th€ 1 , *• n* Tt.. t 3m £if ~ * £•'•: 'fe #S •'■7 • • <%e€ OX4 *C*4 On* "A % : "■>•*• SfVt em ;kai% Tii UW. tHM* fc 84 "PC A U ksH* tx rXM, M. tt>v. together T'. 3; sn r,>Vl *at * vim* #*r ltJt v t '-trfaec* -. 4*srw af r*fear wwf *s,-r} taw <> -** 'J •,/ /. i If *? V, Set -n awawfc* the *. >sr g. re a coafcuvs ft '•• jr. * v w♦.> pefA - 1* *-**- k* ky* •*• issif —i f *' *>t i fh "A t, a**:, Ir/ a* AJUM. i ?, *7W •££*, t p*k #rf r* a I ',f 1 Heutyo4 twt, I -*f i ewp grf iw.ji*. fcXA$ J tMi., tt * A \ftK9Vt t 7 *k* part of Utt 'sa-!*t •.'. w+rv. .'. h t-'.t ardi ; **(* ?- t j-d >.f si* foor 'i4 t.%-% jta**, Md .** it rase '&*-a l-l tit- r.'c r* -;•? **4 p* ♦.me, If pr-^'cmr: 1.. } ,0 f,; tftltUk .';' <,l)/'fs"> Oyits.r— -fa**, * .aytar '' ow t-'*e ooitota '/ ii crtn*tt ■1 *#*& season w,tii ou#ar, peeper *-1 rait, d? :iw# fv.r 7 tea p- a*- '.-a Mi-'IS-W ,y*r JCXV/C ts4 to '.a sitii tie ! *& • S -v4. f'4 ta W* orta, lr.; no? 'j-a .**erre then. is the d'f e4* n kettle; vi"! a t*ft Sttie water, tale V> j'.Tr tatte ; tb*. jeitr teaH Ke i.vre tie vj-*ter frw. tie lyjaarawd tia* it, aii vi-1 we ti>.;t r**£?, aij®* iaee Ut pejiper, a f*ee *r. I ,->* ,"'ea. > *a i pa ir m tie tyttim '//•Or .'f'er —-Fst what . tarrtlrt y, * w i • a pAreeUia kettle, till a little it ter a', i ait f>irt it ; *at >a/i lies k 'i, off tie ser*m .'hat r.aes AA4 w atwea ereatff '/f atuk m wul aaake ie (jotswj 'iea./vt, w.tft fcat'er ar.-l aeaek fr-pper t/> tuW ACilf I eoffeeeup of LstUf, 2 eopt 1 '/f sweet t&;ik 2 o*jp^o.tifwla of e?ea® urar I teaaf**f'i: of v/la ( J te*e ip of ?i.*fete/i, ] tea*po>nfat of ettraet of iitfer a.rriOfi'i. sie wkite* of e rarjj*. tod three eijs of fl/ruf I'/o'h ( ' eapt of 9'ait f iaror, / 'ies.r'rJ, with hitter alr/joo-i#. Corn /fee/ —To 100 Ibf of 0 ih -.f it, f /ailori* of water, oaneea of salt jetre, 1 lb f/r'/wn *o/r, and one pint of iiiolaotes lioil and rkirn the hrme; let it fV/id, and then pour orer the meat. ,S*k/o Oik' J ,'} teaspoonftil*. of foei ted batter, 1 eup of fois of eream tartar, 1 teaepooflfil of v*3a, I pint of sifted floor, and 1 cap of sweet inlfk. t/"*ure C'///e - Vi'hitef pf 0 et'y , tea cup of hatter, 2 cups of 1 cup of sweet i/iiik, i cups A P.',ar, 2 tearprnofois of cream tartar, and 1 of soda. I'm* fr ——2 ounces castor oil, IJ ounces a!mond oil, and 3 ounce# of white war Melt the wax,p->ur in the oil, and stir it well. f I'rrv.'v (JrunLrrrist. — Dry them a slort time in the sun, and hot tie them - ;y 'J ha* preserved they wttl keep ' for years Stoves! Stoves! aAI ' f, ow <,n hand a fine as*',rtuerit !jj3 -if Airtight, 'iaa ilurning, and oth-r kind* cm,l# per et f . WfTFFMAK'S 1) i.n tj:.,i.!.'t I'ef-per, our nw grtadtt a. en'! wsrraiited pure, nt F. J. HOFFMAN'S. aristie* -,f Apple I'nrers, at I t alx'iit half price, for mil* hy —F* Ki O flMPli I / 1 ttot Nt> Alum Salt, by the sack, low f„r * * caah, at HOFFMAN'S. SOI.K Utir. Citper leather, Momeens, and Sboa Finding#, at >c * ao HOFFMAN'S. d OIKbSh A prime article, nt "' ,,u HOFFMAN'S. Mackerel, ury low hy the barrel or at retail, ut Hoik.MAN'S. BERSIED A ECOPES. jSacMaanr 4 &vr.x Itliftfr—rz 4 ■■ Ws.'P si HA"". 2 v t 'hi "If CLIN- ECHO ILLS. Ullifltlf PL liar*. V. Twm -d! tl dy. RHOADB A SAILOR, Pxc-pneta. 7 jf/rUM i>' V i. ; LL% s i '* P.* '•*- <*v Hw* r CffAKUkJ rMUfk ' f&.-f ? I -sM f - i- s*, f v ; nr*<*s+ : *>,{ r *7 Tr %"„ 0. £*— -V I. <-. A. '• 4f ——i I^t* V# s sie .* as-. fiat /:'/**/. n i I' vi'lf, .rr TeriA-"il 25 per day. 2TILLXA S A BOY££ Propriev.rt r F v x f* a: .' / .*♦ **2 tr-.ywr H .-3-► ri ■><./ s a.-Co ?XMf Wr.' k* nr.f ."ad/* f r - ad'* at alter **©•-* t*-d mrna. Oa: os: c'>*crA, s'd ' # taMtitatt and Lot *i a* 6 ft wsjt i&icsr .r t. jt: dj wsr ■.< i ad eoeaf ,rt of otr gtssu, and with ia*. i- - r.c* &# Mr. Casa. A. •Mais, nr aff*i>> w-d aitatuie Clerk. feci ., pr*-pa ; --; % #** pa hotel, ani h-.p* tn be ao.* to g 5* gesran ssi ifartJA IfF.Kkr Ceb2A-ljr JOHN BOFKR. CHAIRS! CHAIRiS! CHAIRS! MesAogaxry Ma pie, Birch and Walnut CAITE SEAT CHAIRS, of er*rj jjc nd £nieo, at W. I/. KFJ' IfUKR'g i>i-Arxr t- i '-*•-- *J. w, A -J i£— / a* W't—<— 33© ZFoith Pront St. Above Vine, I'ar. ,r and b.Mig ibv/tr. Chair*, iarge and :r.e!l R-x r Chair*, mannfactnred'd the o*t material ar.d Ly w rktner A.I order* £,. d Promt,Uide and (.'ere P-rr,-rn-/*r the pface, 23jt S'itiu Front htreet, Vine, Phiiadelpbia. jiw.^4-iy War on Hi#rh Prices ! TliK ODD FELLOWS ; HALL STORE. f r SIJKH c'/mr/,ar,d of Nathaniel Ker no l.y dy, i* waging an unceasing war high prices, a* esery or.e can teat wns will call.— He ha* on hard Foreign ami O meatus * •f, w -> • - ■*- fciu 4.' W W if of ail kind* and rfaaiities. embracing erery tbing in that line; a complete a**ortinent of OROCE B.ZSS, reosarkaMy cheap, with good aright and fair i n*a*ore, together with (ILI.#SWARI.. ATO9CM ARC, RIRDW ARC, CW orirnrr,* t luml'fer, If'trn, .S'"/e#, M. M. DAVIDSON. mhl4-tf Lewistown, Pa. LUMBER! LUMBER! , < A LARGE and ooiQpUt* assortinniii Sof i Lumber for sale cheaper than tbechaap ®*h l y F. 0. FKANCTfcOIiS; j - NOTICE! ireat ie-zmti-zi is ?r-xas. ""p.TT 7*7 Aii iij ii ii i" :>'—•ia rf cuaa -1 - si ~~f f ilw 7 - -n. VWWiU mrngggpt* a."* v. r'V m t ta ~ ts w >r fc ** ***- y-to it mi* ±aar tsrr -.•'S-r 4 ;nsw -3 I*-*.*- . • tr.vr* :FO:R C-A-SK t W U£ LHKI 4 .* Pbiß Titrated Twi Plaid. Silk Ms risoes, r,e 'Lw>-:; r> Ct . >, La. *•*_ fijtw- *r< 7r** "* 0 ■ • f * .4*. A.*■-. fe*mpac ? 1> . . *-; •>•*. T*SJSW IrX. J; *■#•> f*OM to -.-xe-i C' .vr*. K/irs ,~ g C.„'_a He* -ry i 0 H ■'*. Mc. Su. LaJto* t* ,'.v c '■■*** M< -"Sk* **„ Kr_.: -r s>~r* --* *togvx.*.. *?fe- -r •* giti-i*?* —sr is** •*••*!-* toe ptilK|. Far H 'umawfewpcr*. 7KIITC4. ITftHi. TVEUI, 7-i.V* L- ijer. k. .1 * "> ' fj; *-i SkrftA. CLiia. 421 Cls-irar*.;*, *' * *-'. d**ap. A £"-* ■ f Lj sad J iw.*a*l Bag* all 54 at * r-wi-iK. *. 'J" pri '.. er m : f r • c%xat£*e. KEN*ELY £ JCXKIN N *f All pevfeaas fc*s *tog Tto atarives to to- ? Tltor *;. ptox** eaf! wto xVto rt-J t li. i| L*".'V. *, A tt ' r jrh'r\f >>t ** 'i'Tf John Kennedy 4 G. PropLetors. i 5 am rnc*ro, iiL. u7. 10, IL ?*• *t T* Syrpr* ai *>> ?*.>>*., ! •>• v.x<-* f M'.*4 Mtt i*., sj 4ta.n m !3t. fc* tk ki: 54 tt t-trT ?J .v-T*r. fTT tow. sasysr Cwrtti litati At ii, Iftied <*- * CaF>. H.:&#. Gstz> 0 raid-!, w4 %n *ir, it A Itt (to>d< f w ato *; UM w >.4 w* twiiw tf <*** a4 w u*■ * 7V. f jT£* t If trir. f t T th it T'-a oar i* *•■► ><• mat we're v i 'I ,:/t f.rget that *► twasit the .t.-i iicY 4 ft. felL4 J. B. i: a . tt. w mxm GIN A3 A ELJ*£X>IAL AGEHT. Tlllt liKiJCIOL* TOMC it 11 *ll.l. A VT. tJ'W.I A I.L i f .r >• yf the j M-'i. -ii Fr.'f'i'i - tr •! *h- fautiiy. hav if 7 .pefoe i. d u.e i *t<;,rs t " "Ari /rdsa": il >..-at-si,""bU.&*| fw." •tc , : r-.w eu i- r-cj Ly zji the pr tutitwtii {.)_*, ia;.*, rbfMiiUo at.d tt/fißvUictir, an i j,',fcr all . f Ibfiw iatriiak mniiral fjual it;- t<>ri 'jystrt U.tflcs *rd >i i r a;S dr. JO Br ;a . \Y. \i . 4 if. .tMll li. aiid til \A the prom Wh- !e-ale lirusr-l.t' in B .iladelphia. i'hiUdelphia, I>ec, l-tjft. Entirely Vegetable, No Alco holic Preparation. DR. HOOF LAND'S rr.r. r:nn atkd GERMAN BITTERS. pitrrAßhh RV Dr. C M. JACKSON & CO, Phila, Pa. [ wiu. trrzrrrALLi crut LifP.R CdIPLAINT, DUPKPSU, J\BSOJCE. lOtT'rr t/. or JVerrotu Itrhdity, Lnt'rii'l ~f thr Kuinryi. and ail dufSLte* amwj fn/m 4 dwirrUrvi 'imtrvr StomarJi. ' QI'CH m Cn*upai<.n. Ir.ward Pite, Ftslnen, or O I!ti>*.'J {/, th- ll' ioi, A- i'lity t f the st'.rrise h. j : Krtj/ tV-.on*. Hiokitm fltttterißg at the pit f the • ! Htot/.v J, Srwimmine •.( the hea/i, ilurried auj Itiffi- ! ' 'lit lt:< eUnr.g. piuu. riny at tf.e Heart. Chokine or ' dnff'.''ai.o(f eeneationo, is a Ipa; pootartjtim- ' | D*:#* of Vufs. itota ti *|e tec-hew tie- ferer and dull pfciri in the 7h-ad. liefi..'ienej' yf P.r.wrslioo, Yeii'rtrr.e** of Uie Skin and Eves Prdn in O.e ?ide, j liaeit. the**, lamb*. 4e~ Httdd.-n Flaahea of Ifest. (turning; in the flesh, O.neUtAt irr.fegM.inif* of erthand , ereat Depreaaiono of fprilo. an.l wilt p.itiTet * t/rc- ( 1 rent YELLOW FEVKR RfLLHX SVEVKK.' ie 7 r.e Proprietor in calling ttir aii>-ution ..( thn. prep- j 1 ■ration, doee no with a feting of the titrnoet c.nn denre iq ita riruiea and adaptation p. th- for which it i* reeomtrtonded. j It is no new and untried article, bat one that haa j rto-> ** " w -/-"j attescied - Ij: kar,- * a; ' *%w toin> cf *r.e *3 2er- j*tof . 1-1* e i stowed Lipwas-wTi. TIIE EXTENSIVE STOCK 2C1112 Ii gmry?. WATCHES, l!Btl.\S, BR KtIETS. BJS6B. BREASTPINS * an -rata JEWELRY; 7A1T37 i-7.-:2X.25. CLOCK.S, and * beawufil aasortasent A BOOKS AND STATIONERY ar* aw awttvag at grrasto r4 fwv.-ew at • loskis sSC lu&d. esnvr X Br-*w awd Market *Ueen ofewMte kswefft Bwaxie: iiww. •B^.i p kM*e who towx -* to aur prtoea cor rest* fid-oe mis :. *se*. will .-!*; t toirA.i atoo* of rwan n stto. drtt- 11. . JIAKIX. Aeew Lwwwtwwn. Aprii X titi". SADDLES. HARNESS. &c. Tie Milricriber oa hi' . 1 te c,f the i>c%' largest v .J c Clocks. Watches, Jewelry. } Fancy Articles, Sec , * whi- h he will of at r*a>nit!,!e prices, b He in*ite* all to give Inui a cab ami bis stock, which embraces ail article* in hi, line, and ia sufficiently ttj eoable all t make iel*etioM who desire to purchase. IkPKtPA I RING neatly and eapeditioUslT attended to, and all work warranted. Thankful f latest styles, which be wtii sett at the lowest i cash prices. He inrites everybody to call and examine for themselves, as he is satisfied that his stock cannot fail to please. For the Ornish he has constantly on hand, or will make to order, hats to their taste of any | required size or brim, at prices that cannotfail to be satisfactory. Country Merchants wif) find it to their ad vantage to give me a eall, as a liberal deduction ! will be made on wholesale purchases, and et peciafly so to punctual men. Don't forget the place, next door to Keene dv's store and nearly opposite the Odd Fellows' "* u Vt > , „ oct22 Queens ware. YT4EA Seta at reduced prices at If. Zerbe'a * Dinner Seta " ,| . Zerbe'a! Toilet Seu " • t 11. Zerfee's Covered Diahea. Tureena, Sauce Boata Steak Platos, Dinner Plate*, Pitchera, Cream'Muga Molaaaea Juga all at reduced pricea. Per'- •ona in need of any of the above articlea will do well by giving me a eall, as I am deter mined to eell to auit the times ® h7 H. ZERBE. NEW GOODS at the cheap wore of John \ Kennedy St Co -50 aacka prime Rio Coffhe, 60 do JLaguyra Coffee, - 1 at wholesale or retail pricea, at ju24 i? UN & Co'g. FLOUR by the barrel or hundred—Fancv Extra Eamily and Superfine Flou^fnr' aaie by JOHN KENNEDY St Co. A LARGE lot of Dry Gooda. New Enjp , land Runi andl extra Gin, juat received at JOHN KENNEDY St Co'J ! AYER'S Sarsaparilla lii F¥iUTISS TIE HOO6L Km- Iw sm tarn <* a &?***** aa^M* Mr*f*Uu4 hr*fl*M JP ******* B< MM. tof * *>•*" **. *• -• t ••% ? wt ■ *to-i*Jitoa lifcricT k** tot** ?Vr* * "" <- M I 111 rin .a A, xia W —*=" •* ** to W - dVa ipr *• V- -fc* ? 1 ' ■•"*< **♦ '* B ' *■ <#! to* t-U Wldgl—tl #*. * •" ■k*#"* "J *•—!•<". T Vx-I aaa? •••■= • *u.r.- v „i" ii iih *rtia(Jie4 !> j. I • W- ■-• to—' rw- l .r—. 11 —-.gftt ' 'to V'" '" ; Mtai ■— ft W -;# a** *■• -•—• I"*" • - Smc !-■■ 3.1} •—mf. >t* -i ■— r t*-j •—&. IHKU . -£. i*t-w at i—■ -.. nrt 3. I I Hi'- -iJkl vr a Mate, mmm •*•* "ft rf"*" X ' -*'&. i-t > T— ' - rvn . V* .*•'! ..a i '• -to 1 uc * a 2ln fttofc ..a* >nM Mb* to> —Sin J" 'IM toft* —Mi '*s*-—~x t '-rr _ I ■m-'*, XALiT. JU- X aik *ai < Fi/. S* r £rf}arUt. r T itfnf *t *- *J "i Mci- k* —* **• nt at' nf ' £*■ a t-".-A -tori '- L'aanli Saßafrr. if U naa T- **W ' a"- a- - an #ll 1"* a* ar?a ■# —r rf Sm ai m aa a-araa _isii'* r '*'s £ J"' w T-iJNt. *aa#i -'fS*#_W M,#-- ir Is — —2 —a* m art a 'ft ••■ •—; a - . t* —tor I -< Aran. La aiankv • Uk -I •. O* ariaa T *aaa# t ta. seaa*J* W^#l*. ar. J B " ilnto ' ' -a !♦ * •■"- M ' amitoC -ton-nvto'"# *•• .' ►* to" JiayM- ,• aw a-a '3# ' . .* I~M X< awttV'jaaf alto,i. bl.*-x a - n i i— ** -i: * ssn '.IA #a #Ti}to*r iaMiH ai ■!##■■ katoik a /!M ftoasaw* / i--.t to" #■" A#— ?t:—# ' '■"■ ''' -•• " t- ' ***"***<* W • f~ —' ww te cxi —• a2->-">a—•/ -J— e*—n*.- '. a- •■ - > -3" -an tf . #- tiaart *to t r / ' „■• "*_ -•* t -9*'- ivw i ..-. m—r -x n # B—n .a xa Si'. 3N. a > „ #—*—i - #3- . a vW '—• ■C , toaai an -iaa w ik— krf —*- t-fcm ■—* • ■ - if—" *• . *Va n. a - " '.! > Ml; W •■> C Jla— . J.< . k"~l -r, I —-2 '• / wwfb 2 "a. • a af- w■- . ■ f 1 x ana —* —' aa. " X' (fceir W Wa-rk. :* * rm. i ■ a—anOr J3# k fto- •- ■' a ■cwTs—r trsr.-r. •tt'-tm: ;Wtaal fcan* to* J * *Vae# ar a a *r ; **. 1 a*--* ——- r a *4 k_ k—uk. Vmw i'toaaiiii ; - -* ramir.aax f•• —A—-• -a . - - t mfmgx- an* <. -A w— aw i- •#!-■ •*% i— **'— S. *i* * ''■ r*i". ''4.**ll a: ( ' —a— a 1 to**4< ■ oiai —*caa 1 ■—*' kal*t- * aaa i a <2*l. a%. f - " r* J> i*-. t. —*t-- —I- : _ ' .- air ..a-, aa; ai *f a k.a'<*K b— * -■ ' * • ''to—** -to— - •* . rati a - mm :■ > . v—. ... . trttml- l fc# tkm -t-ia .. —a ai E— u jrfla ■ - r taXi'i t— l(i a—>Ka ft# . #* -> >IJ a. i a * - - r. trti- .*' -/ ;! .a I— * t-i, *ic- fc*. aa CM# ill i.—S} k} J -to* V-'.aK ]k * ii ,f * t a to-- .* kfHiit. bra# a 1." - yi —toi <* i rt- a ' t -r •. - -i - l— , a- .s fia— a ••' ' *- ittoK *- " |j .i. * wt k |t#f*a a-—< itoryi —.-I *,. (■* •:*. J J njj, tl to Lt iiV Ft V tw Hi(Bwtti.ia. Goal, Llr . f„" . i... command had an mtgitgcnent with th nfb|i at Ulaok creek, Johnston county killed cafalry, wounded seenteen and tu >k fire primers. Fiv* federals iueludiug -Major ri .ugh, were Injured. SToao sevewlj. Weikflter cold artd ice running in the river I#ouiBVH.LK, Dec. 2 -The southern m pers to the 2Sth ult. have been received, lhej coitUia scattering accounts of the rort Pichens aJJLir, frottt which it appear ed that the bombardment commenced on I hursday the 2lst. and continued with oc casional intermission, night and day till the evening of the 24th, when Col Jirown I leased firing. m lh ® lil(l not respond until after rort I ickens opened fire The fire from the fort and the outside anu Rom island batteries, were directed i gainst hurt Barrancas, and the other rebel >attenes, the rebel steamers Time and \ul ""i— 'yd _*K.- X, .. w W J J J • -J. v. V* W*l lie thk aa i ii* c r.a or (*#n-li, I'nlilt, lnln. urn. llnar*fmi j, ' Ironjt, Ureurbili*. In* ipirnt < n --•ani pt sun. n.l f#r tl*r ltrllrf ot ( nktusiiilitr r—ltmt# In H(irinrr*l St*(;ra • f Ihr i>ivratr. Tlii I# ft i*r->!'.'■ imi. : anr ■>tb*r for ll— rr ot li*a a# ! !wt ~ b.pS r j -.W. fe b utolrto b*-}* I— (.aMrl. tl .>*!•:!, . f i> unwf. 1 . ■ ■m*ji!-4 to -Jbo*Mt #•*>*■ 'uriug trrfti.T in th-tr I ••? it* i i, ri-f > . **r lb* #nKkemid .si*.*.! r- |, tliraat *T.J lung*. Ai AU know Ui- ar*to*tfxi t ilw-** dinicd •* Ifcey kiw.w. In*, lb* rl? -r*. f 1 ki* r- m-rlj-. lla- n* **i %ot do o:- c* tbna to #**ur* tl—ui ili-.t 11 na. t s . ij tk** ir fn* '.nmt II 4i# W* to-ti tiakio- tl,* n**o lmk won o #mnlj Bj-n the fwifi.l*j.-* of mankind. Prepared by Dr. J. C AYER A* CO.. Lowell, M fl^t *Sf>W by Charles RUz, IswUtovn, Jacob MrJz, AllmriUs. IT . liwit*, M.; ... fe * ian ndaanssd tr* -a "3-- v -># CAM 44>L¥. ' J hk Leiit £ Tea feat. i neti .j ? Us*. - Mt *b. *riv. i: *.* *2: hi Siftil a..A. - ; Wa..:.g 3ttoa, *. is,, *" Erp -a, * Kjo> —ffCaJf #fwg.t.jia ifr? <■ La*i. UMoa "j v. i i* Kad ir-i H aaeesn _ac-i " • • .-• ik *> aj t.a!:' Ace B-a"t* ■ - ] M.r.w QMmm *i ■+. . _ - r t -r*-* r >.•:• ■' r , • war* M* tlhe !.*** **-.- " \ an ezsfftr * *rQ A-.—--'- T snars. ft tswy * > * J§**r-.r' L:' I! •' :; •. .s*. . ; vri: £ *—■ s", "he •% s. elift* i. 15 > c-.r- !♦. 41 ia* <* ip-A.- * tf ft * Iw4— to 1!' M E x"jk *■ . w--,- A- ■* - Mto*a*—w Ali'A *ik * T .11 i-f :*.? s-oHr .^a;. I*4 M*|wwtinty ami at a [bar*. ♦.*• ,- r inkwe **n a tH* THE OLD FOUNDRY JtXT> Machine Shop, " UVIiRVt, VfT'.l (JHIT. PI. i>t iiei.3 t "tova-r MjJ| > fa ■; * r.*- • a-tirir*. B -"nanf Vyaunierai Kdr r •*. i'ra** * >-*• # r •scii: • w--* ani Screw rW v. Bex--*. It iT to.: K-J *i-d Crtkeh A lies. mam X-i **■ In* uad iyerf v rl as is u>:ni; a si.-'m-njek aano. A first -r, haul, the "-t Bir tw*. Jr-wA* nxJiiui Rl wsand #' tti iv ec -f ,"nt a* tsn.-d r in a rough '*• - I' "-' .: ®*. ag*- 1.-Wit. Jfce., dec. * I *t i'# to** * iu scfcii r.4t>d Hit*, her and . *i-r. .' - --* ri? *-T**T*i tt't-ntion •A Lrssr, L' —r vh w.nt if-- t,p? article *-• ' :r°- UK i-Ti-z* rsen -a; -#r t>v 'toe mwcr ter at 'he bhvgi ,in>! -'X • •"_■ :*" .--i-eite* .Wtrbaraesi:idtfur jri-ing .r.f rasi-.b. \. leafing at st. ri Bnr * — -;u~; aera It my wirk * :re : II vrill nt aak you to tr it JOHN K WFEKKS. *-^7-.-sri Agent. GOOD NEWS! VN fw arr'val >r BOOTS i SHOES at B i v J sit .hie f- r {*!' am! w .ui c-.wjer than Las ever been ?vll -* ** ; "ac-? ; n a-;*'ake. M -to - ; *• • r* fr-vtoit jl ."t.: ft) ,f 25 rf ~ 2 7 ti> ii 75 c i I>l to -J (HI H ssd .kiidlta'. tkici hin 75 Mr st ftisaM. $l 00 -'- - It-Mlei*, hgV hone I i*' to 125 •w-h m fcwtoto I-r-1." Sld ft--tr: I 5 t. 2 lH, * rjfLm; 15-3 £*; ece verv . r. 7! ■ tur-rrwr ; g :' 2 aini-* aKcuJed to as "•: -i-!, en— r. ai era. tnc pr * tue lor yssaeeiw* goc-i Beits for tue W Inter. Md BILLY JQnXSON STONEWARE. STONEWARE. i j 10l ) 1 > ALLI'N 8 -t-uperLr >t i ware UVIM jat rcveiTeJ an i f. r -i'. , whole s&:e sr I retail. %* pr<<*s low than. : as etcr Lceu Lot! re; f ream i nick*, ir -m 2 to 6 -aikons, i Better P ♦.*. fr- m f **;f JiiiP*. tnifti 5 tn 4 gai. I Ajaple Butter IV.ts, i Stofce Cnorns. Fruit Jar*, ic , Ac., wrhiclf we will Wfl tt> Pefitflkt's eiieXTer than can be bagk at any hctwy in the State. Country Merc' ant* wishing to enter into Ifle stoneware bu.inea* wi!! do well by zttii -• we a call, as 1 ia tl* sole agent *f tlii* art! -le. farmer, in need of SwneVrure will find * Ir.rge and well asserted stock a: HENRY ZF.KBE'S tirocrry and Stoneware Pet t. Lewistcwn, July 10, IS6I. Carpets, Crroceries, &c. OOLEN, Linen and Colt r. Cnrpets— v I cbejkp—Queenrware. Hardware, Glass ware and Earthen ware, with a good stock of Groceries, as cheap as our neighb*. rs. Please call and see for Yourselves. 6 pla " JAMES PARK EE. NEW FALL GOODS. MY asst,rtm.tnt of Goods are of the best quality and the newest styles, and by attention to customers I hope to l>e able to supply the wants of the community at large. Call and see anj examine for yourselves. eplS JAMES PARKER. LADIES' DRESS GOODS. EVERY description—Prints, Ginghams. Delaines; Black and Colored. Black and j Whito, and Second Mourning Calicos, Bro | che, Osmanle and Paris Lustres, Ormbra Cashmeres, Grav Plaids, China Madonas, j Alpaca Plaida, ktlack and Colored Dres 1 Silks, and. ah -kmda of Dree* Goeua F}- nels, Ticking, "Kankeens, Crapes, Dnens, : Brilliants, and Bleached 'and Unbleached muslins. Shawls, Balmoael Skirts, Hoopai pHcea,, Shaker Bonnets, Ciotb I i Cloaks, new style, Bonnet Ribbous. Drc? Frimmingo, Ac Cash buyers will find it to their advaotaga to pail And examine the Stock. (sep!B) JAMES PARKER- New Arrival and Low Prices! HENRY ZEBBE has just received 10 bbls. Sugar House Sugar 7 10 bbls. light P. R. do S l 0 " beet Brown do 9 | }0 B WhitA d< 10 lo "CP White do 12 , | Whieb will be sold at the lowest Ckth pri ce#, .■, i r