Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, March 30, 1864, Image 4

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Paint for Buildings.
The matter of painting out buildings on
a farm was recently discussed at the uieet j
ing of tLe New York Farmers' Club. The
question was not whether they should be i
painted in order to preserve thetu—that
was fuken for granted—but what they
should he painted with Solon Robison
said he would give a receipt, which he had !
given many times before, in hopes that j
some might be induced to use this cheap, j
durable paint, which is a better preserver ;
(if wood than oil paint, and has this advau- (
tage : it can be best u<ed upon unplatted j
boards This is the formula: Take one
bushel of good whitewash lime, and slake j
it, and m x it into a fine, smooth white
wash. It will take at least forty gallons
of water Then add the following ingn- j
dients : 20 lbs of Spanish whitening; 17
lbs. of rock salt; 12 lbs of Sugar This
mixture should he well stirred, and if mix
ed a day or two before using it is better.
Indeed, it may be kept as long as desirable,
and when needed for use. after thoroughly
stirring, it is teady. It should be put ou
like any other whitewash, in a thin condi
tion, and rough boards will require three
coats to make a durable white color, which
will stand the weather three or four years
It is one of the very best applications for
shingles. Its color can be modified to a
drab, by Rosendale cement, or to a yellow
ish shade by yellow ochre, and reddish by
"V enetian red, or any other tint, by some
cheap color. Mr. Robison had use dashes,
and also blue clay, to get a brownish tint.
rrom Godey's Lady't Bock, for April.
Cream Pancake*. —Take the yokes ol
two eggs, mix them with haifa pint of
good cream, two ounces of sugar; rub your
pan with iurJ, and fry them as thin as pos
sibie, grate sugar over them, and serve
them up hot.
A Plain (Joke. —Flour, three quarters
of a pound; sugar, the same quantity; hut
ter, lour ounces; one egg. and two table
spoonsful of milk. 31 ix all together and
Hue. Blancmanjc. —Take oue pint of
new milk, add to it two eggs well beaten,
lour spoonsful of ground rice, two spoons
lul of brandy; grate a little nutmeg, sweet
en it to your taste, boil it; when near cold,
fiut it iuto your mould; when quite cold,
turn it out, mix a little sugar, crcaui and
nutmeg, and put round it in the dish; gar
nish with red currant jelly.
/ rcnc.h Puddiny. —Take one quart of
luilk, nine large tablespoonsful
and eight eggs. Heat the eggs very light,
adding gradually to them the flour and the
milk. Butter thoroughly a pan or some
teacups, pour in the mixture, and bake in
a tolerable quick oven.
■Milk L- monade. —Llissolve three quar
ters of a pound of loaf sugar in one pint
of builiug water, and mix with one gill cf
lemon juice, and one gill of sherry; then
add three gills of cold milk. Stir the
whole well together, and strain it.
lJie Cakes. —Half pound butter, half
Hour, three quarter* pound sugar, and two
heat Weil together, and drop upon
tins with a teaspoun. A few chopped
almonds is a great improvement.
. IVtce Soda Cake. —One pound flour,
quarter pound ground rice, half pound
currants,.. ha 11 pound butter, half pound
fiug'ir, quarter pound candied peel, aud a
teaspqonful Carbonate soda. Mix with
halt a pint of cold milk and two eggs
Bite two TiQurs.;
• •** .1 * *5 t £ ' *
..Improvement in Stvrehing —Take two
trances of white gum Arabic powder, put
it into a pitcher, and pour on it a pint or
- ihore of boiling; water '(.according to the
degree of strength required,) and then
• having covered it let it stand all night.
The next duy pour it carefully from'the
d-rees iota a.clean bottle, cork it and keep
•k lor use. A table spoonful of this .'um
water stirred itAOa pkit of startfh that has
been wade Ui the usual manner will give
.-•lawns (either white, black, or printed! a
lock of newness when nothing else can re
store them airer washing. It is also good.
H\ich diluted, for thin white muslin and
L_ h ? ve constantly made starch in the
manner A"d bav.a always suc
ceeded in uiuktng shirt collars, etc
(tin a glossy looking.
Lewis town Mills.
si Kiwi?#! tm,
.ior rddeived it oaetorage.'atthe option of those
..-baviug-it for the market. . .. ■■■
; .f'JThuy hope, by fiv-ing due and personal at
tafitioii to merit a liberal share of
-puhlia patronage.
•SST-jPLASS KH> S .AfcT-ht*]- Lrtneburuers
? .£,QAJL. alw^ypnhand
e:. : ; WM. B McATEE Jb iSQfo
v,,- Jhewuatqwo, Sept.. Ip, ldti3.rtf •
> ; f. r-r — : t . i ..•!:■•■ <> ~ ; .
aiSWAiD'S ■
:.wwmw JHfAUB
A treat savin? of Bows and Shoes.
rpmg 'arficle rir fight? cheap and durable,
J£ Win,wear about four times as long as
leather, f -made to ht-the shape of any hoot
or .iHHt; rtkefe •ji<jiiois* { >aek&hoi sßp,/ f eeP B
frQtnjrupuing over at tha sides and
vlnwS and can readily he pu fop.
A all'nnd try them. For sale by -
)i sw ••> IJ i&j:t MJtti bOM su "
Not Wiman's Steam Gun !
r|iIIE subscribers have erected a Plaster
Mill in connection with their Steam Mill,
and are prepared to furnish all who may call
on them, at any time, with fine, fresh ground
Plaster. They will purchase all kinds of
Grain offered, and pay the highest market
prices. Flour and Feed. Coal of all qualities
and sizes, Salt, Fish, Groceries Ac., constant
ly on hand and for sale to suit thp times.
Lewistown. Jan. 15. 18152.
The subscriber having now on
hand one of the best and largest
stocks between Philadelphia anu
Pittsburgh, in order to accom
modate business to the limes, offers lor sale
complete assortment of
Saddles, Harness, Bridles, Collars, Trunks,
Whips, Hames, Valises, Carpet Bags,
which are offered for sale low for cash, or ap
proved credit.
Among his stock will be found some high
ly finished sets of light Harness equal to any
Let all in want of good articles, made by
experienced workmeu, give him a call.
Lewistown, April 19, 1860.
Wm. B. Hoffman
V¥ T OULD respectfully inform the public
T ? that he has now on hand a very large
stock of Lumber, embracing:
Boards, Plank. Seanthng. Shingles, Shing
ling Lath, Plastering Lath, Garden
Pale, Fence Rails, Sash of
all sizes, Doors. Blinds
and Shutters and ready worked Flooring.
Mr. 11., being a practical carpenter, and
having selected his stock personally with
great care, Farmers, Builders, and others,
needing anything in his line, are assured that
they will find it to their advantage to give
him a call.
N. B. Mr. 11. is still agent for the sale of
the celebrated wooden water pipe manufac
tured by the Williamsptnrt Company. Or
ders for any size will be promptly attended
Lewistown, June 11, ISG2.
In the Odd Fellows' Hall.
A Very Choice "Assortment of Old Liquors.
IOIFER for sale all the liquors, late the
stock of John Kennedy, dee'd., embracing
prime French Brandy, Cherry Brandy, (Jin,
Wines, Jamaica Spirits, and Scotch Ale. 110
tel keepers are requested to call.
sicians can always obtain a pure
article for the nick.
Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Groceries,
Queeusware, Stoneware, Hardware, Cedar
ware, always on hand; Shoulders, Hams. Fish.
Ilarring. Shad, and Mackerel ; Dried Beef of
a most excellent quality; with Boots and Shoes
in great variety. All the goods will be sold
very low. N. KENNEDY.
Lewistown, January 15, 1861.
\ ND Knock down of prices, since the
.ZJL new arrival of Boots, Shoes and Gaiters
STORE. in West Market street, nearly oppo
site Maj. Eisenbise's Red Lion Hotel.
Call and examine for yourselves our large
and varied assortment of Ladies', Gentlemen's
and Children's wear, which we will sell cheap
er than the cheapest. Look at the price list;
Mens coarse Boots, from $1.40 to 3.00
Men's Calf " •' 2.50 to 3.25
" 41 90 to 1.87
Men's Brogana " 75 to 1.62
Women's Gaiters, high heels, 75 to 1.25
Misses' and Children's Shoes, 12 to 75
Trunks. Valises and Carpet Bags of various
sizes and patterns, constantly kept on hand.
Measures taken for hoots ami shoes, which
will be made at the shortest notice. Repair
ing done in the neatest manner.
aug27-y E. C. HA Mil TON.
J ust received. liili'y Johnson always
ahead.' So come on boy>•/ Prices
very little hiyher than last Fall!
. fdk S his stock is regularly made to order,
he can recommend it to be good, and
warrant it against rips the same .as homemade
work, and it being purchased before the last
fase in prices, gives hiui an opportunity of
selling cheaper than those now purchasing.
He also has a stock of cheap work on hand
which he don't recommend unless it be to
wear out fast.
MANUFACTURING of all kinds ntten
aed to as usual, and repairing on the shortest
notice, but bear in mind that his terms are
Strictly CASH. No gQods given out unless
paid for, and in all cases where work don't
suit and is returned in good order, the money
will be refunded so cuctomers will oblige him
very much by complying with the above reg
ulations. He is thankful to customers for the
-past, and hopes to haie a liberal share of
their patronage in lEfeTifture.
j*p fJ v: • , .wh. juiixson*.
mum fßtfißßfEnT
Country BiSfJm Cheese, Sour
P-iekks, l>rie*l Peaches, Praties, Ohetxit*,
Apples, Beans. Hominy,
Tomatua, Cranberries, Siigat, Coffee, Rice,
Black & Green Teas,
S P I O B IS ,
Oi fijjriipa, €£*• jMdAssesi/dl4..]lh\Ti
Th® above ghbds jar of utigiee quality, and
are offered at the lowest Cash Prices.
Is the Place to Buy your
as- tire-People Say ftp has the Gbod^'tb&f will
please all, and so Cheap that"they iayye some
pemhies left-to*buy Candies for the7r Tfoftdhen.
Come all, we will be pleased to see you. Call
od buy your friends a present. matlfi
r' ■ -I> '• • u-f_ •isce'd t:; . T t iIX
Cas now open
Cloths, Cassimeres
which will be made up to order in the neat
est and most fasbiouable stvles. apl9
The Gems ol the Season.
' s !'" humbug, but. practical truth
X 1 fie pictures taken by Mr. Burkholder
are unsurpassed for BOLDNESS TRUTH
ULKAnILI IY. Prices varying according
to size and quality of frames and Cases.
Room over the Express Office.
Lewistown, August 23, 1860.
XT Ob LD respectfulv inform the citizens,
v T of Mifiiin and Huntingdon counties,
that he will practice at the following times
and places:
The first week in each month at McVey
town; second at Belleviiie; third at McAlavey's
Fort, Huntingdon county.
He is prepared to execute work of all kinds
pertaining to his profession. Teeth inserted
on silver and gold plate or vulcanite base.
Extracting aod filling teeth done in the most
approved manner. jel7-ly.
To my Friends both Old & New,
I've something good to tell vou.
Were you aiming by my side,
Hut of things I've to sell you,
\ ou can read at your fire side.
If you'll only send and get
A book I have for you,
That will tell you all and yet
W ill keep you laughing too.
And since the book is printed,
To my stock I've added new.
Things even there not hinted,
So I'll mention one to you.
I've bought a Patent Fastning,
'Tis for puting up tin spout.
Neater, better and more lasting,
Than any you see about.
But I inu?t be brief you know
In a column here like this,
So now I'll say, but ho!
That COFFEE POT SIGN don't miss.
P. S.—A good Lard Can for every man,
And a Fat Press that is the best.
(tk J, jijJJj&Jil,
KEast Market street,
Has now open the largest assortment of
Of every style and variety.
Crown, Military, Slouch and Broadbrim,
ever opened in Lewistown.
a select assortment of
all of which, having been bought low, will
be sold cheap
BgLCall and examine for yourselves.
Lewistown, October 15, 1862.
In addition to an extensive stock of
and otber
•IL iL
establishment will, be :found a beautiful as
x ; - &£& 2 ittpptm Wt of
wliffihT "T"fTf STANDS,
Photograph Albums, $1 to $9,
... . AhSO, ■ • ' -I'M .v II ■
of all the prominent
iijjyii mmm.
anff Jriit6|r£fls of irticfifcCsultaFle for-Pree
ri. ervts during rive Ilolltdays. -
Keep op 'the good old custom'of firing
'presents, and -for Suitable ones, which are
sure to plegae.wife, sister, mother, daughter,
sweetheart, husband, son, or brother, call ©n
Lewistown, Dec.'9,lo&L
i Genuine Oriental Turkish, Im.
Turkish, Kose, Favorife, Un
ion, Kiss-me-quick, Seafar
latti, <SLC.
No. 1, 2 and 3 ITT £ DBT, very ltnr.
i and in fact everything that belongs to his
line of business, at very low figures.
Call and examine for yourselves, and save
money by buying at the Cigar aud Tobacco
Store of
novll Lewistown. Pa.
i __
• TT A\ ING a fine assortment of Shoes suit
| XT able for spring and summer, I would in
; vite my customers to cali and take a look at
j them, as they consist of Women's. Misses
! and Children's work, of all the various styles,
! such as Ladies', Misses and Children's
j Balmorals of very handsome styles; also
i Men's Balmoral Gaiters, Oxford Ties, and
Brogans. Boys and Youth's Balmorals of
different styles. As Shoes arc very high, I
j propose to sell at very small profit, for cash
! Home made work on hand, and will make
j all the various styles to order at shortest no
! tiee at the old staud in the j übiie square,
| third door west of Geo. Blyniyer's store.
ap22 1863 T. COX.
HAS just received and opened at his es
tablishment a uew supply of
Clocks, Watches, Jewelry,
Fancy Articles, &.c.,
which he will dispose of at reasonable priees.
lie invites all to give him a call and examine
bis stock, which embraces all articles in his
I line, and is sufficiently large to enable all to
| make selections who desire to purchase.
E®"REPAIRIXfi neatly aod expeditiously
attended to, and all work warranted.
Thankful for the patronage heretofore re
i ceived, he respectfully asks a continuance of
i the same, and will endeavor to please all who
i may favor him with their custom. feb2
mm u\ikvr,
And Pain Exterminator,
An Infallible Remedy for all Chronic and
Inflamatory Rheumatism Diptheria,
Sore Throat, Quinsy. Sprains,
Neuralgia. Pain in the Back
and Limbs, Cramps. &c.
MR Swyers. by repeated experiments,
has succeeded in compounding a Lini
ment which possesses all the magic powers
of a perfect Pain Exterminator. Its virtues
have been unmistakably tested, and every
application has given almost minediate re
lief; and the object in giving notice of the
above discovery is, not to enlarge the list of
worthless compounds already quite too large,
but simply to inform any who may be afflict
ed with any of the above named diseases
where they can be supplied with an infallible,
remedy. A long list of names of individuals
who have had access to the ablest physicians,
and Lave tested most of the patent remedies,
all to no advantage, hut who were almost im
mediately relieved by this powerful Liniment,
could be obtained. We, however, give but a
few, knowing that the Liniment will speak
for itself as soon as applied :
V. H. Suraners, James Mendenb.ll,
\V- i •John A. Brought, Sevmour Downs
W i\ Meitdenhall, Daniel Avers. John Kolins
Joshua Gorauch, William Mowry, Robert Nelson,
Jonathan Price. John Yonce, George Baseie
Me;*;L. Barely, Noah Smith, Henry Dasher'
Catharine Dasher, Lvdia Sager, Kimtra Dearmeut.
Additional References,
•Isaac Price. Frederick Steidle
George E. Parsons Mrs. Mary ltiden
Samuel 11. Fry S. B. Davis
0. L. Umherger Mrs. Martha Owens
James Riden
New Testimonials.
Lewistown. 27th Feb. ISG4.
| Joseph Swyers, Esq.—Sir : 1 take pleasure
in recommending your liniment. I have
been using it, and it has done me much good
| ID removing pain. Jos. MILUKBK.
Lewistown, March 5, 1864.
Mr Swyers—Dear Sir: Having been af
flicted with Neuralgia for a lengthy period,
and having used a great many remedies
without any relief, I thought I would try
i your liniment, which liniment, I am happv
! to say, sir, has caused a speedy relief, and I
!am now free from all affliction. I therefore
take great pleasure in placing it before the
public as a speedy relief for Neuralgia. * I
j am yours, <ic. with much respect,
Freedom Forge, March 3,1864.
Dear Sir: 1 have a son (George) who has
had the liver chills for six years and better,
and I have had five or six doctors with him,'
and they could do him no good. He has now
taken two or three bottles of Swyers' Essence
of Life, and is getting hearty and well. It
is the best medicine I have ever tried.
\ ours, truly, JOHN SMITH.
AH Invaluable Tonic Preparation, to rure
Bnpepeia, Liter Complaint, Low of
Appetite, Palpitation of the Heart
and General Debilily.
F-retdvyn, For.gt*, Miflin County, Pa.
•fk-Tbe sole agent for the sale of my
medical preparations, is HENRY ZERBE,
Lewietewn. mb23
r PRX Hoffman's Cheese, it is extra.
List of Causes for Trial at April Term, 't4.
bo. Mam. of Caus. Xo. Term. Year.
1. Dan. E Shaffer. for
use vs. John McDowell
et - a '- % Aug. 1862.
2. Ralph Bogle's Ex'rs.
vs. Wm. J.JMcCoy 59 Jan. 1868.
| 3. Same vs. same l0 " '•
I 4 Same vs. same 61 " "
I 5. Same vs. sauie 62 " "
6. Jos Alexander vs. Win.
B. McAtee & Walter B.
Me A tee 25 Apl.
7. Reuben C. Hale's
Exr's v* Dr. Joa. B.
Ard's Exr's 6 Jan. 1864.
| 8. Jdm R. Weekes vs.
John llays 4 Apl. "
N. C. WILCOX, l'roth'y.
Prothv's. Office, Lewistown, March 2, 1864.
Mount Zion Evangelical Lutheran Conyreya
turn of Derry township, Mijfiin county.
is hereby given that application
! it has been made to the Court of Common
j Pleas of Mifflin county for the incorporation
j -if *' '1 ho Mount Zion Evangelical Lutheran
| Congregation of Derry township, Mifflin
county, Pennsylvania," in Derrv township.
Mifflin county. Pennsylvania, and if no ob
jections are made thereto, decree of incor
poration thereof, under the objects, articles
and conditions therein set forth and contained,
will be made at the next of Common
Pleas of said county, to he held in Lewis
town, on Monday, the fourth day of April
neit. ' X. C WILSON.
mh9—3t Prothonotary.
'TMIE following applications for License
*- have been filed for presentation at April
Wm. Brothers, Tavern, X. Hamilton.
Win. M Jeffries, do do
Benj. A. Bradley, do MeYeytown.
•fas. J. llobison, do do
1 leorge Settle, do Bratton twp.
Lph. IV Auner. do Granville tp.
•Joseph Gruver, do Lewietowu.
•Joseph Wertz. do do
Daniel Eisenbise, do do
Jno. IV L. Bear, do do
Jacob Ritzman, do do
Moses A Sample, do do
Ellis R. Ilummell, do Decatur tp, I
Jno. • Mel >aughlin do Brown twp.
Wni. Stv inch art, do Armagh ti.
Dan. C. Keller, do do
Richard Ilrindlc, do I fiion twp. j
Nat. Kennedy, Liquor Store, Lewistown.
Adam Hamaker, do Lewistown. 1
S. K. Ehrman, do X. Hamilton.
X. C. WILSON, Clk. Sess.
Clerk's Office, Lewistown, March 16, 1864.
Notice to llrirs of Wm. Flcmins, deceased |
y¥rHKULAS, a Writ of Partition and Ya! ;
uatiun has been executed on the real •
estate <>f Wm. Fleming, kite of Brown town- '
Mifflin county, deceased, vou are new j
hereby notified to be and appear in an Or- i
phans Court, to be holden at Lewistown, in
and for the said county of Mifflin, on the 4th
day of April next. 1864, to accept or refuse
to take said real estate at the valuation fixed i
by the inquest of the Sheriff of said cuuntv,
>r show cause why the same should not be :
sold, D. M. COXTNER Sheriff
Sheriffs Office Lewistown, March. 2. 1864. j
IS hereby given to Maria Uuiings, Ellen
Ilulings. intermarried with Charles l)en- ;
nison. Maria Huhngs, intermarried with
Lloyd M illianis. Mary Ilulings, intermarried j
witfl Goodwin Williams, Thomas Ilulings, ;
and Elizabeth Ilulings, widow, and heirs at
.aw of David W. Ilulings, deceased, that a
writ of Sciera tacias has been issued by the
Court of Comm.m Pleas of Mifflin county, to
wit: Xo. 3 of April term, 1864. John G.
Miles, now sole acting Executor of Dr. Peter
Shoenherger, deceased, for use. Ac. vs. Thos.
M Ilulings, Administrator of David W. llu
lings, deceased, to substitute the said Thos.
M. Ilulings, a party defendant in, and to re
vive and continue the lien against tr.e lands
of said David W Ilulings, of judgment Xo. !
111, of January Term. 1859, and why execu- !
tion should not issue agaiust said lands in '
payment of said judgment, said writ being
returnable on the first Monday of April A
D. 1864 D. M COXTNER, Sheriff"
Sheriffs Office, Lewistown, March 16, 1864.
Notice to Collectors of Taxes.
HPHE Commissioner* have adopted the fol
- 1 - lowing regulations respecting Collectors
of Taxfs:
Ist. That the Treasurer be and is hereby
directed, on the Gth day of April. 1864. to
'•harge interest on all balances due by col
lectors of State and county taxes for 1860.
1861 and l. H o'J—in eacli case charging inter l
est from Wednesday of the April court fol
lowing the year of the issue of the duplicate
—and on the Ist of May next to add similar
interest to all outstanding taxes for 1863.
the treasurer is hereby directed,
on Wednesday of April court of each year
to add interest on all outstanding balances
on duplicates for the previous year.
3d. That the Treasurer furnish the com
missinners. at the times above designated,
with the several amounts due by collectors. '
4th. That no exonerations will hereafter
he granted to collectors after the January
court following the issue of the duplicate.
By order of the Commissioners.
Lewistown, Jan. 20. 1863. Clerk.
6 CENTS Iti:\YA It|>.
RAN awa? from the subscriber, in Oliver
township. Mifflin county, James Camp
bell, about 13 years of age, an indentured
apprentice to the farming business. This is
to caution all persons from harboring or
trusting said apprentice on my account, as
I will pay no debts of his contracting. The
above reward wiil be paid for the return of
stiid apprentice, but neither thanks nor char
Oliver township, March 16-3t*
stkav cow.
CAME to the premises of the subscriber,
in Decatur township, in December last,'
a red Cow, with white on the back, head
white, and stump tail, rather old from ap
pearance. The owner of said cow is request
ed to come forward, prove property, pay
charges, ami take her away, or she will be
disposed of according to law"
marl6-3t* REUBEN GOSS.
OF all patterns, constantly kept, and for
sale at very low figures, as usual, at the
Lawistown, August 6, 1862.
f|MIE Commissionersof Mifflin oounty here-
L by ghe nutice that they will soil. at p u b.
lie sale, at the Court House, in the Borough
of Lewistown, on
Tuesday, April 5, 1864.
at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, all the following
Lota of Ground and Tracts of Land, purehag.
1 ed at Treasurer's sale in 1868. and which
! have t>een held by said Commissioners for a
period of over five years, to wit:
Taxes and Costs
due thereon.
! A house and lot in the borough of
Lewistown. as the property of Rob*
err McXeal _ *i o C 3
A house and lot in the borough of
Lewistown, as the property of Da
vid Roach ~ -o
A house and lot in tho borough ot
Lewistown, as the property of Isaac
Haines 5
A house and lot in the borough of
Lewistown, as the property of Da
vid Criswell 22
A tract of land in Granville town-hip,
containing 100 acres, surveyed in
the name of Theo A C. Dixon, 12 99
One half acre (if ground in Derry tp.,
in the name of John F. Stull 3 $8
Three and one half acres of ground
in Derrv township, in the name of
Geo. P. Coopet 3 43
A lot in Derrv township in the name
ot John P. L'jwry 4 10
A lot in Derrv township in the name
of Andrew Ryan 4 52
A tract of land in Derrv tp., contain
ing 85 acres seated and 25 acres un
seated, ;ii the name of Christ Yodpr 26 77
A tract of land in Oliver tp., contain
ing 150 acres seated, surveyed to
James Robb ' 77 14
A tract of land in Armagh township
containing 100 acres, surveyed to
Jacob Kepperling " 10 19
A tract of land in Armagh township
containing 4U acres, surveyed to
Win. Lang 3 53
A tract of land in Wayne tp., contain
ing 42 acres, in the name of Isaac
Smith 10 69
Fifty cents addition on each lot or tract ia
due fot advertising.
The owner or owners of the above proper
ties are hereby notified that unless they are
redeemed on or before the 4th day of April
bv the payment of the taxes and costs due
therecn. they will he struck off" without res>
erve to the highest bidder.
The sale will commence with the first nam
ed property, and be continued in the order
Lewistown. March 2, 1864-ts
r pilE fullowing accounts have been exam-
X ined and passed by me, and remain filed
on record in this office for inspection of Heirs,
Legatees, Creditors, and all others in anj
way interested, and will be presented to the
Orphans' Court of the county of Mifflin, to
be held at the Court House in Lewistown. on
MONDAY, the 4th day of April. 1864. for
allowance and confirmation, nisi, and unless
exceptions are filed within foHr days thereaf
ter. will be confirmed absolutely:
No. 1. Guardianship account of Elishu
Rratton. Guardian of Phoebe Jenkins, daugh
ter of William Jenkins, decease. 5. and Mary
Elizabeth his wife—formerly Mary E. Brat
2. Guardianship account of Elias Aurand,
Guardian of Clarissa A. Miller (now Kline) A
Polly Sarah Miller, surviving children of Ja
cob Miller, late of Derry township, dec'd.
3. Guardianship account of Michael Ruble,
Guardian of Joseph Ruble, minor son of Ms
thias Kubie. late of Granville township, dec'd.
4. Guardianship account of Jonas Zook.
Guardian of Levi King, minor son of Yost
King, late of Mennt township, deceased.
5. Account of Andrew W, Campbell, Ex
ecutor of Sarah W. Wilson, late of Menuo
township, deceased.
6. Account of Peter Barefoofar.d Holmei
Maclay, Administrators of George Guthrie,
late of Armagh township, deceased
i. Final account of Christian Hoover, Ad
ministrator of Jacob Bear, late of Granville
township, deceased.
8 Fina| account of Hugh and J. McD.
Airken. Executors of John Aitken, late uf
Armagh township, deceased
9. Account of William Fields and J. L
Jcflries, Executors of Margaret Fields, isle
of Wayne township, deceased.
10. Account of Joel Zook. "Administrator
of J. hn.Klepper, late of Union twp.. dec'd.
11. Final account of \Vm. B Johnston,
Executor of W ilham Marks, late of Armagh
township, deceused.
12. Account of Christian Peachev, sen,
and Moses Peachey, Administrators of Jacob
1 eachey, late of Menno township, deceased
-13. Account of Thompson G. Bell, Admin
istrator of Samuel T. Davis, late of ferry
township deceased.
14. Final Guardianship account of Win.
Fleming, Guardian of Francina Sample, mi
nor daughter of James A. Sample, lat- of
Armagh township, deceased, as filed by Wm.
M. Fleming, his Administrator.
15. Final account wf Margaret B. Leattar,
Ex cutrix of John C. Leattor, late of Bratton
township, deceased.
16. Account of Robert A. Means, one nf
fhe Executors of W ru. McFarland, late of
Armagh township, deceased.
_ 1' - Account of John M. and James B-
Beatty, Executors of Wm. Beatty, late af
Armagh township, deceased
18. Account of George Weiler, Adininis'
trator of John Weiler, late of M enno town
ship, deceased.
19. Account of Daniel R Ferster. Admin
istrator of George Triester, late uf Granvii"
township, deceased.
20. Account of Andrew Reed. Adminis
trator of Abner Reed, late of Brown town
ship, deceased.
21. Guardianship account of Christian
Hoover, jr , Guardian of Albert Kearns, mi' •
nor son of lhomas G. Kearns, late of f® l -' 4 '
tur township, deceased.
SAM'L. W. BARR. Register.
Register's Office, Lewistown, March 9, '<*•
Estate of Jacob L. King, deceaeJ-
is hereby given that letters tests-
X v u entary on the estate of Jacob L. Kicfr
late of Merino townohip, Mifflin couDtv, dt*
ceased, hive been granted to the undersign'-
residing in said township. All persons &
debted to said estate are requested to
immediate pa ment, and those having cl lD,!
to present them duly authenticated for
inar9-6t Ejects