THE A Beaut'ful K oeriment. —If an aeorn bo suspended by a piece of thread to "within half an inch of some water eon- j tained in a hyacinth glass, and so per mitted to remain without being distur bed. it will in a few months, hurst, and throw a root down into the water, and i shoot upward its tapering stem, with ' beautiful little green leaves. A young oak tree, growing in this way on a mantle-shelf of a room, is a very in teresting object. 7o Print and Weeds. —Be- j tween a folded sheet of paper, well cov ered with printer's ink, a leaf or sea- ; weed is placed, and the folded paper and its contents are then placed in one I of the little wooden presses, between j soft leathers, and rolled with a wooden ' roller. All the ribs, veins and promin ences of the leaf are thus inked over. ; Now, if the inked leaf ho placed upon | paper, and rolled in the same manner. I it yields of course an impression of it- • sell', and gives an imprint of its finest parts. To Perfume Clothes —Cloves in a coarse powder, one ounce; cassia, one ounce; lavender flowers, one ounce; lemon-peed, one ounce. Mix and put them into little bags, and place them where the clothes arc kept, or wrap the clothes around them. They will keep oft' insects. Cranberry Tart. —Wash the berries in a pan of water, rejecting the bad ones; simmer them till they become soft and burst open ; strain through a line wire sieve, removing all the hulls; add sugar to the taste; bake on a thick under-crust in a moderate oven. MOMMRBMtHObS From the Sumlay School Times. John Adams and the Sabbath. The elder John Adams, while Presi dent of the United States, as he was returning from the country to his fam ily in Boston, was interrupted by a New" England snow storm, which effec tually blocked up his way. Ho was then at Andover, twenty miles from Boston, where his family, as lie had learned were waiting his arrival. Sabbath morning the roads became for the first time passable. On the ques tion of going to Boston that day, it was the opinion of the clergyman of the place that the circumstances of his detention, and the sickness of his fam ily, would justify his traveling on the Sabbath. ILis reply was, that the jus tifiable occasion in this case would not prevent the had influence ot his exam ple on those who might see him trav eling on the Sabbath, without know ing the cause. He therefore decided to wait till Monday. Have we chief magistrates now who are as scrupu lously careful to shun the appearance of evil ? The Profane Pilot. All the day I was the witness of his skill and power, as he guided our little steamer, in a low stage of the river, through the countless intricacies of the navigation. I was a deeply pain ed witness, too, of his dreadful profan ity. Frightful oaths, in startling fre quency, broke from his lips. Yet he was kind, good-natured, frank, and open-hearted, and I could not but feel a lively interest in him. I could not but press him, as we parted, to look well after his eternal welfare, put in such jeopardy by his wicked life. He fetch ed my exhortation to an abrupt close by the reply: 'Stranger! a man that pilots a stern-wheel steamer on this river, in such a stage of water, ought to go to heaven anyhow I' Are there not many who have as absurd self-righteous schemes of reach ing heaven as this profane pilot on the fat her ot Waters'— Congregationalist. TO STRICK JOSH IS not the question, but where is WM. D. Mclntyre's VARIETY STORE ? Iwo doors west ot Sample's Hotel, where is constantly kept on hand a new, clean and fresh assortment of fine and common NUTS, FRUITS, Temperance Drinks, CAK.ES, STATIONERY &c- NOTIONS—such as Needles. Pins, Thim bles, Combs. Soaps, Extracts. Hair Oils, Fish ing Tackle, Segars, Tobacco, Matches, Spices, fcc., &c. WM. D. McINTYRE. Proprietor. J. M. STAUBEU, Salesman, Lewistown, May 20, 1863. TIN VTA-RE & STOVES Of all patterns, constantly kept, and for sale at very low figures, as usual, at the famous BIG COFFEE POT SIGN. Lewistown, August 6, 1862. DRUGS. SPECIAL attention given to the purchase and sale of Drugs. The amount eold is a sufficient guarantee that the medicines are pure and prices moderate. mh2s F. J. nOFFMAN. SUPERIOR TEAS. YOUNG HYSON, Imperial and Black at jyl F. J. HOFFMAN'S. INTEIST WANTED FOR THE INVALID CORPS. CwNLY thos*e faithful soldiers who. from r wounds or the hardships of war, are no longer fit for active field duty will he receiv ed in this Corps of Honor. Enlistments will be for three years unless sooner discharged. Pay and allowance same as for officers and men uf the United States infantry ; except that no premium or bounties for enlistment will be allowed. This will not invalidate any pensions or bounties which may be due for previous services. For the -convenience of service, the men will be selected for three grades of duty. Those who ate most efficient and able bodied, and capable of performing guard duty, etc. will be armed with muskets, and assigned to to companies of the First Battallion. Those of the next degree of efficiency, including those who have lost a hand or an arm ; and the least effective, including those who have lost a foot or leg. to the companies of the Second or Third Battallioiis ; they will be armed with swords. The duties will be chiefly to act as provost guards and garrisons for cities ; guards for hospitals and other public buildings; and as clerks, orderlies, fce. If found necessary they may be assigned to forts. &c. Ac'ing Assistant Provost Marshals Gener al are authorized to appoint Officers of the Regular Service, or of the Invalid Corps, to administer the oath of enlistment to those men who have completely fulfilled the pre scribed conditions of admission to the Invalid Corps, viz : 1. That the applicant is unfit for service in the field 2. That he is fit for the duties, or some of them, indicated above. 3. That, if not now in the service, he was honorably discharged. 4. That he is meritorious and deserving For enlistment or further information ap ply to the Board of Enrollment for the dis trict in which the applicant is a resident. By order of JAMES B. FRY, Provost Mar shal Gcueral, J. I>. CAMPBELL, Captain and Provost Marshal. Huntingdon, January 0, 1864. THE RURAL AMERICAN, The Best Paper for Farmers and Fruit Grow crs—Fight Dollars Premium for on ly Twenty Subscribers ! I want 10,000 club agents to circulate the Rural American, Utica, N. Y. Volume VIII commences January Ist, 1864, paper free to club subscr hers in December! This is decidedly the best and cheapest farmer's and fruit grower's paper in existence, at only $1 a year, and every subscriber receives two of the best GRAPE VINES known to exi-t, 6ent free of all expense, or one dollar's worth of Russell's Great Prolific Strawberry Plants, the largest and most productive in the world, many of which are actually as large as HENS' EGGS ! fiafEvery person who remits $1 will receive the paper free to January next, and through 1864 for his money i Sample cop ies sent free to all applicants, with full de tails. Positively 1 offer the best terms to Postmasters and other club agents of any other publisher in this country. Eight dol lars in premiums for every club of twenty subscribers! I have an immense supply of the choicest grape vines, ail of which are to be TREE to my subscribers ! Send for specimen copies immediately, and address T. B. MINER, Clinton, novlS Oneida Co., New York. NATHANIEL KENNEDY'S STons, In the Odd Fellows' Hall. A Very Choice Assortment of Old Liquors. I OFFER for sale all the liquors, late the 6toek of John Kennedy, dee'd., embracing prime French Brardy, Cherry Brauuy, Gin, Wines, Jamaica Spirits, and Scotch Aie. Ho tel keepers are requested to cail. 6*sL,Physieians can always obtain a pure article for the sick. ALSO, Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Groceries, QueeDsware, Stoneware, Hardware, Cedar ware, always on hand; Shoulders. Hams. Fish, Ilorring, Shad, and Mackerel; Dried Beef of a most excellent quality; with Boots and Shoes in great variety. All the goods will be sold very low. " N. KENNEDY. Lewistown, January 15, 1861. , 4 S the action of the Relief Board does not XJL seem to be fully comprehended, frequent applications for relief being made in person or by letter to the undersigned, he deems it proper to state that payments will be tem> porarily renewed to those formerly on the list on presentation of certificate signed by not less than three known taxpayers, stating that the applicant has not received suffi cient from her husband or other support, to enable her, together with her own industry, to make a living for herself and family, and giving reasons for such inability. This is intended for the benefit of all really in need, and for no others. Ihe following form for applications for re lief on the part of families of drafted men, is published for public iaformation: The undersigned respectfully represents that her [here insert husband, son, or broth er, as the case may be] who was her support, has been drafted, and is now in the service of the U. States as a soldier; —that she has child , aged years ; that neither he nor she owns real property nor personal estate sufficient for her maintenance ; —that she is ——— years of age and in health. Signature of applicant. Sworn and subscribed before me I this day of 1863. I J. P.] I At the head of the application the name of the soldier, the company and regiment he is in. and when and where enlisted, must be stated, or a certificate accompany it that he has been mustered iuto the service.] , Ih® undersigned, residents of the district in which the above applicant resides, hereby certify that they believe the facts set forth a jove are true, and that she is justly entitled to the benefits of the relief fund. (To be signed by at least two known tax payers.) On the reception of the above, the full ben efit of the relief fund of this county will be awarded for 12 weeks, and should the draft ed m-in not receive his pay regularly, it can be renewed under the reduced rates. lhe above form can be filled up by almost any person, and will render unnecessary per sonal applications to the undersigned. GEO. FRVSINGER, t Secretary to Relief Board. Lewistown, January 13, 1864. Great Exhibition AT A. FELIX'S Grocery and Variety Store. nAYING just returned from the city with the largest stock and most WONDERFUL CURIOSITIES AND PANSY ITCSICNS that were ever kept in Lewistown for 'JIDUMI BMiB, I would invite the community at large to call and see this great exhibition of fancy and useful articles. I also invite customers to call and exam iue my stock of of which I keep a general assortment, con stantly on hand, fresh for family use, which will be offered at the lowest cash prices. All kinds of Spices, Dried Fruit, Fine Black and Green Teas, Coffee, Confectioneries, plain and fancy styles, large stock of S/Pv&iJß for the Holidays, and a larg° variety of goods too numerous to specify in this adver tisement arc kept at my Variety Store. novlS " A. FELIX. IT THE DIHIDAIS!! In addition to an extensive stock of GOLD & SILVER WATCHES, MEDALLIONS, BREAST PINS, RINGS, and otiier AT ik w* mm** establishment will be found a beautiful as sortment of WILLOW WORK STANDS, mm* umn> Photograph Albums, $1 to $9, ALSO, of all the prominent mm MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, and hundreds of articles suitable for Pres ents during the Hollidays. Keep up the good old custom of giving presents, and for suitable ones, which are sure to please wife, sister, mother, daughter, sweetheart, husband, son, or brother, call on 11. W. JI'NKIN. Lewistown, Dec. 9, 1963. lamm&x sosb IF 1 .ZL. 3FL J&/jl IEE 2 JFL £3 AND £ $2) 3 3233? 323* JGIIIJ B. Sni^IISIIVIEIi i)EGS leave to inform the citizens of Mif ) tiin and adjoining counties that he has just opened in his new store room in Market street, Lewistown, a few doors east of the diamond, a full stock of HARDWARE, comprising everything usually kept in a Hardware Store, and which will be sold at a lower profit than goods of this kind have ever before been offered in Lewistown. The fol lowing classification embraces the leading ar ticles on sale: IFs]£ 8 A general assortment of Carpenters' and Joiners' Tools: a large lot of llinges. Screws, Door Locks, Bolts, Axes and Hatchets, Door Bells, Chalk, Twine, Tacks, Trowels, Gate Hinges, etc. Butchers' Tools, consisting of Patent Saws, Spring Balances, Cleavers, Knives, Steels, etc., etc. Scythes, Sickles, Bakes, Forks, Shovels, Hoes, Sandboards for Scythes. Trace und Halter Chains, Currycombs, Cards, etc. FOR HOUSEKEEPERS A\l> OTHERS: An excellent assortment of Fine Cutlery, comprising Knives and Forks of varied styles, Dessert, Tea and Table Spoons, Scissors, Ra zors. etc. Also, Buck Saws, Cedar Spiggots, Andirons, Shoe Brushes, Mouse Traps, coarse and fiuo Sieves. IRON, NAILS, &c. All sizes of Xails and Brads, very low by the keg; nail rod, bar, round and hoop Iron; Steei ; Iron Wire, Carriage Springs, Wagon Boxes, etc., etc call is respectfully requested, as I am confident that my goods and prices will not fail to please. JOIIX B. SELIIEIMER. Lewistown, May 21, 1862. T DBA C C 0! Genuine Oriental Turkish, Im. Turkish, Hose, Favorite, Un ion, Kiss-me-quick, ISeafar latti, &c. So. 1, i and 3 CUT & DRY, vtrv low. ALSO, PIPES, TOBACCO-POXES, CIGARS, and in fact everything that belongs to his line of business, at very low figures. Call and examine for yourselves, and save money by buying at the Cigar and Tobacco Store of £. FRYSIXGER, novll Lewistown, Pa. Ov, i■. i w Ou-Li ; i TOAiaMB mi* selected for family use, at J. C. BLISTER & CO'S. ATTENTION, BLACKSMITHS' Allegheny Smith Coal, AC J. C. BLYMYER & Co's. AND BRAID STAMPING Done on the most fashionable patterns by MRS. MARION W. SHAW. Lewistown, Sept. 23, 1863- uh J, AiDHiJiLi, East Market street, LEU ISTOU \) Has now open the largest assortment of MEN'S, BOYS', CHILDREN'S, d INFANTS' Of every style and variety. Crown, Military, Slouch and Broadbrim, ever opened in Lewistowa. ALSO, a select assortment of FURS, all of which, having been bought low, will be sold cheap HOZR. CASH. and examine for yourselves. Lewistown, October 15, 18(32. PALL 111 111 11! liOOl AT ELYICYES,'S Mammoth Store. Glen Echo Mills CARPETS, a superior article, GIL CLOTHS, Ladies and Children's P/.ITCTJ J'-JP.S, at very low prices, S 11 A WLS, in great variety, DRESS GOODS, an immense assortment in FRENCH, ENGLISH AND comprising Merinoes, Reps, Va'ours, De Laiues Ladies' and Gentlemen's HOSIERY AND GLOVES, in large variety. Ladies Cloaks, Ready-Made Clothing, a large stock, CLOTHS, C ASSIMERES, M'JMU wmiu^ and a general assortment of Men's Wear for Wintej. Best make HOOP SKIRTS, in large variety. Lewistown, November 11, 1563. Large Stock of Furniture on Hand. A FELIX is still manufacturing all kinds jljL of Furniture. Young married persons and others that wish to purchase Furniture will find a good assortment on hand, which will ha sold cheap for cash, or country pro duce: aken in exchange for same. Give me a call o I \ alley street, near Black Bear Ho tel. " feb 21 Sausage cutters and stuffer* at F. J. HOFFMAN'S. WILLIAM UMD, has now open A NEW STOCK OF Cloths, Cassimeres AND VESTSNas, which will be made up to order iu the neat est and must fashionable styles. apll) Excise Stamps For Sale at the LEWISTOWN POST OFFICE. AGREEMENT, BANK CHECK. NOTES AND DRAFTS, BOND. CONTRACT. CON VE VANCE, LEASE. MORTGAGE. POWER of ATTORNEY, PROBATE OF WILLS. PROTEST. ORIGINAL PROCESS. Any other deseripiion of Stamps wanted will he furnished at short notice in any quan tity desired. jaii2S J. A. ROHRER, DENTIST, respectfulv inform the citizens t V of Mifflin and Huntingdon counties, that he will practice at the following times and places: The first week in each month at McVey town; second at Belleville; third at McAlavey's Fort. Huntingdon county. He is prepared to execute work of all kinds pertaining to his profession. Teeth inserted on silver and gold plate or vulcanite base. Extracting and filling teeth done in the most approved manner. jel7-ly. A. iT. SKTJLLj West Market St, Nearly fljpositc the Red Lion Hotel, OFFERS his services to the public in re pairing Guns, Rifles, &c , making Pat terns of all kinds to order, and Jobbing gen erally in his line of business. He is an ex perienced workman, and will not fail in giv ing satisfaction to ail who may favor him with work. £?3L.Guds kept on hand for Hire. oct2B ly AMBROTYPES AND The Gems of the Season. CIMIIS is no humbug, but a practical truth J The pictures taken by Mr. Burkholder are unsurpassed for BOLDNESS TRUTH FULNESS. BEAUTY OF FINISH, and DURABILITY. Prices varying according to size and quality of frames and Cases. Room over the Express Office. Lewistown, August 23, 1860. ROBERT W. rATTON, SOI Til SIDE OF .11 ARRET STREET, LEWISTOW N, PA. HAS just received and opened at his es tablishment a new supply of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, mvimyixjiwmi Fancy Articles, &c., which he will dispose of at reasonable prices. He invites all to give him a call and examine his stock, which embraces ail articles in his line, and is sufficiently large to enable all to ' make selections who desire to purchase. fIgrRLPAIKIXi • neatly and expeditiously ' attended to, and all work warranted. lhankful for the patronage heretofore re ! ceive# he respectfully a>ks a continuance of : the same, and will endeavor to please all who l may favor him with their custom. feb2 To my Friends both Old & New. I've something good to tell you, Mere you siuting by my side, But of things I've to sell you, lou can read at your fire side. If you'll only send and get A book I have for vou, 1 hat will tell you ail and yet Will keep you laughing too. And since the book is printed, lo my stock I've added new, filings even there not hinted, So I 1! mention one to you. I've bought a Patent Fastning, 'Tis for puting up tin spout, Neater, better and more lasting, Than any you see about. But I must be brief you know In a column here like this, So now I'll say, but ho! 'lhat COFFEE POT SIGN don't miss. P. S.—A good Lard Can for every man, And a Fat Press that is the best. oct2l J. IRWIN WALLIS. NEW GOODS TOM COX'S. HA \ IN< I a fine assortment of Shoes suit able for spring and summer, I would in vite my customers to call and take a look at them, as they consist of Women's, Misses and Children's work, of all the various styies, such as Ladies', Misses and Children's Balmorals of very handsome styles; also Men's Balmoral Gaiters, Oxford Ties, and Brogans. Boys and Youth's Balmorals of different styles. As Shoes are very high, I propose to sell at very small profit, for cash. Home made work on hand, and will make all the various styles to order at shortest no tice at tne old stand in the j üblic scjuare, third door west of Geo. Blymyer's store. ap22 1863 * T. COX. AMERICAN WATCHES, English Lever Full Jeweled, Detached dit to, Cylinder Escapements, and all kiode. War prices, at PATTON'S. X) F. ELLIS, of tlio late tirm of McCoy \ • & Ellis, has just returned from the city with a choice assortment of Dry Goods and Groceries selected with care and purchased fur cash, which are offered to the public at a small ad vance on cost. The stock, of Dry Goods em braces all descriptions of GOODS, suitable for Ladies. Gentlemen arid Children, with many new patterns. His (Hrocflits comprise Choice Sugars, Molasses. Java, Rio and Laguyra Coffee, superior Teas, &e Also, Boots and Shoes, Queensware, and all other articles usually found in stores —all which the customers of the late firm and the* public in general are invited to examine. R. F. ELLIS. Country Produce received as usual and the full market price allowed therefor? Lewistown, April 30, 1802. Not Wiman's Steam Gun ! BUT MARKS & WILLIS' STI.III PLOTS .HILL! r I~MIE subscribers have erected a Plaster A Mill in connection with their Steam Mill, and are prepared to furnish all who may call on them, ar any time, with fine, fresh ground Plaster. They will purchase all kinds of Grain offered, and pay the highest market prices. Floor and Feed, Coal of all qualities and sizes. Salt, Fish, Groceries Ac., constant ly on hand and for sale to suit the times. MARKS A WILLIS. Lewistown. Jan. 15, 1862. HARNESS. &C. The subscriber having now on hand one ot the best and largest ry stocks between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, in order to accom modate business to the times, offers lor saie complete assortment of Saddles, Harness, Bridles, foliar?, Trnnlis, U Slips, Haines, Valises, tarpet Bags, which are offered for sale low for cash, or ap proved credit. Among his stock will he found some high ly finished sets ot light Harness equal to anv manufactured, Let all in want of good articles, made by experienced workmen, give him a call. JOHN DAVIS. Lewistown, April 19, 1860. LUMBER! LUMBER!! Wm. B. Hoffman \\ 01. LI) respectfully inform the public t T that he has now on hand a very large stock of Lumber, embracing : Boards, Plank, Scantling, Shingles, Shing ling Lath, Plastering Lath, Garden Pale, Fence Rails. Sash of all sizes, Doors. Blinds and Shutters and ready worked Flooring. Mr. 11., being a practical carpenter, and having selected his stock personally with great care, Farmers, Builders, and others, needing anything in his line, are assured that they will find it to their advantage to give him a call. N. B. Mr. 11. is still agent for the sale of the celebrated wooden water pipe manufac tured by the \\ illiamsport Company. Or ders for any size will be promptly attended to. Lewistown, June 11, 1802. TREMENDOUS FIGHT ! VM> Knock down of prices, since the new arrival of Boots, Shoe* and Gaiters at the PEOPLE'S BOOT AND SHOE STORE, in West Market street, nearly oppo site Maj. Eisenbise's Red Lion Hotel. Call and examine for yourselves our large and varied assortment of Ladies', Gentlemen's and Children's wear, which vre will sell cheap er than the cheapest. Look at the price list: Mens coarse Boots, from $1.40 to 3 (H) Men's Calf " , " 2.50 to 3.25 Ooy's " 90 to 1.87 Men's Br gans " 75 to 1 02 Women's Gaiters, high heels, 75 to 1.25 Misses' and Children's Shoes, 12 to 75 1 runks. aiises and Carpet Bags of various sizes and patterns, constantly kept on hand. Measures taken for boots and shoes, which will 1 e made at the shortest notice. Repair ing done in the neatest manner. aug27-y E. C. II AMU TON. A NEW STOCK OF BOOTS & SHOES, lust received. Billy .Johnson always ahead ! So come on boys! I'rices very little hiyher than last Fall! 4 S his stock is regularly made to order. iA he can recommend it to he good, and warrant it against rips the same as homemade work, and it being purchased before the last rue in prices, gives him an opportunity of selling cheaper than those now purchasing. He also has a stock of cheap work on hand which he don't reeonmieud unless it be to wear out fast. MANUFACTURING of all kinds atten ded to as usual, ami repairing on the shortest notice, hut bear in mind that his terms are strictly CASH. No goods given out unless paid for, and in all cases where work dt n't suit and is returned in good order, the money will be refunded so customers will oblige him very much by complying with the above reg ulations. lie is thankful to customers for the past, and hopes to have a liberal share of their patronage in the future. se l' 9 WM. JOHNSON. Lock Repairing, Pipe Laying, Plumbing and White Smithing above branches of business will be J_ promptly attended to on application at the residence <>f the undersigned in Main street. Lewistown. i aul ° GEORGE MILLER. OTLST COAL Oil, Lard, Sperm and Flaxseed Oils mh2 ° F. J. HOFFMAN. ALBUMS, OF all kinds and styles from 75 cent? to 3>lo. Call and see,"at PATTON'S ("IOAL HODS, Sheet Zinc, Pokers, Shovels J and Mica at F. J. HOFFMAN'S.