CHARTER ' •l ii* PERPETLAL FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILIOFLPHII. . ASSETS on January 1, 1864, $2.407.849 95. CAI'ITA IJ. $400,000 ACCHUHI) SCI!PLCS. 971.000 INVESTED PREMIUMS, 1,086,2*8 Unsettled Claims, Income far 1804. .$*,416 . $300,000. LOSS PAID SINCE 1829, $5,000,000 PERPETUAL AM) TFTPORIRY POLICIES ON LIBEtUL TERSS. DIRE'TORA: l.tiarln V. Bar,eke", i-jac Lm, TdMm ff sl. D. lilts. BWCKBK. President, EbVVtKI) 1. UALE, V ice Pres. .las. W. McAllister, sec. Pro. Tern. 11. J. WALTERS. Agent, marlGeew Lewistown. T 0 B A C C 0! Genuine Oriental Turkish, Ira. Turkish, Rose, Favorite, In ioii, Kiss-me-ifuick, Seafar iatti. Xc. No. 1. 2 and 3 CUT k DBY, very lovr. ALSO, PIPES, TOBACCO-BOXES, C IGARS, and in fact everything that belongs to Ifis line r f business, at very low figures. Call and examine for yourselves, and save money by Luying at the Cigar and Tobacco •Store of E. FRYSINGER, novll Lewistown, Pa. LUMBER! LUMBER!! Wm. B. Hoffman respectfully inform the public * Y that he ha* now on hand a very large stock of Lumber, embracing: Board-, Plank, Scantling, Shingles, Shing ling Lath, Plastering Lath, Garden Pale, Fence Rails, Sash of all sizes, Doors. Blinds and Shutt- rs and ready w. rked Flooring. Mr. 11., being a practical carpenter, and having selected his ol >ck personally with great care, Farmers, Builders, and others, needing anything in his line, are a-*ured that they will find it to their advantage to give him a call. N. B. Mr. 11. is still agent f>r the sale of the celebrated wooden water pipe manufac tured by the Williamsport Company. Or ders for any size wiil be promptly attended to. Lewi-town, June 11. 1-G2. Kishacoquillas Seminary AND NORMAL INSTITUTE.; f T I HE Summer Session of this Institution I wiil commence on MONDAY, APRIL 4, 1864, and continue twentyone weeks. Cost for Bard, Furr.i-hed Rooms and Tu itioo in the English Branches, per session S S6O. Day scholars, per session, sl2. Music. Languages and Incidentals extra. In order t> secure rooms in the Institute application should be made before the open - * ing of the school. For further particular*, address, S. Z. SHARP, Prin. j an Ul Kishacoquillas, Pa. IIS llillli! FIIIU sdkiitap.Y. Chartered hv the Legisla ture in | 559, THIS Institution is located at Academia, X in luscarora Valley, Juniata county, ! Pennsylvania. It i* situated 8 miles south west of Mifiiin. and G miles west of Perry ville Station. Pennsylvania Railroad leading from Philadelphia to Pittsburgh, and is six hours' ride from the former place. ibis situation has always been noted for its healthfulness. The scetfery, for variety and grandeur, cannot be surpassed; the build ings being on a high eminence, command the enchanting view of Tuscarora Mountain and \ alley for thirty miies in extent. Tuscarora Academy; an Institution of wide celebrity, and extensively patronized being located here, persons having sons and daughters to educate, may have the opportu nity of sending them to the same place, where they may enjoy each other's society while prosecuting their studies. None, however ' but relatives, are allowed to visit the pupils) without a written permission from their guar dians or parents. Libraries, Literary Soeie- ! ties, and occasional courses of Lectures on various topics, will be auxiliary to the main course of studies prescribed. The great object of the course of training i# to fit the young ladies for future usefulness. By a judicious combination of useful ac complishments. with thorough menial discip ! line and high moral culture, it is hoped that the Institution will merit and receive the lib eral patronage of the public. Terms for a Session of Twenty Weeks. Boardr Rooms neatly furnished and carp eted, Tuition in the English Branches, for a Session of Twenty weeks. S6O. Extra Branches, at usual rates. calendar. The Summer Session commences on Wed nesdav. May 4th, 1864, and continues Five Months. Hie Winter Session commences on the first Wednesday in November, 1864. For Circulars address MRS. 0. J. FRENCH, Princiral, or ANDREW PATTERSON, Proprietor. Academia, Juniata Co., Pa. Lewistown, April 6, 1864,-3 m. TIN" 7FA.P.S & SSCTES! OF all patterns, constantly kept, and for I sale at very low figures, as usual, at the famous BIG COFFEE POT SIGN. Lewistown, August 6, 1862. celebrated Hanover Gloves, just ▼ Y received by R. F. ELLIS. HARDVA RE. TO BUY CHEAP FOR CASH! Hoffman's the Store fur Blarksmilhs I Hoffman's the Store for Carpenters I Hoffman's the Store for Saddlers! Hoffman's the Store for Shoemakers ! Hoffman's the Store Jor Cabinetmaker*! Hoffman's the Store for Coach makers! Hoffman's the Store for Builders! Hoffman's the Store frr Housekeepers ! GO T. r T' , IIE best is at I HOFFMAN'S. II IIA T|*. SUGAR Cured Ilams, and Dried Beef, at HOFFMAN'S. TOBACCO X SCOAICV FRSONS u-icg T baceo go to II ffman's and try his extra Chewing Tobacco. Smoking. we have Turkish, Killikinnick. Si gel, Garibaldi, Fine Cut, *:<•. S*>gar* and Pipes of all kinds, at HOFFMAN'S AM iiii. 3 DIM TO F. J. HOFFMAN'S FOR STOVES! STOVES! STOVES TIINT 1 BUCKETS, fr m one quart to three gal ) lons. Di*h Par s, \\ ish Basins and Cu! lenders, made of solid materia), without s..d derir.g. C .ffee B ,i!er*. Tea P .ts. Pic Plat-*, Pudding Pans, and everything usually ? ur; i in a first class tinware shop, and s Id very low, at F. J. HOFFMAN'S. " Bibles. Bibles. r PIIE Bible Society's Bible's and JL meats. Also, Photograph Bible* arrang ed for card pictures. Bibles in three volumes, with Commentary, at $4 per set, a book that should be in every family, at HOFFMAN'S. Fish, Fish, Fish, at HOFFMAN'S. COB D A U E. I) OPES, Clothes Lines. Bed Cords. Rope V Halters, iiemp and Cotton Twines, at HOFFMAN'S, i KBI*IIE*. SWEEPING, window, wall, dusting, haod, clothes, table, hair, tooth and nail Brush es, Whisps, Bror rns, &c., at HOFFMAN'S. c A RIM;ATER*, ON to Hoffman's, whre you will find Hand. Tenant, and Compass Saw*, Hatchets, Hammers, Squares. Pianos, Piane Bits, Pugh's, Cook s, and a.l the best makes ol Spur. Spoon and Centre Bits. I'.ules, Beve s, Girders, Augurs, Chisels, Files, Bench Screw*, iron and wood; Hand Axes, Adze*. Sand r the best Valentine Iron, Horse Shoes, Nail R ds, Round A Square Iron, and Scollop from 1 to 5 inches: ! Bar Iron, all sizes and a very heavy stock of Cast, Shear, Spring and Blister Steel. Anvils, V ices, Bellows, Files, Borax and every thing ' you want. SHOE BAKERS. have for you Sole Leather, Calf Skin*. ! T v Lppers, Moroccos. Lining*. Bindings, Boot Trees, Lasts, Crimping Boards, Clamp#, 1 Awls, Thread, Wax, Knives, Boot Webbing. Pincer*. Punches, Heel Nail*. Lace#. Color and all kinds of tools at HOFFMAN'S SADDLERY WARE. O \DDLE TREES. Pad Trees. Ilames, Buckles, Rings, Ferrets, Swivels, Soap*' Stimps, Thread, Silk, Awls, Wax. Hair. Cali and see them at HOFFMAN'S. IIRI <;*, DRUGS. VSI PERIOR lot of fresh. Drugs, always on hand. Prescriptions attended to with ! great care. Physicians can rely on having their medicines carefully compounded. All i the popular Patent Medicine* - n band and for sale by F. J. HOFFMAN. Bin ilk Books X V LARGE stock of Blank Books, such a* iftdgfrs, Daybooks, and Time Books. Cap, Tetter, Bill and Note rt P* r - hnvelo P e . Pens, Pencils. Penhold ers, Copybooks, Ink and Ink Stands, at HOFFMAN'S. Wall Paper and liade§. <\ LARGE Stock of \\ all Paper, ready for spring market, of every style and prices. ! Window Shades and Paper. Call before purchasing elsewhere and see the best selec- i tion and largest stock in the town, at _ HOFFMAN'S. "LjMXE dried Peaches and Apples, at A HOFFMAN'S. Coal Oil X Lamp*. IN great variety, at mchl6 HOFFMAN'S. Triih*e* and llraces, A LL of the best kinds, for sale at HOFFMAN'S. Hoffman's Cheese, it is extra. A GREAT BATTLE f Is lApet iul t 4af*e Place in Virginia, I)UT notwithstanding this the people J must hav* and we w uid respectfully set f-rth cur claims to public attention, first, because we keep a large and well as-oried stock uf Boots and Shoe- fi i ru :n and boys. Gaiters, and all other kinds cf shoes for women arid children. e are prepared to take measures and c mplete w rk of all kir i- at short notice. Repairing done at short notice, at E- C. HAMILTON'S, M est Market street, a few doors west of Bui-r s. and nearly opposite Daniel Ei j-enti&e - xiotti. mh3o— '64 NEW OPENING 231) ill 'J 501)1)3, P. F. LOOP, having purchased 'y* stock f B :s and Shoes of '■** x, and ju-t returned fr>m the city wi;b a large and we'll selected stock oi city made goods, would invite the atten tin of ail his old customers, and also new As ?t ek is very high, he proposes to sell at very small profits, but for cash only, r. n p:rig t -it all will be prepared with the same. I Lave examined a'ii the latest styles in the city, and am prepared to make all kinds of Shoes in the m ,st fashionable styles. A good as- rtment'of h -ine made wurk on har d I atu also prepared to make to order at -.. .rtest notice, all manner of work in mv line. I am a - • agent fjr the Grover and Baker L Sample sewing always to be had. Any one pureha.-ing a machine will be regularly taught to sew. Call-and see this machine be fore buying elsewhere, as it is the b°st family machine, n„w in u-e, and will rec. mm-nd if self P. F. LOOP, Gij4 Lucal Agent. \ \i;w STOC K OF 3)00*13 233) 33033, ryj— i Just received at Billy Johnson's. I which will-be s .id % i m.^--• at very small prof -■Aj, its f.r cash. So Pa come OD, boys and girls, and see YSi Wfci* fir yourselves, A fine a-sortment of Ladies Gaiters on hand, and ad kinds of Boots and Shoes, both city and Imme made w >rk. The greater part of his eastern work is made to order, and is home'tn i ie work against rips. .Manufacturing attended to as usual, and repairing done at shortest notice. No work to be given out until paid fi-r. and in all cas | es where w rk d .n't suit, and is returned in ; good order, the money will be refunded, j Having purchased toe patent right for Mifflin c unty for Eiswald's t ' -.""sc >. r • -v f - aw.- -.f aia, and Ileel-, he is prepared to furnish them to his customers. It is one of the great discov eries of the age; tbev will save four times their cost in leather, and can be easily put on , by any cue. Give them a trial. A liberal discount given to wholesale dealer® may 11'64 BILLY JOHNSON. NATHANIEL KENNEDY'S STORE, In the Odd Fellows' Hall. A Very Choice Assortment of (Ed Liquors. I OFFEFf for ale all the liquors, late the /stock of John Kennedy, dee'd., embracing prime French Brandy, Cherry Brandy, Gin, Wines, Jamaica Spirits, and Scotch Ale. Ho tel keepers are requested to call. Physicians can always obtain a pure article for the sick. ALSO, Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, Stoneware, Hardware, Cedar ware, always on hand: Shoulders, Hams, Fish. IKrring, Shad, and Mackerel : Dried Beef of a most excellent quality; with Boots and Shoes in great variety. AH the goods will be sold i very low. N. KENNEDY. Lewistown, January 15, 1861. FISH'S Lamp Heating Apparatus, BOILI.YG—FR\IVG-.STtMI\C"STEEPI\G- With the Flame that Lights the Room. | BY" the flame of a common lamp, at the cost of a cent's worth of oil, a very comfort • able breakfast can be cooked.— N. 1". Tribune. ! * * Simple in construction, easily kept I in order, ready for use in a moment, conve | j nient to have on hand.— Druggist's Circular. * * Fish's lamp is one of the most pop ular novelties of the day, * the utility of | it is unquestionable, a great saving is made 1 in heating and cooking small articles, and ! ! can be made to cook meals for a great many persons, which is actually done on the ambu • ; lance cars which carry the sick soldiers.— Scientific American. * * For family use, hospital, tent, bar rack, picnics, fishing, nursery or sick room, it i® an article of comfort beyond all propor tion to its cost. — Hall's Journal of Health. * * 1 have tried the apparatus, and my wife and I proclaim the same a most valuable and indispensable article, and we now won der how we could have so long done without • it. — Ed. Coal Oil Circular. . * * An economical contrivance for get ting up heat at short notice for nursery and general household purposes, * one impor- i tant point is the saving in cost over coal tires. —X. Y. Ecening Post. PHICE FROM S2 TO SC. Capacity from one to lour quarts. Three ar j ticles cooked at one time tcilh one burner. Arranged fur Kerosene or Coal Oil, or Gas. \ A descriptive pamphlet of thirty pages fur- j nished gratis. Also, THE UNION ATTACHMENT, PHICE SO CENTsi, To be attached to a common Kerosene lamp, or Gas burner, by which water may be boiled, and food cooked; also arranged to support a j shade. Every Family Needs One. WM. I). RUSSELL. Agent, No. 206 Pearl st.. New Y'ork. mh3o AGENTS WANTED. Lever Full Jeweled, Detached dit ! 1 A to, Cylinder Escapements, and all kinds. War prices, at PATTON'S. ' WILLIAM LIND, has Duff open ' A NEW STOCK OF Cloths, Cassimeres AND VESTI N C S , which wiil bo made up to "rder in the neat est and m fa-hionabie styles. apl9 PRISE ENTERS SLGAR-l IRED HAMS! Country Bac-n, Fine Eastern Cheese. Sour Piceues, Pried Peaches, Prunes, Cherries, Apples. Beans. Hominy, CANNED PEACHES, i Tomatoe, Cranberries. Sugar, Coffee, Rice, W i T i WW* -r ?,.I —i Black & Green Teas, SPICES, Syrups, Orleans Molasses, £c. The above goods are of choice quality, and are offered at the lowest Cash Prices. rsi: ?JS Is the Place to Buy your SUMHSiy & 31)11533, as the People sav he has the G nja that will please all. and so cheap that they have some pennies left to buy Candies for their children. C me all, we will be pleased to see yoo. Call and buy your friends a present. niarld NEW DRUG STORE Two Doors West of the Odd Fellows' Hall. PURE and fresh drug# always on hand. The mot reliable preparatb n of CITS.ATE OF IVXAGNESIA, in the dry and liquid fi.rm, TRUSSES, SIWrLDER BRACES. SPINAL AND ABDOMINAL SUPPORTERS. Goodyear"'- celebrated patent BREAST PUMPS. A general assortment of Notions. Perfumery, Soaps. &c., and in fact everything connected with Medi or Medical treatment. Physicians' and all other prescriptions carefully compounded and put up. j Ail consultations strictly confidential, and free of charge. Any preparation or inedi cine not on hand wiil be immediately order ed. I hope that the experience of sixteen years almost constantly engaged in the active dutie 0 f the medical prute-ciuo will be a sufficient guarantee that no deception or j humbugs wiil be practiced upon those who i consult me professionally, or who desire to purchase medicine:, mar 23 '64-iy R. MARTIN", M. D. UII:I:IN\ IJIIWAT. And Pain Exterminator, An Infallible Remedy for ail Chronic and Infiamatory Rheumatism. liiptheria, Sore Throat Quinsy. Sprains, Neuralgia. Pain in the Back ana Limbs. Cramps. &c. New Testimonials. PERRY TOWNSHIP, March, 1864. Mr. Joseph Swyers—Aftermv liest respects to you, this is to let you know that I have i been troubled with chills f.r the last fifteen 1 years, some of them so hard that I thought I i could not live over night. I was for days ! and nights not able to go out. Last fall they j came on again as usual, and having about | half a bottie of your liniment about the house, 1 thought I would try it. and took : about 20 dr ps night and morning for some i time. From the time I took it 1 have never had one chill, and can sav that I never had used any medicine that gave so much satis faction as your liniment. Your ob't servant, Adam Baird. March 28th, 1864. Mr. J. Swyers: My son had a sore neck for three months back, for which I used your liniment, and it is a perfect cure. He also had a sore leg for two years back ; I got one i of your bottles of liniment, which has cured it soundly. Yours, respectfully, Charles Mitchell. i FREEDOM FORGE, March 28, 1864. Mr. Swyers : b recommend your liniment to be the best that I ever had in my house, j I had a pain in my side for about 15 years, and I doctored with doctors far and near, but they done me no good, when I heard of your liniment, tried it, and I am thankful to say it has cured me sourtd and well ; and i for the children I could not do without it. j Hugh's hand were dreadfully cracked open with the wind, and he rubbed them with it, and it has cured them. Mrs. Margaret E. Summers, llagh Summers. LILLEVSVILLE. Decatur tp., Mifflin County. Pa. Mr. Joseph Swyers : This is to certify that I cured mv chid of the diptheria in'three days with your liniment. Mrs. Mary Davidsizer. • Additional References. Isaac Price, Frederick Steidle George E Parsons Mrs. Mary Riden Samuel II Fry S. B. Davis 0. L. Umberger Mrs. Martha Owens James Riden Jacob sayer, H. Sumners. James Mendenhal! Jobu smith, John A. Brought, Sevmonr Sown* W P. Men.ienhal], Daniel Avers. John Roilna Joshua Gorsnch, William Mowry, ffrt Sn Jonathan Price, John Yonce, George Ba-elv' Melissa L. Ba-ely, Noah Smith, Henrv Daiier* Catharine Dasher, LjdlaSager, ElmUa Dement. ALSO, S7TY3E.S' ESSENCE OF LIFE, : An Invalnabie Tonic Preparation, to rare Dysiejsia, Liter Complaint, Loss of Ajij elite. Palpitation of the Heart and General Debility. FOR SALE BY josfpii stivers, Freedom. Forges, Mifflin County, Pa. j sole agents for the sale of my medical preparations, is HENRY ZERBE Lewistown, and WILLIS MANN, Yeager-' ' town, Derry twp. mb23'64 Treasurer's Sale OF □ SEATED LANDS, VV*" HEREAS by an act r>f the General f f A.*seuii>iy -f the C^mmuiiweaiih of Pennsylvania, entitled An act to amend an act directing tbe m de >f seiiing unseated lands for taxes and other purposes," passed loth March, IHS. and the other acts upon the subject. the Treasurers of the several -counties within this CiQiic nwealth are di rected tu c aiuience on tbe 2d Monday in June in the vear I>l6, and at the expiration of ecer%- two years thereafter, fr >m day to day. if it be necessary to do so. and mak* public sate of the whole or any part of such tract of unseated land, situate in the proper county, as will pay the arrearages of the tax es, which shall then have remained due or unpaid for the space of one year before? to gcther with all c >ts necessarily accruing by reas n of such delinquency. Ac. Therefore. I. Amos Hoot. Trea-urer of the tounty -ve. and that in pursu ance of the direction of the aforesaid act of Assembly, I shall, on Monday, the 13th day of June next, at the C urt II mse, in the borough of Lew istown, commence toe Public Sde of the whole or any part of such tracts of uns-ated land, upon which all or any part of the tax es herein specified shall then be due : and I continue such sale by adjournment until ail i the tracts upon which the taxes shall remain due and unpaid, shali be sold. AMOS HOOT. Treas. of Mifflin Co. Treasurer's Office, 1 April 12, 1864. | Amount of Tax** due and ung-aid on the fol lowing Tract* of Unseated Lands, up to j and in part including the year 1863. ARMAGH TOWNSHIP. -A <*rr* Prrhs. Wirrw-tre. Taxes dnr.\ 4'M 60 John Boyle, 33U ; 400 GO William Tidd, 3 30 400 GO Luke Sneider, 7 60 490 60 Martin Traister, 6 60 400 60 John Bell, 3 30 4'o 60 John File, 3 30 400 60 John Birr, 3 30 I 40') 60 Luke Barr, 3 30 ; 400 60 George L'lrick 8 10 I 400 60 William Mackey, 760 ' 400 60 Peter Folkner, 7 60 : 400 60 Juhn Brady, 7 60 400 60 John Frick, 3 20 j 400 CO J"hn Allen, 320 j 400 GO J hn Thomas. 320 ! 400 60 Jacob Thomas, 3 20 400 60 William Dunham, 3 20 j 400 60 John Mason. 320 : 200 Pait of Robert Irwin, 1 60 ! 3 W 6 146 John Norris, 760 j i 100 Geo. W. Filson, 1 36 |2O 119 Moses A. Sample, * 39 80 75 Jonathan Peter, 1 34 ■ 14 57 John Miller, 38 . 387 64 Alexander Jackson, 6 01 : 103 28 John Triester, 1 91 ! Part* of Tract* along the County Line. 40 William Boyle, 43 j 250 William Smith, 2 70 I 50 John IHdd, 55 j 250 John Craige, 2 70 I 60 Thomas Castorias, 1 35 ' ; 250 Ebenezer Branham, 3 78 i • 12 Mary Birr, 13 ' 25 James Barr, 26 i 37 80 Thomas Barr, 43 j 225 Michael Sigler, 1 CO ! 23T 80 Isaac Richardson 160 i ; 250 Daniel Reese, 1 60 i 262 80 Jacob Merely, 160 j 47 Joseph Snook, 96 ! 350 Catharine Rasor, 6 47 ; BROWN TOWNSHIP, i 400 9 Hugh Watson, 760 i BRATTON TOWNSHIP. 400 153 Christian Gettys, 760 1 ! 400 48 Henry Shaffer. 7 60 : 410 I ni. McAdams, 760 ■ 390 154 Frederick Lazarus, 7 60 400 48 Paul Lebo, 7 60 400 48 James Smith, 7 6<) 400 48 Paul Weitzell, 7 60 4'JO 48 John Weitzell, 7 60 490 4* Jasper Ewing, 760 j 400 48 Charles Hall, 7 60 j 400 48 Charles Gobin, 7CO j i 400 48 Paul Baldy, 7 GO 1 | 490 48 Henry Busher, 760 j 400 48 Juhn Denier, 7 GO I j 400 48 Joseph Thompson, 760 ' 1 400 48 Thomas Grant, 7 60 ! I 400 48 Samuel Young, 7 60 ! 400 48 William Brady, 760 I 400 48 John Brady, 760 j j 4 aiter liess, 3 go inn I Vm - May berry, 3go lUU George Burabaugh, 1 90 i WAYNE TOWNSHIP. 400 48 flenry Goo j hart, -c* 400 48 Ahraro Scott. 7 400 48 Samuel Scott, 7 Along Juniata County Line. Estimated I 100 John Tadwell, j - 100 Peter Smith, • 190 J"**c Evans, 100 John Lyon, Tacts along County I Ant in Union a,,,] Mm no, part in MijJltu County. 60 James Heed, o 40 John Patterson, A!<•. the following real estate upon which persona! property cannot be fund fufi c i n to pay the taxes returned by the several (;„j. lectors, under the act approved the 20th f April, 1864: Borough of Lewistotcn. P*-jfserly. JZipuUd Cnc-*r. j-, Half lot unseated, Re*. Ruscuturg due fur'sß. ' " 52 One storeh use, wharf and lot, -Juniata street, Wattaon A Jacob, due 'OB A '6O 3 70 Half lot vacant, Philip Hall, due's 9 and *. 58 Half lot vacant. James Davis, due '6O. 5^ One lot. corner Wayne and Water, ets., M'Cahen's heirs, 1 49 Deny Township. One Lit, distillery, H. A. Zollinger, due '6l. C CO I Payne Towiiship. 1500 acres unseated, B. R. Bradford due . 62, 4 31 300 acres unseated, W m Bell, due '62, 1 00 e2u acres ui.seated. Samuel 11 Bell, due '62. 2 00 42 acres unseated. John Stooebreaker. due '6l, 62, and '63. 3 § Xe id on 111 m ilton. One lot, Alex. Cummins, due '6O, 55 Oliver Township. 50 acres unseated, Jae.b Kline, due '6l 85 Bration Township. 320 acres unseated, Geo. Mitchell, sen.. due 'SB, 2 S2 54 acre-, seated Juniata Iron Co., due from 'SB to '63. 10 38 acres unseated, John C. Leattor's heirs, due *62, 1 Co Brown Township. 490 acres unseated, Rauie A Hall, due 08 and 09, 20 80 15 acres unseated, Andrew McFar'ane, due '6O, 4 13 50 cents fur advertising is to be added to the taxes on each tract. A Joint Resolution Proposing Certain Amendments to the Constitution. Be it resolved by the Senate and If -use cf Representatives of the Commonwealth of j Petuisylcania in (Jtncral Assembly met. That the following amendments be proposed t the j Constitution of the Communwealtt., in ace r | dance with the prufisions of the tenth article thereof: 1 here shall be an additional section to the third article of the Constitution, to be desig nated as seetion four, as follows: '■ SECTION 4. \\ hecever any of the qualifi ' ed electors of this Commonwealth shall be in 1 any actual military service, under a requisi tion from the President of the United States, J or by authority of this Commonwealth, such j electors may exercise the right of suffrage in ! all elections by the citizens, under such reg ulations as are, or shall be, prescrit?d by : iaw, as fully as if they were present at their | usual place of election." SECTION 2. These shall be two additional sections to the eleventh article of the Consti | tut UD, to be designated as sections eight and ; nine, as follows : "SECTION 8. No bill shall be passed BV the Legislature, containing mure than one sub i J** l -"', 'which shall be clearly expressed in the ; title, except appropriation bills. | " SECTION 9. No hill shall be passed by | the Legislature granting any powers, or priv j ileges, that has been, or ma? hereafter be. con ferred upon the courts of this Common wealth." HENRY C. JOHNSON. Speaker of the House of Rep. JOHN P PENNEY. Speaker of the Senate. Utfire of the See'F, of the Commonwealth, liarrisburg. ipril 2§, 1*64. / emisylvnnia y ss: I do certify that the fore [ going is a full, true and correct T C 1 copy of the original Joint Res *J idution of the General Assetn* bly. entitled " A Joint Ks. !u tmn proposing certain Amendments to the Constitution,' as the same remains on file in this office. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Secre* tary's office to be affixed, the day and vear above written. ELI SLIFER, Secretary of the Commonwealth. T he above Resolution having been agreed to by a majority of the members of each House, at two successive sessions of the Gen eral Assembly of this Commonwealth, the proposed amendments will be submitted to the people, for their adoption or rejection on the FIRST TUESDAY OF AUGUST, in the year of cur Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty four, in accordance with the provi sions of the tenth article of the Constitution, and the act entitled " An Act prescribing ihe time and manner of submitting t> the Hpople, for their approval and ratification or rejection, the proposed amendments to the Constitution," approved the twenty third day of April, one thousand eight hundred and sixty four. ELI SLIFER ma 4 Secretary of tbe Commonwealth. 'idli fiililM, Our ( hunge f Base. He who be the plow would thrive. Jllnuclf must either hoU or drive; 1 ranklin thus wrote the words of truth, When Uncle Sni was lu his youth. But now Young America Is all alive. And needs to he cautioned now to drive; And Uncle Sam. I ibiuk, he too Is rather dashing his way through. Now. he who safely would progress. Must step by Step still onward press; But he who would take two. Often falls down ** a f*w. w And to prevent that state of affairs. I've moved to where there ts no ,tairs- Across the street, you'll please to mind. Now swings the Big Coffee Bot Sign. Tis here I want my friends to call, , And see ta.v stock—l can't mention all in short, your house-wants all you'll hud Supplied at the Big Coffee I'ot Sign. N. B. Manufacturing and Jobbing carri -6d on as usual, and our motto is "Small pt' -' Ji its and quick sales." Don't mistake tb® | P la - J. IRVIN WALLIS. Sign of the Big Coffee I'ot-