THE GAZETTE. LEWISTOYVN, PA. Wednesday, December 18. 1861. $1 per annnm in adtaace— at md of six months—>2 at end of year. Pap*ra MM out of the County U. •; be for :N a ivance. e j-T< • mbicrlptlaa oft' out of (his. eouniy to whom this >arigi ~-h com-. • J,*..• a.. ! cub.*.. re netre: iO*€o:itlv.i>- L ffe uiv.f a.o aAm : i :oc ty. beyim-i blvt we Ititeri J no Ciaa in fatu. e !.a : 1 *"t " . for • \r Th'.!"! the - ■ a •' niarfe**3, will loarc; >re iuow I. mi lu-y baveo .K oaY virtue of sundry writs of veil, ex., J and lev fac issued by the Court of Common : Pleas of Mifflin county and to tne directed, will be exposed to sale, by public vendue or outcry, at the Court House in the Borough of Lewistown, on Saturday, January 4, 1832, at one o'clock iu the afternoon, the following ' real estate, to wit: All the right, title and interest of Rebecca 11. Raniler and of John Cummer in a tract of : land situate in Bratton township, Mifflin county, containing 70 acres, more or less, about 40 acres of which are cleared, with.a lug house, log barn, and other improvements thereon erected, bounded on the east by lands of Daniel Miller, north by the Juuiata river, west by Peter Rhodes, and south by Yoder ' and others. ALSO, All that certain piece of land and island lying and being situate in the Juniata river, in Wayne township. Mifflin county, opposite lands of Christian Ilanawalt, Smith and oth ers on the north, and the lands of William Johns and others on the south, containing about 1Q acres, more or less, about two miles below Drakes Ferry, being the same land which was recovered in ejectment at the suit of the defendant against William Johns, as the property of John M. Davidson. ALSO, All the interest of Thomas Reed in that tract of land situate in Derry township, Mif flin county, bounded on the north by lands of Valentine Stoneroad and heirs of Thomas Stoneroad, east by YViUiam Bel] and Zepo Fees, on the south by heirs of John Williams and Peter Townpendj and on the west by heirs of Valentine Stoneroad, being lately the prop erty of JJenry Long, containing about 460 acres, more or less, with a two story stojje Dwelling House, Bank Barn, Log Barn and two other Dwelling Houses thereon erected, a good part of which is cleared or under culti vation. Seized, taken in execution and to bo sold as the property of Thomas Reed. C. C. STANBARGER, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Lewistown, Dec. 18, 1861 A JOURNEYMAN printer desires a situ ation. Address G. A. S., Lewistown. THE "W OUrtiLlT AN ' DAILY AND WEEKLY WORLD. FOR National Circulation and Family Readinc" THE WORLD has been in existence for r, , than a rear. It ha? attained. ft, short periM. ' j highest rank in American junrrutii.-m— to at> f< i secure financial basts, and t-- a circulation, pair and influence which has only l-een equalle I j.riinais after the laber uf many year*. For the coming tnsar no label or expense v, | spared to make the World what it amis to !„ ' j THE BEBT NEWSPAPER IN AMEKP t , In I'-dJ tl< > the World is IJ'DEPEXHF.NT NEVER NEUTIi VL. it nil! ncrer ler.d its. if- : - . ty service, httt will help tiie and expose the ■ - j r of all parties. A pure nioraiitv and a steadfa.-: i euee to ( CHRISTIAN PIIINCIPLE AND CHRtsTIW TRUTHS will guard its column?. and guide itjndjrnientof m . and of events. It is the organ of no man. and i. , : set of men. It is NATIONAL always on HK- side ot THE UNION, THE CONSTITUTION', AND Th LAWS. 1 - In the future, as if has in the past, it will giv,- ; Adiiitnistrattun a heartv and vie-rou anppor;. ca-.use in the war for the Union twenty rn, people have confided to its hands their battle, i , Liberal In-tiuui-.ui-. Good Government, Nat! i,. ami Freedom. Tlie World will oppose all compromises would barter away tiie principles for which the w r assures the permanence of peace, and wiil urs. • proseontion of the war. with economr httt T --leuticss vigor, tilt federal properly i> recovered v federal authority is re-estahlished frotn the < ' i p-.-uke to the Rio Gaiwle. j Our correspondents are Atrwhed to various dir .. I ions of the army, wiil accompany them wh.-r.-riV ' they go. and by a free u-of the*telegraph • • • , , | mails, present in the columns of the Word A COMPLETE HISTORY < >F THE V.'AIC ! from day to day and from month to nton-l. I In the Weekly and Semi-Weekly edili-ms „ , . World, especially, large spsv.-e will be g .. n ; v CULTURE, and to all th- department- f \j , 1 turiugaud Mechanical Industry, r ! To our Foreign Correspondence of eour- ... • spue® will be given in the eoining vear. I.nt th- ' and most important news from London, p,r ~ , ' ■ Rome, Syria. Ciiiiiu, Cahiomra. Japan. Egy:. I South America, our correspondenu will i>r< nit.-;\ . i briefly send . t ' - J ' Ali tiie news will be found in the World, ir. ere- - department of human activity. Politk-al, Agn .1: and Commercial, as well as a. Literature, S-- ,i, < ! j ■ 1 Arc. We si,all continue the publication or our F-- i<. tmal Bsvoii ami give to Jleligioa* and Ed I Tonics ati-i New. n d to all New pith!: at' -i... ' tioiis. Diacotsnei an-1 w.,rks of Art. the sameenre ! ful itau thorough sympathy ana attention. Til 17 DAILY WORLD. j Ti>e Daily Wot Id is the most Complete Common I News Pajs-r pttWished in America. United with t: - Conner and Ln-jnirer. and preserving a!ltl,econnn r eial news and other distinetire features of that , r : nai. it has lieeome tiie principal advertising niei|a;ni ! "f the New York Anciiapeera. Mawaig Merchants, mid business men g-ic rally. It- Coiutucreud aiui j Market Rrpnrta, together with Ha re porta of all im portations. Foreign and Domestic, and of exports, ' and of Foreign ami Domes;;,■ -'up News, are 1: !. r - ] I able, and give what'no bit-me?.- man ean do without, i Ite.-ide? thsr ps-uliar featun-s. it is un-tirp . (the fidtatn ofna p'itpilamimiiTrrTlanrtwinntti, iits correspondence, Ac. it printed on an imps'rii-i quarto sln-ct. larger cue other ftrn r*„t dai'ii. N-- Sunday edition v.- prititeii. and a vigilant we a . wiii t *e kept over its columns, excluding cyerviliM, untit for hunity reading. T-.-rtn? i>-r annum >'. x D->!la,-s: Fourcopi--- t..,.,iM | a dress. 1 ivool)' D'llrs. To Clergvnicu. Five I' - ' lar- per annum. For a club of ten copies, an • v.: copy wiil be scut. TIIK SEMI-WEEKLY WORLD. The Semi-Weekly World is a large quarto sin • same size as the daily, containing ail its u.-w-. <— potidenee. miscellany, and editorials. t-omtr.<-r< ;:,i ;ir , i market news, and always a good original or : some brilliant produetioti from the best English te,v eli-ts. and periodica! writers. Its cattle market ami provision report- make it highly valuable to evert ta:- I Tiler. Three dollars per annum: two copies to one addre--. Five Di-liars: five copies to owe address. Devcn !> I lai s. To ( iergynu-ii. Two Dollar- per vear. Sin copit h. three cents. Put.iished Tuesday sand Fr, 1.7 -. Ten copies, S2O. For a club of ten i-<>pies. an exira copy wiil be sent for one year. For a club of twenty copies, a copy of the Dailv I r | one rear. For a club of fifty copies, the Dailv. \V, . | ly. and Semi-Weekly will be sent for "in- year. THE W EEKLY WDRU#- The Weekly World cooiams -,|J the .- i:. t \ ; the most important of all the new.- matter contain* i !in the daily edition, together with a g.,.,d origi .! - | ry. or some brilliant production from tin- t* Kn.- lisii novelists and periodical writers. Jn . ! Weekly fi|H-r published in tnis country are there f-umd I such fuli i-oinmereial and market reports and g- n, : ,1 j news intelligenee. eombineil with a*, mn.-h e.l o>r . iii:"itt*;r and varietv - t mis -, haueotls la adni". a- ; :■ I I 7 UVrW. j Price Two Dollars a yean fonr copies to one a}v. ;tt ?]• •• I lar a year, single copies, five cents. i*uhiishe-i on Thursdays. For a club of ten copies, an extra copy will Is ft>r one year. For a ehtb of twenty <-,q.ies. tin- S. nn- Weekly w.ll be sent for one vear. For a '-hib of rifrv copies, the Daily will be sent for one vear. Ft>r<-ini> of one hundred copies, tlie Daily, Weekly and Senu j Weekly will be sent for one year! I Remittances for Th■ lt"w/d rnav ma.le bv drafts, j treasury notes, or batik bills of sjx-. Ie paring I | and. where the attention of the Postmasterri- li.-■! j to tlie remittance at the time of mailing tiie letter, may be made at our risit. i Specimen numliers sent to anv address upon apt - I cation. ' Address THE WORLD. No. 35 Park Kow, New Yori,. 3>T OTICE! 4 LL pers >ns knowing themselves indebted j XA. to tiie late firm of KENNEDY' JL'X. KIN, by Note or Book Account, will ploaso | call on or before April Ist, 18G2, arid settle the same. By so doin>{ COSTS MILL BE SAVED, as after that time the accounts will be left in the Lands of an Attorney for collection. R. li. JUNK IN, Survivinc Partner of the late firm of KENNEDY a Jixki.v. , Lewistiwn, December 18, 1861. LICENSE APPLICATIONS. tol'ovvi: g Applications for License JL will be presented on Friday, January 10, 1*62, for consideration of the Court, at Jan uary Sessions, of which ail persons interest ed will take notice : --Y. M. Ingram, Inn, Decatur. YY m. Swineheart, Inn, Armagh, i Isaiah Coplin, Inn, " 11. J. YVALTERS, Glk. Sess. December 18, 1801—tc Estate of Mary Clayton, deceased. ; "Vj"OTICE is hereby given that letters of J. l administration on the estate of MARY' ' CLAYTON, late of Derry township, Miiflio county, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, residing in said township. Alt persons indebted to said estate are requested to settle immediately, and those having claims to present them, duly authenticated for settle ment. YVM. MITCHELL. declß-6t Administrator. STRAY STEER. C~"1 AML to the premises of tiie subscriber in J O'iver township, in September last, a red Heifer with a white face, one year old, which the owner is requested to call for, prove prop 1 erty. pay charges and take it away, or it will be disposed of according to law. ROBERT HORNING. _ STRAY HOGS. r ImAO stray Barrows came trespassing on _L premises of the subscriber in Derry town ship several weeks ago—color white—the one has left ear out off and right ear slit; the oth er has a large black spot on the neck. The owner of said hogs is hereby notified to come forward, prove property! pay charges and take thieni awav, or they will be disposed of to pay expenses." YVM. PRETTYLEAF. ! Derry township, Dec. 18, 1861-3t*