THE ONLY PREPARATION Worthy any Confidence for RESTORING smiss i&kus© ASSI® amiss* Many, since the great discovery of Trot'. Wood, have attempted not oniv t" imitate iiis restorative, tint prie fes a to have discovered something that would produce results ideutieal; but tliey have all mime and gone,be ing carried away by the wonderful results of Prof. Wood's preparation, and have been f 'rood to leave the field to a resistless sway. Read the following:— Batli- Maine. April lsth. lsag. PKor. O. J. WOOD A Co.; ijrnts:—The letter 1 wrote von mlSAtieoiu-cmingyoitr valuable Hai • Restorative, and which you have published in this vicinity and elsewtiere, has givenrise to numerous inquiries touch ing the case, The inquires are, is •".-racr of inv habitation anl name, :*> stated in the communication; second, is it true of all therein contained: third, does my hair st.d continue to be in good order and in' nat ural color'' To all I can and do answer, invariably ves. My hj* is even better than m any -rage of my life for forty years past, more soft, thrifty, and better colored ; the same is true of my whiskers, and the on ly cause why it is not generally true, is thu* tiie sul>- stanee is washed off by frequent ablution of the face, when if care were used by wi|sng the face in close connection with the whiskers, tin -ante result will fol low a- the li.iir. I have been in the receipt of a great number of letters from all parts of New England. ask ing me if mv hair still continues to b good; as there is much fraud in the manufacture and -ale of vari ous compounds as well as this, it has, no doiilK, la-en basely imitated and been used, not only without any good effect, hut to absolute injury. 1 have not used inlv of your Restorative of any account for some months, an l yet my hair is as go., I as ever, and hun dreds have ex mined it with surprise, as I am now 01 years old and not a gray hair in my head or on my lace; and to prove this fact. I send you a lock of my hair taken '.lt the past week. 1 received your favor of two quart bottles last summer, for which I am very grateful: I gave it to my friends and thereby induced them to try it; many were skeptical until after trial, and then purchasedaiid usedU with universal success. I will ask ia a fc,y.r. tU>t you send me a test by which 1 can discover fraud in the Restorative, sold by many j I fear, without authority from you. A pure article i will insure success, aud i believe where good effects | do not follow, the failure is caused by the impure ar- | tide, irhidi curses the inventer of the good. 1 deem ; it my duty, as hertofore. to keep you apprised of the eontmued effect on my hair, as I a-Mire all who inquire of aw of my unshaken opinion of its valuable results, ' J remain, dear sir. yours. A. C. RAYMOND. Aarons Rtui, Ivy- Nov. 3h. >-sv VHAF. O. J. WOOD: Dear Sir.—l would certainly ' edo ing yc-i a great injustice tiol to make known to the w nld tlie wonderful, as well as the unexpected result ; i have experienced from using ONF. bottle of your liuir J Restorative. After using every kind of Restoratives *■ mailt Vmt without su<-eess and findingmy head near ly destitute of hair. I was finally indu. i d'to try a bot ile of your Hair Restorative. Now, caudorand jiistiee compel me to announce to whoever may read this, that 1 now possess a new and beautiful growth of hair, which I pronoun,•. richer and handsomer than the original was. I will therefore take occasion to recom mend this invaluable remedy t<< ALL who may feel the . UvecsMtv of it. Respectfully vours, REV. a. AI.LEN ftltoi'K. P. S.—This testimonial of my approbation for your | valuable medicine (as you are aware of; is unsolicited: ' but if you think it worthy a place among the rest, in- 1 serf if you wish: if led, destroy and say nothing. j Itev. S. A. B. Th- Restorative is put tip in bottles of three viz: large, no-,bum. and small: the small holds y 2 a pint and retails for one dollar per bottle; the medium iclds at least twenty per cent, more m proportion than j tie- small, retails for two dollars per bottle: the large | hold- a quart. 4o per cent, more in proportion, and re tails for three dollars per bottle, o. J. WOOD & CO., Proprietors. 414. Broadway. New York, and 114, Mar ket street, sit. Louis. Mo..*and sold by all good Drug gists and Fancy Ooods Dealers. ian3 Fresh From The Machine, For a machine I had often sought, Till I heard one sing sign of Coffee Pot, Thinks 1 to myself she'll suit me fine, I'll make her sing uews of things in my line. I took her forthwith and wound her up, And the first thing whistled was one tin cup; Oh. dear me, I am afraid she'll not do, So I oiled her sotne and away she flew! To Sad Irons she went in a good strain. And about Coal Buckets I couldn't complain, But she soon tamed down and of the Cash, She said some things I didn't think trash. Still she went on and would have you know it, A Cook Stove I have and ready to show it, The best in the market, with all complete, Y* arranted to bake and cook all you can eat. <■ i- Burners I have that can't be beat, i'or of fuel and raising of heat, C/.es and kinds with prices so low, >-h.-inld wife need one you cannot say no. i o \\ are I'll not sing—that all of you know— i>ot Lard Cans that hold a hundred or so ; And a Lard Lamp of vry neat style, And Spouting he'll put up within ten mile. Improved Fat Squeezers I have for sale, That'll squeeze Mr. Ilog from head to tail, With nothing to do but turning the screws, 'Tis just the tiling the people use. Hold and Silver Plating 1 also d*, For Carriage Makers and others to But : ,t; stie stopped, I forgot her to wind, But don't vou forget the Big Coffee Pot sign. J. HI YIN WA.LLIS. Cheapest! Cheapest! The undersigned wishes to in form his friends and the public w" that he is still to be found at his old quarters on the public square, two doors east of the National House, where he has just received a large stock of Hoods. He assures his customers thai he has as large an assortment as can be found in Lewistown, consisting of Mens' Boys' and Youths' Boots, Shoes, and Brogans, suitable for the season. In the ladies department will be found ev ery article suitable to their taste. Children's Shoes of every variety, which he will 6ell at lower rates than can be bought elsewhere in Lewistown. Cash buyers will please give Idm a call before purchasing else where. CUSTOM WORK. Having a large stock of good material and first class workmen, he is prepared to get up anything in his ine in a neat and tasty style, and solicits a call from those preferring to or der their work to purchasing it ready made. Particular attc ntion paid to ladies. Three sole button boot repairing done neatly arid r.,mp'ly, and at low rates. Don't forget the • -jc in the public square. T. COX. \ FINE Horse Shoe Iron, by \ ia d F. J. lIOFFSIAN. 4 CAKi'ET -CHAIN, fur sale bv V sep6 F. J. HOFFMAN. SHOE FINDINGS. —A full assortment of Shoe "Findings on hand, some article much reduced in price. my 17 F J. HOFFMAN. HOC CRIES Reduced in price.—Good \JT Brown Sugar, Sa'Jc. Extra Brown Su gar. iOc. list A White, 10c. Extra Syr- • ups and Baking Molasses, at jan3 F. J. HOFFMAN. 3L.S. DI NCANNON best Nails at ?3 25 per keg, for cash. A discount will be made to dealers. lam now agent for the sale of Duncannoo Nails, and prepared to make it the interest of deal ers as well as consumers to buy directly of us Our motto is, "To make it the interest of all" to buy at jy 19 " F. J. HOFFMAN'S. I AYEE'S Sarsaparilia FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. Ai I for the speedy cure of the following complaint*: Scrofwlattiict Scrofulous Altfcri os Tumoru, Liters, Sores, EinptioiM, Pimples, Pustules, Blotches, Boils, lliuius, uisd all Skill Diseants. O.iKLAXn, I lid., Otli June, IS5£. J. P. Avph & Co, (tenfit: 1 feci .t my ilui) to nc kt>*wr ledge ukit your £*uinfcparillu has duiic i r ine. Jhtwug inherited & £• -ofuluu infection, 1 have bufle:. d front it in \aricus ways for yens. Sometimes it buret "tit in t'Jeers en my hands and &£:&*: -aAVrViiivs it tuiii> J inward and dhtivsa-ed me at the stomach, ivrn years ago it broke out * ;i my head and covt-tvd tiy bCftljt and PUIS with one sore, which was painful and io.itb->,nic leyo:id description. 1 tried many i.Ktiki:a s and *: ural physician*, but without much relief from any thing. In fact, the disorder grew m-i ■.. At length I v.:is nj . d to read in III,; Mc-csengei" that you had pit pared an alterative (Sarsapaiilln •. 1 r 1 Lnw, f.oni your r. j.uta ti ii that r.ny thin* yon m t it, an 1 uvu it til! it cured me. 1 ok it, as yon adtise. in small. vV ; -'- * a tc&spoouful over a la- nth, utnl used almost llaive buttle*. New and healthy skin snuii legH:i l" form under the scab, w hicU vftc*r a while fell off My skin is now 11 nr. and I know lv my 1 eiings that the disease has gouc fiottl my system. Yuu i kit well h. In ve that i 1 1 what I am K.iyiu.4 V.I. TI I til y u, tliat 1 li ld you to 1 e on. of the lipo-atlus uf the aril rciLiain ever grate fully* Y- t*,*, ALFJU:I: L TALL::Y. St. Anthony'A Fire, Rose or Fry sine-las, Tetter nuit>c-nscs. Dr. J It. S. ('liaitiiiriy. i f \ew Vi ik City, writes : '• I most cheerfully comply with the rc|nectof yuiii :n have fit.nd your Sar>a|urill;i a most cxr- ll:ht alterative in the inirnen.its cmplaints Tor v ; employ sin ha remedy, hut especially i;\ fhitak of the Scrofulous diatli.iis. 1 have cured l: :.y inveter ate I'ASCS of Letter.rt'bAsa by it, and s>uu whtro t!.. C;U> plaint was caused by n!cn of the uln u*. Ih*- ii'-el ation itself was << n cured. Nothing within my hi.jv.l - it f -r these finale deranpeimnii " Edward S. Marrow, of Newbury, Ala., writes, * A Utiti- orinon lumnr on one of the f males in my family, which had defied nil the remedies we <- uld enifdov. at length I*ooll cmnphdely cured by yonr I tract cf Sar saparilla. Our ph\-iii.m thought not hit ; but eat:.: - thill could afford relief, hut he ndv!rd !!>• ft. ! if > SarnajmiilH h the last resort Mrs and it proved eilei !unl. Ato r taking your remedy eight \. ks no sy nipt.mi of the disease in:..•Jus." 8y |>liill and ?Icrc u: i.. 1 DPicnse. Natr Oni.r\NS. 25th A IVS'.L1 V 5'.L DR. J. R. AVER: Sir, 1 cheerfully comply willi the i - oii in her lones. They* hud imravme so seli fiiti\e to the weather that on a damp day tdie utferel ex cruciating pain in her JO|nU nnd bones. Site, ti o. WHS cured entirely Ly your Sarsaparilia in a few we. k*. I know from its I i inula, which your agent gave ue, that this breparatioti from your h.L rutogy must !H a great rem. ly ; conseijueiitly. these truly tenia J kahle Jesuits with it have not Mnptised me. Fialvnially yours, G. V LARIMER, 35. D. llhc iimnt Ism, Cioiif., Liver Complaint* JMDKPKNDK.NI I'ICHIOII CO.. Va.. 'th .July. I?6LK Dr.. J. C. Avni: Sir. I have been alllictcd wiili a pain ful chronic 2tht.umol*rm f< r a long time, which bullied the skill f physicians, and *u<~k to me in spite of all the reii.cdie-j I could find, until I hind your■ S'ar npruill i. life i> tie cure.l tuft in two v.e.-ka, and leatoied my g-i .-.l health so much that ] am far better than liefoiy I v.- s attacked* I think it a wonderful liiedl iue. J. UtKAM. Jules Y*. Get* hell, of St. i.< tits, writes: 44 I have U*cn afllicted for years with an ajficlmu t>t n,t J.ncr. which destroyed my health. I tried ev tv tiling, nndvvery thing fail-d to relieve me; and I have I wit a luoken-dowu man for f- me y ars from n . titer catt*e than derangttu* pt > f Ui' l.tnr. My 1 eh.ved pastor, the Rev. Mr. Kspy,nd\iscd ino to try your Sarsapanlla, Lenntso he said lie knew you, and any thing yoti made wan wotfh trying. J'.v the bless ing of ij< d it has rur-4i me, ami has vo pi lifted my hint*! as to inako atu \v man of inc. i f el yowng again. 'I he best that Can be aid of you is not half good enough," Sell!rrus,('nnc< r Tumors, Eiilargciiieiit, I'lret at ion, furies nnd Kxfol in t i<>n of tlie Bones* A gint viitbty. f c,ies havo if an •'f i ld to ns w Iters cur* - .f thebe formMaldc com plumb* !mvc resulted fitn th > use of this remedy, but our space here will not admit them. S tiie of them may lm found in our American Alnmnac, whi h the agents bof w named arc |ilosH*d to furnish gratis to all who call for them. Dysprpsln, Heart Dlscawe, Fits, Kpllcp ay, Melancholy, Xntrnlgia Many renuuknlde rtir s of the** ulTeetioiis hare been made by the alti-iAtirc power .f this medicine. It stinut iiiteH the vital functtciis into vigorous action, and thus overcomes disorders v. hi- h would be beyond its n acb. Fuch a remedy has long been r ijinred by the ne ci'?iti.? of the pc- pi*?, and we aiv c onfident that this? will do for them all that medh iuv t do. Ayer's Cherry Pectcr- 1 FOR Tin: It A PID CM-RE OF (otiglis, < olds, litfliieiun, IJoRi-ve iiess, ( roup. IlroiK liiiis, IM rpieiit ( OII s lint pi To 22. for the Belief of Coiiiumptivc Patients iii ndtniit i d Stages of the Discusi* This is a reirady h. univei>:iy ! now si t.. surf. is* any other for the cure of throat and lung <• inpJninta. that it is useless here to publish Jfit- evplej;cet f its its ' unrivHllotl exct l.cu_D t ,.nl t ohis. ai:d its truly I wonderful euros of pulilhusnrv hnw niMtle it . known throughout tlio sj{ the enrth. Few are the crminiiuitiH*, rni n families. tlu-m who hare not fomo persmial f\| ♦ri ru v it& efltrt?— some living trophy in th it ••! its victory \< r lite subtle and dangerous dis*dt*i of the thront and lux* v . Ai all know the dreadful fatality of these disonlers, and or they know, tjo. the • ff :< f this i n*dy. n el not SOSMMas Hun to litem that i: baa n w . 'i the vir tues that it did have when making the cures which have won so strongly upon the confidence of mankind. Prepared by D*\ J. C- AYES 60 CO., Lowell, Mass. Sold by Charles llifz, Letcwfoxcn, Jacob Mefz, Allenville. 11. S. McNabb £c., and think you will find it to your advantage to give them a call before purchasing elsewhere. u029 JOHN KENNEDY & Co v |Wj/j LBS. Wetherill's Pure White vl/v Lead, just received and for sale by ' JOHN KENNEPY & Co. OIL, Turpentine, in stote and for sale by n029 JOHN KENNEDY &, Co. /CHROME YELLOW & GREEN-—Red \_y Lead, Venetian Red, Putty, Glass, fcc., for sale by JOHN KENNEDY & Co. rOIIN KENNEDY & CO still continue at their old stand, Market Street, one door below the Black Bear Hotel, and are always happy to see their friends and the rest of mankind, who may be in want of Groceries, Queeosware, Coal, Coal Oil or Lamps. J UST RECEIVED. 10 bbls Picknic Crackers 10 " Boston Biscuits 10 " Sugar Cracker; 10 " Family " 5 boxes Soda Biscuits- fresh from the Ba kery—low to the trade—for sale by n029 JOHN KENNEDY & Co. HOUSEKEEPERS; you will find it to your advantage to call and examine the large and varied assortment of Queensware, Household goods, &C., that the subscribers have just opened. no2G JOHN KENNEDY & Co. MAPLE SUGAR on hand at A. FELIX'S. NEW ARRIVAL At Mrs. C, C. Hamilton's, formerly C. C. Beam, Variety and Trimming Store. Who would respectfully inform the cit A |pizcns of Lewiitowa, crnd the adjoining counties that she has returned from the city with a large assortment of mmm iodide consisting of Nubia Scarfs; Zephyr lloods; Armlets and Leggins for children; ladies, gentlemen's and children's Hosiery and Cloves; Collars; Corsets: Lace Veils; Chen ile, Zephyr and Bead Iliad Nets; Woollen Yarn by the pound or hank ; Shetland Wool, and Zephyr of all kinds; Berlin wire Porte Monais; Skirt Braids and Velvets; Magic llufiies, a new article tor ladies trimmings, and a large assortment of Fancy Hoods, too numerous to mention. N B.—Orders promptly attended to. Lewistown, October 18, 1860. FOB. SALS AT IHE liirprt .win. TY|"INL 1 KEN varieties of Apple Trees. It 1 ifleen " Pear " Ten " Plum " ien " Peach '* Eieveri " Cherry " Several kinds of GRAPE \ INES, besides Currants, Raspberries, Blackberries. Ac. •scpC WARNER A BUTTS. ZINC WASIIBOARDB at 25 ceats each Wash Tubs, 3 in a nest, each at 125, IOU and 75. Painted Buckets, Scrub Brushes, i Horse do. Shoe do. -Measures of all sizes, Stove do. M hisks of the best and neatest make, Shoe Blacking, Stove Blacking. Dusting Brushes, ! ifcc., for sale by JOHN KENNEDY A Co. FINAL DECISION! | 4 FTER a large and enthusiastic meeting .x\_ of the citizens of Mifilin and the adjoin ing counties, it is finally decided that BILLY JOHNSON has the Largest, Cheapest and Best stock of Boots and Shoes in this section of the country. In addition to his former stock, he has had , a large arrival of new, suitable for fall and winter trade, which is decidedly CHEAPER THAN EVER. It is only taking uptime and space to enumerate prices—the best way 1 to find that out is to call and see for your- j selves. Nothing charged for showing goods, j Ilis stock of HOME MADE WORK is large and not to be surpassed in quality. Work of all kinds made to order on the shortest notice and on reasonable terms. REPAIRING at tended to at ail times promptly. Our customers will please bear in mind ; that Our terms are strictly CASH. Small profits will not suit to charge. All goods ; must be paid fur before delivered, and where j they do not suit money will be refunded. Sept. 27, 1860. A mn FOR EVERYBODY. THE DAYLIGHT GAS BURNER COOK. A CCORDING ta a bona fide agreement be- i x\. tween A. -J. Gallagher (the manufaetu- ! rer of the above stove) and J. Irvin Wallis, I 110 one can get this stove direct from the Foun- | dry to sell in this place, but the undersigned; i therefore, all persons wanting this Stove will j find it to their interest to call on the proper ! person, aj they are not second handed and can be furnished cheaper than the cheapest for several reasons. Don't mistake the place—Siyn of the DIG COFFEE POT, where you will also find uie engaged in niv legitimate business, trying to ' make a fortune by selling Tin Buckets", Bans, ! and three cent Tin Cups, jy 19 J. IRVIN WALLIS. | Glorious Triumph over all Opposition ! j For t e People have Decided That the Cheapest and Best Boots and Shoes ! are sold at the PEOPLE'S SHOE STORE, In Lewistown. . Secretary !eb2-ly SADDLES, HARNESS, & c , The sul,scrit)Crhav ii'gnou or Ly Viffifcfck one of lhe hesl and lartrtM Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, in order to accom modate business to t/.e times, offers for sle a complete assortment of Saddles, Harness, Bridles, foliar?, Whips, Hames, Valises, Carpel Ba-s, '* which are offered for sale low for cash, or i-, proved credit. ' Among his stock will be found some high ly finished sets of light Harness equal to am manufactured, Let all in want of good articles, mad. l. v experienced workmen, give liim a call t . . JOIIX DAVIS Lewistown, April 10, 18(10. Nurseiy. Tlie subscribers would bog leave Cft H the attention of Farmers to the fact that they are still alive and have as fine a lot of TREES OF ALL. KINDS for sale as ever offered in Mifilin count v. W e will he able to furnish Trees this fall in larg. or small quantities. We have all the choice varieties of fruit on hand now, and if a n v . one wishes any kind that we have not got, bv sending in their orders early they can Lave them without farther trouble. Don t fori*. • that all Trees are warranted true to name." Orders promptly attended to. Address WARNEIi it IHT>>\ 6e Lewistown. COAL: COAL! COAL! 0. 1, 2 A 3 Wilkeslmrre, 84 25 per tot No. 4 do, 4 00 " Broken and Stone Sunbury, 4 00 " No. 4 do, 3 75 " No. 1 Lime do, 275 4i •• No. 2 do do, 240 " • Weighed on Roct & Case's patent scales and delivered within the Borough for th above prices. Terms Cash. MARKS it WILLIS. THE EXTENSIVE STOCK or ecajs & sHLvnaa WATCHES. 111 ll\S. IHUCIsIITS, RINGS, BREASTPINS, AND OTHEg JEWELRY; PA.IT3T AK.TICII3S, CLOCKS, and a beautiful assortment of BOOKS AND STATIONERY are now gelling at greatly reduced prices al -Junkin's old stand, corner of Brown and Market streets, opposite Russell's Bankiri House. Those who desire to buy at prices cor responding with the times, will please call. RiajrAll kinds of repairing promptly atten ded to. 11. W. JUNKIN, Agent Lewistown, April 8, 1858. ROBERT W. I'ATTON, SOUTH SIDK OF nittktT STREET, LEWISTOWK, P.J. nAS just received and opened at his es tablishment a new supply of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, 1 Fancy Articles, &c., which he will dispose of at reasonable prices. : lie invites all to give hiin a call and examine | his stock, which embraces all article : in his j line, and is sujgcjgjitfy large to cnabfe all to • make selections who desire to purchase. R3?*KEPAIKIXG neatly and expeditiously | attended to, and all work warranted. Thankful for the patronage heretofore re ] ceived, ho respectfully asks a continuance of , the same, and will endeavor to please all who j may favor him with their custom. feb- BUFFALO ROBES andlTorse Covers, for sale cheap by novls F. G. FKAXCISCI'S. j cents for Glass Coal Oil Lamps, sold by ; others at 75 centa, 1 Tfie largest and i cheapest stock of Coal Oil Lamps at F. G. FRACISCL'SS. CIOAL OlL—the best in the market. Just / received, three barrels of the best Coal i Oil in U3e. Entrely free from smell or smoke. F. G. FBAKCISCPS.' The Dally Telegraph. Published at Uarrisburg, Pa , by Geo. Bergner i< o. 1 publishes the of Letters by authority, a sure evidenc. ; of it having the Ingest circulation. Terms—#3 per year; the weekly and semi-weekly a | also published at $2 per year. Philadelphia Daily Stfi Published by J. R. Flanigen, 136 South Third street. *' four dollars per annum. The Dollar Weekly JVtics, by same publisher, at #1 p" r 1 annum, 6 copies for $5, 20 for 15,25 for 20 f\eat, Cheap dk Durable* W. G. ZOLLINGER, Market Street, next door to Kennedy's Store, Kls al ways prepared to sup ply the public with all the / different styles of Hats of the best qualities and j - prices as to defy competi i tion. He ha 3 now on hand a large assortt Pff. j of Fall and winter Hats and Caps, of all , i latest styles, which he will sell at the )o* e - t i cash prices. He invites everybody to call af e | examine for themselves, as he is satisfied I his stock cannot fail to please. - j For the Ornish he has constantly on hand, • 1 I will make to hats to their taste ola I required size or brim, at prices that canno i, to be satisfactory. , . i 3 Country Merchants will find it to their J ' vantage to give me a call, as a liberaldeduc will be made on wholesale purchases, an i - pecially so to punctual men. , c '| Don't forget the place, next door to K® i dy's store and nearlv opposite the Odd re - I Hall " clt2