SEE GAZEII3. Pennsylvania Kailroad. Trains leave Lewistown Station as follows: WESTWARD. EASTWARD. Through Exprv-M, 5 10 a. m. 1111 p.m. Fast Line, 6 05 p. m. 4 01 a. m, Mai! Train. 3 45 p.m. 10 39 a. m. Through Freight, 11 CO p. ,n. 12 45 p.m. Kvpress Freight, 10 39 a. m. 2 25 p. m. Fust Freight, 10 39 a. m. 2 00 a. m. Local Freight, 0 35 a.m. 4 45 p.m. cual Train, 12 05 m. 8 05 a. m. Li. E. ROBESOS, Agent. /ny-Galtiraith's Omnibuses convey passengers to an.l from all the trains, taking up or setting them down at all points within the borough limits. Post Office. Mails arrive and elose as follows . Cltm. A i rice. Eastern Through, sp. m. 530 a. rn. and Way, 9 a in. 4p.m. Western " " " 230 p. m. 11 a. m. Beili'foiite, # P- m. 2 p. in. Northumberland, Hp. m. fi p. m. The Eight Kind of Talk. Among those arrayed in arms against the Southern Despotism, is Gen. B. F. Butler of Massachusetts, who for years aided with everything demanded by the South, however unreasonable. He was a member too, of the Charleston Democratic Convention, and withdrew from that body with the secessionists and co-operated with them in their subsequent Convention, held in Baltimore, when John C. Breckinridge was placed in nomination for the Presiden cy. Gen. Butler sustained the nomination than made during the campaign, and the principles embraced in the platform of the Breckinridge party. No man ever went further to serve the Fire Eaters of the South, and it was not until the attack upon Fort Sumter, that Gen. Butler ami those who acted with him at the North, got their eyes open and realized fully that the se cessionists designed to destroy the Union. When the traitors could no longer conceal their designs, the whole body of their sym pathizers at the North were shocked, and for a time, stunned by the breakers upon which they had been instrumental in so nearly precipitating the country. Soon a reaction took place, and some of these men, to-day, are foremost in the cause of the Union. From the moment Gen. Butler landed at Annapolis he took strong meas ures against all traitors who came within his reach, and while in command at Balti- more, wo felt quite sure many a traitor's head laid down to an uneasy slumber. At Washington on Thursday last, in response to a serenade, lie said— Fellow citizens: Your cheers for the old Common wealth of Massachusetts arc rightly bestowed. Foremost in the ranks of those who fought for the liberties of the country in the Revolution was Massachusetts, and it is a historical fact, which I take great pride in referring to in this hour, that, in the Rcvolu tion, the Old Bay State furnished more men to go south of Mason and Dixon's iine, to fight the enemies of the country, than did nil the Southern Colonics put together.— jCheers, j And in this second war, if war must come, to establish the Declaration of i dependence anew, and to secure the bless jug of that Declaration—the Constitution and the Union—Massachusetts is ready again to furnish every man, aye, every woman, upon her sojl in this cause. [Applause.l Perhaps 1 may, for the moment, be excused for refer ring to my own .State. 1 believe I speak to many who have the love of the old Cumm in wealth in their hearts. But we have this dif ference from our Southern brethren : while we love Massachusetts with the true love of a son, we love the Union and the country with equal devotion. [" Good !" and cheers J We put no State rights, no State pride, no love of the old Commonwealth, before, above, and beyond the love of the i nion. [Cheers.] To us our country is first, because it is our country. [Three cheers.] Our State next, because she is our State, and a part of that country. Our oath of allegiance to the Un ion is the first binding obligation ; our oath of allegiance to the State is the second bind iug obligation ; never clashing, always inter twining. lie who does his duty to the Un i n, does his duty to the State, ["good," and cheers, ] and he \\ ho dors his duty to the State, ;b"-s his duty t > the Union—one and insepar able, now and forever. [Cheers.] Allow me, furtli r, to say that I look upon this demon stration of yours as prompted by that devo ti n which we all feel for a common cause—a e tittnon country. This is a great and good Government of ours, so kind, so benign, and tj beneficent that its hand has only been felt in acts of affectionate generosity, and is now for the first time, raised in the act of chas tising its children. It has been attacked by those who should have been the first to defend it, and as, in the history of a man's life, many things may be worse to him than death, so in the history of a nation, dishonor, wrong, or disintegra tion may be worse than the shedding of blood. My friends, this Union established by our fathers, cost them a great deal of treasure, a great deal of suffering, a great deal of blood, and by the bright heaven above us we will not part with it short of the first cost, and in terest from the day of the date. " [Good," and cheers.] The same blood which flowed n our fathers' veins still flow in ours; the same courage which they showed still I trust animates us; we have the same power of en durance ; the same love of liberty and law is urs, and we hold him brother who stands by the flag of the Union, and we hold him en tity to the last degree who attempts to strike one star out of that brilliant constellation which floats over us. [Three cheers. A voice, "A little more grape, General." Three cheers for the stars and stripes. I But I hear some one say, shall we carry on a fratricidal war? Shall we shed our broth ers' blood? Shall we go to the extent of meeting in arms those whom we have been taught to call our brothers? To that I an- as our fathers in defence of their rights did not hesitate to strike the mother country, and against their mother, so we, their in defence of our rights, must meet our brothers as they mot their mother. If this wicked, unholy, and fratricidal war is forced ppon us, we can only say, let the responsibil ity rest upon those who made the necessity. Uur hands are clean, our hearts are firm, and the Union must be preserved. [Cheers. J At every hazard, at every risk, at every ex ense, at the sacrifice of every life this side the Arctic region, must this Union be , preserved. And what kind of a struggle will it be? Suppose that the twentv five thousand soldiers of the North now 'here should be this day and hour cut off. would the battle rest? No. fitly thousand more would take their places, and if they should fall, one hundred thousand more would rush down from the North, to be followed, if they should fall by the fever, pestilence or sword, by a quarter of a million more, until the very women would take the field with broomsticks, and drive all the enemies of the Union into the Gulf. [Cheers.] I have neither fear nor doubt upon this subject. 1 have neither trouble nor dismay in regard to it. I have grief and sorrow at the necessity, and God help those who have forced the necessity up on us. We are here for our Goverment and our laws; we are here for our flag; we are here for our country; our face is turned Southward, and there is no step backward. [Tremen dous applause, and cries of "Good!"] lie makes a wide mistake who thinks we are to be either cajoled, or threatened, or intimi dated, or compromised any further. The day of compromise is passed away, and the Gov ernment must and shall be sustained.— ["•That's it!" and great applause.] And when the Government is sustained, *ve will do as we have ever done—give everybody in the Union their rights under the Constitu tion, and everybody out of the Union the steel of the Lnion until they come in under the Constitution. ["We like that! That's the talk!" and immense cheering.] And now, my friends, allow me t > hid you good night. [Cries of "Goon! Give them another right hand shot, General! Three cheers for Gen eral Butler! Give them a ten pound shot! Order!" .fcc.] It is impossible for me, my friends, to go on; this is no time for speech making. If you will return to your homes, and the Govern ment will give me directions, I will go South, and you shall follow inc. [Nine cheers for Butler, j Died, recently, in the prime of life, Rev. John Dorrance, of the Presbyterian church in Wilkesbarre, and ltcv. M. T. Manning of the First Baptist church in El mira. Rev. \V m. S. Hall, of the North Baptist church, Philada., has sent two sons into ser vice, and offers to go as Chaplain, with his wife and daughter as nurses. Simon Snyder, grandson of the Governor of Penna. of the same name, is appointed a Lieutenant in the sth Regiment U. S. Army. A Unionist of course. Gen. James Irvin, of Philadelphia, former ly of Ilellefonte, is appointed Naval Store keeper. vice Major John Curnmings. THE RELIEF FUND, rpilE Treasurer of the L"gan Guard lie _L lief Fund would state for the information of all persons that tlie orders issued are not issued redeemable in specie, as it would be impossible for him so to redeem them. They are designed for the use of families to procure the necessaries of life, and with all stores and dealers keeping deposits at the Banking House of Wm. Russell, are equal to cash, being re ceived by him on deposit or redeemed in sums of $5 or §lO, but not less than the for mer. It may be also proper to add that this fund is only intended for those who have been deprived of their usual support and who have not means to maintain themselves. Subscribers to the above fund arc request ed to make payment of their second and third instalments, to tkc credit of the under signed, at the banking bouse of Win Rus sell. fi@uThe ordeis are issued every Saturday morning, from 8 to 12 o'clock, at which hours the undersigned will bo found at the Gazette Office. GEORGE FRYSINGEII, Treasurer. Lewistown, May IG, 1801. ATTENTION-' THE VOLUNTEER'S MANUAL, JCJST FXTSIDESHED, CONTAINS KILL INSTKI'CTIONS F< >1! TUG RECRUIT, In the Schools of the Soldier and Squad, with over One Hundred Illustrations of the differ ent positions in the Facings and Manual of Arms, and the Loadings and Firings. ARRANGED ACCORDING TO SCOTT'S SYSTEM OF INFANTRY TACTICS, BY Lt. Col. D. W. C. BAXTER, OF TIIE NATIONAL GUARD. 12uio. Size. Convenient for the Pocket. This is the Latest. Best and Cheapest Work on TACTICS. It is Approved of Officially. AGENTS WASTED IN EVERY TOWN, VILLAGE AND HAMLET. THE SAME WORK IN GERMAN, Translated by an experienced Military Officer and Savtjn. RETAIL PRICE, 25 Cents per Copy ; or, bound in Flexible Cloth, 40 Cents. Mailed anywhere, FREE of Postage, on receipt of 25 or 40 C6nts. FOR SALE EVERY WHERE. KING $ EAIRD, Printr's. and Pub's, 607 SANSOM ST., PIIILAD'A. Philadelphia, May 16, ISGI-lm Large Stock of Furniture on Hand. A FELIX is still manufacturing all kinds /\ mof Furniture. Young married persons and others that wish to purchase Furniture will find a good assortment on hand, which will be sold cheap for cash, or country pro duce taken in exchange for same. Give me a call, on Valley street, near Black Bear Ho tel. feb 21 |/ v BUSHELS fine Dried Apples. Splen *T\/ did Dried Apples from Ohio, ou hand and for sale at A. FELIX'S GARDEN SEEDS. RECEIVING almost daily a supply of fresh Garden Seeds from Philadelphia by mail and express. Lovers of the best va rieties of all kinds of vegetables can be sup plied with pure and genuine seed by F. G. FRANCISCUS. ("N UM Belting and Packing on hand and JT for sale bv f o. FEANCISCL'S. JZLr. TJ s 3E3 3F£L . ~\\ 11.L1.'.31 B. IIO! 1 MAN at his Lum- T T bet Yard, Third street, near the Acad emy. has now on hand an extensive 6tock of LL.Mliil-1 .1 all kinds, ir'WNesiifiWj jEaivJci, 40,000 LAP AND JOINT SHINGLES, which he offers for gale at low rates on reas onable terms. PIPS Having been appointed agent for the sale of the Vv illiauisport Company's Tubing for wa ter courses, which is the best and cheapest ever manufactured, he invites attention to the following reasons for its use : 1. It is made of pine and perfectly healthy. 2. It is the cheapest pipe made. 3. It is the easiest laid down. 4. It is not liable to get out of order. 5. It "keeps water sweet and pure. G. Being small, it soon bccomus saturated with water. 7. It is durable, lasting from 20 to 30 years. 8. It has a large bore, and is not liable to choke. 9. It can he made larger to hear pressure. 10. Iron will fill with incrustation, or will rust out. 11. The mineral of lead and iron is very unhealty. 12. Iron and lead, same size, will cost 0 times as much. REFERENCES. 11. Fondee, Sapt. Cattawissa K. R. Co. J. M. Macklin, Sunt. Sunbury and Eric 11. R. Co. J. M. Fisher, Supt. Sliamokin R. 11. Co. Supt. North Central. Hon. J. W. Maynard, Williarnsport. lion. Thomas Hepburn, " John Fallon, Philadelphia. William Irvin, Nittany. Thomas Sc Harris, Ilellefonte. apIS WM. B. HOFFMAN. PHOTOGRAPHIC NEWS. M. A. McKEE respectfully announces T to the citizens of McVeytown and vicinity that his car will remain Tor a short time in the above named place, for the pur pose of affording all who may desire it, the opportunity of procuring a FIRST CLASS PHOTOGRAPH of themselves, families or friends, executed in any and every style, from miniatures up to life size Photographs. Pictures copied from small Aiabrotypes, Daguerreotypes, &e., and enlarged to life size. Stereoscopic pictures of residences taken upon reasonable terms, and stereoscopic boxes furnished when called for. Having had ten years' exnerience in business and availed himself of all the latest improvements in the art, he feels confident that he can render satisfaction to all who may call upon him. Every variety of Photograph ic work undertaken at moderate prices. A1 so, a large assortment oi Photograph frames constantly on hand. Instructions given in all the various branches of the art. Pic tures taken equally as well in cloudy as in clear weather. Call soon. deelo—Gnt LEWISTOWN ACADEMY. MIE second sessi m of litis institution will 1 commence on MONDAY, May 29th. In addition to the common English branches, Instructions will be given in Latin Greek, French, German, and the Higher .Mathemat ics, also, in Drawing, Painting, and music. No extr t charge for tin- Languages. Hates of I'm, in,:. —sj OH, 4 51#, and §0 01) per quarter of i-levt n weeks. Drawing, §;> 00, Painting, §5 00, Music, §lO 00, Incidentals, 25 cents. A Teacher's Class lias been foiim J and is in successful operation. This class is design ed fur those who desire to thoroughly qualify themselves for teaching, ft will continue till July, affording ample time for a thorough review of the studies pursued in common schools. Teachers can enter this class at any time, though an early attendence of all who wish to join it is desired. For further particulars inquire of M. J. SMITH, Prin. Lewistown Academy. Lewistown, April 25, 1861. New Spring and Summer Goods. I) F. ELLIS, of the late firm of McCoy \o &■ Ellis, has just returned from the city with a choice assortment of Dry Goods and Groceries, selected with care and purchased for cash, which are offered to the public at a small ad vance on cost. The stock of Dry Goods em braces all descriptions of Spring and Summer Goods suitable for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children, with many new patterns. His EST article Portland Kerosene Oil at SI y by F. J. HOFFMAN ' C 1 AN DIES at 13 cts to Dealers, at t HOFFMAN'S. I)URE White Lead at S2 25 per keg, at HOFFMAN'S TRY Hoffman's Extra Ch 1 apll SOLE LEATHER.—A good stock just re ceived. of the best Red and Oak Sole Leather. I have also a good assortment of Morocco, Linings, French Calf Skin, 1 }'l" r Kips &c., all at low juices (or cash, my 10 F. J. HOFFMAN. VLBATA, Britannia, Iron and Tin Table . and Tea Spoons cheap at Zerbe's. I >UTTER Bowls, Ladles, and Prints cheap .) at Zerhe's. 1 MAKER'S I uequalled Chocolate, also ) sweet spiced and Delaware Chocolate for sale at 11. Zerbe's. t 10MM0X and Spring Clothes Pins by the gross or doz. cheap at Zerhe's. £ lEDAKWARE.—Brooms, Buckets, Tubs, Vy and Wash Machines at Zerhe's. / lARPET Bags, Carpet Chain and 1 uhrel \j las cheap at Zerbe's. / IRACKERS Wholesale and Retail, cheap V_Z at Zerhe's. /HANDLE Wick, Tie Yarn, Net Yarn and Twine, cheap at Zerbe's. Mills, Ilatchcts, Hammers, Cur ry Combs, Horse Cards and Pad Locks cheap at Zerbe's. DRIED Apples, Cherries and Peaches, cheap at Zerbe's. DAIRY and Ground Alum Salt cheap at Zerbe's. and Buckwheat Flour cheap at Zerbe's. jAISHOIL, Flaxseed Oil ami Turpentine at Zerbe's. f 1 OSIERV, Gloves and Suspenders, cheap JL i at Zerhe's. II OMINY and Beans, cheap at Zerbe's JL Grocery. | f ALF Bushel and Peck Measures cheap i JL. at Zerhe's J NK, Mucilage, Prepared Glue and Paper £ cheap at Zerhe's. "y 1 AKKET, Clothes and Fancy Baskets _j.¥JU cheap at Zerhe's. \ I" A KK your own soap, and buy tin- Con- tvntrated Lye at Henry ZerbeV Grocery. E )OCKKT Knives, Purses, Hair Oil, and X C'Unbs, cheap at ZetLe's. | ) 111.M M J :i(> and Java Coffee at redt ced i prices, also Drowned Coffee at IG, at 11. Z T1 c's. TJOI'K Haiti rs, Bed Cords, and Clothe !L\ Lines ehetip at Zcrbe's. I) ICK, Jltsei i-e of Coffee, Com Starch, J'a V. iina, Spices, Pearl Starch, Popper ami Soaps of every description for sale cheap at 11. Zerhe's. STONE Crocks, Jugs and Jars of all sizes, _ cheap at Zerhe's. SHAWL Pins, Bazars and Razor Strops, cheap at Zerhe's. SPAIN'S patent and Barrel Churns cheap at Zerhe's. . SUGAR Boxes, Flour Boxes and Walking Canes cheap at Zerhe's. rpOBACCO and Cigars of choicest brands, cheap at Zerhe's. 13ABLE Cutlery, Table and Tea Spoons • at Zerhe's. | CHESTS of Green and Black Tea at dif ~t ferent prices at 11. Zerbe's. ( A GO, GO, G2 and 05 cents per gallon. jT\ ' 5 Eight different kiuds of Molasses at 11. Zerbe's. | i tAA LBS. of fresh Candy, Oranges, lUV/1/ Lemons, Figs and Raisins for sale low to retailers at 11. Zerbe's grocery and variety store. liiO (UHi CIG ARS of the choicest ■■ ? ""™ " brands, for sale low to re tailers at Zerbe's. Glassware. 17*RUIT Stands with and without covers. Butter Dishes " " Sugar Bowls, Goblets and Preserve Dishes. Pitchers and Tumblers. All to be sold at the lowest ligure by 11. ZERBE. Fish ! Fish! Fish ! MACKEREL, Hering, Shad and all oth er kinds of Fish, just received and for sale at the lowest prices at Henry Zerbe's Grocery. New Arrival and Low Prices ! HENRY ZEBBE has just received 10 bbls. Sugar House Sugar 10 bbls. light I*. R. do 10 " best Brown do 10 " B White do 10 10 " C P Whito do 12 Which will be sold at the lowest Cash pri ces. Estate of William >hade, deceased. ~VTOTICE is hereby given that letters of ad l\ ministration on the estate of WILLIAM SHADE, late of Granville township, Mifilin co, deceased, have been granted to the undersign ed, residing in said township. All persons in debted to said estate arc requested to main- im mediate payment, and those having claims to present them duly authenticated for ettl m at. JOHN S. REED, my 2 Administrator. I)AINTED BUCKETS at 25 cts. each, febld JOHN KENNEDY & C.o N. E. SMITH'S Original & only Gen %/ nine t'he above is the only reliable remedy it ; inflammatory diseases, among w l.ich are /?/((uinatitm T 'tcr Neuralgia Gout Burns Frosted Feet Scalds Headache Fains in tin Bach Paralytic Str ■/.> " " Breast Salt Rfuum " Side Scrofula ( ramjn. i,t the Slow- Sore Fyes acit Sore Breasts Sja'ains or fir uS' Krys'ailm Stiffness t)i the Jo nits Asthma Or any diseases which aresoroand painful. For that Dread to Mothers, GEO IT P, it i.- Invaluable —(Jiving Relief at Once. Certificates from hundreds of our best eiil.cas can be seen at the office of Dr. Smith, showing what the Oil has done. In purchasing be careful to examine the wrappers arid sec that you got A. E. Smith's Original and only Genuine Electric Oil. All imitations arc icorse than useless. PS?IS\!CIPAL DEPOT, No. 126 Walnut Street. PHILADELPHIA. EDWARD B. PURCELL, Niwton Hamilton, Mifflin County, Pa.. Agent for Mifflin County and surroundings. Philadelphia, Feburary 14, ISGI. BCERHAVE'S HOLLAND BITTERS THE CELEBRATED HOLLAND REMEDY FOR ©YSFEFSEA, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, LITER COSIPILAIKT, WEAKNESS OF ANY KIITD, FEVER AMD ACiUe, Anu Hie various affections consequent upon a disordered STOMACH OB LI7EEI, Such an Indigestion, Acidity of tlio Stomach, Colicky Funs, Heartburn. Loss of Appetite, Despondency, Costiv •<•.-. Blind and Bleeding Piles. In all Nervous, Rheumatic, an I Neuralgic Affections, it ha- iu numeroun instances prove 1 highly beneficial, and in others effected a decided cure. This is a purely vegetable compound, prepared cm strictly sri utiflc principles, after the manner of the r.-lel rated Holland Professor. IVerhave. Its reputation at homi pro dured its introduction here, the demand c. mmenefng with those of the Fatherland scattered over th- facr hottle, or six !>ottles for FIVE DOLLARS. The great demand for this truly ccleLixt.,'l Mia! mine ban in due. J many imitations, which the public should guard against purchasing. Bcwaro of Imposition. See that our name Is on the label of every !settle you buy. Sold by Druggists generally. It can be forwarded by Express to most points. SOLE PROPRIETORS, BENJAMIN P\GE, JR. & CO. MANUFACTURING gharmawutists and Chemists. PITTSBURGH, PA. For sale by CHARLES RITZ, Lewistown, Pa. sep2o D. M. DAVIDSON'S Essence of Coffee. 'gMIIS Essence clarifiea and improves Of fee by rendering it more wholesome and nutritious ; also, as a laxative tonic aids Ji gestion while preserving the full flavor of the Coffee. When used as directed, one package will go as far as six pounds of Coffee. Manufactured and for sale at regular Phil adelphia Wholesale prices, by D. M. DAVIDSON, mhl4-tf Lewistown, Pa. ! S-ASLXj'TP ! tpfil-; undersigned are agents for the Onon- L dago Salt Company. Wholesale price, ?I.CO per bbl. of 280 lbs, or 5 bushels. Retail price, 1.75. MARKS & WILLIS, Br. C. M. JACKSON A CO, Phiia. Pa v-iit rrrrcr vllv CV:.E ! LIVES. IdXl'UlM. UVBPEPMA. JAINDICE jC ■ ' • •' Jh j\ • £E c , n \ l " COOSUMU . r.!. , Fulnftsu . 0 Blood to the uead, \> li > of the siotssth, Sour 1 Kructaboi >. s.'lktn. • t tit-.t : . the pit the Stole . >l,: r: . .. .lie Dillt celt i .Mtir.Flmtonv.t t . • {. Oh- .■ i Suffocating sensatici • wh< inalyingposture,Dim ne of Vision, Dots of v.. I. Itefore the sight, Fever Ind dull pain m the R< ad, Ifit lit - of Perspiratioti, Yellowness cf ibe Bktn and Eyes, l'uin la tliefide, I But •in i. i' . ' •. ;I: .•'evil, ..• • ! '.• • • ' . >. - .t, - vote \ Ki.l •- > ■ . •>. .. „(. ft; - dis< vtiicli it is r,.i ~ ' .J. a no fie A - ; i Utiu • it has obtain-;.'; Ckas. Riiz, Sole .-h.-- ••(/, Leutirit u-u. tny2 DISCOVERED AT LAST! THE GREATEST CURE IE THE WOULD FOE PAIN. Prof. Clia . J>e Oi'fitliV ELECTIIIC 01 E. fHIS is the X tie* Core "t Rheun attain, l)i sivGoiii, Ist i - i. Limit-:-,:. Sent-i-:u v"•.., ; t 1 ..... ; . pl.-tint.-.Ti"!'■ Moretis.lit '.<•!•< ■ t , .t .. up. Pi!.. . t*. lons, Sprains, m. 1 Bruise:. y-i- n! wiih t leetrieiiy - ; pure It'll k prej- li. Not the si l.e-fk. t •jfapplytnt? it ettf-i e- tly in ii.uttrdly. It .i. I'li. . : ;v, :t pcrnianunt our.-- ... ;.i it me ;. ,ia tea w . ■ . ltli'ttlte . ' 1 that all organic deraugenu 1.1 of lite i i im .i sj tt tn i the effect of an obstruction of the physico-eloctrie tlu t-i in the <•: ' n -li> • ■ A-klltl .lupp!.. ut.ei.i fthir 1 >:l puis in immediate motion the nerve fluid, and tut -tire isatore-i-nce mpli-'hed. Xnl-lctdie s—no vt.ui itinjr purging, ~r bi.-tei ii.t is resorted to. tf.i •rCotf genuine without signature ol Prof. C. I)i tip .wit. Labels si m, j„ wrtthag. Principal Depol Ko. 90, South Eighth Street, thrrt doors below f ')ie>tiiut, l J hil:!ilclp>|ii.r, 1 Oltiiity D,'del oinl Druggists cati be supple d r.holt utd ,t: ;1 Price 25 cents, 40 cent , ana I per bottle. Try everything el*e; "ivt :lil otic simple Irittl. CALTIOS.—Be careful to :tak for and get Da lia.vm'a Electric Oil, as wortlUeae imitations abound. There arc tatmerons imitations sprang up on th< reputation iny artn K- : a- The public intt: betv ni'. They itre wiii'tiiles.s. C/ias. llitz, Sole Aycut, Leicisloicn. iaj2 11 F.LMBOLIFS EXTRACT BFClfr.' I II IIEI.MC, tl.i is EXii.'ACI IH'CHb, UK 1 Mi';,.;x; it.'T i!!"i::ir. 11 ELMIiOI.D'S EXTRACT I'.I'CHC. lIEX.MBOUV:- EXTi ACT i!L't HI", A positive ait 1 spceffic remedy lor discuses or the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Drofse Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Bladder. Kidtte; s. Gravel, iHnj'-y, Bladder, Ki intys, to ,vti, I>i p-A Bllld b i. Kidneys. Gray I. '.'tvp ', o UGA Sic ii'/r.i K.X caw. './a.'' ii: A" - .. .s. <>l: i .v/< ■ ;r/;. i KSFSS. am) ij. iiisj-:.! ',7i.s' of run Sexual Organs. . —xtfi' l n ■ Ki'xual organs, Bcxual Organs, Sexual Organs, .Sexual Organs, s. xu-ti Organs, St xual Organs, Sexual Organs, Sexual • Jrgans, Sexual 1 Irgut, Sexttal <>: gans. Sexual Organs, Sexual Organs, Sexual Organs, an-uir from ISMMSIK, eorlj ihdixetetions, t\i>ouie.-, and intpniderieic . tin I removini; nil improper dis ehar ' 'vhether exi-itn gin Afni. tir Fett'df, .t/uff < r /-' JUitii or Hanoic, Sfah '■< FemtUe, A f'i-'c I r rioh. A/'t/t i i /'. /unit. It is n fitc lon.r -iiice < sml.l !.• I, that person ir fcriug Willi any di.-< i-e- of the o orgt.its are te.l in iMxiil.v health and mental po "i s, t-.nd .'X|H-rieme many alarming symptoms, among which will ho l'oun'.i: In . ii... n m Ex'-rtmn, 1..--. of Memory. Difficulty of Breathing, General Weakness, Hoi ror or lii .i .. e, Weak Nerves, lb milling. Horror of Death, Night Sweats, Coi l Fe t. Wak-rttlnes.-. Diinte'ss of Vision, iAnguer, l 'uivei •! I assitudc of the Muscular Sy-.■•!;.. • .F. i. \p; ':!••. tt.'li |y.'| • .die Symptoms, Hot Hands, Flushing of the Body, Dry ui.-s of tie Skill, I':-.: 1 C- Ullt• •: m. •• ans El Iplioiis on the "Foe. J'. in in ti.e Bit I", I! ivj Iky > ' •: . Ir quently biack spots flying before the eyes, with tem porary snfhision and Loss of Sight, Wani A iter.- tion, Great Mobility, Besdesi tes . se symptoms, '. ll!'h tlitsinc h> ("!!I>V.'S, ■ 'inn follow ' Who ' I toy.. iby Ite t•, I'i'tiil ..; t ■ i'-. \X i i i it.l id CONSUMPTION, 'ill- records ■; the fnsa <■ A.-\ luins and tie* mi ::ii.t . , h .... by b'-i, : ; u id j. ti,• i - Be..r :■ tuple wit:,' --of c 'i r., thi rtion. IIEI.MBOI.D- i;y i'AAt'T n nrciiu I - (x-itain, ■ "'"I St -- iy enn . from what v r How long Blot! '.in.', li' .. !;•. t:ui Ilow long stati tin.. Jb w ••■ti; -tftinl ng, lioiv long Sttiuding. llow lon t'-uidittg. 1* • taken ivithout niud: ... " frm.. b.•l;i little, if any. ''hnngc i V at OXCK, I'ROCCRE Till-: REMEDY AT 'J.MR, HELMBOL&S EXIRACT ID CBU, ■ tin' -imply hdi'-cie to '.lie " of,. •<1 and -■ f • • ; : it • tto any ail diet--. Prepared by 11. T. HELMBOLD, Depot lot. South A-., below Ch< -tnut, Philn I '.scribe syiuptonn, tn all coinmuiiii aliotis. BEWARE <>!•' COIJ'kTr.KDT.ITS AND UNPRINCIPLED DEALERS, Who endeavor to ..f "'it men" and "oilict'' irticb.'M m the reputation obtained by ileludi ii Genmne Prcparatioi.s, " Extract Buchu, •' ■ '• Sar -.prnlla. Imprevci Ra-" W .sh For sale by Charlc Fif~, sole aycnl fu. Lewistoicn, Pa., a ■ ' ull Jmyytsts everywhere. J r Cut OUt the adt -'t "''d 1 ■ 1 -h ■ Estate of tiarla 31'jtitt. Dee'd. OTICE is hereby p'.ven that letters of ai j j_>| ministration the estate of MARIA i McNITT, late of Armagh towuship, Mifßir. ! countj, dcot.asyil, liavo b- ;r;.ntc.l to the undersigned, Wu. 11. MoNitt, rcr.Lag in said township of Arintigh, fin.l J. •. Linglc, residing in the borough of Leliefonle, Oeutre j county. All f. rson indebted to said catutu i are requested to make immediate pavment, i and those having claim to i cnt thein duly authenticated for ."ttiem. tit. WM. 11. McNITT, J J. LIXGI.E, Admin'.--trat >r Lewiatovrn, April 2d, If"'.s CP | \UY Goods of all ki., Giicnp Lawns a , 1 / G.} cts per vu d. ,t riT * b K\'\Kl tV ' . j