Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, November 08, 1860, Image 3

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    ; s-3 SA3ESSS.
Pennsylvania Railroad.
„ . ;s ve Lcwistcyn Station as follows:
W£3TW.VED. r.vstwu.r.
, rru-ass. 6 or. a tn. Uuiio. m.
r'-'P 6 03 p. irf. 4 03 V m.
5 4S p. m. 10 24 a.m.
f" 115" p.m. 456 p.m.
6 Si a.m. 4 65 p.m.
1 ■' V- ,hi 1/ HO a. in, 12 35
U ' 11 3& p- m. ii so p. u.
L). E. F.oeescx. Agent.
• raitii's Omnibuses convey passengers to
tru.-'.s. taking Uu or setting (hem
1 ; Within the limili
Post Office.
- e— re an'i Ciuao as founds:
Cost. Ant*.
Thro': ~h and Way, "in. 4'p. m.
' is? jo. 2p. tn. 11 u. ih.
roro it.-h, 8 p. tn. 5 a.m.
8 p.m. _ 2 p. m.
j'r • :'rom Is. rr.. until ? j>. ra. sund.-.y uom
For the Educational Cciurnn.
Thoughts ou Female Education.
if h iil it as one of the brightest and most
, signs of progress in our age that
' . |, beginning to occupy that position
which she ii adapted by her moral and
• •llectoal nature, and f >r which she is de.s
i.y her creator. Gradually the preju
V" ui,icl> have 1 >ng exi-ted relative to al
. her i np irtiitiilies f..r a thorough and
are now considered weak—the
1„ t; „f i-T ranee and narrow nos of npin
Iler capacity for large attainments and
I - • -..ity i f thelight are no 1 mger doubted,
j- vre c- ctr ire ivoinan as she is. with what
v.ij on her present condition in Chris
i 1 !n heathen countries, we gratefully
jrled-e that the change has lie- n great,
rv tnir w .inan must feel a thrill of joy
-j jjratioide in her inmost soul, that she i
iv: freed from the thrald- m of ignorance.
• lit the barriers are removed, and with an
firmest heart and strong wiil. she may jret
lb! 1 an influence deeper and more universal
( i tier before. With all her present ad
uncfir.ent in the limitless fields of Science
. i Literature, she has acorn jilished com par
r,:ivelv little; she has culh d a few flowers.
• .ji'i a few golden grains A broad ex
-invs i- before her, arc! she is invited to en
I ran-l prepare for a glorii us harvest. There
jii.i-.- d n > limit to her heaven b .rn aspira
: n. In whatever direction her tastes and
i-iination ton 1. there is no just reason why
ine m .y not follow them without the sacri
( ii <r' or, ' womanly virtue, h is she a mind
D cn-titulcd to appreciate the beauties
jf nii'.nb t and proposition, tlie abstruse hut
clear and conclusive reasonings of ir, uht tn t
il M-ience, the wonderful revelations of a>
<• ii ci\ —will ativ one a-sign a ic;:>ori why
!. lv not cultivate her tali ut f • an stent
wiil enab-la lior to pr-.'Hcnt !it favorite
, . h-s in a light that will render th mi tr ire
5r e iive and beautiful and to discover prin
-m.;.-- hitherto unobserved? J) •. si, thirst
' r i!.i-sic, lore, that *he may silent'v cum
mune with tiie gifted spirits of Greece and
R iin'' —a by should she not have every ad
nut ; o- and encouragement I'iat will enable
hr 11 <y> iff the precious draught? V ■ cer
uiuli liavo many bright examples, as indica
! i,5 of lor apiiteciation nf tiie-, subiitnc
• a-urrs. A -chain refers t > an interview
h Lily Jane Grey; he found her alone;
ib l'uke and Duchess, with al! 'bv 1. u.-e
!!—'!) • gpiitl' incn and geti'-h women, were
iipoig iii the park, while site rem li.ued in
r chamber, reading I'h.iuiioti Diatonic- in
• !■ • miiigly in an rest as v nf delight.—
!! a-k 1 ! her why -he would lose go much
pUM-? in the park; sinilingiy, she aa-w-r
E. I wist ihat all their sport in th'" park i
!,iit i shadow to the pleasure that I find in
Hit Ala-! good folk, they newer felt what
tr■; [1 a-ure meant. Vi ho d ies not udmire
M Mi'elieil's noble devotion tn science. In r
r adv - ii ih nial in rendering to her brother
r I so invaluahle to him ; how beautiful
I. fa'hu.-ia.-tn that impelled her to upend so
i. :iv loagand anxious niglifs in silent watch
_• an 1 coiiiuiuniiig with " worlds that roll
|n the character of f.ynn we pr-'-sent
v t type of cxjciieiico in many respects
W • can but faintly estimate the influence
' rx- ' i in cievating the standard <>f fu
:i' cU.n-ition. llow sublime her uuwear
i 'i'o itiou 11 Una intfrc.-ts of others her
1 c.ioag for artfulness f self, in her effotts tu
[i too in it-1! and intellectual character
placed under her care. Noble wo-
1 her iuflo' iicc rdi.iil increase in an ever !
■■ ;•> ing circle, giving a Lb-essd impulse to ;
-e. I- who troggie in life's weary way. j
v ~ an 1 plea-nut must In; the retrospective !
' *'• of -u. ha life; very bright and attrac i
; ■ " e declining years of one who has thus j
'' -1! i iiy performed her great life work.— i
-"5 Mrs. Hannah More in in one of her es
''s*> '• —■' Since there is a season when the
J ful must cease to be young and the
dutiful to excite admiration, to icarn how
t ;rnv old beautifully is perhaps the rarest
s "i must valuable art that can be taught a
w 'in.inNo one familiar with the cbarao
en 1 writings of Mrs Moore c;>n fail to see
v perfectly her life embodied the sentiment i
1 bos expressed. Que of the most useful, |
cj.tivated and fascinating women of those i
•i; "s, we find her the cynosure of many ad j
n* r .n;eye* in the society of Jnhn.-t<m, Burke, i
J'shua (Reynolds and indeed must of
literary celebrities of tlie age in which j
lived. Her example, and pure exalted \
must render her an object of sincere ad i
stiun to all who are capable of apprecia 1
"•tfi those qualities. In contemplating the ;
•• f pers,,ns in any way distinguished for j
■-. '-rior attainments, the question naturally j
5 ''*• how did they attain an elevation so j
as it by some very easy transition, or
rp * u t <>f a long earnest struggle. The
is invariably, it was the result of
persevering effort. It is a principle in
--ience of tnin 1 as well as of nature, that
( tetiMrkablo for greatness must have
._ . 1 '-is result of an adequate cause. If,
El'.'J. wc w - a d iniitiyte such examples we
" Act in the living present
Heart within and trod o'er he^d."
to " n a noble sphere in which
b X r XPr " p " Wt ' r - every faculty. Let her
A. ,!.)>. i u; l y conscious of the dignity of her
j ! ' a., and of h"r power when rightly de
. pl . anl she will awake fyom her bug;
kn' i' aWi, ' te to the light of soicnoe and |
She* aw ' :, ke to a liigl.cr, Holder life, j
aid •V' UN I(, h'te the charge of weakness j
a't'lii l ' J siler,ll > pointing to her
ai "(eve,iients. S. N.
" • *.* ' "
Far th 4 GaiUtA
I o The Gardes.
, 0U n r ; m T Ver or,ce " n !l time, when I vrae
<Umssl • In, "* PBt ' i Wf t s conducted by a fair
*rre . a eiUl tiful garden. Just as we
r ">t nr. l> '"f- the gate near by the
tiful •!' W B *' un g. there was a beau
<r ter admiring it for a while,
Ucsiii,, T V( -cy modestly and
''by replied, •< j tjj OAO R, E j a j
fi." gir.lt-n git Think? I what <io<* this
nienn? la it really the name of the j. Wl . r
>r is it a banter. We Left the pat- hr-I pa-?!
m;: on a little further 1 inquired, ji t,, j
name of another. Sh ngni,, r
plied " tmieh inc not." I thought' to myself
that the language of flowers conveys strange
indeas. We passed on viewing flower after
flower: since then 1 ii ive wandered through
many a garden—l hate plucked many a rose,
and from them I have drank freely of their
fragrance. I never aaw a garden, was it
ever so beautiful, buf what its beauty was
marred by tbe gra-g, :,nd \yeedi which grevy
spontaneously there, i never plucked a
blooming ro>e, but wlia' r, thorn was there to
take from it some of its beauty and sweetness
A garden well arranged with a variety of
flowers and shrubbery, is a beautiful sight,
and displays the skill and taste of tln.se who
iitnnge and cultivate them. li.it of all the
gardens I ever saw. none pleased me more
taan nature's garden, where mortal hands had
never planted n seed, or cultivated or anting
e 1 a flower, but wl crc nature alone was left
to do itt> v,oi k-
As the traveler, passes through some of our
Western States in the muuli o{ June, na
tine's garden, an Eden, inlets liis sight; ut
most as tar as vision can reach, is spread lie
tore him. an nplroken scene of slightly ml
iing prairie, covered with the greatest variety
of flowers of almost every line, and fragrance,
with here and there a sturdy oak to give
change to the scr-ju ry, and a restingplace fo
the fowls of tlie air. v. here they may be heard
w at bling their carols to add cheei (ulnesstn the
scene, and a shelter for the lowing herds from
the rays of the scorching SUTI during ti.e
mid summer's day. To increase its beauty
till more, here and iliere, fir out on the
plains, you may see the placid Ink. s but a
few rods in length at.d breadth, with the in
noccnt fowls that swim wildly tin re. Aid
here and there the limpid streams us of ar
as crystal, are winding their way siowiy
through the rolling lands, to give moisture to
the green mosa that so richly clothes the
whole garden. B.
Important Letter j'icm Kosiuth. —The Es
pern of Turin, gives ti.e substances of a let
ter said to have been written to Garibaldi, by
Kossuth, recommending him notto break h ; s
C mneetion with Victor Emmanuel and his
government, who alone can effect the libera
tion of Italy, lie also invites the Dictator to
give tip all designs upon Home, in order not
• > draw upon himself the hostility of France,
t'.c only defender of Italy and the only hope
: oppressed national.tics; and, lastly, not to
attempt anything against Hungary, that coun
try not being as yet ripe fa revo utiuu.
■■a-ngßr -
liiihv ii, murn
embracing in pa t
i-'ifuck ami l\ in fed Mrrinoi,
Plain and Printed Merinos,
I'tani and Printed at I wkl Detains,
M-nello Cloth*. Mohairs.
Mohair for TraceHit't Dresses.
C'l/rifiion Detain.-, Woo!tea Plaids,
Common Coburgs,
I'he largegt, ueatest, best and cheapest assort
tflOi t of
in town. Such us a new style of Arab
Cloaks, Broche, Sella and .CJuth £hawls, rang
ing from j* I to <ZO.
consiating of Kmbroideries, Collars, Under
-leevps. A-. Also. Gauntlets, Cotton and
Silk G! ives. ai d n;;uj m.us other article* in
that iine.
A beautiful assortment of
ltd buns, Tsf-sf is, Cords. Ac., Ac., together
with a general assortment of all kinds of
g ) ..is generally found in large establishments.
For oucular demonstration call at
George Blymyer's.
itvn, November !, 1860.
Valuable Real Estate for Sale.
Of Prime Limestone Land.
\ ' ILL bo exposed at public Kale, on the
i f pi on
Thursday, November 15, 1860,
a tract <>t laud situate in Wayne town-hip,
M fflin county, in what is known as the Loup
lioiluw, containing
of limestone land, adjoining lands of Alien
Rosenberry, John Sunderland. IJenry Bet
lew, J dm S. Caldwell, Robert Withrow, Ste
phen Hint's, Samuel Milliken and others,
about 400 acres of which are cleared and in
a tine state of cultivation, and the remainder
well timbered. The above has been divided
into three plats or farms of about 193 acres
each, with an equal quantity of cleared land
in each tract, and w ill be sold either as 2 or
3 farm-, as may suit purchasers. If sold us
three farms the center one will be without
buildings. On each of the others there aie
erected GOOD HOUSES and
JJSJTj J J* x FINE BARNS, of large dimen
111 e£ -i me, and built in thcliest man-
There are a number of
tiuC un each tract, and a small strej.ni
flowing through two of them.
The turnp ke leading from Lewietown to
Huntingdon passes through the land. It i>
situated 3J miles from Newton Hamilton,
which is a station or. the Pennsylvania, Rail
road and Canal. The land Is tho very bo.-t
limestone, and is of equal quality wfth the
best land in Kishaeoqnillas Valley.
There is a large quantity of locust and
chestnut timlier on the tracts, and the clear
ed land is nearly all under post and rail
fence. The country in which it is situated
is remarkably healthy, and the neighborhood
Any persojiu desiring to look at the prop i
erty bef-re the day of -ale. can reach it by
getting off the Pennsylvania Railroad at New
ton llamiiton, win ye they rati get a cnniey
ance. Persons arc referred f" r information
relative to the lands to Mr. John Purcell, of
Newton Hamilton, and Gen'l Win. 11. Irwin,
at this place.
Sale to commence at 12 o'clock of said day,
at house of John Johnson, a tenant on the
property, to whom purchasers are also refer
Terms made easy, and a liberal credit giv
en. Particulars made known on day of sale.
Attorney for Ileirs of Ilenry Irwic, dee'd.
JLG wiktown, October 25, Jis6o.
?i:i|ilLiii) JJATT/.TJ'i,
At 1. - ■ '<■. Aionmout\ t\m:ily Xcir Jersey.
O'u-r 11. T! ili'ir. A. 21.. j Chcrlts -4. TFottcrs. .4. .V.,
Cnc, : J,; iieV):..4 jf.. j ffecrj/c to; s, .4. H ,
Kdwara il. llallicld.
HE Seliool i- ilnided into four depiirt-
I ments: th. e Classical, Middle, Agrieultu '
ral, and Frepaiatorv.
U;e pupils are instructed in Latin Greek.
Lngii.-it Gramutur. Arithmetic. Aig-bnt. iimi
sue,!) other mathematics as are requir-d to fii
boys tbnroughly for any eiu-s in coili ge.
the pupils pursue Geography, History. F.ng
list Grammar. Arithmetic, AlgeLiu, and";
pucli I'thrr .s!::dii s as are r.eeessarY to fir ;
young men for business, and the priutical
duties of life.
young men are instructed in Natural Philos- i
I'tdiy, Cheuii-try, Agricultural Chemistry,
! B 'tany, tie. logy, and such other depart- >
j uo-iit- , f knowledge as are calculated to '
j make intelligent farmers.
was - st.ii,l..-tied for younger hoy-, and is in
ten do i fit them Ibr tiic otinr departments, i
As. parate ro-un i~ j.r. u i. u tor ibis if' part- j
nient, and a .- 'iiipetcii! instructor devotes his j
; whole time to i(.
I Ucfi-rc-tu-e in Lewi-town, Mr. Samuel Trox j
1 ell.
Sf For rata'ogues cnntainiiig fuller in* •'
toriaati- a apply to jhe l'.rinei|iats.
Q. li. WILLIS.
sep2o-Ctii* C. A. WALTKIv^j.
.>! : id-x
'j.he Gems OJ Hie Scrasvii.
is n ■ huiuhug, hut a practical truth. '
f The pictures taken by Mr. Bitiklioider
' ai-o unsurpassed f i BOLDN KSS THUTiI
jDlli ABI LITV. I'rVes varving according
! to > /•• ~nd quality of frames and Oases
L( w isfow n, August 2'Z. ISGO.
Testimony of the whole World.
i 4&ik <
Had Legs. Bad Breasts, Sorrs and plccr*.
[ V 1/1. description nf sores are remediable
. \ by the proper an-i diiigent ne of this -nf-titra
! I-1-- prenuratioii. To attempt :o cure i;. 1!• g- t.v pbis
! -r.fur t!i efl-es of tic woan-i toijether i- a folly : for
•'. oil 1 the -bin unit, . a l-oggy diseased -'avlinon re- |
| mains an.lvrneath !■• t- • -ak i:t w.. a t-nfuM fury in a •
; few jays. The on')* ra-i--na: and suecess!'ultratfnei".t- 1
I as indicated bynaturr.is toreduee thCinflammadoß in j
vn-l about il-.-- wound and to so- ,tin* the niacl.t or lug i
parts by rnbli-ng o. pu-uiy of ti:v Oiiitment as salt is '
forced into m at.
; Uiptlirria. I'jtrratcd Sore Throat, and
Senfict and other Fevers.
Any of th'- above dise.ises may bo cured by well rub
bing tho Ointment ttu-eo tune's a day into "the chest, i
throat and n-ek of tiie rati- at: ii w !i soon penetrate,
and give immediate f Medicine taken by the '
m-'-utli must out-rate up- n the whole system ere its n- j
Silence can be felt in any !<v-ai put wnereas 'lie (i nr
ment will do its work at onec. Whoever tries the uu- j
gueni in the aim-,- ■ manner f-r the diseases named. |
anv sinviltir dt-or i.-rs- advetiiig the ehest and tiiroat, j
will find themselves relieved as hy a charm.
Piles, Fistula*, Strictures.
S The above class of complaints wiil !>e removed hy j
; nightly fomenting the parts with v,;,rm watt r.andthcji :
j by rr >.<t eiteetuaiiy igbhii-gir, (bcthnrineiit. Persons i
! suffering from these direful complaints should lose j
n-t a nnm -nt in arresting their progress. It shoul-1 t
be understood that it is not sufficient merely to smear ;
the- ointment on tho affoeted parts, but it must be well |
rubbed in for some considerable time tvo or three i
; titles . day. that :t may be taken into (he system. |
i wh-*nce :t will remove ar.v hidden sore or wound as j
effeetuaiiy as though palpable to the ey*-. There again j
hrea-i and v.-at- r potilta es. i.fier the rubbing in ofthe 1
ointment, Wili do great service. 1 Ids is the only sure j
j treatment for females, eases of cancer in the stomach,
j or where there nut} be age neral bearing down.
!mi isf re lln us of \otilh : Sore and liter*.
Blotches. a< also swellings, can with certainty, be j
j ra-iicully cured if the ointment be used fre.-'y and the '
| pills be "taken night and morning as recommended in i
! *.ie printed instructions. When treated in any other j
! way they only dry up in one place to break out in au- ,
j ot.ier; whereas tins ointment will remove the hum- - '
from the system, and have tiie patient a vigorous and !
healthy being, it will reqtre time with the use of the j
pilis to insure a lusting cure.
Dropsical Sh filings, Paralysis a!td Sllfl"
Joints. ' "
! Although the above complaints differ widely in their
! origin a.i 1 nature, yet they all require local treatment,
j Many of the worst oases." of such diseases, will yield
j in a comparatively short space of time when this oint
! ment is diligently rubbed into the parts affected.even
i after every" other moans have faded. In all serious i
j maladies the pills should be taken according to the j
: printed directions accompanying each box.
! Both the Ointment arul PilU should be used in the following j
j Bad Legs, Corns Soft} Rheumatism,
■ Bad Breasts, [Cancers. Scalds,
Burns, [Contracted and Sore Nipples,
Br-.:'., ns ' Stiff Joints, Sore i'hroats,
i>u. ol Mosrlie- Klcptuii)tia.-is, Sk:n Diseases, t
toes and Sand- Fistulas, Seuryy,
| Flies. (joiit. Sore floods,
i Cts-o-bay. ifliandtilar S w cl-Tumors,
Chicgosfoot, i lings. Ulcers,
j CtiiiiJains.' Lumbago, Wounds,
j Ijiiapp -d Hands. Ih.lc j, Yaws.
CA i.'Tloy —None "are genuine unless tlie words
sH -llow'av -V.oi fou am Efflon," are diseernat-h as
j a Hater-mark in every leaf of the book of directions.
[ arounu cacti put or bos: the same may be plainly seen
by hobting the leaf to the light. A handsome reward
; will bu given to any one rendering such information
| as may lead to tiie detection of any party or parties
counterfeiting tlie medicines or vending the same,
i knowing tiieni b- be spurious.
*#*Sold at ttie Manufactory of Professor Holloway,
; 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and by all respectable
Druggists and Dealers iu Medicine throughout tlie civ
i iUaed world, in pots, at "25c., (gc. and $1 each.
! " n®,'There is considerable saving by taking the lar-
I ger siaes.
| N. B. —Directions for the guidance of patients,in ev
! ery disorder, are affixed to each box. my 10
Estate of Susan Slsrler, deceased.
VUI ICE is hereby given that Letters of
it Administration nn the estate uf SUSAN
hlOLEit, late ol Decatur township, deceased,
have been grunted to tbu undersigned, resi
ding in said township. All persons indebted
to said estate will make immediate paypient,
and those having claims to present them du
ly authenticated for set't lenient.
IIKNKi I*. SICLER, Administrator,
octl I—Gt.
PATTON'S Patent Peji and .Pencil,
Lincoln &I I ttn I iti Metfals.
Douglas & Johnson
Bret keundge & Lane "
augdO 11. W. PATTON.
The People's Cock Bock.
Modern Cookery
Carefully Jleciscd la; Mrs. ,S. J. Ihle.
It Tells y -'. Howtochr.o'soHll kinds of p.- i-ltrr,
and O.une. v.itb ail U(<- various ur.-i ap
pr. vi! modes o: Ir-sPing;.nd cocking r,—.f
and Pork : th.- r.r I s-.Taplc.? way of
F'tiiuifi. pit'khlig and i uriug iae - ssne.
It tells you All the various and moetappored inedes of
drv"*-imr.' - <>okmguii>i Multon. L.a .
Ye:U. Pp'i'i'-iy. iii'.i ji iii. "i ■ i wi'ij
the dirtvretiT ;>r-ssinj£s. : s;vd Stiif-
Saea apfwoprlate to •ai..
It tc'lz • . ' How to Clio- ol* ran foi l pre .. rv<- FisJi i
> aC'kiuds. mad hpw to SVM . u it when taiut
.-d; also ad the varunu ar.fi t.iost v . d
iii Hi-vof eookiuy. with :;■ C.:n r< ntßroso
liyi. S;U' > and ii . .•.i-pr-'p:to
It a'ls pes All the various and lao.-t approve i mod. a
of projiarin;- over finy diii. rent kinds of
Meit. Fi-li. Foal. Oumo, and V.'iri-tai'lo
Soups. Brotlis. imit w.tli tlie ia lisiies
and sojwonings appropi-uK- to . ..- lu
It tells you Ail tli s various .ml in,; appro-td mode a
id rooking vegeta*-i- - -.f every <t<> ripti jn
also to prepare Ptcklos, Catsups, and Cur
ia— of all kinds. For. . M life. :'.sh ) o iv 4.
Musiirooiris. Ac.
It tells yen All the various ar. I mos' iniprov-, i modes
Of preparing all l eooa.ag all km is Ol I'ialll
and I-auey I'.i_stry. I'uudings, .imoU-tics.
J- raters, l akes. iConf. at.an. t y, Ilesorvi s.
Jei'.e ■, and svveit of every disenii
It tells you All the v.wo-ns arid in : I opr-. v t in.'x] >
ot makuiK Bread, Kitvlcs 31utfin.s sunl i: -
.• int. t!i- best tti •: .■ i of pr paring CotE-e
Clioeolate. and .* . . anil fiiiw to uiake Syr
ups. Cordials, and VVuieso! various kiiuts.
It tells you iiow to set ami ortiatm-n; ; f.i-i- h w t
carve all kinds of r !i Flesh or Foil I and
in mi.ni, how to simpliiv the whole ait ■>!
•Cooking as to bring uv - iioi est ,i:x u .•••■ o.
tiie taoie witmn eve: > body si
The hook r i tains lis psg.. ; . ~u, ardsof.w \v>
hundred recipes ail of v. .i.e.. a - ., ue i . ~ t- u! a
t.ial experience, having IK •. N !tu-y .mu . arcj'ai.y i ■-
■ i under tlie personal supermiendeni-eof the .uk
ers. It ii print, dlu a co.av and typo. 1- liiustm
tcd wult appr- i-na-e eiuiavug- IU ,„ u ,., forwsu
d- d to any ad i;o.'s, ••.;:>• , ;ti.l. and p. - -tagc p.u i.
s.-i. ug the ihovc work, our m : i: incuts to all such
Foi iiiglc i-opi- sof the book, or for terms to agents,
with other information, ipply to -mr address
•IoHN K. l'lil'l'tl! Publisher,
novl-tim No. t-JT isans jin Street, i'iiiia icipiua, Fa.
Great Work on tli Hcrse.
I'rnjixxnr o t I'athohujy and Operatic; Surgery
in the I\ieeinary College of J'.ii/adefphia
Etc.. Etc.
Will tell you Of the Origin. History and distinctive
trails r,t the various 1 reeds of European.
Asia:.". Afriean and \nien an ilorse.Wuh
the physical formation and peculiarities in
the amnial, and how to asceitain I is age I,\
the number and c ui'titioii his teeth; ii
lustrated with numerous engravings.
I Yill tell yen (li breeding. Breaking. Suifdiug. Feed
ing. irhoeing, ::ud the genera!
management of the horse, with the best
ni'idi-s of administering :r., iieine. also, how
to treat Biting. Kicking. Hearing.Shying
Stuiuhliiig. Crib Biting. U< • i!essi,i-s," aro
other vices to which he. is subject; with
numerous explanatory engravings.
H'i.'Z tell you Of the causes, symptoms, and treatment
of Worms, Both, Coin:, buangulation, hiouv
Concretions, Kuptiires. pa:-y. Diarrhoea
Jaundice, Hepatirrimsi. Bloody Urine,
Btom s in the Kidneys and it lad der. lnliam
atiou and oilier diseases of tile fcroiuaeh.
Bowels, Liver and Urinary Organs.
'I i.'! tell you OS the causes -ymptoms. and treatment
of Bone, i; ■ land Bog. Spavin, Kiiigboiie,
Sweenie.Stra us. Itrokeu Ki.cos. Winn i jaiis
Founder. Sole Bruise and innr-el. Cracked
Hoof.-, b'. rati In s. Canker,- 'l l rush, and
Corns : also, of Megrims. Vertigo Epiiep. v
Istaggers. and otlu-r diseases of tne feet
Begs, and Ilea J.
t{ \!l tell you Of the causes, symptoms, and treatment
Of Strangkh, b re i'hroat, Lilslemper, Ca
turrh, intluenza, Bronchitis, Fneumouni
Fleltrisy, Broken Wind, Chronic Cough
Koaring and Whistling. Lam pas. boar
Mouth and Ulcers, and Decayed teeth, witi.
other diseases of tne Moutn and Respira
tory Organs.
H'i<! I' ll yon Of tlie causes, symptoms and treatment
of Fistula. Foil Evil. Outiiilors. Far.-y, Scar
let Fever, .dange. Surli-H. Lockud Jaw
BiieuiilaUsm, Cramp, etails. Diseases of the
Eye and Heart .No-, anil how to manage Cas
eation. Bleeding, Trepiiinning. Hi-wehng.
Firing. Hernia. Amputation, 'lapping, ami
oilier surgical operations.
Will till you 'of Barry s Method of taming Horses:
how to approach. Halter, or St.-.blc a Colt!
how to accustom a horse to strange sou mis
ami sights, and Low to Bit Saddh, Bine ami
Break lii/ii to harness; also, flie 1011.1 ami
law of Warranty. The wliole being the res
nit of more than fifteen years'careful study
of tlie habns. peculiarities, wants and weak
nesses of this noble and useful animal.
Tin' book contaius ..>4 pages, appropriately Uiustra
(ed by nearly one hundred engravings. It is printed
in a i leal - mill opc-u type, ami will lie furnished to ur.y
uiiiiress, postage pari, oil receipt of price, hall bouao
si.;ii>, or in cloth, extra, si.-ij.
selling me above, and Mtln i popular vv iks 01 ours.
(.Mir inducements to ail sueli ar' exceedingly liberal
For single copies, of the Book. <r n • :us to age uts,
with othti information, applv to <n riuidr-ms
JoHN K. FOI'TKK, Publisher.
novl-6m ilo. 617 s,iiisom Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
SI (3-A.LjliOlSr.
. ly free from smell or smoke, will burn
brilliantl 25 percent, lunger than all crystal
or classified coal oils. All coal oil bought
from us that does nut give entire satisfaction
can be returned to us at our expense. It has
occurred once or twice that we had to draw
our supplies from manufacturers of coal oil
which was not as good as it should have been,
owing to the fact that the company who have
regularly heretofore supplied us being out ot
stock, the demand being so great fir their
superior oil, but having now completed large
improvements for its manufacture, our sup
plies will be regular and abundant,
makers Lasts, of ail sizes, styles,
• and "patients. 20 setts Men's and
Buys' Boots and Shoe Lasis. for sale by
LEATHERS. —2UUU pounds Red and oak
Sole Leather, kipps. Uppers, Calf Skins,
Morocco, and every description of Leather
used by shoo makers, at greatly reduced pri
■" CTS. per lb. for shoe nails, 4 cts, per
I quart for shoe pegs. Large and complete
assortment of Findings, at equally low rates,
1 QjUl Pieces of Wall Paper just receiv
* ed, finitely new stock. Some
very beautiful styles as low as G. X, and 10
cts., making our assortment the largest and
cheapest in the county.
AHITE Granite Tea and Coffee Sets of
IT many patterns and styles, too numer
ous to mention, for sale by
.10I1N KENNEDY & Co.
(10PPER IvpTTLES. cheap for cash.
J sepG ' F. J. HOFFMAN.
T!it* unlcrsi4nc>l bavins *:*#m Pr f -** 'r IJriSPIIRrVS*
SPECIFIC U *M HO!* vTil!? UPMKOr< i-i va'r f* vM*s
with t'-e most sntlVa- lory re* i'T, ..mi '• in.: full CKIC-
Celled in i.. v ,r jcen : :;v ■•. jwuiiy, a:; i. ' • cheerfully
Un?i ?. ait per*-•nit u).o *!>h U iinvr snft\ rr-
BAH]**, AN<L EIIW*SFCOA£ I'V:>A*U.T-9 A: R.:U I: .* PRIV: K ;E or LO-
Th? K-.*\'. Vt'ji. II fusr, editor of ''The N'ort: *rn In-!*-
pc: N nt/' Vuburn, N. Y. : the R**v. [' If. D.IV,
Hector .T St. Cha/ch, \ y . t}.- Rev. !t. 1.
Ives, Chrtplu'". of t.i- Aubat'. St I 1 . rt; the Rev.
Sj*ei!C r M 1* e U Nrv B • "• r... M ;**. ; ) ? Uev.
AHv: Sh'fl*. New York C.nlrrm? . He lie v. Sruurl
NL'hoi:*, k i'Mir OonTerci *c, \\ Y. ; tbo Rev. P. S.
Pratt. IYrs. t. V:.; the R. v. Joh. K. K .hie. Ii jff.il..; V C.
II irt, i .. t'!' .. V Y ; the li • Nc&l l> v% IVrtintvl,
>t\ ; : ■:i 9 CoI&X,5 ith-Mc! :. li. I . ttlHl.
(* Htin ' N. V. ; lienrv D. C V, kl-titor of
The O• ii StV ? 3 ir: -1, C : -\s aRHa; f.-e I! -i. 11. 11.
Grab*! . M .• • ; the Mon. ' . %* .1 C . ise, M 1 -
cello t Fi.v; the ii - J Reiie iict. Cti:a, V V , W
ttrlst •!, K- j., l*:i <, N Y. ; A. * 1' ••:. Plica, N. V. ,
Jiunri P!iv.kef!, L-j.. Nil*hvii c, Tenr>.
ur OP <pr.at>:c I:>:.MSCDI?:©.
N 1.-—F r F' vrr, C m.iW'o *% :•: iln l.inimatlon.
N •. '! —P-*" \V i-T.i k' -Vi , '.Vor ri Ci'tlc. U' ? ! e B '•I.
N o—r jr 0 C.y; i.*, Tevt tia.', 1:1 '•> •* /fui icsa of
No. 4. —Y'-R ITarrlipi, Co .'lera IT •"lINT JNV, R.N I 2 inracr
No. A.—P ,r C ! ! \ Oripincj, Dysf .tery, -r Bbwly ftax.
N 0—("'• '.era, C 'ere. M rb?!?, Vormtine.
N. 7 —r- r Coughs, Co!I.% Inftucpra, JI;-. I &>re fliroat.
So S— t rT • ••' e F •- . •. .;i S- T
V > I*. lie*-Yei iy , Ilea: a Palli s*-? of the
He i I.
N . } • -- r . .'i" r ,: 4 p;i •—r r Wert'; an<! Derange J
P 'ii<i uti m, r. : 1 lAVtr CornpHint.
NI. *. i - F 1 i Pvm%Lß IKBKS S< P-traftll, OT
Su;nr"-' i e i P rio/.s.
N >. 1-.—Fir L'Meorrke*. Prjfase Mc-r-s, anil
!) -v:: of V. nil
v. i;>.—K r C • "n, Hoarse C i-h P.a i nreathlrr.
N '. if -S\IT R;CNU I'.'iL-*—l'or I7ry?!|E{ A.*, Eruptions,
Piniole-* on V t Face.
No. 1 A.—UK ; M % rit* Pu!*.—T -r Pain, I aiatncss, -r Sore
tiesi In tl*r f i<;k, !otus. or 1 bob i.
A.—f or Fever at I Ame Chili Fever D imb A / ie, OM
MM "via e i A
J' —y : I*' J !!.' .lor H•• •:! 1 'c* 0 K*:trrnah
/> .-K : TI-. We\'n. • r l.v! tme I Fyc3 sir; i F/elMs; Falt
ir VYr .. u- iii-. re . ?
C.— t r c. recent c'.lur with
•bit. ;, i -r .*" • ;•■< *'
\\ ,•—t' r : r v abating :.j violence acJ
1 ?..: a i. ii.-v.yws, w x - Hf K-7vr, I ••flar.unatiors,
(t ;rriur; t. o.y, R t. : . ami cu.li eiup
:;v.• •!'•*• -• -c -i- > ct \v . . " . ••..: •••: Kryalj<ir.s, ttie
"f giv ':g the : r; !•;• •< i-.iUs |.: <-r:?! ?• v p •b
-\- im, at'-: J? nil -ici •*..sci t - i '. 5 r.tt like n
Tle vfitir*- biseo.se is ti iNfVui t ■ R caM
the vii-leucr •! ? r -ItaoW ? nn.n r.;l.t* ihort
e'icl, am! p'title' vl I*SJ l:;:sgeri u*.
C ogl.y UM i !'• ! .V. \vh ai c : euvh frc.ur: t occnrrrnce,
an i wii< i 5 > • lot ' c • v of tli>ia*-d lun^v,
br • chit * ami \<n. n. *-.! l be sit cnce earwil lv
the Fever an i IViigh P >.
In allcfuroni.* •. - .. Stoscach,
C..;stl; alio?:, l iver C' .b.t* P •. =. l-. le!-Tty, ami
Irre- thirties, oil If CM e.-, > r. r Wi-tj U'HII!),
Jjai! R: •_ u oi:.er t! i v:v : t' v •.. e *v- Pj ffl'icS
viho/c Jo,or ayj.h •ti.oi will nJV >ru u etne in nluiofct every
instatu e. Otten *. e cure ••• :: sii v. •. i• iSc difßc . ly, inch
as l>;% P ■< i l' tnrrh, !•• • t eor Wvak
nes.-v, ha } ol! fir :cstse tew t rac wvr.
C ine -if i' ' j!• -.: r ,n. i
Case : f If# inn.' tiervl JO.V *, a; i ik-
Cas. r f. h,.xee, ii v 1.- • i ,'/•! H*\ I
Sltrde ' : be* v i •>!:. i r<v!htis .. 2.* cents.
Single !vttrv%t IMXCS, v. itl liri (tutu. • 1 • cuts,
of H -if. vi .lSjfi jla!cr nuJ J-':.. —sls
Ton 1 - •• on V:t ■: •, - CI jrvse*l 4 DlMcttH, lalf.'M
Ureal- ;;♦.!•• •• r it \l •; IK • jte *• ration. Price,
AO ivuis |. r n.\.
Kuk Km i>t .k< *vt- !*:••♦.— 1 - s'har;"* from the
Ear, rt. it : , Mc o'o or Merctirials.
Fr N ivn i tb lira#!, liartltirw f Uearlufr, aiif! Riiiglnn
in the Ears, ami Far-.:.! r. I :•<■ "H> per 1> x.
FtS- •• •>r* < rh large i t hirv'.s, K. !argel at I Imlnrat
f! v.-- rf F te'.Hngs -i- -I O? fu nt CudiWj of
ChiMrei Pi i-. f, h't ci' .t • j-r i>
Knit i.;:n , !b _ trv. pricr.l - r Verve;;* Weakness.
Kit • • . , ,t. Ks esive Mrr*Uatiott, or Kx-
I ih P i —.•! :i \. t Ttin,' i Swrl'.lngrs, with
Sc.-h ere!' i. Ptl •.. .'trvr.t3 t r b.v
Vo, fr :: i • n:-oi-•. Price, AO ceil**
per hi\.
F M PUIKAKV OiAKiitie?.- V firavel, Renal Cal rufi, DHR
cult. liul liriiiati'.i , ln> cs f ti eh tlf- Price, f0
FOH :t!M M ESIV-!O —lnv.'i!* sry l>'scl:irtres ami
Co:.>ei .- -t P. stroll n a: 'I Js*hllit\, }<• stilts of F.vil
Habit*. T, e n..i nucecssfnl ami v hot tvi-.tilv V.r onn,
Mini may ie relie.l tipmi a eyre, i'r; r. with fub'cllrtc
tloiii, *! j.er box.
P.- sons h: w I*l i ' ; hi'• t .einselv * in !-r the j-rnfet
ficmal >'At.. *r t" K aovice of Pr r . llrviriiHt Ys, *HII !•
so, i !.;o • ihcc ACJ ftroxuway, *r.-.n * A.M. '.%> S P.M
or by to'*-t.
orit Z.:v.RM\S in* M\il
l.ook .-v.- * e I s?, make up a case of what klml ycu
rhooxe, irii! tl e n;.ioii;t ! . a current • to .r stan.ps
by rt-til l i our acbtress, at N- 502 lir a<lwi! i, N>w-Y<*rk.
H'II! the tiiv iicine will I ilu'v rth. by mall or express,
free of cFar/e. " * - e
AHENTS 'A \M K D — M' ies.re A s•: yr, r ' cv: t Are:
for th- vale of or Kotne-v * h .-v-y *• ?* '-r Cfo:inT.it%
in tl e L* 1 —I tin. Amims* l> . K \l> .MIMiUEYS A Co.
\ Han ' \v. Nrtv-Yits
Chnrlts liitz Wholesale, and i? /a<7 Aytnt
or L'lisixtown and vuinity, and dnijjists atnl
stores oencrullu. m>i3
iravuuva anD Dealers
Head Quarters!
Produce and General Ccmrnission
So. 47) Vorth Mater Street) below Arch
Street) Philadelphia,
# * # Agents for all li(JAi\( )S.
DUETTS, and ntlier kirids of Fertilizers.
** # Ail descriptions of I'UU.N
TRY PRODUCE taken in exchange or sold
*%Qui k Sales aiid immediate
Returns are guaranteed upon a!! consign
# * # \Ve are the sole agents for
tha best articles ot VINEGAR ni oie in this
city or elsewhere. jylfi-Gm
N. E. corner of Fourth and Market streets,
I'TI I R.ADEI.rti J A.
act I—3 ni
(Sofeegorg to Samuel Townscnd A Son,)
A'o. 39 South Second street above Chestnut
IMPORTERS and Dealers in Velvet, Brus
sels, Tapestries, Three Ply, Ingrain and
of the best English and American make.
Matting*, Oil Ctoths, d' - c , <lx., dec.
We solicit an inspection of our assortment
before purchasing elsewhere.
IQST, .<n the evening of the vriJe awake
j ppiiceAwlnn, October sth. A GOLD
CiiAlN : which the tinder will please leave
i.t t;ic Gazette Office, and receive a suitable
reward. oct2s
Acu the various A lections c zseqnent ujiou a <Leoedtir.il
STOII iC El () It 8,1 VEII .
Rucb as Indig<*tion. Aridity of the Stomach, Colicky Paint,
Iheirtburn, L- •.-> *>f Appetite, tWiviinst
Blind ami 81.-cding IM * I:, :,!! Nervous. Kh-mnolie. an i
Neuralgic Aflartini:*. It has it. nu;iitn in.t.t<es ) lvvvl
hic'.'.y N-m-ficLil. and in , -he e!h ,-ir.l i< to, • ,■ | cure.
'llii- it a purely ttpla! le compound. • Pared on SHctlf
principles. the manner .if the c. debiiited
Lolbtml Professor. IVvrbave. It* ropuh-tUo" at home pro
d'aced its intr -Incti >ti livre, thy .1 fn.iml coti an aeing
those of the Fatherland scattered over the fCo of tiii"
migh'y country, many of whom broil zht with them amt
Lauded down the tri-lit. :i of its value. It its stow < if. red
U> !'"t Amtn\ an thawing that itt truly mMcrfw
vwltcina! virtus* must !- VrusjU'lrrt.
It is particularly rycoutuietidei to those ;* r<otix Wliom
constitutions may ha-, e been Impaired 1 v the eoutiutr it ii
of ardent spirits, or other forms of dis*i;:ition Ueu.-r.xllv
Instantaneous in effect, it f.rds i's way l<<et!v to the seat
of lit'o. thrilling and quickening every oerve. raising np tlie
drooping spirit, and, in tact, Infusing tew health am!
in the system
NOTll'F.—Whoe ver expects to find this a le-vrrsrc will
be d'.-appointc.i: but to ttt lick, weak ami fcsw sprite.! it
w ill prove a grateful aromatic cordial, t> '-.-.raced , f singular
remedial properti- s.
The (lenuine highly concentrated ltuerli.ave'a I!ol]ain|
Bitter* is put up in half-pint let ties only, and retailed nt
Out Dou.Aßperladtte.i l six hottles for Fivt: Dotl.p.a Tlie
gteat demand for this trulv rrlehi.ated Medicine has i lid need
many imitations, which the public should guard against
Kir Beware of Imposition. Pee that our name is ou tiio
label of every bottle you buy.
Sold by Druggists jj-cerally. It can be forwarded
by Express to most point).
ghannarnttisfs and (Chemists
For utile by CHaKLi.'S Ui'l'/l. Lonistowu,
Pit. scpt>
&*" 1 -- -i
"• £\ C'JP" RLATiVg
f • the Citizen* of At if Jerxty if 1 I'enn. yl
vuiiL(l, Aputlnrnrsfa I)iiiyt/i.sfs, flroctvs
ami I'rivoic Families.
Wolfe's Pure Srjndy.
l olfr's Pure fladclri, Slifrry and Pot (
Mine." *
Uolfe'u Pure Jamaica aiid St. Truix Hum*
Wclfe's Pure Scotch and Irish Whiskey*
J lihi.r leave to call the attention of the
1 ci'izona of the United States t . ilio u l. ve winoa
aa-i Liquors, imported by Lauipho W. lfe. of >ew
■ -irk, ivhose name is familiar iu every part of tt.:a
•Mtntry for thu purity c.f h<s c. i l.r:.f J Sdam
schnapps. Mr. Wuifc, in his letter t.-> mc sp ingof
the parity ins Wuwa|DaiUquur . - . , wid ■
nty reputation a- a man my im(i:nsr* a merchant
<f thirty years' rc-i 1.-ii' .- ia the C ity t f N w York,
that all the Brrindi - ati-1 Wines that 1 l nuti av pnre
is tmporu-i. and of the best qit il tv. and can
be relied upon by every purchaser.'" Every
i i'tle has the proprietors name on the was and
a fae simile of hi-siguiturc on the ceitiib n e. 'foe
public are res'pe •.u!;v invited t • •: all :.n i examine
for themselves. F"r mV at RvUii by ah Apothecar
ies and Grocers ia LL ' ..
No. 53.: M rit.-t sr. Philadelphia
8 ji . Agent for Pusladijph...
Road the following fr in t ie Jh-tv \ orl: r .wrier'
EV'.HMOUS Bon V. SS y-h y VW YC-IK Mw.ta.tr-
We are happy to inform ot i IV-lluw-t iii.ten.-. that: •
is one place ia our *try where the physician, afothc
arv. and country incicli.i.rt,< rn $• and purcha-i pur <
Wines aud Liquoia, as pit •• • mpoi i-d. and o. UM
best quality. V.'e do no: intend to give no eh.borate
•ieseriptron of this merchanti-xtei.s:.e business. a.-
though :t will repay any strangei ■ r. c--. to visit
(Jdolpho Wolfe's .<. n top hcusS. Los. is. lit/and
-J. IS -aver street, ami N"-.17. it) and cl. MarUeifiehi
stret*. His stock < f tiohnapps on hand ready for
shipment could not i: c/u been less than thirty thou
sand eases ; the Biaudy some ten tiiouKuio'• oa -
Vintages of 1836 to ls.V ; and ten thou-and ca -i > of
.Maiairu. .Sherry and port Wine, beotcti and Irish
whiskey Jnn.i a and St. t'mix Ruin. si.me vet v old
and equal to any in this couutiy. fl< ■ aiso had three
large cellars, filled with Brandy. Wine. Ac., in casks
under the Custom House key. ready for bottling.—
Mr. Wolfe's sales of S iun.tpp • i g.t year amounted to
one hundred and eighty thousand avow n. and we t.ope
in less than two years" he may beequa.iy .-uecosMul
with his Brandies and Wines. *
His business merits the patronage < f every lover of
his species. Private families who wish pure Wine.4
and Liquors for medical us- should send n.eir orders
direct to Mr. Wolfe, until every Apothecary in the
land make up their minus to iii-cinu the poisonous
stuff from their shelves, and replace it wi'h Welle s
pure Wine and Liquors.
We imderstapd Mr. Wolfe, for the-accommodation
of small dealers in the country, puts up assorted rus
es of Wines and liquors. Such a mill, and such a
merchant, should be sustained against ids teos of
thousands of opponents in the united States, who
sell n<t;..r.g but imituuens, ruinous alike to human
health and happine: s. sepl;>-iy
Pond's F'xtract of Hamamelis,
IS or.? of the few domestic remedies which
have come into general use and favor,
without puffing. It is the product of a bin -
pie shrub, harmless in all cases, and as a <J",
rne.-tic remedy unequalled. F>r Burns, Cuts-
Bruises, Soreness, Lameness, Sprains. J'heu■
matisvi. Boils, C'c -rs, Sores and f founds,
it has not an equal. It is also used,
with great success, for Toothache, iLtiXaaehe,
Neitridyia, Sore, Throat, Volte, Jjiarrltoca,
Hoarseness, and other sir..iiar troublesome
and painful affections, while it proinprly ar
rests all Hcnimorliayes. Hundreds of [ hysi
cians'use it daily in their practice, and give
it their unqualified recommendation. Sold
|.y o'ur agents and dealers, and by
F. HUMPHREYS & (J"., 5G2 Brodway,
Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers,
my 3
Estate of Abraham Bfymyer, deceased,
OIKE is her--by given that letters of ad-
A \ inini-tfatinn on the estate of ABRA
HAM BLYMYER, late of the borough of
Lewistown, MilHtn county, dee'd , have been
granted to the undersigned, iCsiding in said
h-irough. All persons indebted to said estate
are requested to mako immediate payment,
and those having claims to present them duly
authenticated for settlement. *
oct2s Administrator