Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, July 16, 1862, Image 3

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    IS2 Cr A2ITTB.
following members of Company
] i , 9th regiment Pennsylvania Cavalry,
have sent various sums of money, amount
ia<, to $1357 CI, to the Mifflin county
Bank, which parties legally entitled to it,
obtain cn identity of person :
wuoie wo, Zbs9,
Uncle Sam and Family.
Yankee Freedom is a lad
And Union is his sister;
Uncle Sam he is their dad
And he'll give secesh a twister.
For they said Mrs. Sam she died—
We always called her virtue—
But you, Secesh, iudeed have lied,
And now he s going to birch you.
Yankee and siofav sn. n
ITEMS. —Few rents ought to be paid
promptly, as ministers can no moro live on
air and moonshine than printers. Cab
bage and Bolognas at Swan's, ditto aud ico
cream at E. Auner's, ice cream at Mrs.
Wcrtz'a, chicken soup at S. Eisenbise's,
ice cold drinks at Swain's, et cetera and
fo ftrth. There is some talk of the
Borough issuing shin plasters to make
ohange. If done at all, it ought to be un
der the direction fa committee of citi
zens and tbo Burgess, with full safeguards
lor its redemption whenever presented.
Col. Wm. H. Irwin of the 40th is
at present on a visit to Lewistown to re
cruit his health. Lieut. Eckebarger, we
hear, had a finger amputated yesterday from
his wounded hand. We have had some
hot and sultry weather since last week, with
thunderstorms on Tuesday. Harvesting
is slowly but steadily progressing—the
difficulty being in the tangled condi
tion of tho wheat, which prevents much
iruin being cut by machine#.
HAIR JEWELRY. —R. W. Patton has on
hand as agent a lithographic specimen book
of fine Jlair Jewelry, manufactured by a
prominent House in New York. Persons
who desire to have mementoes of this kind
manufactured into Jewelry, as well as those
who wish to buy Ilair Jewelry, can by ex
amining the specimen book, select the pre
cise style they may prefer, and be accom
modated without further trouble through
Mr. Patton.
l©r-Jehn R. Weekes, Esq., at the Ju
niata Foundry, is now engaged in building
Pehon'a Patent Triple-geared Iron Horse
Power, a new one in this part of the coun
try, but which, from appearances, possesses
advantages of no small importance. Mr.
W. has also for sale Pelton's Improved Iron
Thresher, which conies very highly recom
mended by gentlemen who have used it.—
Farmers ought to call and examine them.
While speaking of these machines, we
may add that it has often occurred to us
that more encouragement ought to be given
to home industry. Every year thousands
of machines of all kinds, from reapers and
drills down to horse rakes, are brought h ere
und sold over the country —most of them
probably not a whit better than similar ar
ticles manufactured in Lewistown and other
towns —and of course the money sent away
lor the benefit of workmen aud manufactu
rers elsewhere. This is all wrong, and det
rimental to that kind of labor of which we
•tand most in need, namely, productive.
(>nce properly encouraged, there would soon
be no difficulty in making almost any par
ticular machine that might be desired, as
those cngagf I'* 1 '* in the fcusine® 0 would find it
to their interest to purchase rights f. ■ :..an-
ufacturing any favorite article. We say
then to all farmers, before purchasing any
thing in the agricultural line, examine the
different horse powers, threshing machines,
drills, plows, barrows, rakes, &c. manufac
tured is the county, and, if at all suited,
buy. If you cannot find anything to please,
it will bo time enough to look at such arti
cles made elsewhere.
S.MASHUP. —One of the fast freights
going east met with an accident about a
mile above town on Saturday night last by
the breaking of an axle, in consequence
of which two cars were thrown from their
running gear, completely blocking up both
tracks, and damaging the south track con
siderably, besides dispersing the coal with
which they were loaded. The fast line
east, whose schedule time is an hour be
hind tho fast freights, was delayed about
ao hour, the freight train about three hours.
No one was injured.
l®"*Thc following gentlemen have been
elected officers of the Apprentices' Litera
ry Society for the ensuing term : II- J-
Walters, President; T. M- Uttley, Vice
President; Geo. R. Frysinger, Recording
Secretary; A. H- Peteri, Corresponding
Secretary; R. W. Patton, Treasurer; How
ard Heiman, Librarian ; Geo. W. Patton,
Assistant Librarian; John A. McKee, Ed.
Agreeable to custom, this institution has
SUSPENDED during the summer MOO the; they
also intend (judging from appearances)
making improvements in front of their
BS&Jlhc Soldiers Aid Association will
hold a meeting to-morrow (Thursday) even
ing, at 7 o'clock, at the house of Mr. H. J.
I\ alters. All who feci an interest in the
object are cordially invited to attend.
HARRISBURO, July 11, 1862.
Dear Madam —ln your letter giving
list, &c. ot Hospital stores forwarded some
time ago, you expressed a wish to be inform
ed what disposition was made of them. I
am pleased to inform you that the box has
been forwarded to the city of New York,
to be distributed for the benefit of the sick
and wounded Pennsylvania volunteers, now
in separate hospitals in that city. General
llale is uow there, on the special business
ot having these suffering fellow-citizens
well and properly cared for, and 1 am hap
py to say that your excellent Society, in
that box of valuable contributions, will be
a means of adding materially to their com
fort and happiness.
Most respectfully,
T. F. McCOY,
Deputy Quartermaster General.
Clure s bill to prevent the spread of the
Canada Thistle was passed by both branch
es of the Legislature last winter, and now
is the law of the State. It provides that
hereafter any individual or corporation al
lowing tho Canada Thistle to ripen seed
on their premises, shall be liable to a line
of ten dollars, upon each complaint that is
properly established; and any ono who
nitty fear the spread of the Canada Thistle
upon his premises from the land of his
careless and thriftless neighbor, may, after
fiva day's notice, cuter upon any laud
where the weed is found growing, out it,
and recover lull costs for his labor and
Unless this law will be so construed as
to compel supervisors of roads to clear the
waysides, it will be almost useless. It was
a great mistake that laws wore not passed
many years ago to compel the destruction
of noxious weeds, as mauy haye beeu
spread to an extent almost beyond remedy.
THB CANAL. —Tho Huntingdon Globe
says that the repairs are so far advanced
that tho canal from Hollidaysburg to Wil
liamsburg Dam will be opened for the pas
sage of boats about tho 2ath ufthis month,
(July.) From Williamsburg Ham to Hun
tingdon Ham the waters will be drawn off
on the first of August, and that part of the
canal will probably remain olosed during
the remainder of the season.
Fur the Qazettt-
Mr. Editor —l lately witnessed u seeno of
dishonest and heartless wickedness which cer
tainly nowhere else than in Lewistown could
have been perpetrated with impunity.
At the foot of the ridge near town thore is
a sand bank, contiguous to which had been u
small dwelling house, which was burnt last
fall. Upon the premises wore standing four
of tho most beautiful and largest cherry trees
to be found in the township and a line mul
berry, all loaded with fruit. The property.
1 understand, belongs to Jacob lhggs, an old
and worthy colored citizen of our town. —
Taking a walk in that direction some two
weeks ago, I saw a dozen boys and half grown
men in the trees, breaking off limbs as thick
as my arm, laden with the half ripened fruit.
Crowds of these lawless fellows passed two of
the last Sabbaths there, completing the work
of destruction, and leaving these fine trees in
a most mutilated and ruinous condition.
In connection with the above, let mo here
advert to the general complaint among the
farmers about town, of the injury annually
done by such fellows in trampling over their
grain and clover fields, some in pursuit of
birds, others looking after berries.- And yet
no steps have been taken by the sufferers to
defend themselves from thesenuisances. Have
we no laws that will protect our proporty? or
we take the law in our own hands, and
try the virtues of wo f trap, and a "shot in
the rear?" Where does the fault lie ? isitnot
mainly at the doors of the parents of these
j boys? It is time our law abiding citizens
should look to it, and take measures to remove
[ the opprobrium which has long attached to
our town of having the worst set of boys any
where to be found. Z.
Lewistown, July 10, 18G2.
Correspondence of the Gazette.
PHILADELPHIA, July 14, 1862.
Dear Gazette —What a strange dance the
times are leading us! Not a fancy dance,
' with tho rattling click of castanets, the jing
ling of the treble strings, or the quick throb
of a guitar for an accompaniment—but a
dance of death ! This I thought as I to-day
witnessed a steamer's load of sick and wound
ed from the bloody fields of the Peninsula;
and my heart bounded with gratitude as I
i saw how tenderly they were handled, how well
they were cared for by the hundreds of ladies
—God bless them —who visit, and soothe, and
comfort them in their afflictions. llow long
—oh! how long—will this fratricidal war del
uge our once happy country with the blood
;of friends and kindred 1 Speed a retributive
vengeance on the authors of our calamities,
0 God, and restore to us our oqco prosperous
The toercury, too, has taken a dancing fit,
and the thermometrical index goes capering
among the nineties, causing one to sigh for
i "a lodgo in some vast wilderness," or to wish
i for a more intimate acquaintance with " the
; verdant hills and the murmuring rills" so lav
' ishly sprinkled by Nature's bounteous hand
along the beautiful valley of the blue Juniata.
We must all fill our 'customed places, though,
and what's the *se of our repining ? No use
| in it, that I can see ) and so, I'll not lament.
Money, also—in imitation of the mercury,
probably—has gone on a "kiting" expedition,
and ranges away up, from four per centum
on nickles to sixteen on gold. Change is as
i scarce aa saints in Hades; and old fips, and
| levies, and quarters hold high heads onoe
: more. Checks for email sums are issued by
many of our grocers aad retail merchants, in
heu of change, and soon we'll be in the midst
of a second shinplaster era. What a carnival
we'll have, then! Everybody will be suspi
cious of everybody, and the way the "shinplas
ters" will dance around will prove their
6prightliness, if not their worth.
Old Sol beams fiercely upon us—our inhab
itants walk listlessly about—the flags hang
lazily from their ropes, and staffs, and lances
tnd a feeling of lassitude comes over the
spirit of Truly yours,
For th Gazette.
Hero Worship.
As events progress, it is curious to notice
the workings of this war. No man has
thus far acquired a title to that hero wor
ship which our countrymen have been so
liberal in offering. Fremont, with uncqualed
energy, has twice succumbed to jealousy
aud pride; the western and southern victo
ries are divided among Ilalleck, Pope,
Mitchell, Grant, Buell, Curtis, Siegel and
many others; Shields with all his ambition,
totally failed in a programme to cut off Jack
son ; and the attempt of a few political ne
gro-worshipers to make a candidate of Me-
Clellan for President, has resulted in his
retreat, and at least the present defeat of his
great object, the capture of .Richmond and
overthrow of the rebel army. And all this
tchi/c the man in bondage has had full scope
to free himself! Whether this is chance,
the fortune of war, or THE VISIBLE HAND
OF PROVIDENCE, the reader can decide for
himself. I only point out the fact.
Book Notices.
Peterson's Magazine for August is before
us, and, as usual, displays a fine variety of
engravings, fashion plates, original tales, &0.,
besides some very nice poetry. The frontis
piece is a superb engraving entitled "The
Mother's Darling." Embroidery and other
patterns are scattered throughout in choice
profusion. The present number contains for
ty articles and fifty six embellishments. Ad
dress, Charles J. Peterson, 306 Chestnut et.,
apparently crazy man, supposed to
be named Josiab Walters, is now confined in
the Lewisburg Jail for insulting women.
f£sL.'L'he first man elected to the next Con
gress, is a Republican—Mcßride of Oregon
—and that is a UAIN of a Republican member!
fitaTTho oath of allegiance" was admio
istered to a few individuals of Lebanon on
the 4th of July.
SQt-George Noll, an old citizen of Centre
county, died near Pleasant Gap, in thatcoun
ty, on the 6th inst., in the eightieth year of
his age.
#??UTho Bellefonta Watchman calls the
Selinegrovo Times a spirited paper. John
C. Breckinridge is reported to bo a spirited
democrat, as Parson Brownlow says he is new
the greatest drunkard in the South.
4ajrMajor Chas. 11. Shriner, an old demo
crat, has been appointed by the Senatorial
Conferees of Union, Centre, Clinton and Ly
coining to represent that district in the Union
State Convention to morrow.
gasrOn the 23th of June, an election was
held in Bedfoi J county for dividing a town
ship, during which a prominent democrat
brought up a negro namel Bradley to vote!
This is said to be the second time he has been
brought forward for such a purpose, a move
which is about on a par with the recent elec
tion in Decatur township, where nix clearly
illegal votes were rushed through by the pat
ent democrats of that region !
££sAuiong a batch of letters found at the
house of Dr. Funster, near Winchester, was
one from D. Deckert, ed tor of the Hagers
town Mail—the democraticipaper—in which
he says he had sent a map of that county,
and would follow it with one of Franklin.—
lie also solicits arms to defend his office
against the " Union Shriekers." Deckert
was one of the parsons arrested last fall,
about which sundry democratic papers in
this State tried to kick up a fuss.
man that will so far forget himself
as to associate and driuk with a nigger is too
contemptible and ignoble a wretch to notice.
—liar. Union.
We saw a patent democrat doing that same
thing a few days ago. All right we suppose.
FREE LOVE. —An abolitionist and a nigger
woman embracing each other ,-~Locofoco
Smut Machine.
The Breckinridger who wrote the above is
evidently getting jealous of his exclusive
property and privileges.
The Strawberry Trade. —Some idea of the
trade in strawberries may be formed from the
fact that one house alone, in Cincinnati, has
forwarded five hundred bushels per day for
three weeks past, to cities east and west. —
Besides these, vast quantities were carried
and sent to the army.
Terrible Balloon Accident.
Tho people of Sparta, Morrow county,
Ohio, had a large celebration on the Fourth.
A balloon ascension having been announced
and prepared by Mr. F. 11. Westbrook (who
had previously made one or two successful
ascensions at other places in the county), the
balloon was inflated, and with Mr. Westbrook
in the car, started from the earth between
four and five o'clock P. M. It had not as
cended more than three or four hundred feet
when it bursted and turned inside out and
fellwith rapid momentum, striking the ground
about thirty rods from its starting point.—
The unfortunate aeronaut struck the ground
feet foremost, his heels going through the
close wicker work of the side of the car, and
sinking to the depth of nearly two inches.—
lie was immediately taken out of the car in
a perfectly unconscious condition. One of
his legs was broken—perhaps both, and the
internal injuries to vital parts of his body
and brain precluded all hope of recovery.—
No human organization could endure such a
dreadful concussion. Several physicians were
at band, and rendered all the aid in their
power. The balloon was absolutely rotten
and tilled with hot air. Mr. Westbrook was
well aware of the imminent hazard, but rath
er than disappoint the people by not ascend
ing, he risked his life and lost it. It was a ter
rible spectacle.. Mr. W. was about 34 years
of age. He resided in Chester, Morrow coun
ty. Ho leaves a wife and one ehild.
An English Convict's Fit Out for ih Uni
ted Stales.— Wm. Noon, an Englishman, who
arrived at New York on Wednesday in the '
ship Rhine, fromjLondon, was arrested on a i
charge of robbing a trunk of a fellow passen
ger of the sum of £3 IBg, and sent to Mar
shal Murray. He stated that he was a dis- j
charged convict, and that he had been offered
a free passage to this country, ten shillings
sterling in gold, an extra shirt and a pocket
handkerchief by the authorities, on condition
that ho would leave England. He had all
those articles, with the exception of the mon
ey, which was in the hands of theSaptain of
the Rhine.
LEWISTOWN, July 16, 1862.
Butter, good, ijj* ib. 10
E J?gs. ¥ dozen, 9
Wool, washed, 40
" unwashed, 24
Wheat, white bushel, 100 to 105
" red 1 00
" " new, 00 a 40
Corn, old, 37
Rye, 50
Oats, 2S
Barley, 00 to 50
Buckwheat, 45
Cloverseed, 3. 75 to 4 00
Timothy, 1 50
Flaxseed, 1 50
Marks & Willis are retailing flour and feed
as follows:
Extra Flour, per 100, 2 CO
Fine, do 2 00
Superfine, do 2 40
Family, do 2 80
Mill Feed, per hundred. 70
Chopped Oats and Corn per 100, 100
Chopped Rye per 100, 1 10
Salt, " 1 50
" barrels, 280 lbs, 2 00
Philadelphia Market.
Flour in batter demand, market firmer—
sales of 3,000 bbls. at $175 for super. $5 25
for extra, and $5 50 a 5 65 for extra family ;
receipts small. Rye flour selling in lots at
$3 25 ; and corn meal at $2 7-5. There is fair
enquiry for wheat and 10,000 bus. sold at
$1 23 al 27 for red, and $1 34 a 1 38 for white.
Rye has advanced with sales at 68 a 69 ; corn
is active and one cent higher—4,ooo bushels
of yellow sold at 56a 57 ; oats dull and two
cents lower—2,ooo bus. sold at 30c ; coffee is
firm, and stock very much reduced ; provis*
ions dull—sales of mess pork at $lO 75 a 11,
100 hhds. hams at 7Ja9} ; sides at 4a5J ; and
shoulders at 4 a 4£ ; lard firm at 8£ a 8f ;
whiskey unsettled—3,ooo bbls. Ohio sold at
33c, now held higher.
The strike among the New York grain
shovellers has extended to the stevedqres, and
the shipment of breadstuffs is, therefore,
necessarily until some amicable
arrangement cqn bo qrrived at between tho
APPLICATIONS will be received by the
undersigned until Monday, August 4th,
1862, f..r ONE MALE and ONE FEMALE
TEACHER to take charge of the High
Schools of this borough. To competentteach
ers.whocan produce satisfactory testimonials,
a liberal salary will be paid.
Also, competent teachers to take charge of
the primary schools. For further iufortnatiou,
address Secretary of Bua'd.
Secretary of School Buard, Lewistown.
Lew is town, July 9, 18G2.
The Washington City Pennsylvania Sol
diers' Relief Association.
That it may realise the objects it has in view, appeal*
to you for material aid. In doing so. it is deemed
proper that those objects be publicly declared, ami
the plan it has adopted for effecting thorn briefly dis
The Association proposes to act as an auxiliary to
the agency established here by the Slate for carry
ing aid. comfort and consolation to her sick and
wounded sons in the Army of the Republic. The
Association intends to have at its rooms lists of the
names of I'ennsylvanians in the Hospitals here, and,
as far as possible, elsewhere; it will seek to apprise
the soldier's friends of his condition; it will strive to
place in his hands and about him those little nameless
eomfbrts which no Government, however paternal,
and no Government Agency, however complete or ef
ficient, can, or can be expected to procure or disfrile
ute; it will look to the burial of the dead, and keep
su< h records thereof that affection may find the spot
where its treasure is laid: it will endeavor to impart
at its rooms such information As may conduce to the
great purposes in view—the comfort of our suffcriug
To secure the co-operation of numbers in accom
plishing the fends thus generally stated, the Associa
tion has adopted a constitution, and chosen a board
of officers, consisting of a President, five Vice Presi
dents, an Executive Committee of Thirteen, and a
Finance Committee of Seven, a Treasurer, .md a Re
cording and Corresponding Secretary. The Execu
tive Committee has appointed a number of subordin
ate committees, each with its appropriate duties.—
They have also selected a store-l,eeper and provided
a store-room. The Finance Committee is enjoined to
collect funds and othe,- supplies, and empowered to
appoint, if found necessary, subordinate committees
to visit you, and in person ask your aid. Contributors
will send money donations to any member of the un
dersigned Finance Committee, or to Jay Cooke & Co.,
Treasurer. But if your gifts be in clothing or other
comforts, send them to some member of the Finance
Committee only. All inquiries relative to soldiers
should be directed to the Corresponding Secretary.
With entire eoufidence the Association appeals to
the loyalty and generosity of a people who have never
shrunk from sacrifice or suffering when the country
called for them, as now, in a just and noble cause.—
God permits us to live in troublous but heroic times,
when justice, mercy, and humanity unite in summon
ing ali to the discharge of high duties at the expense
of personal comfort and selfish considerations.
Whenever the christian or the philanthropist has gone
forth from you to this field of labor among the sick
and suffering, you have followed him lovingly and
trustingly with your means and your blessings. The
knowledge of this borne to us" on every breeze, en
courages us in this our appeal. Remember, it is not
money alone that we need. Those who cannot give
that, can bestow some garment from their wardrobe
or some comfort from their store-house. Our appeal
is before you; of the nature of the response we enter
tain no doubt.
In behalf of the Finance Committee,
I). L. EATON, Chairman.
WASHINGTON. June 20,1862.
A FELIX has just returned from the !
• city with a large stock of FRESH
a large assortment of goods such as families
generally need, which are always kept for
sale. lie is receiving goods almost every day,
which he can assure buyers are fresh and good,
and that he can give satisfaction for their
and saleable Country Produce
taken in exchange for goods at cash prices.
OFFICE in public square, three doors west
of the Court House. ' mh!2
Keystone Park, Wiliiamsport 3
Sept. 2, to 5, Inclusive.
ARRANGEMENTS have been made to
secure the finest assemblage of import- j
ed blooded and native breed of Horses, that j
has ever been collected in this country.
The List of Premiums will be Large, Hang
ing as High as S2OO.
Liberal arrangements have been and will
"pde with the different Railroads.
\V illiamsport, situated in the magnificent
valley of tho Susquehanna, and accessible by j
rail from all parts of the United States, is
eminently well suited for this exhibition.—
Further particulars will shortly be given.
D. K. Jack man, Henry Drinker,
P. Ilerdic, Gordon F Mason,
Edward Lyon, Col. S. G. Ilathway,
J. N. Bagg, J. 11. Cowden,
Wm. Colder.
_ A E KAPP, Pres't.
>\ . F. LOGAN, Chief Marshal,
11. E. TAYLOR, Treasurer.
je2s* GEORGE M. Dg Pui, Secretary.
Kollock's Dandelion Coffee,
.l. va Coffee, is recommended by physicians \
for General Debility, Dyspepsia, and all bil
lious disorders. Thousands who have been
compelled to abandon the use of coffee will
use this without injurious effects. One can
contains the strength of two pounds of ordi
nary coffee. Price 25 cents.
Tho purest and best BAKING POWDER
known, for making light, sweet and nutritious
bread and cakes. Price 15 cents.
M. H. KOLLOCK, Chemist,
Corner of Broad and Chestnut streets,
And sold by all Druggists and Grocers.
February 26, 1862-ly.
To the Heirs of Jacob Mutthersbough,
late of the Borough of Lewistown,
1"*0 Sarah A. Mutthersbough, widow of Ja
cob Mutthersbough, late of the Borough
of Lewistown, deceased; Daniel D. Mutthers
bough; David Mutthersbough; Caroline S.
Mutthersbough; Susan, intermarried with Ja
cob F. Ilamaker; Catherine, intermarried with
J. M. Aitkin ; Jane E., intermarried with J.
J. Bellman; Mary 11., intermarried with Al
exander Newell; Amos lloot, Guardian of
Ruth A. and Jacob Ard Mutthersboagh—all
heirs and legal representatives of Jacob
Mutthersbough, deceased:
Take notice, that by virtue of a Writ of
Partition and Valuation issued out of the Or
phans' Court of Mifflin county, ap inquest of
partition ami valuation will be held on tho
real estate of the sqid Jacob Mutthersbough,
dee'd., situate in Derry and Decatur townships,
and the Borough of Lewistown, Mifflin co.,
Pa., on MONDAY, the 28th day of July next,
at 9 o'clock a. m., on the premises, when and
where you may attend if you see proper. In
quest to meet at the house of Christian Kaler,
on premises in Derry township, on the day
aforesaid. C. C. STANBARGER, Shff.
Sheriff's Office, Lewistown, 1
June 25, 1862. j
Estate of Ycronka Toiler, deceased#
O't"ICE is hereby given that letters of
JLi administration on the estate of Veronica
Voder, late of Brown township, Mifflin county,
ueoo.t-d. have been granted to the undersign
ed, residing in said township. All persons
indebted to said estate are requested to make
immediate payment, and those having claims
to present them duly authenticated for settle
jy9 Administrator.
Estate of Sarah Zook, deceased.
~VT"OTICE is hereby given that letters testa
i_ i mentary on the estate of Sarah Zook,
late of Brown township, Mifflin county, dee d.,
have been granted to the undersigned, resid
ing in Menno township. All persons indebted
to said estate are requested to make immedi
ate payment, and those having claims to pre
sent them duly authenticated for settlement.
jc2s Executor.
LIS T OF LETTERS remaining in the Po9t
Office at L'ewistown, July 2d, 1802 :
Anderson James G. Judd Boyd & James
Aultz Michael Jennings J. M.
Airs Benjamin Laws Lewis
Brown Sarnl. M. Long Joseph
Bloom S. 11. Lockwoodli. C. 2
Bear Susannah McNeal D. 11.
Black J. B. MeEinney L.
Brackb'ill S. Mcknight N.
Cadwalader 11. P. McNeills Francis
Cakepp Lucinda McWilliams Mary Ann
Cadv E. 11. MoClenehau Alvira
Cuningham David May Chariot
DrakeVsaac MeOonley L. W.
Doty Rebecca E. Molntyre Rachel 2
JDerr Samuel Pas tun W. W.
Davis Paul A. Purdy Sarah E.
Dock Peter Rarrack Mary P.
Bentzel Saml. Raraek Caroline
Duncan James 5 lliden Alexander
Eisenbisc Miss M. Romig Elizabeth
Eberts Saml. Shainon Mary E.
Fisher ESQ. Geo. W. 4 Sill J. B.
Fernsler Moses Scott Mary E.
Freed Wm. M. Shesely Sarah I.
Freed N. Sifert Elizabeth
Fritz Annie Smith R. S.
Grove John S. Smith IJ.
Gingerich & Co. Stine A.
Grebs John Smith Elizabeth
Hutchinson Matilda Schatz D.
Haslett Jameft """ Shipton Ann I.
Haney Messrs lt& Co Taylor Rev. Hen. B.
Halstead Joseph ' 2 Vau Tries S.
Ilureh and Roland Wilson John F.
Hartlim Jacob SHIP LETTER.
Hoglan Margaret Doran William
Hess C. B. •' '
Persons calling for any of the above letters
will please say they art advertized. One cent
due on each. SAMUEL COMFORT,
jy9 Post Master.
SELLING cheaper than the cheapest—Syr
ups and Molasses at 40 to 50 cents per
gallon; Coal Oil and Coal Oil Lamps. We
will sell the above goods cheaper than any
house in town for cash or country produce.
Give us a call. We charge nothing for show
ing goods at JOHN KENNEDY'S.
Lewistown, June 25, 1862.
Attorney at Law,
Office Market Square, Lewistown, will afc
tend to business in Mifflin, Centre and Hunting
don counties. my2t>
The Family Soan leaker t
\ LL Kitchen Grease can be made into good
-Directions accompanying each box.
Soap ;.s as easily made vjith it, as making &
c hP, Pi conee. Manufactured only by tb
Patentees —
Pa. Salt Manufacturing Co.,
febl2 ly No. 127 Walnut street Phila.
and equal to any Kerosene.
\\ r IIY buy an explosive oil, when a few
v T cents uiore per gallon will furnish you
with a perfect oil ?
Made only by PA- SALT MANUFAC
No. 127 Walnut Street, Phii<v
February 12, 1862. ly
West IQarket Street, nearly opposite the
•lail. ' - ?
ULLRICH, JR. would respeoU
Vy fully inform his old customers and citi
zens generally that he continues the Baking
at the above stand, where those articles cn&
be procured fresh every day.
Families desiring Bread, &c. will be sup
plied at their dwellings in any part of town.'
Fruit, Pound, Spunge, and all other kin'dg o?
cake, of any size desired, baked to order
short notice.
Lewistown, February 26, 1862-ly
A Powerful and certain Remedy for Rheum
atism, Lumbago, and Pains in the Limbs.
ITS pain relieving and soothing qualities
are truly extraordinary. No other lini
ment, either in or outside the regular practice,
in this country, wilt at all compare with it.—
One or two applications of this remedy wiU
certainly and effectually cure any rheumatio
pain of recent origin ; one bottle will cure any
rheumatism which CAN BE CURED; while its
occasional use is sure to afford soothing relief
in those old, long-standing, chronic caste
which have become so "settled in the bones",
at to bp incurable. Price 25 cents.
£££pNo ope who gives this article a fair trial
will fail to'be convinced that it certainly w.il
do all tee claim'for it, VERT'OFTEN MUCH MORE,
<6kSold in Lewistown by Jno.Swas, Mrs.
Margaret E. Irwin, and others, and in the
county by Mary T. Brehman, J. &T. &. Koh
ler, and lloar & sle^jabb ( . 5 B hi'9 j
Pennsylvania Hallroad.
Trains leave Lewistcwn station as follows:
Through Express, 6 19 a.m. 11 1 p. u:
Kast Line, f> 45 p., m. 3 24 a. m.
Mail, 8 36 p. tn. ltr 41 a. m
Local Freight, ft 50 a.m. '5 10 p. in. •
Kast Freight, 11 1 p.m. 2 4h a. m
Through Freight, P So p.m. 8 50 p.a*
Kxprcas Freight, 10 25 a. in. 2 65 p.m'
Coal Train, 12 40 p. m. 7 10 a. Nt
D. E. Robmojc, Agent.
##-Glbraith's Omnibnsos convey passengers to
and from all th trains, Inking up or setting them
down at all points within the borough limits.
Ann the various affections consequent upon a disordoroo,
Such an Indigestion, Acidity of the Stomach, Oollcky Pales,
Heartburn, Loss of Appetite, Despondency, Costiveneaa,*'
Bliud and Bleeding Piles. In all Norvoua, Uheumatlc, and
Neuralgic Affections, it has in numerous instances proved
highly beneficial, and in . tliers-eftectod a decided cure.
This is a purely vegetablo compound, prepared on strictly
scientific principles, after the manner of the celebrated
Holland Professor, Boerhave. Its reputation at home pro
duced its introduction here, tho domand commencing * ith
those of the Fatherland scattered over tbe face of this
mighty country, manv of whom brought with them and
handed down the tradition of Its value.' It it now offered ,
to the. American puttie, knowing that iU truly wonderful
medicinal ririuet must he acknowledged.
It is particularly recommended to those persons whose
constitutions may hare been Impaired by the continuous use
of ardent spirits, or other forms of dissipation. Generally
instantaneous in effect, it finds Its way directly to the seat
of life, thrilling d quickening every nerve, raising up the
drooping spirit, and, in iact, Infusing new health and vigor
in the system.
NOTICE.^- Whoever expects to find this a beverage witl
be disappointed; but to the sick, weak and low spirited, it
will prove a grateful aromatic cordial, nossessed of singular
remedial properties.
The Genuine highly concentrated Boerbave's Holland,
Bitters is put up in half-pint bottles only, and retailed •>.'
0K Dollar per or six bottleß for Fro Dollars. The
great demand for this truly celebrated Medicine baa induced
many imitations, which the public should guard against
49f- Beware of Imposition. Bee that our name Is on tha
label of every bottle yon buy.
Bold by Druggists generally. It ean be forwarded
by Express to most points,
gharmaautists and (Ehmisti,
For sale by Charles Ritz.
Large Stock of Furniture on
A FFiLIX is still manufacturing all kinds
of* Furniture. Young married persons
and Athens that wish to purchase Furniture"
will find a good assortment on hand, which
will be sold cheap for cash, or country pro
duce taken in exchange for same. Give me
a call, On Valley street, near ijjack Bear Ho
tel. ; ' ' ' 'feb %l
PRIME Sugar Cured Hams —the Excelsior
Hams, for'eate at 1 ' A.FELIX'S.