Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, May 11, 1864, Image 3

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Barnes, (wife of Rev. S. Barnes) ari
experienced and successful teacher of
Piano Music, offers to give instructions
on said instrument to a small class of
young ladies, in Lewistown, of which
place she has recently become a resi
dent. She can be seen at the Metho- j
dist parsonage. lino*
THE DRAFT. —We learn that the i
draft is to come off in Pennsylvania :
shortly, and that many districts which ;
from all the information that could be I
obtained wore thought to be secure, ;
now find themselves subject to a heavy
drawback. These deficiencies some
suppose are occasioned through the
draft of last year, but if so it is
singular that they were not made
known before so that the number re
quired could have been furnished. In
this county the books stand as follows:
Surplus. Deficiency.
Lewistown, J'
Union, fi
Derry, 2l
Granville, b
Oliver.. 2
MeVeytown, 21
Bratton, 4
Newton Hamilton, 1
enno, "
Armagh, 6
Brown, 9
Decatur, 5
BODY EXHUMED. —Considerable talk
having been created after the arrest of
a soldier named Gates-(from Milroy)
and another named Latchford last week
of violence having been used towards
McCann, whose death by drowning
we noticed at the time, the coroner's
inquest re-examined the body on Fri
day last, but found no evidence what-
Icver except a slight mark on his fore
bead to confirm any of the stories got
up by the over-curious in such matters.
The testimory went to show that Mc-
Cann left Wertz's tavern at the lock
with a lamp which was set on the
gate of the lock, and that the
party of soldiers were not near him
at the time. It is said he was going
back to the army with much reluctance,
which leads some to suppose that he
committed suicide, but we incline to
|| the opinion that he fell in aecidcntly.
\ ted in our baste last week to mention
I the concerts of this Troupe of negro
I delineators, composed of young men
§§ from this place, whose performances
B passed off to the entire satisfaction of
| numerous auditors. The instrument-
I al music especially can be classed with
I the productions of those older in the
I "show business." The fact is we are
I a musical people in this section, and
I anything undertaken in that respect
is generally done up so as to meet the
§ encomiums of all. Music has charms,
I &c.
ITEMS. —Cyrus Matter had another
t paralytic stroke on Thursday last, be
ing the second time ho has become
lcompletely disabled. Mrs. Hunawalt,
Bmother of George, we learn, was also
disabled las'; week by the same disease.
jf Stauber has our thanks for a bowl
If of excellent ice ereem and a slice of
fe. sponge cake which eau't be beat.
.• **;.. Alfred Marks has been appointed a
■ member of the State Committee, of
which Gen. Cameron (not Col. Mc-
I Clure) is chairman. The for
the Sanitary Fair, started by two
members of our household, prom'ses
to be a decided success, many ladies
having aire furnished squares for
it. The Committees appointed at
H the Town Hall on Saturday evening
are meeting with much encourage
gjßßt o o
jf: ment. The subject is undoubtedly a
worthy one, especially at this time,
111 and does not, as some suppose, intcr
fere with the operations of the Chris
|H tian Commission.
I SCREAM.— Ieo Cream at all hours
(Sundays excepted) at John M. Stau
ber's Saloons on Dorcas st., corner of
Strawberry avenue, and next door to
Col. John Hamilton's residence. Sa
loons on the 2d floor for ladies or
ladies accompanied by gentlemen only.
g&r Brien & Co's. circus tent blew
down in the thunder storm on Monday
afternoon last, causing much confusion
among the spectators, who were wait
ing for the opening act, and injuring
several persons, among whom was a
little daughter of Mr. Laudenslager
and a countryman named Triester.
This accident prevented the proprie
tors from holding an afternoon exhibi
tion, and in dealing out the tickets to
those who purchased, of course Young
America came in for two chances.
THE WEATHER during the past week
has been mild and spring-like, Nature
coming forth in all her loveliness, and
every leafy tree and springing flower
proclaiming the coming summer, while
caroling birds show forth their praise
in loftiest song, and as the glad anthem
is caught up and borne on toward the
frozen regions of the North, it is whis
pered in faintest echo at the Poles—
"No spring is here."
Public Meeting.
In pursuance of the call issued by the Ladies' Aid
Society of Lewistown. the citizens assembled in the
Town Hali on the evening of the 7th May.
The meeting was organized by the selection of Gen. |
■Tames Bums Chairman. F. J. Hoffman. Jos. Milliken, i
W. VVeutz and Dr. Atkinson. Vice Presidents, and (J. I
W. Elder Secretary.
Rev. Barnes. Messrs. Elder. Woods. Hoffman and
McKee addressed the meeting on the importance of i
the Aid Society using their organization tofiolleot i
money in aid of the U. S. S. Commission, and rnateri- ;
al useful and fancy to be placed in the hands of the ;
"Philadelphia Fair." in aid of the same object.
On motion the following resolutions were adopted : i
Re-vjlved. That this meeting recommends the com- j
mittees appointed by the Aid Society, to collect funds
and material for the U.S. S. C. Also to solicit funds
ami material in aid of the U. S. Christian Commission, ]
when donors prefer that organization.
R/solvd, That we earnestly commend the claims of j
the l\ S. S. C. and U. S C. C. to the attention of indi
viduals and organizations in this county.as eminently •
fitted for the great work in which they are engaged. |
and entertain the hope that a generous public will j
promptly come up in aid of these commissions, and >
place at once in their hands the means to relieve as •
far as human aid can the suffering which must en.-ue \
from the great battles now impending.
Ittsolved. That the Ladies' Aid Societvof Lewistown '
will cheerfully co-operate with organizations or indi- i
nduals in this county in this work, aqd assume the j
charge of money or material, for either the U. S. S. C. I
or Christian Commission.
Any communications addressed to Mrs. Walters, I
Pres., Mrs. Elder. Tresis., or Mrs. Hoffman, See., will
receive prompt attention.
On motion, adjourned.
JAMES BURNS, President.
Geo. W. ELDER, Secretary.
At a meeting of the physicians who were present at
the funeral, held immediately after returning there
from. at the office of Dr. James Frow. in Mitfimtown,
the following proceedings were had. viz:
The meeting was organized by appointing Dr. Jas. j
Frow, of Mifflin. Chairman, and Dr. R. Martin.of Lew
istown. Secretary. On motion, Dr. J. Lefever. of New
Bloomfield. Dr. R. Martin, of Lewistown. and Dr. P.
L. Greenleaf. of Thompsontown. were appointed a
committee to prepare resolutions expressive of the
sense of the meeting relative to the decease of Dr.
CRAWFORD. The committee presented the following,
which were unanimously adopted :
WHEREAS. It hath pleased Almighty God. in the ex
ercise of his wise providence, to remove from our
midst our esteemed fellow-citizen and brother in the
profession. Dr. Erasmus Darwin Crawford, we deem
it just and proper, in order to show our esteem and
respect for the deceased, to express our sorrow at the
sad dispensation, as well a to express our sympathy
for those who are still more deeply bereaved, there
Resolved. That we heard with deep-felt sorrow of
the unexpected death of Dr. Crawford, in the midst
of iife ana a career of usefulness, and while we would
not murmur at the will of God. thus exhibited, we
mourn his death, knowing that his loss will be deep
ly felt and that his plaee will never he filled.
Resolved. That in the death of Dr. Crawford, the
Medleal profession has lost an eminent member, one
whose practice proved him to he posessed of high
ability—and who in his intercourse with his fellow
men had endeared himself to them by the close asso
ciation formed between the faithful physician aud the
grateful patient.
Resolved. That in his intercourse with his profession
al brethren the high sense of honor he always mani
fested. proved him to be worthy of their fullest [
confidence in every lespeet.
Resolved, That society at largo, has lost one of its j
hrighest ornaments and most valuable members, from '
which his loss will be very seriously felt: that in his j
death all elasses will freely sympathize with those who :
are more immediately bereaved.
Resolved, That we tender our heart-felt sympathy !
to the fa l ily and relatives of Dr. Crawford: though I
they mourn for him who has been so suddenly re- !
moved from them, and have lost in him an affectionate j
and kind husband aud falher, and a true friend, we i
believe that they mourn not as those who have no |
hope, but as those who look forward to a happy re- l
Rt solved. That a copy of the toregoing be transmit
ted to the family of the deceased, and a copy furnished
for publication in the differeut papers in Mifflin. Ju
niata ami Ferry counties. e ,
JAMES FROW. Chairman.
R. MARTIN, Secretary.
—A correspondent informs us that
Dr. A. 0. Cuinmings is soliciting sub
scribers to that open rebel sheet, the
Selinsgrove Times, and in one case at
least used Judge Turner's name as en
dorsing it! Nice employment, truly,
lor loyal men, when thousands of our
gallant soldiers lie dead or wounded j
at the hands of the hellhounds whose
cause that paper advocates.
—The appointment of D W. Woods
Esq., of this place, on the Lincoln Elec. !
toral Ticket, is a deserved tribute to an
uucotnpromising Urion man who has rend
ered irood service since the commencement
of the war.
—We are sorry to see that the Blair
county papers are engendering a great deal
of bad feeling by discussing the personal
merits and demerits of proposed candidates
for Congress. We care but little person
ally who the candidate may he or where
Irotn, so that he is an able man. but if
this course is pursued there much longer,
it will necessarily impel the other counties
of the district to select a candidate lrom
another quarter.
SITUATE in Wayne township, Mifflin cn.,
adjoining lands of Judge Stine, John &
U. W. Atkinson. ,J. Glasgow, esq., Samuel
H ithrow, A. J. North, and within \ to £ uiile
of Atkinson's and Withrow's .Mills, -tore,
Blaeksmithehop, &c, is offered at private
About 70 or 75 acre& are cleared and un
der fence, the balance well set with valuable
timber, such as oak and pine. This farm fe
well supplied with running watei. well adap
ted for either grazing or farming purposes,
and will he sold at a bargain. Persons wish
ing to examine the premises will call ou C.
N. Atkinson.
A lot in Newton Hamilton, with a large
STOKE ROOM together, with
SBgllfljK glass front. The lot is set with
£§£§■§£■ -hoice fruit and grapes, and a
well ot excellent water is at the door. Also,
a large stone cistern, wash house, a good sta
hie, carriage shed, corn crib, aad ail other
buiidiDgs required for convenience.
Persons wishing to examine this property
will call on James Galbraith, esq , Newton
Hamilton, and for particulars and terms ad
dress, Dr. A. J. ATKINSON.
ap27 Lewistown, Pa.
Estate of rbrlstlana Wills, deceased.
N OTICE is hereby given that letters of
admini-tration on the estate of Christi
ana Wills, late of Derry township, Mifflin
co., dee'd, have been granted to the uDdersia n
ed, residing in said township. All persons
indebted to said estate are requested to make
immediate payment, and those having claims
to present them duly authenticated for settle
ment. . WM. R. WILLS.
ao'27 Admjn'- ,r --T-
—Several copperheaps circulated a
story last week that Grant has refused
to move until McClellan was restored
to his command. Some silly fools be
lieved the story, and are of course
ready to believe anything else.
lloyt's Hiawatha Hair Reilorative.
Hojt's Hiawatha llair Restorative.
The standard staple preparation tor the hair, WARRANTED
In alt ces to restore aiii gray hair, ami whfrkers to
their original color. It doe* not claim to make the hair
grow tti where it has once fallen out; nothing will do that,
whatever may be advertised to the contrary, but it WILL
prevent it from tailing out, make it suit arid silky, cleanse
it and the scalp from impurities and humors, and entirely
overcome bad effects of previous use of preparations con
taining sulphur, sugar of lead, Ac. It requires no soaping,
washing, and hours for its application, nor will it stain the
sktri, b't is as easily applied and wipeu from the skin as
any hair dressing. It restores the natural shading of one
hair with another, which gives it a lively appearance in
stead of the dull, uniform black of dyes.
Hojt's Imperial Coloring Cream.
Superior to any llatr Dressing ill use. Oils ami colors the
hair at the same time. Chutitfes litfht auit red hair to a
beautiful brown or black.
Sold everywhere. JOSEPH HOYT & CO.
Ulh9 1y No. 10 University Place. New York.
A Joint Resolution Proposing
Certain Amendments to the
f> it resolved by the Senate ami House of
I) Representatives of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania in General Assembly met. That
the following amendment* he proposed to the !
Constitution of the Cooiumnweaiti., in accor !
dance with the provisions of the tenth article j
There shall be an additional section to the
third article of the Constitution, to be desig- i
nated as section four, as follows:
" SECTION 4. Whenever any of the qualifi- !
ed electors of this Commonwealth shall be in
any actual military service, under a requisi j
tion from the President of the United Slates, |
or by authority of this Commonwealth, such :
electors may exercise the right of suffrage in
all elections by the citizens, under such reg .
ulations as are, or shall be, prescribed by i
law, as fully as if they were present at their j
usual place of election."
SECTION 2. There shall be two additional I
sections to the eleventh article of the Consti '
tut on, to he designated as sections eight and |
nine as follows :
"SECTION 8 No bill shall be passed by the i
Legislature, containing more than one sub" \
ject, which shall hp dearly expressed in the
title, except appropriation hills.
" SECTION 9. No hill shall be passed by •
the Legislature granting any powers, orpriv- '
ileges, that has been, or may hereafter be, con j
ferred upon the courts of this Common
Speaker of the House of Rep. i
Spi aker of the Senate, j
Office of the Scc'y. of the Commonwealth,
Harrisburg. April 25, 1864.;
Pennsylvania, ss:
1 do certify that the fore
going is a full, true and correct
[T 1 c " f '- v tiie or '" in:t l Joint Res
l.j* > ,# J olution of the Gem ral Assem
bly. entitled " A Joint Rs.lu
tion proposing certain Amendments to the
Constitution," as the same remains on file in
this office.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set
my hand and caused the seal of the Secre>
tary's office to be affixed, tbe day and vear
above written. ELI SLIFER,
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
The f.hove Resolution having been agreed
to by a majority of the members of each 1
lluuse. at two successive sessions of the Gen
era! Assembly of this Commonwealth, the
proposed amendments will be submitted to
the people, for their adoption or iej •..•tion, on
year of our Lord one thousand < ignt hundred
and sixty four, in accordance witti the provi
sions of the tenth article of the Constitution,
and the act entitled " An Act prescribing
the time and manner of submitting to the
people, for their approval and ratification or
rejection, the proposed amendments- to the
Constitution," approved the twenty third
day of April, one thousand eight hundred
and sixtv four.
ma 4 Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Tannery for Sale.
npilE undersigned, desirous of reriiiiig from
*- the business, offer* for sale his Tannery
in Reedsvilie. Mifflin county, situate on the
waters of KishaeoquiUt>B creek. Its situation
is one of the most desirable in the county,
and with other advantages will have railroad
communication during the coming summer.
As purchasers will examine for themselves,
a further description is unnecessary.
near the Tannery, to which a Slaughter
House is attached, will also be sold if desired
by the purchaser.
Possession of the property given immedi
ately For further particulars, terms. <£c.,
address JOHN WILSON,
iny4- lm* Reedsvilie, Mifflin co., Pa.
nnilE farm belonging to the heirs of Thom'
as MeCord, deceased, is now offered at
private sale. It is situated in Granville twp.,
Mifflin county, on the south side of the Juni
ata river, three fourths of a mile from Ander
son's station, on the P R. R.. and about six
miles from Lewistown, containing
207 ACHES,
one hundred and eighty five of which are
cleared and in a good state of cultivation,
H i: j; j{ j HOUSE. Bank Bam. Spring House,
jjShop, Smoke House, Ac., besides a
sLmjiifc good Tenant House and Stable
thereon erected. At both the above build
ings there are good springs of water There
is a sideling on the P. R R , one and a half
miles from tbe farm, where all kind* of grain
and produce can be shipped for market. A
small stream of water enters the farm iti such
a manner that with very little labor it can be
used to carry all the waste manure of the
barnyard, and water about ten or twelve
acres of meadow land.
Adjoining the above there is a tract of land
belong ng to Jane Anderson and Rachel Me-
Cord, containing
twenty five of which are cleared, and the bal
ance well timbered with locust, chestnut, &c.,
{S-rA with a comfortable DWELLING
HOUSE, small Barn, young Apple
Orchard, Ac. thereon, which will
JmaJjaJmSLh* ,,14 with the farm if desired.
Any person wishing further information
can apply to either of the undersigned.
ap2o lewistown. Pa.
Plants & Flowers.
•TnHE undersigned, at his garden uear the
river bridge, has a choice selection of
Plants and Flowers from Buist's celebrated
Nursery, which are offered for sale as low as
they can be purchased iu the cities. Among
them are.
-30 Kinds of Roses, A Lot of Verbenas,
and many other Spring Flowers in crocks,
just received, which the ladies are particular
ly requested to call and examine.
A fresh supply is received every few weeks,
so that something new can be had or seen at
almost every visit
PRINCE & CO'S. Well-Known
introducing the effect of pedal j
bass on every instrument
Raven and Bacon's and Hal et Davis & Co's
for cash at a liberal deduction.
4ajf"Ovpr 30 OUO sold.
JAMES BELLAK, sole Agent,
279 and 281 South Filth St., above Spruce.
ap!3, '64-ly Philadelphia j
croHir znirsK,
X. E Corner of Walnut and Second Streets, \
Manufacturer. Importer,
Agent for the "Dead Shot'' Powder.
from the country punctually
attended to. rnar2-6m
Mercantile Appraiser's List
rpllK following is a list of Merchants and Dealers.
1 classified agreeably to the provisions of the Act of
14th class pays $7 00; 13th pays flO 00; 12th pavs
sl2 50; 11th pays sls 00; 10th pays S2O 00; Oth pays
$25 00.
Borough of Lewistown.
Anthony Felix, (cabinet) 14 $7 00
Anthony Febx. (store) 13 10 00
Nathan Kennedy, 13 10 00
Oliver C. Ciiesuey, 14 7 00
J.'Jrwiu Wallis, 14 7 00
John Clark, 14 7 00
F. G. Franciscus, 11 15 00
John Davis, 14 7 00
Wtn. Johnson 14 7 00
James Parker, 12 12 50
E. Fry singer, 13 10 00
K. W. Pattoa, 14 7 00
E. Banks, 14 7 00
Charles Khz, 14 7 00
Win. I.ind, 14 7 0O
Geo. Blymyer, 9 25 00
Thomas Cox, 14 7 00
J. W. Sheriff, 13 lo 00
K. \. Neupert, 14 7 00
C. Ullrich, 14 7 00 !
Marks A Willis, 11 15 On 1
David Oriswell, 14 7 00 i
S. J. Brisbin A Co., 13 10 00 j
F.. C. Hamilton, 14 7 on
K H. McClititic, 14 7 00 j
F.J. Huffman, lo 20 00 1
It. F. Ellis. 14 7 00 I
X. J. Kudisill, 14 7 on j
J. B. Selheimer, 12 12 50 ;
Geo W. Thomas, 14 7 00
H. W. Junkin, Agt, 14 7 00
A. T. Hamilton, 13 10 00
Mover Frank, 10 20 oo
H.Zerbe, 13 lo 00
John Baum, 14 7 00
Abner Thompson. 14 7 Oo
Samuel Marks, 14 7 00
John Kennedy, 14 7 00
J. O. Blymyer A Co., 11 15 oo
Abner Thompson, 14 7 Oo
John Swan, 14 7 0o
H. M. Pratt, 13 lo oo
C. Dolby. 14 7 00
Enoch Swain, 14 7 Oo |
It. Martin, 14 7 Oo
Sturges & Brother, 14 7 oo
A. Kitting. 14 7 00
W. B. McAtee A Sou, 14 7 00
Win. B. Hoffman. 14 7 00 ,
Harrison Monbeck, 14 7 oo
W.G.Zollinger, 14 7 00
Menno Township.
J. Fitzgerald, 13 10 00
Zerby A Webb, 14 7 00
Union Toicnship.
Hoar A McNabb, 11 15 00 '
Jos. L. Roper, 14 7 0O
Samuel Watts, 12 12 50
A. G. A S. K. Gibboney, 14 7 on
W. S. L'tts, 14 7 00
Brown Township.
K. W. Hill A Co.. 14 7 00
Kohrer A Murphy, 13 10 00
M. Frank, " 12 12 50
Berry Township.
Adam Peters, 14 7 00
John Iloopes, 14 7 Oo
Willis. Mann, 14 7 00
Freedom Iron Co., 12 12 50
Decatur Township
H. Sultzbough, 14 7 00
Graff A Thompson, 12 12 50
John Kohler, 14 7 00
J. C. A- J. McXitt, 14 7 00
Newton Hamilton.
John Pureell A- Son, 12 12 50
John Vanzant, 14 7 00
S. W. Norton, 13 10 00
Wayne Township.
11. L. Gamble, 14 7 00
Mc Veytown.
McCoy A Rohrer, 13 10 00
W. A. G. Macklin, 11 15 00
Win. llardjg 13 10 00
S. Eowder." 14 7 00
J. H. A A. B. Ross, 12 12 50
Oliver Township.
Joseph Strode, 14 7 00
John Strong, 14 7 00
Fatent Medicines.
J. K. Metz, Allenville, 4 6 00
Distillers and Brewers.
Jacob Fisher, Lewistown, 10 10 00
J. C. Comfort. Lewistown, 7 10 00
i Samuel Marks. do 7 10 00
i Thomas Siroup. do 7 10 00
[ Mrs. Matilda YVertz. Reedsville, 7 10 00
; D. O. Matter, Yeagertown, 7 10 00
■ Jas. M. Stevens, Newton Hamilton, 7 10 00
• Albert Magill. McVevtown, 7 10 oo
Edwin Horner, do 7 10 00
An Appeal will be held at the Register's Office, in
the Borough of Lewistown, on FRIDAY, the 13th day
: of May, 1864. Where all persons who teel themselves
\ aggrieved can attend, if they think proper, and obtain
: that redress to which they may be entitled by law.
ap3o Mercantile Appraiser.
i r PO the Heirs of Samuel Wills, late of
jL Union Township, deceased :
To Elizabeth Wills, widow of-Sanuei Wills,
Robert A. Wills. William Wills, James B
Wills, Mary, intermarried with John Fiera
j ing, and Eliza, widow of James Fleming,
deceased, all heirs and legal representatives
!of Samuel Wills, deceased. Take notice that
by virtue of a writ of partition and valua
tion, issued out of the Orphans' Court of
Mifflin county, an inquest of partition arid
valuation will be held on the real estate of
! the said Samuel Wills, deceased, situate in
Union township, Mifflin county, on Tuesday,
i the 17th day of May next, at 10 o'clock a.
in , on the premises, when aud where you
i may attend if you see proper.
D. M. CONTNKR, Sheriff.
J Sheriff's Office. Lewistown, Apl. 27, 1864.
Treasurer's Sale
by nn act of the General
vT Assembly of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, entitled " An set to amend an
act directing the mode of selling unseated
lands for taxes and other purposes," passed
13th March, 1815. and the other acts upon
the subject, the Treasurers of the several
counties within this Commonwealth are di
rected to commence on the 2d Monday in
June in the year 1816, and at the expiration
of every two years thereafter, from day to
day. if it he necessary to do so. and make
public sale of the whole or any part of such
tract of unseated land, situate in the proper
county, as will pay the arrearages of the tax
es. which shall then have remained due or
unpaid for the space of one year before, to
gether with all costs necessarily accruing by
reason of such delinquency. Ac. Therefore.
I, Amos Hoot. Treasurer of the . ounty of
Mifflin, do hereby give notice that upon thp
following tracts of unseated land, situate as
hereinafter described the several sums stated
are the arrearages of taxes, respectively, due
and unpaid as above, and I bat in pursu
once of the direction of the aforesaid act of
Assembly, I shall, on
Monday, the 13th day of June
next, at the Court llouse. hi the borough of
Lewistown, commence the Public Sile of the
whole or any part of such tracts of unseated
land, upon which all or any part of the tax
es herein specified shall then be due ; and
continue such sale by adjournment until all
the tracts upon which the taxes shall remain
due and unpaid, shall be sold..
Treas. of Mifflin Co.
Treasurer's Office, )
April 12, 1864. j
Amount of Taxes due and unpaid on the fol
lowing Tracts of Unseated Lands, up to
and in pari including the year 1863.
Anes Prchs. Warrantee.. Taxes due.
400 Jhr '6 30
400 GO William I idd, 3 GO
400 60 Luke Sneider, 7 60
400 GO Martin Traister, 6 60
400 60 John Bell, 3 30
400 60 John File, 3 30
400 60 John Barr, 3 30
400 60 Luke Burr, 3 30
400 60 George.Ulriek 8 10
400 60 William Mac key, 760
400 60 Peter Folkner, 7 60
400 60 J.dm Brady, 760
400 60 John Friek, 3 20
400 60 Jnhn Allen, 3 20
400 60 John Thomas. 3 20
400 60 Jacob Thomas, 3 20
4iK) 60 William Bonham, 3 20
400 6t* J■ >hfi Mas ii. 3 20
200 Pair of R >bert Irwiu, 1 60
3*6 146 John Xi.rris, 7 60
396 1 William Coltady, 760
400 9 James Johnston, 760
400 9 John WaUson, 760
100 Geo. W. Filson, 1 36
20 110 Muses A. Sample, 39
80 75 Jonathan Peter, 1 34
14 57 John Miller, 38
387 64 Alexander Jackson, 6 01
103 28 John Triester, 1 91
Parts of Tracts along the County Line.
40 William Boyle, 43
250 William Smith, 2 70
50 John l>idd, 55
250 John Craige, 2 70
60 Thomas Oastorias, 1 35
250 Ebonezer Branbam, 3 78
12 Mary Barr, 13
25 James Barr, 26
37 80 Thomas Barr, 43
225 Michael Sigler, 1 "GO
237 80 Isaac Richardson 1 60
250 llaniel Reese, 1 60
262 80 Jacob Morely. 1 60
305 George McClelland, 4 77
47 * Joseph Snook, 96
350 Catharine Rasor, 6 47
397 64 John House), 7 60
400 9 Ilugh Watson, 760
386 145 John Culbertson, 7 60
400 153 Christian Gettys, 7 60
400 48 Ilenry Shaffer, 7 60
410 I Wm. McAdams, 7 60
390 154 Frederick Lazarus, 7 60
400 48 Paul L"bo, 7 60
4(H) 48 James Smith, 7 60
400 48 Paul Weitzell, 7 60
400 48 John Weitzell, 7 60
400 48 Jasper Ewing, 7 60
4UO 48 Charles Hall, 7 60
400 48 Charles Gobin, 7 60
400 48 Paul Baldy, 7 60
400 48 Ilenry Busber, 7 60
400 48 John Demer, 7 60
400 48 "Joseph Thompson, 7CO
400 48 Thomas Grant, 7 60
400 48 Samuel Young, 7 60
400 48 William BrAdy, 7 60
400 48 John Brady. 7 60
400 48 William Gray, 7 60
400 48 John Kidd, 7 CO
4uo 48 Daniel Levy, 7 60
400 48 Daniel Smith 7 60
34 147 Andrew Jenkins, 76
51 120 Part of Jean Beatty 97
Parts of Tracts in Bratton Township, along
the Juniata County Line.
325 Jesse Brooke, 5 88
320 Sarah Zane, 5 88
315 Rebecca Kelso, 5 88
310 Joseph Kelso, 5 71
: 305 Martha Godfrey, 5 71
300 Mary Zane, 5 71
295 John W. Godfrey, 5 71
290 Wm. Zane, 5 71
190 Daniel McClintic, 1 91
300 John Barron, jr., 5 71
100 John House), 1 91
100 Robert Gray, 1 91
30 40 John Hummel 40
Parts of Tracts in Decatur Township, along
the Juniata County Line.
300 John Lugftn, 5 71
300 Mary Logan, 5 71
368 Wm. Bogle, 5 71
168 32 John Alexander, 3 80
100 140 John Alexander. 2 86
253 109 Pt. R C. Hale, pt. J.Butler 4 77
425 91 Jas. McCurmitk, 7 60
348 120 Wm. Riley. 6 68
47 32 Wm McFarlane 1 13
9 46 Bernard Everhart, 38
Unsealed in Derry Township, along
the Juniata County Line.
200 James Blsin, 3 80
407 1 Jacob Barr, 760
403 80 Jacob Witye, 7 60
4<">3 88 Thomas White, 7 60
238 58 Dorcas Buchanan, 5 71
Unseated J a ltd i< in Granville Township,
along the Juniata County Line.
225 Thomas May berry, 3 80
•200 Walter Hess, 3 80
' 1 6 Wtu. May berry, 3 SO
George Bumhaugh, 1 90*
400 4S Henry Gooihart, 760
40*1 4S A brum Scott, 700
400 4S Samuel Scott, 700
Along Juniata County Line. Estimated.
100 John Tad we)], \ 91
100 Peter Smith, 1 91
100 Jesse Evans, 1 91
100 John Lyon, 1 91
Tracts along County Line in Union and
Mm no, part in Mijjlin County.
60 James Reed, 2 28
40 John Patterson, 1 5*2
Also, the following real estate upon which
personal property cannot be found sufficient
to pay the taxes returned hv the several Cot
lectors, under the act approved the 20tb of
April, 1864:
Borough of Lewistoicn.
Property. Reputed Owner. Taxes
Halt' lot unseated, Kev. Rosenburg, due
for 'SB, 52
One storehouse, wharf an J lot. Juniata
street, Wattson A Jacob, due 'SB A' '6O 3 70
Half lot vacant, Philip Hall, due '59 and
*6l, 53
Half lot vacant, James Davis, due '6O. 55
; One lot. corner Wayne and Water, sts.,
M'Cahen's 1 40
Deny Township.
\ One lot, distillery, 11. A. Zollinger, due
j '6l, " 660
Wayne Township.
1500 acres unseated, B. R. Bradford, due
'62, _ 4 31
! 30® acres unseated, Win. Bell, due '62. 1 00
J 820 acres unseated, Samuel 11. Bell, due
| 02, 200
I 420 acres unseated. John Stonebreaker,
due '6l, 62, and '63. 3 38
Newton Hamilton.
One lot, Ales. Cummins, due '6O, 65
Oliver Township.
Q0 acres unseated, Jacob Kline, due '6l 85
J}ration Township.
i 320 acres unseated, Geo. Mitchell, seu.,
due 'SB, 2 92
54 acres, seated Juniata Iron Co., duo
from 'SB to '63, 10 38
1 200 acres unseated, John C. Leattor's
heirs, due '62, 1 C 5
Mc) cytown.
One tuvru lot, Jefferson Rohison, due '62, 2 45
Brown Township.
490 acres unseated. Raule A Hal!, due
'SB and '59, 26 86
i 75 acres unseated, Andrew McVar'&ne,
due '6O, 4 13
50 cents for advertising is to be added to
| the taxes on each tract.
S>aS3S 2js3ilK£2LAffiit
Snuff & Tobacco Manufacturer,
16 £ is CHAMBERS ST.,
(Formerly 42 Chatham street, New York,)
\\7 OU LI) call the attention of Dealers to
f T the articles of his manufacture, viz.
Macahoy, Demigros,
Fine Rappee, Pure Virginia,
Coarse Rappee, Nachitoches,
American Gentleman, Copenhagen.
j Scotch, Honey Dew Scotch.
Iligb Toast Scotch, Fresh do Scotch,
Irish llijh Toast, Fresh Scotch,
or Lundvfoot,
S&U Attention is called to the large reduc
i tion in prices of Fine Cut Chewing and Smo
king Tobaccos, which will be found of a 9U
; porior quality.
; l.ong, P. A. L. or plain. S. Jugo,
i No. 1, Cavendish or h • eet., Spaa Kb.
No. 2. Sweet Scented Oronoco, Canister.
Nus, 1 A 2 mixed. Tin Foil Caven jlsh, Turkish,
lira ulated.
N. B.—A circular of prices will be sent
on application. dee 23 ly.
A FINE Assortment of SPRING AND
,2jL SIMMER GOODS just opened at Ham
ilton's Store in East Market street. Stacks
of CALICOES at the lowest prices as usual.
Aiso, Delains, Ginghams, Alpacas, Balmor-
J als, with a great variety of
j Dress Trimmings, Hosiery, and lots of N'o
'■ tions. There are some complaints about high
| prices to be sure, but a liberal use of Greeu
Backs will soon dispel the difficulty and make
' the goods look cheaper and prettier. Also,
i on hand, and for sale a number of
i Piano style, of elegant workmanship and
fine tone. They afford a handsome Parlor
j Ornament, and are a desirable fa ily instru'
j uients.
I Also on hand a lot of the WARNER
Lcwistown, April 27, 1864-3t
For Rab Dice Reaches, Aou, ua ougs,
flstb* fn Fori, WoeltDi, At., Insects no
Plants, Fowls, Animals, At,
Put up in 25c. 50c. aim SI.OO Boxes, Bottle* and Flute.
, $3 and $5 sizes tor UOTKLS, PVBj.ic l.vsTlTVTioss, Ac.
"Only Infallible Remedies known."
" Free from Pol-ons."
" Not dangerous to the Human Family."
Rats come out of their holes to die."
i Hair Sold Wholesale in all large cities.
aSLSoId by all Druggists and Retailers
JUggf! !! BRWARE! ! '.of all worthless imitations
l?!A.See that "COBTARV name is on each Box,
Boftle and Flask, before you buy. .
ttaTAdd res HENRY R CJSTJkR.
B**2PRINCIPAL DKPOT, 482 Broadway. N. Y
HSuSold bv ail Wholesale and Retail Drug
i gists in Lewistown, Pa. fob 3 -&a,