Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, October 19, 1864, Image 3

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During a reconnoissanee in force by
Gen. Butler's troops on Thursday last,
Captain A. G. DICKEY, of the Bth U.
S. C. T., was killed, while gallantly
leading his company. Capt. Dickey
was we believe a native of Siloam, New
York, where his parents still reside,
and came to this place a number of
years since, and by his gentlemanly
and correct deportment soon secured
the esteem of all who knew him. He
engaged in teaching, and subseqently
studied law with Jos. Alexander, Esq.;
hut his strong republican principles
and conviction that the rebellion was
a blow at liberty, not only here hut
throughout the world, rendered him
restless since the war and he twice
shouldered a rnuskel in defence of his
country. Last year he was promoted
to the command of a company in the
Bth colored troops and served with
much credit in Florida, where ho
was slightly wounded. Some months
ago the regiment was transferred to
Bermuda Hundred, where it took
part in several severe battles. We
have reason to know that Captain Dick
ey was regarded as one of the most
promising officers of his grade in the
service, commanding there as here the
respect of all. The inteligence of his
death was received here on Monday
with universal regret, for all concur
that the loss of such a man, with every I
principle and talent to make him a
useful citizen, is not easily replaced.
Wtu. H. Bratton, son of Charles
Bratton, Esq, of Bratton township, of
the 2d Pa. Artillery, was recently
twice wounded, captnred, taken to
Richmond, and had a hand amputated;
hut was subsequently paroled and is
now at Annapolis, Md.
memorable fight on the 29th Septem
ber, which resulted in the capture of
Chapin's Bluff, near Richmond, we re
gret to learn that several colored sol
diers from this place were killed. The
charge was made across a plain half a
mile broad, and although badly cut up
the 4th and 6th U. S C. T., with some
others captured the rebel works at the
point of the bayonet. Among the
killed are the following, who are said
to have fallen on one spot:
David Crisswell, George Anderson,
Walker Stills, Jos. Patterson,
Wm. Snowden.
Abe Patterson seriously wounded.
A letter from Charles Miller, now in
Portsmouth Grove Hospital, R. 1., says
that Wm. Snowden was also wounded, '
not killed.
Peter Johnson, supposed to he the
one formerly of this place, is also re
ported killed.
In no battle during the war has so
great a loss of life occurred among sol
diers trom this place, and when we
bear in mind that there are perhaps
ten whites to one colored in the service
from Lewistown, who for a moment
can doubt the bravery of these poor
fellows? We know besides that in
other respects most of them have been
faithful sons and brothers, aiding those
at home whenever they could. So far
as earth is concerned they are no more,
yet when the record of this war is
made, their names will be found among
those who fell victims to one of the
most hellish rebellion ever got up by
man. We commend their fate to sun
dry men, women, girls and boys in this
town who cannot see a colored person
on the street without uttering a low
bred remark as mean as it is cowardly.
They may think themselves "smart"
in doing so, but forget that when they
do it they are not lowering the negro,
but themselves.
were assessed in Derry township on
the recent ten day list, and their votes
taken by the election officers. As the |
list was not posted up as is required ■
by law in order that citizens might
examine it, and as all the parties must
have known that these men were pau
pers, they may consider themselves
tortunate if they escape attention
at November term.
Another outrageous proceeding was
taking the vote of a man named Mills i
in Brown township, a rebel deserter,
who in a letter addressed to the Pro
lost Marshall which he dropped and
was found, protested against being en- j
lolled, and added that he had done one
wrong in deserting his brave eoropan- |
ions and could not be guilty of so "foul
a crime as to take up arms against j
them." This letter was shown to the
hoard, but being rebel was no impedi
ment to his voting there!
ITEMS. —Mr. Burke sent us a yam,
or York county sweet potato, which
he raised on a field near town, weigh
ing exactly two pounds.
Philadelphia Synod of the
Presbyterian Church will meet iu this
place tomorrow evening.
The war news is of no special inter
est other than that Grant is evidently
closing around Richmond: Sheridan is
• holding the rebels back in the Senan
doah ; and Sherman is again in the field
after Hood.
WASHINGTON, Oct 12—8 40 p ni
Dispatches have been received to-day Iroui
Gen. Grant, Gen Sherman, and (yen. Sher
l idan, bur no military movements si nee* m y
iast telegram are reported.
The following details of the cavalry en
! gagement last Sunday are furn shed by
Gen Sheridan :
"I have seen no sign of theenem\ since
the brilliant engagement of the 9th inst
It was a square cavalry fight, in which the
enemy was routed beyond any powe to
j describe. He lost everything carried on
wheels, except one pieoe of artillery, and
when it was last seen it was passing over
Rude's Hill, near New Market, on the full
run, twenty six miles from the battlefield,
to which point the pursuit was kept up
The battery men and horses, etc., were cap
tured. The horses were in good condition.
! but were all exchanged by our cavalrymen
for their broken down animals. The casu
I alties on the 9th will not exceed sixty men
The one hundred men of the Bth Ohio,
dispersed while guarding the bridge over
the North Shenandoah, have co ne in, ex
cept the officers."
Sec'y. of War
Q. Who first recommended a draft?
A. Geo. B. McClellan.
Q. Who strongly recommended a
confiscation of slaves and rebel prop
erty ?
A. Geo. B. McClellan.
Q. Who set guards over a fine spring
I of water used by* a rebel family, while
the Union soldiers had to urink out of
a muddy and'dirty stream close by ?
A. Geo. B. McClellan.
Q. Who agreed with Woodward's
A. Geo B. McClellan.
Q. What were Woodwards views?
A. Disunion and a belief in the di
vine institution of slavery.
Q. How came the rebels to know
exactly where a large lot of arms were
■ buried by McClellau's orders previous
I to his strategetic change of base at
Richmond, and how came it that some
hundreds of ambulances with horses,
&c., were placed exactly in the road of
the rebels ?
A. We don't know
Q. How came the rebels to know a I
that was going on in war matters a!
Washington while Gen McClellan was
| commander-in chief?
A We don't know; hut we do know
that since McClellan's particular tr ends
have been dismissed or are out of com
mands, the rebels don't find out what
is going < n !
Speech Addressed to Whom i was ad
A Mr J H Woodward. a young mm
about twenty, made hitu-elf particili v
disagreeable to some persons by his < \
pressiotis of loyalty, and out of derision
was lately called upon to make a speech it;
a copperhead meeting in the West ID
responded to their calls in su stance a
GENTLEMEN: The great cry I hate
heard to day has been peace, peace I it- 1
you t!i it tiieie is no man in the uati>m
who desires a peace more than 1 do, u pe:
Mianerit, lasting pe.ee, [Cheers] ,u.,
gentlemen, i w II tell you how we will get
it Fight this war out. Take iverv ne
gro in the rebel States and ext' rmin it>
every cursed rebel, no matter where von
find him [Hisses ] You need not try to
hiss me down, lor I am an old sohliei ami
I have faced almost as mean a looking
crowd as is now before me I mean the
thieves and bushw lackers of Tennessee
I know I was called upon to make a speech
out. of derision, and I intend to tell you
what I think of you.
When God said he would save Sodom
if ten righteous men could he found there,
I have no doubt he would have done it,
and to day, if you all stood upon the brink
of , and he would save you iforie loyal
man could he found among you, I have not
the least doubt but there would be a great
many straoge laces there for supper.
Gentlemen, when you wish to hear from
me again, you have only to call upon me
I am always at home.
Mr. Woodward is a resident of Ohio,
and has been adjutant of an Indiana regi
_____ t ■
—Notwithstanding the spasmodic
efforts of the gamblers to put up the
price of gold and keep up the prices of
groceries, Ac., sugar has declined 3
cents per lb. within a week.
IMMEDIATELY at Mann's Axe Fictury,
near Lewistown Blacksmiths can real
ize fr -m $2 50 to $3, and helpers from #2 00
to #2.50 pec day. sepl3-iw* j
To Consumptives.
Consumptive sufferers will receive a valua
ble prescription for the cure of Consumption.
Asthma. Bronchitis, and all throat and lung
affections, (free of charge,) by sending their
address to Rev EDWARD A. WILSON,
Williamsburg. Kings county. New York.
Editor of Gazette: —Dear Sir—With your
permission I wish to say to the readers of
your paper that 1 will send, by return mail,
to all who wieh it, (free) a recipe, with full
directions for making and using a simple
\ EGETABLE BALM, that will effectually
remove in ten days. Pimples, Blotches, Tan,
Freckles, and all Impurities of the Skin,
leaving the name soft, clear, smooth and beau
I will also mail free to those having Bald
Heads, or Bare Faces, simple directions and
information that will enable the. to start a
full growth of luxuriant hair, whiskers or a
moustache, in 'ess than thirty days.
All applications answered by return mail
without charge.
Respect ; ullv yours,
1 lIOS. i CHAPMAN, Chemist.
jy2o—3m 831 Broadway New York.
A Card to the Suffering.
two or three hogsheads of
"Bucu." " Tonic Bitters." "Sarsaparila."
Nervous Antidotes," &c . &o , &e and after
you are satisfied with the result, try one box
CIFIC PILLS —and be restored to health
and vigor in less than 30 days. Tliey are
purely vegetable, pleasant to takp, prompt
and salutary in their effects on the broken
down constitution. Old and young can take
them with advantage. Imported and sold in
the United States only by
No 427 Broadway, N. Y
Agent for the United States.
P. S—A box of the Pills, securely packed,
will be mailed to any address on receipt of
price, which is ONE DOLLAR, postpaid
money refunded by the Agent if entire satis
faction is not given. jy2o~3ui
DR. BUCHAN'S English Specific Pills
cure in less than 30 days, the worst ea
ses of Nervousness. Impoteney. Premature
Decay, Seminal Weakness, Insanity and all
Urinary. Sexual and Nervous Affections, no
matter from what cause produced. Price
One Dollar per box. Sent post paid by mail
on receipt of an order. One box will perfect
a cure in most cases Address
jy2o General Agent, 427 Broad ay, N. Y.
At tin* Lutheran parsonage, in this plaee,
on the 17th inst, by Rev. H R. Fleck. WM.
b ith of this county.
In Harrisburg. on the 14th inst, by Rev.
J. T. Bender. HENRY McDON ALD,Of Al
hnville Mifflin county, to Miss LYDIA
MAY, of Mechanicsburg, Cumberland co.
At Port Royal, on the 29th ult., by Rev.
G. W. Bouse, 1 G BERKUEISER, of Cties
ter county, to Miss FRANCIS G. CASNER,
of Mifflin county.
On the 13th inst., in Lewistown, JOHN
PENEPACKER, aged about 28 years.
In New Lancaster, no the 2d inst , of dip
theria, WM HENRY, son of Solomon S. and
Juli.in Wagner, aged 2 years, 11 mouths aud
30 days.
Like a flower.
He blossomed, bloomed and died.
PRINCE & CO'S. Weil-Known
introducing the effect of pedai
V ' **' vm h' l ** "" every instrument
Haven and Bacon's and Hal et Davis A io's
• •■ash. at a liberal deduction
a;®"Over 30 000 sold.
J A ME" BELLA K. sde Agent,
• 9 lino 2*l S'.utii Fititi St., above Spruce.
•M' 13. 64—ly Philadelphia
.nuff & Tobacco Manufacturer,
(Formerly 42 Chatham street, New Y >rk,)
\\ OULP call the attention of Dealer- r.
f v ttie articles of his manufactor vix
brown ssrurr.
Macahoy, Demigros.
Fine Rappee, Pure Virginia,
Coarse Rappee. Nachitoches,
American Gentleman, Copenhagen
yelioW'SN rr.
Scotch, Honey Dew Scotch.
High TnrtSt Scotch, Fresh do Scotch.
Irish Hi li Toast, Fresh Scotch,
or Lundyfoot,
Btasf Attention is called to the large reduc
tion in prices of Fine Cut Chewing and Sinn
king Tobaccos, which will be found of a su
perior quality.
'"N"*! PA.L. or plain, S. Jaeo.
\n Cavenillah or S est, Spanish,
\ • i , , Sweet Scentetl Oronoco, Canister.
li r„ x f' : ' Tl " Ku " Uaveu lull, Turkish,
ira uiated.
f circular of prices will be sent
on application. dec23-ly
Between Blymyer's and Ititz's Stores. -
HERE is constantly kept on hand a
• T choice assortment of articles in his
line, many of which are to be had only there.
His stock comprises pure and fancy Soaps,
Perfumery, Writing Paper, Pens, Envelopes!
different styles and sizes. Combs. Thimbles'
Gum and Cornelian Rings, Tooth Brushes
Ilair Brushes,
of all kinds. Photographs of Generals. Ac.,
besides Confectionery. Fruits, Nuts, and eve'
rvthing to be found in a first class store of
this kind.
A continuation of the liberal patronage
heretofore bestowed is respectfully solicited
Lewistown, April 6, 1864.
mm Hi
for sale.
I 01 FEB at private sale, on reasonable
terms, my three farms, situate in Granville
township, Mifflin county. Pa., to wit:
No 1. situate on the old Huntingdon pike,
about 1J miles fn>m Lewistowu, adjoining
John Brought, containing
170 ACRES,
Mwifh ft two Story BRICK HOUSE,
Bank Barn, Tenant House, Orchard,
•fee , with good water.
No. 2, a tract of about
known as the Comfort farms, three miles from
M Lewistown, which will be divided into
two farms. One has a good House,
Barn Outhouses, young Orchard. &c.
i the other a good House, Tenant House. AgSL
! Barn, two Orchards, with running wa iiSwf
ter. Ac.
Ihe above lands are in good order, with
sufficient timber, and desirable residences.
Persons desirous of purchasing are reques
ted to examine the property, and for further
; information call on or address the undersign
ed at Lewistown, Pa S. S. WOODS.
Lewistown, Oct. 5, 1864-4t
[Examiner, Lancaster, and Sentinel. Mif
| fiintowu, insert 3 times and send bills to this
j office*]
XN pursuance of an order issued by the Or
phans' Court ot Mifflin county, will he
j exposed to nublic sale, at the Court ll<>use.
in the Borough <>f Lewistown, on
SATURDAY. October 29, 1864,
the following mineral and ore rights and
tracts of land, to wit;
No. 3. Ore Right and Mineral So much
of a certain tract of iaud lying near the bor
ough of Lewistown. which was formerly the
property of Joiiti Brown, and which David
W llulings, esq . purchased from John Nor
ris, esq . as lies on the south side of the large
No. 4. Ore Right. All tiifc 1 ands lately
belonging to a certain Elijah MeVey. in Su
gar Valley, iri the county of Mifflin, and in
all the ridges bordering on the said valley,
adjoining the Juniata river. ALSO, fifty acres
of land on the ridge, adjoining the said river,
above the house lately occupied by the said
No. 5 Mineral Ore Right. In the lands
of John Oliver, lying south and east of the
house lately occupied by the said John Oliver,
being the large ridge lying in Wayne (now
) township, Mifflin county, and run
ning from Strode's run to the river near
ilorning's Ferry.
No. 7. The one undivided half part of a
tract of land situate in Armagh township.
Mifflin county, containing 400 acres and ah
lowances, known as the Hamilton Longwell
No. 8. Mineral Ore Right. In a certain
tract of land whereon John Burns and James
D. Buri s, sons uf Magil Burns, deceased,
formerly resided, situate in Derry township.
Mifflin county, containing 118 acres, more
or less, adjoining lands late of R. M. Jacobs
and others, being ail the lands devised to the
said James D. Burns by their grandfather,
James Burns, esq., dee'd.
No. 9 Mineral ore right in the lands late
of Joseph Deison, adjoining lands of W. P.
Elliott, esq., llulings, Jennings, and Brene
man, lying upon the south side of the great
ridge, northeast of the late residence of the
said Joseph [Meson.
No 10 Mineral ore right in a certain tract
of land, in Derry township. Mifflin couuty,
late the property of Isaac Strode and Joseph
Strode, containing two hundred acres more
or less, and adjoining lands late of D W
llulings. esq . and others.
IEKMS: —The purchase money to be paid
on confirmation of sale.
Sale to commence at 1 o'cltck p m.
oetl2 Admr. Isaac Fisher, dee'd.
Thomas <£7 Sans, Auctioneers.
On Tuesday, October 25, 1864,
at 12 o'clock, noon,
ILL lie sold at public sale, without re
V * serve, at the
Phila. Exchange,
The full equal and undivided foor.fiftbs
part of the following tracts of land, part or
most of which is covered with wood :
N I Ail that tract uf I nd situate in
IV ay no trwiiship, Mifflin county. P., .survey
i it: the Hume 1 James Smith, containing
409 acres and 48 perciiee.
N2. All that tract of land situate in
Wayne township, Mifflin county. Pa., survev
i d in the name of John Hcnsell, containing
400 acres and 48 perches.
No. 3 Ail that tract of land situate in
Wayne township, Mifflin couuty Pa, survey
ed in the name of Christian Gettis, contain
ing 400 acres and 163 perches.
No. 4. All that tract of land situate in
Wayne township, Mifflin county, Pa., survey
ed in the name of Samuel Scott, containing
400 acres and 48 perches
No. 5. All that tract of land situate in
Wayne township, Mifflin county. Pa., survey
ed in the name of Jacob Weidner, containing
400 acres and 46 perches, be the same more
or less.
No 6. All that tract of land situate in
Wayne township, Mifflin county, Pa., survey
ed in the name of Daniel Levy, containing
400 acres and 48 perches, be tbe same more
or less.
ttg~SALE ABSOLUTE. SSO to be paid
on each at the time of sale.
Auctioneers. 139 Jb 141 S. Fourth st.
Philadelphia, October 5, 1864-ts
Kishacoquillas Seminary
II ' ILL commence its winter session, 00
f f TOBER 12, 1864. and continue twen
ty weeks. Cost for B.ard, Furnisbed Rooms, j
and Tuition in English Branches, $75. Fuel, j
Light and Washing extra.
For particulars see catalogue.
S Z SHARP, Principal.
Kishacoquillas, Sept. 21, 1864. ,
Public Sale of Real Estate.
BY virtue of the last Will and Testament
of Samuel Wlmrtoti, late of Wayne
township, Mifflin count;, deceased, will be
exposed tit public sale, at the house of Wm.
Brothers, in the borough of Newton Hainil
ton, on
Saturday, October 29.1864.
the well known and valuable Mansion Farm
late of said decease), situated in Wayne
township, Mifflin county, adjoining th rt lands
of James Wharton Esq , George B. Wharton
and David Jenkins, and about four utiles
east of Newton Humiliton, containing
of which there are 108 acres cleared and in
good state of cultivation, the remainder well
timbered. The improvements are a good
STONE HOUSE, large Frame Barn with
sheds and other necessary out
JJJ* A buildings, a spring of excellent
Sm I i IBs water convenient to the house; a
of water p asses through
said premises: there is also on the premises
a good bearing Apple Orchard, beside a va
: riety of other fruit trees.
Also at the same time and place, 106 acres
lying con iguous to the above, of which titer •
are about 20 acres cleared, the balance well
timbered, and on which are erected a Log
House and stable, a spring of excellent water
i convenient to the house; a small Apple Or
| chard, and other fruit trees are on the prent
j ises. Any person wishing to view the prem
ises, will please apply to Willi m Wharton,
jon the Mansion Farm. The above will be
| sold together.
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock p. m of
said day, when terms will be made known,
and due attendance'given bv,
sep2l* Executor.
virtue of the last Will and Testament
I of Samuel Carothers, late of Shirley
township, liuritingdon county, deceased, will
be exposed to public sale, on the premises, on
Friday, October 21st, 1864,
the well known and valuable
late of said deceased, situate in Shirley town
ship, Huntingdon county, Pa., adjoining the
Borough of Shirleysburg, and the great road
from Mount Union to Chamhersburg; seven
miles distant from the Pennsylvania Railroad
and Canal at Mount Union, containing
and 82 perches, about 150 acres of which are
cleared aud in a good state of cultivation; 55
acres are well set with clover; 25 acres are
meadow—the remainder well timbered. The
Aggflk improvements are a good LOG
HOUSE, and double LOG BARN,
with Sheds and other necessary
'U! buildings ; a well of xcellent
water convenient to the house, and running
water in the barnyard, as also in most of the
fields. There are also on the premises about
50 grafted apple trees, besides a variety of
other fruit trees, common in this latitude.
to commence at 1 oclock, on said
day, when terms will be made known, and
due attendance given bv
sep6—6t Executors.
SITUATE in Wayne township, Mifflin co.,
adjoining lands of Judge Stine, John tk
C. W. Atkin>on, J. Glasgow, esq., Saiuuei
Withrow, A J. North, aud within j to J utile
of Atkinson's and Withrow's Mills, Store,
Blacksmithsbop, &c, is offered at private
About 70 or 75 acres are cleared and un
der ience, the balance well set with valuable
timber, such as oak and pine. This farm is
well supplied with running watei, well adap
ted for either grazing or farming purposes,
and will be sold at a bargain. Persons wish
ing to examine the premises will call on C.
N. Atkinson.
a Leo,
A lot in Newton Hamilton, with a large
J ■J jL STORE ROOM together, with
Jag Ijl |K giass front. The lot is set with
cSIcHmSMP hoice fruit and grapes, aud a
well ot excellent water is at the door. Also,
a large stone cistern, wash house, a good sta
ble, carriage shed, corn crib, and all other
buildings required for convenience.
Persons wishing to examine this property
| will call on James Galbraith, esq.. Newton
Hamilton, and for particulars and terms ad
dress, Dr. A. J. ATKINSON*.
ap27 Lewistown. Pa.
I>Y virtue of an order of the Orphans'
X) Court of Mifflin county, the undersigned
will "BVr at public sale, on the premises, the
following described Real Estate, viz:
Friday, October 28, 1864,
A LOT OF 6RoU.NO. situate in McYey
town. Mifflin county, fronting 53 feet 7 inch
es, more or less, on Market street, and being
214 feet deep, more or less, bounded by lot
of J. F. Rohrer, on the south, by Holliday
street on the north, with an old frame build
ing thereon erected.
Also, on - l
Saturday. October 29, 1864,
A TRACT OF LAND, situate in Oliver
township, Mifflin county, containing 62 acres
more or less, bounded north by lands of Sam
uel Horning, deceased, east by lands of Geo.
AImR Moore and other lands of William
Wakefield, deceased, south by the
■I Juniata river and, west by lands of
Augustine Wakefield, with a fine
stone House, stone and trame bank barn, a
choice ywutig orchard and otberiinprovemente
tbereon erected
Also, A TRACT OF LAND, adjoining
the above, containing 148 acres, 108 perches,
more or less, with usual allowance j
for roads, adjoining lands of George mAIHT
Moose BDd George Settle on the north, M:: jiijj
George Mo<>se and Robert HorDing£Li&iJi
on the east, tbe Juniata river on the south,
and other land of William Wakefield's heirs
on the west, with a
and other improvements thereon erected.
Attendance will be given and terms made
known on day of sale by
Admr of Wm. Wakefield, dee'd.
October 5, 1864-ts
Vft ILL be eold Ht public sale, at the resi
* denee of the undersigned. In Decatur
township, about three miles from LidteysviUe,
Thursday, Oct. 27th. 1864,
the following described property, to wit:
COW and
Clock, large Copper Kettle. Cooking Stove,
fables, Chairs. Hocking Chairs, two Turning
; Lathes, and a variety of other articles.
.Kalr-Sale to commence at 11 o'clock, a.
J m., when terms will he made known
i Decatur township. Oct. 12. 1864.
BY virtoe of an order issued out of the
Orphans' Court of Mifflin county, will
j he exposed to public sale, on the premises,
| in Wayne township, on
Saturday, Ootober 29, 1864,
the ful owing real estate, to witi
A tract of land situate in Wayne township
said county, adjoining lands of John Sun
j derland. John Slider's survey. Tlios Ntfple'a
I survey, and Jack's mountain, containing
174 ACRS3S,
; more or less, 20 acres of which are cleared
i and under cultivation, with a
J two story Dwelling House, Stft
| |iH hie, and other improvements
thereon erected.
Sale t, commence at 1 o'clock p.m.
Terms .-—One half the purchase money to
ho paid in cash on confirmation of sale, and
the other half in one year thereafter, with
interest, to be secured by bonds and saort'
gage on the premises or judgment.
Bep2l Adrur. John Swigart, dec'd.
mm m
Time tviil make Ihaiiscs,
HAVING purchased the entire stock of
Notions, Spices, Perfumery, &c., of J.
j F. Sturgis, in East Market street, Lewistown,
two doors west of Kennedy's store, would in
j form bis friends and the public in general
i that he has lately returned from the city with
a variety of Goods, consisting of Coffee, clar
ified and brown Sugars, Syrups, New Orleans
and gilt edge Molasses, Imperial and
Black Teas, Brooms, Baskets, Buckets, Co
coa, Chocolate, Rice, pure Spices, Figs, Rais-
I ins, Almonds, Pea Nuts, Crackers of every
kind, Spice Cakes, Tea Cakes, Sugar and
Ginger Cakes, No. 1 Cheese, tine, coarse, table
and dairy Salt, No. 1 and 2 Mackerel, scrub
bing. clothes, blacking and whitewash Brush
es, Cider and pure cider -Vinegar, Twine,
Ropes, Pepper, Ginger, Mustard. Sal Soda,
Washing Soda, Soaps. Sims' Solidified Lye,
for making family and country soap, Indigo,
Cloves, Mace, Cinnamon, Allspioe, Lemons,
and a large stock of Candies, Fancy Notions
for children, and a variety of Goods not enu
merated. Also, Tobacco, Cigars, Pipes, &c ,
all of which will be sold at reasonable prices.
He respectfully solicits a call from one and all.
BgL,Country Produce taken in exchange
for Goods.
Don't forget the name and placo.
(Sturgis's old stand,)
octl2 East Market st.
j OTOLEN from the pasture field of the sub-
O scriber. in Oliver township, about 4 miles
; above McVeytown, on Saturday night, Oct.
( dth, a heavy
; 4 years old, with a small white spot on each
j side of the neck rubbed by the collar, and a
| small white stripe on the forehead. The
i above reward will be paid for any clue that
j may lead to the recovery of 6a d mare and
! arrest of the thief.
CAME to the premises of the undersigned,
in Bratton township, Mifflin county, a
two year old red HEIFER with a white head
and red ears, and with no unnatural marks
of identification. The owner is requested to
come forward, prove property, pay charges,
and take away said heifer, or she will be dis
posed of according to law.
r TMIE following accounts have been, exam
ined and passed by me, and remain filed
on record iD this office for iuspection of Heirs.
Legatees, Creditors, and all others in any
way interested, and will be presented to the
Orphans' Court of the county of Mifflin, tu
be held at the Court House at Lewistown, on
MONDAY, the 7th day of November, 1864,
for allowance and confirmation, nisi, and, un
less exceptions are tiled within font days
thereafter, will be confirmed absolutely :•
1. Final account of Henry Taylor and
Mathew B. Taylor, Executors of Henry Tay
lor, late of Brown township, deceased.
2. The account of John A Campbell, Ad
ministrator of Isabella Campbell, late ot Un
ion township deceased.
3. The account of Mary Ann Mitchell, Ad
ministratrix cum teetamento annexo of Geo.
Mitchell, sen., late of Oliver township, dec'd.
SAMUEL W. BARR, Register.
Register's Office, Lewistown, Oct. 12, 1864.
Estate of Rachel Riddle, deceased-.
N'OTICE is hereby given that lexers of
administration on the estate of R&chel
Riddle, late of the Borough of Lewistown.
Mifflin county, deceased, liars been granted
to the uudersigoed, residing in saidj Borough.
All persons indebted to said estate are re
quested to make immediate payment, and
those having claims to present them duly au
thenticated for settlement.
Lewistown, Sept. 21, 1864.
Vf OTICE is hereby given that the final as
i. v count of Geo. W. Thomas, appointed
Beceiver of the late firm of Zeigler * Willis
by the Court of Common Pleas ef Mifflin
county, has been filed in the office of the
Prothonutary of said eounty, and will be
presented for confirmation to Up next term
of said Court, to be held at IwwistomA, com l
menciog November 7, 1864.
N. C. WlLSON,Ptothonotary.
Prothy'a. Office, Lewistown, Oct. 12, 1864.
MANY pretty patterns, of all kinds, at