Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, October 15, 1862, Image 1

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    . . amrwa<Bms 9 SmSlroro^r ß ' =
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t'j.wXs 1
SmiUv - 91623 3u Sunday I 7.Uin"-j~
M 'lidsy ! 3,10 17 24 ) S(aDW 1 S|ls'?2
Tiicsilnjr 4 11.18125; Tuesday 2 9 IfllJ:? Sii
Well'. Si lav I 5112 19 2S Wed'sday 3 lo! 17 124 31
Thursday: ti 13 20 27 Thursday 411 lsj'2s
Friday j"jl4 21 28' Friday 12 19126
ranirday |l| s 115122 20 .Saturday 0 13|20|27
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Trains leave Lewistown station as follows:
Through Express, a lo a. m. 11 lp. m.
Fast Lilia. 5 45 p.m. 3 24 a. in.
Ylflil. _ 3 3t> p. in. 10 41 a. 111.
Local Freight, 5 50 a. m. 5 I p. m.
Fast Freiirfit, 11 1 p.m. -J 2* a. m.
Through Freight, 930 p. in. 950 p.m.
r.xpross Freight, 10 25a. m. 2 55p.m.
Coal Tram, 12 40 p. m. 710 a. in.
I). E. ROBSSOX. Agent,
tli-lralhraith's Omnibuses convey passengers to
and from all the trains, taking up or setting them j
down at all points within the borough limits.
\ 8 the action 0} the P.elief Board does njt
.pL seem to he folly comprehended, frequent
Applications for relief being iqade in person i
pr by letter to the undersigned, lie deems it
proper to state that payments will be tein>
porarily renewed to those formerly on the
list on presentation of certificate signed by
put less than three known taxpayers, stating
trig that the applicant has not received suffi
cient from her husband or other support, to
enable her, together with her own industry,
}o inajfa a living for herself and family, and
jljrifia reasons for such inability. This is
intended for the benefit of .all really in need,
and fur no others.
flte orders issued under this regulation :
are continued only until the troops are again '
paid off.
dlujlii pcrtifieates can be procured from
ifyose who have heretofore distributed orders.
Secretary of Relief Board.
Lewistown, June 18, 1862.
Attorney at Law,
uflice Market Square, Lewistown, will at
tend to business in Mllflin, Centre and Hunting
don counties. m*;2ti
Lock Repairing, Pipe Laying,
Plumbing and White Smithing
f JMIK above branches of business will h i '
J. promptly attended to on application at
the residence of the undersigned in Main
street. Lewistown.
wmsm & nHMnijiffSa
OFFICE in public square, three (iuprs west
of the Court House. nilil2
lias now open
Cloths, Cassimeres
AN 11
which will be made up to order in the neat
est and most fashionable styles. ap!9
Kishagotiuillas Seminary,
r | MIE third Session of this Institution wil
A commence April 24, 1862.
Encouraged by the liberal patronage receiv
ed during the previous Session, the proprietor
has been induced to refit the buildings and
grounds to render them most comfortable and
convenient for students.
He has also secured the assistance of Rev
S. McDonald, formerly tutor of Princeton
University, and well known in this part of
the couutry as an able scholar and devoted
Christian. A competent music teacher has
also been engaged.
mh26 S. Z. SHARP, Principal.
Jaoob C, Blymyer & Co.,
Produce and Commission Mer
®~Flour and Grain of all kinds pur
phased at market rates, or received on storage
And shipped at usual freight rates, having
storehouses and boats of ttyejr own, with care
ful captains and hands.
Stove Coal, Limeburners Coal, Plaster, Fish
and Salt always on hand.
Grain can be insured at a small advance on
cost of storage. n022
Cloths, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, &c.
A GOOD assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres,
IX. Tweed Vests, Pants, Woolen Shirts
and Drawers, Linen and Cotton Striped
Shirts, lied and Gray Woolen Shirts, Boots,
Shoe-i, ifats and Caps for men and boys,
seplfr JAM£S PARKER.
OELLING cheaper than the cheapest—Syr
ups and Molasses at 40 to 50 cents per
gallon; Coal Oil and Coal i)il Lamps. We
*ill sell the above goods cheaper than any
house in town for cash or country produce,
wive us a call. We charge nothing for show
jag goods at JOHN KENNEDY'S.
Lewistown, June 25, 1862.
Corner of Harket and Brown Streets,
Always has on hand for sale,
\Y hi< h he feels satisfied he can offer at prices
vvhie'j cannot be beat.
Matches, 25 cents per gross.
Call, examine, take a chew, and if you don't
like the goods or find fault with the prices
you need not boy.
N. 11. Pipes from 2 fur a cent to 50 cents
Lewistown, August 13, 1862.
IRVIN WA 1,1,1b'
Screw-top, Air-tight Fruit Can.
r |Ml IS Can, after being thoroughly tested,
is now conceded by ail who have used it
to he the best Can in market. It has proved
itself perfectly Air tight in every instance,
and the Gum being i 11 the outside is there
fore free from a great objection. This year
I have not only remedied the top, which is
now much neater, but it is so constructed
that you can apply a wreneh that I give with
the Cans to screw and unscrew, which can
be done with ease. Also, other Sealing Cans
and Gins* Jars. Sold t.ow /or cash, only at
Lewistown, August 0, 1802.
The Gems of the Season.
r ! MIIS is to) humbug, hut a practical truth
X The pictures taken by Mr. ButkhnMer
are unsurpassed for BOLDNESS TRUTH
DURABILITY. P rices varying according
to size and quality of frames and Cases.
Room over the Express Office.
Lewistown, August 23, 1860.
3P 25? W A Hi IS 3
/ 101 N ' (1\ MERCHANTS in want of Tin
Ware wjL Mad it to their advantage to
purchase i f J. B. Sclhcimer, who will sell
them a better article, at.d as cheap if not
cheaper than they can purchase it in any of
the eastern cities. Cail and see iiis new stock
Lewistown, April 23, 1802-ly.
4 FELIX has just returned fr<m the
citv with a iarge stuck of FEESH
a ldrgc assortment of goods sqch us families
generally need, which are always kept for
sale. He is receiving goods almost every tiav,
which he can nuure buyers arc fresh am! good,
and that he can give satisfaction for their
fiasfrtjood and saleable Country Produce
taken in exchange for goods at cash prices.
M * VT,T
.£ IjICJ;- lAITI
ZET 5 3rS_ J&A. IEIS 3F2L 2S !
I OXG stories and paper recommendations
J are of no account. lam at present enga
ged in building
ff-Tg",*■! rt wo sizes, one for four and one
™w" s ' x horses. It is supposed to
better than any other kind
made here or elsewhere. I have
obtained from the patentee authority to make
and sell in all of Pennsylvania west of the
Susquehanna, and to prosecute a.'l those who
make, use, or vend to others to use, in the
district described. Those interested wili take
notice of this. I expect soon to build a
which will thresh 40 bushels of wheat per
hour, or 80 hushels of oats. Please cail and
examine for yourselves before you buy from
others. I also continue the
of any kind of machinery of Iron, Brass or
wrought Iron, 11s usual. Having a large lot
of patterns, and a lirr-t class pattern maker
at work in the shop, I am prepared to till al
most any kind of an order, either for castings
or patterns.
aide hill and bar share Ploughs, THRESH
ERS with Shakers, Horse Powers, Saw Mill
Cranks, and various other castings on hand
peady for sale.
All work sold as good, which proves defec
tive, to be made good. THOMPSON & STONE
authorized to sell. JOHN 11. WEEKES,
Lewistown, July 30, 1862. Agent.
Zygomatic Toothache Drops,
f TMIIS is an infallible remedy for every kind
I of Toothache, (ulcerations alone except
ed.) and equally certain in every case of Neu
ralgia which can be reached by external ap
pliances. Though powerful in effect, it is ex
ceedingly mild in action, and hence can be
freely used upon children. It will not destroy
the enamel of the teeth as clove oil or creo
sote would. Price 12 cents per bottle.
Our remedies may be relied upon as com
pounded from th e piirext ingredients, regard
less of expense; yet we put them all at prices
which custom seems to have established for
such articles.
in Lewistown by Jno. Swan, Mrs.
Margaret E. Irwin, and others, and in the
county by Mary T. Brehman, J. & T. S. Koh*
ler, and lloar <3b McNabb. feb!9
c Ilrt ' coming, Feither Jeffersou, not as vre went away,
Two hundred thousand stout aud strong, all eager for
the fray—
From the Potomac's winding stream, and Maryland's
loyal land,
\\ e an. coming, father J,effe rson, a whipped and used
up band.
We are coining, Father JeffeTsou, some twenty thous
and less,
A sail mistake you tnade, deaV dad, although you did
your best;
I- or Maryland loves her country, and you were misin
We iv coming, Father Jefferson, seeking shelter from
the. storr.
W'e are •oiiuug, Father Jefferson, to get awav from
He's close upon our rear, dear dad, we hear his rifles
crack ;
He has Whipped our greatest Generals, and we're
coining Sadly home,
With fearful eyes we're looking for old Richmond's
sunny dome.
W'e are coining. Father Jefferson, see that the way is
W e are tearful that young Sigel is ahead with " Lager
W'e fear that grim old Ileintzleman is close upon our
W'e are coming, Father Jefferson, if we only can get
back. \
Edited l>y A. SMITH, County Superintendent.
District Institutes.
Tit the August number of the School
Journal is an admirable article, in reply to
the question—now very pertinent—" flow
to conduct District Institutes?" P.ofessor
Hates gives so many excellent suggestions,
that every teacher in the State ought to
read them ovei and study them carefully,
in order to render the exercises of these
Institutes as interesting and practically
useful as they ear, be made. Let every
teacher in Mifflin county be sure to read
that article ; if you have nut the Journal,
borrow it from the Secretary of the School
Hoard. In these Institutes much depends
upon the willingness of each member to do
what is asked of him—whether to conduct
a given exercise, or to prepare a report on
some assigned topic, or to write an essay,
or to take part in a discussion. It is easy
for one or two headstrong teachers (if
teachers ever are headstrong, or unamiable
iii aO3- respect) to kill an Institute —by in
sisting that such and such branches shall
not be pursued, by refusing to du w!;ut is
assigned to them, by neglecting to prepare
themselves thoroughly for the exercises
prescribed. I trust, that no teacher in this
count 1 ' tyil! so far forget what belongs to a
teacher, what disposition a true teacher
should manifest, as to do anything that wili
lessen the interest or detract from the ben
eficial results of these excellet. t aids to Loth
teachers and I am somewhat sus
picious when I hear a teacher finding fault
with the Institute to which he belongs ; it
occurs to uie as very possible, if riot abso
lutely certain, that the trouble is in the
complainer, — he probably does not try
to make the Institute what it ought to be.
Ou the other hand, when a teacher speaks
encouragingly of his Institute, my pre
sumption is that he is doing his best for it.
" l>o not try to crowd too many things
into a single lesson, but take up a single
point and make your instruction complete
and exhaustive," is the advice of I'pof'egsor
Bates to those who conduct exercises or
instruct, in Saturday Institutes; and I
wish to emphasize his advice, and to add
this to it, that those who are in the place
of learneps or students be determined to
proLe every subject that is made the topic
for study,—not wait to be told about it
by the instructor, but search into it for
yourselves and make yourselves masters of
it. Try to understand fully all the rninu
tia, of the subjects discussed, and qualify
yourselves to make a clear, concise, com
prehensive statement and explanation of
them all.
But, one caution may be pertinent here :
Do not try to explain what is already per
fectly understood, and when just the re
quired words of a statement or explanation
are uttered or written, stop!
Teachers should be deeply grateful that
the Legislature gave them two days of
every school month for self-improvement.
To be sure, these days were given for the
purpose of enabling teachers to qualify
themselves more fully for the proner in
struction and training of their pupils; but
it is impossible for them to make them
selves better teachers without gaining
knowledge and discipline whieh are in a
high degree beneficial to themselves So,
while using these days conscientiously ac
cording to the letter and spirit of the law,
they are really progressing in the direct
line of their own interests. S.
Three Pertinent Questions.
Teachers, do you read the articles in the
educational column ? JJo you subscribe
for and read any educational journal?
Would not this be a good plan : Let the
four, six.ov more teachers in any District,
subscribe for as many different journals, as
the Pa. School Journal, X. Y. Teacher,
Ohio Ed. Monthly, Mass. Teacher, Illinois
Teacher, Coryi. C. S. Journal, etc., —and,
by exchanging each teacher have the ben
efit of all of thOm ? Thiuk of it. ?
There is a continual enmity anion" aui
mals; they are constantly attacking and
pursuing each other; every element is a
field of battle for them; the eagle is the
terror of the inhabitants of the air; the
tiger lives upon the earth by carnage; the
pike in the waters; and the mole under the
ground. It is the want of food which in
duces these, and many other species of ani
mals to destroy one another. But there are
some creatures whose hatred of each other
does not proceed from the same source.
Those animals which entwine themselves
around the'elephant's trunk, and press it
till they have suffocated him, do not act so
with the design of procuring food. When
the ermine leaps upon, and lays hold of,
the ear of the bear and the elk, and bites
them with his sharp teeth, we cannot
affirm that this is done to satisfy the call
of hunger. There is scarcely any creature,
however small, which docs not serve for
food to some other animal. I k.'.ow that
many people think chat this arrangement
is cruel and unnecessary, but I can with
confidence assert, that even" this antipathy
and euniity among animals, is a proof that
every thing is wisely ordered. If we con
sider animals, in the whole, we shall find
that it is highly useful that some should
subsist upon others; for while, without this
arrangement of Nature, many species could
net exist; so, also, these numerous species,
instead of being prejudicial are extremely
useful Insects and many reptiles feed on
carrion; others establish themselves in the
bodies of certain animals, and liye upon
their flesh and blood; and these insects
themselves serve as food for other crea
tures. Carnivorous animals and birds of
prey kill and feed upon other animals.
Some species igqltiply so abundantly, that
they would become burdensome if their
numbers were not diminished. If there
were no sparrows to destroy insects, what
would become of tire flowers and fruits?
Without the ichneumon, which seeks out
and destroys tire crocodile's eggs, this ter
rible animal would increase to an alarming
degree. A great portion of the earth
would be desert, and many creatures would
not exist, it there were no carnivorous an
imals. It will perhaps be urged that they
might live upon vegetables, but if this wprp
the case, our fit Ids would scarcely afford
subsistence lor sparrows and swallows; and
the structure of carnivorous animals must
have been quite different from what it now
is; and if fish did not live upon the inhab
itants of the water, l.ow would they be able
to exsist? Besides, if the wars among ani
mals were to cease, they would lose much
of their vivacity and industry, the creation
would be less animated, and man himself
would lose much of his activity. We may
also adu that we should be deprived of many
striking proofs of God's wisdom, if univer
sal peace was to prevail among animals;
for the address, sagacity and wonderful in
stinct which they use in laying snares for
and surprising their prey, very evidently
manifest the wisdom of the Creator. So
far then is the enmity which exists among
animals from darkening the wisdom and
goodness of God, that they receive addition
al brilliancy from what superficial observ
ers think an imperfection. It forms part
of the plan of the great system of Nature,
that one animal shoqld persecute and foed
upon another. We might indeed com
plain of this arrangement, if it occasioned
the entire destruction of any one species,
but this never happens, and the continual
wars among animals preserve a proper bal
ance between them. Thus carnivorous an
imals are indispensable links in the chain
of beings; and on this account their num
ber is very small, compared with that of
useful animals. We may also remark that
the strongest and fiercest animals have com
monly the least sense aud cuuning. They
either mutually destroy each other, pr their
young ones serve as food for other beasts.
Hence also Nature has granted to the
weakest species so much industry and means
of defence. They possess instinct, acuto
ness of sense, quickness, skill and sagacity
sufficient to counterbalance the strength of
their enemies. Can any one, then, behold
this without acknowledging the infinite
wisdom of the Creator, and confessing that
this state of warfare, which at first seems
so strange, is, in fact, a real good? We
should be still more convinced of it. if we
were better aoquainted with the whole
system of things, and the relations and con
nections which different creatures have
with each other, but this is a degree of
knowledge reserved for a future state,
where the divine perfection will be mani
fested in infinite splendor. We may, how
ever, in some measure, even in this world,
comprehend why these hostilities among
animals are necessary; but we can by no
means conceive why men, whose nature is
so much more noble, should be continually
fomenting wars and divisions so destructive
to their race. To the disgrace of humani
ty, and the eternal reproach of the Chris
tian religion, men pursue wais, and des
troy each other with ipore savage barbari
ty than the wildest beasts that range the
forests; than which, nothing is more oppo
site to the great ends for which they were
created. Surely man was designed to ren-
I der himself useful to his fellow creatures,
to contribute ail in his power to their com
fort and happiness; to be the defender o.f
the helpless, the benefactor of the poor,
and the iriend of the afflicted and unfortu
nate. Let us not counteract these merci
ful designs of our blessed Lord, but en
deavor to live in that peace and harmony
which becomes the children of God, and
followers of an humble and crucified Sav
iour; leaving animals, which are destitute
of reason, to quarrel, fight, persecute and
destroy one another ; while wo live in char
ity with all men, doing good unto all men,
doing unto others as we would that they
should do unto us.— Sturm.
A Mistress' Appeal to her Lr.te Slave}.
The letter which fellows is a verbatim
copy of one found at Fortress Monroe, and
which was addressed to one of the fugitive
contrabands there, by his late mistress. It
will be seen that iu this instance the slave
was able to take care of himself, and his
late Gwn&r was the dependent party :
Anthony: I have heard that you were
making a groat deal of money, und as we
are in W illiauisburg and have no support,
<fc \\ illiam [her husband] is away aud I
cannot hear lrom him I send you this to let
you know that we are in need of everything.
I have no meat no money of any kind that
will pass. I want you to send mo some ba
con Si sugar coffee and any other things
you can get that I need. I have no money
to buy anything with. You have had
twelve months freedom to make money in
—it is time to do something for me and my
children—they are in want of clothes and
the winter is coming on if you do not send
me some money they will perish with the
cold for wood is very high and I am not
able to buy any now to cook with. We have
done all in our power for you until
you left us and cat} you see your mas
ter's children starving and you able to work
and help them no I cannot think it
I should like to see you if you can give
me a little help every month it would keep
us frout want send what you can get for me
by John King he wfll bring it safe ho is
doing all he can for his mistress he does
not let them want for anything I never
should sent you this if I had not been in
want as you have not done anything for me
all this time if you consider yourself free it
is your duty to do what you can for me and
my two little children I shall expect you
to do all you can if John King does not
come up soon you can send them by Sam
Simpkins he Leloyyjs to Mrs. Eliza Jones
tell him to bring them to Mrs. Tilford we
are there now send them as soon as you
can. From your Mistress,
What has become cf Lucy see her and
tell her to send the children something I
wrote this large so you could read it well.
A Brace Boy. —Near Lake Shetck, sixty
miles southwest of New 11m, a family was
surprised by Indians, the father killed and
the mother seized qs a prisoner, but twq
children, one twelve years the other two
years of age, were concealed from the sav
ages iu a neighboring thicket of grass aud
weeds. After the alarm, the mother thus
cqncnaled her children, her last words to
the older boy being to 'sayc his little broth
er and never leave him.'
The Indians disappearing with their cap
tives and plunder, the brave lad, with his
baby brother on his bach, started for the
nearest settlement, subsisting on wild fruits
and roots, and reaching New I'liu in four
teen days. About half-way on his journey
of sixty miles, he overtook a neighbor nam
ed Ireland, who had laid down to die, having
been-struck by no less than eight bullets,
and who insisted that it was hopeless to
escape. "But," was the heroic reply of the
hoy, "my mother's last words were to save
my little brother, and I am going to doit."
This devoted courage gave new life to Ire
land, who struggled forward, and all reached
New Ulm without accident. Ireland is
now recovering.
On the Dcxt day after the arrival at New
Ulm, the mother of the children was brought
in by a scouting party. The Indians, find
ing her an incumbrance to their retreat,
and not being at tlye moment disposed to
kill her, left the woman on the prairie,
and after wandering many days she was
reunited to her children. — St. Paul Press.
Naturalization in Ore Year. — By a
law of Congress, July 17, 1862, it is pro
vided: That any alien of the age of twen
ty-one years and upwards, who has enlisted,
or shall enlist in the armies of the United
States, either in the regular or volunteer
forces, on receiving an honorable dischage,
may, after residing one year in the United
States, and proving good charaoter, be ad
mitted as a citizen without any previous
declaration of intention.
Bsf The laws of Ohio exempt qobqdy
from the militia draft. The Governor him
self and all the State officers including the
judges, are as liable to draft ae other citizens.
The fight at Baton Rouge extend
ed over an area of about one mile square,
and in the centre was a graveyard, were lie
the remains of Zacbariah Taylor, once Pres
ident of the United States.
new dwelling house of James
Patterson, near Yellow Springs, Blair county,
was entirely destroyed by fire on Wednesday
inorping a week.
New Series—Vol. XYI, No. 50,
C>n**pidertee of the Holliilayaburg Register.
Correct List of the Killed. Wounded
Kissing of the 125 th P. V.
Staff— Wounded.
Adjt. and Acting Major li. M. John. 1
hip; (since dead.)
Co. A, Capf. Bell, Tyrone.
Bth Corp., Andrew Womer.
Jauica Hunter.
Lieut_ W. F.Mfafcin> arm, slightly.
Corp. Anion G. Edwards, leg, severely.
Private Charles Huff, groin, "
'• Erastus Kinsel, leg, shoulder anc^
bapk, severely
" Geo. Vaughn, leg, slightly
*• Austin Crissmun, back and lungs,
" John Isenberg, leg, slightly
" Theodore Wolfe, leg and face, severe
" David Shaw, thigh and hand,
" Henry Crocker, slightly
George Funk.
Co. B, Copt. Huyett, Williamsburg,
Corporal James Geise, slightly
Private Andrew Sims, back
" John E. Mock, back, (since dead)
Levi Ewing, bowels, "
" George McGonigle, thigh, severely
" D. It Donnely, leg, slightly
" John A. Teats, shoulder, severely
" Benjamin F. Wolfkill, head, slight
" Milton Powell, hand
Co. C. Captain Wallace, Huntingdon.
Color Bearer, Geo-ge A. Simpson
John S McCoy
David Kuhn
Corporal J. R. Simpson, lung, severely
" F. Williams, lyrist
Private Nicholas Decker
" Uriah Huffman
" Michael Brenneman, thigh
" Henry Ilawn, ankle
" Joshua It. Knode, ankle
" John It. Leffard, neck
" Alfred McPhersbn, thigh
" J. E. Itobb, ankle and arm
" Charles 11. Reed, back
" George Sprenkle, foot
" E. B. Zeck, three balls in arm
Co. D, Capt. Hosteller, Altoona.
Bth corporal J. A. Kelly
Private Emanuel Burley
" John A. Brown
" John E. Davis
" Isaac Muskula
" J. S. MeGlaughlin
Captain C. It. Ilostetter, groin, seriously,
(since dead) | horse.J'
Lieutenant A. W. Marshall, trampled by
Lieutenant P. S. Tresse, arm, slightly
4th Sergeant E. L. Russ, bowels, seriously
Private Stephen Aiken, face, severely
" Levi Burley, ankle, slightly
" W. B. Blake, thigh **
" Francis Bowen, leg, seriously
" Pat Ilaney, Sr., wrist, slightly
" James G. Kerr, arm, slightly
" John ltose, bowels, (since dead)
John Rolin, thigh
" Joseph Robertson, hip, severely
'■ John Walton, back
" Harvey Williamson, wounded and
Co. E, Capt. McGraic, Freedom.
Private Franklin Baker
" John Lier
Corporal Wm. MeGinnis, ear, slightly.
" Peter Stroup, leg
Private David Ilarkleroad, hip, seriously
" John Dunlap, hip and thigh
" Jesse L. Benton, arm
" Adam Burgess, foot, slightly
" Johnston Lambright, slightly
" John Benton, wounded and missing
Co. F, Capt. Simpson, Huntingdon.
Benjamin Cunningham.
Joseph McCracken.
C. Walker.
Capt. Wm. 11. Simpson, shoulder, severely.
Lieut. Win. C. Wagoner, hip, shoulder.
Private Wm. R. Strickler, thigh, slightly.
" David R. Shorthill, side, severely.
" Elas 11. Switzer, breast and hand se
" Charles Biyan, wrist, slightly.
Co. 0, Capt. John McKcoge, Hollidaysburg.
Corp. James 11. Gibboney
Ist Sergt. D. D. McCahen, leg, slightly
Corp. John G. Christian, head, slightly
Private James Long, leg
" Joseph Reed, shoulder, seriously.
" John Prunkard, hand
" James Morrow, arm
" Alfred Beamer, arm
" James Holler, bip
" J. D. Riddle, stomach, (since dead)
" Joseph G. Price, leg
" Thomas Charles, leg
" 11. B. Sharrar, back and leg, slightly
" D. R. P. Johnston, shoulder
" James Johnston, head and breast
" John Sanders, arm
Co. H. Capt. Gregg, Huntingdon.
3d Corp. Peter Carton
Private James H. Deerfield
" Samuel Heas
" Joseph Hoover
'* John McCarthy
" Michael O'Donnell
Sergt John W. Lytle, leg
Private E. Bobbits, leg
'• Cyrus Brindle, shoulder
" George Burkholder, thigh
" Levi Decker, arm and shoulder.