Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, February 05, 1862, Image 3

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Pennsylvania Railroad.
Trains leave Lewistown Station as follows:
Through Express, 5 28 a. m. 12 60 a. m.
Fast Line, c 10 p.m. io 31 "
Mail- 11 49 a.m. 3 1 p.m.
Through Freight, 9 50 p.m. 12 5 a.m.
Local Freight, 6 10 a. in. 5 30 p m
Fast Frcisht. 10 50 p. m. 3 45 a. m
Express Freight, 8 30 a.m. 3 47 p.m.
Coal Tram, 120 p.m. 7 35 a.m.
D. E. Eoresok. Agent.
gy Gzlbraith'z Omnibuses convey passemrers to
an J from ali the trains, taking up or setting them
down at all points within the borough limits.
fc@~The Rev. Dr. Bettelheim, a Mis
sionary Ironi Japan, will lecture in the
Presbyterian church, (or if the evening be
bad in the lecture room,) on Wednesday,
the sth inst., at 7 o'clock. He is a Hun
garian by birth, and conies highly recom
mended as a lecturer. Subject—Manners
and Customs of the Japanese.
Albert Coxtner.—l lie unfortunate
occurrence of young Contner shooting a
soldier named John Br 'inline, a few weeks
since in Washington city, must be fresh in
the minds of the readers of the Gazette.
The trial came off on Tuesday last. Hon.
J.i 111 es 'I. Hale and Surgeon T. A. Worrall
wore brought into court, und testified as to
the character of the prisoner. The court
was addressed by Mr. King fur the de
fence, and the District Attorney for the
prosecution, when the case was submitted
to the jury, who after an absence of sever
al hours returned with a verdict of tnan
slaughter. lie has not yet received his
sentence. Hrigadc Surgeon, T. A. Wor
rall lias been assigned to duty at Alexan
dria, 1). C. He requests us to refer all
persons having business with him to Dav
id Candor, Esq.
GROUND Hon DAV. —There will be a
fair opportunity this year to test the moot
ed question whether the ground hog is a
better weather prophet than bipeds gener
ally, as last Sunday was a clear dav through
out, and he could not fail to see his shad
ow. If therefore the winter continues six
weeks longer, it may be inferred that Mr.
Ground Hog does know a thing or two;
if spring openj before that, lie must be
like others a mere guesser. an 1 placed in
the same category with other wisehcads.
A NEW DEN. —Joseph l)C Young, 505
Jayne street, Philadelphia, has lately got
up a very superior pen, which, after a
week's use, we find rather superior to any
thing of the kind we have had hold of for
some time. It is India rubber coated, plu
tin a pointed (same as gold pen,) is elastic,
and quite smooth over even rough paper.
We advise our readers to give them a trial,
we think even bad writers will find their
chirography improved by using them.—
The price by the gross is 81.5), including
six holders; or 25 cents per dozen, with
one holder. F. J. Hoffman is sole agent
for their sale in this County.
EguJanies Printz of this place lias been
appointed to a temporary clerkship in the
Treasury Department at Washington (to
sign treasury notes for the Secretary) at a
salary of §>loo per month.
G. W. Siegrist, of the Ist
Pennsylvania Cavalry, J Stewart M'Kwen,
Joseph Grey, and several others whom we
cannot at present recall to mind, have been
or are now on a visit home. Lieut. S.
looks well, and we have no doubt is an effi
cient officer.
Among the recent inventions now
01 sale at F. G. Frauciscus's hardware e.—
t iblislnnent is a Magnetic Carpet Tack
Hammer which picks up the tacks, ai.d
thus saves a deal of finger pricking. As
spring is coining on, we advise housekeep
ers to secure one
ground is again covered with a
liglit fall of snow
Pennsylvania Railroad Company.
The anual meeting of the stockholders
of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company was
held at Philadelphia on the 3d, Mayor
Henry presiding. The report of the di
rectors showed a uet earning for 1861 of
83,646,938, being an increase of 81.350,-
535 over 1800. Nearly the whole increase
on revenue of the Com pany during the year
was derived from the transportation of eas
tern bound freight to meet European de
mand for breadstuff*. The large increase
iu the business of* the Company occurring
subsequently to the declaration of the last
dividend, it was not deemed advisable to
advance the rate. The financial position of
the company, however, is now such, that it
is believed a semiannual dividend of four
per cent, may be paid in May next, and its
continuance thereafter at the same rate is
confidently expected. The committee to
investigate the condition and management
of the company, made majority report
through their Chairman, Hon. Joaeph R.
Ingeraol, approving the management, while
Mr. Page submitted his usual report disap
proving of it
John W. Shaw, Treasurer, in account with
Kicheson Bratton, Samuel Br owe: and n
McDowell, Jr.. Directors of the I'OJ of.\t<f
flin count!/, from January 1, 186i,i0 Jauu
ary 1, 1802.
l o amount of orders on county treasurer S4OOO 00
do cash from James H. Jacobs ~n
account of rent from tenant house 22 00
To cash from Geo. Rrillinger to pav forcof
flu for Joseph R. Brillinger " 3 00
1 o cash tor 30 bushels oats at 25c per bit. 0 00
3° 2 do seed potatoes at soc 100
do from John Peaehey, being the bal
ance in his hands, arising from the sale of
the personal property ofMiehael G.-irrity 03
lo cash from James M. Brown for a cart"
sold to him by the Directors 19 g>
Io cash from N. W. Sterrett, l>eing thenmt
of a note given by him to the Directors
for goods bought at the sale of Michael
Garnty s personal property 45 32
i o cash tor one beef hide, 71 lbs. 2 84
do ~I bu. 30 lbs. corn at 45c 3" ">4
do from the overseers of the poor of
Mtlford township. Juniata county, being the
f expenses incurred for an unknown
man hint on the railroad in said township,
and brought into this county, where he died 23 00
$4158 05 i
!> tile following orders jiaid for tlie support of Poor j
at the Poor House, viz:
B\ balance due at last settlement 18 00 i
Joseph Brower. Steward 344 is ;
Wm. Butler, meat 10 3 35 j
Kennedy A Junkin. merchandize 27 33 i
R. F. Ellis, mdze. 36 05 !
1 l '°Tr 1^ > "" ,s mils and setting fence, div. line 14 68 j
James H. Jacobs, carpenter work, repairs 3 75
Hoover, Esq., fees 011 orders of relief 7 40 :
.' U' F'oneis. us. paling, boards and nails 13 02
A. Felix, eottins groceries. Ac. 97 53
Jacob F. Hainaker, repairing wagon 1 50 ;
•John Kennedy A Co. groceries, flitch, shoes 110 07 !
J. M. Haight. bringing pauper to Poor House 1 00 j
James Parker, maze. 37 37 >
Dr. Thomas Vanvalzab. 3 qrs. salary 150 00 !
Dr. T. A. Worrall, on salary 05 00 !
John L. Griffith, barliering 4 25 ■
Jonathan Peaehey, t>oo lbs beef at sV£e 03 00 i
John Peaehey, interest 011 money loaned 42 70 !
Henry Zerbe. groceries, Ac. * 113 24
George Reigle, fire wood 41 50
Marks and \V lllis, coal and plaster 27 97 i
M. Frank, mdze. 100 75 |
J. \V. Shaw, att'y. and clerk to Jan. 1.1860 53 25
Frederick Baker, for 8 shoats 29 02
< r*-o. \\ .'f hoinas. Esq. fees, on orders of relief 10 20
Henry Gihhoiiey. 0 loads oven wood 9 00
James Broom, plowing truck patch, hauling Ac. 17 18
Ricbeson Brntton, services as Director 45 00
Samuel Brower, do 45 on
John Peaehey, do 45 (4) j
W in. H. Weber. pi bbl ale. prescribed by Pby.s. 200 j
James Broom, money loaned " " 26 00 !
John Himes. fire wood 04 75
Levi Z00k.40 bus. 32 lbs wheat at 1 15 40 61
John Davis, saddlery 8 37
Joseph M. Owens, making post fence 2 66
J. Hoffman, tobacco, groceries, nails, fish, Ac 79 27
B. K. Firoved.mdze. 4 15
Henry Gibboncy. oven wood 4 50
Geo. Biymyer. indze. 64 45
Jacob Land is. bringing .Caroline Kough to P. H. 3 50
Win. Swart/., fees on orders of relief 2 00
D. Bearlev and sons. 1 plow share 1 75
Fire Insurance company, renewal of policy 25 60
N. Comfort. Esq.. fees on orders of relief 1 80
E. C. Hamilton, shoes 1", 117
Thomas Cox, shoes 58 38
1. S. ( oitle. bringing pauper to Poor House 5 00
Richard Gallagher. 622 lbs beef at 4'4e 27 99
John Stroup. oven wood ' " 6 00
Win. B Hoffman. lumber 1 27
Daniel K. Furster, school tax 25 00
do _ State do 23 00
James I. Wailis, tin ware 12 07
Henry Clum, hauling coat to Poor House 4 50
Win. G. Zollinger, bats 5 28
J. W. Siiaw. one year's salary to January 1, 1801 80 IK)
Seth Ever hart, ehe-tnilt rails 6 00
Geo. W. Moßride. Esq.. fees oil orders of relief 1 40
Joseph Strode, sr.. for 8 shoats 42 00
Simon Wittenmj er, one cow 15 00
Samuel Brower,"beef 24 52
John Clark, shoes 0 as
$2344 66
Bv the following orders paid for the Support of the
Out-door Poor viz:
F. It. Sterrett, flour 12 75
Maiden Soger. keeping Mary Gill 21 00
Henry Shilling, keeping Geo. Shilling 4 (m
Geo. Stall, fire wood 19 02
Henry Krisher. fire wood 33 On
Wm. "Pretty lief do 11 25
M. 1 >ruekmiller, keeping Andrew Stollik'-r 31 00
Dr. Geo. \V. Hoover, att'g do IS 00
Thomas Diven. flour 17 CO
Win. Hardy, keeping John Peris, (col'd lis 55
JllO. Puree!! A sou. mdze. for Winskey family 31 14
Bart. Bush nursing Frank Lyttle 9 00
It. H. MeCliinie. making eottins 3 00
do 3 tied st cads at jail, broken by paqp.-r- 10 60
l>r. W. G. Bigclow. lileil.. and attend'ee oil ,• 111 s 29 55
Dr. S. Martin. do do do 17 50
Elizabeth Haines, keeping Frank'Lyitle h. 75
David Heister, flour for Winskey family 15 82
Gratf A Thompson, mdze. ' 6 82
Geo. Ruble, keeping Mary Ruble 02 50
Samuel Witlierow. grain fort". Berlctv 2") 37
Dr. A. Hibler. medii'ine and attendance lot >
Henry Zerbe. groceries. Ac. 55 25
Dauphin county, for Van/ant 14 on
Marks .v Willis, flour, meal, Ae. InO. 75
M. Frank, mdze. 26 85
Samuel Watt, do 3 00
Dr. A. Rothroek, medicine and attendance 12 00
Lir. J. A. Swartz. do do 15 Oo
John H. MeKim. shaving Frank Lyttle 1 50
Joiin Kennedy A Co.. groceries, Ae. 21} 50
John Himes, fire wood 18 00
N. Wilson, coffins 10 no
A. Felix, groceries and coffin 15 on
John MeNitt. rent of house for Jacob 1 >rt 10 00
C. C. Stanbarger, keep'g Lydia Adams. 2 50 p. w. 97 50
do taking E. B. Brown to Peuno.
State Lunatic Hospital 25 96
('. Stanbarger. taking A Ida Sellers to Pennc.
State Lunatic Hospital 27 59
Pa. State Lmi. How. for E. B. Brown 99 GO
do do Alda Sellers 32 50
do do Robert Starks 32 50
Biymyer. mdze. 32 00
do ' for K. Starks and L. Adams at jail 582
J. W. Shaw, rent of house 25 00
David Withcrow. flour for Mrs. Cough 16 ou
Dr. Vanvalzab, amputating leg of Mrs. Evans 35 00
Wm. 1. McCoy, rent of house for Robt. MeCall 14 00
Adam Young! keeping Amanda Kobb 19 00
Wm. R. Wilis, tak. K. Starks to Pa. St. L. lies. 7 27
James Broom. do do do do 4 55
Dr. S. S. Cumiiungs, attend'g Miss Myers 9') 00
H. J. Walters, Prothonotary s costs, " 5 66
Mrs. Joseph Myers, keeping Adelia Cordel's
child 3 years "and 5 months lik) 00
McCoy A 11 obrer, mdze for R. MeCall and others 15 55
Geo. Miller, rep's at jail, damage by paupers 3 62
James Parker, mdze. 5 00
Wlll. MeNfibb. coffin and hearse 5 00
Dr.S. I.- Alexander, salary. 8 mos. for Armagh tp 20 00
A. Felix, coffin and hearse for man at Rail Road 5 00
Dr. T. A. Worrall, attending do 5 00
do do Miss Flick 5 00
A. T. Hamilton, mdze for Lydia Adams at jail 5 38
Joseph Jenkins, keeping Ezra Jenkins 8 12
Dan. Flick, keeping Matilda F'liek in eonfinem't 12 00
John Laudis, keeping I.ettiee Kough A children 12 00
Kicheson liratton. sending paupers away 3 UU
James Hollis, nursing man at Rail Uoad Ac. 10 00
A int. orders paid for support out-loor poor $1640 90
Amt. orders paid for support of poor at Poor
House, brought forward 2314 00
Whole amount of orders paid 3901 05
Treasurer's percentage 41 58
Balance in hands of treasurer 126 42
4158 65
NOTE— There are no orders unpaid except for SIOOO
—money borrowed last year—and a few orders due to
the Steward. The expenses of supporting the Poor
at the Poor Home are about the same as last year, but
the expenses of the out-door Poor are $665 27 more
than last vear, owing principally to insane persons
kept at the' Hospital, and foreign paupers becoming a
charge in this county, the bills for some of whielihave
not been collected.
We. the undersigned, Auditors of Mifflin eouniv,
elected and sworn according to law, having examined
the accounts and vouchers of John W. Shaw, Treasu
rer for the Directors of the Poor from Januarv 1,1861
to January 1 1862, do certify that we find a balance in
the hands of said Treasurer, due to said Directors of
the Poor, of one hundred and twenty-five dollars and
forty-two cents, and that we have cancelled the orders
paid by the said Treasurer. Given under our bauds
and seals Januarv 16.1862.
Henry snyder,i
ABM. GARVER, > Auditors.
Joseph B rower, Steward, in account with Rich
eson Bratton, Samuel Brower and John Mc
Dowell Jr., Directors of the Poor of Mifflin
county, from January 1, 1861, to January
1, 1862.
To amount of orders on Treasurer $435 43
Cash for one shoat * ™
Balance due
640 5
By balance due at last settlement 180 12
Cash paid for bringing paupers to and sending
them from the Poor House l '
Cash paid for repairs "?
do do 101 l 41
do do whitewashing 0 50
ao do sweeping chimnies
do do rioh pine wood 2 '>s
do do stationery and postage •> fl
do do butter --
do do t mte he ring hogs and boef *
do do linio " _
do do ashes
<jo do plants and seeds t T i
do <io orieks . ir
do do making clothing on
do do one year's salary 3f55 55
ftUO 30
Oram mused on Farm, as given in by the tenant—€ 79
bushels Wheat; 74t"> httsheTs oar.-: 1380 bu-hel-To-n
ears : 82 bushels rve : ss loads hay
in™ w? i i r<li 't l , 0n Tn ! r - k bushels potatoes;
I ?i ' al'bage: 10 t.u-hoi- t-matoes: 41., bushels
,•?£ busheU ontons, an.l killed!• head hogs, weigh
ing 3.„19 lbs. and one beef, weighing 490 lbs
N thick on Far hi —4 row-, s hogs, 1 horse.
Work done at Poor House for Paupers —2o shirts. 42
i S sacks, 21 pairs pant*. 24 chemise. 12 pairs
drawers. 20 aprons. 10 pairs pillow eases, (i bed ticks
o roundabouts, 25 pairs stockings. 15 hups. 10 skirts. 8
undershirts, 6 night caps, 8 barrels soap and 1 barrel
pick !cs.
Number in Poor House January 1,1861 32
Admitted through the vear " m
Born in the house " j
Whole number of inmates for 1801 10 >
Died in the house 3
Bound out 2
Discharged 59-64
IVumber in Poor House January 1,1862 38
Out-door paupers through the year 8S
do do died 7
do do discharged 37 44
No. out-door paupers Jan. 1,15C2. supported
in part by the county 09
Whole number paupers January 1,15C2 77
We have also three insane persons in the State Lu
natic Hospital, viz: Elliott li. Brown, Alda Sellers and
Robert Starks, and one in the county jail, viz: Lydia
Adams, all supported by the county at $2 50 per week
for board, besides clothing and damages.
In addition to the above there hare been 250 tran
sient paupers, supported for a short time,'mostly over
night) without orders or entry 011 the register.
We, the undersigned. Auditors of Mifflin county,
elected and sworn according to law. having examined
the accounts of Joseph Kroner. Steward of the Poor
House trom January 1, 1801 to January 1,1862, do certi
lv that we find a balance due to the said Joseph Brower
from the Directors of the Poor, on the books, of one'
hundred and ninety-eight dollars and fortv-two cents
(.oven under our hands, at Lewistown, January 16 1802
ABM. CARVER. V Auditors.
Receipts and Expenditures of
Mifflin County for 1861.
Wm. C. Vines, Esq., Treasurer of Mifflin
county, in account with said county from
January 22, 1861, to January 7, 1862, the
latlc r inclusive.
To amt. State and eo. tax ass'd for
1861 $24,200 76
Outstanding taxes for 1860 9,468 77
do do ISSB and 1859 1.237 63
Cash rec. from tax on unseated lands 36 74
Lawrence county bank notes 10 00
34,953 90
Cash in hands of Treasurer 989 12
$35,943 02
By county orders lifted $9,274 70
Road damages 224 50
do views 103 00
Fox scalp orders 176 50
Wild cat scalps 6 30
Outstanding taxes 1861 10,922 48
Commissions on prompt paym't 402 37
Exonerations 46 89
Outstanding taxes 1800 1,957 36
Collectors' per ceritage 1860 888 01
Exonerations do 305 43
do for 1858 and 1859 66 27
Collectors' per ccntage 263 95
Cash, paid his successor in office 800 00
I'a. State Trcas. for taxes 1861 10,091 41
Treas. per ccntage on county payni't 320 43
35,849 60
Cash in hands of Treasurer 93 42
835,943 02
Of the above sum there is due the State by
the Treasurer $Bl 85.
li'i/i. C. Vines, Esq , Treasurer of Mfflin
county, in account with the Commonwealth.
To a int. said licences for 1861 $537 50
By cash paid State Treasurer, as per
receipts 494,32
Advertising list 16 30
Treasurer's commission 26 8S
To amount said licenses for 1861 405 00
By cash paid State Treasurer, as per
receipts 384 75
Treaurer's commission 20 25
To amount said licenses for 1861 60 00
By cash paid State Treasurer, as per
receipt 57 00
Treasurer's commission 3 00
To amount pamphlet laws 3 50
By cash paid State Treasurer, as per re
ceipt 3 32
Treasurer's commission Iff
To amt outstand'g for 1858 38 17
do do 1859 69 45
do do 1860 480 50
do tax assessed for 1861 625 50
To balance in hands at last settlem't 130 88
1.344 50
Balance due Treasurer 52
1.345 02
Cr ;
Paid Logan Guards, armory rent 1860 18 00
do military tax 46 53
J. I. Marks for 1859 1
Belleville Fencibles for 1859
Irwin Guards do 23 09
Logan Guards, armory rent 16 13
Military auditors 3 00
Maj. D. Eisenbise, military accounts
and salary for 1861 167 59
Commissioners services for 1860 15 00
do do 1861 10 00
Clerk for services for 1861 16 00
Outstanding taxes, 1858 and 1859 13 / 5
Exonerations do do 16 00
Per centage allowed collectors 4 14
Outstanding taxes, 1860 213 50
Exonerations do 115 00
Per centage allowed collectors 11 03
Outstanding taxes for 1861 582 50
Exonerations do 13 (JQ
Treasurer's commission 3 gg
1,345 02
The Board of Relief in account toith Mifflin
County :
Orders issued at Lewistown, 3 months
term, to August 10, 1861 $B9l 00
do to McVeytown do 278 00
Committee orders issued at Lewistown
previous to Ist of June, assumed by
county 501 03
do do McVeytown 149 00
Total 3 months service 1,879 03
Relief orders, Lewistown, front Au\
31, to Jan. 4, 1862 1,329 75
do McVeytown do 683 00
do Milroy do 627 50
do N. Hamilton do 187 75
do Belleville do 288 50
do Allenviile do 181 75
do ltaedsville do 17 50
Total orders issued and assumed 5,194 78
Amt. orders cancelled 4,755 53
McVeytown subscription 149 00
Orders outstanding 290 25
To meet payment of these orders
the Commissioners have re
ceived on loan, at 6 per cent,
interest, from various parties $4875 00
Order on county treasurer 100 00
$4975 00
Total expenditures, §4320 33
Cash-on hand Jan. 4, 1862, $654 67
Of the amount borrowed the treas
urer has repaid 420 00
County order 100 00
Which amount deducted from
$4975 00, leaves the indebted
ness of the county, on account
of moneys borrowed for use of
the Relief Fund, $4455 00
To which add amount assumed at
Lewistown 561 03
At McVeytown, 149 00
Total indebtednes of Relief Board
at settlement, $5165 03
NOTE. —The Judges, Commissioners, and
auditors all coincide in the opinion that it
would be injudicious to publish the names of
the mothers, wives, sisters, or other relatives,
whose main support are voluntarily en lur
ing the privations and hardships of a sol
dier's life, and thus relieving those at home
from the performance of a stern military du
ty at the expense of a trifling tax For the
satisfaction of all, however, who desire to
examine the list, a copy is retained in the
Commissioners' office.
Samuel Barr, Esq., Register of Mfflin coun
ty, in account with Commonwealth.
To amt. collateral inheritance tax out
standing on estate of J. T. Sterrett 215 40
do do F. Boggs 36 22
do do Mag. Jivcrhart 26 83
do do D. Brisbin 470 00
do do Z. Phillips 20 30
do do James Poe 933 66
do do R ibt. Hope 163 97
do do Joseph Reed 113 41
do do Jacob ILuvn 324 00
2,303 79
By amt. outstanding on estate J. T.
Sterrett • 215 40
do do F Boggs 36 22
do do Mag. Everliart 26 83
do do Z. Phillips 20 30
d > do James Poe 933 66
do do Robert llopc 163 97
do do Ji.seph Reed 113 41
do do Jacob Jluwn 324 00
By reduction of tax on estate of D.
Brisbin, by auditor, and confirmed
by Court 372 05
Cash pd. appraiser of estate D. Brisbin 1 50
j Check on Wm. Russell, in favor of 11.
D. Moore, State Treasurer, in full
j for tax on D Brisbin's estate 91 56
By commission on $97 95 4 89
2,303 79
State and County Taxes for 18G1.
j|Bfr 356*01 L2ZW 168 9P 30 638*31 91 OOS'PS
100 399 08 69 P0 16PI P8 8133 .. ' oaM K •• 9 d ln*g
16 801 90 I! ZZ SO IS P3 9883 .. *°! u n - 4 [ieqd"no CI H
I 8P Sot-T 81 95 09 9 08 P9l 99 9333 'DMOjg „ UJB}i qsisof
! Zf L\ZZ P3 IS 91-908 It MOO •uMdmoqj wj
, 09 1-81 61 36 801 11 BPS 'uo^uuti H N „ '3u.[q3nvo 0
! 18 *LL 69 91 106 688 08 1891 I - 'OAB A V „
; f>B 3IP 98 PI 18 BSS 10 190 'djqsuMO* uo W *>a „ 'opiog -oa 0
' IP 813 II P 03 303 31 611- j 'umo}£3A,W >• '°P! J ll<l9 AV O
1111 836 01 93 68 IP 01 588 99 P3Bl 1.. ' aOA !lO >. '® a PS '9 S
131 088 98 83 68 938 96 0811 .. *Jnoaa 0 1
i|lß 186 01 13 00 516 IP 9361 'lll Aaw O 'Vdeuß<l S 0
39 986 93 9P 58 0361 69 £065 diqsimoj £aaa(j „
IQ 061 1 _SB P9 1165P1 GO 9115 'UMQigmoq 'joioanop 'J*H!K aJoaj)
-jnatn£ad . gQO d 'j
iduioad no • Ajunof)
•P i (BS , uunoo ™ UOX 3 pu.oms
State and County Taxes 1858 and 1859-
The outstanding taxes for both these years
were settled in full by the following cash pay
ments :
Jacob Hook, Col'r Decatur, 1858, sl3 12
Wm, Barger, Granville, " 57 44
Simon~Gro, Bratton, 1859, 56 95
Peter Barefoot, Armagh, " 188 88
Alex. Orr, Decatur, " 5 86
Samuel Myers, McVeytown, 29 71
5V m. 11. Ewing. N. namilton, " 07 no
M. A. Sample, Oliver, • 000 n .-
JF. McNear, Wayne, .. m
$949 55
State and County Taxes for 1860.
The duplicates of iB6O were, with the ex
ception of four collectors, all settled, and
Reuben Axe, of Union, has since paid the
amount reported outstanding to the new treas
urer. The amounts paid and outstanding are
as follows:
XJ IT , I Bald- Outstan hug.
Henry Hertzler, Bratton, SBB 33
G. \V. Wiley, Lewistown, 343 15
A. M. Ingram. Decatur, 164 01) 486 50
L>. C. Matter, Derry, 757 00
Henry Garver, Oliver, 607 48
J. Ruble, Granville, 560 00 547 74
E. Morrison, Wayne, 724 00
W. R. Ewing, N. Hamilton, 123 19
G. W . M'Bride, M'Vcy'tn, 259 44
W. M'Kinney, Reedsyille, 631 02
J. I. Cottle, Armagh, 1214 46 910 27
.1. T. Wilson, Menno, 360 53
Reuben Axe, Union, 543 23 12 79
$6375 83 $49571(6
Orders issued at the Commissioners Office
from Jan. 23, 1861, to December 31, 1861.
C. C. Stanbarger, jail fees to Jan. 22, 109 87
Geo. Miller, repairs at jail, Ac. 102 97
L>. W. Woods, attorney to Jan. 1,1861 25 00
D. Bearley & Sons, grates at jail 1 12
Grand Jurors pay. April term 107 08
Petit Jurors pay, April term 289 03
Constables attending court, April term 18 00
Constables returns at April term 11 89
John Kerns, wood at jail 17 77
Geo. Miller, refunded' tax, repairs, Ac. 327
Jas. Parker, clothing to prisoners 450
C. C. Stanbarger, jail fees to Ist April 78 75
VV. McCoy, Assessm't Granville tp, '6l 24 00
G. W. Patton, do Lewistown 50 00
Michael Yoder, do Bratton 15 00
A. Brimmer. do McVeytown 15 00
Jacob S. Shade, do Wayne twp. 30 00
Wm. Setzler, do Oliver twp. 30 00
John Kobb, do X. Hamilton 18 00
Moses Peachey, do Menno twp. 18 00
A. M. Ingram, do Decatur twp. 23 00
A. W. Campbell, do Union township 25 00
John D. Tayl r, do Brown twp. 20 00
Peter Albright, do Derry township 25 00
James \V . Brown do Armagh twp. 33 00
Spring election orders 101 89
Peter Printz, brick at jail 2 10
George Miller, repairing locks, Ac. 7 00
Water Company, rent at jail 50 00
W. It. Graham, 8 cords wood at jail 20 00
George Aurand, wood at jail ' 17 50
Costn Com. vs. Hughes's and Smith 26 63
Pay Grand Jurors, August term 82 97
Pay Petit Jurors, August term 158 10
Pay of tip staves 9 00
C. C. Stanbarger, jail fees to Aug. 28 214 10
T. M. Uttley, Dep. Pros Atty. fees 25 00
Lock for jail 5 00
W. W. McNabb, six ballot boxes 3 00
Pay Grand Jurors at November term 75 21
Pay Petit Jurors at November term 307 46
Fall election orders 185 40
D. Bearloy, beater at jail, Ac. 14 00
Pay of tip staves, November 19 00
Pay of Return Clerks 8 00
J. R. Weekcs, agt., cast iron sash at jail 7 50
Costs Com. vs. Chas. Nesbit 8 60
Inquest on Ida V. Shimp 11 25
Constables returns at August term 15 41
C. C. Stanbarger, jail fe.s to Nov. 13 112 75
C. C. Stanbarger, conveying Harris to
House of Refuge, serving jury no
tices, costs in Com. cases 188 49
Less verdict fees 06 00
- 122 49
Geo. Blvmjer, goods for jail 29 53
J no. E vans, papering, As., at jail 24 53
\\ m. C. V ines, repairs iu com. office 515
11. H. MoCli'ntic, bedstead at jail 3 50
C. C. Stanbarger, 10 cords wood 25 00
John Kulp, repairing heater at jail 10 00
tall assessments, attend, elections, Ac. 59 76
Jno. Walters, fees as Justice 6 02
P. Fertig, fees as Justice 1 69
G. W. Mcßride, fees as Justice 6 25
J. M. irrison, fees as Justice 1 25
Vv. Bell, fees as Justice 1 24
Wm. Swartz, fees as Justice 4 20
C. Hoover, fees as Justice 58 80
C. Bratton, fees as Justice 10 12
G. W. Stewart, feos as Justice 3 52
T. A. Gettys, fees as Justice G 75
T. M. Hulings, Pros, attorney 49 00
N. Comfort, fees as Justice 6 00
Special election iu Decatur 9 00
Special election in Union township 9 25
I). Weiler, Union, election bills 5 00
Jacob Hook, Decatur election bills 7 00
S. Wittinmeyer, Derry election bills 7 80
John Kiefhaber, Oliver election bills 580
D F. Stevens, election bills 5 65
J. M. Wise, Menno election bills 5 60
Dan el Snook, Decatur election bills 8 80
J. F. McNear, Wayne election bills 6 06
Samuel Stayrook, Bratton election bills 8 25
D. A. Postletbait, Wayne do 1860 10 00
Daniel Decker, McVeytown elect'n bills 6 45
Isaac Ward, election bill, return, fees 10 00
John Kerr, do do Brown 5 00
Com. costs in sundry cases 16 22
J. Selheimer, constable's costs 13 03
R. Mathews, constable's costs 4 08
D. Wasson, constable's costs 39 53
G. W. Woods, constable's costs, Ac. 6 00
Geo. Miller, sundry repairs 7 00
Interest on loans " 90 00
11. Ferer, court crier, Ac. 47 83
D. Bearley, for beating coal 126 00
Geo. Frysinger, adv. A print'gblanks 151 62
11. Frysinger, advertising 100 00
J. Peachey, on account salary 150 00
R. Bratton, on account salary 110 00
S. Brower, on account salary 110 00
G. Frysinger, on account salary 125 00
Orders issued to Poor House 4000 00
do for money loaned for relief fund 4875 00
The Phila. Eelretie Company's Preparation.
The Best Toilet Article and HairGnrig*
orator in the market,
"PREPARED by the Philadelphia Eclectic
_l7 Company. In cases of baldness, where
the roots are not absolutely dead, it is sure to
bring forth a beautiful crop of hair in from
six to twelve Weeks, and no remedy in the
world can do more. When the hair is inclin
ed to turn gray, or fall out, this tonic will
speedily restore it to vigor and preserve its
original color; at the same time remove all
dandruff, scurf, Ac., and keep the head de
lightfully cool. It is a purely vegetable pre
paration, richly i'xrfcmed, eminently healthy
to the scalp, (which can be said of very few
hair stuffs offered) and most delightful in ef
fect. Price 25 cents.
in Lewistown by Cbas. Ritx, Mrs.
Margaret E. Irwin, and others, and in the
county by Mary T. Brehman, J. AT. S. Koh
ler, aud lloar A McNabb. janls-6m
t yi r? P Q rwv ' s - -
\*Vv V Vv v ; "
r>uritif the tin year w bT lotrouueed t-o the
notice of the modioal profeeeioa of ti.i. eoantry the
FWe ( t/ o/uaj ChlorvU of as a
and having received from many sources. both from
phyeicmns of t'i* highest standing and from patientt,
Most Fluttering Te?<tmoniaU cf its Real
in li.e treatment of this painful and obstiuat* d. ***,
wo are induced to present it to the public in a form
KBADY FOR IMMEDIATE USE, which wediope will
commend itself to those who are suffering with this
afflicting complaint, and to the medical practitioner
who may feel disposed to test the powers of this val
uable remedy.
KT.IXIIt PROPYLAMWB, in the form above spo
ken of has recently been extensively experimented
With iu Use
Ponasp 1 nia Hospital,
arid with mnrk&i success (as it will appear from ttto
published accounts in the modical journals.)
is carefully put op ready for immediate nse,
with full direct'mi J can be obtained from a!T the
druggists at 75 cents per bottle, and at wholosale of
I>ruggits and Manufacturing Chemists,
my2S-ly Philadelphia.
UD 1123 £J was tP a
OFFICE on East Market street, Lewistown,
adjoining F. G. Franciseuß' Hardware
Store. P. S. Dr. Locke will be at his office
the first Monday of each month to spend the
week. my3l
npHE subscriber, intending to remove to the
*- West, will sell at public sale, on the farm
of Ilenry Ort, in Derry township, on
Friday, February 14>, 1862.
his entire Stock and Farming Utensils, con
gtejv sisting of HORSES. COWS,
Wagons, Plows, Harrows, Grain
W*Vilrn MACHINE, Ac.
Also, 66i acres of Wheat in the ground,
Household and Kitchen Furniture, and other
things too numerous to mention.
Sale to commence at 9 o'clock a. m., when
terms will be made known.
jan22-3t HENRY fIAVICE.
r pilE public ore hereby notified that 1 pur
-1 chased at constable's sale on the 11th
inst., the following property of Jacob Wertz,
of Derry township, viz :
About 25 acres grain in the ground
2 grey mares
1 wagon
2 cows
which I have loaned during my will and pleas
ure to said Jacob Wertz, and therefore caution
all persons not to interfere with said property.
Derry township, Jan. 15, 1862-3t*
CIAME to the premises of the subsciber in
) Granville township, a dark red BULL,
(uioaley) about 3 years old, the owner of whi h
is requested to call, prove property, pay char
ges, and take him away, or he will bo sold ac
cording to law. JOHN BROUGHT.
Granville township, Jan. 15, 1862-3t
ON Christmas evening, in Market street,
Lewistown, between the Black Bear Ho
tel and the bank of the Juniata River, a
FITCII FUR CAPE, or Victorino. The
finder will bo liberally rewarded by leaving
the fame at this office.
Lewistown, January 8, 1862*
f|MIE undersigned, being about to close out
_L h ; s choice and well assorted stock
of Goods on hand, invites attention of per
sons desirous of purchasing to the advantages
thus afforded in these times, when economy
becomes a necessity, as well as a duty. The
entire stock of
Dry Goods & Queensware
is therefore for sale at cost and carriage, of
fering inducements which are nowhere else
The stock embraces Cloths, Cassimcres,
Yestings for Gent'emen's wear, Silk, Woollen
and Cotton Goods for Ladies' wear.
He has Muslins, Gloves, Hosiery, Trim
mings, and a great variety of other articles
usually kept for sale.
g?L.To any one desrring to go into the bu
siness at a well established stand, with a per
manent and substantial class of patrons, he
would dispose of the entire stock, at a price
and upon terms that would prove an object.
No better opportunity for a safe and paying
investment can be found.
Surviving Partner of Kennedy & Junkin.
Lewistown, Jan. 15, 1862.
Lewistown Mills.
3STE"W EXE.lv£.
npilE undersigned having entered into a
copartnership for the purpose of carrying
1 On tho above Mills, are now prepared to pay
) or receive it on storage, at the option of those
i having it for the market.
They hope, by giving due and personal at
tention to business, to merit a liberal share of
public patronage.
fifc^*PLASTER and SALT always on hand
jan29-tf WALTER B. McATEE.
TIIE highest price IN CASH will be paid
for all kinds of HIDES, if delivered at
John Clarke's Shoe Store, in Lewistown, or
at the Tannery, in Decatur township, or the
residence of the subscriber, in Dry Valley
norl3-3m WM. MITCHELL SON,