TH B OAZSII2. LOCAL AFFAIRS. ITEMS. —The Rev. Mr/Leitbead has taken charge of a church at Piqua, O. Rev. Mr. Fleck delivered an effec tive sermon on tattlers and mischief ma kers, on Sunday a week. All of those classes ought to have beon present. Rev. Mr. Officer, missionary agent, preached two excellent sermons in the Lutheran church on Sunday last. The Logan Guards' ball in the Town Hall on Friday evening was well at tended, and ample justice done to the supper provided by Major Eisenbise. The butchers are now retailing beef at 15 cents a pound—bones a liS tie less. With one hand short wo printed 11 jobs last week. Our edi tion is now 36 quires, or nearly 100 copies more than the paper claiming the largest circulation. As press work is no longer as hard as woodchopping, we are ready to supply any number of new subscribers at only $1.50 per an num for the best paper overprinted in the county—loyal too to the core—not a mere sheet of paper daubed with po. litical trash, apologies for rebels and traitors, or sewing machine advertise ments, but a family newspaper with reliable local and general news, and miscellaneous articles calculated to in struct old and young, and create a taste for solid reading. The Juniata papers have lately been in a stew- about the Judgeship, an effort having been made to place that county in Judge Woods district. The G rahamites op- pose it, and are publishing all kinds of nonsense in support of their favorite. We have no doubt Judge W. would produce a reform down there that would astonish the old fogies. Lan Buchanan walked into the ears last week at Tyrone, and Lieut. Mutthers bough happening to be in, both came back to Lewistown. Lan was bailed out and has left for the army, where he has one more chance for reforma tion. Bev. Mr. Williamson had a paralytic stroke at Reedsville on Fri day last, which it is feared will partial ly disable him. He had gone to assist in a communion service in the valley. —Lieut. Morris, who is among the j prisoners at Richmond, we learn re- eived a box sent from this place some time ago.——The members of the A. M. E. church hold a fair this evening for the benefit of their pastor, and in "vite all their friends to call. The elections for township and borough officers will come oft on Friday next. •Select good Union men on your tickets, and see that they are elected. Our readers will regret to learn that Col. Mm. Butler is seriously iIL The Little Folks had too much of a crowd at the Town Hall last evening either to see or be seen. FIRE.—An old house on the road to Strode's, about th-oe miles from town, owued by Mrs. Gochenour and occu pied by Henry Shilling and his brother, was totally consumed by fire on Wed nesday afternoon last, together with a portion of their furniture. It caught at the gable, probably from the chim ney, and was discovered by a little girl who gave the alarm, but it had gained too much headway to be extin guished. Siworwo. Mr. Kemerer, who has been teaching nearly 200 children to sing during the past few weeks, gave public concerts on Saturday and Mon day evenings at tho Town Hall to crowded audiences. He exhibits re markable skill in training the young, as was evidenced in the Storm at Sea and other difficult pieces which elicited rounds of applause. Our children gen erally have a giaaical taste, inculcated in Sunday and public schools, but still Mr. K s skill reflects much credit on himself and scholars. Weather -Wednesday clear and pleasant. Thursday cloudy with rain io latter part of day. Friday rani nearly all day. Saturday cloudy evening clear. Sunday wind and rain through the day. Monday doudy in morning, clear and pleasant rest of day. Tuesday snow blusters aH day .*^ Sorae of our boatmen who were wise enough to leave their boats below are preparing to leave. The canal here w. 1 hardly be navigable until late an April. -etSome folks who pm on 'spring t>rs last week, have been drawing f n . ir horn , and are now clad in Sibe 'ian drees. Well, change is the order n the day, so that weather and people tre pretty much alike. For the Gazette. Reverend Samuel Kepler. The Democrat of last week, in hot haste, contained the withdrawal of this reverend pro-slavery prelate from the Methodist Church, prefaced by some remarks calculated to convey a false impression of the facts in his case. It is a recognized point that when a com munication is made public, it becomes public property, and as such I propose I to draw attention to a few facts not alluded to either in the Democrat or by- Mr. Kepler. Passing over the alibi date of the letter, I state that charges had been preferred against him. a large amount of testimony taken, and a num ber of witnesses were in attendance at conference. A committee bad beon appointed to try Mr. Kepler, who re ported what may be called a compro mite, as follows: The Court of Trial in the case of Rev. Samuel Kepler, present the following as their decision of the same. The Rev. Samuel Kepler having pre sented a letter of withdrawal from the Methodist Episcopal Church, to four Rreth ren, all members of the Court of Trial, agreed said letter should go before the Conference for its acceptance, provided Brother Kirby would withdraw the charges he had preferred, to which Brother Kirby agreed, provided said letter of withdrawal should he presented and read without any, remarks. These conditions haviug been* complied with mutually and honorably, the Court concluded they had no further jurisdiction in the case. Signed by order and in behalf of the Court of Trial. March 3d, 1864 Attest, H. FURLONG, Chairman. J. A. DEMOYER, Secty. This proves that he was permitted to withdraw, and also that it was not a matter in his hands, as the Democrat would leave its readers to infer. The odor in which Mr. Kepler was held may bo seen from the following proceedings reported in the Conference Record, on a claim of some 8200 for furnishing a house for himself where there was already a furnished house : Rev. Buckingham moved that the claim of llev. Kepier be Dot allowed, inasmuch as a well furnished parsonage had been provided for him in which he refused to reside. Rcv. Kepler said in reply that he had rented a house and furnished it, and the claim made did not meet the amount to which he would be entitled. No collection had been taken for this purpose; the amount had been handed to him by his friends. The statement in regard to I-is having other soarces of income was not true. Rev. Buckinham said the parsonage was comfortable, and there was plenty therefor a man who would be loyal to his church and to his country. Rev. Kepler said he was as true to his country and to his flag as any other man, aod any other testimony was a slander on hts character. He was in the habit of praying. Sabbath after Sabbath, for the President of the United States, and his Cabinet, for the oitizen aoldiery of the land ; " d God 8 blessing to rest on the Sol i diers in the army, that if they fall on the ' battle field they might go to the Better i Land. | Rev. Kepler was called to order by a member. 3 Rev. Kepler said charges could be pre ferred against him, but when he arose to explain he was called to order. He was a Constitutional Lnion man, and auv other (marge was false. Rev Stine asked Rev. Kepler if he had not said to him that President Lincoln was not as good a man as Jeff Davis. R ev Kepler replied that he could not be allowed an opportunity to explain, and the ques tion being called for, the Resolution of B ,V okin gham was sustained and the claim disallowed. There is little in bis withdrawal wor thy of note except the following proof that he is not a Methodist- * hav ® ln t conclusion to say, in al] Christian frankness, and in all good con science before God, that as, after an exam 1 nation of a long series of years, with an honest desire to know and obey God's most holy word my views and convictions re specting the relation of master and servant as contained in the Bible, are utterly, and [must Bay irreconcilably opposed to'those which now govern the great body of the >l. K Church, and which doctrines I can- Z EtS** beiD * * >- Comment o n this ifl unnecessary fur ther than th is, that as Bible Slavery among the Jews was WHITE SLAVFRV we put it on record that here is a min ister of that Gospel which teaches us to do unto others as we wish to be done by, who either justifies white sla very or utters an apology for that pe culiar institution in the South which is now meeting an appalling retribution for its Anti-Christian traffic in human flesh, its pol.gamy, its Algerine laws, and cruelty almost equal to that of the monster of Dah< mo. On this question there is no middle ground; slavery must be taken as it is, not as certain men say it ought to be, and its advo cates, either directly or indirectly, are for or against it as it is and has been in the south. That men holding ,such opinions are tolerated at the north is .evidence strong as holy writ that men Iu 6 a f e * ree an( * Reserve to be so. On [ the other hand, any Christian man who would utter in the south half as rouoh for b reedom as Jefferson embo died la the original Declaration of In deperidefcee wou jer, tfMELINE * M "* Hoyf s Hiawatha Ilair Reitoratire, Hoyt's Hiawatha Hair Restorative. ln^r^ d u rJ re^7.K ha 'h AKTI, their origins! color It Uoi nStL^V 1 " 1 T h " l,fr ' whL'e7mlv b b "drmi'i" °th' ; "" l t'"" t>rerut | t frotn unhig ou' u .o C M'ln r J r -ni, bat waL taiulnif sulphur susar of Jp..rt r,. ? Preparations coti hir staad of the dull, uniform bUckof dyii. ' Mpl><,&ri " ,c r "" Heyt'i Imperial Coloring Cream. .n^ eryWliC '" No. 10 X^ork. THE MARKETS. Liwistowm, March 16. 1864. CORRECTED BY UKORGK BLVJtVKR Butter t gDod, lb. o n # dosen, o 0 Lard. 19 Wool, washed, " unwashed, CORRECTED BT MARXS * WILLIS. Wheat, white $ bushel, 000 to 150 _ red, prime 4 n Com. old, { Rv6 oSi 1 15 ?Shy. 0 80 "I™ Flaxseed, £ oo gried Apples. 25 pounds, ! ai- iS6£ W,,hß " e flr and feed F."r o lo °' 3 M Superfine. do \ Family, do 3 50 Mill Feed, per hundred. . 50 Chopped Oats and Corn per 100 an Chopped R,e per 100, P i Philadelphia Market. JiT r ~l U P"!" e * 6 35 > eSO hOO pcr bM ye fl ° Ur 6 25 " ° OPD io? rai D~ I i ed wheat 165c > whl "te 170a 195 c. Bye 128a130c. Corn 117. Oats rZr Y?u g T,, GloVer9eed 17 758 00 fwhyli 330 P I Beef Cattle, 9al4c; Cows, S2O to 50 per head; Sheep, 7*a9c per lb gross. I Hogs, $lO to 12 50 the 100 ibs net. j PUBLIC SALE. VV' LL ** , 6 °' J •' public sale, at the rei- Bhip r O6 the BubßC " ber in Herry town Thursday, March 17, 1864, . the following personal property, to wit- Six Work Horses, one 2 and nne 3 year old Colts. 3 Cows lot of : wbed*Wa R gon: 1 br ° ad Wa *° D ' Darr ° W reapeb, lon ft 1 !"* M^ hioe and Horse Power. Wag , on Bed nearly new, two sets Wagon Lad ' ! Mill. Plows. cthi i f valors, Sled, Cutting Box 4 sets of H„u I Gears, several sen. Pb.Jr-f j ? rße 1 of | r i nß u,c M iss I bale to commence at 10 o'clock am nre ' oisely, when term, will be mad. known. I MATTHEW FORSYTH orry tcwoship, February 24-3t* ! SALE ' Thursday, March 17, 1864, the following personal property, to wi't- OISTE HORSE £ J Willi FOAL, 2 Colts 2 Pigs, Cow, Wagon, Wagon Bed and Ladders. Buggy and Harness, Plows Harrows Cultivators, Doubletrees and Sin' gletrees, Ac .Ac Also. HOUSEHOLD h KITCHEN FURNITURE, such as Beds. Bedding. Carpets, Tables Chairs, Bureau, and var.ous other articles' hushT er ° U8 t0 meDtiun - P ' ,tatueß b * < b Sale to commence at 10 o'clock a m of said day. when terms will be made kno Wn SAMUEL C. SMITH. Brown township. March 9, 1864-2t PUBLIC SALE. \V l [ L be e " ld , at public sale, at the reei * e of tl,e undersigned, near Mil roy, on Friday, March 25, 1864, the following personal property, to wit • , 55 HOHBES, Volt. Cows. Sl,oats, breediog Sows, Hay bake. Y-ung Cattle. Y THRESHING MACHINE. 4 horse broad wheel Wagon, i horse Wagon Plows, Harrows. Cultivators, and a variety f other Farming Utensils Al*,, GRAIN IN THE GHOUND Sale to commence at 10 o'clock a. pre oiseiy, when terms will be made known JOSEPH HAW\ wil7T M r F f RM - advertised, will be "ff,-red at public sale on the above day if net sold previously at private sale Armagh township, Mareh 9-ts. Valuable Farm FOR SALE. r i'HE undersigned offers at private sale the valuable farm on which he now resides situate in Armagh towuship, .Mifflin county' near MHroy, adjoining lauds of John Mc Dowell anu others, containing 140 ACRES more or less, nearly all under cultivation wito a GOOD DWELLING HOUSE, BANK BARN, and all necessary outbuildings, a fine running water at the door, and a good spring with a stone springbouse convenient, ror further information inquire of feb24-3t JOSEPH HAWK. PUBLIC SALE. VIRILE be e,p„„ed to public o]e at the TV residence of the subscriber, in Lewis town, on Monday, Maroh 28, 1864, the following personal property. u> wit: ONE COW, cooking Stove, nine plate Stove, coal St-.ves iables. Chairs, Carpets, Beds and Bedding, p^ Va f ,,star " Js . Looking Glasses! Vindow Blinds Settee, and a variety of Household and Kitchen Furniture, too num erous to mention. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock a. m ore cisely. when terms will be made known' . CATHARINE BE A RLE Y. Lewistown. March 9-ts pPWffiSii® SStL&Sga WILL he (.ffered at public aula, at the late residence of James Sterrett, de ceased, in Armagh township. Mifflin co. f on Tuesday. March 29th, 1864. the following personal property, viz: • Two Horses. Colt, 8 Hogs, Grain in the Ground, Corn in the ear, a lot of Wheat, a lot of Oats, Plows, Harrows, Cultivators. Corn Plow, Grain Cra dle, Forks. Hay Ladders, BOUSE POWER, Buggy Harness, a lot of Hides, and a variety of other articles, too numerous to mention bale to commence at 10 o'clock, a m when terms will be made known, ™ . o MARY STERRETT, Adm'x. March 9, 1864-td. A SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES opened on Monday, Februarv 29tb, in j me Lewistown Academy, where ail the com ! mon and higher English Branches will be taught, together witb Latin. French. Music and Painting in Oil and Water Colors. Terms stated on application to the Princi pai . . „ , A. PROCEUS. Lewistown, March 2, 1864. j TXW 'TT/.8.E & STOVES OF all patterns, constantly kept, and for * sale at very low figures, as usual, at the famous BIG COFFEE POT SIGN ; Lewistown, August 6, 1862. GOOD COW WANTED. FOIt a good Milch Cow, warranted aa rep, resented, we will give ours and a fair Prioe in money. Apply at the Gazette office jy R. P. ELLIS, the late firm of McCoy and Ellis has iter 46 ™ "-""J' w '*b a choice DRY GOODS & GROCERIES, selected with care and purchased for cash which are offered to the public at a small ad' vance on cost. Spring & Summer Goods, suitable for ladies, gentlemen and children, with man? new patterns. His Csßociikien comprise choice Sugars. Molasses, Coffee, Su penor Teas, Pure Spices. Ac. Also, QUEENS WARE, SLASSWiSE, and all other articles usually found in Stores, an of which his old customers and the public m general are in v. ted to call aud examine. Country Produce taken at full market prices. r . R F. ELLIS. Lewistown, March 9, 1864. Avoid the Draft. BY ENLISTING IN TIIE FIRST Pi 81l m ill! I . Or any other Pennsylvania Kegimeut or Battery now in Service. S4OO Bounty— s73 in Advance, will be paid to all men who re-enlist. pro * idea they huv. served nine months and have been honorably discharged. S3OO Bounty—s73 in Advance, Will be paid to men wh . enlist for the first time. Payment will be made as follows:—At the Principal Depot after being mustered into ■•rtfi'v* 5 ' e ' eranfi . $60,00 ; new recruits fOU.UO ; also, one month's pav i n advance, Sid.oo—total to each. $73.00 " The remainder of the bounty will be paid n six equal instalments. Persons enlisting at the present time can have themselves credited to any Ward. Township or County in the Mate, and will thereby receive a Local Bounty °t from one hundred and thirty to two ,u w d -"ir i ?.;TTE tt s 1 N ,e of - \| HP ' r | ] a i P " C lvairv - Recruiting Officer, March. 9. 1*64 3t Lewistown Hotel. M'YSTTT cvrir Normal School AND AC ADE M Y. W ,LL ," Den April 4th - Theprin m. r'l. m,ss, " n of th 'B scbool is to the more fully prepare teachers fur their great and responsilde pu.iuon, l 0 order to this a Model ScW will be connected with the Normal. Besides the regular Academic r/Ti ' l J strUL ' 'ill be given in Instru mental Music and in German. For par ticulars, address . ivev. S J HAYES, Principal, or VT v M . J. SIEBER. Assistant. Met eytow.o, March 2d, 1864.—5t. EISTrAIiD'S ffl PATH MBMIIC SOLES & HEELS 1 Great Saving of Boots and Shoes. T !il n art,cle '? cheap and durable, l~\, . wear about fpur times- as long as leather, is made to St the shape of any boot or shoe, makes BO noise, cannot slip, keeps r " n,>u ?S ever at the sides and down at the heel, and can readily be put on. -all and try them. For sale by mar 2 BILLY JOHNSON. Lewistown Mills. THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES p,jR WHEAT. AND ALL KINDS (IF GRAIN, or received it on storage, at the option of those having it lor the market. They hope, by giving due and personal at tem.on to business, to merit a liberal share of public patronage. La.Utowu, * SO - 333333313 v&vsm FOE SALE. I ' undersigned, executor of Joel De -ii V V ' tP ° { , { ? ranviilp township, deo'd. ill offer at public sale, (unless previously disposed of as noted below) at the Cuur't House in the Borough of Lewistown, on Saturday, March 19, 1864, the following Real Estate, to wit: No. 1. A LOT OF GROUND, situate in Granville township, within an Bth h nnZf °HV .?°. rou K h ~f Lewistown, bounded and described as follows: Fronting on the old turnpike road leading from Lewis town to Huntingdon, on the west by lands cf Hon. Jmes lurner, on the east by land of George Allen and north by a private road, leading from Lewistown to the reservoir, con taming one and a half acre and thirty one perches, with a large Frame I*welling House. Stable, and jQUIIM "ther improvements, and an or flBHHft-hard of choice fruit on the ! same in good bearing order, formerly known j as the Lafayette Garden. It is a desirable j situation for a private residence. No. 2. &L& iI(KB2S of land situate in Granville township, about a mile_ south of the Borough of LewistowD, adjoining lands of James Burns and others, with about 40 acres cleared and under culti vation—the balance being well timbered N.t with a Frame Dwelling House there ■ ■ Ron erected. Mill!. For con(ii ' ionß and Other particu M H liars apply to C. HOOVER f 3 Bxecutor of Joel Devault, dec'd., at Lewistown. Hoffman's Cheese, it is extra. \ I J. W. STERRETT, WITH M. MORRIS MARPLE, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN Notions, Hosiery, Gloves, Mitts r SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, FANCY GOODS, At, 54 *erih Third Street, Below Arch, J feb24.ini* Philadelphia. JCEIT ZRIDER, " A. E. Corner oj Walnut and Second Streets, PHILADELPHIA, Manufacturer, Importer, mmmi & mm UK.ILKtt l\ GUNS. PJSToIiS. PlsniVfi TACKLE. FINE CCT LEKI, AND FANCY SPORTING ARTICLES, Agent for the "Dead Shot'' Powder. •©-Orders from the country punctually attended to. mar2-G m ' • George W. Carpenter. Henszey & Go's. i IDMB m ! WAREHOUSE. No. 717 Markrt Slrret, Philadelphia. ; f T , HE subscribers kesp cnns'anfly i n hand : J a large stock of Drugs. Medicines. CI, em , Leah. Pharmaceutical Preparations. ,w,(l every | other article which appertains to the business ; embracing the most extensive variety; also PAINTS, OILS, & GLASS of every description. All articles purchased f r o n , „s cat. ho re lied on as being of the moat superior qualify, and at as low prices as they can be had We can offer such inducements as will make it the interest of purchasers to lav in their sup pites front us. and give us their future pat ronage, and invite all who visit the eitv to call at our establishment. Ali orders addres se Pokerß . Shossli \y and Mwa at f. ,j. flOl'f