THE ii &Q 3 ikjk To make Seicory Bolls. —Mince any kind of cold meat very fine; add an equal quantity of bread crumbs; season Willi sait. pepper* and sweet herbs: beat up two or three eggs : mix the whole in a KISS an i make up in balls. Balo them until they are nicely brown and serve them hot.—- They may be fried in butter. Luncheon Cake. —M'x well together one teaeupful of butter, and tv. curs of pow dered sugar. Add the yoiks Cu": ue eggs and one cup of milk, and one to oonrul cream tartar, or one teacup of s . r milk. Sift to this enough flour to mi -it of such a consistency as will allow :t to be poured into the taking tins. After this, add one half teaspoonful of soda, previously mixed in one tablespoonful of warm water, and the whites of three eggs beaten to a stiff froth. A few currants or raisins added are an improvement. It may be seasoned with lemon or vanilla. Bake half an hour. You may look at it in ten minutes after putting in the oven. Jenny Lind Cake. —Beat well together one coffeecup of butter and one ib. of pul verized sugar. Add the yoke of six eggs and one cup of milk. Mix thoroughly.— To four cups of nour add two teaspoonfuls •f cream tartar, and sift gently over the cake, stirring all the time. Add teas epoonful of soda dissolved in one table spoon ful of warm wuter. Mix it well : stir in gently the whites of six eggs beaten to a stiff foam. You may flavor with leraor. Bake slowly, ft should be put in the oven as soon as possible after putting in the so da and whites of egg . Whitewash. Whitewash is one of the most valuable articles iu the world, when properly ap plied. It prevents not only the decay of wood, but conduces greatly to the healthi ness of ail buildings, whether of wood or stone. Outbuildings and fences, when not jointed, should be supplied once or twice 1 every year with a good coat of whitewash, 1 which should be prepared in the following ' way: Take a clean, water-tight barrel or ' other suitable cask, and put into it half a bushel of lime, Slack it by pouring wa ter over it, boibng hot. and in sufficient quantity to cover it five inches deep, and stir it briskly till thoroughly slackened W hen the slacking has been c-ffvetod. .Is- • solve it in water, and add two pounds of j sulphate of zinc, and one of the common i salt. These will cause the wash to harden. ! and prevent its cracking, which gives an ! unseemly appearance to the work if de- 1 sir-able, a beautiful cream color may be corn- j municated to the above wash, by adding three pounds of yellow ochre, or a good i pearl or lead color by the addition of lamp, i vine or ivory black. For fawn color, add four pounds of umber —Turkish or Ameri- i can—(the latter is the cheapest,) one pound of Indian red, and one pound corn common laupblack. For common stone color, add four pounds raw umber, and two j pounds lampblack. This wash may be applied with a com- ; mon whitewash brush, and will be found much superior both in appearance and dar- i ability, to common whitewash. AsEmfniiTJ Meat Preserved in Molasses. 'Sugar cured hams' have long been in I rasbion in this country. They arc mode- • rately sailed, and sugar or molasses added j to assist in their preservation. In France, : all sorts of fresh meat 3 have been preserv- \ ed by molasses alone. An article in L'ln- ; vention asserts that meat may be preserved 1 by molasses alone in the most perfect man ner, and with the following important ad vantages : It has an agreeable flavor, it i produces no scurvy or other disorders : which result from tie use of salt food, and it may be prepared at a moderate price, j The process consists simply in cutting ! the meat into pieces of moderate size and - dropping them into molasses, such as is to be obtained from the sug-.r manufactories ; end refineries. By a natural ; roeess of os mose the lighter juices of the meat pass out, and the heavier molasses penetrate in ward to every part of the meat. V. ,cn ! the external molasses has acquired acer- tain degree of liquidity from the mixture of the juices of the meat, it is a sure sign that the meat is thoroughly impregnated, j It is now taken out of the molasses, thor oughly washed, and hung in a current of: air to dry. After it is completely dry it i may bo packed in boxes and sent al! over the world without experiencing any change : whatever. Grass Seeding with Oats t;s. Wheat.— A correspondent of the Ohio Farmer gives his experience on this subject as fob j lews: 'I have tried sowing tlmothv and I clover for future seeding far winter wheat, and of late years with oats in spring The i latter I like best ; it is a little more work, but I think one year with anotaer A the most satisfactory. I plow the land on which I intend sowing the oats in the fall; soon as frost will admit in spring, I plow it again crosswise of the fall plowing, sow A" 1 C my 0a.3 ? narrow them in, ands* wmygra^s. seeds. In this way, if the land is as it should be, dry and friable from drainage, my seed gets well covered by the wash, of the first rain; grows re... idy, is no more shaded by the oats than by the wheat plant, and has better hold of the soil with its roots to bear the heat of suns after ine oats are harvested. SUGARS. J t you want cheap Sugars go to Kerneav X & Co'e. Sugars at 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 cents per lb, at JOHN KENNEDY k Co's. BEST Rio Coffee, at jan3l JOHN KENNEDY & Co'e FLINT: WW FLINT 'M FLINT > > WM FLINT H'tt. / W f. F~.'jßil ' 1 No. Market. To. 807 ilxrfxt. W7 Market. -}>• I -M®22 No. 907 Market -*o H.arsx~ . mOrndtiyiia. :. Tc % Tremendous Sacrifice OF 3100 000 Worth of Jewelry, AH l\>r One Dollar Ea<:':. 2 > Lifge fcna6;ivn..:J ASr- rtmentof J retry. c:i.- . sistiSs et CHAIN 3. I'RACE: FT?. CAME-.- SETS, A;- and si! - ;-iss of Free ;h Plated Cut.its. Gold and 5 Plated Jeweir-r. ... j We do n-.-. keep or sei' p. t gift or irniva ,reogoo - ' ; Ours ir w ■.si is 5->Kt by the best jewelers as Gotd Jew elry. . , We receive our goods from *r.o rest gold jevte.ry 1 maautifeuirers in the Stares, 1 WHO ARE FCiU Eb JO FELL. WHO Alt I jliCEb 2 - WHO A HE: FOrCEb TO EEL I. } WHO AHE FORCED TO SELL. | : The following is only a partial list cf our immense . stock i TAKE YOUR CHOICE FOP. \ Si EACH. i TARE YOia CHOICE FOB St. L i-.rge v.z- Cameo Set#, genera, rc-tan priest - IS v* L • j® Lara 12 "> £ r ! Do Cart-uncle <•> Bto3> i Do Ladies' Enameileo ar.u Coral SPriCIAI. NOTICE. *i-HOW TO SEND MONEY-** Ist. Write Name, Place of Rowdence, County ! . d State, p?d. Attend ! : this and we will he • resyonsihle for your money. Inducements to Agents. Any person scting s- agent, who wU' send ua atone • rime.' 2' w : ii give apF j hunting case watch, extra. | SO. - - gold !- % ver watch, j 2a, " silver wat' b. A w.isch and ti.e articles selected from the above | list at ?1 --ttch ; Pcr-ons ordering by mail must send *! and lo cents . ia vosfage .Unni^. A'! ;.a must be addressed to WILLIAM FLINT, No. e/7. Market Street, j p.nS4-'3in Pluiadeiphia. Pa. ' THE ONLY PREPARATION Worthy any Confidence for RESTORING / •; ft "N. vr r. T,*W. A Wi?vsv CKFE) C ' fair 7 ir ,ii *-> O , Many, since the great discovery of Prof. Wood, riave 1 ' attempted n-.t only to imitate hi* restorative, hut pro- : ! f .oc io have discovered something tha* would produce I results identical; but they have ail come and gone, be ; ing c arried away by the wonderful results of I'rof. Wood's preparation! and have been forced to leave the field :o a resistless sway. Read the following:— Bath, -I • ne. April ISta. ISS&. i Paor. O J. W.. i Cot Gents: —The letter I wrote 1 you in IWS concerning your valuable HairlUisn rative. I and which you have" published in this vicinity and j elsewhere, ha> given rise to numerous inquin-'-s touch- j ' ing the case. The inquires are, first, is it a fact of rny I habitation and r.ame. 'r* stated in the communication: I second, is it true of all therein contained; third, decs ( rny hair -til! continus to be n good order and of nat ! Ural color? To al! 1 -an and do an-wer, invariably i res. My i.air is eveu letter than in any stage cf my ' life for for-y years pas-, more soft, thrifty, an i better | colored: the s is true of mv whiskers, and theon ; ly cause why ,t ia not generally tru-.-, is that the snb ; Stan/- - is waiiicd off 1,;. fi -;quent ablution of the face, i when if care were n-ed by wiping the face in close I connection witii the whiskers, the same result will foi- j low a- the l.air. I have been in the receipt of a great ; ■ number of h iters fr >m all parts of Now England."ask- I j mg me if my 1.-ur till continues to be good: as there j ! is so much iraud in manufacture and sale of rari : o'ls compounds as well a- thi-. i; ha.?, no doubt, been ! basely imitated and 1 " used, not onlv without anv j good'efi'oct, but to a))solute injury, i have no; u-v-d any < f your Rssorative of any "acconnt for .-owe | j months, and vet my hair is as good as even an d hun- • ; ireds have cxait.,n. U u with -lirpnse, as lam new 61 I years old a-. "1 not r. gray hair m my head or on mv ' 1 lace: and to prove this fa t. 1 s -r.d vou a lock of my j hair taken t-tr tlic pa t week. 1 received your favor | of two quart bottle-la-i summer, lor which I am verv j gr..:cfuf: I gave it to my friends and thereby induced i them to try it: many were skeptical until alter trial, | and then purchased and used it with universal success. I will a-k as a favor, that you scad me a test by which j I can discover fraud in the Restorative, sold by many ; I fear, without authority from you. A pure article , will insure success, and I believe where good effects 1 do not follow, the failure is canned by die impure ar- I tsele, which curses the inventor of the good, i deem | it my duty, as hcrtofore, to keep apprised of the ! continued'effect on my hair,as I -"-ure afl w !:o inquire i of me of my unshaken opinion of its valuable results. I I remain, dear sir, yours, A. C. RAYMOND. Aarons Run, Kv, Nor- 30,185-. ( PRor. O. J. AYaoi>: Dear Sir. —I would certainly bttdo- j i tng you a great injustice not to make known to the i world the wonderful, as well ■<.- : e une.. :ed result ! j I have experienced from using attle . or Hair '■ : Restorative. After using everv kind of Restoratives j j extant, but without success, and finding my head near- I ly destitute of hair, I was finally induced'to try a bet ; tie of your Hair Restorative. Now. candor and justice j ; compel me to announce to whoever may read this, : that I now possess a new and beautiful growth of hair, j which I pronounce richer and handsomer than the I or.ginal was. I will therefore take occasion to recom ! mend this invaluable remedy to ALL who may feel the ) necessity of it. " Respectfully vours, REV. S. ALLEN BROCK. P. S.—This testimonial of my approbation for your ml liable medicine (a- you are aware of; is unsolicited: ; but if you think it worthy a place among the rest, in- i sert if you wish; if not, destroy and say nothing. j Rev. S. A. B. The Restorative j? pat up in bottles of A ; sizes, ■ viz: large, medium, and small: thf small hold- a : pint and retails for one dollar p--r botile; .the medium j i holds at least twenty per com, more- in prdpoi i ion than , : the small, retail.? for two do'lars per bottle: the largo • i holds a. quart, to per cent, more in proportion, and re- 1 J tails fo; :i. ; . : ; bot'Jo. C). J. WOOD A CO.. ! Proprietor?, 444, Br- Tv ay, Now York, ami 114. Mar- j j ket • treek 6t Loeis. Mo,"and -old by aii good Dnig- j ; g:~*s nnd Fan -y f.oods Dealers. jtat ( r 7CO and Sestars —good qualities fit io~ prices to deaicrs. -50.4 JOHN KENNEDY k Co. | j T— ! I ACKEREL, Herring and Shad, beet ; ATI quality, at )- w price-, for sale hv febld JOHN KENNEDY & Co. T? E. LOCKE & Co.'e Burning Fluid, at !j o sOe a gallon, at febl4 JOHN KENNEDY k Go's. "(jTINC Washing Boards at 2-3 cts. each.— fj For sale bj JOHN KENNEDY & Co. PAINTED BUCKETS at 25 cte. each. fcbl i JOHN KENNEDY & Co. BAGS SALT. Ground Alum Salt, large bags, at yd,45. i feb!4 JOHN KENNEDY & Co. ! THF. 47133 mm 33D13, Wish its recent supply of New Goods, both cheap and good, can compete with any in Ladle's W ear i of ail kinds, • comprising many new and beautiful patterns. The assortment cf OLOTUB, 0 3 3 I JUL ERES 3 SATINETS, and other Goods for gentlemeßs' wear is such as wiii hardly fail to please. GROCERIES, dE EES SHARE, ttIi.LOUUtHL TABLE (TTLERI, Together with all other articles usually kept in a first class Dry Goods and Grocery Establishment, j and Country Prodace generally • taken in exchange for goods. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine my stock. n029 " S. J. BRISBIN. IMS' Slillil embracing in part | Pre Mi and Printed Merinos, Plain and Ihrinted Merinos, Flam and Feinted all tcool Deicnes, Morello Cloths, Muhairs. Mohair for Traveling Dresses, Common Defines, Woollen Plaids, Common C'oburgs, The Ir.rgeet, neatest, best and cheapest aeson i merit of AND CLOAKS i:n town. Such as a new style of Arab j Cloaks, Br-'cbe, Sella and Cloth Shawls, rang ing from f 1 to >3O. WHITE GOODS | consisting of Embroideries, Collars, Under ■ sleeves. See. Also, Gauntlets, Cotton and : Siik Gloves, and numerous other articles in j that line. A beautiful assortment of DRESS TRIMMINGS, Ribbons, Tas As, Cord . See., Set., t--father i with a general t.-sotment of all kinds of goods generally found in large establishments. For cccular demonstration call at Gfeorge Blymyer's. Lewistown, November 1, 18C0. Portland Coal Oil at 90 cts. PEB. GALLON. ALLY sold at >1.12 to $1.25 per gal- ■ i ion—The purest and best refined oil in use. All other coa! oils at equally low rates, i For tale by F. G. Fh AN CISC US. j I OO CTS. per 1000 for G. D. & S. B. Per cugsion Caps. | novio F. G. FRANCISCUS. | E. Locke's Burning Fluid, at 50 cts per ; gallon. novls F. G. FRANCISCUS. i M EAT Cutters from $1.25 to So each. | " Stufl'ers " 83 cts. to $1.50. Batcher Knives & Steels. Ac. novio F. G. FRANCISCUS. | ZINC Washing Boards at 25 cts. each. ! novio F. G. FRANCISCUS. I 1 TAINTED BUCKETS 25 cts. each, i. vl F. G. FRANCISCUS. CItCDAR TUBS. 3 in a nest, at §1.25. ffl, ! ) and 75 cts., for sale by novio F. G. FRANCISCUS. O PAIN'S Churns. Patent Moveable Dash ers at the following prices : No. 2. $3. j '25. No. 3. $3.75 cts. No. 4. $4.25. No. 5. 4.75. For sale bv novl2 ' F. G. FRANCISCUS. j BAND CIII RXSat equally low rates, for saie by novio F. G. FRANCISCUS. IALUID LAMPS at verv low rates, at 1 n029 FRAN CISOU S'S. i cents lor Glass Coal Oil Lamps, sold by others at 75 cents. The largest and cheapest etcck of Coal Oil Lamps at F. G. FRACISCUS'S. FOR SALE AT Xjts.E m\m\\\ mm, varieties of Apple Trees. Fifteen " Pear " Ten " Plum " Ten " Peach " Eleven " Cherry " Several kinds of GRAPE 5 INES, besides Currants. Raspberries, Blackberries, &<•. sepG WARNER A BUTTS. Boots and Shoes Helling off at- Cost, The undersigned having a large etock of Eastern manufactured work on hand, cdors the same r.t prices to suit the times from now to the j i first of April: at which time Regular Prices | will be charged again. Those wanting Spring i ' and Summer Work, will save at least 20 per i cent, by making this purchase now. Socorac ; on boys and don't forget to bring your men ! ey ulcng, as our terms are strictly for Cash. He has a large lot cf Home made Work on j hand which will be sold at xasonobh prices. , Manufacturing ct ail kinds attended to as ; usual, and repairing on the Shortest Notice, j A large lot of Trunks which wili be soid very cheap. janSl BILLY JOHNSON. KOGG feet Window Glass from Cxß and 12x18 s) for sale low by febl4 JOHN KENNEDY & Co. CtHEESE. —Just received a lot of Western / Reserve Cheese. For sale at a small ad vance-to dealers. J. KENNEDY & Co. j AYER'S Sarsaparilla FOR. PURIFYING THE BLGOD. An ! : >r tD* speedy core cf ih? f Cosiji!aints: Srrofulou* AffVct ton*.stir !i • ft i uiaorh, libera, jorrs, Krur.tldii v, Pimple*. Pustuh <, Ulotciie*, BlaiiiS) and all Skin Diseases. • Oakland, lad.- 6th Jnne, 185?. •T. C. Aiff L Co. CViif*: 1 it my dntjr to I. r V- vim; >vur Ny -:i }us i „ Inti.- f> " oHHa ScrcfoleaA 2. I . ... • ... . \ in rrtric:is wmjs for yw. i- .• at in t ca ny i arsi* • - i.n, - n ' lot ! ftn * t!!d 0 ' \v:r, *v!.'. . v ..< t ainUi f .11 • i .ch ..■* i ; -T • } I TRIED MANY • .. * T .... | -... VL1" t':k .i*-lof the &£d. ■jl ill rcTti*fn>Ttr ; r t. ' Al>"!:r.b 1! TAI.I.KV. ■ St. A utli ouy'i Fire. Ttoc or Kr> i i pf-If. . T e tier Sail Uiicuiu, Sce'u It end, ItiUft worin. Sort E;v, ; l>r. I.' liert M. Prrl.le r, rir-v frusi c a!i-m. !*. v - ]J| , ■ t* pr., 2 'uj. .oar IK- lii-. n -itl an o cwss r.f ] VrojiSj, wlii -li Uircieoc-i to t"riii;:ile intallv, i v the perwrering dm of -ar S and a!-' - -j | Miirgr.T.t In la'm dons < f (I,e nmt; s . he Core, the c ißiiau:: i'ruj- lij it c ni-nuo )y. Brcaclioctle, CJoltre or Swolli:! Keck. Zetintoa S! in of I'tosjn- t. Texa* wiiu-: TLr t- t | t!ee ct v;or Svrnrf-.riila cored IPO |wm K O f*rc—n hij | , ioi!s ; tttUh-r b-..-**. 1n ■ '; I kid SUd*rt-J i. . over tivo Lescorrhtta or WUHM. Orsrlaa Tumor, I terinc t'iteration, Fcmuic Ulscftsct. | '■■■ j I*. S. ". .. :,. * i..*- V, Ci'y. write#; - 2 mo*' cbeerfivlv r-.m: ly with li. i re-jm-it - '?< sr ?z- rt in K!jin-I iutv. f.unii your a ;;:n-t er i--ilent aileralire in the iininen 1:, crinpl.iinU for wi-:i.-2 wo • fliyluv !, M rRi-.v. !• : -i i!v in r-. wlt /Wvisel cf tin *. j ;,! i:.s ijeih ■ 1 fr.v-- curt i : ifttiy lare!#r ate oiwy, ,J i.r.i i i jhec- l>y it vmi aoti-.e t. ,i tl* c nj -1-i w- rar;-ft St r'tr-l: t-f !' T l v'.-;T --i :ion it-vif V .s v ii ;i;r-ii. :• >ny i.cotvl ! tlffinlc:! f r tfi f-irnie 3 rng i ts." | iidtvi iS. ■;!: v. -f Vrivfury. i-rheit. i: *. 8m ! prron* v ~riun lutwr or. or.t cf the femeh* in v - fhrniiv, I r J,i !: h:.-l h-f. -i a't ?!- s .... .; j ll;i : j.,,-. ! et lenitfli 1 c->n - i-r;.T -t. 'y en >. > - -,.- r • f:.., I Onr |.liyJri*ii tirmttiit tsuthtng bet cxHri*- j tpn ejslii effvr i r hi*f i,i:t lie k'ltl-.*4 tli. trial cf veirr S iii.i ■ - tJ. last res it rtif.hitr. r\ ' it ! prerei! effectntt!. Afl-r I.!k!I, - v - HMM 'y ei 'i.t wed ■ CJ yicf "I h. syjiliilii nitil riercori. : 7.) i, e a 0.~. 0. :.ft-.-s. ' • v., Vv..3. r . \~7zt: .-h . I rt.emfuHy i-iiTT[iiy vriiti t;-■ re- ' ti'.r tirt t. i-lriv.rt ic sriloe of the efle- ta ■ I hy- r-aHt .r ' h • ,j I i I I - "It it. t: my prnrfi—, r -.t -ft*# ••-nt- j jVan'-i '.• :■( i< tided. . have f.r •-s , •~ ti cyr ,in :!. • nup of nrr'j ' f Jfef j ' V':'' * '■ ' i ' i..— rs I :n hi, thlwtt, hid> v-ere iiri'ittttni;e hi ! "tie fttni tne j t-p li i:i" I. 1 i n. \-jur SaTv. - nr... si* a-!. i.- ti .n. I curedh!m hi row reks A- ■: ,• ~- . • c ... . . •- j ociLtry r.iitj.ftsv .!■ hi- r- eri-i • -■>. j . Mtea away .. ,i :• : "de trt t.,i I '.-! ti: j . c. f ~-r .. ...J . -.ii r th trai l sii fit: ihin. ISnt it ' ri .• my slniiii;,!m h/ii ■■ f e nr f ..rsapnri. t: the j ; u: L>3>! .V..1 !: • well aj-.: :"i. t ■ ><- v,ith" it ' •? dSnfigiirattwi to hisfhee. A srettmn Kki b. .t :, a ' ttented f-r tlio *an;e d'et.rder by tnuirtirr h* -ml. ,i: j '■ i from this j- won in her hvr.ea. Thtjy hlfUftlWe • • '■ , ritive ..." v.-.-ii.r.-:!.ai u • 4Mr.i4y !.- ruffered n- 1 ] erocTktlme pain is hr j :JU *r j Wins. Hi", ta, nas f fmcd csuirety !v ; iw Farwtptttifht 1 * fe# v riti. 1 ; know it.iin ts • -auaifty v . icli yrnir d. that thi rr .iin.ii n f • > youi . i, . . . , jm.-t u i , i >i:s k wttV.v tl.wa trwSy rcji..■ kn!.,;- ;-.u!ts j with it i.avp rot sttij ' Dir. yours, G. V I.AIUMEH, M. D. Illicui.iatisni, Oottt, Liver Complaint. j I:.orrr>-riL> t, i'ler: .11 Go.. V,. tis July. ]Vf'.i. | T>n. J. At:-.:;: efr. i have afiii ietre ir" in t*o week?, and reetjred niv piti-"..l j heahii m 101 - li tho: i am far hetfr iban before I was j a;t.i !•: 2. I :hiu'.. it a tvru.crfui nieu; : ,e- J. rlhfcAJl. ,1'.1e3 2. 'i t he!!, if St. Lets:., r ritess '• I lutv- Uoett { titMicli-d f.-r yean with an nJT.ction '/ tht Jfu -r. which j i litSii yed t!,y ! "Sitil. 1 trie , every ti.intf. and < verv tliirg ! , foiled to rehv i e ine; and I Lave been a l-riiK.-u-A wtt man ; for sr.tne years frrm it) ether cause than feri;rw?cwr:.l of i j the Liver. My 1-eloved j astnr. the !>r. Mr. I py. cdv Fed me to try * -:r jfar-aj r.ri'ia. lwrattee he -aid lit kr-■ \v yen, } and any thin.-yon ma le was wi rth try nig. lty tl.e Idi-rs- I in£ of God it has .-nrvd nie. and h-s o purified my j ; us U) ira.e u new man of uie. I fee! young again.. The Lett that can be ~:J cf you : tot half goo-i eaou^iu" Mi i; rn J.Cnnrf r Tarnors. EnUrKcmcut, I'lcrratinn, Carles anil Eifo!iotion of ! the HoittS; A gr-"at VRiiefy t-f rv"> lara lean reported to n* where i rurts of these forjni-lal ic eontplaiuta uatc r-suited ftom ' tli use of this remedy, iati nr spa la-re will not admit J them. l!i:- <.f t!.r,i may N- foutnl in ur Atneriean j AUi whirli tl; - -r.t, !id are pleased to j j futr h gratis lo el! . 'u caii f.r inciu. Dyspepsia. Ileitrt Disease. 2'ila. Eiiiep sy. Melati'holy, Xeuiaipjiv I Many remnrkahie ri;r.- f these eftfs lim:- here l-een j | made by tin-a !, erati'. e power of this inethfine. itatiunt- j j lat-.s th- vital fnne i lis ildo , acti t;, nmi thw ; j Otari omaa rii-ml-p which would Is-anpjwwed leyond it- I j reach, finch a rente ly has long lev nri juirei] I.- the n— j r-s-Iti -s of ilie ;■, j !e, v.; d wo are .f.det.t vital una will ' da for them eli ihr* :: edh ii:c raa do. i Ayers Cherry Pectoral, ro:I TH:: it A rtq eras CR j Cottglil, ( nliln, iiifli.iriiin, Ifonr-euesa, j Cronp, Brmicltttis. iu> l>itnt ( on -6 ttiti jit lot.. null for flic St<-!ief Of Canvnmplivc t'niittiu in r.i'.vaur, ,i of tile Disease, i This its remedy tr.iiver .. .n lo acrraa* tmr other for th in cf throat and lung in n j ia'ats. that it is useless here tip ; :..-h the vj iv.-eM its virttice. I a unrivalled ettcel' f. r t, ■ rh or d eo!d itnd its truly worlderful cures of ;ulmeii- iy ili. ue, 1 svr made :t known throuplvout :•• i-jviti* i i-oti- ns of !lie earth. J'ew nro tho c cr r ven futnifies, .-.a r.j them wlio have not some js-rsonril exrerien.-* of its efforts some living trophy in their midst HI" its victory over the subtle and dangoreus r.i of -he thro*: mid lunp-s. j As all know the dreadful fo'a'. iy "f tl-e disnnlcrs, and as they krv.v, ton. the efti i::* f this i mr-dy. v.e need not do more than lo assure tliem th it has m w r.ii the vir tues that it did have when itu.kir e :i-e cures which fcaTe I won so strongly up- n the confidence (if mankind. | ( Prepared by Dr. J C. AYES L, CO., Level!. Masa. ' ■ Sold big Charles Fitz, LcteLsfown, Jacob ' Meiz, Allenville, 11. S. McNabb de Co., Belle- ] ville, 11. M. Kinsloe, Beedsville, B. Graff, White HaU, and by Dealers everyvehere. d2O THE STS/.IC MILL AGAIN i X3NT MOTION Farmers and Mechanics, Look! to Your Interests! Having added to the Flour and Grain Business a la r ge stock nf we offer to the public, WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, |< a general asiortraent at prices as low, perhaps lower, than the same articles can be nurchased in tuc csruty. Our stock consists of ; FISH, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, ! RICE, SYRUPS. j CEDAR-WARE, SPICES, : and all other articles in that line. Cash, but a!! kinds of Grain and ! ; Produce generally taken ir. exchange lor goods. Country Grocers will do well by examining our stock before purchasing elsewhere Ail kinds of COAL, SALT &KD PLASTER, always on hand. MARKS &. WILLIS. Lewistown, April 21, 1859. The Bally Telegraph Published at Harrisbur?, Pa., by Geo. Ihj.-gner kCo. puhlitlies the List of Letter* by aaihority, a sure evidene of it liaving the largest cirvuiation. Tettus 83 per vear; the weekly and setni-weelily to ' a'lH) published a! %2 y year. Important to Everybody and all their Friends! T7,c Excitement still continues at the Store r TMIE subscriber? have just returned from ; the eastern cities with a choice selection of Sew and Fashionable Goods, for the season, embracing all kinds of LADIES DRESS GOODS, such as French Mennoes, Cashmeres, lie Laines, &ii wool Piaids, Mureilo Cloths, and in fact every kind of Ladies Goods tor the season. Also, a great variety of Ladies Cloths, Capes. Mantillas, Net Shawls—a little cheaper than ever before offered in this uvtr t ket. In LADIES MOURNING GOODS: Sicilian. Marietta. Milanese: Mohair k Can ; ton C!oth: with choice Mourning Silk--, \r;th I Trimmings to match. A;so, a large lot of STEEL HOOT SKIRTS, ranging from 4 to 50 hoops, a 1,5 cents per hoop, of the best make. No mistake. Our stock of Fall and Winter Shawls ■is goodji and very cheap. No mistake about i this. Ladies vriil please give us a call and sati3 jfy themselves. For gentlemen, we have CLOTHS, i Cassimcres, and Nestings, and wili soli thr-in at prices riia: will astonish the natives. Of USAS"? MAD IS CLCTnmd , we have a good assortment, and are deterarin l ed t ■ sell them a little lower than either Jew lor Gentile, to close out the stock. We will | also sell Hoots and Shoes at Lost. You r.r? requested to call and examine lor y urseJtcr, a- wc are not in the habit of—— '< That is so. i Co! :ed C .rpet Chair, rt 25 certs per It-.; 1 white, 22 ets —with C> tton Laps r.f.-il Wa i j ding of a!! kind- with pric - t -ait. j Our stotk of Gi'CJEEJSrS'23 : is full and complete. We w ill s-1! *-?.- --f l Tea AS .ire, 48 risers, at tbre- J-dDir- ni fif i ty cents, with all other kinds in proportion. ! Our stuck of AN/ ILhV, '= * M : 1 -fi> S is good. We will self g .J Brown Sugars at 8 end 10 cents ; Whirr, 11 and 12 cents: Cuf i fee ss law as can be bought in tow:,, and a : little tetter in quality. ! -.r.d Gentsjtritt d w-n : giro us a , : call bet ore t uroha-'pg elsewhere, us we are ; determined nut to be undersold. 8UA!1 kinds of Conn try Produce taken in i . exchange fur goods at Cash I Gents will please examine the above and govern themselves accordingly. KKXX £ L> V i JI N KIX. f Lewistown, October 25, 1800. THE EXTENSIVE STOCK or WiiTCßrms, i IHAI\S, HI! tt iME I'S, RINGS. BREASTPINS, AND OTHER JEWELRY; PjLITST AREIOLSS, i OXutCfcOiKL©, and a beautiful assortment of BOOKS AND STATIONERY are now selling at greatly reduced prices at Junkin's oid stand, corner nf Brown and ! Market street-, opposite Ku-sell's Banking ' House. " j Those who desire to buy at prices cor- 1 responding with the times, will please call. JSttTA!! kinds of repairing promptly often , ded to. It. W. JUNK IN, Agent. Lewistown, April 8, 1858. Cheapest! Cheapest! The undersigned wishes to in form his friends and the public generally, that lie is still to be found at his old quarters on the public square, two doors east of the National House, where ; he has just received a large stock of Gou is. He assures his oust rners that be has as large j an assortment as can Le found in Lewistown, consisting of Mens 5 Boys 5 and Youths 5 Boots, Shoes, and Brogans, suitable lor the season. In the ladies department will bo found eT ery article suitable to their taste. Children's Shoes of every variety, which j he will sell at lower rates than can tie bought j elsewhere in Lewistown. Cash buyers will please give him a call before purchasing else where. CUSTOM WORK. Having a large stock of good material and first class workmen, be is prepared to get up ) anything :n h;a lice in a neat and tasty style, j anil solicits a call from those preferring to or- ; der their work tc purchasing it ready rn3de ; Particular attention paid io ladies. Threp i soie button boot repairing done neatly and ! promptly, and at low rates. Don't forget the place in tne public square. T. COX. SILVER PLATED W&EE, BY 3ARVEY FILLEY, ho. H2-2 Market Street, Philadelphia; MAXVFAcrritnr. or Fine A ickel Silccr, Silver Plater of Forks, Spoons, LadLs, Baiter Knives, Castors, lea Sett, Urns. Kettles, T F>" ters, But ter Dishes, Ice Pitch rs. Cake Baskets, Communion Ware, Cap:, jJu.< .=>sorunent. comprising none but the test quality , cf tne bat raitenoatt> und Private Fatrilie.. Oitl Ware re-plated in the bt NEW ARRIVAL it Mrs. f. €. GasUtemV, ftmerly f, Variety and Trimming Store, I Who would respectfully i n f.>rn the <- ns of Lewistoxo, and the adieu, in? ' TPZX counties that she has returned from the city with a large .risortment of mum mum, consisting cf Nubia Scarfs Zepfcj r R Armlets and Leggins for children; U-qJ : gentiemen'a and children's Hosierv ' 1 Gloves ; Collars ; Corsets . Lace Y#ii- ■ q„.J! ? ,!(? . Zephyr and Bead Head Nete, s srn by U.e pound or bank : Shetland R" 7,1 e and Zephyr of all kinds: Berlin wire ]\ r „ - Monais; Skirt Braids and Velvets; Ma-7 Luiilc>, a new article for iatlic& tniauiii -- ur.i a large assortment of Fancy Good-' \ ] > numerous to mention. A It.—Orders promptly attended to. - 4 Lewistown, October IS, ISCQ. a mm mn FOR EVERYBODY. the DAY LIGIIT GAS BUHNER fOUL, A to a bona fide agreement Iss t n-X. tween A. J. Gallagher (the manufactu rer cll Ft i 01, where yu :!! al Su f me engaged in my 1-gitiniate business, tryi- v iTiai.c a fortune iy t,u riuckets, Fans j and three cent T:n Cupe. _ J IRMX WAI.LIS. Glorious Triumph over all Opposition! For t .e Peopie have Decided the Cheapest and Best Boots and Bh-. C4 are sold at the PEOPLE'S SHOE STORE, In Lewistown. wxL wo < 9 rg Art. 11l iSO, j2:' iy C'Z,! ' | pleasure in a an. umar.g that tLv X ftiil continue thcrr extensive sh,_-e est-i "- b.-hmer.t in YWst Market street, nearly < < p -site May. Eiscfrh:-e's Hotel, and that ti7v Gave just returned from the eastern cities w;:h a large aud varied assortment of Boots, ■B' >es and Gaiters, Lr Itdies, GeutD-met! and Children's wear, all of neat finish and ei •client manufacture, which they will till for CASH ONLY, At Least 25 Per Cent. Cheaper than the same ean be purchased elsewhere, j as will be seen by referring to the following Price List: Men's Boots, H 50 to 3 25 Gaiters, 1 40 to 1 75 Walking Shoos, 125t0 I 4'i \ " Brogans. ,5 to 140 i " l\ip and Calf Brogans, 62 to 80 ; Ladies Gaiters to I On ? ! " Kid and Morocco lace Boots, 1 00 to 1 25; " Kip and Calf lace Boots, 80 to 125 M.sses' and Childrens Shoes, 12 tj 95 Having bought our goods for easu. I were put at the lowest figure, and l>v dying lan exclusively ca*h business, customers are made to pay no debts—hence cur low prics Measures taken for Boots and Shoes, which i will be made at the shortest notice. ItEI'AIK ; ING done in the neatest manner. 1 ill XKS, N ALICES, r sale cheap. We respectfully solicit a liberal share of : public patronage. OctlJ. SADDLES, HARNESS, &o, The subscriber having now w. hand one ol best at>v for cash, or ap proved credit. Among his stock will be found some high ly finished sets of light Harness equal to on/ manufactured. Let all in want of good articles, made Vt ' experienced workmen, give him a call. JOHN DAVIS. Lewistown, April 19. 1860. ROBE RT IV. TATTON, SOtTB SI OF OF BiKKtt SISEET. LEWISTOn jI, PA. HAS juat received and opened at his es tablishment a new supply of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, mrnwmtmam | Fancy Articles, &0., which he will dispose of at reasonable prices. He invites all to give him a eall and examine his stock, which embraces all articles in his line, and is sufficiently large to enable all to make selections who desire to purchase. 4®*REPAIRING neatly and expeditiously attended to, and all work warranted. ' Thankful for the p&ironage heretofore re ceived, he respectfully asks a continuance of the same, and will endeavor to please allwhc may favor him with their custom. feb2 Neal, Cheap &. Durable. W. G. ZOLLINGER, Market Street, next door io Kennedy's Start. S> Is always prepared to sup- ") / ply the public with all the j /different styles of Hals o H'-h i best qualities and prices as to defy competi tion He has now on hand a large assortm eDl of Fall and winter Hats and Caps, of all the latest styles, which he will sell at the lowest : cash prices. He invites everybody to call anc examine for themselves, as he is satisfied that his stock canoot fail to please. For the Ornish ha has constantly on hand, or will make to order, hata to their taste of any required size or brim, at prices that cannot fan to be satisfactory. Country Merchants will find vantage to give me a call, as a liberal deduction will be made on wholesale purchases, aod es pecially so to punctual men. Don't forget the place, next door to Kehwj dy's store and nearly opposite the Odd Fellow l Hjii ' ,TTT t