T H K il -i U £P 5. -4 .1 Cool Plain Puddimg. —Fill* bairn dish that will hold *wo quart- nearly lull a;. PIE-. pared and cat C arse IT. On this sjuiukle fcl.x t..' •- p-tuwdui i si together ioureggs. four teaeupfuls of flour, two of brown so-, j gar, the same quantity of butter, and a tea spoonful of soda. Ilakc- the pudding in a mould, and .rve it with wine sauce, which may be made with inilk instead of water. Hoc Oik" —Scald a quart of Indian meal with a pint of water; stir in two tea spoonsful of salt and a little butter, melted; j put it, when properly mixed, in . buttered , tin, and bake it half au hour. Pickled —Boil the eggs until very hard; when cold, shell them and cut them in halves lengthwa} -. Lay them carefully i;i 1ar.,0 mouth.. 1 j .r.-, and r our over them scalding vinegar, well sea- .:: J with whole < upper, all-pice, a few pieces of irinuer, and a few cloves or garlic. V hen cd-J, tie up closely, and h-r them stand a month. They ar ■ then ft 1 rt; e. With cold meat the y ; re a most delici.-us and delL-afe pick e. Jacob C, Slymyor k Co, 3 Produce and Commission Mer chants, Lb Wlo 10 v Is, PA. fSfFlcox and Grain all kin is pur cHasedkt n . k t rat s, or rereive I or. ft.,rage ■ an! ship; 1 a* usual freight rate*. Earing ' stbrefiousi - and I of tutir >wn, with care f i captains and u: Is. Move Cc-ul, Lim urucr.-. C , Piaster, Fish and Salt always en hand. uraiii ■an be in.-.ui . at a. , .ah advance on t.'vot sji .storage. nc22 I A?^3ROTYP£S AND fThc Terns c i the Season. * is i. humbug. !ut . prat h-v truth A Til,' pict.i tat.' II y . Ir. iirkh ... r * 1 ■• ?' 866*1 1 F 1 jie• -.. I. Xt . L 1 i H iiKAU'Y OF FINISH, and Dl RABILITY. Prices vujior according to UU ail I quality of frames aud QUCK. R Jin V ve: : K.g r,oh. e. I. wi-r .wn, An 23, led _ ■ ill j, i ' J 'nt ; c*e >-i r -a ;yt ra > Of I' It i. jo Ea.-t Mmketstreet, Lewistown. adi tilting F. (}. Franci-cus' Hardware i •Store. P. S. Dr. Locke will be ac bis office the first M nday o: each month to spend the my 31 EDWARD FRYSINGER, WHOLESALE DEALER & 3IAAI"FAtTTRER lints, TOGimSMW, &c., &e., IP&io Orders promptly attended to. jelO *vr ■ Vsr • V e sniirWsia'nstJrtf* * Attorney at Law, Office .Market Square. Lewistown, will at tend to business in Mltiliii, Centre and Hunting don counties. og EishacoquiUas Soaiinaryj AND NORMAL INSTITUTE. r |MfE second Session of this Institution will 1 commence November r ), 18G1. Eucooraged by the liferni piatronago receiv ed (luring the previous Session, the proprietor has been induced to refit the buildings and grounds to render them most comfortable and I convenient for students. He b;ts itbt secured the assistance of Rev ' f, b'" !) l!a ' '' ' rm fly tutor of Princeton : Lnivei.-:ty, and well kuwn in this port of t.ie O'tontrv a- ati able scholar and devot 1 j Christian. A competent music Uacuer wi.l ' aiso be engaged, oc!-l S. 7,. SriAllP, Piincipal. New Sail and Winter Goods, jk i. ELLIS, id the late firm of MeCny L " Ellis, has just returned Iron, the city with u ..lit ic. a-sortu cnt of Dry Goods and Groceries, f-t ; ji- i wuli care :r; l purchased for cash, which are offered to thj public at a small ad vance t n oust. The st. .-k of Dry Hoods em brnces all do. criptions of Fall and Winter Goods suit. Jil > "-r Ln iic- H 'ntlemen wl Children, with many new petterns. His CTvoccvici c -mprsM- Choice Sugars, Moiasse--. Java, Rio an i.Lauay ia (' -j' . tuporior Teas, Also, -jot .s ar : On-.'.iswarc, and all other -nil ' - u-ua.iy i uin jin stotv*—all which ! hf ' - : l I'"- latft firm and the public ' an gencm. are tn-.h -i f examine. , K. P. ELLIS. Louiury i rot luce received a- usual and the full ni' iket * ri e al! wed rheref-.p. Lewistown, November 6, 1861. BERNARD A, HOCPES. S'C. - •>' io II ':' - if* D'u ix, Saaiifaflurer and TV Dealer in I'J is d 7 3 D !) i) o j No. 509 Market Street, nsh£c-l v Philadel; Lia. GI.E.N - ECHO MILLS, (.lruaxtdma, PA. - -j 1 gs r? * a ,' Tii7 TJQaa MaanfaetnnTL Imjorters and Wholesale Dealers In CARPETINGS, DRUGGETS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, &c. Warclmu No. 509. Chestnut Street, Opposite the State IF u -e. mhld-iy. Philadelphia, Pa. (LATE EAGLE HOTEL.) Third *t., above Race, Philadelphia. Terms—sl 25 per day. RHOAD3 & SAILOR, Fropriet's. TfLGIIMAN* V. RHOADS, Formerly of the Nat: o.al Hotel- CHARLES SAILOR. f2B-iy Formerly of Schuylkill eo., Pa. Late White Swan, j Race Street, above Third, Philadelphia. Terms—sl 25 per day. &GILLMAN & BOYER, Proprietors. yv) the 'ld cuftcmers of this well known *• H use w I -ire to >ay thai we bavaren ova' d. im; r ved. and newly furnished the :. th we respectfully solicit a con- ' • : j mnoe cf t' -*ir patr nage. S: !■ -. d r ivelers and Vi-it -r wecordi ally t; the hospitality cf the " Nati r t..- s cf its tgci and merits. Our lo- *i u . c.: ai. i convenient for merchants ai. i u-. . Stn njo rally. V • v. iil alv -ye endeavor t • -:u ly the wants •ir, 1 " . tnf"!-- -f our guests, and with the as -i'ti-uc - : M . CUAS. A. STEIN", our afihbl® ' and attentive <]b*rk, we feel well prepared to kt ; .g . •-! hotel, and hope to he able togivo ; g-nerul satisfaction. HENRY QCILLMAN, f(123-lyr JOHN BOYER. CHAIRS! CHAIRS! CHAIRS!J Mahogany. Maple, Birch and Walnut CAME SEAT *CJ J\- JL 'l&rL y of every style and finish, at W. D. REICHNER'S wskbgUSS w&wqfir C- O-Vo N-/ t'-L u. Cj 3G9 IS'orth Front St. Above Vic?, Parlor and Dining Room Cbaire, large and .11 It .-king Chairs, manufactur 1 of th ! ; ..erla! an l by experienced vc rkrn :i. All rders filled with Promtituae and Care, i- - i the plact , 331? North Fi nt > net, : above Vine, I'hiLdd; h:.i. mn24-hr ; War on High Prices ! TIIE ODD FELLOWS 5 HALL STORE, I" N DKil c mman i i N trhanb l Kenn - > dy. is waging an unceasing war on high prices, as every one can test who will cali.— He has cn hand Foreign and Domestic J- VBS -XP CX Cn\ en ueJ *2, - L d.* WOtj L of all kinds and qualities, embracing every thing in that line: a complete assortment of GE.GCF3.IES, remarkably cheap, with good weight and fair ; measure, together with RIEESSN Vltß, STONEW ARE, HARDWARE, Cco' irieat v, II illotcicare, boulder, Ham, Sides, Mackerel, Shad, JJerriuc/, Cod J i. cj hav- b en permitted to refer to the fol lowing named medical gentlemen as to the b:gh character of our Medicinal Liquors, viz; DR. ROBERT MARTIN*, DR. T. A. WOKRAE. •C' Pf or mber the sttind —first floor of Odd Fellows' Hall, opposite the Black Bear Hotel. XATII'L KENNEDY. Lewistown, April IS, ISCI. D. M. DAVIDSON'S Essence of Coffee. r Kssence clarifi s and improves Cof ! '3 by rendering it more wholesome and nutritious: also, as a laxative t hie aids di gestion while preserving the full flavor of the O fiVe. When used a? directed, one package will go as iar as six pounds of Coffee! Manufactured and for sale at regular Phil adth hia Wh do-ale prices, )>y D. M. DAVIDSON", mhll-tf Lewistown, Pa. LUMBER! LUMBER! % LAKoE and complete assortment of -ti- Lumber t r sab.- cheaper than the cheap by F. G. FRANCISCUS. \ V J-T 1 ! J.. J X 1 l_ , O C 1 no. ' T r* "s-i4 11 o Lr'Ci SV/ CjLr'JL .2.-A. -2. >— • rofntft ;*!I T! SCI rtfn! <>U* 1 FT* J TIOA-■?T *I Q9 A % U U#R. I U-EI-*,, OR, Kruptioi;s I'uituiv . lifo/.. tjis. iioiiv. and NIL I>K;N DISEASES. O• N. I • H. •-' J. f %v n i COb Gt -: If-; )i Jaijr n-v I . A ... *i ?CR.-LI.. V 3. i R ia tlkers OFT MY - U I til T RTN-S VNIIN CF S 1.. • • ' '1 • • . :• I V O ■r-_. - li'l. 11. 1 Übfll -.> F. LIT-CK* W - IU*I •-'* Y*-'- 1.-: > ... • w-• •/ J U> IHI I V. . : • JIKILI: . I .5- Ui ? . U . .. 1 •/ iJ: V- * .1 U! I* i ti .I ti .• *F ...IIY rlti . . -- 8 • • * ' CSla t . I .• • i I Mtj. I I* -#k * it. as y- . . ITT ■*♦•!-? •-• •- - • *. -• •Vl■ T-I I rii II;h. I;S s;U V I *;>"' ' • • .T..i ]•. . '.;* -kill #• • ■!! BEGAN I" £•: • I. .. -Wvi* A 1 : : A I V NFLE ii. u.r My -X • iv ; : ... , I L-. .. byn-.y . I I I. I } I the 8: •. Hi..! Iriiiuiii T'VI'J gnud'Al:..-, U.-, A1.51.; B.TAI.U:i. St. Anthony's I'LRE. Tin -C R *•>} i;ICFO. I I'ett.-r II'TIL SALT ?<-.. (tin. SINLRL ILEA:!, lliiigtvorin, Sore KJM, IJrofi.; . I Dr. ItMn-rt *?. PRRWO WRIT.** frMR SIRLI-M. Y-. A-TH j i Sr].t.. I-. J, tba.l lie Irt! run- J an mitrr:.l' CWMJ O( J I), UJ >/, WHI-JI ti. IC.:XIU . T. '■ . !":<' iy F-' | pel -FTTITU RW <-F II .T:T*NR: .•> Mil' ir nil J>i ip 'it ST J.■ II - f THE R me ; T; I ho .-!.!•• S T!.=- .•••.. ••• A ■•'•• •'•" I ]T It eonrtaatly. Brunchocclt, CSoffi C or Swtiiftl Serls. j Ijihnliai RIIIAN nf frnrpr T. TeaWRI.. -: "THREE 1 . i tli * I.F I <>ur ."•:>.IJ.-.I t! ' - 1 lt;O RT-.AN aTI >• —A I> : • EOUS SF II.: .' 'it the II ' it, '■ : I) I IT S'i etttn-v D I. : OIT-'F t\. J. IRS. - ' Ltticoriinr > OR '.Viiies. Ovarian Tumor, t'ttrllie T Irriult IN, 1\ IN:;le Uincast s. Dr. JB. 5. CHAT I it..-, . F N-W V.SK City, rritea; "I j III".: I^WTFTIUJA SUFFER ••'> lb it I teat <4 Yur TFIBTI , SA\ I hove f T> 1 • ur I 'I T A :ll.ett OX<'"'llont I AI R "RA:ITE in tl unniTr.tis C<-I ,I !.U :S FOR ui.i II we | em;.' >Y such A RAIAED.V, BUT eupeeinlly in Fmr.'lf, I of tite Scr. fii'IJTIT .!iiiiiir->. 1 IK: - cit '-D ni.NIY itiTeter j ATE <-.TS-S VF J—• INMM it. <••! mme V her.' M j I PL.tint WASCAN-TF.! I.y 1 : '••• 'N. 'Jhoul.-or- J I a:i< U itbrlt .SS.. : TR. >,. visiiin LITY KI:ol- | ; 011/E T* RS:.T : . it f r tli : :•* -.! ■ I'" Z ) !O. MN:r- n. .">• f r.IV. *.' T, v. ,;•>. •< A TLON- j ■ ' T: . • - • T!,E ui.'A - i >■', r i ! P vJTcott : .1- ■ : NT- y WEEKS E~. .. .•, R I R - .. -T.T. Sypiiiiis MI'I MT-rcuria! L.I.FOSF, M '?! • .v. 2M!I AU.-T.-', I s>. D*. J r. AT T: '. • .•:::;•!(• with tit • I- J ' >1 X'LV JU I • f tlf F ..m --! P -I. -: . WL.i i, it IS M:... mi. H!ID 1;, V.. F LIS " j #ti "* ' -nly "...?H f I', WR' ' ■ ••• I otriit iv. (IN I FIUI intientii LII| f'JI liil ilt N|YI in Ii : hi* throat, which v..-, IMUII Z Hl* jnlate ASJ iba j ; I ft 1 1 LIH M I. A ir SAT - Tpjiiii.l. NR. , : cur.-'A hiin in :.• • .\A :I •s- A attarU -I LV - - | | undiry YN : ' IN- in HI- R,AMI - W N.'.-TATS - ! i j yiaicte i T. MF .<• PDV -V* • -.I ■T.YT > FOTITRPRI-FEHIT the I ku IN 1.1. WL'IIH ; MI .._,I GARG U,R. .I. •* | reu. I.- , T ;.iiv. "lit- . truly I. ..ai'L.A!.ie O" ults H'leumntlsm, (■ mf, I.lrrr Coropiaint. I>: I. R . > Kt, !.■•• \ ,I ;; IY. J . •. ■ f-IL •!.: :TFW -• f.L H JOIIJI 111. : -..iiiiit I i-.V.n •!.• . I •'. ■„. -| , .-111.-' i'.-T ' I,IV ..... :\ ■ :.. : •' . I!*.-R11;....' II iue. ' J. iiii.:. 'l.' - . S - Jiirrin.A'unrr." T• - UIO: * " :I' I rc-' L ■ R UT, !1. ■.slii.'l. tiii i.:. :!•.. IS] liiatJan OF til iloll ••••. - . BY JTNLN, 15 ART I'IUERSE, rils. Mfsilrp- SY, ?ICL." lit itoi } . X;■ W.IVJ jjin Manv re. OIKOL-.-F •UI S T-F lit ■T<:N 1 L-I n j 111.'!• i.Y If," alter itiv, J. V .1 I' >til L | HI:-* II vi'-.i LIA :• IT-, !*I •• I-L TLM ov rn-111.1 1' - r'JI-t li 1;; wo: .1 - TlE}' .! : •M! us rearli. R'licli it IEUN 'V I. IS I IT-S I: ; : . .1 1.. ;.M I. - D > for THEM TIL til n.NJI- IL,E can I . | Ayer'S Cherry Pectoral, FOIT TIFF". li.\i-i:I C5"!:I! OF C"OUT;FIS. < nltls, "NI'II- N •. 1f O" !-• ME SG, C'RO"|', BronrltiH fin ifilrr, T'ON LUIMIIII'II, ITIIL far TIN.' ltrlicf OL" ('Ollsmiljllltf RNTIIIITS in n:?V j: 111-1 (I of tle Disraie. Tiiis is A roir AY -• I.uiit-iaa.iy if: UIN snr; TISS any other for tin- TNI'I "F tin -nt ii-i lung < -t. J - ..u.!. that it , is NSELCM HTREAO PAUBH RVWENEE , f i>< MFTRFC LIE ] umivaH'lT EXCI-IL' nee FOI '; M ami vols is. audita trnljr W-Oinlerftli Ct. '- J of I S is: ' ry lis . ... have made it known throughout the I-R. . -I timi-.r,:. of the earth, j FEW at" tli I - niicutii' lES. •rIV, J, tamilii-S. anioiig thiln who hare IX ' sum • pers- al expelieiire of lie ELHN-ts r. me living ti -PHY in IL" ir ru -I ii- VI- t.-ty -.v. r the 1 anbtleßnd IHTGTRMI DLIRIVE* OF THE femtiiid lungs. • AS alt know the dreadful : > IF ti. -. iliv.l. eis, ai. J AS they know, too- tliceffi-I T- ! tli.- I .'jr. WE NTEI! NOT i ! do more than tons,nie tl. ,U tli-;: • 1 IS r, wall the vir tuca that it did have when nia'.iiif; the cures which have won so at long iy upon the coiitid.-UCE of mankind. Frepared FCJ ER. J. C. AYES A. CO., Lowell, Mass. ; Sold by Char it* Ihtz, Lewutowii, Jacob Af' fz, Alleurillc, 11. &. ,L-- Co., liclle | rdie, 11. M. Kiusloe, BetdacUle, li. Graft', White Hall, and by Dealers everywhere. DL'O 2533 STSAIIE KILL AGAIN IIST MOTION! Farmers and Mechanics, Look to Your Interests ! Having added to the Flour and Grain Business a large stock of <£r m, TdW.N, MIFFLIN COUNTY, PA , ! 1>! 1 LI'S to frier Steam Engines. Mill y Gearing. Furnace an i Furge Canting*, ) Blowing Cylinders, Forcing Pumps, Brass Castings, Blacksmiths' Vict* an 1 Scr w Plates, Buggy. WAg n. 1 'art an-1 Coach Axles. ! with all such Iron and Srt Bar Share, Side Hill and 801 l Plows and I'-int" saw n.*:ll t'rar.k • turned or n a rough state, Rag Ir Cuiiagi' .Irons, a.'. ; II rse Power, with an iuipr ved thre*iierand shaker, ir ,u;: s the - y :ial attenfi- n of farmers. Tl: -' wh ■w mt the best arti do at thc lowest pr:," -in sat : -fy themselves by calling on the subscriber nt the sh'=p and ex- 1 aminirg t- rt. rasclv- ;. No charge made for : giving int nnaticn. X > loafing at stores or j 1 !..v.fi us to secure emltomeis. If: my work I vfkl n...c re.:, mmei : I wl 11 not a>k jou to ( buy It. JOHN 11. WEEKES, : aug7-Un Agent. ! GOOD NEWS! 4 NFAV arrival tf BOOTS & SHOES at i V Billy Jobs- mV, snitnMe f r fall and j winter, and cbeaj -r than has ever bc-c-n sold i In this phwe; n-i rr-i-fike. Men s cf.arse Loi ts iicni Si 50 to 5 25 2 75 t 3 7-5 1 Boys bo. ts fr m 1 00 to 2 00 : : an i children's shoes 18 to 75 1 M",'* 00 Wa-iien's " 75 Ujiu .n'.- gaiter*, I.'gii heels 100 to 125 and Cverytid: g in hi line very I >v.\ Manufa ttiring t., all kinds attended ton- ' usual, ar 1 lepairir.g du.e cn the'sh, rtest no- j tiC, Also, a ii.g- n.-surtu. Nt Tiunas kept , on hand which wi.l Lv so.id very I v.*. 11 - frien-D 1 -L IT rs will c i-f r a great fa vor on him if they will stop a-king him for : I credit, f r hi' terms are strictly Cash, lie treat* both rich an 1 fu r alike, so tin se wist- ? ing credit vviil pl asc call where ttny sell at i large piufits. B>, c ae nn, all you ca-h cus- | :■ rs. at. 1 provide for yousclvea good Boots Ur the Winter. oet2 BILLY JOHNSON. The Greal st Discovery of the Age is that John Kennedy & Co. Propietors. a yn JATiEs FIROVED, Salesman, 4 P.E seliing gaods at priceo that defy com- ' ji\- petition. They keep a large stock of; all kinds of goods such as Sugars, at 7, 9, 10, i 11. Coffees at 16, Teas 88, Syrups at 60 per j gallon, 100 boxes of Mould Candies 16 cz to ' lb., (to dealers at 13 cts. by the box.) 14 cts. ' per lb., Sega'-s, very low, Sugar Cured Hams ' at 12, Dried Beef 12, Calicos. Muslins, Ging- I hams, and ail kinds of Dry Goods for sale at | prices that can't be surpassed. Everybody and anyb "is'< \f the Ki lnryi, rind ' aU dteoise-i arising ftvm a disordered Lhr- r or Stfnnnrh. CL"''il as Constipation. Inward Piles. Futijuss or j 9 Biool to the Hea-t. Acidity of the M-.inai-h. bi.ut Frueti'.tions. Snikinu or Fluttering at the pit of the : Stomaeh. s, art. t hukint: twr i St-.ff-• .-.-.ting eiiMitioifcs wh a ia a lying posture, Dun- i ness of Vision, Dots of wet -- before the sight. Perer ' : *pd dull pain in the Head. l'eti"ieur > of Pej-snhwltoti. | \t-li'jWTaeis of iho .-skin and Eyes. Pain i.i the !■' ue. i Back; Do st. I. oh >i]dden Fiushis of H- at, j Burning in the Hesh. ''onstant Im-i '-.'iiss of evil, and I great Depre.--e.iiis of Sprite, and wdl po-rivelv pre- i : vent 5 EL LOW I" EVER, BlLLlnls FEVER, id. The J'ropr.etor in oalling the otter.-.or. of tlii.- prep- * aration. does so with a feeling of the utmost oonti- 1 d'-nce iu its virtu.-- and adaptation to the diseast-fc for j j which it is recommended. It is no new nnd untried article, bnt one that has I stood the test of a twelve years' i ..! before the . i American people, and its refiiittttkiii i.ad -ah- are uu riv dl'-d IJT any similar tirepnt uiotis i xrart. The te ' tiin .ny in its favor give-n hv- the must prominent ami ! well known physician- and individual.- in ail parts of ; the country is immense, ami a ear. fill peri:-al of the almutise. publr-hi-d annually ly the proprietors, and I to be had gratis of any < f the r agents, eauriot txil sat- j isfy the most kepti<-al ti nt tl..- remedy i- really de- ] ' serving the great celebrity it ha- obtained. Chas. Ilitz, Soli Agent, LeicLtoxcn. my 2 Stoves! Stoves! I have now on hand a fine assortment i j3E t f Cooking, Airtiglit, Gas Burning at. ' other kinds of Coal Stoves, at prices to | suit the time-*. i oct23 F. J. HOFFMAN Hoffman's is the Store for Coal Oil. O. lat 64 ect G per gaH rt. L- c - bv the 1 quantity. Nt. 2 at 50 t :u - r gal. . |— a good ait.wl-.—-at*", i-.-s by the -yiuiitiry. | rrMI TOP Tobacco art] S*g., r ?. Nt Q A USAGE Cutters. S-.ff. s A'.-. UA L.Uthc-i'. Saws, Kcivrs, .<', oct3Q HUFFMAN'S. Groceries Still Low. Cl'iAli, C dV e, St i Panr.a. j kj/ Svrup, at 56 ccnin ; •; g !! ■. -it j oetSO ' ¥'. J. HOFFMAN'S: ■ PURE Ground F. ;j. r, •ur wu grlr dii g, and wat raided ; r.*. at octJO F. J, II;.'! i-'.'J AN'S. ) OEYERAL Varietl s of A pi-; i art rs, at ij/ about ha.f price, frit -le 1 v , -s-pl F. C. FKANCISpC?. j f* ROUND Alum Salt, by the - ick. low foi i \_X cash, ai EgI'F.M AN'B. la-Biier. U' t -r {. other. M roccus vLI and Shoe I ii.oleg-, at .-eiMU HOFFMAN'S. C HILF.SF.—A t race rtk! t i octoO HOFFMAN'S. - "I AISII.—Meek. rel. \..:-v !• w. I v t! . • ■ rn>l j JL or at retail, at HOFFMAN'S. j 4 PIT F'T'O 'PTd PO f IREes. I REEs! r under.-igm i invite attei.tictu to their , \ largo and wl.ll grj.vo .t.• k* f Fruit and Ornamental Trees, ... . > Stirubs, A.C., eml-raciug a c and c mpiet, ia* - I ment ol \PiLES, PEAS.v, PEACHES. NPIU ; CHERRIES, IPiiIIMTS AM) NCiTTRINES,! : Standard fir the Orchard, ami Dwari fur thv j Garden. ENGLISH WALNLTS. SPANISH (TIF.STMTS, IIAZEL.MTS, Ac., RASI BERRIES, STRAW BERRIES. CLRRANTS, AND GOJ.vE BERRIES, in Uroaf Variety. Grapes cf Choicest Kinds. ASPARAGUS, RHUBARB, Sec., &c. Al ! so, a fine stock of well formed, bushv suitable for the Cemetery and Lawn. DECIDUOUS TREES, ; fur street planting, and a gene:al assortment | of Ornamental Trees and Flowering j Shrubs, Roses of Choice Varieties, Ca melias, Bedding Plants. &e. Our stock is remarkably tbriity and fine, and we offer it at prices to suit the times. s£aT Catalogues mailed to all applicants. Address EDWARD J. EVANS iaper, Sheetirg*. Ac. Also, a lot of good Stone, China and Glassware, fur sale cheap. A fine lot of 21 and 3 bushel Bags, all of which will be sold at a great reduction of pri ces. Please call and examine for yourselves, i KENNEDY A JUNKIX. N. B. All persons knowing themselves in- : debted to the above, will please call immedi j ately and save costs. K. &J. j Lewistown, August 4, 1861. m 4 LL persons indebted to mo j\_ to settle their accounts by the 20th of | Sept sober, as i have to raise money by that time. My present st ok of Boots, Shoes, Ye., will be s.dd at reduced prices fr Cash onlw— Those io want of such articles should call ; and examine. All kinds of work made to 1 order of the best quality and style. Thank 1 ful for patronage beret.-f re bestowed, a en j tinuance of the sauce- is respectfully solicit, <1 augg?- JOIIX CLARKE. Undertaking OTILL carried on. A large assortment of O C -flips on hand. Funerals attended to at any distance in the country, at short notice. ■ thankful for past favors hoping a onntina . ance of the same. A FLUX. Lewistown, Feb. 2. < *\ . Lock Repairing, Pipe Laying, Plumbing and White Smithing i HPIIE above branches of business will be I promptly attended to on application at i ttie residence of the undersigned in Main street. Lewistown. i janlO GEORGE MILLER. THE EXTENSIVE STOCK or iihiis. mill i.u. b. RINGS. BREASTPINS AND OTHER JEWELRY; 'F. I TFV I *R" - R-I an i a Leautliui ussu; in: nt of BOOKS AND STATIONERY .r- 1 oi w sei.ii-.g ;:t greatly reduced prices at Junkii.V old star I corner uf Brown and M. k-t str-ets, ; R:- i'.; Ib.cki; g House, Csjim I hose who des.re to 1 -ij at pr:< e- cor* re?r nding with the t :nr, will please call. All kinds • f r-'-.iring i c it • ' y ntten led to. 11. ..i L X ifcLl \, Agent. Leu is town, A' t ril 8, 1838. SADDLES. HARNESS, /*'>—'A The e*j!seri rr hav!wgr<'wfti ■ <4.; r X hand s:e ol the ! >v t .ci! r'i 4 between Fl iLc>-' ,an , Pi*hr.rgh. in order to acenro ll 'ate business t 10.- times, cfifii s fur -aic a complete assortment 'T saddles, flnrrr Rrsdl<. fcf!.ir., Trn it*, Whips, riaa es, taihrs, farpvt Stags, which ore ofi'i.-rM bur s..lc low tor cash, o* a,-.* Among h'- ck will Le-finr.J • me Hgh ly finished sets of light Harness equal to any manufa lured, Let all in want i f good a cl AlhlNli neatly and expeuiti -usly att tided t-,. nod all w.irk warranted. Thankful f r the patronage heretofi re re ceived, he respectfully asks a continuum .- of the same, and will endeavor to please all aho may favor him with their custom. fit 2 Aeat, ( heap Ihuablt-, Vf. G. ZOLLINGER, Market Street, next door to Kennedy's Stony I always prepared to sup- ~- X&A J pl) the public with all the / different styles of Hats of best ijnalities and at such KSpiSQi prices as to defy competi tion. He has now on hand a largo assortment of Fall arid w inter Hats and Caps, of all the latest styles, which he will sell at the lowest cash prices. He invites every body to call and examine fur themselves, as he is satisfied ilia* his stock cannot fail to please. For the Ornish he has constantly on hand, or w ill make to order, hats to their taste of any required size or brim, at prices that cannotlail to be satisfactory. Country .Merchants will fnd it to their an vantage to give me a call, as a liberal deduction will be made on wholesale purchases, and cs peeially so to punctual men. Don't forget the place, next door to Kenne dy's store and nearly opposite the Odd Fellows' Hali oct22 NEW REMEDIES FOR SPERMATOIiII IKEA. HOWARD association, PHILADELPHIA, A Benci'.i. „t Institution established by special firtdou nm(, far th- Rrtitf of the Siekatsl Utett esstd. ajJUctexi ic th , ut and Chronic. Diseases, and especially jv"r ( of I>i • ■"if* X the .Sexual Organs. MKDICAI. ADVICE given gratis, by the ActingSur- I geon. VA 1.1 'ABLE REPORTS on spermatorrhoea, and oth* , ST diseuscN ol the Sex mil Organs, and the XKW REM- El.'i EA employed ,n iho sentiu sealtd i envelopes, free of Hiarsjc. Two or three stamns fer Address, DR. J. SKIELIN ! , , , , *;<>>•• Howard Association, No. 2S. Ninth St., I I liiliivlC'ljplYJUy X'il, jo 6 Large Stock of Furniture on Hand. 4 FF.LIX is still manufacturing all kinds of Furniture. Young married persons and others that wish to purchase Furniture will find a good assortment on hand, which will be sold cheap for cash, or country pro | duce taken in exchange for same. Give me I a call, on Valley street, near Black Bear Ho j tel. ' feb 21 PAINTED BUCKETS at 25 cts. •ach. fcblt JOHN KENNEDY & Co.