THE GrAZEIIB. Pennsylvania Railroad. Trains leave Lewistown station as follows: . „ WESTWARD. EASTWARD. Through Express, 510a. m. 11 lp. m. Fast, 5 45 p. m. 3 24 a. m. Maii \ —— 1 336 p.m. 10 41 a. m. Local Freight, 650 a.m. 510 p.m. Fast Freight. 111 p.m. 2 28 a.m. Through Freight, 830 p. in. 960 p. m. Express Freight, 10 25 a. rn. 2 55 p. m Coal Train, 12 40 p. in. 7 10 a. m. P. E. ROBESOS, Agent. Bj-Galbraith's Omnibuses convey passengers to and from all the trains, taking up or setting thein down at all points within the borough limits. LOCAL AFFAIRS. LIST OF TAXABLES.— The following is a list of taxable persons in Mifflin county, as ascertained from the last triennial assess ment : DISTRICTS. WO. OF TAXABLES. Lewistown, 715 Derry, 388 Granville, 325 Decatur, 316 Armagh, 405 Menno, 282 Union, 278 Brown, 246 Wayne, 333 Oliver, 263 McVeytown, 222 Bratton, 177 Newton Hamilton, 124 Total, 4075 HORSE IUIEVES ABOUT.—On Sunday night, about 11 o'clock, as the son of Geo. Guthrie, lately deceased, was returning home, he met an unknown man 011 the road with two horses, who, immediately on seeing young Guthrie, jumped off and ran away. The horses proved to be the pro perty of Mr. G., and must have been sto len but a short time before. From the circumstances attending the Case, it is con jectured that the thief is a resident of the neighborhood, as he probably recognized the young man. OUR TROOPS. —From what we can gath er from letters and other sources, the Lo gan Guards were, at last accounts, a few miles beyond Harrisonburg, Ya.; the Mif flin county Cavalry, Captain Taylor, in the advance at Fredericksburg; Captain Bige low's in the neighborhood of Port Royal, S. C.; and the 49th with Gen. McClellan on the road to Richmond. Hancock's brigade was stationed in the woods sup porting the artillery during the fight of the 10th before Vorktown, the 49th in the rear of Mott's battery. The next night our boys worked till sunrise throwing up entrenchments. X IvKMA KABLE DEER HUNT. —On Friday morning a week Samuel McDowell, of Ar magh township, caught a deer under sin gular circumstances. While at breakfast the deer appeared in the field near the house, whereupon Mr. McD. immediately gave chase, ever the field into the creek, where he caught it by the ears. A tre mendous struggle ensued in the water, but. strange to say, Mr. McD. succeeded in holding on until a rope was brought and the deer completely secured. Some folks think this the first time in the history of this county that a full grown deer was fair ly caught by a single individual, without d 'jy : but they are all wrong; as the same feat was performed in Lewistown last week by J. T. .Stoneroad, and yesterday uiorn ing by our esteemed friend, Geo. Bates, Esq. fofGur friend, J. M. Beck of Locke's Mills, informs us there were, during the last winter, four snows in November, five in December, seven in January, eight in February, seven in March, and one in April; making in all twenty-nine, averaging •1 inches each. new railroad schedule went into operation on Monday, by which the regu jr mails from the east are received here early in the morning and about 4 p. in.— ilu only train eastward by daylight passes here at 10.40 in the forenoon. Our up • wer frieuds are again put to much incon- venien 'e in visiting Lewistown, by limit ing their stay here to a few hours, none of the stations having more than one train east, and with the exception of M'Vey town but one train west. 3%-The books for receiving subscrip tions to the stock of the Valley Railroad will again be opened on the 22d May, when we suppose it will be finally deter mined whether the road will be made into the valley by the amount subscribed ie that region J he weather for the past week has a gain been quite cool, with several severe fr 'Wts, but up to yesterday the fruit had offered no perceptible injury. This mora le a cold air prevailed, but without frost. i;i the meantime the grain fields present a fine appearance for an abundant crop. 8%. Ihe body of E. 11. Parker, son of Robert Parker, of YVayne township, was crjught home a few days ago for interment. bad belonged to the llUth Pennsylva nia regiment, and was a member of a Mt. company. He died in the hospital Winchester, aged about 24 years j Ladies Soldiers Aid Associa tion having forwarded two more boxes of hospital stores to the seat of War, through the Quartermaster General, make acknowl edgements to the following named persons for material furnished and aid gives for that purpose: Mrs. Buoy, material for 1 shirt. Miss Watson, knitting stockings and mak j ing 1 wrapper. Mrs. Barnes, dried neaches, prunes, and 1 peas. Mrs. R. Kreps, dried fruit, 1 comfort. Dair i of pillow cases. I Mrs. 11. McKee, dried fruit, blanket, pair pillow cases. Mrs. Anna Smith, Dried fruit, quilt. Mrs. E. Ilobough, dried fruit, comfort 20 cents cash. Mrs. C. Ilobough, dried fruit, cherries and ! quinces. Mrs. C. Myers, sheet, shirt, towel, pair I woollen stockings, dried fruit. Mrs. E. Shearer, sheet, pair pillow cases. Mrs. Harriet Kreps, sheet, dried berries, jelly. Mr. M. Kreps, cash, 15 cents. " Jno. Krise, " 20 " Mrs. W. Shilling, pillow and case. -Miss Ellen Armstrong, pillow and cases. i | Mrs. Margaret Bell, dried fruit, 3 sheets, I pillow and case. Mrs. Elizabeth Armstrong, comfort. ~ Aurand, sheet, pillow and cases, i Candor, 2 pillows and cases, 2 towels, j shirt. Mrs. Elder, 3 shirts. Culbertson. material 2 prs. drawers. " Elliott, 3 shirts, pair drawers. Las hell, new shirt, pair pillow cases, 4 packages herbs, jar of jelly, buttle domestic wine. Mrs. W. Swartz, 3 shirts, making J pairs drawers. Mrs. \\ right, 3 pillows, 3 pairs cases, 2 sheets, roll of linen, corn starch, chocolate, soap, tapioca, gelatine, catsup, tomatoes, bot tle whortleberries, bottle rhubarb, jar straw berry preserves. Mrs. Felix, 2 shirts, pillow and cases. A 1 riend, pillow and cases, material for hospital shoes. Mrs. Burns, material for shoes. Davis, 2 pillow cases St mate'l for shoes. S. Barr, pillowandcuses.mat.forshoes. Crutch ley, pair shoes, making 2 shirts. " S. Smith, making 2 shirts. Elliott, making 2 pairs drawers. " Rarich, tomatoes. '' E. Carney, mak. 4 pairs shoes. " Brought, " 3 " & shirt " V ines, " 1 " Miss M. Lawrence, " 1 " " B. Lawrence " 1 " Mrs. X. Frank, 3 towels, 2 handkerchiefs, pair woollen stockings. Mrs. Sigler, pillow and case. " Franciscus, carpet for shoes. " Matthews, making shirt, 2 prs. shoes. " Alter, making 2 pairs drawers. " Faxon, making shirt. " Hassinger, " " and pr. drawers. Miss M. Parker, " " E Milliken " " Mrs. Gaskins, " " " ltobison " " Miss Newman, " " Mrs. S. Sunderland, pillow case, sheet. 11. Hoffman, lot of combs. Mrs. Iloffman, 12 handkerchiefs, 6 towels, 8 cravats, 18 combs. Mrs. Knisely, making 3 shirts. " Mutthersbough, making shirt. " Gall, pair drawers. " Burns, making shirt. " Stoneroad, making 3 pairs drawers. " Walters, pillow and case, chintz wrap per, 8 pairs hospital shoes, 2 shirts, jar cur rant jelly, jar strawberry preserves, tic. The uext box will be packed at Mrs Hoffman's, where persons designing to con- i tribute will please send their articles. The | ladies have on hand material for shirts and j drawers, which can be obtained by any ; person desiring to assist in making them up. | nieasels, with some scarlet fev er, are prevalent among children both in town and country. Colds also are almost universal. Edited by A. SMITH, County Superintendent. For the Educational Column. Our Influence. A man's character is, in a great measure, formed by the influences with which he is surrounded. Every nation differs from e?ery other nation, and even in small communities we find a difference. It is a well established fact that the physical conformation of a country has great influence in moulding opin ions and forming character. Occupation, too, has much to do in making a man what he is. But much greater than either of these, is the influence of man upon man. This influence is much more marked in youth than at any subsequent period of life. As the child has been trained, so will the man be inclined in all probability through life. There may be exceptions, but they are rare. If the child of vicious parents, or one whose com panions in youth were degraded, become a good man or woman, the fact is cited as mat ter of wonder. llow very important then that all the influences that are brought upon the mind of the child, should be incorrupt ! Next to the parents, no one has so great an influence upon the character of the child, as the teacher. Ilis every look, tone and act makes an impression upon the minds of those be bas in charge. A single act may influ ence the whole of the child's future life either for good or for evil. Who has not heard instances of children who have been called stupid and headstrong until they actually thought'tbemselves incapa ble of doing a good act; but who were re claimed by the kindness of some one who understood human nature and treated them properly? But the teacher's life has per haps as great, if not a greater influence than his wordd. How can he euforce oven the best of precept, if his own practice does not correspond with it? How can be teach mo rality, when he himself is immoral ? Ilis teachings can have but little effect, unless his life correspond with them. In order that his teaching may be good, ho must be a good man. K - Habit Makes Everything Easy. Make sobriety a habit, and intemperance will be hateful; make prudence a habit, and reckless profligacy will be as contrary to the child, grown or adult, as the most atrocious crimes to any. Give a child a habit of ea- eredly regarding truth ; of carefully respect ine the property of others : of scrupulously abstaining irom all acts* of improvidence which involve hun in distress, and he will just as likely think of rushing into an ele uient in which he cannot breathe, as of lyinc j or cheating, or stealing. BROCGHAM. THE MARKETS. LEWIS-TOWN, 'May 7, 1N62. CORRECTED BY GEORGE BLYMYER. Butter,good, fe. Egg 9, P dozen, $ Buckwheat Flour per 100, 2 00 Beeswax, per pound, 25 Wool, washed, " unwashed, 24 Dried Clierries, per bushel 1 75 Dried Apples, 25 lbs to bushel 1 25 Beans per bushel, 1 511 Hops, lb., jo Feathers, 'p lb., 4J Country soap per lb., from 5 to 7 cents. Potatoes, "5 Shoulder, , Ham, o Sides, (j CORRECTED BY MARKS A WILI.IB. Wheat, white p bushel, 100 to 105 red 1 10 ,*' new, 00 a 40 Corn, old, 40 % e ' 50 j Oats, # 28 Barley, 00 to 50 Buckwheat, 45 Cloverseed, 3 75 to 4 00 Timothy, 1 50 Flaxseed, 1 50 Marks & W ill is are retailing flour and feed as follows: Extra Flour, per 100, 2 75 Fine, do 2 00 Superfine, do 250 ! Family, do 3 00 Mill Feed, per hundred. 70 Chopped Oats and Corn per 100, 1 10 1 Chopped Rye per 100, 1 20 Salt, 1 50 " barrels, 280 lbs, 200 i 8*&'l he highest market price will be paid for good Barley and Rye at Fisher's ' Brewery. Philadelphia Market. Flour—Superfine $5 12$a5 25, extras 5 50 a5 62J, extra family 5 50a6, and fancy brands 6 20a(3 50, as to quality ; rye flour 3 50, and corn meal 2 65 per bbl. Grain—Red wheat 125a127c, white 130a 135 c; rye 74c; yellow corn 56a57c; oats 37a 40c; barley 84c. Cuttle Market, Mai/ 5, 18G2.—The receipts of Beef Cattle reached 1,200 bead. Prices 25c the ItJO lbs higher; sales at s7a9 25 the 100 lbs net, as to quality. 50 Cows at from 18 to 45 per head. 3,800 Sheep at from 4 to 5 Jc, as to quality. 4,111 Ilogs at from $4 to G the 100 lbs net, as to quality. NOTICE! ALL persons are hereby cautioned against purchasing or interfering in any manner with a Brindle Cow and a spotted Heiffer, mostly white, about two years old, which I have bought and left in possession of Joel Bubb, of Union township, during my will and pleasure. CHRISTIAN KAUFF MA N. Union township, April 30, 18G2-3t* LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS. I invite the attention of buyers to my large and well selected stock of Ladi s'Dress and Mantilla, together with a good line of Staple Trimmings. ap3o GEO BLVMYER. CIAR'VTIAGS, comprising every style of / the newest patterns and designs in Brus sels, Tapestry Brussels. Imperial Three-ply. and Ingrain Carpeting. Aiso. Stair Carpet ings, Rag Carpeting", Floor Oil Cloths, Mats, Rugs, &e., at GEO. BLYMYER'S. VI7~ALL PAPERS, Window Blinds, T f Queensware, Umbrellas, Cutlery, Wil low and Wooden Ware, as usual, at apSO GEO. BLYMYER'S. X / v BUSHELS Prince Albert, Buckeye, t/l) and Davis Seedling Potatoes. These are new and choice varieties of seed potatoes, for sale at 40 cents per bushel, by a P 23 F. G. FRANCISCUS. Estate of .Vary Devinney, deceased. "jVTOTICE is hereby given t1.... t letters of ad- X 1 ministration de bonis non on the estate of MARY DEVINNEY, late of the Borough of Lewistown, Miffliu county, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, residing in said Borough. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay inent, and those having claims to present them duly authenticated for settlement. D. D. MUTTHERSBOUGII, ap3o-6t Administrator. Estate of Sarah kenagy, deceased. is hereby given that letters ofad- X v ministration on the estate of SARAH KENAGY, late of Brown twp., Mifflin co., dee'd, have been granted to the undersigned, residing in Union township. All persons in debted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims to present them duly authenticated for settle ment. SOLOMON D. BYLER, ap23-6t* Administrator. The Phila. Eclectic Company's Preparation. The Best Toilet Article and Hair-Invig . orator in the market) JS THE FLORAL HAIR TCPTO, I PREPARED by tbe Philadelphia Eclectic Company. In cases of baldness, where the roots are not absolutely dead, it is sure to bring forth a beautiful crop of hair in from six to twelve weeks, and no remedy in the world can do more. When the hair is inclin ed to turn gray, or fall out, this tonic will speedily restore it to vigor and preserve its original color ; at the same time remove all dandruff, scurf, &c., and keep the head de lightfully cool. It is a purely vegetable pre paration, RFCJILY I'ERFUMED, eminently healthy to the scalp, (which can be said of very few hair stuffs offered) and most delightful in ef feet. Price 25 cents. StgfSold in Lewistown by Jno. Swan, Mrs. Margaret E. Irwin, and others, and in tbe county by Mary T. Brebman, J. A T. S. Kob ler, and Iloar A McNabb. febl2 "VTAILS, at ?3 20 per keg. lN mh!2 F. G. FRANCISCUS. Mifflin and Centre County Rail road Company, rpiiE public is herebj notified, that the un .J- uersigned, being commissioners named /^ ssem bly incorporating the the Mifflin and Centre County Railroad Com pany, will open books for the purpose of re ceiving subscriptions to the capital stock of said company, at the house of Bernard El ricks, in Reedsville, Mifflin county, on Thurs day, the 22 d day of May, 1562. The said booics will be kept open at the house afore said for three consecutive days, from the 22d of May aforesaid inclusive, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 5 P. M. of each day. when an opportunity will he giveu to every person to subscribe to the capital stock of said com pany. JOHN A. WRIGIIT. E. W. HALE, ALEXANDER REED, E. E. LOCKE, DAVIS BATES. W. A. McMANIGLE, WILLIAM REEL), np 30 '62-td F. G. FRANCISCUS. SPlfflll MIIMEIMUS I> F. ELLIS, of the late firm of McCoy ,V* & Ellis, has just returned from the city with a choice assortment of Dry Goods and Groceries, selected with care and purchased for cash, which are offered to the public at a small ad vance on cost. The stoek of Dry Goods em braces all descriptions of Spring 8c Summer GOODS, suitable for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children, with many new patterns. His (frvocmra comprise Choice Sugars, Molasses, Java, Rio and Laguyra Coffee, superior Teas, Ac. Also, lioots and Shoes, t£ueensware, and all other articles usually found in stores—all which the customers of the late firm and the public in general are invited to examine. R. F. ELLIS. Country Produce received as usual and the full market price allowed therefor. Lewistown, April 30, 1862. Kishacoquillas Seminary ; AND NORMAL INSTITUTE. f|MIE third Session of this Institution will 1 commence April 24, 1862. Encouraged by the liberal patronage receiv ed during the previous Session, the proprietor has been induced to refit the buildings and grounds to render them most comfortable and convenient for students. lie has also secured the assistance of Rev. S. McDonald, formerly tutor of Princeton University, and well known in this part of the country as an able scholar and devoted Christian. A competent music teacher has also been engaged. inh2G S. Z. SHARP, Principal. A. S. WII.SON. T. M. L'TTI.EV. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LEWISTOWN, I'A. OFFICE in public square, three doors west of the Court House. inhl2 EDWARD FRYSINGER, WHOLESALE DEALER & tIAMFAITIREIt OF &c., &c., Orders promptly attcuded to. jc 10 Estate of Ir. Samuel L. Alexander, dee'd., Ijate oj Mi troy, Mifflin county, Pcnna. IETTERS of Administration to the estate J of Dr. SAMUEL L. ALEXANDER, de ceased, have been granted to the subscriber. All persons having claims against said estate are requested to present them, and those in debted will please make payment to Mrs. LOUISA ALEXANDER, Adm'x., Or to her Attorney, GEORGE 11. MOORE, No. 1513, Poplar street, Philadelphia. mh26-6t* Estate of Robert Stills, deceased. -VTOTICE is hereby given that letters of JL. x Administration cum testamento annexo on the estate of ROBERT STILLS, late of the Republic of Hayti, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, residing in the borough of Lewistown, Mifflin county, Pa. All persons indebted to said estate are reques ted to make immediate payment, and those having claims to present them duly authenti cated for settlement. GEO. W. ELDER, mh2G-6t* Administrator. Estate of Martba J. tfe.MU, deceased. ~j\T OTICE is hereby given that letters of 1. v Administration cum testamento annexo on the estate of MARTHA J. McNITT, late of Armagh township, Mifflin co., deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, resid ing in said township. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immedi ate payment, and those having claims to pre sent them duly authenticated for settlement. JAMES C. MCNITT, mh26-6t* Administrator. Estate of Catharine Byler, deceased. "VI OTICE is hereby given that letters of ad 1\ ministration on the estate of CATHA RINE BY LER, late of Brown township, Mif flin county, dee'd., have been granted to the undersigned, residing in said township. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those hav ing claims to present them duly authenticated for settlement. C. C. ZOOK, Admr. Brown township, March 12, 1862.-Gt* Lumber, Lath, "Flooring, &c., AT greatly reduced rates. Studding, all sizes, at 11 25. Good dry boards at 1 50. Best flooring at 20 00. Plastering lath, and paling, headed and not headed, reduced 25 per cent. Wishing to close out our entire stock of lumber, purchasers will do well to call here befoie purchasing elsewhere. febs F. G. FRANCISCUS. Not Wiman's Steam Gun! BUT MARKS & WILLIS' STUM MM Mill! HP HE subscribers have erected a Plaster Mill in connection with their Steam Mill, and are prepared to furnish all who tnay call on them, at any time, with tine, fresh ground I luster. They will purchase all kinds of Grain ottered, and pay the highest market prices. Flour and Feed, Coal of all qualities aud sizes, Salt, Fish, Groceries Ac., constant ly on hand and for sale to suit the time* , . MARKS A WILLIS. Eewistown, Jan. 15, 1862. Jacob C. Blymyer & Co,, Produce and Commission Mer chants, . LEWISTOWN, PA. &arFlour and Grain of all kinds pur chased at market rates, or received ou storage and shipped at usual freight rates, having storehouses and boats of their own, with care ful captains and hands. Stove Coal, Limeburncrs Coal, Plaster, Fish and Salt always on hand. Grain can be insured at a small advance on ' cost of storage. n022 Uncle Sam and Family. \ankee Freedom is a lad And Union is his sister; Uncle Sam he is their dad And he'll give secesh a twister. For they said Mrs. Sam she died— We always called her virtue— But you, Secesh, indeed have liod. And now he's going to birch vou. Yankee and sister, too, Aro bound on retribution ; For our mother they said they knew Died of broken Constitution. But Yankee Freedom will now show Secesh to have been mistaken ; Though of necessity he's their foe Until again they right awaken. Then secesh the tune will find Was turned as short as this ; While turning to the Coffee Pot Sign. Which I don't want you to miss! For your family needs, may be, A little Tin Ware Solace; And, indeed, you onght to see, Then come to J. I. WALLIS, East Market Street. March 5, 1862.J Lewistown. L XT IVE BSR. VfTILLIAM B. HOFFMAN at his Lum- Tt her Yard, Third street, near the Acad emy, has now on hand an extensive stock of LUMBER of all kinds, EOCHS, SASH. 40,000 LAP AND JOINT SHINGLES, which he offers for sale at low rates on reas onable terms. "WATER, PIPE. Having been appointed agent for the aalo of the Williamsport Company's Tubing for wa ter courses, which is the best and cheapest ever manufactured, he invites attention to the following reasons for its use : I. It is made of pine and perfectly healthy. '2. It is the cheapest pipe made. It is the easiest laid down. 4. It is not liable to get out of order. 5. It keeps water sweet and pure. 0. Being small, it soon becomns saturated with water. 7. It is durable, lasting from 20 to 30years. 8. It has a large bore, and is not liable to choke. 9. It can be made larger to bear pressure. 10. Iron will fill with incrustation, or will rust out. 11. The mineral of lead and iron is very unhealty. 12. Iron and lead, same 6ize, will cost 6 times as much. aplß WM. B. HOFFMAN. PaOPYlAhSiflc. ""EUMATtS**' During the pat yoar uw tav introduced to he notice of the medical profession of this country the J'ure Crjfstalizeii Chloride of Propyhwtint as a REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM ; and having received from many sources, both from physicians of the highest standing and from patients, the Host Flattering Testimonials of Its Real Value in the treatment of this painful and obstinate disease, we are induced to present it to the public in a form READY FOR IMMEDIATE USE, which we hope will commend itself to those who are suffering with this afflicting complaint, and to the medical practitioner who may feel disposed to test the powers of this val uable remedy. ELIXIR PROPYLAMINE, in the form Above epo ken of has recently been extensively experimented with in the Pennsylvania Hospital, and with marked euecm (as it will appear from tho published accounts in the medical journals.) 4®~U is carefully put up ready for immediate use, with full directions, and can be obtained froni all the druggists at 75 cents per bottle, and at wholesale of BULLOCK * CRENSHAW, Druggists and Manufacturing Chemists, niy23-ly Philadelphia. APPEAL FOR MONEY AT INTEREST. NOTICE is hereby given that the Commis sioners will meet at their office in Lew istown, on MONDAY, May sth, when and where all persons who claim to have lifted moneys assessed as at interest, are required to attend, and make their appeal. By order of the Board. GEORGE FRYSINGER- Clerk. Lewistown, April 16, 1862. WILLIAM LIND, hae BOW open A NEW STOCK or Cloths, Cassimeres AND VESTINCS, which will be ic i.le up orJsr lile ne> ,_ est ana most fashionable stales. a pl9 'ii* ■— Hi g TIIV WARE! / COUNTRY MERCHANTS in want of Tin v_y Ware will find it to their advantage to purchase of J. B. Selheinier, who will sell them a better article, and as cheap if not cheaper than they can purchase it iu any of the eastern eities. Call and see his new stock. Lewistown, April 23, L862-ly. TliT 7TAHE. TT> T2M r|MIE largest and best assortment of Tin 1 Ware ever kept in central Pennsylvania, at reduced prices. Persons in want of such ware will find it to their advantage to call on J. B. Se'iheimer, as he uses none but the very best stock, and has experienced workmen em> ployed to manufacture it. Spouting, jobbing and repairing done at all times. Old copper, brass, pewter and lead taken in exchange foe ware. Lewistown, April 23, LS62-ly. L£J zm <33?*, Ok t ICE on Last Market street, Lewistown, adjoining F. G. Franciscus' Hardware Store. P. S. Dr. Looke will bo at his office the first Monday of each month to spend the week. my3l Lewistown Mills. ISTE"W FIRM. r IMIE undersigned having entered into a copartnership for the purpose of carrying on the above Mills, are now prepared uTpay HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR WHEAT, AND ALL KINDS OF GRAIN, or receive it on storage, at the option of those having it for the market. They hope, by giving due and personal at tention to business, to merit a liberal share of public patronage. tey*PLASTEII and SALT always on hand. WM. B. McATEE. jan29-tf WALTER B. McATEE. Uk inn win, . OPPOSITE THE JAIL, Qg> y 2jPi3A JOSEPH GRUVER having taken this well known stand and fitted it up for the ac commodation of visitors to town, invites the traveling public to give bim a call. His ta ble will always be supplied with all the mar ket affords, his bar with choice liquors, and his stabling is second to none in the borough. Lewistown, April IG, 1862 NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. "jV" OTICE is hereby given that the Commis sioners of Mifflin county have authoriz ed the Collectors of State and County taxes to make a deduction of 5 PER OEISTT on ail taxes paid on or before the first day of June next, and THREE PER CENT, on those paid after the first day of June and on or before the loth July—after which the full amount will be claimed. By order of the Commissioners. GEO. FRYSINUER, Clerk. Lewistown, April 9, 1862-tj Kollock's Dandelion Coffee, f PUIS preparation, made from the best Ja- J_ va Coffee, is recommended by physician* as a superior NUTRITIOUS BEVERAGE for General Debility, Dyspepsia, and all bil lious disorders. Thousands who have been compelled to abandon the use of coffee will use this without injurious effects. One can contains the strength of two pounds of ordi nary coffee. Price 25 cents. KOLLOCK'S LEVAIN, The purest and best BAKING POWDER known, for making light, sweet and nutritious bread and cakes. Price 15 cents. MANUFACTURED BY M. H- KOLLOCK, Chemist, Corner of Broad and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia, And sold by all Druggists and Grocers. February 26, 1862-ly. SAPOITIPIB B.T The Family Soap Maker! \ Ll> Kitchen Grease can be made into good SOAP by using SAPONIFIER. Directions accompanying each box. Soap is as easily made with it, as making a cup of coffee. Manufactured only by the Patentees— Pa. Salt Manufacturing - Co., febl2-ly No. 127 Walnut street Phila. GRAPE VINES. I AM prepared to take orders for Grape Vinos, produced by Dr. C. W. Grant, of lona, N. Y., who is known tc bo one of the most reliable propagators of vines in thia country. The fallowing list are superior, bar dy and productive vices, viz: " DELAWARE, DIANA, CONCORD, UNION VILLAGE, ANNA. The first named is pronounced by exten sive cultivators to be the vtry beat Grapeknovm. The vine is very hardy, and a most abundant bearer. The others named are very good. The Anna is a white Grape. HaTEvery Farmer and Gardner should be supplied with some of the above. There is no fruit is so certain a crop or pays as well. The vines are not only superior in quality, but low in price. F. J. HOFFMAN. Lewistown, Feb. 19, 1862. I ( W \ Coal Oil Chimneys, Wicks, Brushes, &c., for sale at city whole* sale prices to retailers, by mhl2 F. G. FRANCISCUS.