TH"E RECIPES. •lociLftiiv's Book lor May. Vermont Currant Coke. —One cup ol butter, one of sweet milk, one of currants, three of su*ar, four of Hour, four eggs, one teaspoon!ui cream tartar, half teaspoonful nutmeg, lemon, or vaniilia. Made sometimes with itss sugar. A German Trijit. —Put a pint of straw berries, or any other frcsii iruit, in the bot tom of a glass dish. Sugar the fruit, put over it a layer of macaroons; and pour over it a custard, made with a quart of fresh iniik and the yolks of eight eggs beaten, sweetened to taste, and scalding hot. When culd, place on the top the whites of the eggs beaten to a froth with a little sugar, or cream; whip to a froth. The egg may he ornamented by beating cur rant jelly with part of it, and puttiug it in alternate hills of white and pink A Cabinet Puddiuy. —Boii one and a haif pint of new milk with sufficient loaf sugar to sweeten if, the peal of a fresh lemon, cut thinly, a little cinnamon, mace, and cloves Hoi! all these ingredients as it for custard. Beat up nine eggs; omit the whites of four. Pour the boiling miik, etc., on to these, stirring continually dur ing the operation, theu strain the whole through a hair sieve, and let it stand till cold. Take a good-sized pudding mould, butter it well, and line it with spongecakes, cut into thin slices (it will propahly re quire four). Pour the custard into a mould, and tie it close. It will take an hour and a half to boil. It is an improvement, after buttering the mould, and before pla cing the spongecakes, to arrange some stoned raisins, slices of candied peel, and nutmeg. Serve Lot with wine sauce. Rice Biscuits. —Take half a pound of sugar, halt a pound of the best ground rice, half a pound of butter, and half a pound of flour, and mix the whole into a paste with eggs (two are sufficient for this quantity). Solaile D Oramjet —Delicious for dts pert.—Ped and slice six large oranges, and arrange them in a dessert centre dish, with powdered loaf sugar sprinkled over every laye ■. Add some Madeira wine, and sprink le white sugar over all the moment before it is served. Jenny Linds Padding. —Grate the crutuhs of halt a loaf, butter and dish well, i and lay in a thick layer ol the crumbs; pare i ten or twelve apples, cut them down, and I put a layer of them and sugar; then erurus • alternately, until the dish is full; put a lit ut butter on the top. and bake it in an ov en or American reflector. An excellent : and economical puddiug. Chocolate Drops. —Take one pound and a half of chocolate, put it on a pewter plate, and put it in the oven just to warm the chocolate, then put it into a copper stew pan with three quarters of a pound of powdered sugar; mix it well over the fire, take it off, and roll it in pieces the size of a small marble, put theui on white paper, and when they are all on, take the sheets of paper by each coiner and lift it up and down, so that the paper may touch the table each time, and by that means you will see the drops come quite flat., about the size size of a sizpence; put some sugar nor pa reils over them, and cover all that are on the paper, then shake them off, and vou will see all the chocolate drops are covered with the sugar nonpareils; let them stand till cold and they will come off well, and then put them in a box prepared. PRIME EASTERN SUGAR-CURED HAMS! Country Bacon, line Eastern Cheese, Sour Pickles, Dried Peaches, Prunes, Cherries, Apples. Beaus, Ilominy, CANNED TEACHES, Tomatoe, Cranberries, Sugar, Coffee, Rice, Black & Green Teas, SPICES, Syrups, Orleans Molasses, &c. The above goods are of choice quality, and arc offered at the lowest Cash Prices. PBLIZ'S Is the Place to Buy your as the People say he has the Goods that will p.ease all, and so cheap that they have some pennies left to buy Candies for their children. Lome ail, we will be pleased to see you. Call and buy your friends a preseut. " marlG LUMBER! LUMBER!! Wm. B. Hoffman respectfully inform the public v T that he has now on hand a very large stock of Lumber, embracing: Boards, Plank. Scantling, Shingles, Shing ling Lath, Plastering Lath, Garden Pale, Fence Rails. Sash of ail sizes, Doors. Blinds aud Shutters and ready worked Flooring. -Ir. H. being a practical carpenter, and Laving selected his stock personally with great care, Farmers, Builders, and others, needing anything in his line, are assured that lim'.Tl'. '"° ,Wir * d ™^' *?\ Mr \ H " i# • tIH aent for the sale of the celebrated wooden water pipe manufac tured by the vVilliamsport Company. Or ders for any size will be promptly attended to. Lewistown, June 11, 1862. T?nglisb Lever Full Jeweled, Detached dit- JLJ to, Cylinder Escapements, and all kinds, j War prioM, at PATTON'B. Kisiiacoquillas Seminary AND NORMAL INSTITUTE. fJMIE Summer Se--ion of this Institution I will commence <>o MONDAY, APRIL 1, 18G4, und coutiaue twentyoue weeks. Cost for Board, Furnished Kooms and Tu ition in the English Branches, per session, s6'. Day scholars. per session, 512. Music. Languages and Incidentals extra. In order to secure rooms in the Institute application should be rnado before the open - ing of the school. Fur further particulars, address, S. Z SIIAKP. Prin. janlS Kis haccquiilas, Pa. TCMIiBT SEMIITiLKY, €li:rler hing, Laeers. Color, and a variety of Tools and other articles, for sale at J. B. SELIIEIMER'S. 111 aek *mi lit*, Itlaekmiiilliw. r PHE Blacksmiths say Selheimer keeps the I best Iron and Steel in town. He doesn't only keep the best, but he keeps the largest assortment, aud sells the cheapest Go to J. B. SELIIEIMER'S. stoi 4 LARGE assortment of Cooking, Parlor ox. and other Stoves, always on hand, at the lowest prices, at J. B SELIIEIMER'S. CARPENTERS. SELIIEIMER'S is the place to buy the best and cheapest Hand, Rip, Tennant, Com pass and Cross Cut Saws; Planes, Bite. Ham mere, Hatchets, Squares. Rules, Chisels, Au gurs, Augur Bitts, Drawing Knives, Spoke* shaves. Bevels, and all other Tools in your "line. The carpenters all buv at J. B. SELHFIMER'S. Oils, Paint*, Ac. N\' HI IE LEAD, Red Lead, Zinc, Venitian ™ Red, and all other kinds of colors. A1 so, Linseed Oil, Fish Oil, Coal Oil, Ac., lor sale at J. B. SELIIEIMER'S. TIN WARE, TIN WARE. A LARGE assortment of Tin Ware, at J\- wholesale and letail. constantly kept on hand ; nil our own manufacture, made out of the best material. SPOUTING and all kinds of Jobbing done at short notice, by JOHN B. SELHEIMER. RSuiltfei** ami Farmer* Ci AN find anything in their line, such as ) L icks, Screws, Hinges. Bolts, Glass, Putty. Nails, Spikes, traee. breast, halter, log and other Chains, Forks, Shovels, Spades, Hoes, and all other goods used in the build ing and farming business, for sale at J. B. SELIIEIMER'S. Cedar and Willow Ware. r |H-BS, Churns. Buckets. Butter Bowls, Clothes, Baskets. Market Baskets. &c., for sale by J. B SELHEIMER. ffrn*lie*, lti'iislic!>, ¥\7"ALL, Dusting, Sweeping, Hand. Scrub ~ ™ bing and Horse Brushes. Paint Brush es of all sizes. J. B. SELHEIMER. Saddlery Ware. \ LARGE stock of saddlery ware constant ■ ly on hand, consisting in part of Saddle Trees, Pad Trees. Buckles, Rings, Snaps, I'errets, Swivels. Stirrups, Bridle Bits, l'acks. Awls. Needles, Thread, Hair. Patent Leather, and a variety of other articles, for sale by f B. SELHEIMER. Coaclt W are, Coacli W are, C 1 ON SI STING of Rims, Spokes, Ilubbs. / Shafts, Poles, Bows, Springs, Axles, Bolts, Clips, Top props. She ft shackles. Pat ent Leather, Enamelled Leather, Oil Cloths, Linings. Lace, Fringe, Tacks, Nails, Knobs, and all other goods used in coach making, for sale at J. B. SELIIEIMER'S. SWiJISJ^SS ccitpestichee.*/, FRUIT. AND FANCY STORE, EAST MARKET STREET, Between Blymyer's and Bitz's Stores. Yl J HERE is constantly kept on hand a TV choice assortment of articles in his line, many of which are to be had only there. His stock comprises pure and fancy Soaps, Perfumery. Writing Paper, Pens, Envelopes, different styles and sizes. Combs. Thimbles. Gum and Cornelian Rings, Tooth Brushes, Hair Brushes, FANCY ARTXCX.ES, uf all kinds. Photographs of Generals, 4c., besides Confectionery. Fruits. Nuts, and eve rything to be found in a first class store of this kind. A continuation of the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed is respectfully solicited. E. SWAIN. Lewistown, April 6, 1864. TOBACCO! Genuine Oriental Turkish, Im. Turkish, Hose, Favorite, Un ion, Kiss-me-quick, Seafar laty, &c. No. 1, i and 3 CUT k DRY, very ]v. ALSO, PIPES, TOBACCO-BOXES, OIGARS, and in fact everything that belongs to his line of business, at very low figures. Call and examine for yourselves, and save money by buying at the Cigar and Tobacco Store of E. FRYSINGER, oovll Lewistown, Pa. II ARI)\YA RE. TO BUY CHEAP FOR CASH! iL'Jf man's the Store for Blacksmiths ! Hoffman's the Store fur Carpenters ! Hoffman's the Store tor Saddlers ' I Hoffman s the Store Jor Shoemakers I | Ho t) 'man's the Store Jor Cabinetmakers ! Hoffman's the Store Jor Coachmakers ! , Hoffman's the Store for Builders! ! Hoffman's the Store fur Housekeepers! i GO TJ Iil!i F)l\\'A FUR ALL WB WAM! IfOIXD out that Hoffman's is the place tor Groceries. I7UNE dried Peaches and Apples, at HOFFMAN'S. |I I OFFM AX'S is the place to buy Macker< 1 XJL el, Herring and Codfish. Coal Oil X Lamp*. IN great variety, at rochlS " HOFFMAN'S. OIL ( 1.0 I HV MANY pretty patterns, of all kinds, at HOFFMAN'S. UAKDUV *i:ilV VLL kinds, cheap, at HOFFMAN'S. TITIOTSBV SB i:iK r CIIE best is at 1 HOFFMAN'S. H A.IIS, 11% SUGAR Cured liatns, and Dried Beef at HOFFMAN'S. TOISK CO X SCG iliS. PERSONS using Tobacco go to Hoffman's j and try his extra Chewing Tobacco. Smoking, we have Turkish. Killik'mniek, Si ; gel. Garibaldi, Fiue Cut, if. Segars and j Pipes of all kinds, at HOFFMAN'S ~mm aii flimia TO F. J. HUFFMAN'S FOR STOVES! STOVES! STOVES TliM WARE! BUCKETS, from one quart to three gal j luns. Dish Pans, Wash Basins and Cul j lenders, made of solid material, without sol ! dering. Coffee Boilers, Tea Pots. Pie Plates, I Pudding Pans, and everything usually found i in a hrst class tinware shop, and sold very j Gw, at F. J. HOFFMAN'S. | ISihles, Ribies. r |' , llE Bilde Society's Billies and Testa- J. inents. Also, Photograph Bibles arrang ed lor card pictures. Bibles in three volumes, with Commentary, at £4 per set, a book that should be in every family, at HOFFMAN'S. I'isli, Fisli, Fi*li, at HOFFMAN'S. COItD.% <*E. ROPES, Clothes Lines. Bed Cords. Hope Halters, Hemp and Cotton Twines, at HOFFMAN'S. BRUSHES. BVV EE PING, window, wall, dusting, hand, j clothes, table, hair, tooth and nail Brush es, Wtiisps, Brooms,