r H B G- AS2T T2 . LOCAL AFFAIRS. There will he no preaching in the Lutheran church next Sunday as was announced, owing to the tact that the Pastor is prevented from returning home on account of the indisposition of his child. BOUNTY MEETING. —A public meet ing was held in the Town Hall on Monday evening—Geo. W. Wile}*, esq., in the chair, and J. M Stauber Secre tary —to devise means to till the bor ough's quota under the new call, which, if the Logan Guards are allowed, it is believed would not require* more than about 12 men. A resolution was unan imously adopted requestiiigthe borough authorities to appropriate 8200 as a bounty to each recruit, and requesting the Chief Burgess to convene the Coun cil to consider the propriety of selling at public sale the stork owned by the borough in the Water Company and applying the same to the payment of bounties. Thqfbllowing were appoint ed recruiting committee: Geo. W. Elder, Geo. Blyniyer, J. A. Mathews, Lieut I). I). Mutthersbough, John Swan, who are now ready to receive recruits and pay a local bounty of 8200. The Burgess and Town Council, in obedience to the general wish of the ° people, last evening passed a resolution to sell the Borough's water stock at public sale, on Monday next. ITEMS — A fire broke out along the railroad last week which destroyed a considerable quantity of fencing on the Elliott farm, and was making rapid headway over the mountain when the rain and snow of Friday and Saturday checked it. Rev Kepler preached in the Presbyterian church on Sunday to many strange faces. The Lew istown Hotel has been discontinued as a tavern. It will in part be occupied by Mr. Galbraith. The new Coun cil met on Friday evening, and elected C. Hoover clerk. The other appoint ments will be made on Monday next. A deer we learn got into the river on Sunday, and being kept from land ing, swam down stream for some miles to the dam, where it was taken alive by Charley Miller and others. JteavThc following arc the returns of the spring elections, except X. Hamil ton, which has not 3-ct come to hand : WAYNE. Judge—Cvru Oriswell. Inspectors—John Postlefhwait, Geo. B. Wharton. Assessi.r—.llllll; Glasgow. Assistants —Win. Pecht, Urn. A. Postlethwait. School Directors—John Smith. John Clematis, Wm. B. I.ukens. Supervisors—Win. McKendree, Robert McFarland. Auditor—John R. Jenkins. Constable—James F. MeNear. OLIVER. Judge—William Ross. Inspectors—John Strunk. Joseph Elliott. Assessor—Jacob Stme. Assistants—John Strong. Albert Horning. Constable —John Kiei'haber. Supervisors—Jol.u MrCormiok. Jos. R. llanawalt. School Directors—l no. Rupert. Jos. ( 'linger. Auditor—Augustus Sune. Justices oi the Peace—W in. Wilson, Sam. Bratton. BROWN. Judge—Joltit D. Taylor. Inspectors—John Wilson. John M. Shadie. Assessor—Davis Henry. Assistant:—John Kyle, jr.. John Alexander. Supervisors- -John A. Gilliland. Joseph Kyle. Jr. School Directors—James S. Brisbin, James Kyle, Jacob Kohler. 1 year. Auditors—John Haves, Reynolds McDonald, 1 year. Constable—Thomas Dunn." ARMAGH. Justice of the Peace—John Hargor. Judge— Wm. A. M'Manigle. Inspector—i. W. CMsstnan, Sen.. Owen Coplin. Assessor—lra Thompson Assistants—W. T. Close. J. D. Nagenv. School Directors—F. M. Hoopes, Jno. M. Aitkens. Supervisors—John MeNitt, Hugh Aiikeu.-. Constable —Isaac Ward. Auditor—John Cox . Township Clerk—W. V. B. Coplin.' NEW ARMAGH. Judge—Jno. M. Bell. Inspectors—James R. Beatty, W. C. McClenahen. MEN NO. Justice of the Peace—D. G. Lantz. Judge—lsaac Witman. Inspectors—lacob Dochenbach, Andrew Beck. Assessor —Wm. T. Fleming. Assistants —Daniel King. Samuel M'K. Fleming. Inspectors—Andrew Cook, Daniel Hooiey. School Directors—Jacob Fociit, Wm. Stu'mpff. Auditor—Ephraim Hazlett. < unstable—M. Peachy. Township Clerk—Geo. W. King. McVEYTOWN. Judge—Wm. Mackhn. Inspectors—Win. J. McCoy, I. It. Louder. Assessor—J. A.Swartz. * Assistants — D. M. Dull, Wm. A. Moore. Jit-t ce of the Peace—George W.Mcßride. Chief Burgess—George W. Mcßrine town Council—D. M. Dull. Geo. Mackliu, George Mitchell, J. J. Ketnerley. J. W. Pinein. School Directors—J. A. Swarts. J. F. Rohrer. Constable—Daniel Decker. UNION. Judge—H. P. Taylor. Inspectors— I'tts, Miles Hafflv. School Directors—Joseph Campbell, Samuel KaufF- Rlan Supervisors—David Weiler, Samuel Kautiman. .Assessor—Jos. If. Morrison. A—•■•■tant:—David V.'eiler. John Hayes. Constable —Nathan ('nger. Auditor—N B.Alexander. BRATTON. Constable—Riebesou Bratton. Judge—Kauffinan. Jr. Supervisors— Aaron Moist, Jacob Miller. Inspector P. H. Miller. John II nrsh I larger. School Dire, tors—Samuel Heister, Daniel Voder. P. M. •Kinney. 1 venr. Assessor—Henry Harttler. Assistants—Win. Harslibarger, Jos. Yoder. Auditor—John Yoder. Township Clerk—Keuben Bratton. THE \\ EATHER. —Wednesday cloudy and cold in morning, clear remainder of day. Thursday clear and epld. Friday snow nearly all day. Saturday snow and rain until evet ing. Sunday clear and pleasant. Monday clear, not cold, evening cloudy and windy. Tues day cloudy, windy, a little eool. This morning it is again snowing, with every appearance of wintry wea ther. an Buskirks Fragrant Sozo dont for cleansing the teeth, hardening the gums, imparting a delightfully re freshing taste and feeling to the mouth, removing all tartar and scurf from the teeth, completely arresting the progress of decay, and whitening such parts as have already become black by decay, is now on sale at E. Swains Confectionery and Fancy Store, were a fine lot of new goods has just been received. 4 SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES /~\ opened on Monday February 29'h, in the Lewistown Academy, where all the com inon and higher English Branches will lie taught, together with Latin, French, Music, and Painting in Oil and Water Colors. Terms stated on application to the Prince pal. A. PROCEUS. Lewistown, March 2, 18G4. HE'TEVTCTTCT Normal School . A XL) AC ADB nVX 3T, RAT ILL open April 4th. 18G4. Theprin cipal mission of this school is to the more fully prepare teachers for their great i and responsible position. In order to this a Model School will be connected with the Normal. Besides the regular Academic course, instructins will be given in Instru mental Music and in German. For par ticulars, address Rev. S. J HAYES Principal, or AV. J. SIEBEIt. Assistant. McYeytovr , March 2d, 18G4.—5t NEW Tailoring Establishment, Wo Respectfully announces to his friends and th pub | lie generally that he has ta i ken the stand latelv occn- ; jt*wi pied by Mr. C'iglev, *>e. fC heimer's stupes, where he i haa opened a select assort j $ J 8 1 mPnt Casimeres, | • ! H J and Nestings, which he will •• ! s0 nllw. /make up to order in tlie best and most fashionable style, and in reas onabie terms. Give hiui a call. mh23 READY TO FLOAT! e:* | I EB( > II A XTSand' tliers receiving freight It-1 this Spring fr<.m Philadelphia, will : please take notice that the Freight Boat. Wm. Mayes of Lewi-town, will lie at Humphrey, llofF 1 man <£ Wright's. 30} North Wharves. Pi,iia delphia on or about the Ist of April, ready to receive freight for Lewistown. H isville Belleville. Milrov, &c.. which will lie deliver ed at Lewistewn at as low freight and quick cr than hy any other L°wistown boat this J spring, as she is now within two davsfcdr'tve of the cii v. 'I he delay on the Juniata division of the Pennsylvania canal will enable us to arrive at Lewistown at least twenty four hours ,if ter the Juniata canal is navigable, as the water is now or soon will be in the lower di visions. . j Please send in your orders. Forward to II II & W s. and the People's Friend, I L HOADI.EV. will have your dry goods, groce ! ries, &c cared for. W. S. MAY & J B STACK POLE. Lewistown, March 23, 18G4. WA3VTE3D ! AXE FORGERS Wanted, at Prices Annexed. Bitt Drawers 7 cents per Axe. Ilead lln mmerer? 7 do do The above is the price for Punched Poles. For making Axes from Plated Patterns, stock iitted, 17 cents per Axe. C. IHMMOM) sO\, 52H Commerce *t„ Philadelphia. niarlG-4t R. F. ELLIS, OF the late firm of McCoy and Ellis, has just returned from the city with a choice | assortment, of DRY GOODS & GROCERIES, S I selected with care and purchased for cash. which are offered to the public at a small ad | vance on cost. Spring & Summer Goods, suitable for ladies, gentlemen and children, with many new patterns. His comprise choice Sugars. Molasses, Coffee, Su perior Teas. Pure Spices. &<♦. Also, WEEMMB, lILASSW.isE, and all other articles usually found in Stores, all of which his old customers and the public in general are iuv ted to call and examine. Country Produce taken at full market j prices. R F. ELLIS. Lewistown, March 9, 1864. Estate of Jonas Raufluian, deceased. ; VOTICE is hereby given that letters festa ' it mentary on tlie estate of J.mas Kauff man. late <>f Perry township, Mifflin county, deceased, have been granted to the under j signed, residing in s.id township, All per sons indebted u said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having ; claims to present them duly authenticated for settlement. WM KAUFFMAN. mar 23* Executor. IJ i :wivrow\ acadf n v. ,4 N election f,r 15 Trustees of the Lewis 1 XjL, town Ac.-.demy Tor the ensiling year will he held at the Academy, tin MONDAY, Apl. 4, 1864, between the hours of 2 and G o'clock p. ni. Proposals invited for a lease of the Insti tution, to which is attached a good family residence. By order of E. BANKS, President. • 11. J. w ALTERS, Soerotury, mhlG J. W. STERRETT, W ITU M. MORRIS MAHPLE, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN Notions, Hosiery. Gloves, Mitts, lx.L!lE.li;C'j5 r S A' g> ;. 4 j SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, FANCY GOoDa, &C. So. 53 Verth Third Street, Below Arch, fcL24.ini* Philadelphia. JOEST ZSJDEE,, X. E. Cot iter of Walnut and Second Sheets, PHILADELPHIA, M aimfacturer, Importer. TOisaaiA h M'MJii DIALER 8\ GIN'S. PISTJLS, FISHING TICKLE, FINE ITT LEKY, AND F'ANI Y SPOUTING ARTICLBx, Agent for the "Dead Shot'' Powder. BWAvOraers from the country punctually attended to. *mar2-6m " George W. Carpenter. Henszey & Co ! s. ' IDl'lft AiiJJ BIIMJUi WAREHOUSE. No. 737 lliirket Slrcct, Philadelphia. r | MIE subscribers keep constantly on hand X ' large stuck of Drays. Medicines, C/iem teals, Pharmaceutical Preparations, and every other article which appertains to the business embracing the most extensive variety; also, PAINTS, OILS, & GLASS of every description. All articles purchased from us car. be re lied on as being of the most superior qualify, and at a> low prices as they can be had We can ofier such inducements as wili make it the interest of purchasers to lay in their sup plies from us, and give us their future pat ronage, and invite all who visit the city to call at our establishment. All orders addres se.l to us by mail or otherwise will meet with prompt attention. liio. W. Carffnter, Henszey Co. fel3—3m 101 Market sr., Philadelphia. PRINCE & CO'S. Weil-Known MELODEONS & HARMONIUMS. introducing the effect of pedal bass on every instrument ERNEST GABLER'S It a VCD and Bacon's and HaLet Davis & (o's Celebrated PIANOS, for cash, at a liberal deduction. ®*jVf*Over 30.0tK) sidd JAMES BELLAK. sole Agent, 279 and 28) South Eitih St., above Spruce, aplo, 'G3—ly Philadelphia. ESTABLISHED 1780. Snuff & Tobacco Maniif tctur r, * Hi A IS CUAMI.EUR> ST.. (Formerly 42 Chatham street, New York,) \VOULI) call tlie attention of Dealers to V T the artieles of his manufacture, viz. BROWN SNUFF. Macaboy, Demigros, Fine Rappee, Pure Virginia, Coarse Rappee, Xacbitoches, American Gentleman, Copenhagen. YELLOW SNcrr. Scotch, Honey Dow Scotch, High Toast Scotch, Fresh do Scotch, Irish lli.h Toast, Fresh Scotch, or Liindyfuot, g*r*y Attention i> called to the large reduc tion in prices of Fine Cut Chewing and Srno- | king Tohaccos, which will be found of a su- ! perior quality. TOBACCO. SMOKING. FIXE CI T CHEWING. SMOKING j l.on, .I'. A. L. or plain, S. .J.tgn. No. I, Civcio!i!i oi S ct-t, Spanish, No. 2. s-Ai-f! Sceiitcrt Oroitoco. OintacT, * j Nos, Ii 2 mixf.l, Tin Foil Cavuu .isb, Turkish, ! Ora ulated. N. B—A circular of prices will be sent ! on application. dec23-ly. For Rats, .tiice. Roaches, Ants, Bed Bugs, flolhs in furs. Uoolcns, &e., Inserts on Plants, Fouls, Animals, &e. Hut up In 25. . 5.K-. ami S-I.OD Boxes, Bottles arclj-'lssks. ' $3 .iad $5 siz# for HOTELS, I'cauc ISSTITCTICSS, AC. • "Only Irilalilole Remedies known." '* Free from I'oi oris." " Not dangerous io the Human Family." " Kats come out of their holes to die."" •©-Sold Wholesul c in all large cities. Sold by all Druggists and Retailers I everywhere, TEJYD ! 1 BEWARE ! !of all worthless imitations BMA-- S ee that "COSTARV name is on each Box, : Bottle and flask, before you buy Address HENRY R COST AA. ■MA,PRINCIPAL DEPOT. 482 Broadway, N. Y B*%..Sdd by all Wholesale and Retail Drug gists in Lewistown, Pa. feb3-Bin Notice to Owners of Unseated Lands. r PHE Commissioners request all owners of J_ Unseated Lands, whether regularly as. sensed or not, immediately to furnish them with the number of acres, name of warrantee, and whom adjoining, for the purpose of reg* j istering the same in this office, s i as to avoid j all dift'culty hereafter in advertising such lands at Treasurer's Sales. At present it is impossible to tell whether certain lands are j regularly assessed, as the transcripts do not give the names of warrantees, lr may not be amiss to state that owners of Unseated lands are required to make return as above, an 1 that on failure thereof the Com missioners are directed to add Lur times the amount of tax assessed thereon. GEO FRY SINGER. Clerk. Comomioners' Office, Lewibtown, Maith 16 t IBG4. Come in Out of the Draft! $1 : 000 BOUNTY! f IMIE only way ro keep out of the Draft, is j A to buy your Goods at SF I II E I M E R ' S CIfKAP IJ.tiSDW.VHS', "j\ij i Tfa'js Everybody is new going to Seil.eimer's f r their goods: they have discovered they can save time and money. mar 23 '6 + (oil mi,. oil,. 11EST quality of Coal Oil for sale by the quart, gallon and barrel at J. B. SELIIETMER'S, i ii ( mh IIST 4 LARGE assorttnent of Floor, Stair and i Carriage Oil Cloths, of all colors, best ! quality, and cheap, at the store of B. SELHEIMER. Cordage, Cttnla^t*, I) OPES, Tow Lines. Bed Cords. Clothes 4 Lines, Twines, and other cordage for * ale by J. B. SELHEIMER. SHOE i ni>l\GV \\ e Leather, Upper, Kip, and I. ' ' a '' 'Skins; .Moroccos. Linings. Bind i ings, Lasts of the fiest make. Boot Trees, : ; Crimping Boards, Clumps. Wax. Thread. Awls. Kniv. s. Pincers. Punches. Boot Web* | ; 'dug. Lacers. Color, and a variety of Tools '' i aud other articles, for sale at J. B. SELHEIMER'S. fifilackwifiii ihw. It luck *mi Hi*. i r I 11E Blacksmiths say Selheitner keeps the A best Iron and Steel in town. II e doesn't I only keep th< best, but lie keeps the largest ! assortment, and sells the cheapest Go to J. B. SELHEIMER'S. j *TOVI>. \ LARGE assortment of Cooking Parlor 1 TjL and i thor Stoves, always on hand, at j the lowest prices, at J. B SELHEIMER'S. I 14 i:n:\TiKv LLIIEI MER'S ts the place to buy the best j and cheapest Hand, Rip. Tennant, Com j pass and Cross Cut Saws; Planes. Bits, Ham j u'frs. Hatchets, Squares. Rules. Chisels, Au ' gurs. Augur Bitts, Drawing Knives, Spoke l shaves. Bevels, ami all other Tools in vour j line. The carpenters all buy at J. B. SELHEIMER'S. Oil*. I'aiui*, Jtc. HI IE LEAD, Red Lead, Zinc, Venitian j Red. and all other kinds of colors. Al- I so. Linseed Oil, Fish Oil, Coal Oil. Ac . for ! J. B. SELHEIMER'S. |TI\ \\ IKE, |I V WAIJIv. LARGE assortment of Tin Ware, at | A. -A. wholesale and tefail. constantly kept on ! : band ; ail out own manufacture, made out of i ' the best material. SPOUTIXG and all kinds | of Jobbing d one at short notice, by JOHX B SELHEIMER ?stßiS?***>* ratMiicrs /1 \\ Ttiof \ • t-g tin f line, such as , 1 P iml oti-.ei • Hoes, and aii
    t ' 51 large BRICK HOUSE, SbmaM : " >w Occupied by three families—on the same lot two small Frame Houses, front ir.g on Market street—known as the Apple baugh property. on the south side of Hale street, known as Hale's Row. No. 1, next the corner of Ilale and Main streets, 23J by 26 feet, the lot fronting on Hale street 87 feet, and on Main 614 feet. No 2 about 23 hy 26 feet, the lot extending back of house about 90 feet. NOR. 3 and 4 same size. No 5 same size, adjoin ing a 12 feet private alley. Also, a Lot adjoining said alley, 34 feet on Hale street, extending back 150 feet to an alley, on which is erected a large ICE HOUSE and Stable, now occupied by John Cubbison. Also, A PIECE OF LAND in Granville township, adjoining Snm'l Com fort. Henry Comfort, Hnd the heirs of Joseph B. Ard, deceased, containing 1 acre 121 per ches.-neat measure. Any person wishing to purchase may call on John R Weekes, on Hale street, for fur ther information JOHN R. WEEKES, Ayent for the Heirs of II C Hale, uee'd. ' LowistowD, March 23, ic64.—td. it 6 Farms for Sale! 2000 £owi: 0PIAND ' ASFOL One Tract of 403 Acres, in Armagh township, surveyed in the name ot Luke Tidd, adjoining lands of William Smith. One Tract of 30.5 Acres. in Armagh township sorvcv" ! in the name of ili in as Gregg, ndj itiiog lai-Js of Sl the berm bank of tee Pennsylvania Canal, thence by the same p. rt} four and a half degrees, east seventeen sr,.| ~(ie tenth perches to a post, thp place of beginning, containing one acre and one hundred and forty perches, strict measure Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Hope Furnace Company. 1). M OOXTXER. Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, Lewistown, March 16, 1864. NEW DRUG STORE Two Doors West of the Odd Fellows' Hall. PI RE and fresh drills always on hand. The most reliable preparntii n of CITRATE OF MAGNESIA, in the dry and liquid form, TRUSSES, SHOI'LBER BRACES, SPIWL A\U ABDOMINAL SIiMIKTERi. Goodvear's celebrated patent BREAST PUMPS. A general assortment of Notions, Perfumery, Soaps, &c,, ami in fact everything connected with Medi cine or Medical treatment. Physicians' and all other prescriptions carefully compounded and put op. All consultations strictly confidential, and free of charge. Any preparation or utedi cine not on hand will be immediately order ed. I hope that the experience of sixteen years almost constantly engaged in the active duties of the medical profession will be a sufficient guarantee that tio deception or humbugs will be practiced upon those who consult me professionally, or who desire to purchase mediciner. mar23'64-ly R. MARTIN, M. D. CHARTER L&£tS/a PERPETUAL. FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY or PHILADELPHIA, ASSETS on January 1, 1804, $2,457,849 95. CAPITAL. $400,060 A CCIIUED S URPL US, 971 000 INVESTED PREMIUMS, 1,086,288 Unsettled Claims, Income for 1864. .$8,416 $300,000. LOSS PAID SINCE 1829, $5,000,000 PERPETUAL AND TEMPORARY POLICIES ON LIBERAL TERMS. DIRECTORS: Charles X. Rancker, I>auc Lea. Tobias Wagner, Kit ward C. Dale, Samuel Grant, George Pales, Jacob K. Smith. Alfred Pi:ler. George W. Richards, Pras. u . Lewis, M. D CIIAS. X. ItAXC:KI:R, President, KIIWAKI) €. DALE, Vice Pres. Jas. M. McAllister. Sec. Pro. Tem. il. J. WALTERS. Agent, marl6eew . Lewistown. Lever Full Jeweled. Detached dit- I J to, t jimder Escapements, and all kinds. War prices, at PAT TON'S. II A RIIW A R E. TO BUY CHEAP FOR CASH! H"ifman's (he Store Jbr niack.imitkxf 11 •>}man's the Store tor Carpenters! I 'mflmans the St "re for Saddlers' it -f man .< the S -re / ,-r Shiyetnahrrs liftman 's the Store tor Cabinetmakers I II -[''man's the Store Jbr Cmichmakers / }{<>[} man's tht Start far fluihios lldfman's the Store f-.r llmiseketpcrs GO Td HOFFMAN'S FOR ALL A ill' WANT: II .U NT> out that Ilvffu'.an'i is the placo fur Groceries. 1?IXE dried Peaches and Apples, at HOFFMAN'S. I ¥ I OFF MAN'S is the place tu buy Mucker' XX- el, Herring and Cudiish. Coal Oil 1 E.aiiip*. t | X great variety, at X "cb Hi HOFFMAN'S. Oil. ( 1.0 I Ih, MAX Y pretty patterns, nf all kinds, at HOFFMAN'S. VLL kit.de, cheap, at HOFFMAN'S. TIMOTHY SSEB. r JA 11E best is at 1 HOFFMAN'S. IE A Tl*, 58.% T.*r SUGAR Cured Hams, and Dried Beef, at HOFFMAN'S. TOI{ W t O A SF4>i |IOi. I)ERSONS using Tobacco go to 11.'Oman's and try his extra Chewing To! aeco. Smoking, we have Turkish. Killtb'tnnick. Si tel. Garibaldi, Fine Cut, 4c. Segars and Pipes of all kinds, at HOFFMAN'S m m m mtura TO F. J. HOFFMAN'S FOR STOVES! STOVES! STOVES TXIST HJHI from one quart to throe gnl X lofts, Dish Pans, Wash Basins and (Jul lenders, made of solid material, without sol dering. Coffee Boilers, Tea Pots, Pie Plates, Pudding Pans, and everything usually found • in a first class tinware shop, and sold very low, at F. J. HOFFMAN'S. Bibles, Bibles. r IMIE Bible Society's Bibles and Testa l J[ merits. Also, Photograph Bibles arrang ed for card pictures, lfibies in three volumes, with Commentary, at *4 per set, a hook that should be in every family, at HOFFMAN'S. Fish. Fi*li, Fish, at HOFFMAN'S. (ORDUrF. OPES, Clothes Lines, Bed Cords, Rope V Halters, Hemp aud Cotton Twines, at HOFFMAN'S. IS It (I* II l>. O WEEPING, window, wall, dusting, hand, IO clothes, table, hair, tooth and nail Brush j es, W'bisps, Brooms, Ac., at HOFFMAN'S. TPSMM HIMI llraccN, A LL of the best kinds, for sale at lA. HOFFMAN'S. (;\i{rivn;i{\ i to Hoffman's, where you will find \ * Hand. Tenant, and Coin pass Saws, Hatchets, Hammers, Squares. Planes, Plane Bits. Push's, Cook's, and all the beat makes of Spur, Spoon and Centre Bits. Rules, Beve s, Girders, Augurs, Chisels, Files, Bench Screws, iron and wood; Hand Axes, Adzes, Sand & Emory Paper. All who waut to lit up a first rate set of tools, come to HOFFMAN'S ii*, CI ALL at Hoffman's for the best Valentine J Iron. Horse Shoes. Nail Rods, Round &. i Square Iron, and Scollop from I to 5 inches; j Bar Iron, all sizes and a very heavy stock of , Cast, Shear, Spring arid Blister Steel, Anvils, i Vices. Bellows, Files, Borax and every thing ; you want. SHOE MAKERS. YT7 E have for you Sole Leather, Calf Skins, vf Uppers, Moroccos. Linings, Bindings, Boot Trees, Lasts, Crimping Boards. Clamps, Awls, Thread, Wax, Knives, Boot Webbing, ; Pincers. Punches, Heel Nails. Laces. Color and all kinds of tools at HOFFMAN'S SADDLERY WARE. SVDBLE TREES. Pad Trees, Ilamee, Buckles, Rjogs, Ferrets, Swivels, Snaps. Stiuips, Thread, Silk, Awls, Wax. Hair. Call and see them at HUFFMAN'S. in: lis s, in: lis*. A SUPERIOR lot of fresh Drugs, always /A on band. Prescriptions attended to with great care. Physicians can rely oir having | their medicines carefully compounded. A!! the popular Patent Medicines on hand and for sale by F. J. HOFFMAN, i • IlluiK Books fc Stationery. 4 LARGE stock of Blank Books, 6uch as Ledgers, Daybooks, Memorandum arjd Time Books. Cap. Letter, Bill and Note Paper. Envelopes, Pens, Pencils. Penhold ers, Copybooks, Ink. and Ink, Stands, at HOFFMAN'S. Wall Paper and *liades. A LARGE stock of Wall Paper, ready for spring market, of every style and prices. Window Shades and Paper. Call before purchasing elsewhere aud see the best seiec* tijo and largcat the town, at HOFFMAN'S-