THE a^iai3s>33* Receipts for Pre serving. Cherry Jam. —Stone !our ponds of cherries, and put them in a preserving-pan with two pounds of fine white sugar and a pint of red currant juice. Boil the whole together rather ikst, until it stiffens, and then put it into pots lor use. :■>■!,< ,•>/ J.i si. —Stalk and crop six pound.-ol the small, red, rough gooseberry, put theui into a preserving-pan. and, as they warm, stir and bruise them to! ring out ti.. juice. Let them boil for ten minutes, then add four pounds of sugar, and place it on the lire again; iet it boil, and contin ue boiling lor two hours longer, stirring it aii the time to prevent-its burning. When it thickens, and will jelly upon a plate, it is done enough, l'ut it into pots, and allow it to remain a day before it is covered. Blackberry Jam. —ln families where there are children there is no preparation of fruit so wholesome, so cheap, and so much admired, as this homely conserve. The fruit should he clean picked in dry weather, and to every pound of berries put hall pound of coarse brown sugar, boil the whole together for three-quarters of an hour or one hour, stirring it well the whole time Put in pot- iike any other preserve, and it will be found most useful in fami lies, a- it may be given to children instead of medicine; makes excellent puddings. To Pa ten - Barberries in Bunches.— Take the stoneless barberries, reserve the largest hunches; then pick the rest from the stalks, put them into as much water as will make a syrup for the bunches, boil then till quite soft, then strain them through a sieve, and to every pint of juice put one and a half-pounds of loaf-sugar; boil and skim it well. To every pint of this syrup put half-pound of barberries in Lunches, huil them until they look quite clear, and put them into pots or glasses. Tie paper over them. They are only used us a gar itish for other sweet dishes. C<>m yon it ion St'':- tmeat. —Jake two pot lies of ripe red gooseberries, two of red raspberries, two of strawberries (the pines are best;, and three pints of red currants; bruise and mix them together in a deep dish, and to every pint of'the fruit put three-quarters p.una of -ugur, pounded pretty fine; then boil it for half an hour, stirring it all the time it is on the fire, f'herrio- may alst ;- added, first taking out the stone-; m.a-ure them with the other fruit for the weight of sugar. Currant ./. '!y. —Take the red and white currants equal quantities, or all red, tie them down close in a jar, put them into a kettle of water over a slow fire to boil for hours, or into a slow oven ; run the liquor through a fine sieve, but do not squeeze the currants hard ; then to every pint of juice put three-quarters pound of loaf-sugar; set it over a slow fire until the sugar is dissolved. Let the scum rise thick enough to be taken off at once ; then let it boil up quickly for twenty minutes, or until it jel lies. AGRfEii LIU RAL, A Good Whitewash. The Chemical Gazette contains the fol lowing excellent receipt fur a whitewash, or a wash of various colors: Whitewash is one of tlie most valuable articles in the world when properly appli ed. It prevents not only the decay of wood hut conduces greatly to the health fulness of all buildings, whether wood or stone. Outbuildings and fences, when not painted, sh mid be supplied once or twice every year with a good coat of whitewash, which should be prepared in tlie following way: Jake a clean, water-tight barrel, or other cask, and put into it hall a bushel of lime. Slake it by pouring water over it, boiling hot, and in sufficient quantity to cover it five inches deep, and stir it brisk ly till thoroughly slaked. When the slak ing has been effected, dissolve it in water, and add two pounds of sulphate of zinc and one of common salt. These will cause the wash to harden, and prevent its crack ing', which gives an unseemly appearance to the v ork. 1 f desirable a beautiful cream color may he communicated to the above wash by adding three pounds of yellow ochre ; or a good pearl or lead color by the addition of lamb, vine or ivory black. For lawn color add four pounds umler—Turk ish er American, the latter is cheaper— one pound Indian ied, and one pound of common lampblack. For common stone c r ' ,v: • i mds of raw timber and two pounds lampblack. This wash may L applied with a common whitewa-b brush and will be found much superior to < m mon whitewash. The (> resttr*f i)iscorcry <■/ 'he A;■ is thai John Kennedy & Co. Propietors, AND J Airs FIROVCi), Salesman, \K!. s -lling goods at prices that defy com - pct.tain. they keep a large stock of •it] ku ds 1 g< ds saeh aa Sonars, at", 9,10, •L 1 ; frt to. T--as Bs, Syrups at CO per -alien, 100 boxes of Mould Candles 16 oz to -. (to - salens at 13 cts. by the box,) 14 eta. 8 ' v . urv ' ! v '■ tsugar Cured Hams at lg, i)rie* Boot 12, Calicos, Muslins, Giuc -iain-, ana all kinds of Dry Good- for sale ut prices mat can't be surpassed. Everybody and any ->oa are invited to come and to- the sights. Don't forget to bring along the ready cash as you may bo sure it- that we're after and don t lorget that we soli goods to suit the hard tunes : we take produce of ail kinds in xebange for goods. JOHN KENNEDY & Co. J. b. f iiio> fin. Salesman. AVER'S CATHAETIC ;v r ;r PILL-. .#?>* _ •/ ircr • Are yon sick, f—.l*. xri-1 , conii'U;iii!ir •' Are Ji o:t f — —• j.Rlrc Kwtf3 couifertel :• . I - Jwiiil.. t sits .:• ■ r- n the pnte* to OWIWAUKit. eerten- itii. -'. f -ne !.t of ?'*• gj-Koess toereeplag uiou you. J* ®?" .- - — Arf'f'n au-i sfcooW (e averted -jr a "• timely u.-e of tire rialit rem .: :*• f ek-anse or.t the •■': • r r. - *e> . 1;..-i ! — '• 1 • '•"l. ' l-i-. -V .•• ■-•:■- " -• ■• '' - *' f ■ ■"'■* I 'e*'. I.i v. i ill i.- ■ ■ -.. XlerV stimulate Tlie fun ( ' r - "'MI ; •? t ,f tlie I lv into vigorous as -4 '• \ ..r/'-*'-."" • . ti.,-v. |-u: .ij ifi- mU -m '■'J"—— " tle ci-.-tiu'tions wliicli make d"- use. A cold seftSes gome where in tlp AVER: Vonr Pills are tlie jaiagon of aii that is pi-mt in m. li in-'. Th<-y have cured my little daugh: -r of ulcerous son-- ii[>o!i Ivr hands an i feet that liud proved iiiouralrle fur y-a.-s. Her mother has Ijeeu ionp .ev otwly ap.ii--t-.-i with td itebaa and phtpWai her skin and in I, r hair. After our child was cured, she also tried your Pills, Hud t.'.-y have cured her. ASA MORG It IDC K. AH n Fnitilly I'liyslc. /V-.-i h lh . / . ll*. i utiuji ijht, yew Odeum. Your rills ttr-- the prince of purges. Their excellent qualities s-irpn-s any cathartic We j>osst- c s. They niild. but very tain sod effectual in thair ucti-.u on the 1~-.a-.i-, \v|,i- h in iU - - them iu valuable to us iu the daily treatment of disease. Ileudac lie, Sick Heart ache, Foul Sioisiacli. I'r jm Ih\ J.dio n d liuyd, Baltimore. Dear lino. 1 cannot answer you what complaints 1 have c ire■> v. i'li your Pills h -Iter tiian to say all!' ■' •< erer tre rt uA jmipuWhs MuKtht, I place preat dept u ilen.s- on au sir- -tiuil cathartic in my daily contest w dt- - i-e, an 1 la li- . ing IIS I d > that your Pills all ji a Us the best we have, I of course value them highly. PrrTsurßG. Pa., May 1. lSa-'i. I)H. .1. 0. Atfr. S*ir: I have !.—*n repeatedly eared of the v. vrst hriul:any bod> can liave by a dose or two of v Pills. It s-ems to arise from a foul stomach, whi h they clcvuise at once. Yours with great lespect, KT>. ft*. PRKIII.F, (Vrl: of Sleamer Cluri ■. Bilious Disorders lilver Complnints. From Dr. Theodore Bell, of y.-w York C <>j. Not only your Pills admirably adapted to their pur pa- • .-< an ap ri- nt. hot I find their beneficial cfl Is upon the I.iver very marked indeed. They have in my prac ti- proved m-.r elTectual f.r the cur.- of hdwot con j>'nil's tbau any on.-reiiit-dy i can mention. 1 sincerely t-joiee that w- have at length a purgative which is \w r thy the confidence of the piotessioti ami the people. DIPARTUENT CF THE I.MERiOR, ) tVashiugton, It. C., 7th Feb., 1860. / PtR: I have used your i'ills in iny general and hospital practice ever sine- you made them, and cannot li-sitale to say they are the best cathartic we employ. *i heir regu lating action on the liier is quick ami d- ided, conse quently they are an admirable remedy for derangements of that organ, lii l- ed. I h ivo seldom found a case of hdfits din.")' H i obstinate that it did not readily yield to them. iiaUrnally yours, A 1,0.\7.0 15A1.1., >l. lb. J'/iysiciun of the Marine llosj ital. Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Relax, Worms. From Dr. J. (#'. Green, of Chiaiyo. Your Pills have had a long trial in my practice, and 1 hold tliein in esteem as one of the best aperi- nis 1 have t-v.-r found. Their alterative effect upon the liver makes them an excellent remedy, when given in small d-- - - for bilious dysentery and eliarrhera. 'J lu if sugar-coat iup makes them vi-rv acceptable and convenient fir the ute of wuuieu and children. Dyspepsia, Impurity of tlie Blood. From Dev. I". I lews, JUtlor ,f Advent C/niieb, Boston. Dr.. AVEE: I have used your Pills with extra rdinary success iu my family arid among those I am culled t . visit iti distress. To regulate the organs of digestion and purify the blood, they are the very bust remedy 1 have ever known, and 1 can confidently recommend them to my friends. Yours, J. V. lIIMICS'. fVvRSAW, Wyoming Co., N. Y.. Get. 21, 1875. De \H Pin: lem n-iiig jour Catli n tic Pilis in my pinc ticc. and find tiiein an excellent purgative to cleanse the syst in and vitrify (he fount pint of the l.lorrt. ' JOHN MKACUAM. M. p. Const ipatlon, Cost ireness, kinppi-easiott, Rheumntism, float, A'curalgla, Drop sy, Paralysis, Fits, etc. From Dr. J. J'. Vaughn, Movlre l Can 'a. Too much cannot he said of your i bis for the cure of cost ireness. If others of our fraternity have found th in as efficacious as I have, they should j in me in pi . -biiio iug it for the benefit of the uiultitudes who snll'.-r from that complaint, which, although had enough iu its.-lf. i the progenitor of others that arc worse. 1 believe to tieeness to originate in the liver, but your Tills affect that organ and cure the disease. From Mrs. E. Stuart, Physician an'l Mi'heiß, Boston. I find one or two largo doses of your I'ills, taken at the proper time,are excellent promotives of the natural so-).-. tion when wholly or partially suppressed, ami ah \ rv i.fTe tual t.> c ! -at:se the stomach ami rxprl forms. Th -v are •> much the best physic wc lutve that I recommend no other to my patients. From the Ret. Dr. H > -Ws, of Otr M-'hadist Epis. Chrch. I'CLtSKt 11-ii -t:. Pavatitiah,Ga.. .lait. C. IS.'. l '). Inmo Pia: I should he ungrateful f..r the relief your skill has brought tue If 1 del not report my car.- t you. acm settled in Mr limbs and brought on excru ciating iitttio'/jic} iui,s, which mM in filloij i%iw tism. Not*ithstanding I had the best of phi fHfiM the disease crew wor— ami worse, until In the advice of your cxrolh lit a.viit in Itidtimmv. l>r. >l;e k'-nzie. I trie i \ in I'ills. '! M effects were Blow, Imt mn. By peraevetlog in the us.- ol them, I in:, now entirely well. Senate (Tumiieb, llaf-.n Rouge, he.. 6 Dec. DR. AVER: 1 have been entirely cured, bv your I'ills, of Rheum 'tic Chjut — a painful ili-.. ..- that hud afflict.' Ime for years. VINCENT SLIDEEL. f'" "'.st of the Pills in market contain Mercury, which, although a valuable remedy in skilful hands, is dangerous in a jAtblic pill, from the dreadful conse ju that frequently foil >\v Its incautious use. Th*se contain no mercury or mineral substance whatever. Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for sl. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass. *S'old by Charles llstz, Lacistoicn, Jacob Mctz, Allan-tlb-, 11. S. McNabb A- Co., lklle ''Hie, /''■ M. Kinsloe, Ileetlseille, 11. Graft', U htie Hall, and by Dealers everywhere. i-le s Ibf l.ift of L( tiers by authority, a enre evident of it having liitf iarg-bt circulation Terms—#3 per year; the weeklv and semi-weekly is :dso published al f 1 per \ NEW ARRIVAL! s*- -5 ei 0- - vk j~sT_£.STf*?* 1 'T 'V". W \ " r IA\KE pleasure in announcing that they 1 still e ntinue their extensive shoe estab j lishment in West Market street, nearly op posite Maj. Eisenhise's Hotel, and that they have just returned from the eastern cities ! with a large and varied assortment of Boots, ; Shoes and Gaiters, fi>r Ladies, Gentlemen ! and Children's wear, all of neat finish and cx j client manufacture, which they will sell for CAS!/ (JXL 1", At Least 25 Per tent. Cheaper ! than the same can he purchased elsewhere, I as will be > en by referring to the following j Price List: Men's Boots, £1 50 to 3 25 " Gaiters, 140 to 175 " Walking Shoes, 125t0 140 " Brogans, 85 to 140 " Kip and Calf Brogans, 02 to 80 i Ladies Gaiters 75 to I 00 " Kid and Morocco l ice Boots, 1 00 to 1 25 " Kip and Calf lace Boots, 80 to 125 j Misses' and Childrens Shoes, 12 to 05 j Having bought our goods for cash, they were put at the lowest figure, and by doing ; an exclusively cash business, customers are I made to pay no debts—hence our low prices. Measures taken fur Boots and Shoes, which | will bemaaeat the shortest notice. REPAIR j ING done in the neatest manner. | 11.1 XkS. A ALICES, &c., always on hand ! and tor sale cheap. j We respectfully solicit a liberal share of public patronage. OctlO. SADDLES, HARNESS, &c. | The subscriber having now on h an d one of the best and largest ; pjT. locks between I hiladelphia and | Pittsburgh, in order to accom j mod ate business to the tunes, oilers for sale a j complete assortment of Saddles, Harness, Bridies, Collars, Trunks, Whips, Haines, Valises, Carpet Bags. I which are offered for sale low for cash, or ap proved credit. Among his stock will be found some high ly finished sots of light Harness equal to any manuiai tured, Let all in want of good articles, made by I experienced workmen, give him a call. JOHN DAVIS. Lewistown, April 19, 18G0. IROBERT W. PATTON, y-. SOITH SIDE OF MARKET STREET, LBWISTOWX, I*A. HAS just received and opened at his es . tabiishment a now supply of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Fancy Articles, &c., which lie will dispose of at reasonable prices. He invites aii to give him a call and examine his stock, which embraces all articles in his line, and is sufficiently large to enable all to make selections who desire to purchase. SSayREPAIItING neatly and expeditiously attended to, and all work warranted. Thankful for the patronage heretofore re ceived, he respectfully asks a continuance of the same, and will endeavor to please all who may favor him with their custom. feb2 >cal, t'liiaii t3i;hic. W. G. ZOLLINGER, Market Street, next door to Kennedy's Store, \ Is always prepared to sup- g§3E| — Bfg I ply the public with all the Wf? I \ different styles of Hats of j hc qualities and at such prices as to defy corn pet lion. lie has now en hand a large assortment j f Fall and vit.ter iAis and Caps, of aii the i latent styles, which he will sell at the lowest i cash prices, lie invites everybody to call and | exauiint for them t ives, as he is satisfied ihat ; his tock ( a;;in t f 1 to please. For the Ornish he has constantly on hand, or : w ill make to ordei, hats to Acir taste of any requir. •',-izt or brim, at prices that cannot fail to be satisfactory. Country Merchants will find it to their ad vantage to give m< a call, as a liberal deduction will he made on wholesale purchases, and es pecially so to punctual men Don't forget the place, next door to Kenne dy's store and nearly opposite the Odd Feiiows' Hall ©ct22 Queensware. MiA Sets at reduced prices at 11. Zerbe's. -* Dinner Sets " " at 11. Zerbe's. Toilet Sets " " at 11. Zerbe's. Covered Dishes, Tureens, Sauce Boats, Steak Dlates, Dinner Plates, Pitchers, Cream Mugs, Molasses Jugs all at reduced pirices. Per- j sons in need of any of the above articles will j do well by giving me a call, as 1 am deter- j mined to cell to suit the times. >nh7 H. ZERBE. MACKEREL, Herring and Shad, best . quality, at low prices, for sale by fjbU JOIIN KENNEDY ACo 1 TV r M FLTX*T! NYM. FIJNT \VM. FLINT! \\ WM. FLINT! ir,n. r ' ' Hid. Phut! So. m BfinW. A.*., m Mattel, So. SuT Mar let. So. SO7 Market, So. SOT Market, So. St'7 Makret. P!, Jo.h 'p'an. Ph i! 'uletp h m. Philadelphia, Pa. Pa Po. Tremendous Sacrifice OF SIOO,OOO Worth, cf Jewelry, All Fur One Dollar Each. A Large and Splendid Assortment <.f Jewelry, r.ui sisiiug ..I CHAINS. MilA< F.I.ETS. < AME<> SF.'TS. *■■. &>-. to 1 nil styles of French Fluted Clcmis,tiuM md Pi it, J Jewelry. Wo Jo not keep <■? gift ■ r gal, anize.l •.•■' ids. Ours is what is sold by the Is--' jeweler- as GoM Jew elry. we receive our goods from the best gold j.-wtlry Tiiam:! •••ture;'- in the Star WHO AIM-: Fop'-pn TO SEI J.. WHO A};!-: FopCE.'f TO FELE. WHO APE FOFrE.h TO - ELL. WHO APE TO 5F.1.!.. The following is only a jurl? ' lit of our immense TAKE I'OFR ( HOKE FOP >1 EACJT. TAKE VOIR ( HO3IE FOR 81. I. l it- -17.i :in :e |-;i' n tail je-1. "-. to La\ • * (b> 1" to JO I. Carbuncle du s to :>o l' i Lidi---' Kli:iiiieli<-<] and ' .i! .!" 7tn 'ill iJo anu c'a '.iiniele do 7to ao !•. lit,hi (luster Grain- s -nutg Sots Jo lonian Do ilu J" \ .Jo ilo in to ;*> Do 110 Jo J. t s ts ih> to l'J 111. Jo Black A! -aie do Jto 12 1 1' Jo I. 11l Ml - •> ill. Cto 12 I>" do t eiii-o Set- do sto 1g D" Ilihli.m Twists, with Brilliants do 6to IS Do i; S.-Is. )■<• style do v K, 'Ji j ]•■■ Km in- lied < ie-ter. new -ty'n do 1" f- a" I (i"M 'i'hlliihles til, :l to 7 !' oiioiel pointed gold pens k eases ilo 3to 6 . s\'v I'. o-d Mugs do 4 W ii-,-: loot . • ilitf. •••lit styles Lndie-'J> welry: Mi J. ihou-. a'i styl -. jsitterns and sizes : I.iK-kits of j every Jesei iption: ' o-'iii I'ens, 14 enrut. with silver i-x ten.-a n ht.Uer; < .old iT-ie ils. Sit- v.* Buttons. Stutls. ! A*., I 'oral. Liv:u Cameo atul Bail I Braeelets; I i- n;-' Vest Chains, tnmiled to wear Jnr ten Jfars j w .thout ehanging <■'••!..r. and wiil .-•.-isid the a. i I—they tare usually sold by JewehWs as sohd gwM—siH mftde ;in 1' ..- V'-u ean t yonf ehoi.-e for si ••■••eh. La- Ji- l - * an! fh-iir- (.Hard C/niius.-1 eaeii. u ;ia!!y So: ! by Jew el, is at from 15 to S3O each; Ladies, and child ren's Ne. k i Indus. I iiitifnl j let i.-; Arm. ts, hrti lialit. i-ii .Tti-l-il ami rubv setntig- : < To- plain an i enamel!• h for '! • ..ell, !• Tail from :5 to sjo . an. Ik. .-n stvh-and varietv of .Jewelrv and ii -r --al.l. go-sjs ;;, r si , , 'i'il.- -ale. at the above prii-C-. v.ill eontirine 1,.n ) enough to sell otfotir iiuim i.-. -to -k. which v. ispnr | chased ai a great fr<>ni niamifnetnr.-rs who j lun e tided. TAKE I'O/ /.- CHOICE FOP fl EACIT. SPECIAL NOTICIi. i a 'HOW TO SEND MONEY"! l-t. Write y ■ ill Nalte-. Blue.- of Itt-sideiiee. County J and state. n. el distinct, as we ean make he thing j t,"- -A J'" t iiiarf.'jt. ' Sea! all letters with WAX. a- i-nvi ... ; ri ] with j gum or wati ! - ean Is- easily opened—tie- eonrents ta- I ken out and res, ale h Atu-ml to till- and • ..ill!" j respuii-thle for your money. JitdtreiDl'ii 's to A'jnifs. i Any person acting a- ut. uuo iviii send lis it • .tie tiiii". Sinn. u'ii will give a gold hlilifilig e-,- ~ ivati !i. • xtra. fiti. •• •• wlin Philadelphia. l*:t. N'AIL AGENCY.—As lam now selling _ Nails fur Duncnnnon Iron AVorks, lam prepared to sell to dealers ut prices so low as to make it their interest to buy here. jno3 F. J. HOFFMAN. ~\7n7" A.ISTTED. 18000 Persons, viz: j 1000 P.laeksniiths 1000 Cortchnnikers 1000 Saddlers S'XK) 'i inners 5000 II usekeepers 5000 Shoentakers To buy cheap Goods at jatiJ 1 F. I. HOFFMAN'S. rßjl OUS.—The undersigned have in store j Brandies, M ines, Old Rye Vi'hi-keys, Gins, Jamaica St irits and N. E. Rum, of'the verv best brands, and warranted nure and old. JOHN KENNEDY & Co. GIN AS A REMED j^^ENT. THIS DKI.ICIOUS TONIC STIMULANT, SPECIALLY designed for the use of the J Medical Profession and the family, huv | ing superseded the so-called "Gins," "Aro | matic,""Cordial,""Medicated," "Schnapps," | etc , is now endorsed by all the prominent 1 physicians, chemists and connoisseurs, and i possessing all of those intrinsic medical qual j ities (tonic and diuretic) which belong to an | old pure Gin. Put up in quart bottles and i sold by all druggists, grocers, etc. A. M. BISINGER & CO, Sole Proprietors, No. 19 Broad street, N. Y. For sale bv FRENCH, RICHARDS &, Co., W. W. & 11. SMITH, and all of the prom inent Wholesale Druggists in Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Dec. Id, ISGO. The New Big Tin Coffee Pot Sign, THE 9A€HI\E OUt tit)RE, My Machine is new and runs a little r ugh, That all can see by the look of the stuff; But be that as it may, I'll still rr.ake her sing Of all the improvements and every new thing. Wo have made a new Big Coffee Pot Sign, The greatest in the State and new in design, And its a model of some we have for sale, Which to please you 1 know they cannot faii. Some Tea Pots too of much improved style, The prettiest indeed you have seen for awhile. Also Zinc Bottom Buckets that will not rust, And sold very cheap if you don't ask for trust. Now for a Stove, I must tell you where to look, And is called the Daylight Gas Burner Cook They're from the foundry and come direct here To the only authorized salesman near. More things I'd say, but I must do it briefly, Attention to Jobbing, but Spouting chiefly : Lamps and Lanters and Sad Irons too— If you need Silver Plating, I'll do it for you. Nc w it becomes me in a short way, To express my thanks to the people and say, I am very much pleased so many come to me For Stoves and Tin W are although I am wee. Mb? J. IRVIN WALKS. TIN WARE! A LARGE and complete assortment, com _iTJL prising all kinds of Ware made for sale, at greatly reduced prices by F. G. FRANCISCUS. Gt ARDEN Seeds of all kinds. The ccle r brated Peas British Queen, Champion of England, Tom Thumb and Extra Early, and the Fegt-e Tomato, the best ever grown, for sale by F. G. FRANCISCUS. O PADES, all qualities and prices for sale kJ !y F. G. FRANCISCUS. G< ARDEN Rakes, Garden Trowels, Spa 1 ding Forks, Floral Rakes, Shovels, Gar den and Corn lloes, for sale by F. G. FRANCISCUS. * LARGE assortment of Wall Paper, Y .3L. c uiprising many new and beautiful pat terns, for sale low bv *F G. FRANCISCUS. j MRE Board Prints just received and for . sale by F. G. FRANCISCUS. ff'MICFT Flics, Tr-ut Liues, llooks, Fisli- I ing Tackle of all kinds at reduced rates, for sale by F. G. FRANCISCUS. J)AINT and Colors, ilrv and in oil, with a _ full assortment of Paints and Colors ready for use, in tin cans from 1 to 25 lbs, for sale by F. G. FRANCISCUS. iy IN K Cvlort in tubes, grainiug colors in spirits and Dist-mper, fur sale bv mh2l F. G. FRANCISCUS. IU BBBSX3L I £UXK2EXI 11 Vfull supply of Boards. Planks, studding. Lath, 3c. always on hand at lowest rates by F. G. FRANCISCUS. Doors, Blinds, Paling, Railing. 3c. _ t low rates. F. G. FRANCISCUS. STOVES.—A large variety of the b< t Cooking Stoves in use, and nil . ■ f C 'king Stove Furniture, for sale a;.l8 F. G. FRANCE > -S. jf JATENT Exteii on Auger Bits :n Ito i A 3 inches, an article long wanted :>y car penters 3c- One auger can do the work of a dozen of the common kind. Also, < ''Bryan's Wagon Makers Jenny Augers, for sale bv aplß F. G. FRANCISCUS. INDOW Shades of paper, muslin and T ? gum cloth, plain, gilt and figured.— Window Shade 'i timings, Fixture.-, 3c., ut Philadelphia prices for sale Lv api 8 F. G. FRANCISCUS. lIAiaXUVAKS AND CUXIiES.Tr. T respectfully invite the attention of pur Xelia-ers of Hardware and Cutlery, to out stock of this season which i.- large and well assorted, and ■ IE-red a: low prices on accom modating terms. Merchants can save money by purchasing goods of this description from " aplS F. G. FRANCISCUS. War on High Prices ! TIIE ODD FELLOWS' HALL STORE. * T " NDKR command <>f Nathaniel Kennc- V dy, i- waging an unceasing wart n high prices, as every one can test who will call.— He has on hand Foreign and lb an-tic of all kinds and qualities, embracing every thing in that line; a complete ass> rtm ;:t of aB.OC£RZZ2S, remarkably cheap, with good weight and fair mea-ure, together with "gr yyC. A - (LATE EAOLE HOTEL.') Third *>t.. above Hare. Philadelphia. Terms—s I 25 per day. RKOADS & SAILOR, Propxiet's. TILGIIM AN V. RIIOADS. F- rinerlv <1 the National Ilotcl. CHARLES SAILOR, f2B-ly Formerly of Schuylkill co , Pa. J.ate Wliitc Swan, Race Street, itljoce. Thmf, l'hiiod< Terms— sl 25 j>er day. QUTLL7.-IAN Ss BOYLE., Tropricicrs r g" v J the oiu customers of this v..11 ,u wn *■ House we desire to .say that w hare ren ovated, improved, and newly furiiished the same, awl that we respectfully 50,... it ac a tinuance of their patronage. Strangers, Travtl-rs ami Visit >rs we ,-i.rdi ally invite to the hospitality < 1 the '* Nation al"—to come and see and judge f.r tlu;;t selveo of its advantages and merits. Uur e. cation is central, and convenient forne-rchants and business men generally. We will always endeavor to study the vents, and comforts of our guests, and wait the as sistance of Mr. OHAS. A. STEIN, eur affahlo and attentive Cleric, we feel well prepared in keep a good hotel, and hope to be aide t< Ac general satisfaction. HENRY QUI Li.M AN. feb2B=lyr -JOHN BOY Eli. IN AM, ITS HHANLTittS, Executed in the Lest styl ; known in the art. at" C, G. Crane's Gallery, 632 Arch St., east of Sixth, Philadelphia- Life Size in Oil and Pastil. STEREOSCOPIC l'O UTIIAITS, I AMISKOTVPLtS, i> \t;iJiutni:o tA Pl>,