@IM)o OTMrtsnxr®isi& iraiis2siinsi£ffi& Whole No. 2775. Cash Rates of Advertising. Administration or Executor's Notices $2 00 If published in both papers, each 1 50 Auditor's do 25 Sheriff"s Sales. 12 lines 1 00 Each additional line 8 Estray. Caution or other Notices, not exceeding 12 lines. 3 insertions, 1 00 Tavern Licenses, single, 1 00 If more than one, each 50 Register's Notices of Accounts, each 50 On public sales published in both papers, a deduc tion of 25 per cent, ou all matter over one square. All other Judicial Notices same as above, unless the price is fixed by law. 12 lines ot burgeois, or 10 line 9 of nonpariel, make a square. About 8 words constitute a line, so that any person can easily calculate a square in manuscript. Yearly advertisements will be inserted on such terms as may be agreed on. In all other eases 12 lines constitute a square, and will be so charged. JLewlstown Post Office. Mails arrive aud close at the Lvwistown P. 0. as follows; ARRIVE. Eastern through, 5 20 a. m. " through aud way 4 01 p m. Western " " " 10 53 a. ni. Bellefonte " " " 230p m. Northumberland, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, 6 00 p. in. CLOSE. Eastern through 8 00 p. m. *' " and way 10 00 a. m Western " " 300 p. m. Bellefonte 8 00 " Northumberland (Sundays, Wednesdays and Fridays) 8 00 p. m. Office open from 7 00 a. m. to 8 p. m. On Sundays from Bto9 am. S. COMFORT, P. M. Lewistown Station. Trains leave Lewistown Station as follows: Westward. Eastward Through Express, 12 19 a. in. Baltimore Exoress, 4 24 a. m. Philadelphia " 5 20 " a. m Fast Line, 551 p. m. 349 " Fast Mail 401 " 10 53 " Through Accommodation, 2 35 p. in. Emigrant, 9 07 a. m. Through Freight, 10 15 p. m. 120 a m Fast " 3 49 a. ni. 8 55 " Express " 11 00 " 2 35 p. in. Stock Express, 440p m, 820 " Coal Train, 12 45 p. m. 11 25 a. m. Union Line, 7 15 " Local Freight, 700a. m. 645 p. m. ■tfi-Galbranh's Omnibuses convey passengers to and from all the trains, taking up or setting them dowu at all points within the borough limits. SEC. 7 T. ELSE?-, Attorney at Law, Office Market Square, Lewistown, will at tend to business in Mltiliii. Centre and Hunting don counties my2