Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, October 18, 1860, Image 3

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    c 3 3A3E 5 I s.
Pennsylvania It ail road.
Traius leave Lewistown Station as f.-llows
- roach Express, 5 OS a. in. 11 00 p. „i.
'- 'k i.ine, 0 03 p. in. 4 03 a. ni.
Vr.i.n. .J 4$ p.m. 10 24 a.m.
f -kucli Freight. 1150 p.m. 4 55 p.m.
Freicht. 0 30 a.m. 4 55 p.m.
, Freight, 10 30 a. m, 12 35 p. in.
I',.' Fraiil.t, 1135 p.m. 1150 p.m.
I). E. ROBESON, Agent.
•S-Giilbraith's Omnibuses convey passengers to
. ■ irein all the trains, taking up or setting them
' .mat all points within the borough limits.
Post Ollice.
v :s arrive and close as follows:
Close. Arrive.
extern Through and v, ay, 9 a. m. 4 p. in.
do. 2 p. in. 11 u. m.
F -tern Through, S p. m. 5 a. in.
\'*-; ! iern Mail* Bp. in. 2 p.m.
'e • .. hours from < a, m. until Sp. m. Sunday from
. ;ui:i I o'clock a. ni.
The Fathers on Slavery
A Columa of "Elack Republicans."
It will not be conceived, from these obser
vation*. that it is my wish to hold these no
'jif'py people (negroes) in slavery. I can <n
,'jv that there is not n man living who wish
es m >re sincerely than I do to see a plan nd
.pted for iße abolition ol it.— Washington to
X-jbe-rt Morris.
[ never mean, unless some particular cir-
compel me to it, to possess annth
fr -live by purchase, it being atuong my first
ni-iies to see some plan adopted by whicli
..'dt-.j-ij in this country may be abolished l.y
law.- — I' ashing ton.
Bv his will he gave full effect to these view?,
aid "directed his slaves to be emancipated.
I v uld never have drawn my sword in the
yiu- of America if I could have conceived
that thereby i was founding a laud of s>la
verv. — Lafayette.
Slavery is detested ; we feel its fatal effects;
v (!"pl<>re it with all the pity of humanity.
] repeat it again, that it would rejoice my ve
ry soil that every one of my fellow beings
were emancipated. NVe ought to lament aud
deplare the necessity of holding our fellow
men in bondage.— Patrick Henry.
It is a debt we owe to the purity of our re
;itin ! ) show that it is at variance with that
~-.v which warrants slavery.— Patrick Hairy.
Would any one believe that 1 am master of
OWES by my own purchase? I will not, I
.pit justify it. However cuipaoie my own
.duet, I will so fir pay my devoir to virtue
u own the excellence and rectitude of her
:r opts and lament my want of conformity
.1; oi. 1 believe a time will conic when an
ppurtunitv will be offered to abolish this la
,bible evil. — Patrick llc.nry.
I t ruth'': for my country when I remember
.i! G>4 isjt'sf. and that His justice cann-.t
I . revor. A revolution is among possi
. u-io.-. The Almighty has no attribute
which would take sides with us in such a
struggle.— Jefftrso n.
What an incomprehensible machine i- man!
who can endure toil, famine, stripes, impris
ninent, ami even death itself in vindicati .n
f his 0"- n liberty ; and the next moment be
deaf to iiii those motives whose power snp
turts hi:n through bis trial, and intiict on bis
: lluw men a bondage, one hour of which is :
fraught with more misery than ages of that '
F. : . aho roe in rebellion t.i oppose.— JctJer 1
Tiil America comes into the measure (fur
s' ishiiig slavery) Iter prayers to heaven wiil
■ imj'V'US. litis is ast nig expression, but
is iu>r. I believe that God governs the
* "•>!, and I believe it to be a tuuxiin of his,
•in ur courts. that those who ask for cqui
ijht ts practice it.— JMin Jay.Jir.il C,iej
f the U. S lutes.
- r. i envy neither the heart nor the head
IT man from the North who rises hero to
. >i") slavery on principle.
! ve to my slaves their freedom, to which
r.y iisi-'miice tells nie they are justly r-nti-
It has a long time been a matter of the
post regret to me, that the circumstances
.•r which 1 inherited them, and the obsta
• thr -.in in the way hy the laws of the
• i":. have prevented my emancipating them
niv lif • time, which it is my intention to
m case 1 can accompli h it.— John Ran
id, l*J.
N -avrry stifles industry and represses en
v"l rise; it is fatal to economy and Provi
it discourages skill, impairs our
_"h as a community, and poisons morals
oit ir fountain head.— Jndtje Gaston, of
i Carolina.
i i.i earth, which multiplies her productions
'• r the hands of the free born laborer seems
einnk into barrenness under the sweat of
*!ave.— Dr. Rush.
h is ruinous to the whites; retards improve
•t; r nits out an industrious population ;
Unh'h 'u the yecmen of the country; deprives
the weaver, the smith, the shoe
~"o: r, the carpenter, of employment and
''t Labor id every species is disvepu
because it is performed mostly by slaves;
-coral aspect of the country marks the
•' id a wasteful, idle, reckless population,
!| 'tve no interest in the soil, and care not
■ • miiih it is impoverished.— Thomas Mar
\ of Yiryinia, 1832.
1 vlieve that no cancer on the physical body
ever more certain, steady and fatal in its
• • -'ess than is the cancer of slavery on the
ai body of the State of Virginia. It is
V' m F into her verv vitals.— Mr. Berru, of
bfyo.ta. *
, opposition to the exters'on of -lavery
* Ortlicr hack than 1844—forty years fur
• j -ek : and as this is a suitable time fra
\ o declaration, and a sort of conscience
V - v ' ' w '" that my opposition to it
V ," ' r °™ when 1 was a student at law
, ['f Tennessee, and studied the
' . Af r'^ n Slavery in an American
B "~ a \' r S' n ' a hook—Tucker's edition of
-"'tone's Commentaries.— Thomas 11.
, '''pi. That the abolition of domestic
ce| greatest object of desire in these
. oes, where it was improperly introduced
j w? "j r p-'^ nt state.— Colony of Virginia,
be have found this evil (slavery,) has prey-
Udn ' • v ' ta ' s t>f the Union, and has
if : , -.,f re J u dicial to all the States.— James
J- 1 - *he world that we are not influen
lot 1 a ' l - V contra <:ted and interested motives,
2' neral philanthropy for all mankind
i fd ,V T ® r ' an K ai ge or complexion, we hera
:f thf- C ' lre ' " r sa PP r °hation and abhorrence
i-vl. unnalu . ra ' of slavery in Amer- j
big},!" y ,rac tice founded in injustice and |
Cbmm-,1 an £? r<Jtlß to our liberties.— JJarien
"***, Georgia, 1775. |
S'- .' , r ? 8 aliowß l' ,e vital current to i
*ord' , r ' JU ? Tc '* n8 > I will never, never, by :
"'ought, hy mind or will, aid in ad- '
listing U " e ree t erp it" r y to the ever-.
of hunjtvu Jjopdage,— JJenry
It is wrong to admit into the Constitution
Me have seen a mere distinction of color
made the ground of the most opp * ~.-,ive do
nnoion 0l man over man .—Madisott.
Slavery is an atrocious debasement of hu
man nature.— Dr. Franklin.
Slavery is contrary to the law of nature and
nations.— William Wirt.
Modern Democracy on Slavery.
1 care not whether slavery is voted up or
voted down.— Stephen A. Douglas.
I believe that capital should own its labor.
Herschcl J. Johnson, candidate for Vice
•Look ar the slaves in jour workshops !
they are driven to the p .lis at the beck of
their masters, under penalty of beiixr dis
charged.V. Johnson, candidate for
; V ice 1 resident: speech at Pittsburg a few
weeks ago.
The real cause of the agitation in the pub
i bo mind is the anti -lavcry .-cntim-nt of the
- N„rth -Speech of J. .V. S. Curry in theprts
tut Congress.
The Democratic doctrine is that ovpry lnan
: shall mind his own business; and that the
people of Utah or Kansas have a right to
adopt evil constitutions if they pri.u-r R,. UL
' —Senator Pttgh.
I Slavery is rightful because it is instituted
and sanctioned by the Bible, and because it
; is consonant to the nature, pra-tice and leg
islation i-f man.— Richmond Fmju tier.
I say it is wrong to he sending tw . or three
; millions of dollars annually fr un our po-.k<-ts
and sacrificing thousands id lives upon the
; c ' ,aHts (; f Africa, in that terrible uliinate, to
prevent our going there to get a f,. w negroes.
Speech of Wni. 11. Ooith/.-n of Oeoraia, a
D uglas Delegate to the Hat/i'inorc Conven
Ihe Democrus of the South in the pres
ent canvass cannot rely on the old ground of
defence and excuse f..r Slavery, for they se< k
not merely to maintain it where it is, but to ex
tend it into regions where it is unknown.—
Rich mond Fnqu trer.
Slavery exists in Kan tig under the Const;,
tutioii. — James Jiuchunun.
If the Constitution carries slavery there (in
the 16i ritoriosJ without affirmative law. no
power on earth can t ike it away.— Douglas,
at Chicago.
Make the laboring man tiie slave of one
man instead of the slave of society, aud he
would be better off.
Two hundred years of liberty have made
white laborers a pauper banditti.
Tree society has faded, and that which is
n -jt fjj'e must be substantia;. ,!? nulor Mason,
of Virginia.
Shall the Democratic jr-rai-ty fear this is-ue
to oppose the extension of Shivery ? No. in
TENSION OF * si. AVEIIV,' and they 01117 await
the truth spoken not, and thing! called '>-•
theii rignt toioifs. t sweep the Abolition at
mosphere from the republic, and to bury its
besotted tools in the prof mildest depths—ti e
lowest depth of public contempt. — .V. J". Dai/
Ilt'ok, a Item, paper.
Nor will it avail us aught to show that the
negro is most happy and best situated in the
condition of slavery. If we stop there, we
weaken our cause !>y the very argument in
tended to advance it: for we propose to take
iiifo uric Pen done* human briny# un/it /./•
liberty, self goverumeid, aud equal asaoci
at inn >cith other men. It'-run.-1 j" a yt-p farth
er. We must show that African Shivery is a
moral, religious, natural, and probably, in
the general, a necessary institution ef eocietv.
Rich in ond Enquirer.
Free society is a monstrous abortion, and
Slavery the beautiful, healthy, and natural
beirsjs which they ar>- trying to" adopt.
The slaves are yorerned jar Utter than the
Tree laborers oj the North. Onr slaves are
tail only b"tt'r off as to the physical comfort
than Free Laborers, but their moral condition
is better.—Richmond Enquirer.
yen are not entitled to equal rights. It
w iuld be nearer the truth to say that some
were born with saddles n their backs, and
spurred to ride them, and toe riding docs
them good.
Life and liberty are not inalienable.
The declaration of independence is exuber
ent'y false and aboresceutly fallacious.—
Richmand Enquir-r.
I want Cuba; I want Tamaniipas, Potosi.
and one or two other Mexican States—and I
want them all for the si ne purpose; for the
planting and spreading of slawrv. * *
I would spread the blessing of slavery, like
religion of our Divine Master, to the utter
most ends of the earth. Senator Brown, <>f
' IN ail social systems there must be a class
to do the mean duties, to perform the drud
gery ot life—that is a class requiring but a
low order of intellect, and but little skill. *
CIET r.' 'The man who lives by daily labor,
and scarcely lives at that, and has to put out
his labor in the market and take the best he
can get for it—in short, your whole class of
manual laborers and operatives, as you call
Slaves do not vote—yours do vote.'—Senator
Hammond, of South Carolina.
PERSONS knowing themselves indebted
to John Kennedy, or to the late firm of
John Kennedy, sr., <fc Co., wiil please call
and settie up their accounts before the Ist day
of October, as on that day the books will be
put into the hands of Jos. Alexander, Esq.,
fur collection. AH having claims against
John Kennedy, sr.. or the iate firm of John
Kennedy & Co., wiil bring in their accounts
for settlement The stock now on hand will
be sold at and below cost to close the concern,
as John Kennedy, sr., intends to relinquish
the business.
Lewistown, Sept. 27, 1860.
Estate of Susan Siglcr, deceased.
OTICE is hereby given t hat Letters of
JL x Administration on the estate of SUSAN
SIGLEii, late of Decatur township, deceased,
have been granted to the undersigned, tesi
dmg in said township. Ail persons indebted
to said estate will make immediate payment,
and those having claims to present them du
ly authenticated for settlement.
lIKNKY P. SiGLEiI, Administrator,
oetl 1-61.
DRIED Apples, a splendid article, for sale
low by
COPPER KETTLES, cheap for cash.
At Freehold Monmouth County, Neve Jersey
Of/rtr <?. 1{.4. if., j Cll'ulm A. Wr.U-.■*•. .4. J/.
, Charles .7. Jcmison. .1. .1/.. j 'ivurui- (in-lies, .1 R "*
. Eilward 11. RdljiOU.
r|ulE School is divided into four depart
i -X nients: the Classical, Middle,
ral, and Preparatory.
toe pupils are instructed in Latin, Greek
i English Grammar, Arithmetic, Algebra, ane
such other mathematics as are required 'to fii
i boys thoroughly for any class in college,
the pupils pursue Geography, History, ling
list Grammar, Arithmetic," Algebra, ami
such other studies as are necessary to hi
• young men for business, and the practical
duties of life.
young men are instructed in Natural Chiles
ophy, Chemistry, Agricultural Chemistry
, Botany, Geology, aud such other depart
ments of knowledge as arc- calculated to
I make intelligent farmers.
• was established tor younger boys, and is in
tended to tit them tor the other departments.
I A separate room is provided for this depart
| tnent, and a competent instructor devotes his
j whole time to it.
Reference in Lowi-town, Mr.Samuel Trox
| ell.
j B?*fc.For Catalogues containing foiier in
• formation apply to the Principals,
sept£o-2m* C. A. WALTERS.
Muiatia 11121^^^3^
-.He ci the Reason.
I r is no humbug, hot a practical truth.
! X The pictures taken by Mr. liurkliolder
! unsurpassed for BOLDNESS TllU'i ll
| cul.M'laS. BEAL fl' Ut FINISH, and
I DURABILITY. Prices varying according
to size and quality of frames and Cases.
Lewistown, August 23. LSGO.
A Benevolent Instihttum f.SnU;..i ol!, / i.t'ir>„mt
for thf Relief of a., Sir: „MI lnkrl..-al. afkietol with
I trident (tml LjiiU Discos**, ami <ind tUi/ tor f i
Cttreef Disease* of tin fit •>.// Orgeats.
II EUICAL Advice giv.-n smti-. r the Actinsr Sur
*" to all who apply by letter, ivitliaih-scvfpiion
' c,.n.,.ij-.ii. occuii.n.ieii. hfiLits -il'lil'e. Ac..)
and in ci*.-' - of extreme poverty. Medicine-; fe niched
free <>t charge. VatmabU Reports on Spermatorrhtea,
,tld | .-e;i ■ > "1 (ill.' SeX ills! (>]_' ; s. iUHlotllhO
fie "e ft t employed in m. i'i-p. nsarv, sent to the
alHic-ted in sealed Otter enrelupes. free of cliaijte.
Two <.r three stamp- for postage will be acceptable?
Address Br. J. SaILLIU Hoi C• 1 i i'i '.V. Acting Sur
geon. Howard Association. No. 2 .- ..nth Ninth street,
Philadelphia, Pit. Bv order of tie pircetoi-•
Os>. r ajuchild, Secretary. fch2-lv
YX7HIIRK.VS, in an t by au act of the
\V 4 hoiera! \ •ir- •! y of tin- \ ommttn'.rfalih of
P *• iif* r I• i • V;i a-t the manner,
ti me aim ]•!?.••• t.f h i.e-riionsfor President and
\ ie- Pr. -ident of tin- lUitod States.' enacted the 2d
•; of !'••• ruaiy, \. I>. 1820, it is r< quirtd of th< Bher
't- t> gv duo n>tire of >ueh election: Tli ore fore L
iil 4, M.\S E. WILLIAMS. SihtiiH' ■>[ Mi ill in eounty.
d-> hereby make known and iri\• this publie notice to
the citizen? of said oounry who arc ipinliliod to vote
for members of the General Assembly. that on the
hoing the ftli lay -f said month, an election will be
held at the same plaes at whieli the said members
shall have been voted for at the lost jro< . ding elec
tion as follows:
I lie electors of tho borough of Xovvton Hamilton
are, to no et at thi* new sciioolhouse in said borough.
'i he electors of Wayne township are to meet at the
new school house in the borough ot N. Hamilton.
rite electors of the borough of MoVeytovvrt arc to
meet at the Union school house in said borough.
: The electors ot (tranvilic township are to hieet at
I the Court House in the borough of Lowi.-tovvn, and
i vote at tin- window of the I'rotlicnotarv - unit e.
The electors of Itcrrv township arc" to meet at the
Court House iu the borougli of b.wistov, n. :vnd vot.
at the window of the Judgt *s office.
/l'he electors of Oliver township arc to met! at tho
Union school house in the borough of M Veytown.
The electors of Bratton tovvnsiiip will nic'-.-t at the
brick school house on tho farm of \\ illiaui ilarshbar
ger. in said township.
The electors of Menno township arc t , meet al the
public house now occupied bj William Sample, in
I Allenville, in said township.
| The electors of Union township tire to meet at the
house lately occupied bv Win. Sample and known as
IV, •> house.
The electors of itrovvn township are to meet at the
• public house occupied by Mrs. Mary Smith in said
The electors of Armagh township residing east of
i the line commencing al the middle of the mad at the
I stone meeting house, in brown township; thence along
: s.ud road to the end of the lane known as Jonathan
: Abraham s lane, near the residence of Thomas Long
j well. Jr.; thence running in a straight line to the west
j end of Uressmitn's knob to the Union ■ oiinty line, are
to meet as heretofore at the office of K. E. Locke, in
{ said township. 'J hose residing west ol and not ineln
j ded in said limits, will meet n- heretofore at the pub
j tic house now occupied by Wm. Swinehart in said
j township.
j The electors of Decatur township are to meet at tlte
■ house of A. Mttthersbaugh, formerly occupied by Da
vid Muthersbaugh. in said township,
j An !by tiic Act of Assembly, the borough of Lewis- I
| town was div ided into two Wards, and each Ward to j
compose an election district. The electors of the j
j East Ward will meet at the Court House, and vote at ,
j the window of the Commissioner's office,
j The electors ofthe West Ward will meet ;t the same
j place, and vote at the window of the Sheriff .-office, in j
j said Court House, and in said liorouch.
—for the purpose of electing TWF.N IT-SEVEN por
| sons of tfiis Commonwealth as Electors for the eloe
j tion of President and Vice President of the United
j States: and the several Judges, Inspectors ami Clerks
j who attended the general election on the 2d Tuesday
I of Oetolier. are hereby enjoined to intend and per
' form at the said election of'electors to be held afore
• said, the like duties, subject to the like penalties for
| misconduct, as they arc liable to at the olecttou of
! members of the assembly. Aca and one judge fl-.m
j each district is enjoined to attend at the Court House
| in Lewi-town. on the Monday next after the election
for electors, for the purpose of making out the
returns of said election,
j I also make known that, by an act entitled an 'Act j
relating to the elections in tins Commonwealth.' ap- '
> proved the 11th day of April. ISag. it is provided that !
•Every year in wiuch the oitisens of this Common- i
! wealth shall vote for Electors of President and V: -e !
President ofthe United States the Assessors of the j
j several wards, townships, incorporated districts and I
j boroughs within this Commonwealth, except within I
the city and county of Philadelphia, shall, at all reus- I
! ouable times after the second Tuesday ol" October in j
j said years, and until within ten days o'f the time fi ved
by tiie law for the election of Electors of President ;
| and Vice Preside.it of the United .Slates, on tho per- )
s,,nnl apph 'uttoii of any white freeman claiming to bo
| iMimiia within the proper ward, township, incorpor- i
' ated district or borough, or claiming a right to vote
therein, as being between the ago of twenty-one and
twenty-two years, and having resided in this Com- j
in on wealth one year, enter the name of such person j
on the list of the taxable inhabitants; and s.ud asses- I
• sors shall at least eight days previous to the davtixed !
for the election, make out duplicate copies of the
name or names so entered, una after certifying and
i signing the same, shall deliver one copy to Phe Com
missioners of tiieir respective counties, to be filed by
said commissioners in their respective office ; and the
<>•' r copy - aid assess.-r . hold et;-! hand over. .
without aiccraatiou or addition, to one of the Inspec
tors of the proper election district, on or before 8 j
o'clock on the morning of the day fixed for the elec- !
tion of said electors.'
Given under my band at Lewistown the 4th dav of
October, in Hie ye ; u <if our Lord one thousand eight !
hundred and sixty, and the eighty-fourth of the inde
pendence of the U. States.
octll Sheriff
r) EGTST ER S NOTICE.— The following
1 accounts have been examined and passed
by me, and remain liled of record in this of
fice for inspection of Heirs, Legatees, Credi
tors, and all others in any way interested, and
iil he presented to the Orphans' Court of
the county of Mifflin, to be held at the Court
House in Lewistowu, on THURSDAY, the
Bth day of November, iB6O, for allowance
i and confirmation :
1. The account of Abraham Kline, survi
ving executor of John Hummed, late of Der
ry township, deceased.
2. The account of Jacob Kinsel and Mi
chael Kiri-cl, administrators of Joseph Kinsel.
. late of Oliver township, deceased.
JOis. S. V. AREAM, Register.
Register's Office, Lewistown, Oct. 11. 1860.
Turnpike Notice.
'I''IIE stockholders of the West Kishaeo
j JL quillas Turnpike Company are hereby
notified thiO an election wsil be held on tiu-
j too house of Richard B;indie, in Belleville.
co elect a President, six Managers, and om
i Treasurer, to conduct the affairs of the com
i pany for the ensuing year.
oct IL—lt FIIEM Z()OK, Treasurer.
r |MIE partnership heretofore existing he-
the Foundry Business, was dissolved by uiu
iual consent on t!ie sth October, I>'6o, il -nrv
Bearhy withdrawing. Ail per-oiis i tide (red
to said firm are hereby to call and
make settlement, as the ! o ks will shortly
he placed in tfie hands of tin officer for col
The business will be continued by I). Bear
ley & Sun.
Lewistown, Oct. 11, ISGO-dt*
HP FIE partnership heretofore existing be-'
tween the undersigned under the firm of
Stccley <t D ttys, was dissolved by mutual
consent on the 20th of September last. All
persons indebted to said firm are requested to
call and make settlement, as they are desirous
of closing their books without delay.
A Renville, October 11. iB6O.
fiie business will be continued by Isaac
Steeley. 3t*
Farm at Pubic Sale.
IN pursuance of the last will and testament
of John Giick, deceased, w ill be offered at
public sale, on the premises, on
Saturday, October 27, 1860,
tlie following Real Estate, to wit:
A tract of land situate in Menno township, S
Mifflin county, containing
157 acres. 126 perches,
with the usual allowance, adjoining tiie lands
of David Zook, Jacob (Hick, K Allison and j
Wm. Allison, on which are ;
Tjt erected a { ",vo Story Dwelling
agfe 8 liß House, Dank Barn and other
A-'itit buildings—a good Orchard,
runnlog water, See. About 100 acres are
cleared, the remainder covered with good I
timber. It will be sold subject to a lease. j
Sale to commence at i o'clock p. in. of said
day, when terms will be made known by
Surviving Executor of John Gliek, dee'd.
October 11, 1800-ts.
r IMIH undersigned, Executors of the lust
| _L will and testament of Win. Barefoot, late
| of Armagh township, Mifflin county, deceas
ed, will offer at public sale, on the premises, 011 i
Saturday, October 27. 1860,
A tract or piece ol Land, situate in said town- '
ship, late the property of said decedent, ad- |
I joining lands of Peter Barefoot, Win. S. Mc-
Nitt and others, containing
more or less, all cleared and in a good state
| of cultivation.
Aiso, one piece of WOODLAND, in said ,
township, adjoining lands of Peter Barefoot,
James Si. Brown, and tiie mountain survey, ;
containing TWO ACRES.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock a. m. of'j
said day. when terms will be made known by j
JAMES BAREFOOT, >■ Executors.
IX pursuance of an order issued by the Or
phans' Court of Mifflin county, the under- 1
signed, Guardian of Mary and Margaret Bare- '
foot, minor children of Wm. and Mary Bare- I
foot, deceased, will expose to sale, bv public i
vend no or outcry, on the premises, on
Saturday, October 27, 1860,
two-elevenths of the following described real I
estate, to wit :
A Lot of Ground, containing about one- :
fourth of an acre, situate in Milroy, in said i
county, adjoining on the north lot of Peter
Barefoot, on the south lot of Mrs. Camp,
on the west land of Jacob Hawn, and front 1
ing seventy two feet on the Main street in
tillage, on which are erected I
('j'afc? R'SES and other improvement-.
flie remaining heirs will unite j
in the sale so that the entire property can be j
purchased. Terms tuade known on day of j
Pond's Extract of Hamamelis,
JS one of the few domestic remedies which
. liavo come into general use and favor,
without pulling. It is the product of a sim
ple shrub, harmless in all cases, and as a do
mestic remedy unequalled. For Hurt's, Ctif3,
Bruises, Soreness, Lumcness, Sprain*, Rheu
matism, Bails, Liters, Old Sores and I Founds, i
it has not an equal. It is also used,
with great success, for Toothache, Headache,
A •uralyia, Sore Throat, Colic, Diarrhoea,
Hoarseness, and other similar troublesome
and painful affections, while it pirouiptly ar
rests all Henimorhages . Hundreds of pliysi- |
cians use it daily in their practice, and give
it their unqualified recommendation. Sold
by our agents and dealers, and by
F. HUMPHREYS & Co., 502 Brodwav,
Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers, 1
my 3
TON'S Patent Peu and Pencil.
Lincoln & Hamlin Medals.
Douglas Si Johnson "
Breckeuridge & Lane "
The great and unceasing demand for this
remarkably simple machine is a guar
antee of its superior excellence.
Fairbanks 5 Scale Warehouse,
715 Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
Hul September 1.1.1569.
g&tmiiu aiiijr Staler#
Mead Quarters!
IIANCCCa, CAifi? & CO.,
Produce and General Commission
So. 17, IVorth Water Stiert, brou Arch
Street, Philadelphia.
x* A gents for all lil ANOS.
DUETTS, and other kinds of Fertilizer!..
A Ali descriptions of COUN
TRY PRODUCE taken in exchange or sold
on Commission.
*%Uui< k Sales and immediate
Returns are guaranteed upon all consign
c arc the s< !c agents for
the br.-t aiti les e.i \ INLGAR made in this
city or elsewhere. jvlO-Gm
Treenails ! Treenails! Treenails!
AD. OA K !REFX A1 LS in quantity
Addri -.s. imnicdiafel*,
Vv. A. LEY KRi.NG,
Commissi n Merchant & Dealer in
Ship Building Mat trials,
Callowbill stre't Wharf,
ocil-lm Philadelphia.
N. i. corner Fourth ru .Marker streets,
(Sattcjsoi'B to Samuel Toansend &. Son, i
.V ; . 3i) Suittk Second ■ fretabtyvc etnitt,
FMl'Oli i'ERS and Dealers in Velvet, Brus-
JL sels, Tapestries, Three Ply, Ingrain and
\ enetian
of the best English arid American make.
Matt tags, Oil Cloths, <(•<'., d'-e., tf*c.
M o solicit an inspection of our assortment
before purchasing elsewhere,
Estate of Robert Hope, deceased,
IVJOTJCE is hereby given that letters of
Xi Administration on the Estate of ROB
ERT HOPE, late of Oliver township, Mii'H
in county, doe'd., have been granted to the
undersigned, residing in Granville township.
All those indebted to said Estate are request
od to make immediate payment, and those
having claims to present them duly authenti
cated for settlement.
sepUi-Ot Administrator.
E.-tate of Esther Zook, deceased.
XTOTICE is hereby given that letters
1* testamentary have been granted to the
subscriber, residing in Union town-hip, on
the estate of Esther Zook, late of said town
ship, deceased ; all persons indebted to said
estate, are requested to make immediate pay
ment, and those who have any claims will
please present them, duly authenticated, for
oct6—6t* JOEL ZOOK, (P.) Executor.
Orphan's Court Sale.
iy Y virtue of an order issued out of the
} Orphan's Court of Mifflin county, the
undersigned will sell at public sale, on the
premises, on
Saturday, October 20th, 1860.
the following described real estate, to wit:
All that certain Tract of Land, situate in
Oliver township, Mifflin county, adjoining
lands of Peter Rhodes, William Erwin, John
Wvble, and others, containing
129 ACRES and 89 PERCHES
and allowanco, on which are erected a large
two-story wea therlx >n rcJed
I | i £t BARN and other out-buildings.
I ijß A well of water is at the door
*f the house. A line YOUNG
UKCIiAKU is on the place, and running wa
ter in the barn yard. The turnpike leading
from McVeytowu to Huntingdon pusses in
front of the bouse. All the land is cleared
and weil cultivated, except about six acres of
timber. There aro 1400 panels of post fence
on the premises. A fine stream of water
passes through this tract.
BQt-The above will bo sold as the proper
ty of John Stine, Jr., deceased.
TERMS. —Ten per cent, of the purchase
money to be paid when the property is struck
off, one third when the sale is confirmed, and
the remaining two thirds in two equal annual
payments thereafter, with interest, to be se
cured by bonds on the premises.
Sale to commence at one o'clock, p. m.
Administrators of John Stine, dee'd.
Oliver township, October 4, luU-ts
Cheaper than the Cheapest!
G1 LASSWARE. —Tumblers at 75 cents and
Tsl per dozen; Goblets, Pitchers, Fruit
Stands, Covered Dishes, Ac. verv cheap at !
aug4 ZERBE'S
I IVEU t> 73 J* t. A I ."V T,
Auu ib<* ranouj afTcctirms upon a disorders
Such •■> Indigestion. A . liiv . f the Stomach Colicky Pain*,
H.-art' urn. I ot Apjirtite. rk'Bpondcnov, Cwtiviiitsi,
UM find Bleeding PHw. in nil Nerroas. RhnatnaHe, and
Neuralgic Affections. it he, in numvroua uiKt.u.ces proved
highly beneficial, and in ethers w fleeted decided cure.
1 his is a jnire'v veg< table cctupound. prepared on strictiv
•Cie.ititie principles, after the maimer of the celebrated
Holla ml Profes->r. Bo rliave. Its reputation at home pro
duce,! its introducth n here, tin demand commencing with
tim-.- ithe Fatherland scattered over the face ~f this
mighty country, many of v.hotn brought with them and
handed down the tr.nliti.no:' its value. 11 is .trie
to Hit Amtriron puhlir. knowing that its truly •.ootiairful
medicinal rirfttts r.i.tst If .tcktrnc'tiigrd.
It is particularly rrc. mim-nded t . those perse ns wins#
constitutions may have b *n i:,;]s. ; , 'i y ;he ooritinuoUß use
of ardent spirits, or other forms of dissipation, Generally
liislantane HIS in cffe< ?. it finds its way directly to the seat
ol lite, tin illi no and quickcuiug i vory nerve, raising up the
dris.ping spirit, and, in fact, infusing new health and vigor
in the system
NOTlCE.—Whoever expvt- to find this a l everage vvhl
be disappointed; hut tn the sick, weak and low spirited, it
will prove a grateful aromatic cordial, possessed of singular
remedial properties.
The Genuine highly concentrated lkerlutve'a Holland
Bitters is put up in half-pint Unties only, and retailed at
ONE DOLLAK per bottle. l r si\ bottles for FIVE DOI.I.VKN Tlia
great demand for tlii- truly cel. 'uated Medieine has induced
many imitations, which the public should guard against
Rowra.p of Imposition. See that our name i? on the
label of every bottle you buy.
Sold by Druggists generally. It can bo forward*!
by Express to most points.
Pharmaceutics and Chemists.
I' r "y (.llAill.' S lIiTZ, 1, wis'ntrn,
P". ' BCT,'J<)
; • Vi 4 * i ijt k
\'. JiiG.KiTie* &
'%?! DYSPt^
To the Citizens of Xeic Jersey tO J'ennsijl
en ma, Apothecaries. Drvtpiisfs, Grocers
awl Private Families.
Wolfe's Pure f?nac Brandy.
Wolfe's Pure Madeira, Sherry and Port
Wolfe's Pure Jamaica and St. (rolx Hum.
Wolfe's rure Scoteit and Isi-h Whiskey.
T BEG leave to call the attention of the
J[ citizen* of Um United Stztos to the Above Winee
and Liqm.vs. imported by Idolpho Wolfe, of New
i orK. whose name i.- familiar in every part of this
country for die purity i.f l,> oep I ,%■ ted rv-hiedarn
.Selmupp-. Mr \\ oil'.;,"in iis letter i., roe, -peakingof
the purity of his Winesatnl Liquors -ay-:-I will stake
my rcputstmn a- a man. my standing"us a merchant
ot thi, y y. sr.- r e-ith ice in. the < iij 'if New York,
that ali tin' Krandies 1,01! ii iocs that I hv It are puro
as imported, a.id of tile best quality and can
tie relied upoti by every purchaser.*'- Every
bottle has trie pioprieto.'.- name on tiie wax, arid
a .'a'- stmtlc of dii- -i-j,a'iiro the eertifiesue. The
public are respectfully invited to call and examine
for thciiiselve.s. For sale at Itet.olby all Apothecar
ies and Grocers in Phiiadi Iphia.
No. fCd Market St.. Philadelphia.
Sole Agent for Philadelphia.
Read the following from the New York Courier:
_ Exototors BrsixKss FOP ON? New S'ORK MKBVIIAX? —
tt e are liappy to inform our fellow-citizens that there
is one place in our city where the physician, apothe
' • ary and country merchant, cad go and pnrchaae pure
v, ties and Liquors, as para as imported, and of tho
, best quality. We do not intend to give un elaborate
description of this merchant s extensive badsen, L
I though r v-ii! repay any .-triUiger or citizen to visit
I t i ■! 1 •' 10 \n - lit - e.'-.tcie-ive ivart-iiousi N.-s, IS,dOiuni
22, Beavi 1 street, and Nos. 17,19 and 21, Marketfidd
Meet, ili- stock of Schnapps on hand ready for
shipment could not have hi en le-s than thirty thou
- d eases; i.e. Brandy soma tea thoaaand casea—
Vintages of 1836 to 135o; and ten thousand casea of
Math tra. Sherry and Port \V re. Scotch and Irish
1 v - iekey. Jamaica and St. Croix Rum. some very old
and equal to any in tiii- country. He also li.nl Three
iur_. r <- eoli.'uv. tilled with Brandy. Wine. Ac.. in casks
under the Cu-tom Mouse key, ready for bottling.—
Mr. Hullo s side- of .Sehu ipps la.-: vearamounted to
one hundred and eighty ho .-and dozen, undue hope
1:1 los- than two vi - lie may be equallvsuceenslid
with his Brandies and Wines. "
His business merits the patronage of every lo or of
i.is specie-.Privet" fannies wh, w i.-h pure Wines
and Liquors for medical use should send their orders
direct to Mr. Wolfe, until every Apothecary in the
land make up their minds to dTseard the poisonous
stuff i m their shelve.-. and replace it with Wclfu's
pure Wine and Liquors.
We iiiuterst.iud Mr. Wolfe, for the accommodation
of small dealers in the country, puts up assorted eas
es of Wines and liquors. .Vi-ii a man, and such a
merchant, should be sustained against hi- tens of
thousands of opponents 1:1 the L n ted States, who
sell nothing bin imitations, ruinous alike to hatnon
health and happiness. seplil-ly
For sale by John Kennedy & Uo,
wl W i IONS of Wilkesbarre Coal, broken
t)uU stove.
'/ t| TOXS Sunbury Cont of till sizes,
C/\Jscreened. 500 bushels Aileghany
Smith Coai. We are now unloading and all
in want of the above ai thles will do well to
give us a call.
IS CONSIDERED to be the beat prepa
ration offered for Dressing, Curling. Re
storing, Softening and Cleansing the Ilair.
Cures eruptions, and all cutaneous diseases of
the head. Contains no greasy, spirituous, or
mineral substances, which arc all alike inju
rious to a healthy growth of bair. Only 25
cents for a large sized bottle.
Bor sale by R. W. Patton, at his Jewelry
Store. Merchants ana other dealers supplied
on liberal terms by sending their orders to
Lewistown, Pa
CORN BROOMS. Washing Machines and
Washing Boards, for sale at