i cents per mile, in going to and returning from their respective regiments, estimating the distance of travel bv the usually traveled route; and it is hereby made 1 the duty of the. Auditor General and State Treasurer i to audit and pay the accounts therefor, in the same j i manner as other claims are now audited and paid, bv i law ; all commanding and other officers are requested to aid the commissioners herein appointed, and to i give them all proper facilities to enable tlieni to carry | out the design and intention of this act. 1 SEC. 27. No mere informality iu the manner of ear- i I rying out or executing any of the provisions of this | act, shall invalidate any election held under the same, I or authorize the return thereof to he rejected or set j aside: nor shall any failure on the part of the eotn'mts- | ! stoners to reach or visit any regiment or company or I part of company,.or the failure of any coittjiany or i part of company to vote, invalidate any election which I may be held under this act. Bsc. 26 The several officers authorized to conduct I such election, -hall have the like powers, and they, as I | well as other persons who may attend, vote, or offer : to vote, at such election, shall be subject to the like ; penalties and restrictions as are declared or provided j in the case of elections by the citizens at their usual j places of election: and nil of the provisions of tlie general election laws of this Btate. so for as applicable i and not inconsistent with the provisions of this act. I nor supplied thereby, shall apply to all elections held j under this act. Bite. 29. No compensation shail lie allowed to anv i judge or clerk under this act. j Bee. 30. When the sheriff of any city or county shall ! issue his proclamation for an election, for a presiden ! tial. congressional, district, city, county or State elee- j j tion, under the laws of this State, he shall transmit, j immediately, copies thereof to the field officers and j senior captains in the service, aforesaid, from said city j or county. 1 Sue. 31. Thy sum of fifteen thousand dollars, or so j much thereof as may he necessary, is hereby appro- | printed from the general revenue, to be paid upon the i order of the.Secretary of the Commonwealth, to carry i j this law into effect. i Sec: 33. When any of the electors mentioned in the j first sedtion of this act. less than ten in number.shall j i be tueinliersof companies of another State or Tern- ! toiv. or lor anv sufficient and legal cause, shall be sep- • ' a rated from their proper company, or shall be in any ; hospital, navy yard, vessel, or on "recruiting, provost, or other duty, whether within or without this State, | uuder such circumstances as shall render it probable that he. or they, will be unable to rejoin their proper company, or to he present at his proper place of elec tion. on or before the day ot" the elections, therein mentioned, said elector or electors shall have a right j j to vote in the following manner. S;:c. 33. The voter aforesaid is hereby authorized, j I before the day of election, to "deposit iiis ballot or bal- j i lot-, properly folded, as required by the general elec ! tion taw - of "this State, or otherwise, as the voter may j choose, in a sealed envelope, together with a written j or printed, or partly written and partly printed, state- j ' incnt, containing tlie name of the voter, the county, j I township, "borough or ward, of which he is a resident. and a written or printed authority to some qualified i ; voter in the election district of winch the -aid voter ! | is a resident, to cast the ballots contained in said en- j : velope for hitn. on the day of said election. Said j stat- inent and authority to le signed by the said voter ! i and attested by the commander or some commissioned j officer of the company of which he is a member, in ! tlie ease- of a private, and of some commissioned offi ! cer of the regiment- in the case of an officer, if any of j sucli officers are eonveniently accessible, and if oth erwise, then by some other witness: and there shall j also accompany said ballots an affidavit of said voter, i taken before some one of the officers aforesaid, and I' in the absence of such officers, before some other j persdn duly authorized to administer oaths, by any law of the Btnte. that he is a qualified voter in the election district in whigh he proposes to vote, that he is in the actaal military service of the CuitedStates j or of this Btate. describing the organization to which j ; he belongs, that he has not sent his ballots to any : ' other person or persons than tlie one m such author- j 1 tty mentioned, that he will not offer to vote at any t •j uoU which may be opened ou said election day, st any j 1 whatsoever, and that he is not a deserter, ana j 'OVfMttmjtihr-en dishonorably dismissed from the service I TjjUjqf hi) is iiovr stationed at in the State of j ' "Slid sealed envelope, containing the ballots, and affidavit as aforesaid, to be sent to the proper person by mail or otherwise, having . | written or printed on the outside, across the sealed (j pteGUff-rAuhihaffio<ivsoldier's ballot for rfrfclhido ill the county of ." i 4ini§S9iM- VlO-.J-if-etur,;?:! jwhuy). such ballot shall be I t-kfif, shall.nil uieqav.of election ar.d while the polls i >•** l di4Wer the envelope ! as received, unopened, to the proper election officer, j ■ i together with papers, 1 as dyflrtpit(tfc and said board shall j i conifr ahojciuivasa the same in the -aui-* manner,.-i*. j We person il>jii' lOnjuOnJSkW 'jerasipiibfiUiKir lectof' l l>e compelled to testify on oath that the envelope,,six* • -delivered by him. is i'n the same state as when r< - lic.t I.;, ,lntiint SEC.3S. The righUH?/Vmean-t„ or, and .on ftf'f jKSted by^P t£prSon, not exceeding one i. .Idbl ,1k .Jqati .tusiiiupouiideiatl - " !" !1 ° no ' ®* f "®eding five hundred dollars, ot eith -j. or l-jia. in the di-. fetion of the court. make ? ny "' h ' " hail and corruptly make and subscribe any lai.-o affidavit, or make an'v thiw V,' a ">; lniUlfsr thing provided in ii i inrv i*• e Olne guilty of wilful and corrupt penury, and upon conviction thereof, -hall be pun- Shed I.y inipn-ouniem in the. Si ate penitentiary not tbn.t^T.\ i e J - Vt " ar;i , aDd b >" filu " exceeding one .' .'i do!lar - a - by either, or both, m the dfsere tiou oi the court. ~ Sf " s b:lt 11 *bHll be the dutv of th-> Secretary of the Commonwealth to prepare the necessary blank riirl!!'*!. 11 . caiTv out the provisions of this act! and to ll 'Ti , , e f " r thp uw 1,1 t!l " Persons so eu i 8 in the military sen ic- aforesaid. . r< ... It. ca-c any qualified elect ,r in military ser i nee aforesaid, may be in anv hospital military or na or au - v ,\ or navy yarn the statements and I ..a r ! ? f - s mentioned, mat la- wiinc—,-d i, v . | S'"' l made heiore any officer of the v. —eh row vat d. | o. other place, in which said vessel is tor the time t.e --: lag engaged. I .1 shad he the duty of everv atisessor within ! l!P* wealtlt annually to a-e- and return in ■ the manner now required by law. a o.iimv tax of ten cent.- upon each and every non-commissioned officer j and private, and the usual taxes opou everv eonunis ' or ! K *f r ' V-' " w " I,v t " ei " l< > be in the military : sort ice of the I mte.J Btate.- or of this Btate. in the it' ™'V ; 'V u , 3P y ? miNl|on slmli occur, tlie omitted , names sha 1 be added by such assessor-, tothe asses— cib-'T, M f ,t ts , v " le rs. on the application of nnv Im.h L'ia- election aistnct or precinct wherein such soldier might or would have a right to vote, if me in such service as aforesa d: and sin-li non-eoin . missioned officers and privates shail be exempt iron, 1 I —Lh personal taxes during their continuance in ."iPIL,- a "u " a " 1 ossessors shall, in each and 1 ! *• * - ca.-e ot such u-sr--e l soldiers, or officers w ith l out tee or ivward therefor, give a certificate of such i I '"cc' or additional asse-sincnt. to any citizen oftiie : district or preein< t who nicy at a.iv time de- ' mand the same; and upon the pi. seiitdiori thereoi to me tax collector of-aid listncu or tlie treasurer of ot tlie said county, it snail he the dutv of such officer to receive said tax of and from any person ottering to pay the same, tor the soidier or officer therein named and to endorse upon such certificnte a receipt there tor ; and it s. ail also be the uuty of .-aid collector or i ooii ty ti easurer to receive said assessed tax from any person who may offer to pay the same, for anv of stud ottnersoi soldier.-, without requiring a certificate of assessment, when the names of sip'-ti pcr-ons shall i have been duly entered upon the assessment books and tax dupm-aie*. and give a receipt tlierefor to such person, specialty stating ihcr. in the name of the sol dier or officer Whose tax is thus paid, the year for winch was a— -seed, and the date of the payment .hereon which stud certificate and receipt, or receipt only, shall be prima faeie evidence to election board, nrmiueu for by this act. before which the same may a- ottered, oi the due a.-sessrneiit of said tax against, and the payment thereof bv, the soldier or officer therein named, offering the same, as aforesaid, but said election board shall not be thereby precluded trom requiring other proof of the right to vote, as .specified by this act, or the general election law s of this Commonwealth; and if any of said assessors, collectors, or treasurers shall neglect or refuse to com ply with provisions of this section, or to perform . any ot the duties therein enjoined upon them, or ei trier of them, he, or Ulgyvso offending, shall con si lereu and a ijudged guilty of a nnadeinamior in of fice, and shall, on conviction, fa- fin-d in any sum not 1 lc-- l twenty nor more than two hundred dollars: j iii&i. I hat thf* additional &ssfS£!TieDts. rtndirod t<> be made by tiie above section, in tite citv of Philadel- ' phia. shall be made on apnlieation of tftiy citizen of the election district or precinct thereof, upon oath or affirmation of such citizen, to he administered bv the asses.-or .that such absent soldier is a citizen o*f the election district or precinct wherein such assessment is required by such citizen to be made. Sr.- 41. i hi- act -hull not apply to the election of mcinb.-rs ot council, or to ward and division officers i in the city of Philadelphia. Aci-RovLi)—The 25th day of August, A. D. 1864. SADDLES. HARNESS, &c. The subscriber having now on j band one ol the besl and largest j stocks between Philadelphia and i H'/'' * Pittsburgh, in order to accom- ' modate business to the times, oilers for sale complete assortment of Saddirs. Harness, Bridles, Collars, Trunks, Whips, Hanses, Valises, Carpel Bags, which are offered fur sale low for cash, or ap proved credit. Among his stock will he found some high ly finished sets of light Harness equal to any manufactured, Let all in want of good articles, made hy experienced workmen, give him a call. JOHN DAVIS. Lewistown, April 19, 1860. A GREAT BATTLE Is Ibxpci'lfd to laLc Place in \ irgtiiia, BUT notwithstanding this the people must have arid we would respectfully set forth our claims to public attention, first, because we keep a large and well assorted stock of Bouts and Shoes foi men and hoys. Gaiters, and all other kinds of shoes for women and children. We are prepared to take measutes and complete work of all kinds at short notice. Repairing done at short notice, at E. C. HAMILTON'S. West Market street, a few doors west of j Col Butler's, and nearly opposite Daniel Ei senhise's Hotel nih3o—'64 j r. r. s.o>i\ THE UNION SHOE STOKE IS the place to buy cheap Shoes Having purchased a large stock, I propose to sell at hut a suial! advance on cost, but only for cash, I would invite all in want of good and cheap Shoes to call and see my stock before buying elsewhere, as I have all styles of Wu men's Misses and Children's Shoes, with a large stock of Gaiters, which will be sold ve ry low. Home made work always on hand, and prepared to make to order any style at -hurt est notice. Always up to the latest styles id ! the city. Call and see. | I am also agent for the Graver & Baker and will have sample machines on hand at all ! times. All who buy a machine from me will he regularly taught to sew. Call and see this machine before buying elsewhere, as it has nil the late improvements and will do mote work than any other machine now in use. Also, the Grover & Baker Thread j for sale Call at the old stand in the public square, j three doors west of Geo. Biymyer's store. -1 Lewistown, June 8, 1864. | TOBACCO! Genuine Oriental Turkish, Int. Turkish, Uose, Favorite, Un ion, Kiss-me-quick, Seafar latii, &c. No. 1, 1 and 3 CUT & DRY, very low. A bSO, PIPES, TOBACCO-BOXES, C IGAR.S, i and in fact everything that belongs to his dine of business, at very low figures, bj iCniliand examine for yourselves, and save rirhofie'4 by.buying at the Cigar and Tobacco ribtorti afio.T E. FRYSINGER, nov i&3XOIT/IA Lewistown, Pa. ii .Mmsiistl To ediisti >• Its hois 3XT ,^NY! all kinds, at lU " - HOFFMAN'S. |fini'tl*;q laiedn inD In—noijiiPftiiiifU t-rtlTlßiYr lldfiafffc-'i! V4av/ a .Itb&l ,d iiiqA. .awuieiwsJ . WILLIAM LIND, bus now open A NEW STOCK OF Cloths, Cassirneres AM) VESTINCS, which will he made up to order in the neat est and most fashionable styles. ap!9 ( -- - - —" - ■ —— —- NEW Tailoring Establishment, n rpas onable terms Give hint a call. mb23 ly jt d B ii B aw aa TO T. J. HUFFMAN'S FOR STOVES! STOVES! STOVES TIN WARE! 1) UCKETS, from one quart to three gnl _) ions. Dish Pans. Wash Basins and Cul ! lenders, made of solid material, without sol during. Coffee Boilers, Tea Pots. Pie Plates. Pudding Pans, and everything usually found i in a first class tinware shop, and sold very low. at P.*J. HOFFMAN'S. Bibles. lile*. ! r IMIE Bible Society's Bibles and Testa- I J[ menis. Also. Photograph Bibles arrang i "b*criher continues to alnTifrrfl •*" B orjvr Castt, gs of |, fa^ " r . ' ron (,f ,fle best quality. „ flfeagPnmß (.rices as !. as the times" w ,jj i permit Having a large variety of patteri,* ' on hand. I am prepared to furnish alnmq anyth-ng required for Grist Mills, Saw ,\Jj|i s and Agricultural Implements, and t-> finish up in the hear manner also. Blowiu? l yliiidfrs, Hoi Blast Pi; pg, and other work tor Furnaces. Water ,f different sizes. Hydrants, Stop Clocks and Few rils. Water Wheels. dir ct action and reaction of different sizes Horse Rowers and Thrssl,. ers of different kind", Bar Shaie. Side R. [ and Bull I'i.twe. Wagon and Carriage 8,,j (> Blacksmith's Vice*. Screw Plates, Heads and Rests lor Turning Lathes. Straw and FYeJ Cutters to work by hand. &e.. &c. PATTERNS made to order. Having obtained the right to manufacturea Counter Balance Shake), a first rate article, farmers are requested to call at the shop on Elisabeth street, and ex. amine it. It can be attached to almost anv thresher in use, and w ill not fail to give en i tire satisfaction. Thankful lor past favors and anxious to do his work in the best manner, the subscriber asks a continuance of the patronage so gen erously bestowed. JOHN R. WEEKES, uia> II Agent. "Jinn mia oaiibai Mm" 4 llaugc of Rate. Re who by the plow would thrive. Himself must either hold or drive; Franklin thus wrote the words of truth, When Uncle Sara was iu his youth. But now Young America Is ail alive, And needs to be cautioned now to drive; And Uncle Sam. 1 think, he too Is rather dashing his way through. Now, he who safely would progress, SJust step by step still onward press; Hut he who would take two. Often falls down "a few." And to prevent that stale of affairs. I've moved to where there Is no stairs— Across the street, you'll please to mind. Now swings the Big Cottee Pot Sign. "Tls here I want my frieuds to call. And see my stock—l can't mention all in short, your house-wunts all you'll tind Supplied at the Big Coffee Pot Sign. N. B. Manufacturing and Jobbing carri ed on as usual, and our motto is "Small prof its and quick sales." Don't mistake the place. J. IRVIN WALLIS. my 4 Sign of the Big Coffee Pot. Save your Money and Encour age Home Manufactures. HA \ ING lately purchased the Patterns remaining at the Logan F undry, I aui prepared to make to order various sizes <>f Coal Stoves, Nine Plates. Hathaway Cook- Stoves, Iron Feuce, &a. Thankful for the past. I hope to 1 the future patronage of a generous pub lie. terms cash. The highest price paid for old eastings JOHN R. WEEKES. Lewistowu Foundry, Sept. 14. Agt Come in Out of the Draft' SI,OOO BOUNTY! f IMIF, only way to keep out of the Draft, i J| to buy your Goods at SELHEIMER'S CHEAP HARDWARE, Tij a s-twt sum I Everybody is now going to Selheimer'sfur their goods : they have disco.ered they pan save time and money. mar 23 '64 BriialiPH. ALL, Dusting, Sweeping. Hand. Scrub bing and Horse Brushes. Paint Brush es of all sizes. J. B. SELHEIMEK. M O \ EK. A LARGE assortment of Cooking Parlf 4Y "tber Stoves, always on hand, at the lowest prices, at J. B SELHEIMER'S. carpe^tern. SF-LIIFJMER'S is the place to buy the bet' and cheapest Hand, Rip, Tenoant. C-m pass and Cross Cut Saws; Planes. Bits, llnm mere. Hatchets, tjquures. Ruleg, Chisels. Au gors, Augur Bitts, Drawing Knives, Spoke 1 : shaves. Bevels, arid all other Tools in jour ! line. The carpenters all buy at J. B. SELHfIMER'S. Ware. I LAIIGL stock of saddlery ware constant ■ ly "n hand, consisting in part of Saddle | Trees, Pad Trees, Buckles, Rings. , Snaps, 'Ferrets. Swivels. Stirrups. Bridle Bits, lacks. Awls, Needles, Thread. Hair. Patent Leather, and a variety of other article#, for s le by J. B. SELIIEIMFR. C O ala 111 la. to 11, OIL ; quality of Coal Oil for sale by the 1 • quart gallon and barrel at J. B. SELIIEIMER'S. OIL CLOTHS. A LARGE assortment of Floor. Stair snl xT. Carriage Oil Cloths, of all colors, best quality, and cheap, at the store of *. B. SELIIEIMER. Oils, Paiii|, JLc. TT HIIL. LEAD, Red Lead, Zinc, Yeniti* n ! i Red. and all other kinds of colors, k so, Linseed Oil, Fish Oil, Coal Oil. fur 1 i j Bale at J. B. SELHEIMER'S- Cordage. Cordage. £ I OPES, Tow Lines. Bed Cords, Clothe \i Lines, Twines, and other cordage ' J ' by J. B. SELUEIMI* '• Cedar and Willow %%arf r Churns. Buckets, Butter Bo*'"' I Clothes, Baskets, Market Baskets 1 j hr sale by J. B SELIIEI-MER j HIT TTAHE & STO7SS OF all patterns, constantly kept, and sale at very low figures, as usual. . larnous BIG COFFEE POT Slo> > Lewistown, August 6, 1862 I JEST Note and Letter paper at X> maroh'i, SW