2 3 OAZ2TTS. LOCAL, AFFAIRS. OUR QUOTAS. —We learn from an of ficial source that the quotas for the several sub-districts of* titis county are as follows: Lewistown, 63 .Decatur, 31 Derry, 41 Granville, 29 Oliver, 28 McVeytown, 15 Bratton, 18 Armagh, 40 Brown, 31 Union, 35 Menno, 31 Wayne, 28 Newton Hamilton 10 4UO We do not know whether any cred its for surplus on previous draft or for substitutes have been given, but pre sume not. In that case the number of men to be furnished would be less than the above. OUR SOLDIERS —Lieut. Crawford Selheimer, of the Logan Guards, is i lying in hospital at Indianapolis, seri- ; ously wounded. His mother started i for that city yesterday morning. The others wounded in the Logan Guards j are Sergt. Enos Rogers, privates John A. Burner, Nicholas Nolte, and Mich- Harris. ITEMS. —Any one returning to this office a fine French Merino ladies' scarf, which was lost on Thursday last between Strode's Mills and McVey town, will receive thanks and be con sidered as honest. Jacob F. Ham aker's little hoy was kicked in the lace | by a horse the other day. The cars on the M. A C. C. R. R. run over two sheep belonging to Mr. Slump, on Mon day last, killing one and breaking the | leg of the other. Carl Xeupert, a German of very- good qualities, who resided here for some years, is report ed to have died suddenly in Pittsburgh a few da\-s since. James Nichols, esq., has purchased the establishment of John Swan, where he will carry on the business as usual. Rev. John Leithead, late pastor of the Episcopal church, is or, a visit here. Andrew Sturgis, High Constable, having enter ed the service, John L. Porter has been appointed in his place. A fine show- ; er fell last night, which, with a few pre- ; vious light ones, will continue to impr've the corn and potatoes. Rather am phibious—dancing parties in the dog j days. Thirty-six recruits towards the borough's quota had been obtained up to yesterday. Recruits are muster ed in by Lieut. Willis, and the corn- j rnittee bounty paid at once. s>& We commence culling our list to day. Those who get no paper, will know the reasou. The Rebels at M'ConnelLburg The Fulton Republican notices the ad vent of the rebels at M Connellsburg as follows: Soon after the rebels entered town on ! Saturday afternoon, they commenced plund ering the stores, pillaging private houses, and robbing citizens. They first demand ed the key ot Dr. Duffielti's Drug Store. ; which was given, to prevent them breaking ' open the door. Not content with taking what they chose, they emptied the eon tents of drawers, jars, ca.-es. Ac., OP the floor, in a heterogeneous mass Private i papers,accounts, and books shared the same j fate The stores of .1 W. GreatheaJ, Cahill i A Thompson. Hohe A Nace. and the Messrs Shoemakers, were also visited and received the same treatment. The greater portion of the dry goods had been removed from the store of Hohe A Nace—which caused no little cursing and swearing among the Chivalry—as they ex pectid o reap a harvest from this establish tucnt. The losses of Dr. DuffielJ, J W Greathead, Cahili A Thompson, and A. A D. Shoemaker, were very considerable Most cf the private houses in town were pillaged of clothes—and many citizens were stripped and robbed in the streets and roads. Money was demanded from every one, the demand being accompanied in most cases with threats of burning, or a cocked revolver in close proximity with the head. The farmers in our valley were severe losers. Squads of rebels scouted the Cove, visiting nearly every house, stealing money, clothes, women's apparel, jewelry trinkets, Ac A demand was made on the town for 2600 rations, which wassupplied as far as the citizens were able, as we were insecure of the burning of our town In deed. it is now confidently believed, the de I struction of this place was determined on and would have been accomplished, had not Averill been so near on Sunday morning I II Is AC KM vim ll*, /"IALL at Hoffman's for the be<=t Valentine i Vy Iron. IL.rse Shoes. Nail Rods Round & | Square Iron, and Scollop from 1 to 5 inches; i Bar Iron, all sizes and a very heavy stock of i Cast, Shear. Spring and Blister Steel, Anvils, I ices. Bellows, Files, Borax and every thing you want. j Married. At the Lutheran parsonage, nn th° !6 h inst., by Rev. II R. Fleck HENRY PRIN IZ to Miss AM AN DA J GOCHNAIK, huh of this town. Died. At Locke's Mills, on the 29fh July, Mr- M A TILDA, wife of John Bell, aged 50 years, 6 months and 15 days Faithful and true in the relations of life, kind and cheerful in social intercourse, con I sisteut in her walk and cnv rsation as a member of the church, patient and resigned j during her last illness, she d ed in faith, leav i ing a precious memory on earth and going d'-übtiess to a blessed reward in heaven. At Pittsburgh, on the 31st July, EMI LY E. KING, daughter of Henry J. and Aurne II | King, aged 17 years and 5 months Who will read the above announcement without a feeling of sadness that one so young Ish'u d he called so noon away. Just in the , springtime, when life wore its brightest as. : pect. when earth was fairest rid its cares nn known she was called to lav her young life j down, to pass lr .111 light and sunshine to the I silence and darkness of the tomb L veil for j her many virtues, admired for a beaut v whose ! greatest charm was tier total unconsciousness of its possession, her pleasant manners and winning wave w 01 the hearts of all who approached her How sad that the loveliest things of earth should be the frailest, the things we love the most should be the first to perish. "G >d t .ok her Itst malice should ; corrupt." and child though she was in years, the few last hours of her life showed her pus I sussed of such depth of thought, as was a ; subject of astonishment to those around her. ! Pa'ient and resigned under the most acute ' | suffering, her greatest care was to comfort 1 and console her mother;—"mother, darling 1 ! mother, how can I part from you." Who i j that stood by that bed of death, and watcher! • its shadows wrap over that fair young face, and saw that bright young life die out wili 1 ever forget the thrilling tenderness with j which these words were uttered And the i farewell to her absent father, so touching in ; its tones of love :—"Farher, dear father, how j much I love him." Tenderly bidding fare well to those present, and leaving messages ! for those absent, she expired, herself ready ! and willing to die, ' because God thought it | best." Her last moments were passed in 1 prayer, and her last word was " mother " j I Who can picture the agony of parents called upon to part from such a child How cold i and vain are human words to comfort grief , like theirs. So faded away the fair young j flower, leaving us the memory of her sweet ness, the example of her virtues, and the hope ol meeting again in that better world, where sorrow never enters. —Pittsburgh Evening Chronicle. WILLIAM LiND, has now open A NEW STOCK OF Cloths, Cassimeres AND V E S T I NCS, which will be made up to order in the neat est and most fashionable styles. ap!9 Flax! Flax! I'IIE subscriber is prepared, with improv ed uiachiuery. to break tlax that has been properly rotted, at about 1 cent per lb , ! taking ■ ut about two thirds < f the shove, and leaving the broken flax in a condition to be ' readily scutched by hand. The tangled and short straw can also he broken so as to he spun fir bagging, carpet chain and other j purposes. F J HOFFMAN. Lewistown, August 3, 1864. TEACHERS WANTED. 4 PPLICA 1 IONS will he received by the EX. undersigned until the day of the exam | uiation of Teachers fir one male and one (e : ntaie teacher, to tak- charge of the higi j | schools of this borough for the term of nine j | ninths. To competent teachers win can j produce satisfactory testimonials a li! • ia I ; salary will be paid. Also, two male and one female teacher t take charge of the second grade schools ti v, i teniaie teachers tor the primary and one fe I tuaie teacher for the colored school The appointments will be made on MOX S DAY, August 29. 1*64 JOHN A M.KEE, Secretary School Board. Lewistown, Aug. 3, IG4. Examinations of Teachers. 1 EXAMINATIONS of teachers fur the re- ' .jk "pective districts of Mifflin cuunty wili be held as follows : For Lewistown. August 27. For Newton Hamilton and Wayne town- | ship, at Newton Hamilton, August 29. McVeytown, Bratton and Oliver, at Mc- 1 Yeytuwn, August 30. Derry, Granville aud Forge, at Lewistown ' August 31. Decatur, in Stroup's school house, Septem • her I. r Brown, in Reedsville, September 2. Armagh, old and new in Milroy. Sent. 3. Union township, in Bellevdle. Septembers. Menno township, in Ailenville, Sept. 6. Examinations will commence promptly at 9 o'clock a m. The public are invited to attend; Directoie especially are expected t > be present. MARTIN MOIJLER. August 10, 1864—3t* Estate of Alexander Tltkee, deceased. is hereby given that letters tea- > JL.X_ tamentary on the estate of Alexander McKee, late of Derry township, Mifflin eo., j deceased, have been granted to the under signed, residing in said township. Ail per- i sons indebted to said estate are requested to j me.ke immediate payment, and those having claims to picseut them duly authenticated tor settlement. MARY M SHAW, ELIZABETH B M KEE. j --- Executors. Estate of Henry Kothrock, deceased* "V UTILE is hereby given that letters of .E v administration on the estate of Henrv Km hrock, late of Granville township. M ifflin county, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, residing in Derry township. Ail persons indebted to said estate are requested ; to make immediate payment, and those hav ing claims to present them duly authentica ted for settlement. MOSES ROTIIROCK, Jj27* Administrator, j U. S. 7-30 Loan. 1 r Seoretaiv of the Treasury gives notice that I' 4 subscriptions will be received for Coupon Treasu ry Notc-s, payable three years from August 15th, IS6A, with semi-annual interest at the rate of seven and three-tenths per cent, per annum—principal and in terest both to be paid in lawful money. These notes will be convertible at the option of the holder at maturity, into six per cent, gold bearing bonds, payable not less than five nor more than twen ty years from their date, as the government may elect. They will be issued in denominations of 550.5100, SSOO SIOOO and SSOOO, and all subscriptions must be for fifty dollars or some multiple of fifty dollars. The notes will be transmitted to the owners free of transportation charges as soon after the receipt of ; ! the original Certificates of Deposit as they can be pre- ' pared. As the notes draw interest from August 15, persons ; making deposits subsequent to that date must pay the interest accrued from date of note to date of de posit. Parties depositing twenty-five thousand dollars and upwards for these notes at any one time, will be al- I lowed a commission of one quarter of one per cent., i which will be pan! by the Treasury Department upon j the receipt of a bill for the amount, certified to by the ! : officer with whom the deposit was made. No deduc- ! tions for commissions must be made Irom the de | posits. SPECIAL ADVANTAGES OF THIS LOAN. IT re A N ATIONAL SAVINGS BANK, offering a higher rate of interest than any other, and tht best security. Any i savings bank which pays its depositors in U. S. notes, ! considers that it is paying in the best circulating me dium in the country, and it cannot pay in anything belter, for its own assets are either in government securities or in note>or bonds payable in j paper. It is equally convenient as a temporary or perma- j • nent investment. The notes can always be sold for j j within a fraction of their face and accumulated inter- j jest. and are the best security with banks as collaterals ; j for discounts. Couvrrtible info a 6 per rtiiL §-20 Bond. j In addition to the very libera! interest on the notes for three years, this privilege of conversion is now ! worth about three per ceut. per annum, for the cur ! rent rate for $-20 Bonds is not less than nine per cent. I jnemn-m. and before the war the premium on six per | cent. U. S. stocks was over twenty percent. It will ! be seen that the actual profit on this loan, at the pres- j ent market late, is not less man ten per cent, per an- j num. lis Exenijliou from StnD or Municipal Tux aliofl. But aside from all the advantages we have enumer ated. a special Act of Congress exempts all bonds and Treasury notes from local taxation . On the average, this exemption is worth at out two per cent, per an num, according to the rate of taxation in various parts | of the country. It is believed that no securities offer so great in due. ments to lenders as those issued by the govern ment. In all other forms of indebtedness, the faith or ability ot private parties, or stock companies, or separate coiDinuuitieK only. i. pledged for payment, while the whole property of the country is held to se cure the discharge of all the obligations of the United States. While the government offers the most liberal terms for its loans, it t>elieves that the very strongest appeal w ill i>e to the loyalty and patriotism of the people. Duplicate certificates will be issued for all deposits. The party depositing must endorse upon the original certificate the denomination of the notes required, and whether they are to be issued in blank or paya ble to order. When so endorsed it must be left with the officer receiving the deposit, to be forwarded to the Treasury Department. SUBSCRIPTIONS WILL BE RECEIVED by the Treasurer of the United States, at Washington, the several Assist, ant Treasurers and designated Depositories, aud by the FirM National Bank of Ihiladi-ipliia, Pa. Second National Bank of Fhiladilphia Pa. Third National Bank ol Philadelphia, Pa. F.ru Nalioual Bank of Altiona, Pa. first National Batik of Carihlr, Pa. ■ and by all National Banks which are depositaries ol j public money, and ALL RESPECTABLE BANKS AND BANKERS throughout the country will give further information & AFFORD EVERY FACILITY TO SUBSCRIBERS. August IC, 1864-Sm SADDLES. HARNESS, &c. —-jfik The subscriber having now on j hand one. of the best and largest j s,oci4S between Philadelphia and j Pittsburgh, in order to accom- j modate business to the tiroes, offers for sale j complete assortment of Saddles, Harness. Bridles, Collars, Trunks, ■ Whips, Hanies, Valises, Carpet Bags, which are offered for sale low for cash, or ap- j proved credit. Among his stock will be found some high- j ly finished sets of light Harness equal to any manufactured. Let all in want of good articles, made by \ experienced workmen, give hiin a call. T . JOHN DAVIS. Lewistown, April 19, 1860. A GREAT BATTLE Is Expeclt d io lake Place in Virginia, BU T notwithstanding this the people must have SKMSPffI iisrs) gm©2t2o and we would respectfully set forth our claims to public attention," first, because we I keep a large and well assorted stock of Boots i and Shoes fin men and hoys. Gaiters, and all other "kinds of shoes for wotnen and children. V\ e are prepared to take measures and Complete work of ail kinds at short notice. Repairing done at short notice at 1 E. C. HAMILTON'S. 1 West Market street, a few doors west of Col Butler's, and nearly opposite Daniel Ei- j senbist-'s Hotel mh3o-'tj4 Tuscarora Female Seminary. Academia, Juniata Co., Pa, 1 CIOMMEXCES its Summer Term May 4th, t / 1864 For circulars address Mrs 0. J FRENCH Principal, or f ANDREW PATTERSON, Proprietor, j ap6 1864-1j j D'imMll ?A2EI OF lio ACRES IT A I E in Wayne township, Mifflin co., adjoining lands of Judge Stine, John k 0. W. Atkinson. J. Glasgow, esq., Samuel H ithrow, A J. North, and within J to £ mile of Atkinson's and Withrow's Mills, More, Bmoksmithshop, &c., is offered at private sale. About (0 or 75 acres are cleared and un- ; der fence, the balance well set with valuable : timber, such as oak and pine. This farm is ; well supplied with running water, well adap ted for either grazing or farming purposes, and will he sold at a bargain. Persons wish ing to examine the premises will call on C. X. Atkinson. ALSO, A lot in Newton Hamilton, with a large brick dwelling and frame ■ J , A STOKE ROOM tether, with ■ ffhn *1 ' T ~ ' r " nt The lot is cet with b- ire froit -(ltd grap -, atoi-a wctl oi es.-ci nt water i< at *h-- d• r. A.-, a larg" stone i-it-rri. wa>h house a g d - i j hie. carriage shed, corn crib, and all ether i j buildings required fur Convenience, j Persons wishing to examine this propertv will call on James Galbraith, esq . Newton Hamilton, and for particulars and terms ad Dr. A. J ATKINSON. a p2i Lewistown, Pa. Valuable Farm FOR SAI.S. r IMIE undersigned offers at private sale the j farm on which he now resides, situate in ; ! Oliver township, Mifflin county, about 2 j ; uiiies from Mrode's Mills, containing 168 ACBE3," about 50 acres of which are covered with j I good timber, the remainder well fenced and ! ! under cultivation, adjoining Thos. Mayes on I : the north, John Settle on the east, and Wm i Wakefield on the west and south. The land I iis limestone, red slate and gravel A large j ; quantity of limestone is on the premises, ea j ! sily quaried. The improvements consist of j _ a two story FRAME HOUSE, | j J J A Batik Bam large Spring House, | jjjjjg 111 j| with never failing water in it. ! jeSgfeßraßSaiaSmoke House, and other out ; buildings ; young Orchard, and a JffiESgt 1 j number ol thriving trees lately setgs||3K I I out. There is water in every field, i and two excellent springs on the j premises. The farm is a desirable one, con- I venient to churches, schools. te. For fur j ther information call on the undersigned, or ; address GEORGE MOOSE, ang.l-41* Strode's Mills. Dissolution of Partnership. Ol ICE ' hp re by given that the partner 1. 1 ship existing tetween Alfred Marks and j William Willis, trading under the firm of Marks & Willis, will expire by limitntatien and mutual consent on the Ist dav of August, 1*64. The book will remain at the c< unt | j ing house of said firm for a reasonable time. I after which they will be deposited with a proper officer for collection. Ail persons in debted arp therefore requested to call and m-tko settlement, and these having claims to present them for payment Persons ho.ding notes, checks, ic , of said firm are especially called upon to lift their money, as the under signed will not hold themselves liable for in terest. ALF RE D MARK S. WILLIAM WILLIS. Lewistown, July 27, 18G4 —lt FORWARDING, COMMISSION and Produce Business. : r |MIE undersigned begs leave to return I 1 thanks to the farmers of Mifflin county j for the patronage heretofore extended to him | in the above business, and also to inform i j them that he has taken as co partners in said J business. JOHN D. TAYLOR and JOSEPH | R HENRY. and that the business will here I after be conducted in the name of FRAN i i LIS McCLURE & CO FRANCIS McCLURE Lewistown. August 1 1-64 Ihe undersigned having i rt- ~ ' s -\> part nership in the Forwarding C- oamission t Produ • Business, under the name of Fran ( is McClure Jb Co., respectfully solicit a share of the patronage of the farming community Strict attention will be given to the interest of their customers, and the highest cash pri ces the market will afford at ail times paid for all kinds of produce. FRANCIS McCLURE, JOHN D. TAYLOR. JOSEPH R. IIENKY. i Lewistown, August 1, (3) 1864. List of (auses for Trial at August Term, 1864. JVo. of Causes. No, Term. Yecr. 1 Arthur W Little & Co vs Currier k MeCormick 87 Nov 1858 2 Morris L Haliowei! & Co vs same 88 " " 3 Daniel E Shaffer for use vs Jno McDowell et ai 96 Aug 1862 1 4 Ralph Bogie's Exrs vs Wm J McCoy 59 Jan 1863 5 Same vs same 60 44 44 6 Same vs same 61 " " 7 Same vs same 62 44 44 8 Wm Holling & Rosanna Hulling vs D Criswell 89 Aug 44 9 Wui Shaw's Exrs for use vs Jno Brought, Jr & J Breoght, who survived Jno Brought. Sr. dee'd 42 Jan 1864 i 10 Jas Burns k D Albright, vs the Cumberland Valley Mutual Protection Co 43 44 44 II Chris Eberly, vs Abner Thompson 49 " " 12 A F Hazard & Co vs J. H Goodwin &Co 46 44 " 13 James Dunlap vs M Buoy 52 44 44 N. C. WILSON, Protbonotary. Prothy's Office, Lewistown, July 27, 1864. Lycomißg County Mutual ESTABLISHED 1\ 1840—CSPITAl A3 500.000 ML I UAL OR FASiI RATES—CHARTER PERPETUAL. THIS company allows no debt to accumu late against it. It is economical in all con tingent expenses, and prompt in the adjust ment of all honest claims Amount of losses settled and adjusted for the ye -r ending June 10, 1864, $101,644.80, - and the whole amount i f losses paid up to JUDS 10, 1864, is $1 387,747.75. JOHN A. STERETT, I jyl3 Agent fur Mifflin County. t THREE BLACKSMITHS TO LEARN AXE-MAKING, AND 6 OR MORE MEN AS HELPERS ARE IV AATE D IMMEDI A 1 ELY at Mann's Axe Factory, . near Lewist. wn. Blacksmiths can real ize ironi $2 to $2.25, and helpers from $1.50 j to $2 per day. jjl3-lm M'VEYTOWN STEAM MILL. HAY ING taken the above establishment, the undersigned is now prepared to pur ! chase, at highest market rates, all kinds of Grain, in any quantity that may he offered. ] The milling business will be attended to with punctuality, and no pains spared to give I satisfaction to ail who may favor him with ; their custom. C. C. STANBARGER. MeVeytnwn. July 13, 1864. Mt. Rock Mills. ORDERS FOR FPUS, FEED, &c., (IAN, until further notice, be left at the J Store of S. J. Brishin & Co., or at Pratt's | Store, at the old Felix corner, at which pla | ces they will be called for every evening, fill- I ed next morning, and delivered at any place ; in the Borough. nolß G. LEHR. Lewistown Mills. THE RICHEST CASH PRICES Filß WHEAT, AND ALL KINDS OF GRAIN, j or received it on storage, at the option of those ' having it for the market. ! They hope, by giving due and personal at | rention to business, to merit a liberal share of j public patronage. O@V*PLASI ER. SALT aud Limeburners , COAL always on hand j ' WM. B McATEE k SON. Lewistown, Sept. 16, 1 803.— tf Kishacoquillas Seminary AND NORMAL INSTITUTE, j : r jPIIE Summer Session of this Institution _L will commence on MONDAY, APRIL 4, 1864, and continue twenty-one weeks. Cost for Board, Furnished Rooms and Tu itiun in the English Branches, per session, S6O. Day scholars, per session, sl2. Music. Languages and Incidentals extra. In order to secure rooms in the Institute application should be made before the open - ing of the school. For further particulars, address, S. Z SHARP. Prin. janl3 Kishacoquillas, Pa. REGISTER'S NOTICE. j urtHE following accounts have been exam JL ined and passed by me. and leraain filed on record in this office for inspection of Heirs, j Legatees, Creditors, and all others in any I way interested, and will be presented to the ! Orphans' Court of the county of Mifflin, to j be "held at the Court House in Lewistown, on | MONDAY*, the 22d day of August, 1864. for j allowance and confirmation nisi, and unless exceptions are fiied within four days thereaf ter, will be confirmed absolutely: 1. Guardianship account of Jonathan ZooV, Guardian of four minor children of Barbara Hartzler, late of Menno township, deo'd. 2. The account of Joseph Harrzller, Exec utor of Solomon Zook, late of Union town- : ship, dee'd. 3. The Guardianship account of Daniel ' King, Guardian of Y r ost King, minor child of Y'ost King, late of Menno township, dee'd. 4. The Administration account of Thomas M Uttley. Administrator de bonis non cum rostamento annexo of Margaret Smith, late • J the borough of Newton Hamilton, dee'd. i 5 The account of Christian Hoover, Esq.. i Administrator of the estate of Gilbert Waters, late of the borough o r Lewistown. dee'd. 6. Guardiarotii p account of Christian C. ' Hoover, Guardian of Thomas A , Elizabeth and Adeline, minor children of Thomas G. Kearns, late of Decatur township, dee'd. 7. The account of G. W. Fisher, Executor ( of Ann McClintick, late of Decatur township, deceased. SAMUEL W. BARR, Register. Register's Office, LewistowD, July 20, 1864. FOR Tflls !U.I0\!! i In addition to an extensive stock of GOLD & SILVER WATCHES, MEDALIONS, BREAST PINS, RINGS, and other JEWELRY, AT a, YL establishment will be found a beautiful as sortment of WILLOW WORK STANDS, j MMiX M3II'J3. j Photograph Albums, $1 to $9, ALSO, j IKlKmxWßilMra 1 1 of all the prominent 4 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, j and hundreds of other articles. I ® H. YY. JUXKIN. | , Lewistown, Dec. 9, 1863. g IIA.TIM, HATIS. J OUGAR Cured Ilarns, and Dried Beef, at a D HOFFMAN'S. j g PRINCE & CO'S. Weil-Known MELODEONS & HARMONIUMS, introducing the effect of pedal I base on every instrument ERNEST GABLER'S Raven and Bacon's and Habet Davis & Co'i Celebrated PIANOS, for cash, at a liberal deduction. flaTOver 30.000 sold. JAMES BELLAK. sole Agent. 2(9 and 281 South Fifth St., above Spruce. apl3. 'O4-ly Philadelphia. JOHN* X. E. Corner of Walnvt and Secoiui Streets, PHILADELPHIA, Manufacturer. Importer, iwUDIUMiS & mwii DEALER CHS. PiSTiILS, Fisnixr, TACKLE, FIJE CI'T LERV, AXD FAMY SPORTIXG ARTICLES, Agent for the ''Dead Shut ' Powder. i SSk-Orders from the country punctually attended to. mar2-6m ESTABLISHED 1760. IMEffilE m 9 Snuff & Tobacco Manufacturer, 16 A IS CHAMBERS ST., (Formerly 42 Chatham street, New York,) VT J OCLD call the attention of Dealers to ! V ? the articles of his manufacture, vis. iROUN SNUFF. Macahoy, Demigros, Fine Rappee, Pure Virginia, Coarse Rappee, Nachitoches, American Gentleman, Copenhagen. YELLOW SNurr. Scotch, Honey Dew Scotch. High Toast Scotch. Fresh do Scotch, Irish Huh Toast, Fresb Scotch, or Lundyfuot, Attention is called to the large reda