Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, November 29, 1860, Image 3

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For the Gazette.
j n the last issue of the " True Democrat"-
...neared a lengthy sub-editorial, hey diddk,
J dd'e kind of an article, being evidently
written by some one suffering from a disor'
, r 'j y stomach, as a large quantity of bile and
bad'buroor floats all through the que<pr pro
juotion. It purports to be a description of
the demonstration of the lGth. As a " Lin
-uiu Ranger" I herewith return my compli
nn-rits to the highly intelligent, refined, gen
.,-manly, sensible and strong-minded author
f said "article, assuring him that the " Lin
um Rangers" enjoyed the evening's jollifica
tiuo right well, and also inform him that we
were not "sans coats, sans brains," as our
, at s were inside of our shirts, where he un
t rtunately keeps his brains. Our brains were
and are yet all right on top !
Hotting that the unknown writer will never
do anvthing which will cause him less shame
3 nd regret than our innocent parade on the
ni"ht in question did or will the " Lincum
Rangers,'' 1 remain, as ever, perfectly willing
to hear from him again on some pleasing
theme. Lisclm
Fur the fiaiette.
The public mind is now agita
ted about the result of the presidential elec
tion, and as to the probabilities of a dissolu
tion of the Union. The disruption of our
confederacy would be destruction o< thi last
hope of successfully establishing a repubii
can form of government.
15V a solemn compact the several States of
the Union are bound together; and by mutu
al agreement of the thirteen original States,
the act of secession and taking up atjins and'
levying war against the United, States was
considered treason. The penalty of treason
is death by hanging, and it is the highest civ
il crime of which a citizen or State can be
guilty. The constitution of the United States
exprossly declares that " no State shall enter
into any treaty, alliance, or confederation
keep troops, or ships of war in time of peace,
enter into any agreement or compact with an
other State," yet we find that secessionists at
the South have violated the Constitution, in
such a manner as to commit treason, and
therefore deserve the fullest ppnalty of the
law they have violated, because they have
openly placed themselves in opposition to the
Constitution, in such a manner as to subvert
the government.
By the South, and by southern sympathi
zers at the North, it is considered unjust to
say or do anything contrary to thc-ir suppo
-ed rights on the question of slavery, but if
the people of the south choose to do anything
■ ; y please, oven to the overthrow of our gov
ernment, it is all right and we must submit.
If an insane man commits an overt act,
like she one at Harper's Ferry, then the whole
s iut!i is in arms against the whole North. If
S uitli Carolina arms her troops, takes charge
,>(' Uic U. S. arsenal —goes into confederation
wall a si.-ter State—then it is all right in the
-glit "I northern and southern nullifiers. If
there is a man at the North who takes sides
we.h anv southern State in the present crisis,
he is a tory to the country that protects him,
ami should be hung on the nearest tree, with
all who dare overthrow the glory and pride
i f the world—the American Republic. No ]
State has a right to secede. There is no pro- j
vision in the Constitution that permits a State j
tit secede. Once in the Union, always in the ;
Union. The Union was cemented by the
K i-i lof the sires of the reyuluiiop,; and any j
one who would utter a word or commit an act j
that would tend to dissever the National Con 1
f Dr.u-v. merits the reprobation of every true
ami loyal citizen of our republic Vf by is all
t!ii< confusion in the South ? What cause
is South Carolina f>r secession ? It is be
iuse a constitutional majority of the voters i
f or country have seen fit pi f,|cct a I'rcsi- i
(l.w.t. It is beet use the people determined ;
that venality and corruptjop at Washington •
- oi l not make us a Piesiujnt in Congress, j
It is because the hud voice of freetnCh, by j
the unprecedented majorities at the last elec- I
ti.m. h is given the quietus to the insolent de- |
min is of small politicians at the South.
The present political ferment is throwing j
the tilth and impurities of party to the sur
t . >, so that patriots can see Vho are tories. j
The South is populated by an excitable peo- i
—a people who believe the wilful lies of j
ern papers like l|ic New York Herald, '
1 thereupon find jpr'the extreme j
m i-ures they are now carrying out
.1 Supply <■/' Cotton. —Sume of our large j
i. -m:t tcr ries, say. the Boston Transcript, j
been recently taking an account of j
' r I
- and find that they have cotton on hand j
sufficient to last through the winter. The
X iurnk-ak Mills, of Salem, have enough of
iiiis staple for use until the first of nest Oc
A few days ago Governor Packer rc i
:• ave-i a letter from the Boston abolitionists, j
-ivitii'g him tu participate in the proposed !
meeting in that city on the anniversary
: the execution of John Brown. The Gov
tTli r returned a brief and pointed reply, de
nning the invitation, and advising those who
" : 't it to " attend to their own business." j
- ;I J3 that " John Brown was rightfully j
tauged, and his fate should he a warning to j
!lfrs having similar proclivities."
10-1 'ie Sl.irleysburg Herald contains some
'Cruets of a letter from a certain Rev. S. 0. i
-tinder, f irmerly of that place, who now j
sues in BuUth Carolina, which make good
liiS adage that, " a renegade is worse than
:C durks. ' It is a pity that this fellow, as j
as some others we know of, cannot be
slaved fur a year or two with some brutaj
'"-hc-rner or drunken southerner as over
not only right but merited ; for while we
c " n a coord sincerity to southern men for ad
■ .'ting it in bombastic wc are apj
■ -'.ink the northern men who do 60 are
fools and knaves.
• forciUt Illustration. —A friend re
y;- v u pretty good hit which a Teutonic |
''•' Z6n inadvertantly made the other day,
--.ting his reasons for voting the Kepub
•:ean ticket: • 6 1
yr ' ' l ' n^s I leave de dimmieratslongtime j
?v nut every year dey pulls de wool down
- ' mine eyes, and so I goes mit dem
S ,[ i, but dis tigie dey pulls it so far dat I
V'"' l " ,Jtr dt topi Dat is vv I votes
Jt Republican ticket 1'
1 nerc is a good deal of condensed truth '
ln that observation ' 1 -
Lewistown, No\qmber 29, D-'GO.
fitter, good, f lb. 18
Lard, * 12
Eggs, p d,osen, 16
Beeswax, per pound, 25
Wool, washed, 37
unwashed, 25
Dried Cherries, per bushel 1 75
Potatoes, new, 40
! Country soap per lb., from sto 7 cent,a.
Wheat, white bushel, 105
" red 1 00
Corn, Q9 to 50
Kye, new, 5(5
" old, 60
Oats, new, 25
old, 25
Barley, " 50 to GO
; Clove raced, 500 to 525
1 Flaxseed, ' 125
Timothy, 1 50
\\arks"s uiiH is selling extra flour at
275 per hundred, Granville at 2 25, su
perfine at 2 50, and family at 3 00.
Mill Fead, per hundred. 80
yhopped Oats and Corn per 1 25
Chopped Rye pet 100, ' ' 140
Salt, 1 40
" patent sacks, 150
Flour—sales at ssas 12$ for superfine,
5 25a5 50 for extras, and 5 62da5 87$ for
extra family, and 6.16 50 for fancy brand's, as
to quality. Ry e ij!hpr $4, and Penna. Corn
Meal 3 375a3 50 per bbl.
Wheat—Sales at 117a120c for Western red,
end 125a1 55c for white. Rye 75a76 for
Penna*. Corn sold at 64c for prime (-Id vel
low, and 69c for white afloat.
Oloverseed, from 5 25 to 5 75 per bushel.
Cattle Market, 2\oi, 2C. —The market con
tinues dull, and prices are rather lower than
last week, the receipts reaching about 2,000
head. Sales at 7 50u9 50.
About 4,500 Sheep sold at from 4ase lb,
gross, and Ba9c per lb dressed.
125 Cows sold during the week, at $25 to
35 per head, as to quality.
4300 head of Ilogs sold at 7 50a 8 25 per
100 lb, net. Market dull.
IN pursuance of an alias order issued by
. the Orphan's Court of Mifflin county, will
be exposed to sal yj bv public vendue ct'out
cry, at the house of Mrs. Kosanna Davis, in
the borough of McVeytown, on
Tuesday, December 18, 1860,
a h-t of ground, situate in the borough of
MuVeytown, Mifilin county, bounded by
Queen street on the south east, by lot No. 75
on the west, and Church alley on the north,
with a Two-Story
rxii ■&>
and other improvements, known in general
plan of said borough as lot No. 76.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock a. m. of
said day when terms will he made known by
W.\l J. McCOY,
Administrator of Atlee Price, dee'd.
McYeytown, Nov. 19, 1860-ts
Winter G-oods.
r |MIE public will find a large and well se
I lecteU'assortment of\V-odl Heiaios. Union
1 C'l.tins, Traveling Goods, Flannel Cloths,
Cassiipers, Satinets. Jeans, Lady's Cloak
Clutn. Gauntlets apH Gloves," Silk Fleecy Lin
en Gloy'cs for Ladies and Gents. Ladies Nets
and Ijoods, Superior Buck Gloves am i Mits,
Biankets, Hooped Skirts, with stacks of Cali
co at the cheap store of A. T. Hamilton,
Market street. Last of Diamond.
Lewistown, Nov. 15, 1800-3t
embracing in p..rt
French and Printed Merinos,
Plain and Printed Merinos,
Plain and Print I all what JjJanes,
}ftrello Cloths, Mohairs.
Mohair for Tracclin/f Dresses,
Common De.fanes, Woollen Plaids,
Common Coburgs,
The largest, neatest, best and cheapest assort
ment of
in town. Such as a new style of Arab
Cloaks, Broche, Sella and Cloth Shawls, rang
ing from $1 to ?30.
consisting of Embroideries, Collars, Lnder
sleeves, Ac. Also, Gauntlets, Cotton and
Silk Cloves, and numerous other articles in
that line.
A beuutifui assortment of
Ribbons, Tassels, Cords, Ac., Ac., together
with a general assortment of all kinds of
goods general!? found in large establishments.
For occular demonstration call at
George Blymyer's.
Lewistowo, November 1, 1800.
Hides Wanted.
highest price paid for Hides at J.
A Clarke's Shoe gtore, second room east of
Franciscus's, Market street, Lewis-town.
Lewistown, November 8, 1860.
Executed in the best style known in the art,
C. G. Crane J s Gallery,
532 Arch St., east of Sixth, Philadelphia.
Life Size ill Oil and Pastil.
For Cases, Medallions, Pins, Rings Ac.
Philadelphia, November 15', 1800-ly.
MAPLE SUGAR on hand at
" .... ■. A. FELIX'S.
COAL Oil Lamps, Shades, Chimneys,
Brushes, Burners, Ac.yAJc., for sale by
fTMIE undercjgned will offer at public Bale
I on the premises, on
Friday, November 30, 1860,
A Tract of Land containing 6 acres, situate
in New Armagh district, adjoining lands of
: E. E. Locke and Swartzell, on which are erect
ed a Dwelling House and other improvements
; —to be sold as the property of Michael Gar
rity and. wife, who will unite in make a title
I to it,
I Also, 11 the same time and place, 2 Bed
steady and Bedding, Table, Chairs. Bureau,
! Cupbiiird, Stove and Pipe, Churn, Clock,
j Dough Tray, Meat Tub, lot of llav, Oats,
| Corn, Straw, &e.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, a. m. when
terms will be made known by
! Commissioners and Directors of the Poor.
Lewistown, Nov. 15, 1860.
\\7" ILL be sold at public sale on the prem
. TV *sea, iu \\'nyne township. Miffijn coun
ty, on
Friday December 7, 1860,
A Tract of Land situate in the township and
county aforesaid, containing
more or less, about 33 acres of which are in i
a good. sbite, of[ cultivation, well enclosed, and
the remainder covered with timber! The im
provements consist of a two story Dwelling
House, Barn and other outbuildings, good I
spring near the house, and a variety of Fruit
Trees. This property is on lite road leading
to Newton Hamilton, near Beaver Dam Mills,
and is in every respect a desirable home.
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock p. in., when
terms will be made known Possession given i
on the Ist April, 1861. Title indisputable. )
Persons wishing to examine the property are
requested to call on the undersigned, residing ;
near the same.
Fxeeutor John C Daniels, deceased.
Wayne Township, Nov. 13, 1800,
Orphans' Court Sale.
BY virtue of an order issued out of the
Orphans' Court of MitHin county, the
undersigned will sell at Public Sale, on the
premises, on
Thursday, December 11, iS&Q,
the following described real estate, to wit:
All that certain Tract of Land, situate in
Oliver township, Mifflin county, adjoining
lands of Peter Rhodes, William Irwin, John
Wyble, and others, containing
allowance, on which are erected a large
two story wentherhoarded FRAME HOUSE,
BANK BARN a'aq other out
jJL buildings. A well of water is
the door i house. A
the place, and running water in the yard.
The turnpike leading from MoYey town to
Huntingdon passes in front of the house.
Ail the land is cleared and well cultivated,
except about six acres of- timber. There are
1400 panels of post fence on the premises.
A fine stream of water passes through this
r ict.
All the above will Le sold as the proper
ty of John Stine, Jr., deceased.
TERMS: —Ten per cent, of the purchase
money to be paid when the property is struck
off, one third when the sale is confirmed, and
the remaining two-thirds in two equal annual
payments thereafter, with interest to be se
cured by bonds and mortgages on the prem
ises. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M.
Administrators of John Stine, dee'd.
Oliver township,' Nov. 22, ISGO-ts
IX pursuance of an order issued by thd Or
. phans' Court of Mifflin county, will be
j exposed to sale, by pubiic vendue or outcry,
I on the premises, on
Saturday, December 15, 1360,
at 1 o'clock p. m.,
A Tract of Land situate in Armagh town
; ship, in said county, bounded by lands of
| Isaac Peters and others, containing
I with a Saw Mill and small hiouse thereon
: erected, with forty or tifty acres of partially
cleared land—subject to the dower of the
1 widow of James A. Sample, deceased.
Terms. —One half of the purchase money
in cash on confirmation of sale, and the bal
j lance payable in one year, tct be recafed by
! bonds and mortgage on the premises.
Guardian of Franscina Sample, minor
daughter of James A. Sample, deo'd.-n022
I N pursuance of an order of the Orphans'
. Court of Nliißio county, the
, Guardian of "Mary M. and Anna 0. Burger,
! minor children of Elizabeth Barger, late of
j Granville township, deceased, will o3er at
public sale, on the premises, on
Saturday, December 15, 1860,
! the undivided interest of said minor children
in the following described tract of land, situ-
I ate in Granville township, to wit:
Beginning at a stone on the east bank of
the -Juniata River and corner of lot No. 1,
i thence down said river north 00°, east 36]
1 perches to birch, thence with lines of land of
lot No. 3, south 24 A~, east 1-19 perches to
white oak, thence by land McOori's heirs
i south 10° east 33| perches to stones, south
| 74°, west 26-} perches to stones, thence by
line Jot No. 1 (residue of tract), north 26] ,
west 126 perches to place of begginmng, con
s l*Rs.'r. wT 7 -ir P.iZ'J
neat measure. Sale to commence at 1-o'clock
of said day, when terms will be made known
Guardian of Mary M- and Apna C. Barger.
Estate of Jesse Kice, deceased,
is hereby given that letters of ad-
A.A ministration on the estate of JESSE
RICE, late of Newton Hamilton, Mifflin
county, deceased, have been granted to the
undersigned, residing in said borough. All
persons indebted to said estate are requested
to make immediate payment, and those hav
ing claims to present them duly authenticated
for settlement.
nov22 Administrator.
HONEjf. —Just received, a barrel of fresh
honey, sold bv the gallon or quart, pt
Farmer, Mechanic and Busi
ness Man Wants.
Of the State of Pennsylvania, compiled from
the Ads of Assembly by
Edward F. James,
THIS work contains over 400 pages of
closely printed matter, and will sold l,y sub
{ seriptiou."
j it teaches the duties of Justices of the Peace, with
4 forms for the transaction of their business.
't teaches v R.i , s.< f Constables with all the ie-
I ccitsr) forins,* apperUuhiftg to the office.
It contains the iluties 'if the Supervisors of every
i County and Township in the state.
It contains the mode of procedure (or tlie laying
out and opening vi jamle and private loads. f vaca
ting and altering road-. {Rebuilding of bridges, &c.
Ii contains the Common School Law. with i xpluna
tion.-, decisions and directions, together with forms
for Deeds. Bonds. Contracts, t Vrtificntes. Ac. This
department of tie, work was compiled at Harrisbtirg
" l.v MivSiOttul P. Hates. Deputy Sltperiru;: ortit.and is
alone worth the price o>" the vol line to'auj one inter
ested in Common SehoOH.
It contains the duties of Township Auditors.
It eon:.litis the laws relative to Dogs andisheep.
It contains the duties of Assessors.
It contains the laws in relation to Strays, Mules and
Sw inc.
It contains the laws relative to Came Hunting, Trout
and rieer.
It contains the laws relative to Fences and Fence
i Viewers.
It contains the Election Law— with all the necessary
it contains the Net 1.1 .ni/.stiou Ls.v.s with all the ne
cessary forms Toy application.
It eontaitis a larvre Immler of Legal For' —.which
are used in the every day transaction of biisin't's.-.Anch
i as Acknowledgments, Affidavits. Articles of Agree
! ments and Contracts. Partnership. Apprentices, A<-
! signments. Attestations, Bills of Exchange and Prom
j issory Notes. Bills of Sale, Bonds, Cheeks, Covenants,
I Deeds. Deposition. Due Bills and Product- Notes. Lan
-1 lord and Tenant, Leases. Letters of Attortiev. Mar
( ringe, Mortgages. Receipts and Releases. The work
, is bound in law sheep, and will be sold to subscribers
j at £1225 per copy, payable on delivery of the work.—
| The work has passed the revision of many of the
1 best Lawyers in the Mate and has received their mi
-1 qualified "approbation, as a reliable hand book of ref
• refi.-e all subjects upon which it treats. The
whole is'arranged m such a manner as to present
i plain, concise and explicit statement of the duties
of all Township Officers, as may he readily under
stood by any one. Mifflin County will be thoroughly
canvassed tor the work, ami the support of the citi
zens is respect till • H<ociel.
.L M. OXiLEY. fieneral Agent
For Mifflin County.
I'. S. Oooil canvassers are wanted in ail parts of
j this County ■lbr' the above work, to whom u liberal
i cmnpensntnm will l>e given. Applications which must
I be made at an early date, addressed as at,ore will re
| ceive prompt attention. n022-4t
rjMIE seven years of unrivalled success at
X tending the
: have made it a household word throughout every
i quarter of the country.
i I'mier the auspices of this popular Institution, over
; thi t ■ Uuiulred thuHxnml homos have learned to appreci
! ate—by beautiful works of art on their walls, and
i choice' literature on their tables, the great benefits de
| rived from becoming a subscriber.
I Subscriptions are now being received in a ratio un
! paralleled with that i' any previous yean
j Tenia of HahxeriptUnn —Any pereou can become a
i memiier by subscribing three (Mtars, for which sum
: they will receive
t Ist.—the lai'ge steel engraving. 30x18 inches, entitled
j 2d.—One copy, one year, of that elegantly illnstra-
I ted magazine,
| 3d.—Four admissions, during tiie season, io
The Gallery of Paintings, 518 Broadway, N. V.
In addition to the ahot v. benefit,. there will liegiven
| to subscribers, as gratuitous, over
! Five Hundred Beautiful Works of
i comprising valuable paintings, marbles, parians, out
i lines, ie- forming a truly national benefit.
The superb engraving which every subscriber will
j receive, entitled. " FaUtaff hluxteriipi his Rteivitx." is
■ one of tin* most l>eautiful and popular engravings ev
i er issued in this country, it is done on steel, in fine
i line and stipple, and is printed on heavy plate paper. :>o
i by 38 inches, making a most choice ornament, suita
j hie for the walls of cither the library, parlor or office.
' Its subject is the celebrated scene of Sir John Falstaff
I receiving, in Justice Shallow s office, the recruits that
j had ljeen gathered tor his - ragged regiment." It
! could not lie rf.isj.sd h_. the trade for less than five
i dollars. • " '' ' '
The Art Journal istoo well known to the whole eonn
try to need commendation. tt is a magnificently illus
trated magazine of art. containingietisays. peer.-* . gos
sip. Ac.. by the wry best writers Tn America. >•
The engraving i-'sent to any part of the country by
mail, with -..5 ti. being packed in a cylinder, postage
Kuhseiintioiis will no re*e.<.,i until the evening of
the 31st of January, IS6I, at which litke the hooks will
close and the premiums be given to subscribers.
No person is restricted to a single subscription.—
Those remitting £ls. are entitled m five memU rships
and to one extra engraving for their trouble.
Subscriptions from California, the Canadas, and all
foreign countries, must be ?3 50 instead of $3, in order
to defray extra postage, etc.
For further particulars send for a copy of the ele
gantly illustrated Art Journal, pronounced tin hntai
.vmics't mngtuin- tn America, ft contains catalogues of
premiums, and numerous superb engravings. regu
lar price. 50 cents per number, specimen copies,
however, will lie sent to those wisbingto subscribe, on
receipt of is omits. in stamps or coin. Address.
C. L. DERBY. Actuary < . A. A,
sh'> Broadway, Now York.
X. P.—St 1 a rii tb.ns received an i forwarded by H.
J. WA-I.TKl.ts, lifin: seetebfry for l.ewistovpur.ncj vt
einirv. where specimen engraving* and Art Journal
can be seen. iu>22
, %
j~(hUQ BEATER'S \x_
Ist.—lt i, .always refldy for use.
2d.—lt has no smell.
3d.—lt polishes over rust.
-ttli-—lt is economical.
sth.—lt produces no dirt in polishing.
6th.—it stands the greatest degree of heat.
7th.—lt is just what every family needs.
It Preserves Them I
One Third Longer! One Third Longer!
Stoves will last -ne third longer by using this.
Time and Money Saved.
It has stood the severest tests.
Triumphant I Triumphant I
Renowned Liquid Stove Polish,
Greatest discovery of the age! One trial v.,11 con
vince you. Address.
(Sole manufacturers) No. 'Oil Market St, Philadelphia.
tti, Sold by all respee.able dealers. A liberal dis
count to the trade.
Ayenfs Wanted Entry where.
Price, 12 an l 20" cents.
"Put up for dealers in case- containing i and S dozen.
A splendid Mthogmphic show-card accompani. s
each p, age. Fe cry merchant should .
make" a note of
Leadbeaters Renowned Liquid Siove Polish.
Philadelphia. J'ovember 22, ISflP.y
FRESH Raisin?, Dried Fruit, Nut?, Can
dies and Fancy Candy Toys at wholesale
to country stores aud confectioneries can be
had at A. Felix's, at a small advance on city
prices, for cash.
mm. & gibbs'
The great and unceasing demand for this
remarkably simple machine is a guar
antee of its superior exeviffxe.
Fairbanks' Scale Warehouse,
715 Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, September 13, 1860.
jFavtmrs miO Dealers
Head Quarters?
Produce and General Commission
So. 17, North Water Street, below Arch
Street, Philadelphia.
# * # Agents ior aid GUANOS.
DRETTS, and other kinds of Fertilizers.
descriptions of COUN
TRY" PRODUCE taken in exchange or sold
# * # Quitk Sales and immediate
Returns are guaranteed upon all consign
#* # We are the sole agents for
the best articles of VINEGAR made in this
city or elsewhere. jvl'J-Cin
X. E. corner of Fourth and Market streets,
I'll 11. A IJELPIII A.
. oct4-Cm
IN. S&>_£ tN. a z
to Samuel Townsend &. Son.Y
X . 30 South Scowl strti t. nfL Chtmtinf,
IMPORTERS and Dealers in Velvet, Brus
sels, Tapestries, Three Ply, Ingrain and
of the best English and American make.
Mfitiinjt, Oil Cloths, fc., dr., dv.
We sold it c,u inspection of our assortment
before purchasing elsevvliers.
Disease with its Agonies :
Aervous DDyrderw
What is i ere featfuf ilr.ifi a IrfeaKfng down of the
norvorts system ? To be excitable or nervous in a
small degree is most distressing, for where faun rem
edy be found ? There is one s—drink hut little wine,
lieer. or spirits, or f:>r lse*ter, nom j take no collie.
weak tea being preferable:• get all the fresh air yon
can; take three or four Pills ever - night; cat plenty
of solids, avoiding the use of stops: and if these gol
den rules are followed, you will be happy imumtlan i
strong in 1 ody, and forget you have any nerves.
Mothers and Daughters.
If there is one tiling more than another for which
the*o Puis are so famous it is their purifying proper
ties. especially their power of cleansing the blood from
all impurities- and removing dangerous and suspen
ded secret'on?. Universally adopted as the on< grand
remedy fur female complaints, they never fail, never
weaken the system- and always bring about what is re
quired. "
Sick Headaches and want o£ Appetite.
These feelings which' so"" uWen Us. trtostlVeqi' ntlv
arise from annoyances or "trouble, lxom obstructed
perspiration, or f rom eating and drinking what i un
fit for us. thin disordering the liver and stomach.
These organs pupd be regulated if you wish to be well.
The Pills, if taken pecerding to the printed instruc
tions. will quickly restore heabby action to both liv
er and stomach", whence--follow "as a natural conse
quence, a good appetite and : clear head. In the
Ft and West Indies soarcetwiany oriier medicine
i= ever used for these disorders.
Disorders of the Rldneys.
In all diseases affecting these organs, whether they
s i retc too much or too little water: or whether they
be afflicted with stone or gravel, or-with aches and
pains settled in the loins over the regions f the kid
neys. these Pills should be taken according to the
printed directions, and the Ointment should be well
rubbed into the small of the buck at bed time. This
treatment will give almost immediate relief when all
other means have failed.
For Stomachs out of order.
No medicine will so effectually improve the •
the stomach as these Pills; they remove all acidity,
occasioned eitle r by intemperance or improper diet.
They roach the Liver and reduce i: to lit stithy a lion:
tln-v are woi lerful'.v effica< ;ous in cases >t spa-ni—
in fact they never i'-il in curing all disorders of the
I ivcraml-"tonaeb
q.riic. .Peers of all Sore Throats.
\sihniA. kinds, Stone and Gravel
Bilious CoHipla'tu Fits* iSee'tidary Srmp
Blotches on the.Gout. torn.-.
-kin. J Head-ache, Ti -Douloureux
Jlowt 1 Cojnp'Tts.j Indigestion. ; Tumours.
Colips. ' (Inflammation, ! Ulcers.
Constipation of Jaundice, Venereal Affee"-
die Bowels, j Liver Complai't-. Worm s of at
Consumption, i Lumbago. j kinds,
Debility, Piles, i Weakness froiv
Dropsy, Rheumatism, : whatever cause
By settle ry. Retention of; i , ■
Erysipelas, i Urine,
Fe m .le I rregu- Scrofula, or ,
larities, " | King's Evil, i
C.I t'TIOX ' —None are genuine unless the . rib
•• HoLUMr.ur. NEW YORK AXIS LOXDOS," are discornableat
a lofitn-riurrk in every leaf of the book of directions
around each pot or box: the same may be plainly
seen by baling the leaf to the light. A handsome re
ward vi'd" be given to any one rendering audi in.t r
inatkn us may lead to the detection of any party or
parties counterfeiting the medicines or vending trie
same, snowing them to be spurious.
# , h ft the Manufactory of Profe.-sf.r Hooowat.
SO Mfc Me- Lane. New Yorlc, and by a! reit>fCiA.de
Druggist, and Dealers iu Medicine, through t Ihe
civilized world, in boxes at 25 cents, b_ cents and 1
g,There is considerable saving by taking the lar
"B—Directions for the guidance of patients in . v
ery disorder are affixed to each box. my 3
W A LUID, Coal OU, and fluid and coal oil
i* Lamps, for sale by A. FELIX.
| A tin the various .itleotion? eoHM)u it upon a disotJore.l
Such as Indigestion, Acidity of the Stem .eh, (TV-lii k v Pains,
( Heartburn, Loss of Appetite, kv-pondbnov. CVstivciic vs.
Blind and Bleeding Piles Ir all Nervous. Rheumatic, and
Neuralgic Affections, U aas in numerous instances prut cvi
highly beneficial ml in others effect.at a decidv J cutv.
This is a purely wo-tWc compound j .opsin! on strictly
scientific priucii '.a after the man i.e. ivt the celebrated
Holland Professor. VP. rhave lis reputation at 1 no pre
duced its introduction here, the demand eorA):*tHoc with
ticre of the Fatherland scattered otcr til" face t f this
mighty country, many of wl.cm brought with th' in and
handed down the tradition of its value. It is now' < -
to the American public, l-notcintj that its truly wonderful
medicinal virtues m ust It acknouirdyed.
It. is particularly recommended to those persons whose
constitutions may have Ixam Impaired hy the nut i nanus us ■
of ardent spirits, or other forms of dissipation. Ocnersity
in--\".nianeous in effect, it finds its way din tly ; the scut
I of lttfe. thrilling and quickening every iwno, raising up the
drooping spirit, and, in feet, infusing new health and vigor
in the system.
NOTlCE.—Whoever expects to find this a beverage wh!
be disappointed: but to the sick, weak and low spirited, it
will prove a grateful aromatic cordial, possessed of singular
remedial properties.
Die GenultVe highly concentrated lfcerliatY's Holland
Bitters is put up in half-pint Is.ttles only, and retailed at
ONE BOLIAK IST Kittle, or six lot ties for FIVE Dot' ENS The
great .ieniand tor this truly cvlebiated Medi. ine has induced
manv imitations, which the public should guard against
Iter Beware of Imposition. See that our name is ou the
label of every bottle you buy.
Sold by Druggists generally. It can be forwarded
by Express to most points.
pharmaceutists and Chemists
For sale l.y i l l A ii LKS Lot. t.'.ovrn,
1 l'a. sej'2o
t,\ \} '•* * . _\'v "' £V>
j \z> " .. jo 0<
To the Citizens of new Jersey .f* Pennsyl
vania, Apothecaries. Dniyyidts, Gi-ocertt
and I'rirate Families.
Wolfe's Pure Cognac Brandy.
Wolfe's Pure Madeira. Sherry and Port
Wolfe's Pure Jamaica and St. Croix Ruin,
Wolfe's Pure Scoteft and frjsft Whiskey.
T IJ KG leave to call the attention of the
Ji- ii/.rns of the I'nifcrt Ictnte.-to the above Wiues
:inii Liquor*. imported by I'dolplio Wolfe, of New
! Vork. whose name i-* familiar in every part of this
- .itutry for the purity of his celebrated Sehiedam
'S. im.apjis. Mr. Wolfe."in his letter to nie. n nkingof
i the purity of his Wines and Liquors, says:''! will stake
i my reputation as a man. my standing as a merchant
1 of"thirty years" residence in the City of New Vork,
that all the HrandU and Wines that 1 bottle are pure
as imported, and of'the b qr-ility, and can
be relied upon by every pur li.is#r~" E >*rn
bottle has tie proprietors name on the wax. utiw
: a fa - simile of his -i.rr>itiire on the certificate. The
j public are respectfully invited to call and examine
j for then, elves. For sale at Retail by all Apothecar
ies and Grocers in Philadelphia.
GKt'HGE 11. AsIIToN".
No. bid Market st.. Philadelphia.
Sole Agent for Philadelphia.
hc..d the i<-iio .iii_ fuun .lie New York Courier:
Evon.ira's' l>v?iM -s FOB use NEW YOUR Meson/ *•?—
We aia happy to inform onr fellow-eitizcn;h,u thorn
is one pia. •"in our ei;y where the physician, apothes
cary, and country ru- reliant,cangoami purchasepure
Wiiies id I iuuors, as p ire as imported, and of the
la-i quality. We do not intend to aive an <-llH>iat<:
d<—n;' on ' : ' • merchant s extensive business, at
tin hitrii it will rwpajr any striatew Or citizen to nsii
Udniph. W ute's ■ \tells .vvv.ua- •- e, 18,2*-' mid
22, Beaver street and NOB. IT. 19 and 2K lketSeld
street. iiis stock ot Schnapps on hand itsWf fi>(
si.:on. in -or. Id r • huv. been Jess than thirty thou
sand eases : the Brandy sniue ten thousand ease
Vintages of Tvid to ls*:o; au-.l t u tiiou and i -a- - of
Madeira. Sherrv ami Port Wine, ft'-ot.-h mi-1 Irish
I whiskey. Jamui. a and St. Croix Rum, some very old
! and equal to any ii; tl.- country. He also had threo
I large cellars, tifled with Brandy. Wine, Ac., in casks
! under the Cusiom House key. ready for bottling.—
i Mr. Wolfe's sah - of S-hletpps last year amounted to
j one hundred and eighty thousand dozen, and we hope
|in ie.„ thail tw o years he may be equally successful
| with tie- B-..■ - alld Vv illeK.
His biisihesst j... is the patronage of very lover of
i his species Privet.: '* : olies who wish pure Wines
and Liquet— tof ntedi at use should send their orders
direct to Mr- Wolfe, mm cry Aic.tli- -.ary in the
laud niak - up'their mi nils To -u 1 tic-poisonous
stuff from 'loir shelvi a; and itpla----. c with W olte s
pure Wine and Liquors. 1
We ! miei'st- ud >r- Wolfe, fo. ; ..- a -on m- i ..ion
of small dcc'ei ain the country, puts nr. sr,rte -.-•
es of \Vu st liquors, Such a mar. stwi such a_
( nier'd' lit st nid be ..tied agains. Ills tt,.S(t
ti: .us aids ot -ippoiii nis in the I ti'U-o isutu - wi./i
i sell nothing but imitations, ruinousaliketohum.nl
' health and happiness.
Jfv>r tiilt by John K i Co. # L'. j \ is■
town. " sepl3-6m
, : J* .LA J4D\f J
f'"Tr ii 'ifwiiiii i" *> vw ' j&* •
The Gems of the Season
riAHIS is no humbug, hut a practical butli.
x The pictures taken hy Mr. Butkholder
are unsurpassed for BGi/DNEiSty, like I ii*
DURABILITY. Prices varying according
' to size and quality of frame's and Cases.
Lewistown, August 23, 1860.
Estate ok Aarafcam Blymyer, dete sea.
A T OTICE is hereby given that letter- ->f ati-
X\ ministration or. the estate of ABRA
HAM BLYMYER, late of the borough of
Lewistown, iliffiin county, dee'd , have bet-n
granted to the undersigned, tesiding in said
borough. All pers r.s indebted to slid estate
arl requested to make immediate payment,
and those having claims fo present them duly
authenticated for settlement.
oct2s Administrate!