ISB Gr A3ET TE . TPeik* tylvauia Kailroad. Trains leav> Lewistown Station as follows: ' EASTWARD. Through Exp re M, 5 28 a. m. 12 50 a. ni. Fast Line, 616 p. m. 6 19 Mail, . 10 45 a.m. 10 39 a.m. Through Freight, 1130 p.m. 2 Local Freight, 6 19 a. m. 6 25 p.m. Fast Freight, JO 55 p. m. Express Freight, 8 30 a. m. 2 45 p.m. Coal Train, J 30 p. m. 5 20 a. in. I>. E. ROBESON, Agent. td GaJbraith's Omnibuses convey passengers to RBJ from all the trains, taking up or setting them down at all points within the borough limits. LOCAL AFFAIRS. J6*arWe learn that the Farmers' Rank of Schuylkill county has issued no two dollar small notes, so that all of that class on that bank are spurious. The Is can easily be detected. The genuine has a male portrait on left end, a male portrait on lower right hand corner, and a fox chase for a vignette. The counterfeit is nothing like this. All the notes passed here came from two parties from up the river, who will consult their safety by not passing any more, as the transaction has assumed asus picious appearance, and the bank notified of the source whence they came. BOAT BUILDING. —This business, which had been in a measure almost suspended on the Juniata during the past few years, gives some promise of a revival. A major ity of the boats now in use are pretty well worn out —others have beeu disposed of —so that there will propahly be a consid .rable demand for some years. We learn •hat Messrs. Buskins and Alter, who have an excellent reputation for building sub stantial canal boats, have now orders for four new ones, (as well as three or four to repair) which will give them employment for some time. DEATH OF A SO.UUER.—Corporal Al bert B. Strong, a member of Capt. Taylor's company, First Pennsylvania Cavalry, was taken sick with typhoid lever on Thursday, and died on Monday morning last, much regretted by his companions in arms. He was a son of Juhn Strong, of Three Locks, Oliver township, and between 19 and 20 years of age. His father had been tele giaphed, but missed the connection at Bal timore. and did not reach the camp until some hours after he died. The company provided a coffin for the young soldier, es corted his remains to the Chain Bridge with Capt. Taylor at their head, and thence scut under charge of Mr. Coplin to his home —all at their expense. CANAL NAVIGATION' may now be said to be at an end for this season, as the wa ter will he drawn off in a few days. The construction of a new aqueduct in this dace will we suppose be at once commcnc -1. >C THE NEW JUDGE.—The Mifflinburg Tribune, in speaking of Judge Woods' first appearance on the bench, says: 44 lie was introduced to the audience by Judge Mid dleswarth ; after reading of bis commission by Mr. .Simpson, and other preliminary proceedings, the Judge delivered one of the most comprehensive and magnificent charges to the grand jury, that we ever had she pleasure of listening to. At the re quest of in-ny, we asked the Judge for a copy, for publication, which be kindly promised to furnish us at his earliest con venience. Every person seemed to be pleased with the new Judge, and he has - far made a very favorubjt impression upon the public mind." • ITEMS.—Some hall dozen weddings are ■-aid to be on the carpet for the next two weeks. Preachers and printers we sup pose may look oat —the former for half eagles, and the latter for pound cake. tie boys and girls are itching for ice, snow, or anything else that will do to slide on. ——A carriage broke down in the diamond on Saturday, but without injury to those in it. The second ball came off at the Lewistown Hotel last Thursday, bqt with a small attendance—probably owing to the fact that too many dancing gentlemen hav§ holes in their pockets. Turkeys are un usually abundant this year. Thus far they -iavc been selling at 6 cents per lb., which is more than can be obtained for them from dealers in the city. What has become of the temperance meetings ? Have the topers all been reformed, or is Captain Whiskey in the ascendant? A pro tracted meeting was commenced in the Lutheran Church last week, since which services have been held nightly with a full attendance. The sermon on the outside is published by request. Ministers gen erally receive instead of giving presents. We acknowledge however the receipt of an acceptable one from Rev. Mr. Fleck and lady. John Clark will commence the second session of his Singing Class on next Iriday (20th) evening. &a?* Henry Havice raised 980 bushels of potatoes, and 160 bushels of turnips, on the rieury Qrt farm now occupied by him. Report of John L. Griffith, Agent for " The Lewistown Colony"—Emigrants for Ha,li: On the 15th of October, 1861, the expends for moving eighty two colored persons from Lewistown to Sjew York were tiny of a Deserter. WASHINGTON, Dec. 13.— Gen. Franklin was yesterday furnished with a copy of the order for the execution of Wm. H. John son, a private in the Lincoln Cavalry. Ac cording to report, his offence was desertion, supposing himself to be in the presence of a party of the enemy, he expressed his joy that he had made his escape. The officer in command had a private conversation with him, when he freely and anxiously gave such information as would have been of great importance to the Rebels. His revelation being concluded, lie was arrested, and much to hi.v surprise he discovered his mistake when he was taken buck to his own camp a prisoner ! The execution took place this afternoon in the presence of about seven thousand soldiers belonging to General Frauklin'3 Division. A detachment of twelve men were detailed for the purpose. Fight of them first fired, when Johnson fell on his coffiu, but life not being extinct the other four in reserve fired with the required ef fect. This is the first execution in the ar my of the Potomac since the commence ment of the Rebellion. A Storm in Camp. Soldiers Struck by Lightning. —An ex tract from a letter written by a member of Col. Stambaugh's Regiment, encamped at Camp Xevin, Kentucky, says : 4 Last evening about seven o'clock, a'ter a beautiful warm day, the western sky be came dark and lowering, with frequent flashes of lightning and low mutteriugs of distant thunder. At 8 o'clock the tattoo sounded, and the inhabitants of our tented city retired to rest. Slowly the heavy clouds rolled towards the zenith, and at midnight, with seeming ten fold darkness, the storm, with unparalleled fury, burst upon us; and peal after peal rent the spread ing air with heaven's overcharged artil lery. At this time a deafeuing explosion took place in the next tent to my quarters, and terrific yells from the sentinel brought me to my feet. I soon found the tent to be on fire, and Lieut. WChart, from Ful ton county, Pa., and Lieut. West, from St. Thomas, Franklin co., struck by lightning; although badly burnt, the sides of their limbs to a crisp, yet God's mercy interposed and saved their lives by the very weapons they had brought with them to protect them from the rebel foe, little dreaming that it would prove their safety in the tempest and the storm; their swcrds by their sides were melted by the subtle fluid, and no doubt exhausted its fury and saved their lives. At this writing, I have heard of no other accidents resulting from the storm. —J. L. (J., Brookville Republican. I learn from the Bellefcnte papore , that the trial of Lipton and Ilays for the raur j der of Poorman in August last while return ing from a Campnieeting in Valley, Centre county, after occupying the time of the Court for nearly a week, has resulted in the acquittal of Ilays, and the conviction of Lipton for manslaughter. Lipton had not yet been sentenced. Messrs James T. Ilale an.l 11. N. McAllister were counsel for De fondants, Messrs. McManus, Wallace, and Keuisli for the Commonwealth. Delicate females will find no better remedy to strengthen their nervous system than Iloofland's German Hitters. Read the ad j vertisement in another column. MTiiRAL HISTORY, Crows Can Count But Three. A few months since v/e were riding in a i stage coach with several gentlemen, when I the conversation turned upon crows, and j many anecdotes were related. One gentle man said that he knew that crows could ; count—at least as far as three—for he had often proved it. Being troubled with crows iu the field, he had often to shoot them.— i But they knew what a gun was as well as he did, and therefore kept out of his reach. He then concluded to put a small booth in the field, and placed some carrion—a dead horse —within gun-shot. From this place i he supposed he could fire at them when they alighted to eat. Whenever he enter ed the booth, the crows would all sit upon the distant trees, and not one would come near till he was gone, when all would alight ; except the sentinel, who remained to give warning if danger approached. The gentleman finding his plan to fail, thought he would deceive them. So he took his son with him to the booth, conclu ing that when they had seen one go away, the crows would think the coast clear, and descend to the bait, But when the son left the booth, a crow sung out caw, caw, caw (there goes one), but not a crow would leave bis place. The next day the gentle man took two persons with hipj to the booth, and left them depart one at a time. The crows on the trees saw the first, and cried out 4 there goes one,' in their own peculiar dialect, then when the other went 4 there goes two,' but they would not alight, for they had counted three when they entered. ■ The day following the gentleman took three others with him. When they went out one by one, the crows cried 4 there goes one,' ' there goes two,' 4 there goes three,' j and when these men were out of sight, they all alighted, and the gun of the fourth man did its work. The gentleman stated that this thing had been tried repeatedly, and it was evident that crows could count as far as three, but there their arithmetic ended. When they will ascend to the higher branches of math ematics is yet to be ascertained. In the meantime others can bring on the incidents of crow nology.— Olive Branch. Get Your Likeness Taken! "Secure the Substance ere the Shadow Fades.'" J SMITH, respectfully informs the citi • zees of Lewistown and vieinity that he has returned lo THE OLD STAND, Near the Town Hall, where he is prepared to take Ambrotypes. and Fhotogrphs, As well as Pearlotypes. Paperotypes, Melain otypci, Balotypcs, an! Stereoscopic Pictures. Lis pictures are warranted to be perfect likenesses, and equal in every respect to any by the best artists in the cities. Lewistown, December 11, 1 SGl—tt O T X. <0 ! A LL persona knowing themselves indebted .xJL to the late firm of JOHN KENNEDY, A Co., cr JOHN KENNEDY, Sen., deceased, by N0.3 or Book Account, will please call on or before APRIL Ist, 1862, and settle the same. Bv so doing COSTS WXLS iiAVEU, as after that time the accounts will be loft in the hands of an Attorney for collection. JOHN KENNEDY, Jr., Surviving Partner of JOHN KENNEDY & Co. BgLAll persons having claims against the late firm of John Kennedy & Co., or John Kennedy, Sen , deceased, will present said claims for settlement before the Ist dav of April, 18G2. Lewistown, Dec. 11, 1861-tal TEACHERS' CONVENTION, FLMIE 6th Annual meeting of the Teachers' X Association will bo held in the Presly terian Church, at Milroy, commencing on Thursday, December 26, 1861, at 1 o'clock p. m., ar.d continuing until noon of Saturday, December 23. Prof SAMUEL P. BATES, DEPUTY STATE SUPERINTENDENT, has been invited, and is ex pected to pc present. Ilis knowledge and skill in the department cf physical education, and his ability, both as a writer and lecturer, warrant us in expecting a rich treat, should he favor us with his presence. 1 he following questions will be discussed : Which is more important, keeping youth from temptation to wrong or teaching them to avoid temptation ? Should pupils be required to study out of school hours ? Should compulsory measures be resorted to to obtain lessons from pupils ? The exorcizes will be conducted in the fol lowing order: Thursday afternoon—Organization, re marks by President, and a discussion. Evening—A discusoioD, essays, orations, and reading of a manuscript paper, for which teachers are requested to prepare contribu tlOQGi r rictay—Prof. Bates, it is expected, will occupy the principal part of the day, but there will also be drills, experiences, and dis cussions. Evening—Probably a lecture by Prof. 8., essays, orations, and a manuscript paper. Saturday morning—Experiences, and re marks by County Superintendent. Every teacher in the county is urged to bo present at this meeting, and to be prepared to contribute to the interest and profit of the occasion. Gentlemen will he boarded at low rates at the different hotels, and the ladies enlertaiu j ed by the citizens of the village. J. K. IIARTZLER, MARY McCORD, WM. S. WILSON, Executive Committee. Milroy, December 4, 1861. VI DITOII'S NOTICE.—The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court to distribute the fund in the hands of | PETER CLU.M, Administrator of Forgritta j Notter, deceased, wiil attend to the duties of the appointment at the Register's Offoe, in Lewistown, on Saturday, the 28th of Decern ber, 1861, at 10 o'c'ock a. ni. Those interes ted are requested to attend. W. P. ELLIOTT, dec4-4t* Auditor. Estate of David llarsbbarger, deceased, : "VOTICE is hereby given that letters of j _L x administration on the estate of DAVID IIARSHBARGER, late of Wayne township, | Mifflin county, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, residing in said township. All persons indebted to said estate ara re quested to settle immediately, and those having claims to preseut them duly authenti cated for settlement. DANIEL IIARSIIBARGER, dee4~6t* Administrator. RAN away from the subscriber, residing in Granville township, in November last, and iudented apprentice to the farming busi ness, named James Bishop, aged 18 last March. Ihree cents reward, but no charges pa d, on his return to the subscriber. JOHN BROUGHT. Granville township, Dec. 11, 18G1. REGISTER'S NOTICE. r IHIE following accounts have been exam -Lined and passed by me, and remain filed on record in this office for inspection of Heirs, Legatees, Creditors, and all others in any way interested, and will be presented to the next Orphans' Court of the county of Mifflin, to be held at the Court House, in Lewistown, on I hursday, 9th day of January, 18G2, for allowance and confirmation: 1. The Administration Account of Ilenry L. Close, Administrator of the estate of William Ramsey, late of Armagh township, deceased. 2. The Administration Account of Joel Zook, (Potter,) Executor of the Estate of Es ther Zook, late of Union township, deceased. 3. The Guardianship Account of Isaac Yo der, Guardian of Moses Yoder, minor child of Moses \oder, late of Union township, dee'd. 4. Ihe Guardianship Account of Joel Zook, i (Potter,) Guardian of John Kenagy, minor I child of Jacob Kenagy, late of Menno town- j ship, deceased. 5. The Administration Account of John Stroup, one of the Administrators of the es tate of John Stroup, late of Union township, ' deceased. 6. The Administration Account of William F. Stroup, one of the Administrators of the estate of John Stroup, late of Union township, > deceased. 7. The Administration Account of Thonip- \ son G. Bell, Executor of the estate of BiDjam in McCoy, late of Granville township, dee'd SAMUEL BARR, Register. Register's Office, Lewistown, Dec. 11, 1861. W3LL3AM LBND, has now open A NEW STOCK OF Cloths, Cassimeres AND VES7INCS, which will bs made up to order in the neat est and most fashionable styles. apl9 100,000 ~ Good Joint and Lap s h: i" isr GrijE s. ALSO DRY BOARDS AND SAWED PLAS TERING LATH, for sale by GRAFF A THOMPSON. Milroy, Sept 25, IS6I-6m HIDES WANTED. rpilE highest price IN CASH will be paid for all kinds of HIDES, if delivered at John Clarke's Shoe Store, in Lewistown, or at the Tannery, in Decatur township, or the residence of the subscriber, in Dry Valley novl3-3m WM. MITCHELL & SON.' The Red, White and Blue, Is the Big Cofffee Pot Sign ! My friends, I suppose you wish to know, Why the Poetry Machine don't go; But to tell you the truth, since the war, To me her notes seem all to jar. And only now her invitation, Is to Union men of this Nation ; As for the ladies, I know they can Go for the Union to a—man ! And the right kind of a man is he, \V ho will call at the Tin Shop to see 1 he things that will suit his own dear wife, And add to her comfort through life. And the right sort of woman is she, Who will find a nice man who will he, Iler dear husband, so good and kind, And'll call at the Coffee Pot Sign. For there you will find I always keep, Stoves and Tin W T are, (and I'll sell cheap;) And Coal Buckets, too, all very neat, Some sit on their bottoms, some stand on feet. From two dollars and upwards I'll sell, Parlor Gas Burners that wili do well; But cash you must know is all the go When prices arc so Tery low. Many other things I would mention, But I will just call your attention To my lately improved FAT SQUEEZER — Should your wife need one, don't teaze her. A short hint like this I think should do— If you heed it not she'll make you flew To J. I. WALLIS, for he's the man, To sell you a Squeezer and a Lard Can. r. XT 3VE BBR. \l7-ILLIAM B. HOFFMAN at his Lum. ft her Yard, Third street, near the Acad emy, bas now on hand an extensive stock of LUMBER of all kinds, EOCRS, SASH. 40,000 LAP AND JOINT SHINGLES, which he offers for sale at low rates on reas onable terms. WATER PIPE. Having been appointed agent fur the sale of the Will iamsport Company's Tubing for wa | ter courses, which is the best and cheapest i ever manufactured, he invites attention to the following reasons for its use : 1. It is made of pine and perfectly healthy. 2. It is the cheapest pipe made. 3. It is the easiest laid down. 4. It is not liable to get out of order. 5. It keeps water sweet and pure. G. Being rmall, it soon becomns saturated with water. 7. It is durable, lasting from 20 to 30 years. 8. It has a large bore, and is not liable to choke. 9. It can be made larger to bear pressure. 10. Iron will fill with incrustation, or will rust out. 11. The mineral of lead and iron is very unhealty. 12. Iron and lead, same size, will cost G times as much. aplß WM. B. HOFFMAN. Cloths, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, &c. A C.OOD assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres, LJL Tweed Vests, Pants, Woolen Shirts and Drawers, Linen and Cotton Striped Shirts, Red and Gray Woolen Shirts, Boots, Shoes Hats and Caps for men and boys. se P lB JAMES PARKER. ARRiVA L OF Fresh Fruit, Nuts, Fancy Con fectioneries, Toys for the Holidays, &e. AT A. FELIX'S Grocery and Confection ery, which are offered at wholesale and retail. I therefore invite retailers of Lewis town, and of the county to give a call, as they can do as well witji me —and in some goods better—than they can do in Philadelphia, as some goods are daily advancing. All kinds of Sugar Toys and Confectioner ies, I am manufacturing, and have them fresh for the holidays, which I will sell at Philadel phia wholesale prices to retail dealers. Please give ma a call and examine my stock, as I have a splendid assortment of new etyle and fancy goods for Christmas presents, as good as was ever kept in Lewistown. A. FELIX, i Lewistown, November 27, 1861. Trial List January Term, 1562. Sterrett vs. Locke, et. a). No. 7 April J59. Burns vs. Zeigler & Terger 16 Jan. ISCo. i McCoy for use vs. Wakefield 65 •' '* Waters for use vs. Morrison lie April " { McCoy for use vs. CaJbraith 79 Aug. " 1 MeCulloch for use vs. Holing* 139 ■■ " | Ker, Brenimen & Co. vs. Reed 9 Jan. IS6I Zeigler for uso vs. Steely's Adrnx 93 " . Sultr.baugh vs. Martins ' 59 " " | Burns Admn. vs. Huhngs 34 April " Cunningham's Adinrs. 93 - •< j Brouglu's Admrs. vs. Herrington lu4 - •' Alexander's Admrs. vs. Bates 134 u •' i Riden vs. Hartman 153 Klopp vs. Albright 100 Aug. • v . , H J. WALTER?, Pro ; Frothy Ofnoe, Lewistowo, I>ec. IK I*6l CSJ* r 'l PaoPy '-A-i,, During the past year we hare introduced to tha notice of the medical profession of this couutrjr the / urn Ci t/st-alized Chiorule of Pix>ppiamine as a REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM ; and having received from many sources, both froo I physicians of the highest standing and from patients, ' the Host Flattering Testimonial* of IU Heal Value in the treatment of this painful and obstinate disease, ; we are induced to present it to the public in a foriu I READY run IMMEDIATE t'SE, which commend .(self to those who are suffering with this afflicting (, and *o the medical practitioner who may feel disposed to test the powers of this val j uable remedy. ELIXIR I'ROIMLAMINF., in the form above spo ken of has recently been extensively experimented : with in tho ennsr ma Hospital, , and with nui/k*ui success (as it will appear from the j published accounts in tho medical journals.) i-It is carefully put up ready for immediate use, with full direction J can be obtained from all the druggists at 75 cents per bottle, and at wholesale of II EL LOCK & CRENSHAW, Druggists and Manufacturing Chemists, tuy23-ly Philadelphia. The Prince Royal and Royal Cook Cooking Stoves, npilE subscriber has for salo the best Cook ing Stove in the market. Hundreds have been sold, and in every case given the warm est satisfaction. They are more durable, the entire top being double plated with wrought iron; the back plates are double of cast iron. I Every housekeeper knows that tiieso are tha j only parts affected by tho heat, hence lb> value of this great improvement. No burn ing out of pieces. Hole covers and oven-tops. These Stoves possess a neat aud beautiful appearance, have all the most valuable im provements that make a Cook Stove a house hold pleasure, viz: largest diving flues, which increase the draught, and diffuse the beat just where it is wanted, under and around the baking oven—large fire chambers, taking wood from 24 to 3G inches long—deep ash pit, adding much to the convenience of clean ing out the stove—with wood and coal grates, firebrick, &c. Every Stove warranted, and sold as low as any ordinary Cosking Stove. oct3o F. G. FRANCISCUS. PORTABLE Heaters for warming church es, houses, stores, &c., put up at short notice, and low prices, with everything oom plete, at F. G. FRANCISCUS. REGISTERS and Ventilators for heatiDg halls and upper rooms. Revolving and Slide Registers received and for sale by octao F. G. FRANCISCUS. 2000 LBS ' Stove 0 - Conl Duckets, _ made of galvanized tin, Russia iron, &c., Stove Shovels, Sheet Zinc, Pokers, &c., at greatly reduced prices, at oct3o FRANCISCUS'S BRILLIANT Gas Burner, and a large va riety of Parlor and Room Stoves for sale at very low prices, by oct3o F. G. FRANCISCUS. CIOLT'S, Sharpe'B. Smith and Weston's, Al / len's 4, 5, 6, 7 Shooters, for sale by oct3o F. G. FRANCISCUS. STOVES! STOVES ! THE best Cooking Stove and Parlor Gas Burner Stove, for sale by oct3o F. G. FRANCISCUS. NEW GOODS. 'Vgffv HAV ING just received a largo /jf stock of Boots and Shoes, I W*—would invite the attention of my old customers and all others in want of a good article, as I will sell at very 1 w prices, for cash. A good assortment of home made work always on hand. Particular attention paid to customer work. All orders attended to with promptness. Fifty good workmen wanted on Army and other work, at the old stand on the public square. T. COX. Lewistown, Sept. 25, 86. wn m. SPECIAL NOTICE. At the Oak Front, East Market Street, Lewistown, Pa, I HAVE returned from Philadelphia witb a large assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, which I will sell at a small profit for CASH, or produce, or marketing of all kinds. seplß JAMES PARKER. Kishacoquillas Nursery, ©gSjSfc THE subscriber is prepared to furnish a good assortment of Fruit wjpSP* Trees for the full and spring trade of 1801 & 62, comprising APPLE. FEAR, PEACH, dec. Grape Vines and Strawberry Plants, at low prices, all of which he will warrant to give satisfaction to all who may favor him with a call. ' HENRY STEELY, 4 miles above Belleville, on back road, September 11, 1861—ly.6m* Lewistown Mills, PERVATEHTLY ESTABLISHED. THE undersigned having leased the Lew istown Mills, refitted apd put them in perfect working order, will continue to pay the HIGHEST CASn PRICES FOR WHEAT. AND ALL KINDS OF GRAIN, or receive it on storage, at the option of those having it for the market. He intends to give personal and closp atten tion to the business, and invites a share of custom and trqde, and will labor to give sat isfaction. fie£f*PLASTEK and SALT always on hand, nov6 WALTER B. MoATEE. '