Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, March 21, 1861, Image 3

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Hon. David Wilmot was on Thursday elec
ted l/nitcd States Senator, to fill the vacancy
occasioned by the resignation of Hon. Simon
Cameron. His term will expire on the 4th of
March, 1863. The public career of Mr. Wil
mot is so well known to our readers that it is
not necessary to recapitulate it here. Ilis
ability and integrity are unquestionable, and
the chief objectiou which was urged against
him in the recent canvass was his radical Re
publicanism. It is but just to state, however,
that his action as a member of the Peace Con
ference which was recently iu session at
"\V ashiugtou, was of much tuore conservative
and conciliatory character than those who
had been accustomed to regard him as a rep.
resentative of extreme Free Soil views antici
pated; and his friends confidently predict
that ho will not only prove an able Senator
but a faithful exponent of the prevailing sen
iiments of our State. We trust 6uch will be
the case
Shuiplaater Movement. —The Bank Commit
tee recommend that institutions chartered un
der the general law, be allowed to issue 15
per cent, of their circulation in notes of the
denomination of sl, $2, and §3. They also
advise the repeal of the clause requiring the
notes of tha different banks to be uniformly
printed, and allow the issue to be fully equal
to the appraised value of securities deposited
with the 'Auditor General, instead of being
,5 per cent, less, as under the existing law.—
The sections requiring a ccrtaiu amount of
specie to be kept in the vaults, it is proposed
to Repeal entirely. The movement to intro
duce small notes into circulation is a step
backwards, and wc hope will not be adopted.
The Senate amendments to llousc bill No.
238, entitled an Act authorizing the Auditor
General aud State Treasurer to settle the c
counts for taxes with the Lewistown Water
Company and Tusearora Bridge Company
and strike the balancedue the Commonwealth,
•was read and concurred in on Thursday.
In the United States Supreme Court t
Washington on Thursday, Justice Wayne de
livered the decision of the Court in the long
litigated and earnestly fought case of Mrs.
General Gaines. The court decided that Mrs.
Game* was the legitimate child of Daniel
Clark, and entitled to his estate, with the ac
crued rents, &e. The value of the property
is stated at two millions of dollars. The
case is of interest from the value of the stake
and the perseverance with which Mrs. Gaines
has contended for her rights, year after year,
against .all the baffling obstacles that have been
cast in her way, and also from the fact that
the most, if not all of the properly which the
Oourt has now decided to be her right, is lo
cated in the city of New Orleans, within the
limits of the seceded State of Louisiana. It
is stated, however, that the decisions of the
Supreme Court, in cases pending, will bo re
cognized by the authorities of that State.
Chief Justice Taney also, on the same dav,
delivered the decision of the Court in the
case of the Commonwealth of Kentucky
against the Governor af Ohio, in which a
ntw<bmus was to compel Governor
Dennisou to deliver a fugitive from justice.
The Court decides that the act of the Gover
nor in the premises is merely ministerial, like
that of a Sheriff, and that he has no right to
enter upon the question whether the crime of
which the Fugitive is charged by Kentucky
js criminal in Ohio or not. The act is, how
ever, one of comity and good faith, which
there is no power to enforce upon a State of
ficer, and the mandamus is therefore refused.
The fugitivo in this case, if we remember
right, was charged with aiding and ahettii g
slaves to escape from Kentucky, and Gover
nor Dennison refused to deliver him up on
the ground that he had committed no crime
known to the laws of Ohio.
1 best Segars and Tobacco for sale low to
dealers, by F. J. HUFFMAN.
/ l ORX in ears, for sale by
v jand F. J. HOFFMAN.
/ 10AL OlL—the very best article in ;useat
i)l RNIXG Fluid at 12 coats per quart, by
> jand F. J. HOFFMAN.
SHOE FINDINGS.—A full assortment of
Shoe Findings on hand, some articles
much reduced in price.
my!7 F. J. HOFFMAN.
IT is hoped that persons knowing them
selves indebted to the firm of WM. B.
HOFFMAN A Co. will do us the justice of
calling and settling their accounts. If not
done soon, they will be left at a Justice for
collection. F. J. HOFFMAN.
Lewistown, January 17, 1861.
Large Stock of Furniture on
A FELIX is still manufacturing all kinds
e of Furniture. Young married persons
and others that wish to purchase Furniture
will find a good assortment on hand, which
will be sold cheap for cash, or country pro
duce taken in exchange for same. Give me
a call, on Valley street, near Black Bear Ho
tel. feb 21
carried on. A large assortment .of
O Coffins on hand. Funerals attended .to at
any distance in the country, at short notice.
Thankful for past favors hoping a continu
ance of the same. A. FELIX.
Lewistown, Feb. 21, 1861.
i/ i BUSHELS fine Dried Apples. Splen-
Tr V did Dried Apples from Ohio, on hand
and for sale at A. FELIX'S
4 LL kinds of Dried Fruit, Raisins, Con
j-X fectioneries, a.t wholesale can be had at
A. Iciix's Cheap Grocery and Variety Store.
9f\ B V SH EDS Peaches. A cunice quality
oi' Pared and Uopared Peaches, from
Ghi° L onhand at A. FELIX'S, i
REDUCTION on Sugar and Coffee.—
Cheapest Sugar and Coffee in town can
t* found at A, Felix's Family Grocery,
BY virtue of'sundry writ* of Fi.Fn.;Yen.
Exponas and Levari Facias issued out of
: the Court of Common Pleas of Mifflin troun
ty and to me directed, will be exposed to sale,
by public veDdueor outcry, attheCourtllouse,
j in the borough of Lewistown, on
Saturday, March 30, 1861,
at one o'clock in the afternoon, the following
real estate to wit: .
1. A tract of land situate in Armagh town
; ship, Mifflin county, containing seven acres,
I more or less, bounded west by llawn and
I Thompson, north by Thompson, east by
llawn and Holmes Mac lay and others, south
i by Crissman, Kessler and others, with a large
: frame mansion house, barn, store room, dwel
ling house, stable, three small term :at houses
J and other improvements thereon erected,
i 2. Also, all the interest of Wra, Reed iu
, a tract of timber land, situate iu Armagh
j township, Mifflin county, containing about
sixteen hundred acres, more or less, survey
ed in the name of Wm. Collady, James John
: ston. James Watson aud Hugh Watson, with
a saw mill and other improvements thereon
er. cted. Seized, taken in execution and to be
sold as the property of William Heed.
A tract of land situate in Decatur town
i ship, Mifflin county, adjoining lands of E.
L. Benedict on the west, Susan Sigier's heirs
; on the east, 11. Yanzandt's on the north and
, a road on the south, containing about three
acres, more or less. Seized, taken in execu
I tirn and to be sold as the property of Samuel
j l\ Lillet/.
i All that lot of hind situate in the borough
j of Lewistown and Derry township, Mifflin
j county, containing in all about 62 acres, more
■ or less, ou which is erected the grist mill
I kuowu as the Lewistown Mills, a large brick
' warehouse, a large frame warehouse, cooper
j shop, one old stone building now a plaster
mill and turning shop, a frame building orig
inally occupied as a grist mill, a brick dwell
j ing huuse, and a log or frame tenant house,
i with all the rights, title and interest of John
i Sterett to the water power running through
said land and supplying the mills and other
improvements thereon erected. Seized, ta
ken i.; execution and to he sold as the proper
ty of John Sla teii, with notice to terre ten
, ants.
All that certain lot of ground situate on
the south corner of Market and Wayne streets
i. the borough of Lewistown, being cixty
<• fin front on Market street and extending
t ck two hundred feet to a public alley,
I bounded on north bv Market street, east by
Wayne street, south by u public alley, and
west by Jot of Mary Kothrock. with .. it-,
and commodious tavern stand, two stpfy
brick dwelling house, stabling, and other im
proveuients thereon erected. Seized taken iu
1 execution, and to be sold as the property of
; John Brown, in the hands of his aduiinistra
j trix Susan Brown, and as (ho properly of Su
j san Brown, who survived John Brown.
All that messuage, piece, parcel and part
of a tract of laud situated in Granville town
ship, Mifflin county, bounded and described
as follows: Beginning at a birch and corner
of lot No. 2, (in the division of the estate of
George Shade, dee'd,) thence down the east
bank of the Juuiata river north 60°, east 19
perches to a post; north 65°, east 25 perches
to a Spanish oak, corner of Bartholomew's
heirs; thence along said heirs south 28% east
47 perches to a while oak ; south 62°, west2o
perches to a st no; thence with the same and
lot No 4 south 28°, east 104 perches to a
post;the;iee with line and land of Thomas
McCorJ's heirs south 72% west 30 perches to
i a whiie oak. corner of lot No. 2; thence by
] the same north 20 A°, west 149 peaches to a
; birch, the place of beginning, containing 31
j acres and 3 perches neat measure. Seized,
. taken in execution, and to be sold as the
I property of William Baryer.
A tract of land situate in Wayne township,
Mifflin county, containing 175 acres and 120
j perches, about 120 acres of which are clear
j ed, with a stone house, bank barn, and other
| improvements thereon erected, bounded on
I the easjt by land of James Mcßinstry's heirs,
j south by Sau,:uel Jlaishbarger, west by
James Wharton, and north by James Ilar
vey. Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as die property of David Hafskkaryer.
Ail that certain lot of ground situate upon
j West Third Street in the borough of Lewis
town, Mifflin county, adjoining lot No. 104
on the west, and lot No. 106 on the east, and
I known in the general plan of said borough
j as lot No. 105, being GO feet in front cn said
| street, and extending back same breadth 200
S feet to a 16 feet alloy, having thereon erected
a two story .bricjt dwelling Louse, two frame
houses and other improvements. Seized, ta
ken into execution, and to be sold as tfie
I property of j/unicl Hichthuru, deo'd, in the
hands of his administrator, Johu 0. Signer,
• with notice to terre tenants.
j A LSO,
| All that certain half lot of ground situate
on Market street, Lewistown, being thirty
feet in front, and running back same width
to an alley, and adjoining lot of R. ,U. Jacob
on the east and Ilenry Zerbe on the west,
with a two story brick dwelling house, brick
back buiiding, and other improvements there
on erected. Seized, taken iu execution, and to
I>e sold as the property of Jacob Hooper and
Robert Mathews, Exrs of Christian ilooyer, sen
I dee'd, with notice to Christian Mark and Ma
ry Mark his wife, formerly Mary Hoover,
i widow, Thomas Diven and Prudence his wife,
formerly fcV-udrnce Hoover, and Henry J.
I Walters, £iq., Guardian of Edmund B.
linage? ugiu Ellen A. Hoover, minor children
of Dr. Lewis Hoover, dee'd, and all the ter
re of the lam* bound by the inort
A tract of land situate in Oliver township,
Mifflin county, adjoining land of John Al
len on the east, Gearharr and Auranti oa the
north, and John SwigarPs heirs o.n the south
and west, containing about 200 acres, more
or less, with a two story log house, log barn,
and other improvements thereon. Seized, ta
j ken in execution, aad to be sold as the prop
erty of Peter Rush.
! A Let of Ground situate on Hale street, in
the Borough of Lewistown, fronting one hun
dred and seventy-five feet on said Hale street,
and running b-.ck one hundred and fifty feet,
more or less, to private alley, and part to the
feeder, and bounded on the east by Gemmili
and Chriswell, west by an alley anu other lot
of defendant, with a double frame two store
house, .stable and other improvements there
on erected.
Also, One other Lot of .Ground, fronting
sixty feet, more or less, on the aforesaid Hale
street, and running back to Samuel S. Woods,
bounded en the east by an aliey or other lot
of John R. Weekes, west by Davis Bates,
south by Hale street, and porth by Samuel S.
Woods, with a double frame dwelling house
and other improvements thereon erected.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as
the property of John It. Wttkes.
All that certain piece of land and island
lying and being situate iu the Juniata river,
in Wayne township. Mifflin county, opposite
lands of Christian llanawalt, Smith and oth
ers oa the north, and the lands of William
Johns and ethers on the south, containing
i about 19 acres, more or less, about two miles
j below Drakes Ferry, being the same land
i which was recovered iu ejectment at the suit
of the defendant against William Johns, as
the property of John M. Davidson.
| C. C. STANBARGER, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Lewistown, March, 14, 1861.
Bidders at the above Sheriffs Sales, -are hereby no
tified t hat in eaeh ease where property is knocked
down, the purchaser will be required to pay down ten
; per cunt, on the amount of his bit! in cash, aud give
. judgment note w'th approved security for the ll
--lanee; to be paid when the deed is acknowledged.
| I'nless tlie.se conditions are complied with before the
sales close, the property will he set up again and re
Fort Sumter
I In Possesion of South Carolina!
BK. 11R0V ED, Agent, will open a large
• lot of Spring and Summer Goods this
! week, comprising Summer Bareges, Delaine
, and Shalleys, such .as Fancy, Mourning, and
| second Mourning Goods, &c. Purchasers
| will do well by calling imme.di:itely, as the
entire stock will be told at cost wiihuutfuil to
i close the business. Also, a lot of
at cost. If buyers will not call between this
and the 28th March, they will miss some nice
styles and great bargains, at the old stand of
j J. Everich, between the Black Bear and Un-
I ion Hotel. nihil
Final Notice to Tax Collectors.
'JMIE undersigned has been instructed by
the Commissioners to notify Collectors
: that on THURSDAY, April 4th, 1861, he
will proceed to add interest to outstanding
; taxes as follows :
j On outstanding taxes of 1858, interest will
; then u6 charged from the first day of May,
1859, aud warrants issUOtl for the collection
| of principal and interest.
: On outstanding taxes of 1859, interest will
| be charged from the first day of May, 1860,
and similar warrants issued.
And on outstanding tqxes of 1860, interest
j will he charged from such time as the Oom
; missioners may direct at April Court.
mhl4 Treasurer of Mifflin County.
Examination for the Professional Cei,
j i AN SATURDAY, March 30, without fur
, V_.* ther notice, I shall hold, in Lewistown,
a public examination of applicants for the
j Professional Certificate. The object of this
j examination is not to increase the number of
j those holding such certificates without strict
i regard to their fitness, but to afford an oppor-
I tuuity to any who may have put forth special
! effort during this winter to undergo examina
tion wtiile their studies are still fresh in their
minds. It will be public, that all, directors
i especially, may attend and witness the man-
J nor in which the candidates acquit them
i selves. All who feel reasonably confident of
their title to the Professional Certificate, and
j arc prepared for a thorough examination, cx
: pecting no favoritism whatever, aye requested
to be present as applicants for the Certificate;
j those who consider themselves deficient, I
j cannot urge to apply.
j Candidates are requested to present at that
time an Essay on Borne educational theme.
On Friday, March 29, I will examine, at i
Lewistown, any who wish to procure Certifi
: cates for the purpose of teaching during the 1
I summer.
Examinations will commence at 9 o'clock,
i a. m. azakuii smith,
mhl4 Co. Supt,
J lowing applications have been tiled for
Licensee in my office, and will be presented
| for the consideration of the Court on Friday,
April sth, 1861, at which time all persons in
| terested may be heard by remonstrance, pe- '
i tition, &c.:
i Win. W. llorrell, Tavern, Menno twp.
i John Dipplo, do N. Hamilton,
j Wm. Brothers, do do
Jacol? Lotz, do Granville twp. ;
i Kosanna Davis, do McVeytown.
Ben. A. Bradley, do do
George Settle, do Bratton twp.
Simon Yeager, do Derry "
\ Ellis B iioi.iaiell, do Decatur "
j Abm. llutbersbaugh, do do
Willis V. B. Coplin, do Armagh "
Wm. Swineheart, do do "
Richard Brindle, do Union "
Henry Selfridge, do do "
Bernard Elricks, do Brown "
I Jacob Bearley, do Lewisto\vn,
| Daniel Eisenbise, do do
Moses A. Sample, do do
| Andrew Mayes, do do
Samuel M. Auitz, do do
| Sophia P. Murray, do \Jo
I Jacob Muthersbauab, dy
| Nathaniel K_ep.nedy, Store, do
Clerk Quarter Sessions.
Clerk's Office, Lewistown, March 14, 1861
' m9 ©Si IL®M &
Manufacturers, Importers and Wholesale j
Dealers in
Warehouse, No. fio9, Chestnut Street,
Opposite the State House.
mhl4-ly. Philadelphia, Pa.
Mahogany. Maple, Biroh and
of every style and finish, at
OTjH@sy m&isirir ©SAIL'S
339 Worth Front St. Above Vine,
Parlor and Dining Room Chairs, large and
small Rocking Chairs, manufactured of the •
best material and by experienced workmen, j
All orders filled with Promtitude and Care.
Remember the place, 339 North Front Street, ;
above Vine, Philadelphia jan24-ly i
OTICE is hereby given that the books
Jl x for Subscription to'the Capital Stock of
the " Mifflin and Centre County Rail Road
Company" will be opened at the following
places and times, viz:
At Lewistown, at National House, on the
29th day of March inst.
At Reedsville, at Mrs. Smith's Tavern, on
the 30th day of March inst.
At Milrov, at Swinehart's Tavern, on the
Ist day of April next.
uih7 Commissioners.
Real Estate at Private Sale.
rriHE undersigned will dispose of at pri
I vate sale,
situate in Decatur township, Mifflin county,
50 acres of which are cleared, and a stream
of water (Jack's Creek) passing through it.
Part of the land is limestone und part Hint
soil. Possession given immediately. Applv
lleirs of John Sigler, dee'd.,
feb2B—4t Liileysviile, llecatur tp.
of an Order of the Orphans' Court of
Mifflin county, the undersigned will sell at
public sale, on the premises, on
Friday, March 29, 1861,
the following real estate, to wit:
All that certain lot of ground, situate in
the borough of McVeytown, being part of
Lots No. 53, 54, 55 and 50, fronting on John
Street on the north 107 feet, and extending
in depth along Queen Street 214
iiU feet tf> Washington alley, on
} it' ISc which is erected a large two
HOUSE, Stable, and other out buildings.
Terms Cash.
Administrators of John Stine, Jr., dee'd.
McVeytown, March 7, 1801.
A two story BRICK lIOUSE, with
fine lot of ground, situate in West
i 11! Third street, opposite the McCurdy
SraaLttiproperty, will be sold for from §3OO
to §4OO, as payments may be agreed onj
This is a chance rarely to be met with for ob
taining a bouje, For further information ap
ply to ' ED. FRYSINGER.
Lewistowq, Fob. 61, 1801.
The subscriber wishing to turn
as much of his stock as possible
cash, will sell until Aprit at
such prices as to make it the interest of all
in want of articles in his line to give him a
call. All kinds of
Boots, Shoes, or Gaiters
made to order, of the best material and in
the best manner, at regular prices.
Thankful for the patronage heretofore re
ceived, a continuance of the favor is res
pectfully solicited.
Persons indebted will please take notice
the accounts will be required to be settled by
the 10th of AprjJ.
List of Cause* for Trial at April T., 1861.
1. Bates, et ill. vs. Tier, Breuniman & Co. 34 A pi. 1861
2. Millikon vs. Milliken et al. 220 Aug. 1849
3. A. Thompson vs. Greer A Carson 158 " 1858
4. Little & Co. vs. Currier & AleCormick 87 Nov. ••
5. Hallouell <v Co. vs. same 88 •* "
G. Jos. Gibbons, inrt. vs. W. Reed 144 " •*
7. John Himes vs. Henry Ruble 4 Jan. 1*59
8. K. L. Benedict vs. Jotm Kyle 117 "
9. John Himes vs. Michael Ruble 139 A pi. ••
10. Sterrett & Co. vs. M'Afanigil's admV. 7'J Aug. "
11. MeWilliams & Co. for use vs. siinie so •' ••
12. Graham's adrn'r., vs. Shotwell 11 Nov. "
13. Sellers en. vs. Sterrett A Scott GO •• **
14. Same vs. Mitchell Jones G7 " "
15. J no. D. Sterrett for use vs. same, 101 •' "
16. Henry Riden vs. Amos Hoot 117 •• '•
17. J. Hummers ex'r. y.s. J no. Sager lo Jan. 1660
18. J. Burns vs. Zeiglei i Yeyger 16 •• ••
19. Sterrett A Co. et al. \-.S. S. Woods 34 " •'
20. Matilda Wertz vs. John llantt-r, ct al. 45 " -
21. Sterrett for use vs. Williams, et al., 22 Apt. "
22. K. L. Benedict vs. Win. Bishop. Ac., 45 " "
23. Myers. Kit kpatriek & Co. vs. McCurdv 72 " "
24. Zeigler & Willis vs. Cunningham's aa. 91 u "
25. Hoover's ex'r. vs. Mathews. 99 " u
2G. Waters for use vs. Joshua Morrison. 110 '• '•
27. McCoy for use vs. G. H. Calbraitli, 79 Aug. "
28. Thompson vs. Alexander et al., 103 •• ••
29. Cummings vs. Directors l'oor, 110 '• *
30. M'Culloeh for use vs. Hulingsadm'r., 139 •'
31. Smith et al. vs. Ross et al., 159 " 0
32. Stirk, Field A Co. vs. ('. Alexander, 4 Nov. "
33. Same vs. S. Alexander. 5 " "
34. Same vs. F. R. Sterrett, 6 " "
35. Same Thomas Reed. 7 " "
Prothonotarv's Office, Lewistown, Afar. 14,1861.
REGISTER'S NOTICE.—The following
accounts bave been examined and pas
ted by inc. and remain filed on record in this
office for inspection of heirs, legatees, credi
tors, and all others in any way interested,
and will be presented to the Orphan's Court
of the County of Mifflin, to be he'd at the
Court House, ip Lewistown, on Thursday,
the 4th day of April, 1861, for allowance and
confirmation :
1. The account of Thomas McCormick, ad
ministrator of Robert McCormick, late of Ol
iver township, dee'd.
2. The account of Samuel Drake, executor
of the last will of Alexander Taylor, late of
Newton Hamilton, dee'd.
3. The accouut of Thompson G. Bell, ex
ecutor of the last will cf Benjamin McCoy,
late of Granville township, dee'd.
4. The guardianship account of David T.
Kline, guardian of Ambrose Hummell, mi
nor child of Jacob Hummell, dee'd.
5. The guardianship account of Thompson
G. 8011, guardian of the minor children of
Henry Sechrist, dec'd.
6. The guardiaoship account of Thompson
G. Bell, guardian of the minor children of
Thomas McCord, dec'd.
7. The account of William B. Johnston,
executor of the last will of William Marks,
8. The guardianship account of William
B. Johnston, guardian of the minor children
oi David 0. Miller and Ilhcda Miller, late
Rhoda Alexander, dee'd.
9. The guardianship account of Jacob
Mohler, guardian of Samuel Price, minor
child of Isaac Price and Elizabeth Price, late
Elizabeth Book, dee'd.
10. The guardianship account of Joshua
Morrison, guardian of Martha Cavenaugh.
11. The account of Jacob S. King and
David J. Zook, administrators of Yost King,
late of Menno township, dec'd.
SAMUEL BARR, Register.
Registers Office, Lewiatown March 7, 1861.
CIOAL OIL from 75 to $1 12 per gallon.
/ A liberal discount to the trade. For
saleby JOIIK KENNEDY & Co.
Third St., above Race, Philadelphia.
Trrms—sl 25 per day.
RHOADS & SAILOR, Propriet's.
Formerly of the National Hotel
f2B-lv Formerly of Schuylkill co , l'a.
I, ate White Swan,
liucc Street, above Third, PhUenhlphiu.
Terms--$1 25 per day.
QUILLMAN & EOYER, Proprietors.
r |W> the old customers of this well known
House wc deaire to say that we have ren
ovated, improved, and newly furnished the
same, and that we respectfully solicit a con
tinuance of their patronage.
Strangers, Travelers and Visitors we eordi
ally invite to the hospitality of the " Nation
al"—to come and see and judge for them
selves of its advantages and merits. Our lo
cation is central, and convenient formercbants
and business men generally.
We will always endeavor to study the wants
and comforts of onr guests, and with the as
sistance of Mr. CII AS. A. STEIN, our affable
and attentive Clerk, we feel well prepared to
keep a good hotel, and hope to bo able to give
general satisfaction.
feb2B-lyr JOHN BOYER.
A. McKEE respectfully announces
i t to the citizens of Strode's Mills and
viciuity that his car will remain for a short
time in the above named place, for the put
pose cf affording all who may desire it, the
opportunity of procuring a
of themselves, families or friends, executed
iu any and every style, from miniatures up to
life size Photographs. Pictures copied from
small Arnbrotypes, Daguerreotypes, Ac., and
enlarged to life size. Stereoscopic pictures
of residences taken upon reasonable terms,
and stereoscopic boxes furnished when called
for. Having had ten years' experience in
business and availed himself of all the latest
improvements in the art, he feels confident
that he can render satisfaction to all who rnav
call Upon nun. ijtc/j L'f Pl'.Ot./^iupii
ic work undertaken at moderate prices. A1
so, a large assortment of Photograph frames
constantly on Laud. Instructions given in
all the various branches of the art. Pic
tures taken equally as well in cloudy as in
clear weather. Call soon. dec!3-3m
tTHIE second session of this institution will
1 commence on MONDAY", Feburary 11th.
In addition to the common English branches,
instructions will be given in Latin Greek.
French, German, and the Uigher Mathemat
ics, also, in Drawing, Pajntjpg, apd music.
No extra charge for the Languages.
Rates of Tuition. —§ 3 00, 4 50, and ?6 00
per quarter of eleven weeks. Drawing, §3 00,
Fainting, §5 00, Music, $lO 00, Incidentals,
25 cents.
On or about April Ist, a ciass will be
formed for such teachers in the county as
wish to qualify themselves for a pe-rmanent
certificate. This class will continue until
July, affording ample time for a thorough ex
amination and study of all the branches re
quisite in a professional certificate. The tu
ition for this class will be $5 00.
For further particulars inquire of
Prin. Lewistown Academy.
Lesvistawn, Feb. 7, 1861.
Instate ol'SJever Yoder, deceased.
"VT OTICE is hereby given that letters of
Xadministration on the estate of SIEYER
VODER, late of Brown township, Mifflin co.,
deceased, have been granted to the undersign
ed, residing in said township. All persons
indebted to said estate are requested to make
immediate payment, and those having claims
to present them duly authenticated for settle
mhl4* Administrator.
E-taic of .fancy Brown, deceased.
"VTOTICE is hereby given that letters of
X 1 admiuistiafipn on the estate of NANCY
BROWN, late of Armagh township, Mifflin
cuunty, deceased, have been granted to ihe
undersigned, residing in said township. All
persons indebted to eald estate are requested
to make immediate payment, and those hav
ing claims to present them duly authentica
ted for settlement.
mh7-Gt Administrator.
Estate of Daniel Brought, deceased.
" I V r OTICE is hereby given that Letters of
Xi Administration cn the estate of DAN
IEL BROUGHT, late of Granvjlle township,
deceased, have been granted to the under
signed, residing in said township. All per
sons indebted to said estate are requested to
make immediate payment, and those having
claims to present them duly authenticated for
settlement. DANIEL BROUGHT,
marl* Administrators.
Estate of John iitkin, deceased.
"VTOTICE is hereby given that letters testa-
Xf mentary on the estate of JOHN AIT
KIN, late of Armagh township, Mifflin coun
ty, deceased, have been granted to the under
signed, residing in said township. All per
sons indebted to said estate are requested to
make immediate payment, and those having
claims to present then) duly authenticated for
settlement. HUGH AITKIN,
feb2l-6t* E reenters.
Estate of David Hntthersbough, deceased.
OTICE is hereby given that letters testa
mentary on the estate of DAVID MUT
'THERSBOUGH, late of Derry township,
Mifflin county, deceased, have been granted
to the undersigned, residing in said township.
All persons indebted xo aid estate arc re
quested to make immediate payment, and
those having claims to present them duly au
thenticated lor settlement.
feb2B-6t Executor.
rpillS branch of our business eontiauea to
1 receive our close attention As we are
continually receiving new supplies, ouf stock
is pure and reliable. Physicians' prescrip
tions carefully attended to.
jan3l F. J. HOFFMAN.
Original & only (*en
.The above is the only reliable remedy for
inflammatory diseases, among which are
Rheumatism Tetter
X- urah/ia Gout
liurns Frost td Feet
Sea his Ift attache
Fains in the Back Paralytic Stroke
c ' '• Breast Salt Rheum
" Side Sentfuh I
('rumps in the Stain- Sore Ft/es
acA Sore Breasts
Sprains or Bruises Krysipeiai
Stiffness i.i the J"hits Asthma
Or any diseases which are sere and painful.
For that Pjead to Mothers,
It is Invaluable—diving Reliefut Once
Certificates from hundreds of our best
citi/cns can be seen at the office of l>r.
Smith, showing what the Oil has done.
In purchasing be careful to examine the
wrappers and see that you get
A. E. Smith's Original and only
Genuine Electric Oil.
All imitations are icorse than listless.
No. 126 Walnut Street.
Newton Hamilton, Mifflin County, Pa.,
Agent for M iffliu County and surroundings.
An<i iba various affections consequent upon a dieorkrol
Suih fts Indignation, Acidity of the Stnurach, Colicky P.xlnw,
Ileartburn, Lows of Deepcmdenty, Costimgeai,
Blind and Bleeding I'iles. In nil Nervous, Klicui.mtic, nuj
Neuralgic Affections it has in numerous instincts proved
highly bene Octal, and in others effected n derided cure.
Thi., is a purely vegetable compound, prepared on strictly
pcientifc principles, after the manner of the celebrated
Ituliani ProSaßßor, IVorhave. Its reputation at homo j,f,r
ductal its introduction here, the demand commencing with
tlireo of the i'atherland wattere.l over the face of this
mighty country, many of whom brought with them aud
handed down the tradition of its value. It is now uff.rM
to the American public, knowing that its truly wonderful
medicinal virtues must be acknoioMgf.d. *
It is particularly recommended to those persona wines
oonsti tutiona may have been impaired by the continuous ue
of ardent spirits, or other forms of dissipation. Generally
Instantaneous in effect, it Cuds Its way directly to th" seat
of life, thrilling aud quickening every nerrr, raising up the
drooping spirit, aud, in fact, tnfdsing new health and vigor
in the system.
NOTlCE.—Whoever expects to find this a beverage wi.l
he disappointed; bVrt to the sick, orobk and h>w spirited. It
ytt) pros e a grateful aromatic cordial, possessed of singular
remedial properties.
The Genuine highly concentrated Ikerliave's Holland
Bitters is put up in half-pint bottles only, and retailedat
Oxx DOLLAR per bottle, or six Imttles for FIVE DOLLARS, LLIE
great demand for this truly celebrated Medi. ine has induced
many imitations, which the public should guard against
WW Beware of Imposition. See that our name ia ou the
label of every bottle you buy.
Sold by Druggists generally. It can hg forwarded
by Express w most points.
pharmaceutists and Chemists
For Bale by CHARLES RITZ, Lewistown,
Pa. sepSO
Essence of Coffee.
THIS Essence clarifies and itoptoves Cof
fee by rendering it more wholesome acd
nutritious ; also, as a laxative tonic adds di
gestion tvhile preserving the full flavor of the
Coffee. When used as directed, one package
will go as far as six pounds of Coifee.
Manufactured and for sale at regular Phil
adelphia Wholesale prices, by
mhl4-tf Lewietown, Pa.
SOLE LEATHER,—A good stock just re
ceived. of the best Red and Oak Sole
Leather. I Lave also a ggod assortment of
Morocco, Linings, French Calf Skin, L'pper,
Kips. &c., all at low prices for cash.
arjU) F. J. HOFFMAN.