Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, March 16, 1864, Image 4

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Early Garden Work.
As soon this month as the frost is
out of the ground, ]x?as can be sown,
of the extra early and eari v frame va
rieties. Thev should be sown rather
shallow. They are a hardy plant, and
will stand some freezing, and are
sometimes seen poking their noses
through the snow qnite unharmed.
Cauliflowers should be now transplant
ed in the hotbed, and not a day should
be lost. Onions can be set whenever
the ground is fit. In warm borders,
parsnip, horned carrot, long scarlet
radish, celery, cabbage and spinach
seed can be sown about the middle of
the month. Rhubarb, to get a supply
at once, should he set out by separa
ting the roots. So with horse radish;
but a little of the crown of the root
should be attached to each piece.
These are perfectly hardy and can be
set out at once.
All the trash in the garden that was
not cleared oft* last autumn or winter,
und is unfit to convert into manure, in
cluding the raspberry, blackberry, rose,
shrubbery and grape primings, should
be gathered up in heaps and on calm
days burned. The rose bushes should
have all the old and dead wood remo
ved, and the rest considerably short
ened if overgrown. Shrubbery also
should be thinned out where spreading
too much at the bottom, and shorten
ed in, especially where space is valua
Those who desire the autumn crop,
only, of the Cutawissa Raspberry,
should remove all the vines close to
the ground. As soon as the new shoots
are two or three inches high, a good
mulching of stable-yard manure is ex
cellent. After they reach a foot or
eighteen inches, a mulching of grass,
straw, garden rakings, Ac., should be
applied once or twice dm ing the seas
on. Raspberries, blackberries, goose
berries. Ac., require a loose, rich, moist
soil, and this is the way to provide it.
New asparagus beds can be prepar
ed now whenever the ground is in or
der. For this purpose roots, one, two
and three years old are generally used.
Wo however prefer to plant the seed,
which should be covered about two in
ches, and planted from two to three
inches apart, in hills a foot apart each
way. Three seeds should be allowed
to a hill, and stuck in a triangular
form, thus Planting the seed in
stead of the roots, will produce better
plants and afford a supply of aspara
gus just as early.— Germantoicn Tele
Clear up the Front Yard.
A pleasant home should never have
an unpleasant approach. In the gen
eral clearing up in spring, do not for
get to put the frout yard 'to rights.'
\Ve do not advocate anything stiff, for
mal, or expensive. Straighten up and
repair the fence. Remove everj-thing
from the yard that does not belong
there. Have a good walk from the
gate to the front door, not one that is
sunken below the general level and al
ways flooded in rains; but let it be a
little raised so as to be passable in all
weathers. Have some flower borders
by all means, but if there is unfortu
nately neither time nor taste for these,
have grass and some trees and shrubs,
not set in stiff rows, but dotted here
and there. Then get a Virginia creep
er (American \\ oodbine) or wax work
vino from the woods, and run it over
the porch, if there is one, or if not,
run it upon the door. A climbing rose
may be easily obtained and will be ve
ry beautiful when in bloom. A small
amount of work and a little taste will
make even an humble house look at
tractive and homelike.— American A<j.
Internal Revenue. I
nPJIE attention of tax payers is hereby
JL called to the provisions of the United
States Excise Law relative to the assessment
of annual taxes.
By the sixth section of the act of July 1,
1862, it is made the duty of all persons, part
nerships, firms, associations, or corporations,
made liable to any annual duty, license, or
tax. on or before the first Monday of May in
each year, to make a list or return to the As
sistant Assessor of the District where located
of the amount of annual income, the articles !
or objects charged with a special tax, and the j
business or occupation liuble to pay any :
license. I
Every person who shall fail to make such
return by the day specified will be liable to I
be assessed by the Assessor according to the
best information which he can obtain; and in
such case the Assessor is required to add
fifty per centum to the amount of the items
of such list.
Every person who shall deliver to an As'
sessor any false or fraudulent list or state
ment, with intent to evade the valuation or
enumeration required by law, is subject to a
fine of five hundred dollars; and in such case
the list will be made out by the Assessor or
Assistant Assessor, and from the valuation
and enumeration so made there can be no
Payment of the annual taxes, except those
for licenses, will not be demanded until the
thirtieth day of June.
The appropriate blanks on which to make
return, and all necessary information, will
be furnished by Joseph Milliken and Robert
Sterrett, Assistant Assessors for the 15th and
16th Divisions, to whom the returns should be
delivered on or before the firat Monday of
May, at their offices.
U. S. Assessor 17 th District.
Hollidaysburg, March 3—St.
OF all kinds and styles from 75 cents to
flO. Call and tte, at PATTON'S/
lift of Causes for Trial at April Term, '6l.
No. Mam. of &att-r: No. Term. Tear.
1. Dan. E. Shaffrr, for
use vs. John McDowell
et. al. 96 Aug. 1862.
2. Ralph Bogle's Ex'ra.
vs. Win. J. McCoy 69 Jan. 1863.
3. Same vs. same 60 "
4. Same vs. same 61 "
5. Same vs. same 62 "
G. Jos Alexander vs. Wm.
B. McAtee & Walter B.
McAtee 25 A pi. "
7. Reuben C. Hale's
Esr's. vs Dr. Jos. B.
Ard's Exr's. 6 Jan. 1864.
8. John R. Weekes vs.
John Hays 4 A pi. "
N. C. WILSON*. Proth'y.
Prothy's. Office, Lewistown, Marcli 2, 1864.
Notice to Collectors of Taxes.
THE Commissioners have adopted the fol
lowing regulations respecting Collectors
of Taxes:
Ist. That the Treasurer be and is hereby
directed, on the 6th day of April. 1864. to
charge interest on all balances due by col
lectors of State and county taxes for iB6O,
1861 and 1862—in each case charging inter'
est from Weduesday of the April court fol
lowing the year of the issue of the duplicate
—and on the Ist of May next to add similar
interest to all outstanding taxes fo.r 186$.
2d. That the tieasurer is hereby directed,
on Wednesday of April court of each year
to add interest on all outstanding balances
on duplicates *>r the previous year.
3d. That the Treasurer furnish the com
missioners, at the times above designated,
with the several amounts due by collectors.
4th. That no exonerations will hereafter
be granted to collectors after the January
court following the issue of the duplicate.
By order of the Commissioners,
Lewistown, Jan. 20, 1863. Clerk.
ING a fine assortment of Shoes suit
able for spring ami summer, I would in
vite my customers to call and take a look at
them, as they consist of Women's, Misses
and Children's work, of all the various stvles.
such as Ladies', Misses and Children's
Balmorals of very handsome styles; also
Men's Balmoral Gaiters, Oxford Ties, and
Brogans. Boys and Youth's Balmorals of
different styles. As Shoes are very high. I
propose to sell at very small profit, for cash
Home made work on hand, and will make
all the various styles to order at shortest no
tice at the old stand in the f übtic square,
third door west of Geo. Blymyer's store.
ap22 1863 T. COX.
'ii W g AV .
BEGS leave to inform the citizens of Mif
flin and adjoining counties that he has
just opeued in his new store room in Market
street, Lewistown, a few doors east of the
diamond, a full stock of
comprising everything usually kept in a
Hardware Store, and which will he sold at a
lower profit than goods of this kind have ever
before been offered in Lewistown. The fol
lowing classification embraces the leading ar
ticles on sale :
A general assortment of Carpenters' and
Joiners' Tools; a large lot of Hinges, Screws,
Door Locks, Bolts, Axes and llatchet6, Door
Bells, Chalk, Twine, Tacks, Trowels, Gate
Hinges, etc. Butchers' Tools, consisting of
Patent Saws, Spring Balances, Cleavers,
Knives, Steels, etc., etc.
-- SjTft s
Scythes, Sickles, Rakes, Fv.riis, Shovels,
Hoes, Sandboards for Scythes. Trace and
Halter Chains, Currycombs, Cards, etc.
An excellent assortment of Fine Cutlery,
comprising Knives and Forks of varied styles,
Dessert, Tea and Table Spoons, Scissors, Ra
zors. etc. Also, Buck Saws, Cedar Spiggots,
Andirons, Shoe Brushes, Mouse Traps, coarse
and fine Sieves.
All sizes of Nails and Brads, very low bv
the keg; nail rod, bar, round and hoop Iron;
Steel ; Iron Wire, Carriage Springs, Wagon i
Boxes, etc., etc
ioy-A call is respectfully requested, as I 1
am confident that my goods and prices will j
not fail to please.
Lewistown, May 21, 1862.
Estate of Peter Rhodes, Sen., deceased.
is hereby given that letters of
1* administration on the estate of Peter
Rhodes, sen., late of Oliver township, Mif
fliD county, dec'd., have been granted to the
undersigned, the first named residing in Oli■
ver township, and the latter in Huntingdon
county. AH persons indebted to said estate
are requested to make immediate payment
and those having claims to present them duly
authenticated for settlement.
feb3* PETER RHODES, Hunt. Co.
Estate of Dr. Joseph Henderson, dec'd.
OLILE is hereby given that letters tec
1.1 tauieutary on the estate of Dr. Joseph
Henderson, late of Granville township, dec'd.,
have been granted to the undersigned, reeid'
ing in said township. All persons indebted
to said estate are requested to make immedi
ate payment, and those having claims to pre
eentthem duly authenticated for settlement to
or Geo. W. Elder, her Attorney,
at Lewistown.
Estateof Jacob L, King, deceased.
OTICE is hereby given that letters testa
-11 n entary on the estate of Jacob L. King,
lato of Menno townohip, Mifflin county, de
ceased, have been granted to the undersigned,
residing in said township. All persons in-
to said estate are requested to mike
immediate payment, and those having claims
to present them duly authenticated for set
mar9-6t* Executor
has now open
Cloths, Cassimeres
AND yy
which will be made up to order in the neat
est and most fashionable styles. apl9
\\7^ OULl> respectfulv inform the citizens
VT of MifHin and Huntingdon counties,
that he will practice at the following times
and places:
The first week in each month at MoVey
town; second at Belleville; third at MeAlavey's
Fort, Huntingdon county.
lie is prepared to execute work of all kinds
pertaining to his profession. Teeth inserted
on silver and gold plate or vulcanite base.
Extracting and filling teeth done in the most
approved manner. jel7-ly.
To my Friends both Old & New,
I've something good to tell you,
Were you hinting by my side,
But of things I've to sell you.
You can read at your fire side.
If you'll only send and get
A book I have for you,
That will tell you all and yet
Will keep you laughing too.
And since the book is printed,
To my stock I've added new.
Things even there not hinted,
So I'll mention one to you.
I've bought a Patent Fastning,
'Tis for putiug up tin spont.
Neater, better and more lasting,
Than any you see about.
But I must be brief yon know
In a column here Tike this,
So now I'll say, but ho!
That COFFEE POT SIGN don't miss.
P. S.—A good Lard Can for every man,
And a Fat Press that is the best.
ff§ "y East Market street,
Has now open the largest assortment of
Of every style and variety,
Crown, Military, Slouch and Broadbrim,
ever opened in Lewistown.
a select assortment of
all of which, having been bought low, will
be sold cheap
ResuCall and examine for yourselves.
Lewistown, October 15, 18G2.
In addition to an extensive stock of
and other
sk -mux*
establishment will be found a beautiful as
sortment of , .
mm* Maam
Photograph Albums, $1 to $9,
of all the prominent
and hundreds of articles suitable for Pres
ents during tbe Hollidays.
Keep up the good old custom of giving
presents, and for suitable ones, which are
sure to please wife, sister, mother, daughter,
sweetheart, husband, son, or brother, call on
11. W. JUN KIN.
Lewistown, Dec. 9, 1963.
AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— I The undersigned
Auditor, appointed by the Orphans'
Court to distribute the balance in the hands
of Joseph Brought, Executor of Mary J.
Robison late of the Borough ot Lewistown,
deceased, to and among those entitled t re
ceive the same, will attend to the doties of
the appointment, at the Register's office, in
Lewistown, on Friday, the 25th day of March,
next, at 10 o'clock a. m. Those interested
are requested to attend.
feb24 " v , ;*T Auditor.
BEST Note and Letter paper at
march 2. BRAIN'S.
The Gems of the Season.
THIS is no humbug, hut a practical truth
The pictures taken by Mr. Burkholder
are unsurpassed for BOLDNESS TRUTH
DURABILITY. Prices varying according
to size and quality of frames and Cases.
Room over the Express Office.
"Lewistown, August 23, 1860.
Not Wiman's Steam Gun !*
r |MIE subscribers have erected a Plaster
Mill in connection with their Steam Mill,
and are prepared to furnish all who may call
on them, at any time, with tine, fresh ground
Plaster. They will purchase all kinds of
Grain offered, and pay the highest market
prices. Flour and Feed, Coal of all qualities
and sizes. Salt, Fish, Groceries Ac., constant
ly on hand and for sale to suit the times.
Lewistown, Jan. 15, 1862.
—'l The subscriber having now on
hand one of the best and largest
stocks between Philadelphia and
Pittsburgh, in order to accom
modate business to the times, offers for sale
complete assortment of
Saddles, Harness, Bridles, f ollars, Trunks,
Whips, Hantes, Valises, (arpel Bags,
which are offered for sale low for cash, or ap
proved credit.
Among his stock will be found some high
ly finished sets of light Harness equal to any
Let all in want of good articles, made by
experienced workmen, give him a call.
Lewistown, April 19, 1860.
Wm. B. Hoffman
VI7 OULD respectfully inform the public
v ? that he has now on hand a very large
stock of Lumber, embracing:
Boards, Plank. Scantling, Shingles, Shing
ling Lath, Plastering Lath, Garden
Pale, Fence Rails. Sash of
all sizes, Doors. Blinds
and Shutters and ready worked Flooring.
Mr. 11., being a practical carpenter, and
having selected his stock personally with
great care. Farmers, Builders, and others,
needing anything in his line, are assured that
they will find it to their advantage to give
hint a call.
N. B. Mr. 11. is still agent for the sale of
the celebrated wooden water pipe manufac
tured by the Williamsport Company. Or
ders for any size will be promptly attended
Lewistown, Juno 11, 1862.
In the Odd Fellows' Hall.
A Very Cftoire Assortment of Old Liquors.
r OFFER for sale all the liquors, late the
stock of John Kennedy, dee'd., embracing
prime French Brandy, Cherry Brandy, Gin,
Wines, Jamaica Spirits, and Scotch Ale. Ho
tel keepers are requested to call.
8!?%= Physicians can always obtain a pure
article for the sick.
Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Groceries,
Queensware, Stoneware, Hardware, Cedar
ware, always on hand: Shoulders, Ilauis, Fish,
Herring, Shad, and Mackerel ; Dried Beef of
a most excellent quality; with Boots and Shoes
in great variety. All the goods will be sold
very low. N. KENNEDY.
Lewistown, January 15, 1861.
AND Knock down of prices, since the
new arrival of Boots, Shoos and Gaiters
STORE, in West Market street, nearly oppo
site Maj. Eisenbise's Red Lion Hotel.
Call and examine for yourselves our large
and varied assortment of Ladies', Gentlemen's
aud Children's wear, which we will sell cheap
er than the cheapest. Look at the price list:
Mens coarse Boots, from $ 1.40 $o 3.00
Men's Gaff " " 2.50 to 3.25
Boy's " " 90 to 1.87
Men's Brogans " 75 to 1.62
Women's Gaiters, high heels, 75 to 1.25
Misses' and Children's Shoes, 12 to 75
Trunks, Valises and Carpet Bags of various
sizes and patterns, constantly kept on band.
Measures taken for boots and shoes, which
will be made at the shortest notice. Repair
ing done in the neatest manner.
aug27-y E. C. II AMI! TON.
>ust received/ FiVy Johnson always
ahead '. So come on boys! Prices
very little hiyher than last Fall!
AS his stock is regularly made to order,
he can recommend it to be gond, and
warrant it against rips the same as homemade
work, and it being purchased before the last
rise in prices, gives him an opportunity of
selling cheaper than those now purchasing.
He also has a stock of cheap work on hand
which he don't recommend unless it be to
wear out fast. *
MANUFACTURING of all kinds atten
ded to as usual, and repairing on the shortest
notice, but bear in mind that his terms are
strictly CASH No goods given out unless
paid for, and in all cases where work don't
suit and is returned in good order, the money
will be refunded so customers will oblige him
very much by complying with the above reg
ulations. He is thankful to customers for the
past, and hopes to have a liberal share of
their patronage in the future.
Estate of George Ruble, deceased.
is" hereby given that letters of
it administration on the estate of George
Ruble, late of Milroy, Mifflin county, dec'd.,
have been granted to the undersigned, resid
ing also in Milroy. All persons indebted to
said estate are requested to make immediate
payment, and those having claims to present
them duly authebticated for settlement.
febl(/* Administrator, i.
AlßfliK liffißT,
And Pain Exterminator,
An Infallible Remedy for all Chronic and
Inflamatory Rheumatism, Diptheria,
Sore Throat, Quinsy. Sprains,
Neuralgia, Pain in the Back
and Limbs. Cramps, &c.
MR. Swyers. hv repeated experiments,
has succeeded in compounding a Lini
ment which possesses nM the magic powers
of a pert ert Pitin Exterminator. Its virtues
have been unmistakably tested, and every
application has given almost mroediate re
lief; and the object in giving notice of the
above discovery is, not to, enlarge the list of
worthless compounds already quite too large,
but simply to inform any who may be afflict
ed with any of the above named diseases
where they can be supplied with an infallible
remedy. A long list of names of individuals
who have had access to the ablest physicians,
and have tested ntot of the patent remedies,
all to no advantage, but who were almost im
mediately relieved by this powerful Liniment,
could be obtained. We, however, give hut a
few. knowing that the Liniment will speak
for itself as soon as applied :
Jacob Sager, V . 11. Stunners, Jaiues McnJetiha!],
Jonii .Smith, John A ftrouslit, Serniour liowns,
VI \ Meude nhall, Lbuuei Joliu Koliua,
Joshua William Mowry, Robert Nelson,
•'"WJiitbiiii Price, Jalri Voncc, Riv>eiy,
Melissa li. B.nelr, Noah SttUUi, lioury ftashrr,
UUUiU-liic buMier, Lydia Soger, Kluitra Doamient.
DEKKV TOWNSHIP, July 17. 1863.
Mr. Swyers : Sir: i have trn ii your lini
ment for a pain in my side, which 1 have
been subject to tor several years. Some time
laxt May I took a very severe attack in my
side and breast, and after using other medi'
cities without receiving any apparent benefit
from them, I thought I would try your lini
ment, and see what virtue there was in it I
got a bottle, and after using it but a few days
I found that I was much better, and at pres
ent consider myself perfectly cured.
Yours, truly, " Isaac Price.
PERRT Towvsntp. April 27. 1863.
Mr. Swyers: Sir: I have used your 1 ni
ment for some time, and have found a great
benefit by the use of it. 1 believe it to be a
great remedy for the rheumatism, and think
where there is no other disease it is sure.
Respectfully yours, Geo. E. Parsons.
FREEDOM FORCE, Mifflin co., June 6, 1863
This is to certify that I am diseased with
the asthma or the phthisic from child up,
and have tried many things to relieve me.
but found nothing to relieve me as much as
Mr. Swver's liniment. Samuel 11. Fry.
LEWISTOWN, June 13. 1863.
My Swyers: 1 have tried your liniment
for rheumatic pain in my hip and found re
lief by it, and I believe it to be a good pre
paration. O. L. Umberger.
LEWISTOWN. May 25, 1863.
Mr. Swyers: Dear Sir: I have used your
liniment for the quinsy, and found immediate
relief. Yours, truly, James Uideu.
Mr, Swyers: Sir: I believe your liniment
to be a perfect and hasty cure for rheuma
tism which I had, and by taking 15 drops
inwardly and rubbing my hack I was instant
ly relieved. Frederick Sieidlc.
LEWISTOWN, May 31, 1863.
Mr. Swyers: Dear Sir: I have used your
liniment for the diptheria and found relief in
twenty four hours. My daughter took it; I
applied the lioinient anil she was relieved.
Yours, truly, Mrs. Mary Kidcn.
LEWISTOWN, May 23, 1863.
Mr Swyers.: Sir: I believe your liniment
to be a perfect and hasty cure for cramp,
which I had, and by taking 15 drops I was
instantly relieved. S. B. Davis.
Mr. Swyers: I have tried your liniment
and found relief. I feel no more of therheu
mutism. Mrs. Mariha Owens.
An Invaluable Tonic Preparation, to cure
Dy*|e|iiii, Liter Complaint, Loss of
Appetite, Palpitation of the Heart
and General Debility.
Freedom Forges, County, Fa.
Freedom Forges, February 17, 1864-6 m
TO B A CO 0!
Genuine Oriental Turkish, Im.
Turkish, Kose, Favorite, Un
ion, Kiss-me-quick, Seafar
latti, &c.
So. I, 2 and 3 (XT I DRY, very low.
and in fact everything that belongs to his
line of business, at very low figures.
Call and examine for yourselves, and save
money by buying at the Cigar and Tobacco
Store of
novll Lewistown, Pa.
HAS just received and opened at his es
tablishment a new supply of
Clocks, Watches, Jewelry,
Fancy Articles, &c.,
which he will dispose of at reasonable prices.
He invites all to give him a call and examine
his stock, which embraces all articles in his
line, and is sufficiently large to enable all to
make selections who desire to purchase.
JBgr-REPAIRING neatly and expeditiously
attended to, and all work warranted.
Thankful for the patronage heretofore re
ceived, he respectfully asks a continuance of
the same, and will endeavor to please all who
may favor him with their custom. feb2
K BOXES new Bunch Raisins, at whole
t) \J sale prices. 50 boxes new Fip>. at
no*l9 A. FELIX'S.
' Commissioners of Mifflin county here*
i JL by give notice ihjit they will sell ut pub
lic sale, at the Court House, in the Borough
i of Lewistov n* on
Tuesday, April 5, 1864,
at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, all the following
Lots of Grouod and Tracts of Land, purcbas
' ed at Treasurer's sale in 1868, and which
have been held by said Commissioners For a
period of over five years, to wit:
Taxes and Costs
dne thereon.
, A house and lot in the borough of
Lewistown, as the property of Rob l
ert McNeal $lO 63
; A house and lot in the borough of
Lewistown, as the property of l>a
vid Roach 7 72
i A house and lot in the borough of
j Lewistown, as the property of Isaac
Haines 5 13
1 A house and lot in the borough of
Lewistown, as the property of Da
vid Criswell 22 47
! A tract of land in Granville township,
j containing 100 acres, surveyed iii
the oame of Theo & 0. Dixon, 12 99
One half acre of ground in Derry tp.,
i in the name of John F. Stull 388
Three aDd one half acres of ground
in Derry township, in the name of
Geo. P. Cooper 3 48
A lot in Derry township in the name
of John P. L'>wjy 4 10
A lot in Derry towuship iu the name
of Andrew Ryan 4 5'J
A tract of land in Derry tp., contain
ing 85 acres seated and 25 acres un
seated, in the name of Christ- Yoder 26 77
A tract of land in Oliver tp., contain
ing 151) acres seated, surveyed to
James Rubb " 77 44
A tract of land in Armagh township
Containing 100 acres, surveyed to
Jacob Kepperling 10 19
A tract of land in Armagh township
containing 40 acres, surveyed to
Wm. Lang " 3 53
A tract of land in Wayne tp., contain
ing 42 acres, in the name of Isaac
Smith 10 69
Fifty cents addition on each lot or tract is
due for advertising.
The owuer or owners of the above proper
ties are hereby notified that unless they are
redeemed on or before the 4th day of April
by the payment of the taxes and costs due
therecn, they will be struck off'without res
erve to the highest bidder.
The sale w ill commence with the first nam
ed property, and be continued in the order
Lewistown, March 2, 1864-ts
r following accounts have been exam-
X ined and passed by me, and remain filed
on record in this office for inspection of Heirs,
Legatees, Creditors, and all others in any
way interested, and will be presented to the
Orpbaus' Court of the county of Mifflin, to
be held at the Court House in Lewistown, ou
MONDAY, the 4th day of April. 1864. for
allowance and confirmation, nisi, and unless
exceptions are filed within four days thereaf
ter. will be confirmed absolutely:
No. 1. Guardianship account of Elisha
Bratton Guardian of Phoebe Jenkins, daugh
ter of William Jenkins, deceased, and Mary
Elizabeth his wife—f irmerly Mary E Brat
2. Guardianship account of Elias Aurand,
Guardian of Clarissa A Miller (now Kline) k
Polly Sarah Miller, surviving children of Ja
cob Miller, late of Derry township, dee'd.
3. Guardiansbip account of Michael Ruble,
Guardian of Joseph Ruble, minor son of Ma
thias Ruble, late of Granville township, dee'd.
4. Guardianship account of Jonas Zook.
Guardian of Levi King, minor son of Yost
King, late of Menm township, deceased.
5. Account of Andrew W, Campbell. Ex
ecutor of Sarah W r . Wilson, late of Meiino
township, deceased.
6. Account of Peter Barefoot and Holmes
Maclay, Administrators uf George Guthrie,
late of Armagh township, deceased.
7. Final account of Christian Hoover, Ad
ministrator of Jacob Bear, late of Granville
township, deceased.
8. Final account of Hugh and J. McD.
Aitken, Executors of John Aitken, late of
Armagh township, deceased
9. Account of William Fields and J. L.
Jeffries, Executors of Margaret Fieids, late
of Wayne township, deceased.
10. Account of Joel Zook, Administrator
of John Kiepper, late of Union twp., dee'd.
11. Final account of Wm. B. -Johnston,
Executor of William Marks, late of Armagh
township, deceased.
12. Account of Christian Peachev, sen ,
and Moses Peachey, Administrators of Jacob
Peachev, late of Menno township, deceased.
13. Account of Thompson G. Bell, Admin
istrator of Samuel T. Davis, late of Derry
township, deceased.
14. Final Guardianship account of Wm.
Fleming, Guardian of Francina Sample, mi
nor daughter of James A. Sample, lat* of
Armagh township, deceased, as filed by Wm.
M Fleming, his Administrator.
15. Final account of Margaret B. Leattor,
Ex'cutrix of John C. Leuttor, late of Bratton
township, deceased.
16. Account of Robert A. Means, one of
the .Executors of Wm. McFarJand, late of
Armagh township, deceased.
li. Account of John M. and James R.
Beatty, Executors of Wm Beatty, late of
Armagh township, deceased
18. Account of George WeiJer, Adininis 1
trator of John Weiler, late of Menno town
ship, deceased.
19. Account of Daniel R Ferster, Admin
istrator of George Triester, late of Granvills
township, deceased.
20. Account of Andrew Reed. Adminis
trator of Abner Reed, late of Brown town
ship, deceased.
21. Guardianship account of Christian
Hoover, jr , (\gardinn of Albert Kearns, mi*
nor son of Thomas G. Kearns, late of Deca
tur township, deceased.
SAM'L. W. BARR, Register.
Register's Office, Lewistown, March 9, 'M-
Estate Siu Sarah Jaae fflkDowell, dee'd*
is hereby given that letters tes
li tamentary on the estate of Miss Sarah i
Jane McDowell, late of Armagh to* 0 ' jj
ship, Mifflin county, deceased, have be?tj j
granted to the undersigned, residing in " J
township. All persona indebted to said es |
tate are reqoested to make immediate p*T '
ment, and those having claims topreseo'.
them duly authenticated for settlement.
fablO Exeoutri*- \