————— in secret caucus, with closed and guarded doors. A delegation from this caucus pro ceeded to Hamilton on Wednesday morn ing, to welcome Mr Vaiiandigbam, and take part in the Grand Council to be held at that place. As an incident in the programme, it might be stated that the Cincinnati En quirer, on Sunday morning, contained an article of a most inflammatory and danger ous character, to ail intents and purposes, exerting the people of Kentucky to unite with John Morgan, and resist the tyranny of the Federal Government. This article was so dangerous in irs character that Maj Gen. Heintzelman promptly suppressed that part of the edition which was designed for circulation in Kentucky. —A letter in the Boston Advertiser gives the following incident as having oc curred during the vote in Congress on the abolition of slavery by the Constitutional 'amendment. It will be seen that our va liant Gen. Coffroth has at. last'moved on the enemy's works,' with what success our : readers can judge: 'As Joseph lJaiiey of Pennsylvania, one ! of the four Democrats who had the patriot- J ism to vo'c for the constitutional amend- I rnenfc prohibiting Slavery, was answering to his name on that question, a Copper head, his colleague Coffroth, who was pas sing at the time, laid his hand heavily up on Bailey's head, and drew it down over his face, accompanying the action with words abusive of Bailey's vote and not fit to be printed. Buily suddenly lorgetting his Quaker principles, seized Coffroth, who is much the larger man, bv the collar, drew his head down, aud dealt him a pow erful blow under the ear, which sent him reeling against the opposite desk. Cof ! froth laid down his arms.' Daviscyination. —lnstances are common j of the most afflictive separation of lamily j relations by this unnatural war. Brothers, { and even parents and children, are found \ in the ranks of the hostile armies. One | ot the most touching cases of this kind I is that of a son of the Confederate Presi ! dent Jefferson Davis, who is serving in the i National cau-e on the gunboat Carondolet, I fighting to crush the Rebellion which his father is leader of. The Davis junior is the sen ot Eliza, Lte a slave to the patri- | archal Davis. An officer of the army of j Vicksburg who had heard the fact, verified ! it from Eliza's lips. llow sharper than a : serpent's tooth must be the grief of that parent whom unrelenting fate compels to take sides against his own son in a war for ' freedom! 1 be rebel editors turn with imploring looks to their "Northern friends" in this ' hour of trial to come to the rescue and break down the wall of fire which is en circling them :—"There is no doubt," says the Atlanta Intelligencer,"that there are, in the Western States, a large number of men opposed to the abolition war. The vote in Ohio, during the last gubernatorial elec ! tion, exhibited the fact that over 200,000 | voters in that State were opposed to the • war, and if the flames of insurrection will only spread over Illinois, we feel certain that thousands of Ohioans will join the nielee. Nothing could give us greater sat I isfaction than the sight of the Copper ! heads eugaged in cutting the throats of j Lincoln's hirelings." THE Excellent Summer Drinks. CORN DRINK. A Yankee girl sends us the following : To five gallons of cold water, add one qt. I of sound corn and two quarts of molasses. Put into a keg. Shake well, and in two or three days it will be fit. for use. Bung tight. It may be flavored with essence of spruce or lemon. The corn will last to make five or six brewings. If it becomes sour, add more molasses and water. It is ' cheap and simple beer, aud is called very good. * ; GINGER BEEIt Take of ginger bruised or sliced, one i and a half ounce; cream of tartar, one ounce; loaf sugar, one pound; one lemon, ; sliced; put them into a pan. and pour six' quarts ot boiling water upon them —When nearly cold, put in a little yeast, and stir it lor about a minute. Let it staud till next day, then strain and bottle it. It is fit to drink in three days, but will not keep good longer than a fortnight. The corks should be tied down, and the bottles placed upright in a cool place. FINE MEAD. Beat to strong troth the whites of three eggs, and mix them with six gallons of water; sixteen quarts of strained honey, and the yellow rind of two dozen lar-e lemons, pared very thin. Boil all together 1 during three quarters of an hour skimming it well. Then put it into a tub, and when lukewarm add three tablespooufulls of the best fresh yeast. Cover it, and leave to ferment. \\ hen it has done working, transfer it to a barrel, with the lemon peel in the bottom. Let it stand 6ix months then bottle it. TO CONDENSE MILK FOR THE SOLDIERS. We find the following in an exchange : quarts of new milk in a ves sel over a slow fire, stir it to prevent burn ing, until it is about the thickness of cream, add une pound of sugar, a little at a time, stirring constantly till it becomes thick and stiff, then spread on plates and dry in the oven or sun, and powder it with a knife or spoon. It can be sent in papers and serves for both milk and sugar when dis solved in coffge or tea. Let our dairy wo men try it, and they will get the thanks of the "sanitary" and the soldiers. I®" Destroy the caterpillars i WILLIAM LIND. has now open A NEW STOCK OF Cloths, Cassimeres j • AND VESTSNCS, which will be made up to order in the neat est and most fashionable styles. aplQ PRIME EASTERN M'GAR-ITKED HAMS! i Country Bacon, Fine Eastern Cheese, Sour Pickles, Dried Peaches, Prunes, Cherries, j Apples. Beans, Hotninv, CANNED PEACHES, Toniatos, Cranberries. Sugar, Coffee, Rice, j Elack & Green Teas, SPICES S , Syrups, Orleans Molasses, See. The above goods ore of choice quality, and • i are offered at the lowest Cash Prices. psliz'S Is the Place to Buy your (BBBBiy & afi'iJMS, as the People say he has the Goods that will piease all. and so cheap that they have some pennies left to buy Candies for their children. Come all, we will be pleased to see you. Caii and buy your friends a present. mar 1(3 NEW DRUG STORE Two Doors West of the Odd Fellows' Hall. "¥)URE and fresh drugs always on hand, i _|_ The most reliable preparatii nof CITRATE OF MAGNESIA, in the dry and liquid form, TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES. SPINAL AND A B 1)0.11 IN A L SUPPORTERS. Goodyear's celebrated patent BREAST PUMPS. A general assortment ol' Notions, Perfumery, Soaps, &c,, and in fact everything connected with Medi i | cine or Medical treatment. Physicians' and all other prescriptions ! carefully compounded and put up. All consultations strictly confidential, and : | free of charge. Any preparation or medi ! j cine not on hand will be immediately order ! | ed. I hope that the experience of sixteen | ! years almost constantly engaged in the active j duties of the medical profession will be a j 1 sufficient guarantee that no deception or j humbugs will be practiced upon those who j I consult me professionally, or who desire to j purchase medieinej. mar 23 '64-ly R. MARTIN, M. D. aim limit, And Pain Exterminator, An Infallible Remedy for all Chronic and Inflamatory Rheumatism. Diptheria, Sore Throat, Quinsy. Sprains, Neuralgia. Pain in the Back and Limbs, Cramps, dec- New Testimonials. DERP.V TOWNSHIP, March, 1864. Mr. Joseph Swyers—After my best respects ! to you, this is to let you know that I have ; been troubled with chills for the last fifteen years, some of them so hard that 1 thought 1 I could not live over night. I was fur days i and nights not able to go out. Last fall they | came on again as usual, and having about half a bottle of your liniment about the ; house, I thought I would try it, and took about 20 drops night and morning for some ■ time from the time I took it I have never ! had one chill, and can say that I never had l used any medicine that gave so much satis I faction as your liniment. Your ob't servant, Adam liaird. March 28th, 18G4. Mr. J. Swyers: My son had a sore neck for three months buck, for which I used your liniment, and it is a perfect cure. He also i had a sore leg for two years back ; I got one of your bottles of liniment, which has cured | it soundly. Yours, respectfully, Charles Mitchell j FREEDOM FORGE, March 28, 1864. Mr. Swyers : 1 recommend your liniment ! to he the best that I ever had in my house. ; I had a pain in my side lor about 15 years, i and 1 doctored with doctors far and near! ! but they done me no good, when I heard of j your liniment, tried it, and I am thankful to | say it has cured me sound and well ; and 1 for the children I could not do without it. ! Hugh's hand were dreadfully cracked open I with the wind, and he rubbed them with it, and it has cured them. Mrs. Margaret E. Summers. Hugh Summers. LILLEVSVILLE. Decatur tp., T , _ Mifflin County, Pa. Mr. Joseph Swyers : This is to certify that 1 cured my ch id of the diptheria in three nays with your liniment. Mrs. Mary Davidsizer. Additional References. Isaac Price, Frederick Sfeidle George L Parsons Mrs. Mary Riden Samuel 11. Fry S.B.Davis O. L.L mberger Mrs. Martha Owens Jame6 Riden ffisSss- }'i h f H u rn-r ' W. P. Menrfinhail Ei r Ufe ' ht> Seymour Dowwj, JoshuaGoreucif, W a ' n fe: ry KIIKITOT' Jonathan Price. JohriYnn. e Robert Nelson, Melissa L. Base lv NoahSn.oh "forge Basel v. Catharine Dasher', L?dia iW' l asher. „ uia a-jfefer, JLiiiiira Dearment. i ALSO, ! i STTTBRS* I ESSENCE OF LIFE An Invaluable Tonic Preparation, to rare' D)S|ejsia, Liter Complaint, Loss of Appetite. Palpitation of the Heart and General Dtbilily. ! ■ FOR SALE BY i ' JOSEPH SWIERS, Freedom Forges, Mifflin County, Pa. ! sole agents for the sale of my - medical preparations, is HENRY ZERBE - Lewistown, and WILLIS MANN, Yeager-' T town, Derry twp. mh23'64 HARDWARE. TO BUY CHEAP FOR CASH! Hoffman's the Store for Blacksmiths ! Hoffman's the Store for Carpenters ! Hoffman's the Store for Saddlers 1 Hoffman's the Store tor Shoemakers Hoffman's the Store Jor Cabinetmakers ! Hffman's the Store for Coachmakersl I Hoffman's the Store Jor Builders ! Hoffman's the Store for Housekeepers ! I CO TO HOFFSm FOR ALL VOL' WANT! ] I-OL XI) out that II it, Fifth, at HOFFMAN'S, (OKDIO I;. I) OPES, Clothes Lines, Bed Cords, Rope j \y Halters, Hemp and Cotton Twines, at HOFFMAN'S, KISFSIIF*. S\Y F.EPIXG window, wall, dusting, hand, clothes, talde, hair, tooth and nail Brush ! es, \Y hisps, Brooms, &c., at HOFFMAN'S, j CA KPEATEFTT*, ON to Hoffman's, where you will find Hand. Tenant, and Cotnpass Saws, Hatchets, Hammers, Squares, Planes, Plane Bits, Pugh's, Cook's, and all the hest makes ot Spur. Spoon and Centre Bits. Roles, Beve s, Girders, Augurs, Chisels, Files, Bench Screws, iron and wood; Hand Axes, Adzes, Sand & Emory Paper. All who want to lit up a first rate set of tools, come to HOFFMAN'S 131,AT:K*IB 3 U*. CI ALL at Hoffman's for the hest Valentine / Iron. Horse Shoes, Nail Rods, Round & Square Iron, and Scollop from 1 to 5 inches: j Bar all sizes and a vcr}- heavy stock of Cast, Shear, Spring and Blister Steel, Anvils, Vices, Bellows, Files, Borax and every thing you want. SHOE MAKERS. VT 7 " E have for you Sole Leather, Calf Skins, v Uppers, Moroccos. Linings, Bindings, : Boot Trees, Lasts, Crimping Boards. Clamps, Awls, Thread, Wax, Knives, Boot Webbing. Pincers, Punches, Heel Nails. Laces. Color I and all kinds i f tools at HOFFMAN'S SADDLERY VI ARB). SVDDLE TREES, Pad Trees, Ilames. Buckles, Rings, Ferrets, Swivels, Snaps, Sumps, Thread, Silk, Awls, Wax. Hair. Call and see them at HOFFMAN'S. DRUGS, DRUGS. ,4 SUPERIOR lot of fresh Drugs, always j £jL oh hand. Prescriptions attended to with 1 great care. Physicians can rely on having j their medicines carefully compounded. All ; the popular Patent Medicines on hand and ! fur sale Ly F. J. HOFFMAN. BSIUTIK Hooks A Stationery. V LARGE stock of Blank Books, such as j Ledgers, Daybooks, Memorandum and ; lime Books. Cap, Letter. Bill and N>te Paper. Envelopes, Pens. Pencils, Penhold ers, Copybooks, Ink and Ink Stands, at HOFFMAN'S. Wall Paper ami *lian hand: Shouldt rs. Hams, F'ish, Herring. Siiad, and Mackerel ; Dried Beef of i a most excellent quality; with Boots and Shoes in great variety. All the goods will he sold very low. N. KENNEDY. Lewistown, January 15, 1861. A GREAT BATTLE Is l;*|KiO <1 Oi latr riaci'ili V irg tiii.t, II UT notwithstanding this the people J must have and we would respectfully set forth our claims to public attention, first, because we keep a large and well assorted stock of Boots and Shoes for men and hoys. Gaiters, and all other kinds of shoes for women and children. We are prepared to take measures and complete work of all kinds at short notice. .Repairing done at short notice, at E C. HAMILTON'S, A\ est Market street, a few doors west of Col Butler's, and nearly opposite Daniel Ei | senhise's Hotel. iuh3o-'64 A \i;\V MTOC K OF | Am sums, ) Just received at Billy Johnson's. 11 | which will be sold I lIJ very small prof i rs fur cath - s " i PuS conie on, boys j ai'd girls, and see ' for yourselves. A fine assortment of Ladies Gaiters on j i hand, and all kinds of Boots and Shoes, both city and homemade work. The greater part j of his eastern work is made to order, and is i j homemade work against rips. Manufacturing attended to as usual, and ! repairing done at shortest notice. No work ! to be given out until paid for. and in all ens j es where work don't suit, and is returned in j good order, the money will he refunded. Having purchased the patent right for ; Mifflin county for Eiswald's fi@!L3EBS I and lleels, he is prepared to furnish them to ; his customers. It is one of the great discov- j erics of the age; they will save four tiineSH their cost in leather, and can be easily put on j by any one. Give them a trial. A liberal j discount given to wholesale dealers. may 11 '64 BILLY JOHNSON. FISH'S Lamp Heating Apparatus, BOILISG—FRYI\C.-STEMT.YG--STEF.PI*€-. With the Flame that Lights the Room. the flame of a common lamp, at the cost • J of a cent's worth of oil. a very comfort ! : able breakfast can be cooked.— 2s. I*. Tribune, i * * Simple in construction, easily kept ! in order, ready for use in a moment, conve nfent to have on hand . Druggist's Circular. J * * Fish's lamp is one of the must pop j ular novelties of the day. * the utility of! ! it is unquestionable, a great saving is made ! • in heating and cooking small articles, and j can he made to cook meals for a great many j persons, which is actually done on the ambu ! lance cars which carry the sick soldiers.— i Scientific American. * * For family use, hospital, tent, bar rack, picnics, fishing. nursery or sick room, ! it is an article of comfort beyond all propor tion to its cost Hull's Journal of Health. * * I have tried the apparatus, and my i wife and I proclaim the same a most valuable j and indispensable article, and we now won der how we could have so long done without | it.— Ed. Coal (til Circular. * w An economical contrivance for get ting up heat at short notice for nursery and i general household purposes, * one inipor tant point is the saving in cost over coal tires. ! j —A. V. Evening Post. PRICfcl FROM S' TO $6. Capacity from one to four quarts. Three ar | [ ticles cooked at one time with one burner. Arranged for Kerosene or Coal Oil. or Gas. ! A descriptive pamphlet of thirty pages fur j j nished gratis. Also, THE UNION" ATTACHMENT, 1 PRICE .<> CENTS To be attached to a common Kerosene lamp, j or Gas burner, by which water may be boiled! j and lood cooked; also arranged to support a shade. Every Family .feeds One. WM. D. RUSSELL, Agent, No. 206 Pearl st.. New York. mh3o AGENTS WANTED. _ ___ i ROBERT" 11'. PATTON, SOUTH SII>F. OF RAKRET STREET, LEWISTOWN, PA. nil AS just received and opened at his es tablishment a new supply of j 1 Clocks. Watches, Jewelry, 3Ji i/Ail APiATAJJ 'd/AAi i Fancy Articles, &c., \ which he will dispose of at reasonable prices. 1 He invites all to give him a call and examine 1 his stock, which embraces all articles in his ' line, and is sufficiently large to enable all to ' make selections who desire to purchase. 3 AIRING neatly and expeditiously attended to, and all work warranted. Thankful for the patronage heretofore re ceived. he respectfully asks a continuance of | the same, and will endeavor to please all who may favor him with their custom. fet-2 Cordage. Cordage. j 1 ROPES, Tow Lines, Bed Cords, Clothes Lines, Iwiuea, and other cordage for 84,6 h y J B. SELHEIMER. j wammmrntammmmmma i aum.* m ■ —■ Q •-.— r A Kiskacoquillas Seminary AND NORMAL INSTITUTE. fpHF. Snnimer Session of this Institution A will commence on MONDAY, APRIL 4, 1864, and continue twenty'one weeks. Cost for Board, Furnished Rooms and TIJ 1 ition in the English Branches, per session ! *OO Day scholars, per session sl2. Music. Languages and Incidentals extra Jn order to secure rooms in the Institute ■ appPration should be made before the open, m ing of the school. For further particulars, address, S. Z. SHARP. Prin. 1 jan!3 Kishacoquillas, Pa. TIOHOIU Fill lit" Chartered l>y (lie I.egUla larp in ! Nil). r ■IIIS Institution is located at Acidemia | j JL in Tuscarora Valley, Juniata countv' Pennsylvania. It is situated N mile- si nth- t west of Mitflin, and 6 miles west of Perry, m ville Station. Pennsylvania Railroad leading If from Philadelphia to Pittsburgh, and is six ' hours' ride from the former place. This situation has always been noted for if its healthfulness. The scenery, for variety and grandeur, cannot be surpassed; the build", ings being on a high eminence, command the enchanting view of Tuscarora Mountain | and Valley for thirty miles in ex erit. Tuscarora Academy; an Institution ,>f wide celebrity, and extensively patronized— being located here, persons having sons and daughters to educate, may have the opportu nity of sending thetn to the same place, where they may enjoy each other's society while prosecuting their studies. None, however, but relatives, are allowed to visit the pupils, without a written permission from their guar dians or parents. Libraries, Literary Socie ties. arid occasional courses of Lectures ,n various topics, will bo auxiliary to the main course of studies prescribed. The great object of the course of training is to fit the young ladies for future usefulness. By a judicious combination of uspfu) ac complishments. with thorough mental discip line and high moral culture, it is hoped that the Institution will merit and receive the lib oral patronage of the public. Terms lor a Session of Twenty Weeks. Board, Rooms neatly furnished and carp eted. Tuition in the English Branches, for a Session of Twenty weeks, S6O. Extra Branches, at usual rates. CALENDAR. The Summer Session commences on Wed nesday, May 4th, 1804, aud continues Five Months. '1 he Winter S ssion commences on the first Wednesday in November, 1864. For Circulars address MRS. 0. J. FRENCH. Principal, or ANDREW PA I I'ERSON, Proprietor. Academia, Juniata Co., Pa. Lewistown, April 6, 1864.-3 m. A Joint Resolution Proposing Certain Amendments to the Constitution. D d resolved by the Senate and House of ; t ) Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met , That the following amendments be proposed to the Constitution of the Commonwealti , in aecnr dance with the provisions of the tenth article thereof; There shall he an additional section to the third article of the Constitution, to be desig nated as section four, as follows: SECTION 4. W benever any of the qualifi ed electors of this Commonwealth shall he in any actual military service, under a requisi tion from the President of the United States, or hy authority of this Common wealth, such electors may exercise the right of suffrage in all elections by the citizens, under such reg illations as are. or shall be, prescribed hv law, as fully as if they were present at their usual place of election." SECTION 2. I here shall he two additional sections to the eleventh article of the Consti tu. on, to be designated us sections eight and nine, as follows ; SECTION 8. No bill shall be passed by the Legislature, containing more than one sub ject, which shall be clearly expressed in the title, except appropriation bills. SECTION 9. No bill shall be passed bv the Legislature granting any powers, or priv ileges, that has been, or tnay hereafter be. con ferred upon the courts of this Common wealth." HENRY C. JOHNSON, Speaker of the House of Rep. JOIIN P PENNEY. Speaker of the Senate. Ullife of the Scc'y. of the Commonwealth, llurrihburg. April 2§ 1564. len nsylca ni a, ss: 1 do certify that the fore [going is a full, true and correct Jul cony of the original Joint IDs * * J "lution of the General Assem bly, entitled " A Joint Resolu tion proposing certain Amendments to the Constitution," as the same remains on tile n this office. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Secre 1 tary's office to be affixed, the day and vear above written. ELI S LIFER, Secretary of the Common wealth. 1 he above Resolution having been agreed to by a majority of the members of each House, at two successive sessions of the Gen eral Assembly of this Commonwealth, the proposed amendments will be submitted to the people, for their adoption or rejection, on the FIRST TUESDAY OF AUGUST, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty four, in accordance with the provi sions of the tenth article of the Constitution. • and the act entitled "An Act prescribing |.. the time and manner of submitting ti the | people, for their approval and ratification ot £ G rejection, the proposed amendments to the | Constitution," approved the twenty third , day of April, one thousand ei"ht hundred and sixty four. ELI SLIFER ma 4 Secretary of the Commonwealth- TIN" "WARS & STCTIS j Ob all patterns, constantly kept, and f" r sale at very low figures, as usual, at the -j famous BIG COFFEE POT SIGN- Lewistown' August 6, I*o2. WOLF'S celebrated Hanover 61 ;V os. 1 received by K. F. ELLIS-