JH2 GAZETTE. Pennsylvania Railroad, Trains leave Lewistown Station aw follows: WESTWARD. EASTWARD. Throit'-'h Express, 4 39a.m. 7 03a.r0. pat l.tne, 035 p. m. 1111 p. m. Mail Train- 3 32 p. m. 2 20 p. m. I lirotigh Freight, 11 40 p. m. I 00 a. m. Fxpress Freight, 10 05 a.m. 2 45 p.m. y-i-t Freight, 10 58 p.m. 2 40 a. tn I ~,-rl Freight, 5 55 a. m. 5 (H) p. m. Jeai Train, 1 05 a. m. 9 05 a. in. I. E. ROBESOX. Agent, ayGalbraith's Omnibuses convey passengers to .n elected, to wit: j One person in connection with the counties afSnv i der and I'nion as President Judge of tho 2"t!t Judicial j District. i WO persons to till the offices of Associate .Jud' T cs in tho county of Mifflin. One person us Member of Assembly, to represent j the county of Mifflin in the House of Kepreseutati ves i of Pennsylvania. I One person to till the office of Countv Treasurer in j the county of Mifflin. One person to til! the office of Countv Commissi,,n --i er in the comity ~f Mifflin. i One person to fill the office of Countv Auditor in the I county of Mifflin. The electors of tho horough of Newton Hamilton ! are to meet in tho new sehoolfiouse in said borough. The electors of Wayne township are to meet at~the j new sclxoolhouse in the borough of N. Hamilton. The electors of the borough of MeYeytow n are to i meet at the I'nion sehoolhouse it, said borough, j '1 lie electors of i oanviile township are to meet at the i < 'oijrt House in the borough of Lcwistown, and vote j "t the window of the Prothonotury's office. The electors of Derry township are to meet at the I Court House in the borough of Lewistow n, and vote I at the window of the Judges office. [ The electors of Oliver township are to meet at the | 1 s,-hoo! house in the borough of McVevtovvn. j The electors of Hrattiai township are to meet at the i brick sehoolhouse on the farm ol William Harslibar ger, m said township. The electors of Menno township are to meet at the ! public house now occupied by William .Sample, in -Ll j tenville, in said township. , The electors of I'niou township jur to meet at the house lately occupied by Wnt. Sample, ami known as Poe House. I The electors of Brown township are to meet at the I public house occupied by Mrs, Mary Smith in said j low tariff p. i Tii; electors of Armagh township residing ea.-t of I the line commencing at the middle of the road at the i stone meeting house, m Brown township; thence along s ; iid road to the end of the lane known a Jonathan | Abraham's lane, near the residence of Thomas Long s' el). Jr thence running in a straight line to the end of Pressman's knob to the L'uioii county line, arc to meet a- heretofore at the office of K. V,. Loose, in said township. Those residing west of and not included in said limits, will meet as heretofore at the public house now occupied by Win. Swinehart in said town ship. J he electors of Occatur township are to meet at the house of .v. Muthershangh, formerly occupied by l>a vid Muthersbaugli. in said township. And by an Act of Assembly, the borough of I.ewis ; town was divided into two Wards, and each Ward to ■ compose an election district. The electors of the j East Ward will meet at the Court House, aud vote at | the win-low- of the Commissioner's office The electors of the West Ward will meetnt the same I place, and v.ite at the window ot the Sheriff's office. ! m the said Court House, and in said tierough. I Pursuant to the provisions of an Act of Assembly, Ithe Judges of the aforesaid districts shall respective ly take charge of the certificate of return of the elec tion of their respective districts, and produce ff,em at a meeting of one Judge from each district, at the i Court House, in Lcvristowu. ou the third day alter the I day of election, being for the present year FRIDAY, | the 11th day of October next, then and there to do and perform the duties required by law of said Judges. 1 An Act of the legislature having changed the man- j nor ~f voting in Mifflin county, ait officers to t.e elect- i ed this year, may be voted for on a single slip of pa per mid deposited in one ballot box, except for tin- of fice of Prc.-idcnt Judge, which must be voted for on i a separate piece of paper, or the voter may if he choose vote for each candidate separately. Any fraud com- \ mittcd by any person voting under thjs Act .shall be punished by existing laws of this Commonwealth j JNo. that where a Judge by sickness or unavoidable i : aei idect, is unable to attend "at such meeting of Judg- ! ! es. then the certificate or return. :js aforesaid.shall be ( taken charge of by one of the Inspectors or Clerks of the election of said District, who shall doand perform ! the duties roquuvd of s.-cid Judge unable to attend. i Also, by tin 77th 4-ei•{,', of - id act it iseii/i-te-l fl> t [ ; when the qualified voters of t.e ire tl.an o- Ward. | Township, or Di.-tri t me- t at the -ame place to hold , j their election, it shall IK- the duty of the respective • Judges of said "ilcctioti districts, ill addition to tin* ] certttU -t- s -I in tin 7'*:!i -• -.i-.n of tin- A<-t. j make ut a lair stntciM-ut au-1 < ■ . 'itiiyto o; .11 the I votes which shall have been then and there given fojr ; ea.-h candidate, distinguishing the office or station lie ; shall liaje vot< d for. and - in. ->t said Jt g< - sic, !l take charge '.i said i-cl I; to tc. gnd Tii- ... -J 1-er- ; ; titicat- - mat].- ugt for cadi eh" district, its U-f >rc ; •liretUcd. and pro-luce the same at a meeting of -ill the ! return Judge.- in thec->uiity. in the maotn-r pres.-t ibed | in tin- 7-th section of this A-t. PRESIDExr ji-tMjr. SreTios fi. That in tin* raise of the - I -- tiog of p blent judge of any judicial district •• imposed of two or m- re cotiutj-'s. al the meetiug of th- return judges, in cad; <-£ such counties, the clerks aforesaid shall tua.kc out u fair stau-ment ot all the voles which shall have been given at -ucli eji .-tiou within the eennty for eve ry person voted for as stieli prestjeiit judge, which ! shall tie signed by sai-l juilg<-s and attested by the clerks; and one of -aid judges slwj.l take charge -g such statement and shall produce thy ssjue at a meet ing of one judge front each of said counties. \r Inch meeting shall lie held ou thg sevegtb day .after the election at the court house of one of the counties, to lie fixid by taking such counties alternately in their alphabetical order. SECTION 7. That the judges of ' ■ S-NI-L C.ouuties having so met shall east up the -. i > ■ sntf returns an-1 make a snffieient number of c , } of a general return of gli tire votes given for sucli office in said district, all of whi- h .they sligll certify, and oneof which they shali lodge forthwith igl the office of tho Court of Common Pleas of each of said counties, and one of which tln-v shall enclose, seal, ana direct to the Secretary of the Commonwealth, in the manner prescribed bv the fifth section of this act. Liivt-n under n:y Laud at my office, iu Lewistown, the loth day of Septemlier, IS sepl F. G. FRANCISCUS. 4 NEW Stock of Wall Paper recived and J\. for sale by F. G. FBANCISCUS. CIORN Shellers, Fodder and Straw Cutters, l for sale by F. G. FBANCISCUS. SEVERAL Yarieties of Apple Parers, at about half price, for sale by eep4 ' F. G. FBANCISCUS. BERNARD A, HOOPES, . PIIRCELL, Newton Hamilton, Mifflin County, Pa., i Agent for Mifflin County and surroundings. Philadelphia, Feburary 1 4, 1801. BGERHAVE'S HOLLAND BITTERS TliK CELEBRATED HOLLAND It KM ED Y FOB DYSPEPSIA, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, LIVER lORELAnT, WEAKNESS OP ANY KIND, FEVER AND AGUE, | Anu the various affections consequent upon a disojrtlereq STOMACH OH LIVER, | Such as Indigestion. Acidity of tin' Stomach, Colicky Paius, Hearth urn. Loss of Appetite, Despondency, Costivenoss. j Blind and Bleeding PiU-s. in all Nervous, Rheumatic, and i Neuralgic Affections, it has in numerous instances proved ; highly beneficial, and iu others effected a decided cure. This is a purely vegetable compound, prepared on strictly i scientific principles, after the manner of the celebrated Holland Frofeosor, Uqerhave. Its reputation at homo pro duced its introduction here, tbe demand commencing with 1 those the Fatherland scattered over the face of this i mighty country, many of whom brought with tliom and handed down the tradition of Its value. It if now offered I to the American public, Incwing that iti truly wonder/id j medicinal virtues must be aeknomalgtd. j It is particularly recommended to those persons whoso const: tutions may have b-.'n impaired by the continuous use of ardent spirits, or other forms of dissipation. Generally instautaueous in effect, it finds its way directly to the seat of Ijfe, thrilling and quickening every nerve, raising up the drooping spirit, and, in lact, infusing new health and vigor in the system. NOTICE. —Whoever expects to find this a beverage will he disappointed: but totne sick, weak and low spirited, it j wiil jrove a grateful aromatic cordial, oosseased of singular remedial properties. READ CAREFULLY! The Genuine highly concentrated Beerhave's Holland Bitters is put up in half-pint hoUies only, and retailed at ONS DOLLAR per bottle) or six bottles for FIVE DOLLARS. The great demand for this truly colebt ated Medicine has induced many imitations, which the public should guard against ! purchasing. Jtf Beware of Imposition. See that our name is ou the label of every bottle you buy. Sold by Druggists generally. It can be forwarded by Express to most points. SOLE PROPRIETORS. BENJAMIN PAGE, JR. & CO. MANUFACTURING pharmaceutists and Chemists.- PITTSBURGH, PA. For sale by CHARLES RITZ, Lewistown, ! Pa. sep2o CHAIRS! CHAIRS! CHAIRS! Mahogany. Maple, Birch and Walnut SEAT CHAIRS, of every style and finish, at \Y. D. REICH NEK'S 939 Worth Front St. Above Vine, Parlor and Dining Room Chairs, large and . small Rocking Cbiiirs, manufactured of the best material and by experienced workmen. 1 All orders filled with Promtitude and Care. ' Remember the place, 339 North Front Street, * above Vine, Philadelphia. jan24-ly C 1 AN DIES at 13 cts to Dealers, at / HOFFMAN'S 'iM 3, 1, AB~A3>3II, AT LOCKE'S HILLS, JUfFLI\ 101 YTY, PA. r |MIE fall terra will commence August sth. *- and the winter terui November llrti.— Tuition in common English tranches, Arith nietic, Grammar, Ac., $3 per quarter of 12 weeks. Algebra, Geometry, Ac., s">. Lan guages, £G. No pains will be spared to make the instruction thorough and progressive. LKWIS C. PAXSOxV, Prin. ■Lily 31-4t* j.3 mnW^rnm, !~Mlh tall Session of this Acadcniv will commence on MONDAY, September 2d. Miss S. h. Nan Outer will continue to have charge of the department of Music. Miss . F. J. Lldridgo will give instructions in Paint ing and Drawing. . A course of study has been carefully pre pared. to which the attention of the patrons of the school is called. This course is bc ; lieved to be within the capabilities of all | scholars, and, if followed, will do much to i ward giving purpose and direction to the studies of pupils. , Trnns of Tuition, $3.25! $4.75, and £0.25 per quarter, according to the grade of studies. For further information apply to M. J. SMITH, Prin. Lewistown, August 21, 1801. THE OLD FOUNDRY AND Machine Shop, jIN LEWISTOWN, MIFFLIN COUNTY, P.A., 1)1 1 LPS to order Steam Engines. Mill ) Gearing, Furnace and Forge Castings, Plowing Cylinders. Forcing Pumps, Brass Castings, Blacksmiths' Vices and Screw Plates. Buggy, NVagon. Cart and Coach Axles, ' with all such Iron and Steel work as is made in a blacksmith shop. Always on hand, thn j best Bar Share, Side Ilill and Bull Plows and Points, saw mill Cranks turned or in a rough | state, Rag Irons, Carriage Irons, Ac., Ac. Horse Power, with an improved thresher ami shaker. This requires the special attention iof farmers. Those who want the best article ; at the lowest price can satisfy themselves by | calling on the subscriber at the shop and ex amining for themselves. No charge made lor ' giving information. No loafing at stores or i taverns to secure customers. If my work will not recommend itself 1 will not ask you to buy it. JOHN R. WE EKES, t aug7-18GL Agent. : pEL |XIR p R° PY UM| NE . i **£u***ns**' ■ louring the past year we have introduced to the j notice of the medical profession of this country tho Part Crystal iz&i Chlorjfh i*f Pnxnjlamiuc as a REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM j mi having receired from many sources, both from i physic;..us of the highest standing and from patients, I the ' HtM Flattering Testimonial* of its Real Value in the treatment of this painful and obstinate disease, we are induced to present it to the public in a form j KKAI'V rolt IMMEDIATE I'SE, which we hop.-will j commend itself to those who are suU. iuig with thio i attiiciing complaint, and to liic mcdieid practitioner ; who n..iy lei 1 disposed Uj test th- powers of this V iL j nablc remedy. £I.IXI U PROPYLAMINE, in the form above sp., | ken of lias recently been extensively experimented with in the Pennsylvania Hospital, and with iwtiktil sutcf-i* (as it will appear from thu published accounts in the medical journals.) Hfi It is carefully put up ready for iiiimedi .i.- use, with full directions, and can be oi>'ttqid iiom ull the druggis.j „t T.'i i-iMls per bottle, and at wholesale <>t MLLOCK It CRENSHAW. Druggists and Manufacturing Chemists, mytSf-ly Philadelphia. Entirely Vegetable. No Alco kolic Preparation. DR. HOOP LA N D 9 S GERMAN BITTERS, PREPARED j:y Dr. C. M. JACKSON & CO., Phila. Pa "s ILL EFFECT V iLL V CURS LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, JAUNDICE, I ('M f nir. or Xrrroti* Debilify. Dtxfti.tvx of the Kidneys, ami i aU ti> ■*''*imutiny front ft Lit er or UtomnrU. SI'CJI •>> Cutistination. Inward Piles, Fulness ot ltlood to the Head, Acidity of the stomach. Sour Eructations. Sinking or Fluttering it the pit of the Stomach, Sv imu.jug of the head, Hurried and pitfi cult breathing. Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating sensations when in a lying posture, limi tless it f Vision, Dots of webs before the sight. Fever and dull pain in the Head, H-'tieieney of Perspiration, Yellowness of the an.} Eyes. Haiti in the ?ide. Hack. Chest. Limbs, Ac., Sudden Flushes of Hut, Horning i'i tic- tiesh. Constant Imaginings of e\tl, and -reat Depression* of .Sprits, and will positively pre v. Nt VELI.OW FKVEK- BILLIOihJ FE>'KR, ic. The Proprietor in ealiing fiic attention of this prep aration, does so with a feeling of the utmost confi dence in us virtues and adaptation to the diseases for which it is recommended. It is no new and untried article, but one tliat has stood the test of a twelve years' trial before thu American people, ami its reputation aad safe arc 'ut rivalled bv ttny similar preparations extant. The tea titnony in its favor given bv the most prominent and well known physicians and individuals in all pacts of tin- country is immense, and i careful perusal of the almanac, published annual./ by the proprietors, and. I to be had gratis of any of their agents, cannot but sat , isfy the most skeptical that this remedy is really de i serving the great celebrity it has obtained. Chas. Ritz, Sole Ayfnt, Ijewistoicn. ray? DISSOLUTION. TIMIE partnership heretofore existing ha | twean Brisbin A Sterrett in Reedaville i was dissolved this day by mutual consent.— The books, notes, &., of said firm, are in I the hands of J. W. Stexxett, at their old placo of doing business, where all persons know ing | themselves indebted will call and make set ! dement immediajtely. < ' BRISBIN A STERRETT. Reedsville, August 21, 18Gl-4tpd ' j OHOE Findings, Sole Leather. Kips. Uppers, | O Calf Skins, (Country French), Moroccos, ■ j Ac., for sale at lowest prices by ; sep4 F. G. FRANCISCUS. IUMRERI DUMBER! A LARGE and complete aisortoett of A Lumber for sale cheaper than the ehe&p.- jest, by F. G. FRANCISCUS.