Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, July 26, 1860, Image 3

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    Pennsylvania Railroad.
Trains leave Lewistown Station as follows:*
Through Express, 5 05 a. nr. 11 00 p. in.
p.ist i.me. fi 03 p. m. 3 53 a. ni.
Mail Train. 3 4Sp. in. 10 24 a.m.
Through Freight, 11 50 p. m. 4 55 p. m.
Local Freight, 6 30 a.m. 4 95 p.m.
Express Freight, 10 30 a.m. 12 35 p.m.
Coal Train, 11 2a p. rn.
D. E. ROBESOX, Agent.
jggr Gidbraith's Omnibuses convey passengers to
and from all the trains, taking up or setting them
down at all points within the borough limits.
Post Office.
Mails arrive and close us follows:
Close. a i/icr.
Eastern Through and Way, e a. m. 4 p. m
lie-tern do. do. 2p. in. It a.m.
Ea-tern Throiign, S p. nr. 5 a. nr.
fiorthci 'i Mails, _ 8 p.m. 2p. rn.
Oltiec hours trom . a, m. until Sp. m. Sunday from
f until 9 o clock a. m.
METEOR. —A largo and brilliant meteor
passed over this and the adjoining States on
Friday evening last, about 10 o'clock, which
excited considerable interest among all who
had the pleasure or fear of seeing it. Its
course, as witnessed by the editor at York,
appeared to be a few points north of west to
wards the east, emitting a strong white light,
tinged with blue. To some it had the ap
pearance i f two, three, and four balls of fire,
probably caused by reflection. The impos
ing sight was witnessed from the Lakes iuto
the Southern States, so that its height from
the earth must have been many miles, pro
bably hundreds. Various theories, says the
Philadelphia Inquirer, have been advanced as
to the cause of such phenomenon. The geu
oral supposition is that these bodies or substan
ces have their origin in the atmosphere. F.lec
tricity, magnetism and hydrogen gas have
been made responsible lor the peculiar effects.
Another idea is that the meteors are the pro
ducts of nebulous matter, of the same nature
ut the tails of comets, floating in planetary
regions, and which, when it happens to be
near the path of the earth in its revolution,
i- attracted by terrestrial gravitation. Still
itHvjtl.fr theory U that there is a zone of lit
tie bodies whose orb intersects tito plane of
the ecliptic, and which are encountered by
the earth every time which it passes the p .int
of intersection. If the meteor of Friday was
tin aerolite, or fire ball, having a stone or sol
ii mass for its nucleus, there are four theo
ries to account for its appearance. Accor
ding to some, such mrolites may be projected
front volcanoes on the earth, which it may be
remarked is exceedingly improbable. The
theory which finds the most ardent support
ers, is the one already advanced, that the
sioi. s are formed in the atmosphere bv an
aggregation of matter, the result of gaseous
vapors. The fourth view is that they are
diaiiaitive planets drawn to the earth's sui
f ice.
lOIOGRAPHICAL map of the Cuttntics of
J'" y, Juniata am/ Mijjiin, from Aetna/
8 initifi<- Surrey# /nj (J. M. Hopkins, Civil
.Mcssr.-. Gallup, I'ulmer & Co. propose to
is-ue bv i rder a large and elegant Map em- j
1 rating the above named counties in one,
showing :i l t:o public Roads, Hirers, Lakes, j
Creeks, PunJs. Swamps, Mountains, Kail :
r-iJs, Hills, Jtc. Also, noting each house i
w:th name of owner attached. Margin- j
a! ; to* of the County Town, and all otb- i
tr> wh. sv a -oit tble interest is manifested on !
the j it t of ti c citizens.
Joe com puny have already been at a great j
expense in procuring a thorough survey of a i
r.- •' embracing nearly 1300 square miles, |
Jin] thev leave the matter with the people to j
O-V-.IH for themselves whether they shall be 1
r muro rated fur their lime, expt n** and troub !
le. Mc hope the publishers will be hand ,
saaiely repaid in the completion of so worthy
ft design. It sbouU Le in the possession of
a.i clas-es, especially business meii and farm
ers, who can icadily sec at a glance the ex
" t in sit ion of every place, post office and
It will i.csold exclusively by order. The scv
tral partners of the enterprise will call upon
the citizens of each township and town,
•'laj give them an opportunity to examine for
tselves atid order a copy or more. The
T -pie may rest assured of having a first class
Aewtui, ILimilun were startled ou Tuesday
ly an unusual occurrence in that quiet
tfhjge, one which it is to be hoped will be a
useful lesson to all in tire habit of resorting
k the vile practice of throwing stones. The
-iteumstances, as near as we can gather them,
" re 85 foliowßr A young fellow named Gar
™y, formerly a bar keeper of J. G. M'Glaugh
- o in this place, had been employed by Win.
twing as a hand on a canal boat, and was
for drunkenness. On Tuesday he
o.aimed pay for sumo lumber on the boat
•*hich he alleged was his—Ewing refused—
w rds ensued, during which Garrity picked
bp a stone and threw it, striking Mr. Ewing
jE head, crushing his skull, and no doubt
feting the brain. He was still living on
uesday evening, but no hopes are entertain
* lj f his recovery. Mr. Ewing was a young
well known on the canal, highly esteem
an] has a wife and child. Garrity made
211 attempt to escape, but was arrested and
Jo( iged in jail.
weather continues warm during
ua y, but since the appearance of the me
t(-jf cool at night—an effect it is said always {
Produced bv such stray bodies coming in con
the earth's atmosphere. The oats j
Cr ' P is now being cut, and will yield heavily, j
slight showers have fallen, but not suf- j
■ " e,lt Aielp tlie com, most of which is in
* T ' Jl 7 backward Btate.
•t J^ Somel >ody'B married, but don't want '
aSTLndies and Gentlemen will please
take notice that B K. Firoveh, (at But
er's store,) in his usual way of doing busi
ness at this season of the year, has coin
! lucnc ed and will sell unt il the first of
September, at Reduced prices for ('ASH,
the following class of goods: A large as
i sortment of fancy summer silks, bereges,
I lawns, challics, mantles of all styles, rib
| buns, bonnets, shawls kc. The goods
above enumerated will be so reduced in
price, that the Cash or good Country Pro
duce only will buy them. llis customers
and the public generally are invited to give
him a call before too late, as great bar
gains are offered. 4 t
BgLSeth I. Ilurd Las commenced the pub
lication of a spirited paper at Brownsville,
la., ca.ied " Ihe Rail Mauler." Price fur
the campaign, 50 cents.
Lewistown, Julv 20, 1800.
Butter, good, $ tb." 12
Lard, 1 \
fallow, 10 a 00
Lggs, p dozen, ]Q
Wheat, white $ bushel, 1 15
r °d 1 05
Corn. 5 5
Rye, new, 55
" fM, 00
Cats, new, 05
" old, 25
Barley, 00 to 00
Cloverseod, 4 qo
Flaxseed, 1 25
Timothy, o oq
Wool, washed, 37
unwashed, 25
Pried C.terries, per bushel 1 75
Potatoes, new, 02
Marks's steam mill is selling extra flour at
300 per hundred. Granville at 2 50, su
perfine at 2 87, and family at 3 25.
The above prices are also paid by Ply- ;
inyor & Stanbarger.
Philadelphia .Market.
ihe I lour market continues quiet. Stan j
dard superfine is held at So 25a5 50; extras !
at 5 00.10 75, and fancy brands at 6a6 50 per
bbl, without sales to any extent at less tig !
ures. tie trade beii g the only buyers. Rye
llour is held at 3 G2A. and Pcnnsylvaia !
Corn Meal at 3 371 per bhl. " I
Wheat—sales of red at 1 25al 351 c for
prune Delaware, and 124 c for Penna.; infer
inr sold at 115 c, and some small Its of white
at 1 oOal 40c, the latter for prime. Hie
is quiet, and the distillers are offering 70c fur
new. Corn 08c.
~ t U Juft) 23.—The receipts of
Beef Cattle reached about 1,700 head this
week. The market closed very dull, and
prices 50c the 10(j lbs lower than last quoted,
j Sales at Sa9 SU.
10,000 Sheep atived and sold, during the
week, at from Buß4c per lb.
05 Cows sold at prices ranging front $25 to
50 per head, according to quality.
985 lings sold at the Avenue Drove Yard,
during tue week. 849 of whieh were sold by
James 11. Reynolds, at Baß 374 per 100 lbs.
; net.
UiO Ilog-j sold at II G. Imhuff's Union
I Drove Yard at from 7 50a8 25 for still-fed
and Saß 25 per 100 lbs. net for coru fed.
The Persian Fever Charm.
I prevention and cure of /Veer
jJ. <"< ' .!.,•••• J! This won<F rfu! reni
i ov was broiigit to r!iO ivii .w ).'t)ge of the presi iit pru
' oni-nrs bv a friend who has bi-Vn a great traveler in
I I'vi'sia ami the holy html.
; While going down the river Euphrates, he exper
i tenced a severe attack of Fever and Ague. Ondia
■ overiag Inn condition, one of the boatmen took from
; his p'-r-oii au Amulet, i-aying. IVair t/- - and i.o Fuer
■ i rift touch Although incredulous as to its virtues,
he complied, and experienced immediate relief, and
has since always found it au eft • •tied protection from
I all malarious complaints.
<hi further investigation he found that the boatman
j attributed it to e< b oca/on- powers,and said that it eould
| only lie <>btained from the Priests of the Sun. .Some
time afterward- the gentleman in eotiversintr with a
, IV:- : ohtaim t from him the secret ~j its preparation,
I ami ascertained where the medicinal herbs were
• found, of which i t was compounded. The wonderful
| virtues of ties urt , -'have induced a fuli belief in the
I minds of the natives in the miraculous heating pow
, ers of their priests.
i Since ins return to America- it has been tried with
tin- happiest effect by several Ladies and Genttaiien
! of high character, who have given it the most nmjjiiil
i ified praise. This remedy having been a specific in
iVrsta f->r hundreds ol years, for the prevention and
cure of Fever and Ague and Bilious Fevers—is now
offered to the American people.
It will he sent by mail, prepaid, with full directions
"for use, on receipt of one dollar.
Principal Ilepot and Manufactory, 188MainPt..Rich
mond. Va. Bank ol Commerce iiuiiding, New York.
jFarmtve anO Dealers
Head Quarters!
Produce and General Commission
So. 17, Yorth Water Street, below Arfh
Street, Philadelphia.
# * # Agents for all GUANOS,
DRETIS, and other kiuds of Fertilizers.
** # All descriptions of COUN
TRY PRODUCE taken in exchange or sold i
# * # Q,uick Sales and immediate
Returns are guaranteed upon all consign
# * # We are the sole agents for ,
the best articles of VINEGAR made in this
city or elsewhere. jyl9-6m
ON TUESDAY, July 31, a Class will be
organized, at Lewistown, of those who
desire instruction and drilling in the branch
es taught in Common Schools, with the design
of teaching.
In the examination this year, greater
strictness will be used than was quite possi- j
ble last year ; and no certificate will be grant
ed to any person who fails to sustain an ex
amination in every branch of study required
by law. It is hoped that all who feel them
selves deficient in any respect will not fail to
The Normal Class will be followed by an
Institute, beginning August 27, and contin
uing five days.
Lewistown, July 12, 1860.
in the prices of Cooking Stoves.
From this date our prices for Cookicc
Stoves will be for Cash.
For N i. 6-814,00,
" 7 16,00,
" S— 18,00,
" 9 22.00,
complete with hollow ware, tin ware, pipe
and bake pans. Our assortment is large em
bracing the Globe, Sea Shell, Royal Cook
Pennsylvania, Hope, National, RavlMib
and William Penn, Gas Burners. All" kinds
of stove, tin and sheet ir.,n ware, iron and
tin tea kettles, round pans, long pans, tin
wash boilers, tin or corner bottoms. &e.
For sale by
MERCHANTS supplied with all kinds of
J in and Sheet Iron Ware at very low
rates—made and for sale by
-a.T COST!
ALL l'A PL It, Window Paper, itc.
v y 5\ isbing to close up our wall paper
business, we will sell our present large and
beautiful assortment of wall and window pa
pers at cost. F. G. FRANCISCUS.
(1 OLD Border Muslin Window Shades,
JT Gilt Window Paper Shades of every
price and style, from 61 per window up to
81,50. for sale by
fIMIE best green and buff Window Curtain
JL stufi, 24, 36, 40, 44 inches wide, just re
ceived and for sale low by
ji' l2 F. G. FRANCJSCUS.
"\ r ENL I IAN Blind Trimmings of all kinds
t and qualities fur sa eby
'FINMEN S lools for sale here at Pliiladel-
X I'Lia juices by
TIMX Plate®. Ic at 59,75, tin plates, Is at j
X. 811.50. Box Tin, Solder, Sheet Iron,
&c., at the very lowest prices.
\\ R APPING PAPER—SO bundles of all
1 T sizes and quality - , for sale by
L fi. /iiAJSPiSSiPL
(1 L'M and Hemp Packing. Gum Belting
JT Carpet Hammers and Tacks
Stretchers, uew articles, very good j
" Fasteners, " "
Tin'd Horse and Cuiry Cards
Tuning Forks
Cork Screws
Ball Rings, copper and steel
" Lead Clasps
Plated and brass 1 looks & Eyes
Steel Key Rings
Brass and Jap'd Shutter Bars
" " Iron '* Bolts
Barn Door Rollers
" " Bail
Taper Bitts
Files, A ices, Bellows, Borax, Steel, &e., all of
the best makers.
100 Rifle Barrels—single, from $1,75 to $5,00
24 Match Barrels
Single and Double Breaches; Breakoffs
Chargers; Reams:
(Jocks, rough, polished and engraved
Springs of all kinds
Guard and Belt pieces
German silver Ornaments; Double Triggers
Ham Rod Caps, iron and brass
Brass and iron sights; brass boxes, new pattern
Bullet Moulds; Gun Locks, Gun Worms
Thimbles, &e.
Ely's Percussion Caps
Gunniakers' Trimmings of all kinds at unpre
cedented low prices.
Copper and brass Preserving Kettles
" " " Dippers
Porcelain Preserving Kettles
Brass Wa-di Pans
%, X"t fl:n&erous to the Human Family."
"Bat** come out of their holes to die."
' Costar's
; j Costar's EAT, ROACH, &c. EXTERMINATOR.
> Costar's
k- Hats —R lachr-s—Mire—Mo], s—Ground Mice—Bed
l'.iijis—Ants—M..'.lis—Mosquitoes—Fleas— lnsects on
s Plants. Fowls. Animals. &r., 4c.—in short, even si,.,
cies of
10 years established in New York used l>v tlie
Citv I', .st oflk-t—the City Prisons and smtion Houses
—the City Steamers. Ships. A.e. —the City Hotels, •• As
ter,' "St. Nicholas,'" 4c. —and by more than 20,000 pri
vate familes.
S3_Druogists and Retailers everywhere sell them,
sv.wholesale Agents in all the" large cities and
ICO J 11 BEWARE! ! I of spurious imitations.
V.'.u.Si.uo Sample Boxes sent hv Mail.
ttS .Addres- Order.-—or for -Circular to leaders" to
j 512 Broadway, (Opposite St. Nicholas Hotem -- y
t ' For sale by Charles Ritz, Lewistown Pa. jeU,
CIAME to the premises of the undersigned
/ in Decatur township, in the latter part of
, June, a BROWN COW, spotted face, brown
■ | about the eyes, and white belly, apparently
i seven years old. The owner is requested to
1 call, pay charges, and take her away, or she
j will be disposed of according to law.
■ jyl9-3t* HENRY PETER.
Dl\ IDEND.—The stockholders of the
Lewistown AVater Company are hereby
notified that a semi-annual dividend of three
| per cent, has been declared, payable on de
j tnand at the office of the Treasurer,
| jyl2-3t Treasurer.
Wanted! Wanted!
1i A / WW j PERSONS of both sexes to
1 V/ • " / v r\J make money by buying cheap
j Groceries, Baskets, Tubs, Buckets, Churns,
A\ ater Cans, Brooms, Brushes, &c. Ac. at
aug4 ZERBE'S.
HA\ ING permanently located in Lewis
town, offers his professional services
to the citizens of town and country. Office
formerly occupied by Dr. Marks. Residence
one door east of George Blymyer.
Lewistown, July 12, 1860-tf
SUPERIOR canvassed sugar cured Hame,
at 13J and 14 ets., at
jy!2 F. J. HOFFMAN'S.
Patent Self-testing. Self-sealing. Premium,
Patented October 25, 1559.
SQfThe Kxclv ive Right of Making <f- fil
ing these Cans and Jars in Mifflin and Ct ri
te v counties is held by the undersigned.
TIYIIhSL Cans and Jars being perfectly sim
jJe in their arrangement, and requiring
no cement or snider to make them air tiglu,
are the mo-t reliable and eonveuient vessels
that are in the market f'o preserving Fruits
i and Vegetables of all kinds.
J I'.cy possess the following advantages over
all other Cans and Jars that are in the mar
ket :
FIRST—AH that is required after the fruit
has been put in hot, is simply to screw the
I cap down tightly.
SECOND— 'I hey can b? opened by a single
turn of the cover, and the contents "taken out
in one-fourth the time required l>v other ves
; THlßD— Resides their simplicity anq ease
of adjustment and the impossibility of step
pers blowing out, they show at all times the
exact condition of the fruit by simply looking
at the top of the cover: if the gum gasket is
concave, the fruit is good ; if convex, the
fruit is going to spoil, but wilt always shew
itself in time to be saved.
For sale by JOIIN B. SELIIEIMER, at bis
tin, stove, and sheet iron manufactory, East
Market street, Lewistown, Pa., also by coun
try stores generally. Je 28
IbJ J. HOFFMAN, Lewistown, Pa., has
_ e en hand a fine assortment of Glass and
Yellow Ware Jars of the most approved pat
terns, and at very low prices. These are war
ranted to be a superior article in that they
preserve the natural fiavor of the fruit.
attenti< n is called to our new
mode of" sealing, which is done quickly, and
combines economy with certainty of preser
Fruit Cans ! Fruit Cans !
MOlUih'i'S Patent self sealing and self
. testing airtight Can. This can was ex
tensively used last year, and I have made dil
igent inquiry as to its worth, and found it to
he a favorite, because easily closed, perfectly
airtight, and easily opened. It is impossible
to close this can if not perfectly airtight, and
when once closed you have a positive proof
that it is airtight. 1 will insure all fruit seal
ed in this way in cans that are sound. Be
sure vu call at the sign the RIG COFFEE
I'. S We made a great mistake last year,
by altering old cans, because there were ma
ny air holes we could not discover, that when
taken home they could not be closed, and
therefore the can condemned.
Lewistown, June 12.
Pond's Fxtraet of Hamamelis,
IS one of Die few domestic remedies which
. have come into general use and favor,
without puthing. It is the product of a sim
ple shrub, harmless in all cases, and as a do
mestic remedy unequalled. For limns, Cuts,
liniises. Suretiess, IAI niettess, Sjirains, I then
mutism, lioils, Vlctrs, Old Sor-s and Wounds,
it has nut an equal. It is also used,
with great success, for Toothache, 11ndache,
-N> it> a!gin, Sore Throat, Colic, Diarrhoea,,
Hoarseness, and other similar troublesome
and painful affections, while it promptly ar
rests a<7 Ilcmniorhayes. Hundreds of physi
cians use it daily in their practice, and give
it their unqualiljcd recommendation. Sold
by our agents and dealers, and by
1. 11l MP II IIE} S & Co,, 502 B rod war,
Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers.
my 3
Notice to the Collectors cf 1857
and 1858.
nnHE tax Collectors of 1857 and 1858 will
.L take notice that their duplicates must
oertair.ly be settled up by the 20th day of July
Also, the Collectors of 1850 will lie re
quired to settle their duplicates by Tuesday,
the 28th day of August. The several collee
tors may rest assured that if the above is not
complied with, the law will be enforced accor
ding to a resolution passed by the Treasurer
and Commissioners of the county.
Y\ M. C. \ INKS. Treasurer,
JOHN PEACHEY, j tomr 8 *
Lewistown, June 12, 1800.
Dl . XCANXON best Nails at $3 25 per
keg, fur cash.
A discount will be made (o dealers. lam
now ageni f;p llie Sll ] e 0 f Duncanuon riaiis,
, and prepared to make it the interest of deal
ers as well as consumers to buy directly of
us. Our motto is, "To make it the interest
of all" to buy at
jyl9 F. J. HOFFMAN'S.
Fresh Arrival at Billy John
WOMEN'S GAITERS at GO cents per
T T pair; Heel Gaiters, $l.O0 —the cheap
est article ever offered for sale in this county.
Also, Boots, Shoes, <Stc. equally low. As
C msar says—" Ye who have money come and
huy; you that have none, set down and cry,"
Going first at
& s¥mm mmi
ACCORDING to a bona fide agreement be
tween A. J. Gallagher (the manufactu
rer of the above stove) and J. Irvin Wallis,
no one can get this stove direct from the Foun
dry to sell in this place, but the undersigned;
therefore, all persons wanting this Stove will
find it to their interest to call on the proper
person, aj they are not second handed and
can be furnished cheaper than the cheapest |
for several reasons.
Don't mistake the place—Sign of the BIG \
COI FEE POT, where you will also find me
engaged in my legitimate business, trying to j
make a fortune by selling Tin Buckets, Pans, j
and three cent Tin Cups.
A Fine lot of New Market Muslins are on
Zerbe's counter, for sale cheap.
Testimony of the whole World.
Had Legs, Had Breasts, Sores and I Iters.
A LL description of sores are remediable
® XI by the proper an-t diligent use c f Quainestitr.*-
blt preparation. To attempt to < ure bad legs i,y ptas*
. , teriug the edges of the wooed together Is a folly: for
should the skin unite, a la ggy diseased cot dition r,-
- mains underneath to break .- it With tenful i : irv in u
it iv days. The only rati .md and sne.-. ml treatment'.
as indn-uted by nature, is to reduce theiiittanuiiutmr: in
1 and ai.oiit the wound an Ito soothe tlo n -talii win
v parts by rubbinq in plenty of tlie OintttK nt a* -alt is
! ioreed Into meat.
Diptheria, I Iterated Sore Throat, and
t Scarlet and other Fevers.
Any of the above diseas< - may mired I \ well iut -
| bing the Ointment three tiaws a thy iotu tti chest,
vlirout .ill' I neck of the patient: it will soon penetrate.
■ j and give immediate relief. Medicine taken hv the
, mouth must operate U] on the whole system ereiisin-
I rttteiteecan be felt in any local part, whereas the Oiut
-1 j mont will do its work at',.nee. Who. ve; tries jlie un
, ■ gaent in the above manner for the din-as. named. ■ r
; i 'iv similar disorders affecting the eh. -t and throat.
- ! Will find themselves relieved as by a .-h u m.
IHles, Fistulas, Strictures.
The above class of complaints will be removed bv
nightly .onu-nting the parts with warm water, and then
- by most effectually rulihingin the t 'intin. iit. Persons
sit® ring from Itußse dir.-lid complaints should lose
v not n iqnment in arresting their prdgre It should
l.e understood that it is not sufficient merely to smear
the ointipent o:, the affected parts, but ,i must be w.'ll
rubbed m tor seijiv considerable time two or thre.
times a day. that it may be taki u into the svstetn.
whettt-e it will remove any hidden sore or wound as
effectually as though palpable to the eye. There auin
bread and water poultie. s. after the rubbing in ofthe
omtmeni. will do great sen ice. This is the only sure
treatment for females, eases ofeancer in the stomach,
or where there may be a general hearing down.
Indiscretions of Youth ; Sores and I leers.
I Blotches, as also svv,.llijigs. ean.withcertaintv.be
radically < ured if the ointment be used freely, and the
pills be taken night and morning as recommended in
the printed instructions. \Yhen treated in any other
way they only dry up in one place to break out in an
other: whereas this ointment will remove tin- humor
from the system, and h-pye the patient a vigorous and
healthy being. It will reqire time wiili the use ofthe
pills to insure a lasting etqe.
Dropsical Sufljings, Paralysis and Still
Although the qboye complaint- dilfet il.lv in their
origin ami n.ttqre. yet thev all require 10.-;tl tr< atmcnt.
.Many of the word cMosfof sqeh diseasea, will yield
in a comparatively short -pace ,hen this oint
ment is diligently rubbed into the parts affected.even
after every other means'have failed. In all serious
maladies the pills should be taken according to the
printed directions accompanying each box.
B ill, tin Ointment a. id Pill-should \,e used inthefoUtjicin'j
j liad Legs, i Corns (Soft) (Rheumatism,
I Bad Breasts, Cancers, Scalds,
Burns. jContractcd and Sore Nipples,
Bunions, | Stiff Joints, jSorc Tlfrnats,
Bite ot Mosclie- Elephantiasis, jskin I>ise:isj:s,
toi's and Sand- Fistulas, Scurvy.
Flies. jCout. 'Sore Heads,
( 'oeo-bay, [i.landnlar Swel- Tune rs,
Ciiiego-loot, I lings, Fleers
Chilblains. Liunhago, Wounds,
Chapped Hands. Piles, Yaws.
C.l Y <iY —None are genuine unless the words
•'Hon. AY. NEW YORK AND LONDON," are diseernahleas
a On , in every leaf of the book of directions,
around each pot or box: the same may bo plainly seen
by tif leaf to the light. A handsome reward
will be given to any one rendorijig such information
as may lead to the detection of any partv or partit s
countei leiting the medicines or outing the same,
knowing them to b • spurious.
VSofil at the Hlantifactory of Pp. t\ rHoilowav.
so Maiden L.-.pc. New York, aui I by : 11 restxM table
1 irtiggists and Jrs in Medicine f!iV< ng!jont thech
ilized world, in puis, at 2iV„ H'J,-. and $i e'aeli.
ti 'r.Tiicrc is considerable saving l;v taking the lar
ger sizes.
I NY B. —Direetions for the guid: neeof patients, inev
! ery disorder, are affixed'to each'Va.x. mylu
Having proofs so Strong and Direct as to
1^0 R .Statesmen, Judges, Editors, Phyei
_ eiatis of the oldest schools as well as new, give it
| tin ir unqualified sanction, ;ind recommend it for all
, cases ol eruptions, and diseases ol' the scalp and brain:
I but all who have Used it. unite in testifying that it w ill
j preserve the hair from being gray, and* from falling to
j any age. as well as restore. Bead the following:
< >ak i • rove. S. <;.. June 241h, 1559.
| Prof. O. J. Wood: Dear Sir: —Your Hair Restorative
I is rapidly gaining popularity in this community, i
| have had occasion to lay prejudice aside, nnd'give
your liair Restorative a perfect test:
During the year I was so unfortunate as to la?
i thrown from my sulkv agaiigt a rock near the roau
! • -de. from which my' Ik ad received a most terrible
j I low. causing a great deal of irritation, v. hicii eon.mn
■ moated to the brain and external surface of the head,
I from the < fleets of which, my hair was ..nail v destroy
j ed over the entire surface of the head. From tlie
I *llll' 1 tii>' disc ivered j;.. dropping, however, up to
j the time ol its total disappearance. I employed everv
i thing 1 could think of, being a professional man my
! self, and, a- 1 tiioughi. understanding the nature of
the disease. but was finally defeated in every prescrip
j tii.n advanced.
These and no other eireumstaiiccs induced me to
I resort to your worthy Hair Restorative, which ! have
i every reason to believe, produced a very happy result;
j two months after the first implication. 1 had as bcau
-11 tiful a head of youDg hair as I ever saw, for which i cer
tainly owe you my most -sincere thanks. Rest assured,
dear sir. I shall recommend your remedy to all inqui
rers: moreover, I shall use my influence, which I flatter
myself to say, 1- not a little.
You can publish this if you think proper.
Yours, respectfully, M. WRIGHT, M. D.
Office of the Jeflersonian. I'iiilippi, Va., Dec 12,1835.
Dear Sir:—l feel it my duty us well as my pleas
ure. to state to you the following circumstance win h
you can use as you think proper: 4 Gentleman "of
this place, (a law yer,) has Lata overknee
i\ youth. so ny„. „ so , that iie was compelled to wear
aw lie was induced to use a bottle of your -• Hair
j Restorative," which he liked very imieft; and after
i using some two or three bottles his hair grew out
| quite luxuriantly, and he now lias a handsome head of
i hair. The gentleman's name is Bradford, and as he
is very well known in our adjoining counties, many
persons can testify to the truth of this statement: I
give it to you a: the request of Mr. Bradford. You
can sell a great deal of your Hair Restorative in this
and the adjoining counties if you have the proper
agents. Yours 4c.,
DR. WOOD Dear Sir: Permit me (o express the ohli
gations 1 am under for the entire restoration of my
nair to its original color; about the time of my arrival !
{ in the United States it was rapidly becoming gray, but i
' upon the application of your "Hair Restorative" it j
I soon recovered its original hue. I consider your Re- ;
storaiive as a very wonderful invention, quite effiea- ;
j cious as well as agreeable. S. THALBERG.
| The Restorative is put up in bottles of three sizes' j
t viz: large, medium, and small; the medium holds at I
i least twenty per cent, more in proportion than the !
■ small, retails l'or two dollars per bottle ; the large holds
; a quart, 40 per cent, more in proportion, and retails .
j for $3.
1 O. J. WOOD & CO., Proprietors. 444 broad way. New i
! York, and 114 Market Street, St. Louis, Mo.
i And sold by all good Druggists and Fancy Goods i
Dealers. j V 49 j
A EDITOR'S NOTICE.—The undersigned
dX Auditor, appointed by the Orphan's
Court of Mifflin county to distribute the fund
in the hands of Samuel Watt, Administrator )
of the Estate of George Landis, dee'd., will
attend to the duties of the appointment at
the Register's office, in Lewistown, on Friday,
the 17th day of August next, at 10 o'clock A.
M. Those interested are requested to attend. ,
jy 19 W. P. ELLIOTT, Aud.
AUDITOR'S NOTICE.—The undersigned
Auditor, appointed by the Orphan's
Court of Miffllin county to distribute the fund
in the hands of David Steffy, Administrator
of William Walls, dee'd., will attend to the
duties of the appointment at the Register's
Office, in Lewistown, on Saturday, the 18th
day of August next, at 10 o'clock, A. M, j
Those interested are requested to attend.
jy!9 W. P. ELLIOTT, Aud.
SpECI < ;
T e undcrigne-\ having used Professor HUMPHREYS'
with the m <-t svi> factory res-> tit*. nd having fall c■■
dence In their genuineness. parity, anl efficacy. cheerfully
recommend them t> all person* who wish to have safe, re
liable, and efficacious remedies ut hand for private or do
mestic use.
The Rev. Win. 11 v-mer, editor of u The N >rthcru Inde
pendent,** Auburn, N V.; the Rw. K. H. Cresscy, D.D.,
Rector of St. Peter*9 Church, Auburn. N. Y ; the Rev. R 1
Ives, Chaplain of the Auburn State Prison; the Rev.
S ■ ,\i. Wee, Rector, Ken Bedford, Mtn.; the Rev,
Allen Steele. Ne v York Conference ; the Rev. Sam m l
Nichols, East-Genesee Conference, N. Y. ; the Rev. P. S.
Pratt, Dorset. Yt. ; the Rw. John K. Roble, Rutl'alo; A. C.
Hart, Es p. I'd •:>, N. Y ; the lion. Neat iyw, Portland,
Me. . the Hon. S> huyler C'lr x, South-Rend, lad. ; the Hon.
George Humphreys, N. Y. : Henry I>. Cook, Rs j.. Eillt r of
The Ohio fcrite J lriril, C>! mbus, Ohio; the lion. 11. 11.
Graham, M line, lit.; the Hon. Thortt Ch; - . M mti
ctlio, Fla ; tin* Hon. Joseph Uenelict, Ctic.a. N. Y.; Win.
Bristol, Es<; . I'tiea, N V. ; A S. R aid, Es p. Clicn, N. Y. ;
James Plitnkett, Esq., Nashville, Tvun.
N>. 1 —F r IVve.% C.mgesti >r, and lull im-natlon.
N . 2.—For W >rci Fw r, Worm Colic, Wetting the Bed.
No. 3.—For Colic, Crying, Teething, and Wakefulness of
No. 4.—For Diarrhea, Cholera Infantum, and Summer
No. 5.—F >r Colic, Gripings, Dysentery, or Bloody Flax.
No. 6.—F r Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Vomiting.
No. T.—For Coughs, Cold-. Indue , and Sore Threat.
No. b. —For Tooth ache, and Neuralgia
N \ 9. —For Headache. Vertigo, Heat and Fullness of tl.g
ner Y i
No. 10. —DvsrKPSiA PILL* —F.-r Weak and Qgrunged
Stomach, C >ntipatl n, and Liver Complaint.
Suppressed Igrimls.
No. 12. —For ueorrhea, Profuse Menses, and Bear! <;
Down of Female's.
N >. 11—For Croup, If i.arse Cough. lki 1 Bfci'Mntr
No. It — Su.R RIIKI'M Pi l.:.. —F.r Erysipelas, Erupt M.UY F
Pimples on the Face
No. I">—RIIKVM \TJC Pi : s.—F r Rain, Lumm or Sore
ness in tlie Chest, Rack. RHUS, or I i ..Us.
A.—For Fever anl A me, Chill Fever, I Kim. b A ' e. Old
Mismanaged Agues.
P.—F >r Piles, Blind or U'.-linv. I ite-nM or External.
0. —For S r •, W-'i\\ r I l'Utiuel E es and Evetids; Fail
ing, Weak, o- Blurred hi ' •!
C.—For Catarrh, of I. .g standing or recent, citber ulth
obstruction or protest* discharge.
IV. C.—For Whooping Cough, abating its violence a&d
shortening Iks course.
In nil a.-ute di>. as---, r;d: as F< vers, Inflammations,
Diarrhea, Dysenteri, Cr- up, Rheumatism, and such erup
tive disease-* as Searlet Fever, Measles, and KryslptiAft, the
Advantage of giving the | roper remedies promptly is ob
vious, an I in nil such cases the specifics act like a charm.
The entire disease is often arrested at once, and in all cases
the violence of the attack is moderated, the disease short
ened, and rendered less dangerous.
Coughs ami Colds, which are of such frequent occurrence,
and which so often lay the foundation of diseased lungs
bronchitis ami consumption, may all be at once cured by
the Fever and Cough lh Is.
In all chronic diseases, such as Dyspepsia, Weak Stomach,
Constipation, Liv r Complaints, Piies, Female Debility, avid
Irregularities, old Heada. lies, Sore or Weak ! yes. Catarrh,
Fait Uheum, and other old eruptions, the case lias specifics
whose proper application wilt afford a cure in almost every
instance. Often the cure nf a sv.glt* chronic difficulty, such
as Dyspepsia, Piles or Catarrh, Headache or Female Weak
ness, has more than paid for the case ten times over.
Case of 20 vials complete, In morocco, ami lh*ok |5
Case of 2d vials, and Book, plain 4
Case of 15 numbered boxes, ami Rook , k
Case of 6 boxes, numbered, and Book 1
Single numbered boxes, with directions 25 cent?.
Single lettered boxes, with directions 50 cents
Large case of 2 02. vials, for planters and physician*... sls
FOR ASTHMA OR PHTHISIC.-— Oppressed, Difficult, Labored
Breathing, attended with Cough and Expectoration. Price,
§0 cents per box.
&tr, the result of Scarlet Fever, Measles, or Mercurials.
For Noises in the Head, Hardness of Hearing, and Kinging
In the Ears, and Ear-ache. Price, 50 cents per box.
FOR SCHOFN *.—Enlarge 1 Glands, Enlarged and indurat
ed Tonsils, S • li ngs and Old I'leers, Scrofulous Cachexy of
Children. Price, 50 cents per box.
FOR GENERAL DKHll.lTV. —Physical OR Nervous Weakness.
Either the result of Sickoess, Excessive Medication, or Ex
hausting Discharges. Price, 50 cents per box.
FOR DKOPST. Fluid Accumulations, Tumid Swellings, with
Scanty Secretions. Price, 50 cents per box.
FOR SKA-SICKNESS—DeathIy jnehness, Vertigo, Nause.a,
Vomiting. Sickness frotn riding or motion. Price, 50
per box.
FOR URINARY DISEASES.— For Gravel, Renal Calculi, Diffi
cult, Painful Urination, Diseases of the Kidneys. Price, 50
certs per box.
Fur Srmisai. Emissions.—lnvoluntary Discharges find
Consequent Prostration am! Pebiiit.v, Bad Results of Evil
Habits. The most successful ami efficient remedy known,
and may be relieil upon as a cure. Price, with full direc
tions, $1 per box.
Persons who wish to place themselves under the profes
sional care, or to se.-k advice of Prof. Hcmpiirkys, can do
so, at his office 602 ltroa iwav, daily from S A.M. to 3 P.M
or by letter.
Look over the list, make up a case of what kind you
choose, and inclose the amount in a current note or stamps
by mail to our address, at No. 562 Broadway, Xpw-Tork,
ami the medicine will be duly returned by mail or express,
free of char-re.
AGENTS WANTED.—AVt sire an active, efficient A cent
for the sale of our Remedies n every t. wn or eouununlty
in the United States. Address Pr E HUMPHREYS £ Co.
No. hliii liaoAuw \v. New York.
Charles Rilz Wholesale ai d Retail Agent
fur Lewistoicn and vicinity, ami dntggists and
stores generally. mu'd
Instate of Henry IS. 'i'kyloF, deceased.
~V~OTICE is hereby given that Letters of
a Administration on the estateof HENIII"
15. 'J'AVLOn, late of Union township, Mifflin
county, dee'd . have been granted to the un
dersigned, residing in Brown township. All
those indebted to said estate will please make
immediate payment, and those having claims
to present them dulv authenticated for settle
ment. ' WM. CUMMINS,
jei-8-3t* Administrator.
Instate of John C. Daniels, deceased.
"V OIICE is hereby given that letters testa
-1 mentary on the estate of JOIIN C. DAN
IELS, late of Wayne township, Mifflin coun
ty, deceased, have been granted to the under
signed, residing in said township. All thosg
indebted to said estate Yvil! please make im
mediate payment, and those having claims
present them dulv authenticated for settle
jel4-6t Executor.
Instate of Samuel Matter, deceased.
is hereby given that letters of Ad-
JL i ministration de bonis r.on on the estate
of SAMUEL MATTEii, lato of Armagh
township, deceased, have been granted to the
undersigned, residing in the borough of Lew
istown. All persons indebted to said estate
are requested to make immediate payment,
and those having claims to present them du
ly authenticated for settlement.
j e 14—G t Administrator.
Kstate of David Switzer, deceased.
IVJ" OTICE is hereby given that letters of ad
ministration on the estate of DAVID
SWITZER, late of Brown township, MiQlin
county, deceased, have been granftd to the
undersigned residing in Armagh township.
All those indebted to said estate are requested
to make immediate payment, and those hav
ing claims to present them duly authenticated
for settlement.
AUDITOR'S NOTICE.—The undersigned
Auditor, appointed by the Orphans'
Court of Miffiin county, to distribute the bal
ance in the hands of T. F. McCoy, Esq., ad
ministrator of the estate of Nancy Dougherty,
dee'd., will attend to the duties of hia ap
pointment at his office, in Lewistowp, on
SAIURDAT, 4th day of August, 1860, at 10
o'clock a. m. Those interested Are requested
to attend. T. M. CTLEY,
jyl2-4t Auditor.