Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, May 16, 1861, Image 3

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Pennsylvania Railroad.
Trams leave Lewistown Station as follows:
Through Express, 5 10a. m. 11 11 p. in.
Fast l.ine, 6 05 p.m. 4 01 a. tn.
Mail Train. 3 45 p. in. 10 89 a. m.
J lirougit Freight, 11 20 p. in. 12 40 p.m.
Express Freight, 10 39 a.m. 2 25 p. ni.
Fast Freight. 10 39 a. m. 2 00 a. m.
Local Freight, 6 35 a. m. 4 45 p. m.
al Train, 12 95 in. 8 05 a. m.
I>. E. ROBESON, Agent.
Galbruith's Omnibuses convey passengers to
aud from all the trains, taking up or setting them
j,.wu st ail points within the borough limits.
Post Office.
Mails arrive and close as follows :
C'/oat'. Arrive.
Eastern Through, ? p. m. 5 30 a. m.
•' " and Way, 9 am. 4 p. m.
Western " 2 30 p. m. 11 a. tn.
Jteil' fonte, S p. m. 2 p. m.
Northumberland, 8 p. m. 0 p. m.
THE RELIEF FUND. —Efforts have been
made of late to induce the Commissioners
tj make an appropriation for the support
of those families who had their main stay
taken away by volunteer service, in lieu of
the subscription raised by citizens. The
movement would have bee well enough at
the start, had a law existed for that pur
pose, hut under present circumstances our
own opinion is that the mode of relief
first adopted ought to be continued until
the term for which the Logan Guards en
listed has expired. This will be in July
or beginning of August, alter which the
county might make provision for the fam
ilies of those in need who may continue in
service. To carry out the matter as pro
posed above will not take more than one
lialf of the amount subscribed, and if the
citizens of Granville and Derry—both of
which townships come under this relief
fund —would show a little more liberality,
one third would answer.
Ye noticed the fact two weeks ago
that some neglect seemed to have been ex
ercised in furnishing the Logan Guards
with their uniforms, and although it was
said every day that they were cjcji ( ten', up
to last week had not arrived. Measures
were then adopted by our citizens to pr ;le
the matter to the bottom, and it now ap
pears the uniforms were forwarded by the )
State authorities more than two weeks i
ago, but by some neglect or perhaps inten-1
tional oversight of some traitorous scoun
drel still in the employ or the government,
were not delivered. Mr. Kld'-r left here '
on Sat urday night for the purpose oi ascer
taining the whole facts in the case, as well
as to see justice done the Logan Guards,
and i! it can be shown that the neglect
we either wilful or premeditated, the of-'
!i - holder had better pre pare to make track
fir the dominion of Old Nick, alias .Trr
report got abroad on Tuesday that
Mnj ir Anderson wouhl pass westward in
the mail train, and a large number of per
- crossed over to see him, but he was
non est.
From a number of received from
members of the Logan Guards, we select
t'ac following, which is a fair specimen oi
fa ir general tone, It is dated
We have bet'U very busy since we came
iicre The fort had been almost deserted for
n number of years, and it has taken some
i rk t i get it in tiim to protect ns. Some
i tin: boys are complaining about the State
t uniforming us, many having very indif
l rt clothing (o wear, but the reception of
ar blankets as 1 am writing this has made
tu quite cheerful. * * You
must not think that we are discouraged, for
arc not. Suiim are writing home how we
have to live, and it may appear hard to you,
but 1 never felt as well in my life, in fact bet
ter than if I had a l ather bed to sleep in.—
George is very well, and getting as fat as a
]-g. Aii the company are well and in good
spirits. You would think they never had any
trouble if you would hoar them singing,
dancing and enjoying themselves in the even
ing, hut that they were bent on trying to
wake tip Old Virginia. This is a beautiful
place, a few miles below Mt. Vernon, 15
miles from Washington, and 8 from Alexan
dria. I think it was the best thing that hap
pened us to be sent here, as it is quite healthy,
generally with a fine breeze off the Potomac.
George butchered for us yesterday, furnish
ing us with the first fresh beef since we came
here. I think we will get along better now,
is they are making matters RB comfortablo
for us as fast as they can. w. n. F.
In another letter the writer states that
they are on guard for 24 hours, that is two
hours on and four hours off for that length
ofTime. They get up at sunrise, breakfast
10 minutes after, have dinner at 12, and
if their rations are not eat up supper at G.
'here being fisheries all along the shore,
they trade their mess pork for shad, her
ring, &c.
J"he following letter, which has the
true ring in it, is from a late employee in
the type foundry of Messrs. L. Johnson
& Co., addressed to his comrades in that
establishment. The writer is Lucien T.
Snyder, of the Logan Guards :
FORT WASHINGTON, MD., May 6, 1861.
OEAR Bors: Received your letter Satur
'aJ evening. We received orders on Tues-
a -*J to leave for this place. The Secession
Sciuapg we r e going to take this night before
ast ' hut failed to attempt it. We work night
ttay, cutting down trees, digging trench
bl'i moQntin e £ unß . We have but two
attenes casemented, but they are grape and
Roister, and can sweep into eternity any
xnung party that can be sent to take us.
Our principal defence will be our en barbette
; or u Pper guns. We have room fur nio'tg.
but only fifteen are mounted. Major liu
kins, the commander, says he never sav one
company d > as much w ok in as s! •: t >i . ne
las ours has done. lie s.tys, "ll \<n can
; fight as well as you can work, boys, 1 am
perfectly satisfied." We have no paper,
peris, or ink here for our own use. There is
a store here, from which we could get the ne
nessaries of life, if we had the means. li
I any one about the firm has a gold dollar , or
' | two, they would be welcome visitors here.
' Pennsylvania bank notes are not saleable
hero. We eat pork and crackers still, and
, never get a sight of a plate, knife, or fork
Are nut ailuwed to visit Washington, (10
i miles from here,) not even the officeis. Kx
pect an attack to night, but I believe the cow
ardly whelps will not undertake to storm us.
Eleven thousand Secessionists are encamp
ed about nine miles from here? We nun,
have a fight; if so, you will hear from vie
or about me. I send this enclosed in an-th
er letter, as I have no stamps—neither have
I the means to procure one. We are all in
good health, and waiting to see them take
down our glorious old flag. They must tirsi
annihilate our company, then—the paper is
full. Write instantly, and send papers as of
1 ten as possible.
My love to all in the building. Please toll
Mr. Mackellar I was delighted to hear th it
there were several brave souls in his employ
If I had been there, I know I would have
shared in his joyous feelings. I received the
I paper, and read the presentation speech.
We are not yet supplied with our clothing
nor blankets, and still sleep on the bare floor
Our supplies have not yet reached us, bui
whether they reach us or not, we will stil
"keep step to the music of the Union."
L. 1. S.
"flHl parson's voice was low- anil sweet, like some
dc.tr voice of yore:
teeroe i to !• a girl again—the weiMing wusaspell—
,id hat-illy knew what wor.ls were sai<i—'twas Tike a
• ftu ral!
ow lik> a mockery it -o t u• ■ I —tin- fonnuluiv part:
lieyaeki..) rnc would 1 l<y- lijni—l looked iiit.i my
he. i t!
t'ould I < !- It ail he not gun*' at the summons
stein ami grim ?
nd honor? Was there woman wlm cuiiit not honor
. ' " e
ome low! cheer- s>rtin5>rtin- stillness: it wa> our v. :d
--dlflu peal;
was fob i• 'I to 11i- in iti 'l blouse. tin- marriage right
to ileal.
. score pressed up to shako his tin ml. and ehccr the
i Bobber's wtf* —
.'heirstudied compliments .v*-re drowned: J heard
the <lriitn and life.
tie wranp my lianit, ami l. pered—ln- U me
oip • again:
A harsh, 11.i-. •! vm*i-m • 1• mit the ranks, of •• Fall in!
Pall in! Men!"
I buckled on his knapsack—i- weight was like a
And as F gave Ins musket, some tears ran down the
He said : "timid I've, Maria!" _M v throat was har*i
ami *lrv :
He said that I should write to him—l could not make
But whi li lie stood within the line I felt my pulses
leap in;:
W.'ijr ihoiihi a soldier's wife lie dnmb. .and shame his
Baa |a, weeping ?
• it* r
The hand struek up a glorious air: my thoughts were
Slid and latter :
And trim tpil at down the leafy :ii-!cs. ! saw tlie Bayo
net.- ajut,.j-;
He mlg! t have turned his in aid .again, but I was blind
with sobbing;
Tilt) fountain tinkled on the niitht —I heard the music
t m
They vini-lied in tim dtlskv liglit: how wild the
St reels with rattle!
Tlsjreh for those to u ive thill hats woo send no
" lev.. (O lei" V !
UMyk, when ail tlis is done, and-till the nation
J 'cmocrat in publishing llie ahovt
' says that no correct 1 i-t of the Logai
Guards has yet appeared, 'i he unc publish
c-d in the Gazette two weeks ago wis furn
ishod to the Executive Committee of the
Logan Guard Fund, and i.- signed by (.'apt
Sciheiuier and J. A. Mathew-.
B®Thc weather continued wet and cool
until Monday evening, when the sound of
thunder—the first of the season—indica
ted a favorable change.
C@"Tho Post Office was removed on Sat
urday evening to the room lately occupied
by Mr. Cogiey, north corner of the dia
mond, where Mr. Comfort has put up the
necessary fixtures. Mr. Cogiey's news es
tablishment is now located next, door to
A NEW MOVE. —Ben Firoved, agent,
has determined to postpone auction indefi
nitoly, and for a month or so will continue
to close out liis entire stock af goods at
cost or even less for caoh or in exchange
for any kind of country produce. It con
sists of a choice assortment of Lawns,
Bereges, Organdies, Chintzes, De Laines,
Priuts, and other desirable articles, exact
ly suitable to the season, to which he has
just added a select lot of hew styles truly
worthy of attention. Ladies aud all oth
ers in want of Dress Goods, will find this
the time and the Montgomery house, next
door to liudisill'e, (heplace tor Bargains,
and no mistake. Call and see for your
selves !
fegrTho business in tho Watch and Jew
elry Establishment of R. W. Patten con
tinued as usual.
fey* Bob Tyler having been kicked out of
office at Philadelphia, has gone to his illus
trious sire in Virginia to hatch treason in
concert with him.
feif" Let us alone," say robbers and
thieves generally, "and we will let you alone
—all except your money and goods." This
is just about on a par with the doctrine of
secessienism as advocated by the peaceites.
Bfcaylloofland's Balsamic Cordial has ac
quired a reputation that places it at the head
of all remedies for pulmonary diseases. An
advertisement will be found in another col
. as-General Traitor Twiggs, late of the
United States Army, has addressed a letter to
ex-President Buchanan, in which he says :
" Your usurped right to dismiss mo from j
the army might be acquiesced in ; but you
had no right to brand me as a traitor. This ,
was personal, and I shall treat it as such, not
through the papers but in person. I shall, |
most assuredly, pay a visit to Lancaster, for
! the sole purpose of a personal interview with
you. So, sir, prepare yourself. lam well
assured that public opinion will sanction an /
, course I may take with you."
The Attempt to Get Possession of Fori
Pickens by Uribery.
A correspondent of the Washington
Sunday Chronicle, writing on board"the
Sabine, off Pensacola, under date of April
20, gives details of the recent unsuccessful
; attempt to get possession of Fori Pickens
by bribery. Lieut. Sleraincr. having had
his suspicions aroused by the frequent pas
sage of letters and papers between the Fort
and \\ arrington, gave orders that all such
; communications must be stopped The
very next day a lull of papers was sent
over from Warrington to a sergeant, which
Lieut. Slemmev opened and examined.—
i He was rewarded for his trouble bv find
ing a note inclosed, making vacuo offers
to the man if be would betray his trust.
A watch was set over (he sergeant, and the
next day another package came over, ad
dressed to the same man, and having tliL
note inclosed :
" V hat a jackass you are. I again renew
| my offer of a position, with a lieutenant's e> in
-1 \ mission, and ail your pay two fold that is due
• you from the 1 ederal Government. Also to
i Ilynn. If you wiil help us along to save
s | bloodshed, I can offer any private in the com
pany 8500, and any mm commissioned officer
81,000, together with a guarantee of future
promotion as high, or higher, as IK; now
| stands, livery wan who will take vpnn him
-1 •*'-{/ to give us (he Fort without bloodshed, and
■ save the I ices of your garrison, wili be tcc/i paid,
| — ; dl b:tck pay, 8500 for privates, 81,000 I' r
a non commissioned officers, and a commission
in the Confederate army. This I offer bv an
thority I would not offer it Otherwise. Tou
"as a friend, I believe, wiil trust nit;. We
S MCST and WILL have the Fort, but 'tis not
d worth one drop of blood : hut if it cost 5.000
O lives, we must and icitl have it. Fill it fuli of
h Federal troops if you wili, yet we must ami
j will have it. I'on tbe a dam d fool. \V lien
and where can I see you? I wiil go over to
night and take a cocktail, if y u vo
Answer first opportunity.
f Yours, ie., P."
t The same day (April 10) Lieut. Slem
u mer received private information that the
e troops on the opposite side were making
0 preparations, providing boats, A'c., and iu
g tended to tome that night or the next. —
lille immediately addressed a note to Capt.
s Adams, commanding the squadron, infor
li ining him i>f the fact, and requesting rein
gforcements. A storm prevented the Wy
aandotte from goingout the harbor on that
pnight, but Lieut, lemmer kept his men in
t position during the night, and had the scr
rgcarit. strictly watched.
\ Just at this critical moment Capt. Ad
mins received information from Washington
J to reinforce the tort, and immediately com
-1 plied with Lieut. Slemmer's requisition,
tand on the morning of the 11th the latter
< sent the ordnance sergeant referred to on
(board the Sabine, deeming it unsafe to
keep him at i'ickens, even it a good man,
subject to the influences around him.
On the morning of the loth of April a
piivate of Stammer's company made the
following statement:
"I was on picket guard last night. During
the night 1 saw a small boat approach the
leach. I stepped back to see what it was
about, when a man came up before m**. 1
. brought my musket to a eharg , and ordered
htm to L.tft. lie s.itd ' Dont shoot, iam ti
friend.' He then began to talk i • m.?, And
to ask about the f'-rt. While he wis t.dkit.g.
: three others came up behind me. T!n y ask
ed me many questions atiout the number ■ d
men, &e., about the fi.iuk tlefeiiva. J wlioih
er the guns could not L- spiked. Ac. f/tey
said (hey would yitx any man jdfu y <■/'../ v
it he would foity ypd.e the d(l! r' r /u.-.
and asked when 1 would be on t c:k<'t ;ru trd
again. I told them on Monday night. They
said. 'We viii be ovc-r and ready.' As they
j were going away one of them said 'How are
you off for money in the fort'.'" Is i • YY.-
have not been paid for -is lu.ir.'hs.' !'c put
a roll of hills in ;ny hand, and said, 'Give
that to them.'" He then gave me a roll of
bills amounting fo sixty dollars, which 1 now
have in my possession."
After making this statement he gave
the 960 toSlemmer. The gallant Lieuten
ant declared that it was only when lie saw
these evidences of intentions to bribe his
men to spike his flank defence guns, and
thus obtain possession of the fort, he be
lieved it necessary to call for reinforce- I
i ments.
U'M. A. McKKE respectfully announces
fv to the citizens of McVeytown and
vicinity that his car will remain for a short
time in the above named place, for the pur
pose of affording all who may desire it, the
opportunity of procuring a
of themselves, families or friends, executed
in any and every style, from miniatures up to
life size Photographs. Pictures copied from
small Amhrotypes, Daguerreotypes, &c., and
enlarged to life size. Stereoscopic pictures
of residences taken upon reasonable terms,
and stereoscopic boxes furnished when called
tor. Having had ten years' experience in
business aud availed himself of all the latest
improvements in the art, he l'cels confident
that he can render satisfaction to all who may
call upon hiin. Every variety of Photograph
ic work undertaken at moderate prices. Al
so, a large assortment of Photograph frames
constantly on hand. Instructions given in j
all the various branches of the art. Pic
tures taken equally as well in cloudy as in
clear weather. Call soon. decl3-6m
"V"OriCK is hereby given that the partner-
A. x ship heretofore existing between the un
dersigned in the tanning business, under the
firm ofMcKEE & TROXELL, wasdissolved
by mutual consent on the Ist of April, 1861.
All persons having claims against said firm are
requested to present them for settlement, and
those indebted are notified to call and make
payment before the 15th day of May next, as
after that date the accounts will be placed in
the hands of a proper officer for collection, i
The books and accounts are in the hands of
John McKee.
Lewistovs D. April 25, 1861-4t
HAND, Scrub, Shoe, and Wall Brushes
. chean at '/erbe's.
LEWIS-TOWN, May 16, 1801.
Rutter,good, lb. 15
! trJ, 10
Tallow, 00 a 10
E<rgs, dozen, 8
Buckwheat Flour per 100, -2 50
Beeswax, per pound, 25
Wool, washed, ,;t)
" unwashed, 20
Dried Cherries, per bushel 1 75
Dried Apples, do I 25
Beutis per bushel, j 50
Dntatoes. f,O
Shoulder, X
Hani, 12
Sides, 9
Country soap per lb., from 5 to 7 cents.
Wheat, white f! bushel, 1 2')
red 1 15
Corn, old, 45
" new, 49
Bye, 50
0.1 ts, 25
Shirley, 50 to 55
Cloverseed, 0 00 to 4 00
Timothy, 1 50
Flaxseed, 1 05
Marks it \\ tilis are retailing Hour and E od
ns follows:
Extra Flour, per 100, 3 00
1* ine, do 2 25
Superfine, do 2 75
Family, do ,} 25
Mill Fead. per hundred. 80
Chopped Oats ami Corn per 100, I]o
Chopped Rye per !<>, 1 25
Salt. ' 1 40
patent sacks, 1 50
" barrels, 280 lbs, 1 73
Philadelphia Market.
Fi nr.— Superfine S5 37-j per bid. extra 5
75aC. extra family 0 12Li(i 50, and fancy
brands 6 15a< 25. live flour 3 50, earn meal
2 S7i pr bbl.
L TJ S3 .
1 LLIAM 11. IIOFFMAX at his Lum-
T T b"r \ ard, third street, near the Acad
I'my, lias now on hand an extensive stock of
LUMBER of all kinds,
*** W W MStulj a
which he < fiVrs f<r sale at low rates on reas
onable terms.
f t "• >. c*> uT Jm ~ ail
1 Living been appointed agent for the sale of
the Wilii-atnsport Company's Tubing for wa
ter courses, which is the best and cheapest
ev r manufactured, lie invites attention to the
following reasons for its use:
1. It is made of pine and perfectly healthy.
2. It is the cheapest pipe made.
3. It is the easiest laid down.
4. It is not liable to get out of order.
0. ft keeps water sweet and pure.
G. Bsing small, it soon becomna saturated
with water.
1. Iti- dur.-.bb , lasting from 20 to 30 years.
8. It Into a large bore, and is not liable to
It can It- in title larger to bear pressure.
PL Iroji will fill 'ir 11 incrustation, nr will
rust out.
1 1. J he iiiti c-i of !t.- L• 1 and iron is vorv
i- 1 I. oi and • ;ii : . size, will C"St 6
lime- as iiiiieu.
1.1.! EK};.\fi:s.
it. r. tt.lt-. Supt. Cattawissti R K. Co.
•t M. Macklin, Supt. Sunburv and Kiie
It. it. i' >.
J. M. Fislier. Sunt. Slmnn.kiit it It Co.
Supt. X >rtli Central.
Hon. J. \V . Muvr.ard. Wi!liamp'>rt.
lion, Thomas Hepburn,
•lolin FalJon, Philadelphia.
V iiliatn Irvitt, Xittany.
i li mas & Harris. Belli Caite.
.'plS W.M. B. HOFFMAN.
HALF Bushel and Peck Measures cheap
at Zerbe's
INIv, Mucilage, Pi t pared Glue and Paper
cheap at Zerbe's.
MARKET, C'ltithes and Fancy Baskets
cheap at Zerbe's.
\ f A K E your own soap, and buy the Con
j.tA cent rated L;. at Henry Zerbe's Grocery.
J >OC'K LT Knives, Purses, IFair Oil, and
X Combs, cheap at Zerbe's.
PRIME Bio and Java Coffee at reduced
prices, also Browned Coffee at 16. at H.
r) OPE Halters, lied Cords, and Clothes
1 Lin"s cheap at Zerbe's.
1) ICE, Essence of Coffee, Corn Starch, Fa-
V rina, Spices, Pearl Starch, Pepper and
Soaps of every description for sale cheap at
11. Zerbe's.
STONE Crocks, Jugs and Jars of all sizes,
cheap at Zerbe's.
S~ HAWL 1 'ins, Razors and Razor Strops,
cheap at Zerbe's.
SPAIN'S patent and Barrel Churns cheap
at Zerbe's.
SUGAR Boxes, Flour Boxes and Walking
_ Canes cheap at Zerbe's.
TOBACCO and Cigars of choicest brands,
cheap at Zerbe's.
FINABLE Cutlery. Table and Tea Spoons
at Zerbs's.
1 AACJ LBS. of fresh Candy. Oranges,
IvUU Lernons, Figs and Raisins for
sale low to retailers at H. Zerbe's grocery and
variety store.
1 OO 000 CIG A RS of the choicest
' brands, for sale low to re
tailers at Zerbe's.
Estate of William Shade, deceased,
X 01 ICE is hereby given that letters of ad-
X v ministration on the estate of WILLIAM
SHADE, late of Granville township, Mifhinco,
deceased, have been granted to the undersign
ed, residing in said township. All persons in
debted to said estate are requested to make im
mediate payment, and those having claims to
present them du! v authenticated for settlement.
my£ Administrator.
ON Saturday last, on the Pennsylvania
Railroad in this county, a wallet contain
ing a sum of money and some papers. Also,
a certificate from John Mahaffey of having
measured a timber raft on the 4th of Maich
for John Moyers and Washington Lord. The
owner can procure the same, or information
thereof, by applying at the Lewistown Station.
Lewistown. IVtav 2,
Entirely Vegetable. No Alco
holic Preparation.
CEI.KBK l H .i)
Dr. C. M. JACKSON & CO.. Phila. Pa.
'' ' <•> AYivoe.- Do rmant of thr h~"i < nn4
all arii&ng from <■■!... ~ l/Jttr or Sfomaei.
dl VEI as I'or.sup.iu. it. Inward P:to- Fulness ~r
Sf !; :oi<! t. the H ail, v hiitv > f the st ;na 1., Sour
FrneMoni Sinking or Fluttering ai tlw pit of <kt
Stouiaob, swimming ~j me head. Huri ieil ami Duti
cult Bri oU tiig. Fluttering at the Heart, t Joking or
surroeating wusti<>us> when in a tying posture. Diin
lic-s 01' Yisi-n. Dots of w.-hs before the -i"ht Fever '
and dull pain in the Head. I<-fi iiicv of IVr-i.iriition. >
> ell >ivm at ihe Sk.n and Eys/Pain in the ,|.
Dae,;. I ia -t. I.mil's, Av, S-.uNou Flushes of Heat, i
Burmiig .11 tie i -sli, Constant Imagining:, of evil, alul j
a., at i' i i.-ssa oi Sprit-, and nili positively- ma- !
The Proprietor in > -!!in.£r the attention of this pi on.
arotion. does -o with a feeling of the utmost conti- !
• n, e i it- virtui - and adaptation to tie- i.-< a-es for
wiiieh it is recommended.
It is no new and untried article. hut one that has i
s(<.o,| tlie test of a twelve years' trial before the ;
Amen, an p. opie. and it- reputation and -ale are un
rivalled pi any similar preparations extant. The tes- i
turn ny in it- l.m r given hv the most prominent and ;
u ••It kliovt n piiv -a-uaxis and mdivi duals ill nil put- if'
•he country m immense. and a ■ ireful penis .lof the j
nhnaiiuo, pu!i-lm<i annually l.v tie proprietors. and
i i ne hid gratis of any of their agents, eannot hut sat
i.-ty me most skept: al t/uit this remedy is really de- j
serving the great celebrity it has oh: iin-ai.
(.'</>•. Jhiz, s(tie Ayenl, my'2 j
Prof. Ohas. P>o Gratli's
0:1 rhe only Mile remedy in the world for
1 the Cure oi Hheutnatisin. rMiitiess. tvont, Neinal
''• -'Satua. Spina! and Bronchial coin
■' x.Hcadadie.Cramps,Croob.Piles,
l eh.j.s. p iir.s. and Bruises. Cutsau i WOIIUO- >. )-
1....1 i.funis. si lit Joints. Seioiul... in Vsipela - Sore Nip
ples, Swelled Breast, womb Disorders, Salt Rheum,
i mikt r in the MoutU awl Stomach, Palpitations. Ernp
tioas, < uk-'d Breast, tpiiusv. Sore Throat, Falsi'. Pleu
risy, I leers. L<>-k Jaw. Heart Burn, Tooth and Ear
• •:.. . Nervoiisjit ss. Costivent's-. Burns. Sore Cuius of
t ■ i. i g infants. Heltiorriiage Absei-ss, Still Necks.
Broken Breast. Chilblains. Tetter. Shingles, Frosted
Feet, Fever and Ague, Chapped Hands,oi any Diseas
es t.'i i' are sore or painful, in tie-onlv article ever
brought hef,,r,. the pubiie that will do'its w,,rk pcr
feetly m from three to twenty minutes—has bet n i
ii.-'"d by thousands and {'ronouneod to be the be-t
remedy ever dise<.rcrod.
Tiiis t>:l nets on the system with electricity—is ~1 ,
pure v egetable preparation. Mot the slightest ilonger :
of applying it outwardly or inwutdiy. It at ©ace gives !
a permanent cure—in most cases from ten to twenty i
iinnutes. • J
The lu st phy.-iologists of Europe hav discovered '
that tdl organic derangement of the animal s\ stem is
the effect of ah o! s.nieta a of the plivsieo-i-leetrie du
al in tia- organ diseased. A skhlfulapplie iti- n< fthis
<hi put.- in immediate motion tie nerve fluid, and the
■ ure is at once accomplished. -Vo bleedings -no vom
iting. purging, or blistering is resorted t •.
ite .Mine genuine without signature of Prof. C. DE
tit: Mil. I.abels signed in writing.
Principal Depot .No. an. South Eighth Street, three
doors below Chestnut. Philadelphia. Country Dealers
and Druggists can be supplied wholesale and retail.
Price 25 cents, 50cents, and *i par bottle.
Fry .".-..■rything else; give this one simple trial.
Cvt ii"\. —Be careful to ask f,.i and get Dk i.iEAUt's
El'-f'trie t hi. .is worthless imitations abound.
i here are numerous imitations sprung up on the
reputation my article lias acquired. The public must j
be war.;. They are worthle.-s.
Chas. Jtitz, Sole Aycnt, Lewitiloicn. my 2
] r FLMItwLDb I.XTR.D T Bit H(r:
A po-itive mid specific* r.-m.-dy fr diseases of the
j Kidneys. Gravel. Dropsy
! Bladder, Kidneys. Grav, I, Propsv
; Buunler, Kidney.-. T.ravel, Dropsy
i Bladder. Kidneys. Irravc*], Dropsy
Bl- Id. i. Kidney-. G ravel. Drottsv
OR</A XtC Jl'E.l FX ESS. 1 '
ORG AX la Hl:xkm->S.
j s sua I>j Sexual Organs. Sexual Organs
- i.s. Sexual Organs. spxiiaj Organs
• xiial (hg:t:i-. S-:xiud Organ.-, Sexual Organs
-■Xiia! d! Sexual Organs. Sexual >rans.
Sexual Organs, Sexual Organs. Sexual Organs
;-ing frn.u excesses, . arl\ indiseretious, expr.sure.*
and in, pruriencies. and renioviug ail improper dis
charges. whether existing in
.1 /'i/t: o ■ S - <■ eO. Malt or Frmale.
M-'< or Female Male or Female.
MtU or T'tst.V. A/. 'lc (if Feoialt.
It i- a fact long since established, that persons suf
h i nig with any di-c:tses of these organs are adeeted
;n bo lily health and mental powers, .-.lid experience
in .my •. inning -ympionis, among wlm-h will i
found: indisposition to Exertion, l.oss of Meinorv,
I' tii. ui y of iheaihing. Genera) Weakness. Horror < ! u
|i s,. s,-. Weak N. rvc.-. Trembling. Horror o; De.-iih,
Night Sweat's, Cold Feet, Wakefulness, Dimness ol
Vision, J.eiv - or Wtiivet-al Lassitude of the Mttscnlai
System, oft 11 Enormous Appetite, with Dyspeptic
Symptoms, Hot Hands. Flushing c.f tie- Bw'iv. Dry
ness of tile sl iii. 1 'aliiii Countenance and Eruptions
on tin- Face, rains in the Back. Heavy Eyelids, jre
tjiieutly black spots flyiujr before the eves, with tem
porary sutiiision and 1.0-s of sight. Want of Att r.-
tioit, tireat lilobihty, Kost'essn .. These symptoms,
which th.is niedii it;, invari d.iy r,moves, s.,'m follow
—J.i*.. of Power. Fatuity and Jipi'vplie Fits.
Who .' an say that these ex •e.-s.'s are not frerpieiulv
followed hv tho-se direful diseases. IN'SAXITV and
CO'sr M I'TIC'N. 'l ie- records of the Insane Asy
lums and the melancholy deaths by Consumption
bear ample witness of the truth of this assertion.
I-a certain, safe, and speedy cure, from what. -, i
cause thev may have originated, and no matter of
How fong standing. How Jong standing,
11.,w long stan hug. How long standing,
How long standing. How long standing.
Ii is taken without hindrance from business, and
little, if any. change of diet.
ft ,s pleasant in its taste and odor.
And lmrnedia • in lis action.
If you are suffering vith any of the r.bOTc di-ires
sine ailments.
As a medicine which ntust benefit everybody, from
the simply •! licaf the confined and despairing in
.V,, Equal is to be Found,
Xo E*: >(' in to b' Found,
Xa Ei/ual is to b" Found.
Price Al per bottle, ~r t' for Ad; delivered to any ad
dress. Prepared hv
Depot 101. South loth St., belmv Chestnut, Phil;;.
Describe syiiiptoms in ail communications.
Who endeavor to dispose of -their own" and ° other"'
articles on the reputation obtained by
Helmbold's Genuine Preparations,
•• Extract Bucbu,
" •* Sarsnpnrilla.
Improved Rose Wash.
For safe by Charles J'iiz, sole agent for
Lewistoicn, Fa., and all druggists everywhere.
Ask for Ht/mbold's. Take no other.
Cut out the advertisement and send for it.
And avoid Imposition and Exposure. my'J
Estate of Tfaria M'.Mit, Dec'd.
"VTOTICE is hereby given that letters of ad
i_ 1 ministration on the estate of M Alii A
McNITT, late of Armagh township, Mifflin
county, deceased, have been granted to the
undersigned, Wm. H. McNitt, residing in
said township of Armagh, and J. J- Lingle,
residing in the borough of Bellefonte, Centre
county. All person indebted to said estate
are requested to make immediate payment,
and tbo3e having claims to present them duly
authenticated for settlement.
WM. 11. McNITT.
Lewistown, April 25, 1861-6t*
DRY Goods of all kinds. Cheap Lawns at
6} cts ner vard. at
mv 2 ' JOHN KENNEDY A Co's.
Original vS; only Gen
1 lie abov cis tlie only reliable remedy tor
inflammatory diseases, suiuim which aro
| Rh (UHi'.'ilSrti I'ltli i
\ A< tuehjiu (lout
' /. urns t t'o&trtl Ftet
S"o.ld> l/.'adat/if
!'<><: ,*. th, Buh r-.trafyttc Stroke
'• i>rai;„ Solt h'hctiiii
" Soic Scrofuk'i
( r<ii)tj>s hi the St'-in- S"f< Jhj/is
'hh Sofe Urtasts
Sjirrtin* or Ilrui- s Fr/o'jt- /,.*
lit. S illmtfll. ,/oilltr AatflillU
Or any diseases which are sore and painful.
For that Dread to Mothers,
it is Invaluable—(.living Kc lief at Once.
Certificates l'rom hundreds of our lest
citizens can be seen at the office of l>r.
Smith, showing what the Oil has done.
In purchasing be careful to examine tha
wrappers and see that you get
A. E. Smith's Original and only
Genuine Electric Oil
All ii)i Italians arc rorst thou use/' **.
No. 126 Walnut Street,
Newton Hamilton, Mifflin County,
Agent for Mifiiin County and surroundings
Philadelphia, Feburary 14, 1861.
An'i the various affection* con*e<iuent upon a disordered
Such as Indigestion, A i li'y of tlio Stomach, Colicky Pain*,
Heartburn, Ln*s i*f Apj* tit", Despondency, Costivcn* -
Blind Bleeding J'i! Xu all Nervous, Rheumatic, and
Neuralgic Affections, it lias in numerous instances proved
highly beneficial, and in others effected a decided cwis.
This is a purely vegetable compound, pr. pared on strictly
scientific principles, afler the manner of the celebrated
liolJand Professor, Borhive. Its reputation at home pro
duced its introduction here, the demand commencing w irh
those nt the Fatherland scattered over the ftuv of .pis
mighty country, many of 'atu.ui brought wish thuui and
handed down the tradition of its value. It is now offered
to the American public, knowing that its truly icontierful
me licinal virtues Mr i be aclm irlrilged.
It is particularly recommended to those persons whoso
constitutions may have been luipair d by the continuous u-c
of ardent spirits, <>r other forms of dissipation. Generally
instantaneous in effect, it On is its way directly to the val
of life, thrilling aud 'juickening every nerve, raising up tlio
droojiing spirit, and, in fact, infusing new health and vigor
In the system.
NOTlCE.—Whoever experts to find this a beverage will
be disappointed; but to tlje sick, weak and low spirited, it
will prove a grateful aromatic cordial, oossessed of singular
remedial properties.
The Genuine highly concentrated Bu-rhare's Holland
Bitters is put up in half-pint bottles only, and retailed at
OXE Jk I.'OR per Little, or six bottles for FIVE I>LLAB*. The
great demand for this truly celebiiited Medicine has induced
many imitations, which the pnbiic should guard against
Jtta' Beware of Imposition. See that our name is on the
label of every bottle you buy
Sold by Druggists generally. It can be forwarded
by Express to most points.
pharmaceutists and (Chemists
For sale by CHARLES RITZ, Lewistown,
Pa. sep2Q
Essen ce of ( l ofee.
Essence clarifies and improves Cof
fee by rendering it more wholesome and
nutritious ; also, as a laxative tonic aids di
gestion while preserving the full flavor of the
Colfee. When used as directed, one package
will go as far as six pounds of Coffee.
Manufactured and for sale at regular Phil
adelphia Wholesale prices, by
mh 14—tf Lewistown, Ps.
'HUE undersigned arc agents for the Onon
1 dago Salt Company.
Wholesale price, SI.OO per bbl. of 280 lbs
or 5 bushels.
Retail price, 1.75.
del3-6m Sole Agents for Mifflin County