j *23 Gr A_Z_B TT E. Pennsylvania Itailroad. p.. i; - leave Lewistown Station as follows: WESTWARD. EASTWARD. i Kinross, 5 05a.m. 1100 p.m. 6 08 p.m. 3 58 it. m. 8 IS p.m. 10 24 a.m. I-Sviifht. 11 M P. n. 4 55 p.m. •"A'r, --i.t. 30 a.m. 455 p.m. i>, • lit. 10 30 a.m. 12 35 p.m. > ; M .. " r r [►. E. HoßEgo-jf, Agent. I,}\,Tvj!thV Omnibuses convey ]>a* 4 >fillers to ,Vi the trains, taking up or etting them | . i,aii.'iin ilu* Ix.ri ugli limits. Post Ollice. I >] - iriivr ami close as follows : Close. Art ire. I . --a Through and Way, 9 a.m. 4 p.m. , I ... ,1, .1... l'i:li:inicsvii!e School, taught by Mr. D. Al b-it. The exercises, consisting of declama ti i>s dialogues, music, essays, etc., were of j a character that would interest parents, stini ulate pupils to renewed effort, and serve to keep alive an interest in common school nf I firs. I'he declaiming was good, considering ! the youtbfulness n (i JJogs' ead of Water.— vicxaii.ler M Coy, residing on the farm of ! •-. t'. C urtney, in Xewtou, Delaware crunty, came to his death in a singu'ar tui'iner on Wednesday morning last. It seems that lie arose from his bed about five o'clock, and repaired to a hogshead to get ■water with which to wash himself. The •water being low in the vessel—about two feet—lie procured a small box, upon which lie stood, to enable him to reach it the more readily. While upon this box, lean ing over the hogshead, he lost his balance, and fell head foremost into it. Deing till able to extricate himself, he drowned be lore assistance reached him. He was about seventy years of age, and had resided with 'lie family of Mr. Courtney for the Inst twenty years. The Coroner's jury render- ! cd a verdict in acc rdance with the liicts •above given.— Chester l A publicum* Gross Outrage at Palmyra. Attempt be/ lire/gars to I fang a Girl— : . 1 crest. of one of the Culprits. —Two offi cers from Palmyra arrived in the city last j evening in search of one of the perpetra tors of a fiendish outrage committed upon ( a young girl iu that village in broad day light, on Monday last. At about half-past eleven o'clock, a. in., two rough looking men entered the dwelling of Mr. Capron, in the village, the only occupant at the time being the servant girl, who is a na tive of Palmyra, and highly respectable, j They demanded " something to eat," which the girl refused, as her mistress was out. j They immediately seized her, and, while one placed his hand over her mouth to sti fle her cries, the other tore off her apron and made a sort of rope of it. They then conveyed their victim to the cellar, and without further ill treatment tied the apron tightly about her neck, and then hung her upon a large nail in a beam overhead.— , Having done this the ruffians left. After hanging a short time, the nail broke, and the girl fell to the floor, where • - shortly afterwards found in an in -ibie Mate by Mr. and Mrs. Capron, returned. They of course were to account for the str: age state of .nd it was not until some time in in tint the girl recovered suffi- Ciently to h ■ abh to render an account of a.i.v- ;... . ccurreu. Officers were imme- ■ diutely starteu in pursuit of the guilty par ties, and one man was arrested on a canal boat who was identified by the girl, and the other is supposed to be William Forbes, a character well known to the police. Jlo- ' clicstei (A".)'.) I'upc A Strange Girl —The Hwtford (Con necticut) Press of June 4th, say- The o'A Abby Jane V aire, who escaped from the State Prison on the 14th of May, was found tiiis morning under the barn of Win throp Duck, who lives near the Folly in Wcathersfield. She lived in a hole under tlie haymow, crawling into holes that a wood chuck would hesitate to enter, and j subsisting by milking the cows, sucking c nPb on what she could pick up around houses at night. Traces were discovered of her having even visited the Prison and j broken into the kitchen since her escape. She so cms to he -a half-witted creature with the cunning and activity of a wild animal. -1 &l'ji One. — lhursday s \\ heeling Times is responsible for "the following whopper: A hailstone, the largest of which we have heard in this section, was picked up on Market street immediately after the storm of the forenoon. Its pre cise weight we did not learn, but its di mensions were such as to render it barely possible, to ei'oicd it into flic open load nf u ntedium sixl.ll, beer cash. It was a five cornered star shape. J[ou. John Schwartz. —\V e have intelligence of tno death on V odnesday night, at Wash ington City, of the Hon. John Schwartz, mem ber of Congress from iiio IJcrks County Dis trict, in this State. Mr. Schwartz's public life c niui'-need in 1 '•■"'B, when lie was elected to Congress over J. Clancy Jones, now Min ister to Austria, after one of the most exciting and stubborn contests ever witnessed in this State. Ihe issue during the canvass was Lc conipton and anti-Lecompton. Mr. Schwartz receiving the support of those opposed to the policy of the Administration in Kansas. lie was not a man of showy attainments, but du ring bis short career in Congress he has been distinguished for sterling good sense and a watchful attention to the interests of his con stituents and State, lie was sixty-sevenyears of age. The Huntingdon Union says a little girl, five years old, named Mary i'ope, was at the depot with ber father on Saturday evening, when the 7 o'clock express, west, arrived, and thinking that he had got on the train, she at tempted to follow him and got on the plat form of one of the ears, v. hcn the train start ed. She kept hold for about a quarter of a mile, lot on turning the curve above the Broad Top Basin, she was thrown off and so badly injured that her recovery is doubtful. Her lata had gctie into Thomas' saloon, and was not on the train at all. THE MARKETS. Uevvistom n - , June 25, 1800. Bath r, g >..ul, p lb. 12 Lard, 1 1 fallow, il a 00 F.ggs, "ft dozen, 10 Wheat, white f bushel, I 25 red ~ 115 Corn, 55 Kve, <55 Oats, 0 Barley, 60 to 0 ; Cioverseed, .1 50 to 00 Flaxseed, 1 25 Timothy, 2 I " Wool, washed, 57 unwashed, i . Dried C.-.erries, per bushel 1 75 Potatoes, 2530 | 1 he above prices are also paid by Dly mycr A Stunbargcr. Philadelphia Market. Of Flour, sales reach s.j 25a5 50 for su | pcrline—the latter for a better brand—s 02 j for extra, and 5 87 for extra family ; the re- i ciipts continue light, and the sales for home j use range at the above figures for superfine and extras, and BGa7 per bbl for fancy brands a- :u quality. Dye Flour and Corn Meal are quiet : we quote th-e former at 3 75a-3 87, and the latter at 3 37, without sales. Wheat—sold at I 32al 33 for fair Penna. i and 1 38 lor good Southern ; white is held at 1 40aI 50, as in quality. Timothy was sold at 4 12.1 p:r bus. and Cioverseed at 5 per bus. Cattle Market, Jane 25,—The receipts of Beef Cattle reached about 2,500 head this week : the market continues about the same as last quoted. Sales at Balo 0,000 Sheep sold at from 83al per head, as in quality. 'JO Cows selling at from 25 to 50 per liead, as iu quality. 1,120 Ilogs arrived and sold, bv James 11. Reynolds, at from 8 to 8 50 per lb. net, as in quality. The arrival of fat Hogs at 11. G. ImhofFs Drove Yard were 1,055 bead. Still fed sold at prices ranging from 7 50 to 8 25, and c >rn fed at from 8 to 8 50 per 100 lbs, according to quality. "Not dangerous to the Human Family." " Hats come out of their holes to die." Ccstar's Costar's RAT, ROACH, &c. EXTERMINATOR. Costar's Ccstar's BED-RIG EXTERMINATOR. Costar's Costar's ELECTRIC POWDER for INSECTS Ae. DESTROYS IXSTANTI.Y Itats—Roadies—Mice—Moles—(.round Mice—Bed Bugs—Ants—Moths—Mosquitoe.'—Fleas—lnsects on Plants, Fowls. Animals, 4c., 4c.—in short, every spe cies of VZEZFtIyXXIsr -10 years established in New York Citii —used by the < ity Post Ottice—tin- City Prisons and .Station Houses —the City Steamers. Ships, 4c.—the City Hotels, " A tor," "St. Nicholas," 4c. —and by more than 20,000 pri vate familes. ttrs_Pruggists and Retailers everywhere sell them. Wholesale Agents iu all the large cities and Towns, J! ! BEWARF. !!! of spurn >us imitations. Mw.il.Oo Sample Boxes -ent by Mail, tt 0 .Address Orders—or for "Circular to Dealers" to HENRY R. COSTA R. PRINCIPAL DEPOT. 512 Broadway, St. Nicholas Hotel,) N. Y. For sale by Charles Ritz, Lewistown Pa. jel4. $7.50 Fort CORN PLOWS, STEEL SIEXA-IRJSS, for sale by F. G. FRANCISCUS. je2l. IJISII OIL, Salt, Potatoes, Beans and Dried Apples, at A. FELIX'S PROPOSALS "XT 7 "ILL lie received until FRIDAY EYEN m IXG, -June 20th, 1860, . by William Brothers, the Secretary of the Board" <-.f School I)ir> ctors of Brown town-bin, for BUILDING A SOHOOLHOUSE 26 by 34, and 12 feet in the story, stone foundation. Pians and specifications can be seen at the office of the Secretary in Ileedsville. The building to be" either of brick or frame —Proposals to bo received for both. WILLIAM BROTHERS, j e U Secretary T\ riIA be received by the Board of Seho 1 f T Directors of Bration township, on SAII RDAY, 3T;h June, f> r a SCHOOL HOUSE to be built on tho plan No. three of the School Architect, to be erected in KHuff man's sub district, one mile and a half East of Manayunk Station, P. R. R. The letting to take place on the ground. JOHN YODER. Pros't. WILLIAM REYNOLDS, See'y. Jc 14 3t. Estate ol John c. Daniels, deceased. OTICF. is hereby given that letters testa lJ mentarv on the estate of JOHN C. DAN IELS, late of W ayne township, Mifflin coun ty, deceased, have been granted to the under signed, residing in said township. All those indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment, and those having claims present them duly authenticated for settle ment. WILLIAM WILSON, jel4—6t Executor. Estate of Samuel Matter, deceased. "TV"OTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad i_ x ministration de bonis nun on the csta'e ol SAMUEL MAT PER, late of Armagh township, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, residing in the borough of Lcw istown. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims to present them, du ly authenticated for settlement. GEO. W. ELDER, jel4~Gt Administrator. Estate of David Switsger, deceased, ""VTOTIOE is hereby given that letters of ad- Xx ministration on the estate of DAVID SWITZER, late of Brown township, Mifflin county, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned residing in Armagh township. All those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those hal ing claims to present them duly authenticated for settlement. JAMES THOMPSON, j . , CRAWFORD SWITZEIt, j A ' lmrs - Gt— * Pond's Fxtrac-t of Hamamelis, OR PAIN DUSTROYKR. {S one of the fmv domestic remedies which . have come into general use and favor, without pulling. It is the product of a sim ple shrub, harmless in all cases, and as a do mestic remedy unequalled. Fur Jinrns, Cat ■*, linnses, A in-ties.1, JMIIICIICSS, Sprains. liken ma/ism, U nix, I (cers, (Jid Sores and Wounds, it lias not an equal. It is also used, with great success, for Tool ha/he, Headache, A' urulyi-ti, Pore Throat, Coin-, JJiarrhoea, Hoarseness, and other similar troublesome and paiutul affections, while it promptly ar rests all 11 hi ntorhayes. Hundreds of phy.-i cians use it daily in their practice, and give it their unqualified recommendation. Sold by our agents and dealers, and Lv F. 111. MFII REYS & Co., 5G2 Brodwav, Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers. m v 3 MRS. MARY MARKS, Ec wist own. Pa., Wholesale Agent for the ROM A SOT A It *""" / "f ="\ "•** l-3njos* E 15. LAW. REAPER '& MOWER FOE SALE. I WILL sell for the low price of SBO, llus . soy's Reaper, which I will warrant to cut as clean and lay the grain as neat for binding as any reaper that can be produced. This reaper has been but little used, is as i good as new and is for sale because I ha e no use for cue. my3l-4t SIIEM ZOOK, Belleville P. 0. Ss£> FOR Coli N PLO WS . Made in best manner with STEEL SITARE3, an article no farmer should be without, my3l F. J. HOFFMAN. FRESH GROCERIES, Sugars. Syrups, Colfees. Rice, Teas, Honey, Canned Peaches. Pickles, Quinces, Preserves, Jellies, &c --j Which we will offer at lowest cash price. 4 FELIX has just returned from the city LjL with a large assortment of Groceries, Provisions, pared and unpared Peaches, Ciler ies, Prunes, Raisins, Figs, Oranges, Lemons, with a host of things in the confectionery I line. You will also find at Felix's Variety Store, a splendid assorted of China Mantel Ornaments, such as Vases, Cups, and Saucers, Tea Sets, and a large assortment of Toys. )\ OEM'S for ZINC WASHING MA JLfI CHINES, for sale bv je2L F. G. FRANCJSCUS. NETS at SI.OO, usually sold at sl-25 —for sale by je2l F. G FRANCJSCUS. Just Received. | / A/ A BBLS Lancaster Superfine Flour, lUU at $5.50 per bbl. je2l JOHN KENNEDY & Co. I ALU ID.—We are now selling Fluid at 15 cts. per quart or 60 cts per gallon, and i warranted good. je2l JOHN KENNEDY & Co. 4 SUPERIOR lot of FAMILY HAMS l\ now on hand at 121 cts. Sugar Cured at 15 cts. JOHN KENNEDY & Co. I EVERYBODY says the CENTRAL SIIOE Ji STORE has the largest and best assort ment of Boots and Shoes in town. Call and try them. T. COX, Proprietor. £e. at A. FELIX'S. Mwm mom, SLOAT'S ELXPTIC XOcE STITCH SEW mo MACHINES. | 11E subscriber after considerable search I fur a Sewing Machine for his own use, bus one of the above now in operation, which are noted for their simplicity and strength. They Stitch, Ilem, Bind, Fell and Gather with out basting, making the stitch ali!;p on both sides of the work. They sew equally well the light st are! heaviest fabric with any spot ) thread or silk. We fin 1 warranted in rcconi mending them as the \ery Lot aow in the market for every useful purpose in a familv, for a Dressmaker, Tailor, ..r Shirt Maker.— As an evidence of its simplicity Mrs. M , without instruction or explanation from any one, cotnmenced work on it, and in less than one week made 10 dresses. -I pair of pants, and 3 shirts, and has not experienced the b ast difficulty in its operation. We simply ask ail to look ;it this machine before purchasing, . and remember these facts. We warrant eve ry machine, arid keep every one in repair, free of expenses, f.r one year. Price FIFTY | DOB DA US. Address J AS. M. MA RT IX, L"\visf: wn P. O , my24-tf Agent for Mifflin County. I dyiTi'-x XdAJAaA Seigrisst's cid Stand, Near (he Canal Pridi/c, Lcicix'oicn, Pa. Strong Brer, Lager Beer, Lindenberger I and Switjser Cheese—all of the best quality I constantly on hand, for sale wholesale or re ; tail. Yeast to be had daily during summer. I niy24—vr - 4 T. HAMILTON is now opening a new Xjl and well selected assortment of Spring and Summer Goods, at the old stand in East Market, street, Lcwistown, one door west of Mrs l'atton's cheap Bonnet store, consisting of CLOTHS AM) fASSIMERES, of every variety, PANT STI FFS, of all | kinds, Challics, Delaines, Lawns, Ginghams, Debages ami Calicoes. Also, a great variety of 110-IERY, GLO\ ES, and Ladies' Gauntlets. CARPETS, Muslins, Hoops, Shawls and Fancy Notions. The puldic are respectfully invited to call ; in and examine the Goods, as I will sell cheap j for cash or country produce. fijsjf insurances against loss by fire will be j promptly attended to in town and country, my 24 A, T. HAMILTON. JUST RECEIVED A SEI.ECT STI CK. OF Boots. Shoes, Gaiters, &c, for men, women, boys, and children, which are offered for sale remarkably low. J CLARK, my 10 Opposite the Union House. McALISTERVILLE ACADEMY Juniata County, Pa. i GEO McF.7#Vl.-:L\7), Principal A* Proprietor. I J.ICOP, MILLER, Pnf. of M,ilkemnlies, Ac. Miss .L\W'IE S. CRIS T, Teacher of Music, Sfc. The next session of this Institution com ' meiices on the 26th of July, to continue 22 | weeks. Students admitted at any time. A Normal Department j will he formed which will afford Teachers the | best opportunity of preparing for fall examina | tions. A NEW APPARATUS has been purchased, Lecturers engaged, &c. TERMS —Boarding, ltoom und Tuition, per I session, $55 to s6l). Tuition alone at usual rates. sen ' ' ree 0,1 application. THE EXTENSIVE STOCK OF omm is gmvmm WATOH33S, CHAINS, BRACELETS, RINGS, BREASTPINS, AND OTHER JEWELRY; FJLITCST i.F.FIOFFS. CLOCS.S, and a beautiful assortment of BOOKS AND STATIONERY are pow selling at greatly reduced prices at ! Junkin's old stand, corner of Brown and Market streets, opposite Russell's Banking I House. ®SuThose who desire to buy at prices cor ! responding with the times, will please call. JBcg" All kinds of repairing promptly atten ded to. 11. W. JUWKIN, Agent. Lewistown, April 8, 1858. The Sign of the mu comi! riiTi YOU WILL FIND IS THE ; Flace lo get value for your money IN TIN WARE, OJt, A SUPERIOR SAD OR FLAT IRON, OR, The Best Cook Stove in Market; NAMELY, THE Daylight Gas Burner Stove ! And you will also find me very much pleas ed to do the best I can for you ail, if you call on J. IRVIN WALLIS. Lewistown, Juue 21, 1860. Great Reduction in Sugars! 1 Q 9, and 10 cents for Brown, and White O j Sugars at 11 cents, at ZERBE'S. FOR CLOTHS. CASSIMERES, BOOTS, EEOEB, AND mm\m (LOTIHM;. CALL AT GEORGE BLYMYER'S. Lcwistown April 10, 18G0. LADIES' DRESS GOO !> S ! nOirr.T EE SOIE, FOULARDS, CUE X NAYE, and BLACK SILKS. ()ri/finy the East Branch of the Kishneoqnillas creek, di vided into convenient fields, with water in every field on the farm except one—the re mainder covered with good timber. The soil is cf the best quality, in a high state of cul tivat'.on, some GO acres being first class mead ow. The improvements consist of a two-story Dwelling, with all necessary out J Jjt buildings, a large Barn. 120 feet fijgb long, nearly neiv, with running in the yard, and other con veniences, such as Cattle Sheds enclosed, Ac. The purchaser of the property can make ar rangements for receiving all the surplus ma nure from the pens at the Distillery. A Mill, Schoolhouse, Church, Ac., arc in sight of the farm, and three other churches within three miles—one Episcopal, two Pres byterian, and one Lutheran. ALSO, 400 Acres of Mountain Lancß adjoining the above property, with chestnut, oak and other timber, which will be disposed of separately or with the farm. For further information inquire of E. E. LOCKE A CO., Locke's Mills P. 0., Mifflin co., Pa. September 29, 1859. Xow's thr Day ami Xow's the Hour! The Largest Stock cf BOOTS 8c SHOES, in the county, of prices cheaper than hart hem offered in tm years! 'St- '■<-&*> HAVING bought an entire new stock of Boots and Shoes for cash, with the ad vantage of low prices caused by the strikes in the east, the undersigned now offers to the public rare inducements to cali and purchase* READ FOR 101 RSELFES. Mens' Calf Boots, from $2.50 to 3.50 " Kip, " 2.00 to 2.75 " and Boys' Gaiters, 90 to 2.00 " coarse Brogans, 90 to 1.25 Kip and Call Brogans, 1.25 to 1,02 Women's Gaiters, Congress Ilecls 90 to 1.60 Boys' Shoes, 75 to 1.12 Women's Slippers, 50 to 62 Children's Shoes, from 19 to 62 A large stopk of IJ.QME MADE WORK constantly kept on hand, which will be offer ed at very low prices. Manufacturing of all kinds done at short notice, and fits warranted. Men's Calfskin Boots made from $4.50 to 6.00, according to quality. Repairing promptly attended to. >VM. JOHNSTON, Opposite the Post Office. Lewistown, May 10, 1860. QUEENSWARE. —A fine lot of newstyles, and an assortment of GLASSWARE, just received at ZERBE'S ("lA ni ET Chain can be had at J ap 26 ZERBE'S. QIIAD AND MACKEREL, in whole, half lO and qr. barrels, or by retail, can be had at /.ELBE'S. HERRING, in whole, naif and qr. barrels, or by retail, for sale at ZERBE'S. HEAR WHAT THE PEOPLE SAY. The undersigned having Professor 111 MPHRK\S' BPKCIFIO HOMtKOiWTIHC REMEDIES In our families with the most satisfactory results, and having full confi dence in their genuineness, purity, and efficacy, cheerfully recommend thein to all JKTS N* WHO wish to have safe, re liable. and efficacious remedies at hand lor private or do mestic use. The Rev. Win. 11 osmer, u. has Fever?, Inflammations, Diarrhea, Dy*i• t*.■ i*y, Cmup, Rheumatism, and such erup tive diseases A- S. :rh : FCVT, Measles, and Erys'.pt ins, the advantage of giving the proper remedies promptly is ob vious, and in all such cases the speeilies act like a charm. The entire dis- ISE is OJUMI arrested at onee, and in all cases the violence of the attack is moderated, the disease short ened, ami rendered !< S dangerous. Coughs and C I which are J such frequent and which so often lay t! e foiindatioii of diseased funps, bronchitis and c. u- .j may ail tie At oitcc i'ltr-^l 1 by the Fever and Cough IMls. In all chronic su*h as Dyspepsia, Weak Stomach, Constipation, Liver Complaints, Plies, Female Debility, and Irregularities, old He.-uia - hes, S->re or Weak Eyes, Catarrh, Salt Rlietim, and other Id eruptions, the case has specifics whose pit per application will aflVrd a cure in almost every instance. Often the cur. ..f a single chronic dilliculty, such as Dyspepsia, Piles . r ( d.rrh, Headache or Female Weak ness, has more than paid for the case ten tiiuea over. PRICE. Case of 2> vials complete, in morocco, and Book #5 Case of 20 vials, and Book, plain 4 Case of 15 numbered boxes, and Book 2 Case of 6 boxes, numbered, and Book I Single numbered boxes, with directions 25 cents. Single lettered boxes, with directions 50 cents. Large case of 2 o*. vials, for planters and physicians.. 15 ALSO SPECIFICS. FOR ASTHMA OH PHTHISIC. —Oppressed, Difficult, Labored Breathing, attended with Cough and Expectoration. Price, 50 cents per box. FOR EAR DISCHARGES ASI> PKAFXKSS.—Discharges from the Ear, the result of Scarlet Fever, Measles, or Mercurials. For Noises in the Head, Hardness f Hearing, and Ringing In the Ears, ami Ear-ache. Price, 50 cents per box. FOR Scuom.A. —Enlarged Glands, Enlarged and Indurat ed Tonsils, Swellings and Old Ulcers, Scrofulous Cachexy of Children. Price, 50 cents per box. FOR GENERAL DEBlLlTY.—Physical or Nervous Weakness. Either the result of Sickness, Excessive Me llcation, or Ex hausting Discharges. Price, 50 cents per l>n\. FOR DROPSY.— Fluid Accumulation*, Tun.id Swellings, with Scanty Secretions. Price, 50 cents per box. FOR SEA-B:CKNESS.—DeathIy Sickness, Vertigo, Nausea, Vomiting. Sickness front riding or motion. Price, 50 etpW per box. FOR UKISART DISEASES.—For Gravel, Renal Calculi, Diffi cult, Painful Urination, Diseases of the Kidneys. Price, 50 cents per box. FOR SFMIN AI. EMlSSlONS.—lnvoluntary Dischar, R ntpl Consequent Prostration and Debility, Bad Results of Evil Habits. The m st successful and efficient remedy know n,' and may be relied upon as a cure. Price, \> iti full direc tions, $1 per box. Persons who wish to place themselves under the profes sional care, or to seek advice of Prof.' IlrxrtafftKYS, can do so, at !11 j. office 502 Broadway, daily froirt A.it. to 8 t*|M or by letter. OUR RKMEI UKS BY MAIL. Look over the list, make up a ca?e of what kind you choose, and inclose tie amount in a current note or stngips by mail to our address, at No. 562 Broadway, New-York, and the medicine will he duly returned by mail or express, free of charge. AGENTS WANTED.—We desire an active, efficient Agent for the sale of .iir Remedies in everv town .r eiounmntty in the United States. Addrt - Dr. IHUMPHKEYS A Col N I. OT'J BI.OAI WAV, NKW-YOKIT. Charles liilz Wholesale and Retail Agent for baristmcu and vicinity, and druggist:; and stoves generally. :;W> ij)a J, ISO ~33 So -CP IS vE "ts? a £ yi-'PICK on Kast Market street, LOWDTOIYP, \ / ADJOINING F. (. Franciscus' iiarJwaie St >re. P. S. Dr. Locke will be at his office the first Monday of each month to spend the week. MY.3I 33r, Samuel L, Alexander. Has permanently located at Milrfrj, yy and is prepared to practice all thebranch £ es of his Profession. >trico at Swinc hart's Hotel. rhy3-ly I>R S A IVJ iLRTIIC jrejH AS. through the solicitation of many friends, located in Newton Hamilton in the room of Hr. Atkinson, who goes Jo Lewistown. lie hopes by a strict attention to business to receive the support and merit the approbation of a generous community. He has the experience of twelve yeais' regular practice, in which time he has had an oppor tunity of treating diseases of almost every species. Office in dwelling directly opposite the Presbyterian church. apl9-3m EDWARD FRYSINGER, WHOLESALE DEALER & HASIFACTiRER or CIGARS, WO, M, &c., &0., 3PAo Orders promptly attended to. jelG GEO. 77. ELDER,, Attorney at Law, Office Market Square, Lewistown, will at tend to business in Mifflin, Centre and Hunting don counties. my2G 4 LL kinds of Notions, Perfumery, Fancy _x\_ Soaps, Purses, Spool Thread, Paper, Pens, C mbs, Brushes, with a large variety of articles too nuiperous to mention, will find at reduced prices at A. FELIX'S Vi r ll' ' T I WINE, Vinegar, and Cider, on 1 hut. nd for sale by A. FELIX. ORANGES AND LEMONS for sile~at Zerbe's Grocery establishment,