Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, January 17, 1861, Image 4

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The brief notice wc gave in our last, al
though afterwards contradicted, turns out
to be true to the letter. The tory traitors
and would-bc-assassins, in tlieir anxiety to
involve the Southern States in the most con
summate act of f'oily and wickedness ever
attempted in this country, have thus plac
ed themselves in an attitude from which,
unless the last resort, the mission of i.iout
Talbot, results peaceably, there will be no
retreat. With other interestiiftr matter we
give the account .as furnished by a Nmth
Carolina tory paper:
AUGUSTA, Ga., January 10. —This
morning's Charleston Courier gives the fol
lowing particulars in relation to the attack
upon the steamer Star of the West:
About half past six o'clock yesterday
morning the steamer Gen. Clinch discover
ed the steamer Star of the West, and sig
nalled the fact to the occupants ot the bat
tery on Morris Island. As soon as the
fact was signalled, all Morris Island was
astir, and the men were at their posts be- i
fore the orders were given. They remained
in anxious suspense, but ready lor what was
sure to come —namely, a volley from Fort
Sumter. The Star of the IVest rounded
the point, and took the ship channel inside
the bar, and proceeded straight forward un
til she was opposite Morris Island, thrce
(juarters of a mile from the battery, when
a ball was fired athwart the bows of the
steamer. The Star of the West display
ed the stars and stripes, and, as soon as it
was unfurled, a succession of heavy shots :
was fired. The vessel continued at increas
ed speed, but one or two shots taking effect i
her captain concluded to retire.
Fort Moultrie fired a few shots, but they j
were out of range. The damage done to
the steamer was only trifling, only two out j
of seventeen shots taking effect, but there
is no idea as to the extent of the damage.
Fort iSumter made no demonstration, i
except that its guns were run out of tlie em
brazures hearing on Morris Island and
Fort Moultrie.
About 1! o'clock a boat from Fort Hump
ter, bearing Lieut. Ilall, with a white flag,
approached the city. He had an interview
with Governor Pickens, and wasaftei wards
escorted to the boat, and re embarked for 1
Fort Sumptcr.
The communication from Major Ander
son is as follows :
To J Its Excellency the Governor of South Car
oliria :
SIR : Two of your batteries fire<3, this
morning, on an unarmed vessel bearing the
flag of my government. 1 am not notitied
that war has been declared by South Caroli
na against the United States, and I cannot
but think that this hostile act was committed
without your sanction or authority. Cnder
that hope 1 refrained froui opening fire upon
your batteries. I have the honor, therefore,
respectfully to ask whether the above men
tioned act—one, I believe, without a parallel
in the history of our country, or any oth
cr civilized Government—was committed in
obedience to your instructions, and notify
you that, if not disclaimed, that I regard it
as an act of war, and shall not after reason
able time for the return of my messenger,
permit any vessel to pass within the range of
my fort. In order to save, as far as in my
power, the shedding of blood, 1 beg you will
liave due notification made of my decision to
all concerned.
Hoping, however, that your answer may
justify a further continuance of forbearance
on my part, I am, respectfully.
Governor Pickens in his reply, after sta
ting the position of South Carolina to tl e
United States and that any attempt to send
( uited States troops to Charleston harbor
to reinforce the forts would be regarded as
an act of hostility, says, in conclusion :
Any attempt to reinforce the troops in Fort
Sumter, or to retake and resume possession j
of the forts within the waters of this State. ■
which you abandoned, spiking the guns, and
doing otherwise much damage, cannot be re- I
garcltd by the authorities of the State as in- j
dicative of any other purpose than a coercion I
of the State by the armed force of the Gov- j
eminent. Sj > i;il agents, therefore, have j
been placed oti the bar to warn approaching j
vessels, botli armed, and unarmed, having
troops on board to reinforce the torts, not to i
enter the harbor. Special orders have been I
given to the commanders of the forts not to
lire at such vessels until a shot across her bow
would warn them of the prohibition of the
State, I nder such circumstances, the Star
of the West, I have understood, this morning
attempted to enter the harbor with troops, !
and, having been notified that she could not
enter, was fired into. The act is justified by !
me. In regard to your threat against vessels
in the harbor, it is only necessary to say that
you must judge of your responsibility. " Yuur
position in the harbor has been tolerated by the
authorities of this State, aud while the act of j
which you complain is in perfect consistency
with the rights and duties of the State, it is j
not perceived how far the conduct you pro- '
pose to adopt can find a parallel in the his
tory of any country, or reconcile it with any
other purpose ol your Government than im- 1
posing on the State the condition of a con- !
quered province.
The following is a second communication
from Major Anderson :
To His Excellency Governor Pickens:
Sin: I have the honor to acknowledge the
receipt of your communication, and say th3t
under the circumstances, I have deemed it
proper to refer the whole matter to uiy Gov
ernment, and intend deferring the course in
dicated by my note of this morning, until
the arrival from Washington of the instructions
1 may receive. 1 have the honor to also ex
press the hope that no obstructions will be
placed in his way, and that you will do me
the favor of giving every facility to the de
parture and return of the bearrr, Lieut. T.
Talbot, who is directed to make the journey.
Governor Pickens immediately granted
the permission desired, and directed that
every facility and courtesy should be ex
tended to the bearer of dispatches, Lieut.
'I ulbot, tor his Government, both troing
aud returning.
jirxr Are you sick, feel.te. arvl
i | * cocjj'kiitiiny;? Areyeuoutof
? order, with your system Ue
fv —- J&'-JC" ran;-' si. and your 6 un
: JS, r - p,f:j comfortable? TUeso symp-
J'MI. wit, K-i.i J t tius are oftrti the prelude to
C.W-WAUkIE. KKSL serious iiiuess. Sotue tit cf
gi. kr.t .s is creeping: upon you,
t timely u-e of tins r._ tit reiu
cleanse out Tiiethsm : it . lilt
mors purify l; i.ki.L HU4
' A l 'ri! let tlie t!ui.ls move on nu.'b
?hr- ''ay ro? V^fca-' 7 >&L Monte! ill health main.
%?:•. 'S.'vJ'.Sfflßß Th-y nilinulnte the itii,s.i.,us
, .-w--. g ASA • - of tiie lio.lv in!', viy ions a■-
fjf* lit i'.v. purity tlie syslem fr m
'-® ; "" the i<t, si ructions nltich make
disease. A cold s. tiles sotuerviiei'e in the b.siy, au.i ole
uruets its natural functions. These, if u-">t roue rod.
i ■ . t U). II tlieuiselves and the surrounding organs. pio
dii.ing nener.ii aggravation, suffering, 1 disease.
While iu this condition, oppressed by the U . eiuen.*,
take Ayer's rills, and see horv directly I': :h ®
natural action of tiie system, and with it tne 0... ...
f.eliug of health agiiu. What is trneuiil appptru' o.
this trivial and common coin;iU-" ! - i- also tin- in in.'inj
..f the d -i. seated and daugei nis distem.ners. "i be satno
tairgitl- •• effect expels them. CauaeU by similar obstruc
li >ns .mkl of tli'- a aim al functions ni the
b-lv. tlit*y i i rnjfidly. and many of Item surely, cured
I,v (j),. s t!!i,; iii' iin 4 *. None who know tliu virtu s <1 luc o
fills, will neglect to employ tliem wlwa suffering from
the disordersi tli*y cure. . , ,
SUlean itti from lea iiu- phywrimi in fiomc <f the
fu in-ip.il cit ir-. and from oluer well known public per
r, n Favunrdl.y Mrrcftant (f St. Louis, l\4.
I>H. AVCR: Your fills nre the |*tra£.Tl of nil that IS
i at in aie liciii' 4 . Th-y hive cmvd my little r
of ulcerous sores UJMII I. r hands and Fo*t that had pr axl
iaeurihle for years, llor mat her Jias been 1 114 K • v
oitsiy afHieteJ with hluh !hm ami piniplesou hor h ,i;i and
in hei hair. After our child was cured, she also tri -d
\ u* fiils and tli v have cured her.
AS A MOlttiKllttli.
As a Family Plij'ilc.
From l>.-. /-*. If r . ( iirlwriyJU, Atw Orleans.
Your fills are tiie joinee of purges. Their e tcellent
<u ititi H s irpass any cathartic we They .no
lilllil. hut very curtail! and eff :tu il ill their action n lira
ho r,-!s. wliifh irt.ik s them invaluable to u-> iu the daily
tr ttiii nt t)f disease.
Ueo(hii'he,Bit'k!li-a(lnclie,Foiil Sioiuach*
/ 'r.mi Dr. J.'(ltv<-nl Hojd, ll i'linfoy.
! m f.r . A \ i<: I caun -t answer you what comphdnts
] hav cart t with your fill. htt *r thau to say all tt c
ei rr tt f I a ;>ur?j<iUt*'. medicine. I place great dejuui
d- 1 e . 1 :i?i eff.*ctual cathartic in my daily contest with
t!i isc. an I lHJievhi4 as 1 d that your Pills afford uv the
l/est we have, i ol course value theiu highly.
fa., MAV 1. L C . R 5.
PK. -T. C. AT U. Sir: I have l>een repeat ad I y cured of
the worst /1 ada. h* any body can have by a dose or two
of v"ir fills. It seeuis to uiioe from a foul stomach,
which they cleanse ut once.
Yours with gnat 1 e.-poct, ED. W. PURPLE.
Clerk of Steamer ( 7.;? I 1.
Klllous Dbon'crs Tjfver Com pin isits.
F.aul Dr. Tif.'dorr Uell, of Xrw York C'//.
N't only are ymir ndinirablv adapt* dto their ptir-
•- • •.< an aperient, but I find tludr bmioficiul effects ujon
tie* Liver very marked indeed. They have in my piao
ti*-. pioreil lie i elTectual for the cure of b Itnjis C'-m
--j>l.unfx than any one remedy I can men lion. I sincerely
rejoice that v.e have at length a purgative which is \vt
thy the contidc-acc u| the profession and the people*.
Wn-hingliii, I). C'., TI!I Feb., IS&tl. J
SIR : 1 liaro n*-'l VIHI;- rill* ill uiy general anil lio-ilil
prcviicimrei xinre you made them, uiui caiili-.l lu-siluUt to
say they arv (lie U-st cathartic we employ, i ii.-ir icgu
laiiug action on the liver is quick ami derated, conse
quently they are an admirable remedy for Ueratigi-meiii*
of that organ. Indeed, 1 have seldom found a caw ot
bilious tit" It,: S.I obstinate that it did not readily yield to
tlicai. XiHtvinnlly yoiiis, AIAINZU 11A1.1., it. I),
l'hgticuiH of the Marine I/usjiiial.
Dysentery, Diari-liaca, Itclux, Worms.
Prom l>r. J. G. Green, of Chicago.
Y r.r Till* bare liml a long trial in rny |>rn. ticc, and 1
liol t them in esteetu as olio of the best upei it-utu I liave
ev-r found. 1 lioir alterative effect upon the liter makes
tii in an excellent remedy, when given in small .b0.., • I'
bilious dyscnb rj -oi l tli irrhtrn. 'J heir n pit o out in,
makes them t i t acceptable and convenient tor the use
of women and children.
Dysjit'psia, Impurity of the Blood.
Pi ni 1.. c. J. !'. Unites, Pastor of Ad cent C/ntici, Huston.
I' H . Avi ii: 1 have used your Tills with extraordinary
sm -in my I.unity and among those lam called to visit
in diet rem. To regulate the organs of digestion and
purity the Id."id. they are the very host remedy 1 have
ever known, and I can conlidi ntly recommend them to
my friendc. Yours, J. V. IIIM ES.
WARSAW, Wyoming Co., N. Y.. Oct. 21, ISO'I.
I)ic.\n Pp. ■ I "ii using y.inr Cathartic Tills in my prac
tice, and fin I them an excellent pnr,rative t.. cleaner the
system an I jmi tjij tie /'• uiitains ./' the litmel.
('onstipatlon.f'oativriicss, Suppression,
llticiiiuat iaiti, tiout, A'curalgla, Drop
sy, Paralysis, Fits, etc.
Prom l>r. J. P. Vaughn, Montrei I Can <'n.
Too much cannot he said of your Pill* for tlio cure .f
cost trpwss. If others of aht fraternity have fount) tliciu
as cfiicacinu* ns I have, thy hhouhl join me in proclaim
ing it for the h.oirtH • t the multitudes lrlio sitfTcr from
that complaint, which, although had enough In is
the progenitor of others that are worse. I helievo cox
tivcucss to originate in t ii.; liver, hut y >ur Pills affect that
organ aud euro the disease.
Fn u Mr*. J\ Stuart, Physician an>l MUhsifr, Bcstnn.
I find one or two large doses of your Tills, taken at the
proper tiuie, arc cx-dlent promotives of the natural srerr
tion win 11 wholly or partially and also very
effectual to cleanse. t J stomach and expel ina/ijs. They
are s much the host physic wo have that I recommend
no other to my patients.
Frrvi the Rrv. Dr. If tvl.es. of the Methodist Epis. Church.
Pri.NSRI HOUSE. Savannah,fla., Jan. 6, 1856.
II \ SIRS L should lie for tit. relief
your ykill has hrought me if 1 did not report my case to
yu. -A cold settled in my limbs and hronglit on excru
ciating vrttroh ic pu tt.Xy which ended in chronic rheuma
tism. N' tv i:!ir.' tiiding 1 hud the best of physicians, the
diseaf grew u > -> ;':j s. until by the advice of your
excellent agent i t Haiti in oro, Dr. Mackenzie, I tried your
Tills. I'li'dr effects v. Ie tlow, but .sure. Ily persevering
In the use of lliein, I am now entirely well.
Sr.XATK rtiA2>K?„ lUtOil Ttc*uge, La., 5 Dec. 1*55.
Dr. Avfr : I have been entirely cured, by your Tills, of
Rheumatic Uout u painful disease that had afflicted me
for years. VINCENT SLIDEM*
fz'if* of the Pills in market contain Mercury,
vliirh. although a valuable remedy in skilful hands, is
r< in a ]Atblic pill, from the dreadful conse
quents that frequently foil w its incautious use. These
c f*t .in no mercury or luim ial substance whatever.
Price, ~5 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for sl.
Prepared Ly Lr. J. C. AYER &, CO., Lowell, Mass,
Sold f>!/ Charles Rilz, Lewistown, Jacob
M'z, Alknville. 11. S. MX abb 0 Co., Belle
vi'le, It. M. Kinsloe, Iteedsvill , B. Grail',
K kite Hall, and by Dealers ever . re. 120
New Play.—" Nat and Jim,"
A FTF.R which the edifying and 6ubstan-
I\. tial afterpiece of " Something to Eat and
Something for Everybody," will be produced
in the way of another fresh arrival of
Sugars, Teas, Rice, Beans, Spices, Chocolate,
Molasses, &e.
Mackerel, Shad, Ilerriug. Codfish, &c.
11am, Shoulder, Bacon, .Dried Reef, Salt,
Flour, Soaps.
Queensware, Stoneware. Glassware, Cedar
ware, Hardware.
Boots and Shoes, Baskets, Carpet Chain.
Notions and Nick Nacks of all kinds,
'lobaeeo and Cigars of best Brands.
Cure W ines, Brandies, and Whiskey, ./rce
from adulteration.
Everybody and anybody are invited to
come together, and see the sights. Don't for
get the place. Don't forget to bring along
the pcu-ler! and don't forget that we'sell all
Goods at prices to suit the times.
N. KENNEDY, Proprietor,
JAS. FIROVED, Salesman.
BP?,, All kinds of Produce taken in exchange
for Goods. mylO
CIIGARS. —50,000 Cigars iu store, and for
> sale low to the trade by
Important to Everybody and
all their Friends!
The Excitement still continues at the Store
WMiTi a aam
HK subscribers have just returned from
I the eastern cities with a choice selection
New and Fashionable CJootls,
for the season, embracing all kinds of
such as French Merinoes, Cashmeres, De
Laines, all wool Plaids, Morello Cloths, and
in fact every kind of Ladies Goods lor the
season. Also, a great variety of Ladies
Cloths, Capes, Mantillas, Net Shawls—a little
cheaper than ever before offered in this mar
ket. In
Sicilian, Marietta. Milanese; Mohair & Can
ton Clothe; with choice Mourning Silks, with
Trimmings to match.
Also, a large lot of STEEL HOOP
j SAfRIS, ranging from -1 to 50 hoops, at 5
cents per hoop, of the best make. Xo mistake,
i Our stock of
Fall and Winter Shawls
is good, and very cheap. No mistake about
! this.
Ladies will please give us a call and satis
fy themselves. For gentlemen, we have
, Cassimeres, and Nestings, and will sell them
jat prices that will astonish the natives. Of
I we have a good assortment, and are determin
| ed to sell them a little lower than either Jew
!or Gentile, to close out the stock. We will
| also sell
Boots and shops at Cost,
A ou are requested to call and examine for
yourselves, as we are not in the habit of
! That is so.
Colored Carpet Chain, at 25 cents per lb.;
white, 22 cts—with Cotton Laps and Wad
j ding of ali kinds with prices to suit.
Our stotk of
;is full and complete. We will sell sets of
■ Tea NN are, 48 pieces, at three dollars and tif
ty cents, with all other kinds in proportion,
i Uur stock of
is good. NY e will sell good Brown Sugars at
8 and 10 eents ; White, 11 and 12 cents; Cof
fee as low as can be bought in town, and a
little better in qualitv.
Ladies and Gents will do well to give us a
call before purchasing elsewhere, as we are
determined not to be undersold.
BSL.AII kinds of Country Produce takeD in
exchange for goods at Cash Prices.
Gents will please examine the above and
govern themselves accordingly.
Lewistown, October 25, 1860.
Farmers and Mechanics, Look*
to Your Interests !
Having added to the Flour and Grain Business
a large stock of
we offer to the public,
a general assortment at prices as low, perhaps
lower, than the same articles can be purchased
in the county. Our stock consists of
and all other articles in that line.
Cash, but all kinds of Grain and
Produce generally taken in exchange for goods.
Country Grocers will do well by examining
our stock before purchasing elsewhere
All kinds of
always on hand.
Lewistown, April 21, 1859.
jFarmrrsi anb jjrairvss
Head Quarters!
Produce and General Commission
! To. 17, North lVater Street, below Arch
Street, Philadelphia.
#*#Agents for all GUANOS,
DRETTS, and other kinds of Fertilizers.
# * # All descriptions of COUN
; TRY PRODUCE taken in exchange or sold
# * # Q,uick £ales and immediate
j Returns are guaranteed upon all consign
| ments.
#*#VVe are the sole agents for
the best articles of \ INEGAR made in this
: city or elsewhere. jyl9-Gm
Executed in the best style known in the art,
C. G. Crane's Gallery,
532 Arch St., cast of Sixth, Philadelphia.
Life Sire lu Oil and Pastil,
For Cases, Medallions, Pins, Rings &c.
Philadelphia, November 15, 1860-ly.
tIOLEGATE'S best Brown Soap, Country
/ do., Gastile do., Fancy do., for sale by
! the lb. or package. A liberal discount to
the trade. As we buy for Cash, we are ena
bled to sell at the lowest Cash prices. By
giving us a trial you will find it to your ad
| vantage, as we are determined to seli with
I the lowest. Our motto is small profits and
I quick returns.
SUPER STARCIL—Every good House
keeper will use the best article of Starch,
i This can be found at
I serO F. J. TIOFFMAN's.
—ej* The subscriber having now on
hand one of the best and largest
l/ -Mgl^ stocks betweeu Philadelphia and
Pittsburgh, in order to accom
modate business to the times, offers for sale a
complete assortment of
Saddles, Harness, Bridles, Collars, Trunks,
Whips, Hamcs, Valises, Carpet Bags,
which are offered for sale low for cash, or ap
proved credit.
Among his stock will be found some high
ly finished sets of light Harness equal to anv
L-t ail in want of good articles, made by
experienced workmen, give him a call.
Lewistown, April 19, 1860.
Lewistown Nursery,
T he subscribers would beg leave
C£g|i|3; to call the attention of Farmers to
l^e fact that they are still alive, and
■fSin have as tine a lot of
for sale as ever offered in Mifflin county. We
will be able to furnish Trees this fall in large
or small quantities. NVe have all the choice
varieties of fruit on hand now, and if any
one wishes any kind that we have not got, by
sending in their orders early they can have
them without farther trouble. Don't forget
that all Trees are warranted true to name.
Orders promptly attended to.
sepG Lewistown.
O. 1, 2 & 3 NYilkesbarre, $4 25 per ton.
v No. 4 do, 400 " "
Broken and Stone Sunbury, 400 " "
No. 4 do, 375 " 44
X'o. 1 Lime do, 275 " "
No. 2 do do, 240 " 44
Weighed on Root & Case's patent scales
and delivered within the Boroi for the
above prices. Terms Cash.
and a beautiful assortment of
are now selling at greatly reduced prices at
Junkin's old stand, corner of Brown and
Market streets, opposite Russell's Rankin"-
fl@rThose who desire to buy at prices cor
responding with the times, will please call.
fiST'All kinds of repairing promptly atten
ded to. 11. NY. JUNK IN, Agent.
Lewistown, April 8, 1858.
nAS just received and opened at his es
tablishment a nevr supply of
Clocks, Watches, Jewelry,
Fancy Articles, &c.,
which he will dispose of at reasonable prices,
lie invites all to give him a call and examine
his stock, which embraces all articles in his
line, and is sufficiently large to enable all to
make selections who desire to purchase.
REPAIRING neatly and expeditiously
attended to, and all work warranted.
Thankful for tlc patronage heretofore re
ceived, he respectfully asks a continuance of
the same, and will endeavor to please all who
may favor him with their custom. feb2
BUFFALO ROBES and Horse Covers, for
sale cheap by
XA cents for Glass Coal Oil Lamps, sold by
others at 75 cents. The largest and
cheapest stock of Coal Oil Lamps at
("JOAL OlL—the best in the market. Just
J received, three barrels of the best Coal
Oil in use. Entrely free from smell or smoke.
The Daily Telegraph,
Published at Harrisburg, Pa., by Geo. Herener & Co.
publishes the I.ist of Letters by authority, a sure eviiienci -
of it having the largest circulation.
Terms—s3 per year; the weekly and semi-weekly is
3t?o published at $2 per year.
Philadelphia Daily Sews,
Published by J. R. Flanigen, 130 South Third street, a!
four dollars per annum.
The I) t; liar H'cekly JVitcs, by same publisher, at .SI per
annum. 6 copies for $5, 20 for 15, 25 for 20.
Neat, Cheap A: Durable.
Market Street, next door to Kennedy's Store,
Is al ways prepared to sup
leg / ply the public with all the j
different styles of Hats of Ss&a !
the best qualities and
prices as to defy
tion. He has now or, har.d a large assortment
of Fall and winter Hats and Caps, of all the
latest styles, which he will sell at the lowest
cash prices. He invites everybody to call and
examine for themselves, as he is satisfied that
his slock cannot fail to please.
For the Ornish he has constantly on hand, or
will make to order, hats to theii taste of any
required size or brim, at prices that cannotfail
to be satisfactory.
Country Merchants w ill find it to their ad
vantage to give mc a call, as a liberaldeduction
will be made on wholesale purchases, and es
pecially so to punctual men.
Don t forget the place, next door to Kenne
dy's store and nearly opposite the Odd Fellows'
Ha,! oct*?
At Mrs. C. C. lianiilton-s, formerly €. G.
Variety and Trimming Store.
' K> would respectfully inform the cit-
cf Lewistown, and the adjoining
counties that she has returned from the
city with a large assortment of
wmm fi®i)M
consisting of Nubia Scarfs; Zephyr Hoods;
Armlets and Leggins for children ; ladies,
gentlemen's and children's Hosiery and
Gloves; Collars; Corsets; Lace Veils; Chen
in?, Zephyr ami Bead Head Nets; Woollen
Yarn by tiro pound or batik ; Shetland Wool,
and Zephyr of all kinds; Berlin wire Porte
Munais; Skirt Braids and Velvets; Magic
Rufiies, a new article for ladies trimmings,
and a large assortment of Fancy Goods, too
numerous to mention.
N B.—Orders promptly attended to.
i Lewistown, October 18, 1800.
iJMTOira MMItl.
NINETEEN varieties of Apple Trees.
| Fifteen " Pear "
Ten " Plum
j Ten " Peach "
Eleven •' Cherry "
Several kinds i f GRAPE VINES, besides
Currants, Raspberries, Blackberries, Ac.
ZINC WASHBOARDS at 25 cents en eh
Wash Tubs, 3 iu a nest, each at 125,
j 100 and 75.
Painted Buckets, Scrub Brushes,
Horse do. Shoe do.
Measures of ail sizes, Stove do.
W bisks of the best and neatest make, Shoe
Blacking, Stove Blacking, Dusting Brushes,
j Ac., for sale by JOHN KENNEDY A Co.
1' IN A L life ISI ON!
A F'l ERa large and enthusiastic meeting
j J. JL of the citizens of Mifflin and the adjoin
| uig counties, it is finally decided that
has the
Largest, Cheapest and Best
stock of
Boots and Shoes
ia this section oi the country.
In addition to his former stock, he has had
| a large arrival of new, suitable fur fall and
winter trade, which is decidedly CHEAPER
1 HAN EVER. It is only taking up time
and space to enumerate prices—the best way
to find that out is to call and see for your
selves. Nothing charged for showing goods.
Ilis stock of HOME MADE WORK is large
and not to be surpassed in quality. Work of
all kinds made to order on the shortest notice
and on reasonable terras. REPAIRING at
tended to at all times promptly.
Our customers will please bear in mind
that our terms are strictly CASH, Small
profits will not suit to charge. All woods !
must be paid for before delivered, and where
they do not suit money will be refunded.
Sept. 27, 18G0.
VCCORDING to a bona fide agreement be
tween A. J. Gallagher (the niunufactu
rer of the above store) and J. Irvin Wallis,
no one can get this stove direct from the Foun
dry to sell in this place, but the undersigned;
therefore, all persons wanting this Stove will
find it to their interest to call on the proper
person, a; they are not second handed and
can bo furnished cheaper than the eheupest
for several reasons.
jDon't mistake the place—Sign of the DIG j
CO! tKh PUT, where you will also find me j
engaged in my legitimate business, trving to !
make a fortune by selling Tin Buckets, Pans, |
and three cent Tin Cups. I
Glorious Triumph over all Opposition!
For t e People have Decided
That the Cheapest and Bet Boots and Shoes
are sold at the
In Lewistown.
Ho (So & @® o "
riIAKE pleasure in announcing that they
_L still continue their extensive shoe estab
lishment in West Market street, nearly op
posite Maj. Eisenbise's Hotel, and that they
have just returned from the eastern cities
with a large and varied assortment of Boots,
Shoes and Gaiters, for Ladies, Gentlemen
and Children's wear, all of neat finish and ex
cellent manufacture, vrhich they will sell
for CASH ONLY, !
At Least 25 Per Cent. Cheaper
than the same can be purchased elsewhere, !
as will be seen by referring to the following
Price List:
Men's Boots, §1 5,0 to 3 25 '
" Gaiters, 140to1 75 j
" Walking Shoes, 125t0 1 40
" Brogans, 85 to 140
" Kip and Calf Brogans, 02 to 80
Ladies Gaiters 75 to L 00
" Kid and Morocco lace
Boots, 1 00 to 1 25
" Kip and Calf lace Boots, 80 to 125
Misses' aud Childrens Shoes, 12 to 95
lla\ing bought our goods for cash, they
were put at the lowest figure, and by doing
an exclusively cash business, customers are
made to pay no debts—hence our low prices.
Measures taken for Boots and Shoes, which
will be made at the shortest notice. REPAIR
ING done in the neatest manner.
IRUNIvS, \ ALICES, &c., always on hand
| and for sale cheap.
We respectfully solicit a liberal share of
; public patronage. Octl9.
A JBenevoltnt Institution Citat,ti*l.r/l by apeeiat Eiviawmenl
for the Belief <> f th ■ Siek nnd Dintr<used, ajlhcted with
Virulent. atvi Epuh-mie Diseases, and especially for the
Cure of Distas'.. of the Sexual Organs.
"VI EOLC'AL Advice given gratis, by the Acting Sur-
Jl geon, to all ' ho apply by letter, with a description
: of their condition, (age, occupation, habits of life. Ac..)
! and in eases' of extreme poverty, Medicines furnished
free of charge. Valuable Itcpo'rt* 011 Spermatorrhoea,
and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the
A', <r Rent'dies employed in the Dispensary, sent to the
roHietu.l in sealed letter envelope*. Tree cf charge.
Two or three stamps for postageVil' ta.
Address Dr. .1. SKII.LIN HOUGHTON. Afling Sur
geon. Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth street,
; Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors.
EZRA D. HEARTWEI.L. President.
I Geo Filftcniui. Secretary feb2-ly
wm wm>
With its recent supply of New Goods, bo"
j cheap and good, can compete with any
Ladies Wear
of all kinds,
comprising many new and beautiful pattern.
The assortment of
! O A- SSI HVE lE] IR,
and other Goods for gentlemen*' wear R...
as will hardly tail to please. ' '
CITLERV, &f. 118 L E
Together with all other articles usualh
kept in a first class Dry Goods and Uroem
Estabhshment. J
8??juWool and Country Produce <*e-eraM--
taken in exchange for goods. " " '
The public are respectfully invited to call
and examine mv stock.
_ no - J S. J. BIUSBIN
Mints- HUB, IM;
embracing in part
French and Printed Merinos,
Plain and Printed Merinos,
Flam and Printed all wool Delanes
Morello Cloths, Mohairs.
Mohair for Traveling Dresses.
Common Delanes, Woollen Plaid, ,
Common Coburgs,
The largest, neatest, best and cheapest assort
ment of
in town. Such as a new style of Arab
Cloaks, Brouhe, Sella and Cloth .Shawls, run --
! ing from Si to S3O.
consisting of Embroideries, Collars, I'nder
sleeves, Ac. Also, Gauntlets, Cotton and
Silk Gloves, and numerous other articles in
that line.
A beautiful assortment of
Ribbons, Tassels, Cords, Ac., Ac., t igcth. r
with a general assortment of all kinds.f
goods generally found in large establishment..
For oceular demonstration call at
George Blymyer s.
Lewistown, November 1, IbCO.
Portland Coal Oil at 90 cts,
LOCALLY sold at $1.12 to $1.25 per gai.
' lon—lbe purest and best refined nil in
use. AJI other coal oils at equally lowiate
i For sale by F. G. FKANCISCI b.
CTS. per 1000 for G. D. & S. B
cussion Caps,
EE. Locke's Burring Fluid, ateOrtM-r
• gallon.
_Jiovls F. g. FRAXCISCLS.
MEAT Cutters from $1.25 to $5 each.
" Stuft'ers " 88 cts. to $1.50.
Butcher Knives & Steels, Ac.
n ovls F. G. FRANCI3CUS.
ZINC Washing Boards at 25 cts each.
no\ls F. G. FRANCISCI'S.
1) AIX IED BUCKETS 25 cts. each.
_ ■ Wot! F. G. FjtANCISCUS.
/ lEDAR TORS, 11 in a nest, at $1.25, sl,
V_y and 15 cts., for sale by
O PAIN'S Churns, Patent Moveable i'asl.;
ers at the following prices: No. 2 s>.
25. _ No. 3. $3.75 cts. No. 4. $4.25. X 0.5.
4.75. For sale by
fJOMMON BAND CHURNS at equally low
rates, for sale by
n °vls F. G. FRAXCISCIS.
IT'LL 7 ID LAMPS at very low rates, at
bers beg leave to .call your attention to
their stock of Glass, of all sizes, Nails,
Spikes, &c. Wetherill's Pure White Lead,
Venetian Red, Red Lead, Putty, Oils, Tur
pentine, Alcohol, &c. Ac., and think you will
find it to your advantage to give them a call
before purchasing elsewhere.
O/J /4/ 4i' 4 LBS. Wetherill's Pure White
Lead, just received and for
sale by JOHN KENNEDY A Cfc
OIL, Turpentine, iu store
and for sale by
> Lead, Venetian Red, Putty, Glass, Ac.,
for sale by JOHN KENNEDY & Co.
: _ _
JOHN KENNEDY & CO still continue at
their old stand, Market Street, one dcor
below the Black Bear Hotel, and are alwayt
| happy to see their friends and the rest o>
mankind, who may be in want of Groceries,
QueeDsware, Coal, Coal Oil or Lamps.
10 bbls Picknic Cracker 3
10 " Boston Biscuits
10 " Sugar Crackers
10 " Family ."
5 boxes Soda Biscuits—fresh from the i> s '
kery—low to the trade—for sale by
HOUSEKEEPERS; you will find t to
your advantage to call and examine tin
large and varied assortment of Queenswa-
Household goods, Ac., that the subscrib- r
have just opened.
MAPLE SUGAR on hand at
' ' A. FELIX S