THE recipes. Spice Cake. —One pound flour, one lb sugar, half pound butter, four eggs, teacup oream, teaspoon soda, teaspoon cloves, one nutmeg, teaspoon ciuoauiou, one pound raisins, one glass wine or brandy. Cream Cake. —One teacup cream, two teacups sugar, throe well beaten eggs, tea spoon saleratus dissolved in wine glass of milk, piece of butigr size of an egg, flour to make as thick as pound cake; add raisins and spice to taste; wine aud brandy if )ou like. Cocoa nut Cake. No. 1 One pound butter, two pounds sugar, two grated cocoa nuts—mixed well, one cup milk and the | milk of the cocoanuts, one pound and three quarters of flour, ten eggs, nutmeg if desi red, half tcaspoonful soda. This quantity will make two loaves. Cocoanut Cake. No. 2.—One pound j augar, half pound butter, three-quarters of ; a pound flour, six eggs, aud one oocoanut j grated. Cream the butter aud sugar, add j the yolks well beaten, next the whites well beaten, then the flour, and last the cocoa- j nut. Seed-cake. —Eight cups flour, three cups ! sugar, one cup butter, one cup cream —or milk, if you cannot get cream —one tea spoon saleratus, one egg, caraway seed to suit your taste. Ginger Snaps. —Boil together one pint of molasses and a teacup of butter. Let it stand till cool; add two tablespoons of ginger, and one teaspoonful of soda; flour to roll. Bake quick, in thin rounds, on aflat sheet. Bunns. —One cup butter one cup sugar, j half cup of yeast, half pint of milk; make it stiff with flour; add, if you like, nutmeg. Silver Cake and Gold Cake. —One cup i white sugar, half cup butter, whites of five ; well beaten eggs, quarter of a teaspoonful | of soda dissolved in half a teacupful milk, j three-quarters teaspoonful cream tartar mix- ; ed with two cups flour. Flavor with extract | of bitter almonds. The yolks of these five j eggs, and the same ingredients, make Gold (Jake. [From the Working Farmer for May.] Scarlet Geraniums. It is not generally known with what ease this beautiful class of plants can be culti vated. No one who will exercise a little care, need be without such a bed of them as will furnish a glowiug mass of bloom throughout the summer. With proper management, they will bloom quite as free- j ly as the verbena; while their compact hab- ! it of growth gives them a much finer effect ; in masses. Their large, brilliant truss of ; bloom, makes them a very desirable flower for bouquets, and they are always fragrant. They still retain the name of Scarlet or Horseshoe geranium, but recent seedlings have given a great variety of colors, from the most brilliant scarlet down to a creamy white. They seed freely when placed in the open ground, and the self-sown seeds will come up on beds that have lain unpro tected and much frozen during the winter. Cuttiugs, also, can he struck from them more readily than from almost any plant. Any broken branch or slip that you cut from the plant and thrust into a light soil during the summer, will be almost certain to root, in many cases not even requiring shade. They must be taken up before the heavy frosts, and removed to a pit, or a dry cellar, where a place near the window should be given them ; or they may have a placo upon a plant stand in the parlor.— When the plants have become overgrown during the summer, the necessary 'cutting in,' at the time of lifting, may prove a se vere shock; but they will endure more than almost any plant, their succulent nature giving theiu a large share of vitality. The better way is to give them only so much food ami moisture as will keep them of moderate size; for they thus give a better mass ot bloom, and less rank foliago. It allowed, in rampant growth, a single plant will cover a space of three or four feet iu diameter in a season. If the seeds are planted iu autumn, aud nursed in pots in ♦he house or conservatory during the win ter, they will fc-Loni the following season, and many new varieties are thus obtained. A garden near us had a separate bed given to each of five different varieties, last sum mer, viz: scarlet, crimson, pink, salmon and white; and the effect was very fine. King of Scarlets, Trentham Rose, and I'rincess Alice, are among the best varie ties.— Ohio Farmer. B J. WILLIAMS, No. 16 North Sixth Street, Phihv . ilelphio, manufacturer of VENIXIAN BLINDS and WINDOW SHADES. The largest and finest assortment in the city, at the sowest prices, blinds painted and trimmed "equal to £ew. Store shades made and lettered. Philadelphia, April 16,1862-2 m. NATRONA COAL OIL! WAKRAX I'ED NON-EXPLOSIVE. and equal to any Kerosene. WIIY buy an explosive oil, when a few cents more per gallon will furnish you with a perfeat oil ? Made only by P£. SALT MANUFAC TURING COMPANY, No- 127 "Walnut Street, PUila. February 12, 1862. ly Si 00 UEWARD. LOSI, a black 1 errier Dog, about 6 months old, with one of his feet partly cut off at the toe nails. The above reward will be paid on his return to Marks' & Willis' Steam Mill, and no questions asked. au 2 Undertaking OTILL carried on. A large assortment ot Coffins on band. Funerals attended to at any distance in the conntry, at short notice. Thankful for past favors hoping a continu ance of the same. A j Lewistown, Feb. 2, 1861. Lock Repairing, Pipe Laying, Plumbing and Mfhite Smithing r| "VHE above branches of business will be [ promptly attended to on application at the residence of the undersigned in Main street. Lewistown. janio GEORGE MILLER. THE EXTENSIVE STOCK OP ©GMIaIE) & ©mwuslli WATCHES, CHAINS, BRACELETS, RINGS, BREASTPINS AND OTHER JEWELRY; FAATCT/ AF.TIGiIES, CLOCIiS, and a beautiful assortment of BOOKS AND STATIONERY are now selling at greatly reduced prices at Junkin's old stand, corner of Brown and Market streets, opposite Russell's Banking House. fi?sL,Those who desire to buy at prices cor responding with the times, will please call. jpaifAll kinds of repairing promptly atten dod to. 11. W. JUNKIN, Agent. Lewistown, ApTil 8, 1858, SADDLES, HARNESS, &c, The subscriber having now on / hand one of the best and largest stocks between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, in order to accom modate business to the times, offers for sale a complete assortment of Saddles, Harness, Bridles, Collars, Trunks, Whips, Hames, Valises, Carpet Bags, which are offered for sale low for cash, or ap proved credit. Among his stock will be found some high ly finished sets of light Harness equal to any manufactured, Let all in want of good articles, made by experienced workmen, give him a call. JOHN DAVIS. Lewistown, April 19, 1860. ROBERT W. P ATT OX SOI'TII SIDE OF MARKET STREET, LEWISTOW N, PA. HAS just received and opened at his es tablishment a new supply of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Fancy Articles, &.0., which he will dispose of at reasonable prices, lie invites all to give him a call and examine his stock, which embraces all articles in his line, and is sufficiently large to enable all to make selections who desire to purchase. ©a?" RE PAIRING neatly and expeditiously attended to, and all work warranted. Thankful for the patronage heretofore re ceived, he respectfully i?.sks a continuance of the same, and will endeavor to please all who may favor him with their custom. feb2 i\cal, Chn|> & DacabSr. W. G. ZOLLINGER, Market Street, next door to Kennedy's Store, Is al ways prepared to sup- sg&r —-s Kg / ply the public with ali the Vgg / ] / different styles of Hats of S§| best qualities and atsucf prices as to defy competi tion. He has now on hand a large assortment of Fall and winter Hats and Caps, of all the latest styles, which he will sell at the lowest cash prices. He invites everybody to call and examine for themselves, as he is satisfied that his stock cannot fail to please. For the Ornish he has constantly on hand, or will make to order, hats to their taste of any required sice or brim, at prices thatcannotfail to be satisfactory. Country Merchants will find it to their ad vantage to give me a call, as a liberal deduction will be made on wholesale purchases, and es pecially so to punctual men. Don't forget the place, next door to Kenne dy's store andnearly opposite the Odd Fellows' Hall oct22 NEW REMEDIES FOR SPERMATORRHEA. HOWARD ASSOCIATION. PHILADELPHIA, .4 Benevolent Institution established by special Endow ment, for the It-, lief of the Sick and Distressed, afflicted with Virtdent and Chronic Diseases, and especially for the Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Organs. MEDICAL ADVICE Fructations. Sn king or Fluttering at the pit of the Stomach. Swimming of the head, Hurried and Diffi cult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or | Suftocating sensations when in a lying posture. Dint ness of Vision, Dots of webs before the sight. rover and dull pain in the Head. Deficiency of Perspiration. Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes. Pain in the side, i Back, Chest, Limbs, Ac., Sudden Flushes of Heat. , Burning in the flesh, Constant Imaginings of evil, and treat Depressions ol Sprits, and will positively pre- j vent YELLOW FEVER, BILLIOLS FEVER, Ac. The Proprietor in calling the attention o! this prep aration, does so with a feeling o! the utmost conn- , deuce in its virtues and adaptation to the diseases lor , which it is recommended. It is no new and untried article, but one that lias . stood the test of a twelve years' trial before the i American people, and its reputation and sale are un- j rivalled bv any similar preparations extant. The tea- ; timony in its favor given by f r he most prominent ami . well known physicians and individuals in all parts of j the country is immense, and a careful perusal of the j almanac, published annually by the proprietors, and : to be had gratis of any of their agents, cannot but sat- | isfy the most skeptical that this remedy is really de- | serving the great celebrity it has obtained. Chas. liitz, Sole Agent, Lewidow*. Un 2 Glorious Triumph over all Opposition! For tae Peopip haye Decided That the Cheapest and Best Boots and Shoes are sold at the PEOPLE'S SHOE STORE, In Lewistown. iij SlASmntfraH & (0® ; pleasure in announcing that they I still continue their extensive shoe estab- j lishment in West Market street, nearly op- \ posite Maj. Eisenbise's Hotel, and that they ! have just returned from the eastern cities j with a large and varied assortment of Boots, j Shoes and Gaiters, for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children's wear, all of neat finish and ex cellent manufacture, which they will sell i for CASH ONLY, It Least 25 Per Cent. Cheaper than the same can be purchased elsewhere, as will be seen by referring to the following Price List: Men's Boots, $1 50 to 3 25 " Gaiters, 140 to 1 75 " Walking Shoes, 125t0 140 " Brogans, 85 to 140 j " Kip and Calf Brogans, 02 to 80 : Ladies Gaiters 75 to I 00 " Kid and Morocco lace Boots, 1 00 to 1 25 " Kip and Calf lace Boots, 80 to 125 Misses' aud Childrens Shoes, 12 to 05 Having bought our goods for cash, they were put at the lowest iigure, and by doing an exclusively cash business, customers are made to pay no debts —hence our low prices. Measures taken for Boots and Shoes, which will be made at the shortest notice. REPAIR IXG done ia the neatest manner. TRUNKS, YALICES, ic., always on hand and for sale cheap. We respectfully solicit a liberal of i pu'uiip patronage. Octiy. TRICES REDUCED. I uo.TiL-.imn: boots axg shoes. • f|MIE subscriber is prepared to make to I fcrder or sell at the following j rices, for cash only: j Ladies' laced hoots, high heels, SI 75 " •' low " 1 02 Men's coarse boots, 4 00 " calf " 450t0 525 j " " shoes 2 25 to 2 62 " coarse " 200 all of the best material, and the work war- | ranted. Thankful for the patronage heretofore oa- i stowed, a continuance of the same is respect- ; fully solicited, j £kas"All persons indebted are requested to settle their accounts without delay. ap2 JOHN CLARKE. BOOTS AND SHOES FOR SPRING AND SUMMER. HAS just returned from the city, and would respectfully notify his customers ! and the public that he has the LARGEST AND CHEAPEST stock in town, both home made and city make. I have a fine assortment of men's fine hoots, cheap: men's calf kip shoes, verv cheap; boys shoe?, a large variety; also, youths shoes of every pattern. Women's shoes I have of every style, consisting of lvid, Morocco, Goat, Calf, and Kip, and at very i low figures. Also, a large variety of Misses and Children's Shoes. I have also purchased an extra article of Kids and Moroccos, to which I would invite the attention of the Ladies. I a;p prepared | to make to order BALMORALS, SZD BOOTS, ! Gaiters, Slippers, and every style of shoe worn, warranted to be made ;n the neatest ! and most fashionable style and at short no tice. I have also a 7ery fine artice of French Calf, to which I wuold invite the attention of those in want of fine boots. Work warranted to be as represented.— Call before purchasing elsewhere and exam ine for yourselves. My motto is always to sell cheaper than the cheapest, for cash. At the Old Stand, in the public square. April 16, 1862. T. COX. NATHANIEL KENNEDY'S STORE, In the Odd Fellows' Hall. A Very Choice Assortment of Old Liquor*. IOHER for sale all the liquors, late the stock of Johu Kennedy, dee'd., embracing prime French Brar.dy, Cherry Brandy, Gin, \V ines, Jamaica Spirits, and Scotch Ale. Ho tel keepers are requested to call. ■PLThyaiqianß' can always obtain a pure article for the sick. ALSO, Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, Stoneware, Hardware, Cedar ware, always on hand; Shoulders, Hams, Fish Herring, Shad, and Mackerel; Dried Beef of a most excellent quality; with Boots and Shoea j in great variety. All the goods will be sold 7e 7 lo .w. N. KENNEDY. Lewisiotsrn, January 15, 1861. The Bogle £*ll 1 The War has Began 1 A War of Extermination against Bad Teeth, Ba'J. Breath, Diseased Cam, Toothache, Earache, and Nenralgla. OUR ARTILLERY 13 DR. W2&- B. KURD'S DBNTAI TRBASURI': A COMPLETE BA. OF REMEDIES FOR Preserving the Teeth, Purifying the Breath anti Month, & Curing Toothache & Neuralgia. CONTEXTS: Dr. Hurd's Celebrated Mouth Wash, I bottle*. Do do Tooth Powder, \ box. Do Magic Toothache Drops, 1 bottle. Do Unrivaled Neuralgia Plaster. Dr. Hurd's Manual on the Rest Means of Preserving the Teeth, including Directions for the Proper treatment of Children's Teeth. Floss Silk for Cleaning between the Teeth. Tooth Picks, etc., etc.. Prepared at Dr. Hurd's Denial Office, 77 Fourth St., Brooklyn, [E. D.) Price One Dollar, or, Six for Fire Dollars. BafrThc Dental Treasury makes a'package eiyht inches by tire, and is sent by express. t&.Fuli direction for use is on each article. The following articles we cr.n send separate ly, by mail, viz : The Treatise on Preserving Teeth sent, post paid, on receipt of 12 cents, or four stamps. The Neuralgia Plaster, for Neuralgia ia the. face, Nervous Headache, and Earache, sent, post paid, on receipt of IS cents, or six stamps. The Neuralgia or Rheumatic Plaster (large size,) for pains in trie Ohest, Shouldars, Back, or any part of the body, sent, post paid, oa, receipt of 37 cents. Address, Wm. B. Hurd & Co., Tribune Buildings, New York. der and Toothache Drops cannot be sent by mail, but they can probably be obtained at your Drug and Periodical Stores. If they cannot, send for the Dental Treasury, price one dollar, which contains them. NOW, Are Dr. Ilurd's Preparation* Gootjj The best evidence that they are is that their firmest friends and best patrons are those who have used them longest. Dr. Wm, B. llurd is an eminent dentist of Brooklyn, Treasurer of the New \ ork State Dentists' Association, and these preparations have been used in his practice for years, and nq leading citizen of Brooklyn or Williamsburg questions their excellence, while c-minent den tists of New York recommend them as the best known to the profession. Without the aid of advertising dealers have sold them by the gross. But their cost is so small that every one may test the matter for himself. gayßewaro of the ordinary Tooth Pow ders. Dr. Ilurd's Tooth Powder contains no acid, nor alkali, nor charcoal, and polishes without wearing the enamel. Use no other. What AYill Dr. Ilurd's Remedies Effect? Dr. Ilurd's Mouth Wash and Tooth Povc j der will give young ladies that finest charm in women—a sweet breath and pearly teeth. Try them, ladies. Dr. Ilurd's Mouth Wash and Tooth Pow der will cleanse the mouth from all foul ex halations, and if used jp the p'jU | make the breakfast taste sweeter and the day i begin more pleasantly. Hundreds of per sons can testify to this. Try them, gentle men. Dr. Ilurd's Mouth Wash and Tooth Powder are the best preparations in the world for cur ing bad breath and giving firmness and health to the gums. Hundreds of cases of diseased bleeding gums, sour mouth, canker, etc., have : been cured by Dr. Ilurd's astringent wash. | Dr. Ilurd's Mouth Wash and Tooth Powder j give an additional charm to courtship, aud make husbands more agreeable to their wives and wives more agreeable to their hus bands. They should be used by every person having Artificial Teeth, which ure liable to impart a taint to tha moot!;. Dr. Ilurd's Toothache Drops cure Toothache i arising from exposed nerves, and are the best i friends that parents can have in the house to save their children from torture and them selves from loss of sleep and sympathetic suf fering. NEURALGIA PLASTER. Dr. Hard's Neuralgia Noil Adhesive Plas ters are the most pleasant and successful rem edies ever prescribed for this painful disease. The patient applies one, soon becomes dro??py, falls asleep, and awakes free from pain, and no blister or other unpleasant or injurious consequences ensue. For Earache and Xerv ous Headache, apply according to directions, and relief will surely follow. Nothing can be obtained equal to Dr. Hurd's Compress for Neuralgia. Try them. They are entirely a novel, curious, and original preparation, and wonderfully successful. They are of two si zes, one small, for the face, price 15 cents, and the other large, for application to the body, price 37 cents. Will be mailed on re cccipt of price and one stamp. Now is the CHANCE FOR AGENTS. Shrewd agents can make a small fortune in carrying these articles around to families. — The Dental Treasury is the neatest article that a man or woman can carry around. Send for one and see, or, better, a dozen, which we will sell, as samples, for $7. Agents supplied lib erally with Circulars. is the time to go into the business, to do good, and make a profit. We are spending thousands for the benefit of agents. New England men or wo men 1 here is something nice, and a chance to take the tide at its flood. Address Witt. B. HERD K CO., Tribune Buildings, New York. That remittances may he made with confi dence, W. B. IJ. & Co. refer to the Mayor of Brooklyn ; to G. W. Griffith, President Far mers' and Citizens' Bank, Brooklyn ; to Joy, Coe, & Co., New York; to P. T. Barnum, Esq., New York, etc., etc. mhs GEO. 7T. ELDER, Attorney at Law, Office Market Square, LewistowD, will at* tend to business in Mlffiin, Ceptre and Hunting don counties. tny26 8 CENTS per quart for the best No. 1 Coat Oii—warranted pure and inodor ous, and non-exploeiva, tor sale by the barrtl or gallon. F. G. FRANCISCCS. k DOZ. Coal Oil Lamp Shades, from 120 Mm*\J to $1 00 each. ml 2 F. G. FRANCISCUS.