THE G A ZETTE. LEWISTOWN/ FA. Wednesday, May 25, 1864. O. 4 O. It. FRYSINGER, PUBLISHERS. t&i uThp Gazette is the only paper in thin part of the State printed on a power press. and has facilities for doing work of all kinds equaled by few. have three presses in operation— an Adams Power Press for the Paper, a double medium hand press for Jobs, and a Newbury Jobber for Blanks, Cards. Sc. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. The GAZETTE is published every Wednesday by GEORGE FKVSIXOER A SOX. at sl.f>o in advance, or S'2 at the end of the year. 7b one address. 4 copies will be sent for $5. 9 copies for $lO. or 20 copiesfor £2O. These terms will be rigidly adhered to. 4£S"No contracts are made at this office for the pub lication of patent medicine advertisements excee '. ing half a column; and our terms for these are S2O per annum over the paper, or $25 on third page, one naif cash in advance, with guarantee for balance by some local agent, or known house. We have no oth er terms, and it is therefore a waste of pens, ink, pa per and postage, or breath, to propose others. FOR PRESIDENT, ABRAHAM LINCOLN. County Convention. The Delegates elected on Saturday last assembled in the Town HalT on Monday and appointed Major M. Buoy, James M. Brown, and Lieut. E. B. Purccll Conferees to nominate a del egate to the National Union Conven tion, with instructions to recommend E. E. Locke, Esq., as Delegate. The conferees propose to meet at the Logan House, Altoona, on the 31st May. The convention also adopted a reso lution that an election for delegates to a county convention be held on Satur day, 18th June, to meet at Lewistawn on Wednesday, 22d June, for the pur pose of nominating a county ticket, appointing congressional, senatorial, and representative conferees, &c. Tn viewoftheterriblerealities of thepa*ttwo weeks—the fact that an hundred thousand families, in this once happy land, within that period have been made to mourn, in conse quence of the fearful slaughter which has been enacted upon the blood stained fields of Virginia, how can we help exclaiming. Oh, this is a terrible tear I Why does not Presi dent Lincoln TRY, at least, to settle the dis pute by other means than brute force? If war must be, then let it be; but in God's name let us try—aye, and keep on try ing—Christian means, as well as force, to bring back the people of the South and re Btore peace. What honest democrat in Mifflin county, who reads the tirade of prevar icating statements quoted above from the Patent Medicine Democrat of last ■week, but must blush for shame at the whole intent and meaning conveyed therein. From the very start of the infamous rebellion fostered, promoted and justified b}* such papers as the Democrat, President Lincoln HAS TRI ED to " bring back the people of the South and restore peace." The first Proclamation invited them to lay down their arms and with all their privileges unimpaired come back. His proposition was ridiculed by the south ern cutthroats and fared little better with their northern allies. Again was the olive branch held out, by naming a day when Senators and Representatives from the rebel States should appear in Congress, but without avail; and since then, though with harder measure, an act of amnesty, excepting only the ringleaders, was proclaimed, yet this copperhead sheet conveys the impres sion to its readers that President Lin coln has not tried "to settle the dis pute by other means than brute force." Look too at the snaky word " dispute There is no meaning attached to it in the Lnglish or any other language which makes* an armed rebellion a de pute, but the copperhead saints are getting to be so dainty in their expres sions, both on the public streets and in newspapers, that the most chary language is used towards those who are striving with might and main to overthrow our government, and that too with less cause than any people ever had on the face of the earth. With such sheets tolerated as party it is not much to bo wondorcd that false proclamations with forged signatures are published—that the public mind is poisoned and perverted until hundreds of misguided men stand up and defend shameless treason as patriotism, and thus invito anarchy and confusion on their own heads. The hidden meaning of the Democrat, how ever, is plain enough. That sheet would have President Lincoln recall our armies from the seceded or rebel States ; tell our soldiers to lay down their arms, and acknowledge that 300,- 000 nigger breeders and dealers in hu man flesh are, with the aid of one-third our own numbers, more powerful than th ®/wenty millions of the free North —blandly invite President Davis to take Washington City as his capital (for be it remembered that the great •'unhanged" claims Maryland with his other possessions;) or perhaps it would suit the Democrat still better if Lin coln would resign, and Davis invited to govern the North as well as the South FROM THE BATTLE-FIELD. 49TH REGIMENT, P. V.—The following list of casualties in the 49th Regiment has been furnished us by Colonel William Dorris, of Huntingdon, who was with the Regiment last week : COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. Killed —Col. Thomas 31. Huiings. Lieut. Col John B. Miles, Captain Wui P. Kep hart, Ist Lieuts. Decatur Lytle, Josiah L Barton. Wounded —Captains Frank Wombacker, James A. Quigley. James Stuwart. Robert G. Barr; Ist Lieuts. John 31. Thompson, Bpnj. Downing 2d Lieuts. John W. Rus sell, John D. Howell, Jos. Downing; A