An Invaluable Medicine. —llenry Hoyt, Esq , contributes to the Boston Journal the following prescription, which he says is an unfailing remedy for Cholera Morbus, Diarrhoea, Ac. Of cholera in that city a few years since, in no case did the remedy fail where the patient could be reached in sea ron. it is no less effective in cholera morbus and ordinary diarrhoea. A remedy so easily procured and so vitally efficacious, should be always at hand. Au ordinary vial of it can he had for 25 rents or so, and no family should he without it over night. 'J lie writer ol this received the recipe a lew days since, and having been seriou-ly attacked with the cholera morbus the past week, can attest to its almost magic influence in affording relief from ex cruciating pain. He ardently hopes that every one whose eyes trace these lines will cut this article from the paper, and procure the medicine without delay. Its prompt application will relieve pain and presumpt ively save lite lake —> part* capsicum. DOIO—' >II tcaspooaful IN a wiua-yla-IA of MMIIT. if the case be obstinate, repeat the dose in three or four hours. The Humors of the War. The Davenport (Iowa) News reminds its readers of the impending in the fol low ill fct ) 1c . Kiaiiaard Slice I! where breathe.- the foe but falls before us Wall freedom's soil beneath our feet. And freedom's banner streamiiitf o'er u. PEOPLE'S UNION STATE TICKET. For Auditor General, lion. THOMAS E. COCHRAN. Surveyor General: WILLIAM S. ROSS, of Luzerne County. Congress, SAM GELS. EL AIR, Of Elair County. Senator, KIRK IIAINES, of Perry County. Assembly, HOLMES M ACL AY, of Armagh Commissioner, SAMUEL DRAKE, of Wayne. Prothonatory, NATHANIEL C. WILSON, McVeyt'n. Surveyor, TIIOS. F. NEICE. I district Attorney, JOHN A. MoKEE (by acclamation.) Auditor, HENRY L. CLOSE, Ar roagh. £@"Tn answer to a correspondent, we say that we will furnish the Gazette from this date to December 1, for 25 cents in advance. Packages can be ordered to one address, and the list furnished to the postmasters, who are instructed by the Postmaster Gen eral to direct them. 5 copies, 81.25; 10 copies, §2.50; 22 copies, §5.00; 50 copies, §IO.OO. ' B®.We add to our ticket to day the K OJVE IIT W. r ATT ON, SOUTH SIDE OF 11.4RKET STREET, lEWISTOWN, PA. HAS just received and opened at his es tablishment a new supply of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, mm Fancy Articles, &c., which he will dispose of at reasonable prices. Ale invites all to give him a call and examine his stock, which embraces all articles in his line, and is sufficiently large to enable all to make selections who desire to purchase. Uxy"REPAIRING neatly and expeditiously attended to, and all work warranted. Thankful for the patronage heretofore re ceived, lie respectfully asks a continuance of the same, and will endeavor to please all who may favor him with their custom. febil Uncle Sam and Family. \ankee Freedom is a lad And I nion is his sister ; Uncle Sam he is their dad And he'll give secesh a twitter. For they said Mrs. Sam she died— We always called her virtue- Hut you, Secesh, indeed have lied, And now he's going to birch you. Yankee and sister, too. Are bound on retribution $ For our mother they said they knew j Pied of broken Constitution. Hut \ ankee Freedom will now show i Secesh to have been mistaken ; Though of necessity he's tbeir foe Until again they right awaken. Then secesh the tune will find Was turned as short as this ; f While turning to the Coffee Pot Sign. Which I don't want you to miss! For your family needs, way be, A little Tin Ware Solace I And, indeed, you oDght to see. Then como to J. I. WALLIS, /' r V East Market Street. j Mrfr%h 5, 1862.J Lewistown. Undertaking STILL carried on. A large assortment of Coffias on hand. Funerals attended to at any distance in the country, at short notice, lhankful for past favors hoping a continu ance of tho same. A. FELIX Lewistown, Feb. 2, 1861. LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS^ I invite the attention of buyers to my large j and well selected 6tock of Ladies' Press a* a Mantilla, together with a good line of. staple TYiPiring#. ' EO BIAMVKK. | SADDLES, HARNESS, &c. The subscriber having now on hand one of the best and largest I/ between Philadelphia and Pittsburgli, in order to accom modate business to the times, offers for sale a complete assortment of Saddles, Harness, Bridles, Collars, Trunks, Whips. Hames, Valises, Carpet Bags, which are offered for sale low for cash, or ap proved credit. Among his stock will lie found some high ly finished sets of light Harness equal to any manufactured, Let nil in want of good articles, made by experienced workmen, give him a call. JOHN DAVIS, fynvistown, April 19, 1860. smßam&sroGSb FAR.MBR.S ANli in 9 U 5 is a i a f 3 in 3 JOHN B. SELHBXZftEB. BEGS leave to inform the citizens of Mif flin and adjoining counties that lie lias just opened in his new store room in Market stieet, Lewistown, a few doors east of the diamond, a full stock of HARDWARE, comprising everything usually kept in a Hardware Store, and which will be sold at a ; lower profit than goods of this kind have ever before been offered in Lewistown. The fol lowing classification embraces the leading ar ticles on sale: 2j\2/I& ECffIGIEAEJKES 8 A ger.cral assortment of Carpenters' and Joiners' Tools: a large lot of Hinges, Screws, Door Locks, Holts, Axes and Hatchets, Door Dells, Chalk, Twine, Tacks, Trowels, date Hinges, etc. Butchers' Tools, consisting of Patent Saws, Spring Balances, Cleavers, Knives, Steels, etc., etc. Scythes, Sickles, Bakes, Forks, Shovels, Hoes, Sandboards for Scythes. Trace and Ilalter Chains, Currycombs, Cards, etc. FOR HOUSEKEEPERS A\l> OTHERS: An excellent assortment of Fine Cutlery, comprising Knives and Forks of varied styles, Dessert, Tea and Table Spoons, Scissors, 11a iznrs. etc. Also, Buck Saws, Cedar Spiggots, ( Andirons, Shoe Brushes, Mouse Traps, coarse and tine Sieves. IRON, NAILS, &c. All sizes of Nails and Brads, very low by ' the keg ; nail rod, bar, round and hoop Iron; < Steel : Iron Wire, Carriage Springs, Wagon Boxes, etc., etc. £e>T*A call is respectfully requested, as I ; am confident that my goods and prices will not fail to please. JOHN B. SELUEIMFJL Lewistown, May 21, 1862. u ti ,1 HA 111) WARE STORE Is the place tar a lar;e stock and low prices. ' Lewistown, June 11, 1802. OIL CLOT US- Ail kinds and at low prices, jell F. J. HOFFMAN. BRUSHES— -1 ou will find just wliat you want at jell F. J. HOFFMAN'S. iTIUTLEKY— vy Pocket aud Table, well selected, and prices to suit the times, jell F. J. HOFFMAN. J" FATHER— J The best selected stock ever offered. Come and see our Sole, Kip, Upper. Calfskins, etc, at F. J. HOFFMAN'S. I BON— Horseshoe, Nailrod, Tire, round and square. Shear wings, Landsides and Coulters. Steel of all kinds. F. J. HOFFMAN. / \ILS- V/ Lard, Sperm, Coal, and Flaxseed, at jell F. J. HOFFMAN'S. FARMERS, BEST Ilay Drags, at ?5 50 Rakes, 15 Crass Scythes, 75 Also, Pitch Forks, Swaths, Cradles, Hand les, Scythe Stones, &c., very low. jell F. J. HOFFMAN. CS LT* 0. £23 j, VERY LOW. G1 OOD Sugarhouse Molasses at 8 cents per 4 quart. Hood and best Baking, 9 & 12c. Good Syrup, 11c. Best Syrup, 13 and 14c. Handsome Cuba Sugar at 9 cents, and other kinds low. F. J. HOFFMAN. Cloths, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, &c. A GOOD assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres, C\~ Tweed \ ests, Pants, Woolen Shirts and Drawers, Linen and Cotton Striped Shirts, Red and Gray Woolen Shirts, Bunts, Shoe*, Hats and Caps for men and boys. __ S ! pl§ _ JAMES PARKER. 17HNE York State Cream Cheese, for sale . wholesale and retail, by M Y 7 A. FELIX. SELLING cheaper than tha cheapest—Syr ups and Molasses at 40 to 50 cents per gallon; Coal Oil and Coal Oil Lamps. We will sell the above goods cheaper than any house in town for cash or country produce. Give us a call. We charge nothing for show ing goods at JOHN KENNEDY'S. Lewistown, June 25, 1862. BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY— a large assortment, at HOFFMAN'S. Not Wiman's Steam Gun! BUT MARKS & WILLIS' STEAM PLASTER. MILL! ! nPIIE subscribers lmve erected a Piaster i Mill in connection with their Steam Mill, | and are prepared to furnish all who may call on them, at any time, with fine, fresfi ground j j Plaster. They will purchase all kinds of j Grain offered, and pay the highest market j prices. Flour and Feed, Coal of all qualities and sizes, Salt, Fish, Groceries &c., constant ly on hand and for sale to suit the times. MARKS & WILLIS. Lcwistown, Jan. 15, 18G2. TUT VfAP-E. 4 FULL and large assortment of Tin Ware U.JL comprising everything manufactured by j a I'insmith, made in the store, from the best 1 brat.tlx of tin, for sale lower than at anv house in town. F. G. FKANCISCLS. II SI receiving and for sale over 1,000 new pieces Y\ all paper, comprising some now and elegaht styles. Persons wanting paper will do well to call and examine our stock be fore purchasing elsewhere, may 21,1802. F. G. FRANCISCUS. COAL OIL ! COAL OIL ! r I 11 L Lest No. 1 Coal Oil. at G cents per X qoart, by F. 0. FRANCISCUS. 4 FULL assortment of the celebrated II:ir- X-L_ risburg Nails in store and fir sale at i $3,40 per keg, by their agent may 21, 1802. F. G. FRANCISCUS HAY FLEVATORS, Hopes, Pulley, Ac., at reduced prices this season, by may 21, 18G2. F. G. FRANCISCUS. PERRY County Grain Cradles and Leedy's (Clinton county) Grain Cradles, for sale BY F. G. FRANCISCUS. DARLING'S Grass and Grain Scythes at reduced prices, at may 21, 18G2. F. and neatest styles in the market, for sale by F. G. FRANCISCUS. C~II,LTI\ A TORS with wheel, very low at J may 21. F. G. FRANCISCUS.' Gi RAIN RAKES, Hay and Straw Forks, T Scythe Stones and Scythe Rifles, Ac., at may 21. ISG2. FRANCISCUS.' TY T IM>OW SHADES, paper. Gilt and Oil y? Curtain stuff, and all kinds of Cur tains. for sale by F. G. FKANCISCUS. THE EXTENSIVE STOCK j OF WATCHES, ! CHIOS, HMCKim RINGS, BREASTPINS AND OTIIEIt JEWELRY; PANSY ARTICLES, CLOCKS, and a beautiful assortment of BOOKS AND STATIONERY are now selling at greatly reduced prices at Junk ill's old stand, corner of Brown and Market streets, opposite Russell's Banking House. HX3*..T!inso who desire to buy at prices cor responding with the times, will please oull. li£i"All kinds of repairing promptly atten ded to. 11. W. JUXKiX, Agent. Lcwistown, April 8, 1858. PRICES REDUCED. HO.VE-JIADL BOOTS AND SHOES. r |MIK subscriber is prepared to make to ' X order or sell at the following [ rices, for ' cash only: Ladies' laced boots, high heels, ?I 75 " •' low " 1 G2 Men's coarse boots, 4 00 i " calf " 4 50 to 5 25 " " shoes 2 25 to 2 02 " coarse " 2GO all of the best material, and the work war- ' ranted. Thankful for the patronage heretofore be- i stowed, a continuance of the same is respect fully solicited. fiiar*All persons indebted are requested to j settle their accouuts without delay. ap2 JOIIX CLARKE. BOOTS AND SHOES' FOR SPRING AND SUMMER. HAS just returned from the city, and would respectfully notify his customers and the public that he has the LARGEST AND CHEAPEST stock in town, both home made and city make. I have a fine assortment of men's i tine boots, cheap; men's calf kip shoes, very cheap; boys shoes, a large variety; also, youths shoes of every pattern. Women's shoes I have of every style,consisting of Kid, Morocco, Goat, Calf, and Kip, and at very i low figures. Also, a large variety of Misses and Children's Shoes. I have also purchased an extra article of Kids and Moroccos, to which 1 would invite the attention of the Ladies. lam prepared to make to order BAXiBXOBAXiS,' KID BOOTS, | Gaiters, Slippers, and every style of shoe worn, warranted to be made in the neatest and most fashionable style and at short no- ; tice. 1 have also a very fine articeof French Calf, to which I wuold invite the attention of those in want of fine boots. Work warranted to be as represented.— Call before purchasing elsewhere and exam ine for yourselves. My motto is always to sell cheaper than the cheapest, for cash. At the Old Stand, in the public square. April 16, 1862. T. COX. Are curing the Sick (o an extent never before known of any Medicine. INVALIDS. READ AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELVES. JCDEB HAUEL, Es., the well known |>erfiimer, of Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, whose choice product* arc fouiid at almost every toilet, says : " 1 am happy to say of your CATHARTIC PILLA, that I have ft-it mi them a lielter family medicine, tor common use, than nny other within my knowledge. Many of my IHeads liave realized marked benefits from them, and co incide witli me in believing that tliey iwssess extraordinary virtues for driving out diseases and rnritig the nick. Tliey are not only effectual, btit safe and pleasant to lie taken X qualities which must make litem valued by the public, when tliey are known." The venerable I'hancellor WAHI 11 .A\V writes from Bal timore, Isfh April, 1854 : " Da. J. t\ ATSR Sir: I have taken yottr Pills with treat benefit, fur the listless tress, languor, hiss of appetite, and Bilious headache, which has of late years overtaken me in the spring. A few doses of your Pills, cured me. i have used your Cherry Pectoral many years in my family for coughs and colds with unfailing success. You make medicines which rare ; and 1 feel it a pleasure to commend you for the good you have done and are doing." .•'illN I'. BEA'ITY, ESQ., Sec. of the Penn. Railroad Co., -ay s: " Pa. H. R. Office, Philadelphia, Dec. 13, 1851 " 1r: I take pleasure in adding my testimony to the eflir. ' of your medicines, having derived very material Item-In from the use of both your Pectoral and Cathartic Pill-. | a ,„ never without them in my family, nor shall I ever consent to lie, while my means w ill procure tliem." The widely renowned S. S. STEVENS, 51. p., of Went worth, N, 11., writes: " Haying used your CATHARTIC I'm... in my practice. I eertity from evjterienre that they are an invahiahle purga tive. In cases of disordered functions of the liver, causing headache, indigestion, costiveness, and the great variety ot di-ca-es that follow. they are a surer remedy than any other. In all cases w here a purgative remedy is required, I confidently recommend these Pills- to the public, as sii|H>ri<>r to any other I have ever found. They are sure in ihrir operation, and perfectly safe qualities which make them an Invaluable article for public use. 1 have tor many years known your Cherry Pectoral as the hest Cough medicine in the world : ami these Pills are in no wise interior to that admirable preparation for the treat ment of di-cases.*' " Ictan, Mr.. AW. 25, 1853. "Da. J. t\ \rtt- Dear Sir: I have lieen afflicted fnun my In tilt with scrofula in its worst form, and now, after twenty y ears' trial, and an untold ol' amount of suffering, have been completely cured in a few week* by your Pills. With what feelings of rejoicing I write can only be imagined w hen you realize w hat I have suffered, ami how long. " Never until now have I been free from this loathsome disease in some sliajie. At times it attacked my eyes, and made me almost blind, besides the unendurable pain ; at others it settled in the scalp of my bead, and destroyed my hair, and has kept me partly Itald all my days ; sometimes it came out in my face, and kept it tor mouths a raw sore. " About nine week, ago I commenced taking your Ca thartic Pills, and now am entirely free trom the complaint. My eyes arc well, my skin is fair, ami my hair has coni tneiici-i| a healthy grow ill; nil ol which makes me feel already a new person. '• Hoping ibis Statement may he the means of conveying information that shall do good toothers, I am, with eveiy sentiment of gratitude, Yours, &c., MAUI A BICKER." " I have known the above named .Maria Kicker from her childhood, anil her statement i- strirllv true. ANDREW J. MESEItVE, Overseer of tiie Portsmouth Manufacturing Co." CAPT. JUKI. PRATT, of the ship Marion, writes from Ito-ion, 2titli April, 1854: " Your Pills have cured me from a bilious attack which arose from derangement of the Diver, w liicii had heroine very serious. I had failed ol any relief by my Physician, a>i*l from every remedy I could try : but a few doses of your Pills have completely restored me to health. I have given them to my children for worm-, with Ihe best ef fects. They were promptly cured. I recommended them to a Irieml lor eostiveness, w liieli had troubled liiiu for mouths : he told me in a few days tliey had cured him. Yon make the best medicine in the world ; and I am free to say so." Read this from the distinguished Solicitor of the Supreme Court, whose brilliant aliilities have made him well known, not only in this hut the neighboring States. " AV-r Orleans, 5rA -fyrif, 1e54. "Sir: I have great satisfaction in assuring yon that myself and family have been very much benefited by your medicines. My wife was cured, two years since, of a se vere and dangerous touch, In your CHVRRV PKCTORAL, and since then lias enjoyed perfect health. My children have several times lieen cured from attacks of the Influ enza and Croup by it. It is an invaluable remedy for these complaints. Your CATHARTIC PILLS have entirrly cured me from a dyspepsia and eostiveness, which has grown upon me for some years,— indeed, this cure is much more important, from the fact lh*l I had failed to get relief Iroiu the best PliysirMris which this section ol the country a fiords, ami from any of the numerous reme dies I had taken. " You seem to us. Doctor, like a providential blessing to our family, and you may well siqqmse we are not un mindful of it. Yours respectfully, DEAVEiT TIIAXTER." " Senate Chnmhrr, OA in. .d/*ril 5fA, *B5l. " DR. J. C. Avlr Honored Sir: 1 have made a thor ough trial of Ihe CATHARTIC I'll i, I ell me by your agent, and have been cured by lliem of ihe dreadful" Rheumatism under which lie found me suffering. The first dose re lieved me, and a few subsequent doses have entirely removed the disease. I feel in better health now thnn for some years before, which I attribute entirely to the ofiivt ofyour CATHARTIC PILL*. Yours with great respect. I. ECU'S 11. MKTCADF." The above are all from persona who are publicly know n where they reside, and w ho would nut make tlie-e state ments without a thorough conviction that they were true. Prepared by DR. J. C. AYER & CO., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. Cbtirbx Itifz. Jsirtx/tiWii, J., II lie ril/'\ Mrs I'rcJiinaii, Air I >ybifn. J. Strait', Sfnulr's Mills, nml by Dealers trcryirhcre. BtERHAVE'S HOLLAND BITTERS THK CELEBRATED HOLLAND REMEDY R>K ©YSFKFSIA, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, LITKB COMPLAINT, WEAKNESS OF ANY KIND, FEVER AND AGUE, Ann the various affections coimenueut upou a disordered STOMACH OR LIVER, Such as Indigestion, Acidity of the Stomach, Colicky Pain*, Heartburn, Loss of Appetite, Despondency, CoativenMß, Blind aud Bleeding Piles. In all Nervous, Rheumatic, and Neuralgic Affections, it has in numerous instances proved highly beneficial, and in others affected a decided cure. This is a purely Tegetablo compound, prepared on strictly scientific principles, after the manner of the celebrated Holland Professor, Boerhare. Its reputation at home pro duced its introduction here, the demand commencing with those of the Fatherland scattered over the face of this mighty country, many of whom brought with them aud banded down the tradition of its value. Rit now offered to the American public, knowing Oint its truly wonderful medidnal virtues must lie acJcnowledged It is particularly recommended to those persons whose constitutions may have been hupaiied by the continuous use of ardeut spirits, or other forms of dissipation. Generally instantaneous in effect, it finds its way directly to the seat of life, thrilling and quickeuiug every "nerve, raising up the drooping spirit, and, in fact, infusing new health and vigor in the system. NOTlCE.—Whoever expects to find this a leverage wid be disappointed; but to the sick, weak and low spirited, it will prove a grateful aromatic cordial, uossessnd of singular remedial properties. READ CAREFULLY! The Genuine highly concentrated Bcerhave's Holland Bitters is put up in half-pint bottles only, and retailed at OM DOLLAR per laittle", or six bottles for Krvs DOLLARS. The great demand for this truly celebrated Medicine has induced many imitations, which the public should guard against purchasing. Sff Beware of Imposition. Bee that our name Is on tb label of every bottle you buy. Sold by Druggists generally. It oan be forwarded by Express to moat points. 80LK PROPRIETORS, BENJAMIN PAGE, JR. & CO MANCFAC*nRIHa gharmareutists and (Ehmista PITTSBURGH, PA. For sale by Charles Ritz. 15>IEso S3o ARK THE BEST IN THE WORLD, I.\SCR!>"<; FIXE TEETH ASD A SWEET BREATH, AND CTRIYfi TOOTHACHE A\D .YEtRALGIi, DO you wisk to bo blessed with and admired for PHUT Wnur and Sound TEETH ? Use DR. WM. B. HERO'S UNKIVALLEO TOOTH POWDER, warranted free from aeid. alkali, or any injurious sub ! stance. Price 25 cents per box. Beware of the ordinary cheap Tooth Powders, i which whiten hut destroy. Do you wish to be certain that your BREATH is pure. -weet. and ajtrc able to husband or wife, lover or friends ? Ise DR. H TUP'S CELEBRATED MOI'TH WASH. Price .".7 ,-cnts per bottle. This astrinireiit ;ch l- a!o the Wst remedy in the world for <'*>KlK. Haw BUKATH, Bi.iiia>o our children suffer from TH>HAC!IK! Oct 1U. HERD'S M \OI"D mI!ACHE DKtPS. Price 15 Cents per l>ottli-. Arc v*>u afflicted with NF.rUAI.til V? Get DR. W. B. lit 'UPS NKI'RALGIA BLASTERS. The must clb'ilive and delightful remctly known. They do not adhere nor blister, but southe and ehurm pain away. Try them. Price IS ami 37 cents. Mailed on receipt of price. la> you wish a complete set of DENTAL KEMK- DlKS'aud a Treatise >,u Preserving Teeth? tict DU W. It. IH lU' S DKNTALTREASI RY. the neatest and most valuable present that one friend can maketoan ! other. Price sl. Sent by express on receipt of price. For sale at all the best stores throughout the coun try. I'lirwv. —As there are dealers who take ad vantage • >f ur advertisements N> impose UJKSII their customers inferior preparations, it is necessary to insist upon having what you call for, and you will I thebtft. thor oughly tested, ami prepared by an experienced an>l scientific Dentist. Treasurer of the New York State Dentist's Association, and Vice President of the New York 'ity Dental Society. Address IVI, B. HERD & CO., Tew York. £tir 2Z?ousrfcrri)ri'*o NEW FURNITURE POLISH. j "j)REPARED from an improved recipe by the propri -1 etor of the •• /irothar Jonathan I with," is certified by all the leading New York Furniture Dealers and Piano-Forte Makers to to the best in the world for re moving Scratches, .Murks, litrt. and restoring a high ; and lasting gloss to all kinds of Varnished Work, from 1 | Fiiniiure fo Leather. It is cheaper and better than j varnish, dries immediately, and is easily applied. With a piece of Canton Flannel ami a bottle or two of i this Nrw FV.HMTI F.IS POLISH, a housekeeper can work magic in the furniture of a house and keep it looking j ; like new. Now is the tiineto "shine up" your Table*, j Chairs. Desks. Pianos, Picture Frames, Carriages, etc.. ' J and make them look 50 per cent, better. Tills is true 1 economy. For sale by Furniture Dealers and Store- 1 keepers generally. Price 25 and 50 cents per bottle. Depot No 1 Sprue • street. Now York. Special A'jents wanted. Address. Box I iff 2, New' York I'. O. jv23 GREAT BOOKS IN PRESS THRILLING INCIDENTS OF TBI TREAT REBELLION:! j 1 THE HEROISM OF OUR SOLDIERS 4 SAILORS. ILLUSTRATED. 1 YotUint, Uirtft 12 iry>. I'rift Tho entio- arid the pul-lae are right in pr*erito>:its.*nt di- J root to us Will Is- given for the Relief ~{ Pi-able.| Sol j di-Ts, Mid all persons who wish a c..p* cf trie wore, ' and also to Imnelit the soldiers, should send in their i name and address t onee. Also, an* ofliccr or t-ri j v ate, or person in an> section of the coiintr*. La* itie ; knowledge of a heroic act or stirring incident. will ! oblige n- by -en-ling lis an account f-f it. /-—-/..eKtrt. l''tShtuil€rs utiJ t'si-t-Kiito Aqt'itt will be ; furnished with a Subscription Prospectus,'on applica | tioll I-- tin- Publishers. w_t liberal • ouiuii-sion gtr--n t-- soldiers desinag i to net as agents in taking subscriptions. The History of American Manufactures, from IGOB to 1860. 11l lir.J. I.nvullii liisiio?. 2, Sro. Vol. 1. now i". :idy, Vol. 11. nearly rt-.-nir. j This is probably the liirgei-t xti-i most important I work now m the Am*rie:tn prt'-s. UV hav.- :ils- just puhlih<-il n*w editions of ;Ut> - following ii*>-fiil *ud popular books: I I Hi: Hr.SlMvS.s MAN S I.KCAI. AHVISKIt; or How ; t--Save Mon-y. by Cnn-lucting ltm-innok*. j wrapping them carefully, and will procure and send.i j postpaid, any hook anywhere, on receipt of publish-, ! ITS' price and six stamps. Address FREEDLEY & CO., Tribune Buildings, lew York. ' PlANOS.—persons who wish to buy a Piano of the j host makers will ho shown how thov --an save a hand-, j some sum in the purchase if thov address Pit so, care' j J-v, Cos A To., Publishers' Agents, Now York P. o. GREAT BARGAINS! fJMIE undersignod is prepared to furnish J A bis customers with Boots and Shoes of nil ; kinds, at prices to suit the times, ami as Goods in general are higher than usual it is ! gratifying to learn that boot* and shoes are cheaper than they have ever been before in | Mifflin county: No mistake! Call and exam | ine for yourselves, and you will bo surprised I to find men's shoes selling at 90c to $1 65, Men's Kip and Calf from $1 25 to 1 87 " " Boots, " 2 25 to 3 00 " Calf " " 275t0 390 Boys' Shoes " 50 to 1 35 All the above work at those prices is war ranted. "We still have cheap work on hand j which is not warranted. Women's Gaiters at j $1 00, and very dear at that; some at $1 50, j which are something better. A full stock of Eastern Work kept on hand, the greater part of which is warranted to give satisfaction. Manufacturing of all kinds neatly and promptly attended to at all times without de lay. A large stock of trunks constantly on hand, ! which will be sold very low. But above all j things bear in mind that our terms are strict ly Cash, for at our prices we cannot afford to charge. All goods to be paid for before taken away, and in all cases where they do not suit the money will be refunded, should they be returned in good order. | my2l BILLY JOHNSON. GOOD NEWS! GOOD NEWS! SaHikilSJ® ®2HF MS IS® S3 S j TA® Laines, Merinos, Wool Plaids, Bonnet JL J Ribbons, Swiss and Cambric Muslins, Blnck and Fancy Silks, Ready made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Shawla and cloth I Capes, and & large stock of Fancy Goods, for COST, at JOHN KENNEDY'S. LUMBER! LUMBE:—— • Wm. B. Hoffman XX7*OULD respectfully inform the public i T that he has now on hand a very large I stock of Lumber, embracing: Board?, Plank, Scantling, Shingle?, Shing ling Lath, Plastering Lath, Garden Pale, Fence Pvails, Sash of all sites, Doors. Blind? and Shatter? and ready worked Flooring. Mr. 11., being a practical carpenter, and I having selected his stock personally with great care, Farmers, Builder?, and others, needing anything in his line, are assured that they will find it to their advantage to giro 1 him a call. X. B. Mr. 11. is still agent for the sale of the celebrated wooden water pipe manufac tared by the Williamsport Company. Or ders for any size will be promptly attended to. Lowtstown, June 11, 1802. PATENT GOAL OJL GREASE. r pHIS Grease is made from COAL OIL, A and has been found by repeated tests to be the most economical, and at the ■ same time the best lubricator isr Mill ' Gearing, Stages, Wagons, Carts, Carriages, Vehicles of all kinds, and all heavy bearings, keeping the axles always cool, and not retjoir | ing them to be looked after for weeks. It li t* been tested on railroad cars, and with one soaking of the waste it lias run, with the ears, 20.000 miles ! AH railroad, omnibus, livery stable and Express companies that have tried it pronounce it the nr plus ulfm. It combines tlie body and fluidity of tallow, beeswax and tar, and unlike general lubrica tors, will not run off", it being warranted t ! stand any temperature. 1 have it in boxes 2J to 10 lbs. Also kege : and barrels from dO to -lot) lbs, for genera) use and sale. The boxes are more prefer* i blc; they are G inches in diameter by 2} inches deep, and hold 21 lbs not; the boxes are clean, and hardly a carman, teamster, expressman, | miller or farmer, that would not pun-hate j one box for trial. F. G. Fit A XCISt 'IJS. Lewistown, February 12, 18G2. THE MI: MI-FEE PUT SUA O>E AHEAD: mnz> mm> The Combination Cook. 'I have now to r.flVr to the public anew If and beautiful Cook Stove, v?y heavily j plated, and the most thorough gas burner in market, as the gas burners are ao constructed that they cannot till up with ashes. It haw ; also a patent, double grate, with the air pas. , >ing between, and therefore not so liable t > melt down as a common grate. Sold very low \ for cosh, and furnished off in the very best maimer with tin or copper bottoms, as desired, and warranted to give satisfaction or the unm | ey refunded. I'. S. We have also a variety of other good i Stoves. TIN S. Wholesale or Retail. Our stock is large and complete, and of h. superior quality, all manufactured under tny 1 own supervision and expressly for home u*r„ ! and, as we give this branch our special atten ; tiott, we have no idea of being surpassed eith | er in price or quality of ware, and we invito i country merchant? who deal in such articles to call and examine our stock, prices and i terms. * Spun ting put up at short notice and in the most improved manner, and all kinds of job : iiing promptly attended to, at the I!ij CofF.e- Dr. Hoover "have been left in the j amf* of the undersigned for Election. All. eraons are requested to pay up itnmodi&tely r . 0 JOIIX A. McKKK. ! L.ewistown, Sept. 10, IBG2-2t NOTICE OF DRAFT.' IOIE undersigned Commissioner f.,r Draft- * mg in Mifflin county, hereby gives no- i co that the quota of men yet required for ervice in said county is 118. This number 1 ill bo equitably apportioned among the va ous districts of the county, (making allow noe Tor men already enlisted in said districts I Vl on the 15th SEPTEMBER, or as soon ! lereafter as practicable, a Draft will be made i such districts as have not supplied thoir uota by that date. I Recruiting officers, either for old regimeat* • new organizations, will, on the 15th Sep niher, notify the Commissioner of enlist ionts, and the districts where they reside. Un the day appointed for Drafting, if any strict then supplies its quota by Volunteers, I ey will be accepted, and such district re ived from the operation of the Draft. GEO. \V. ELDER, Commissioner. Dewistown, Sept. 10. 18G2. DRAFTING. MIE undersigned, Commissioner to super intend Drafting comprise Choice Sugars, Molasses, Java, Rio } and Laguyrn Coffee, superior Teas, &c. Also. ' Boots and Shoes, anil all other articles usually found in stores—all which the customers of the lute firm and the public in general are invited to examine. It. F. ELLIS, Country Produce received as usual and th full market price allowed therefor. Lewistown, April 30, 1862. Neat, Cheap