Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, June 21, 1860, Image 3

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    523 GASES 22.
Pennsylvania Kailroad.
... leave I.>wist am Station as follows:
•* a. l!l. 11 U0 p. m.
15 0." p.hi. 3 5-i a. in.
• j! 1 ' . o4S|>.rn. lu2la. in.
,Hi" Freight. 11 at) p. in. lea p.m.
b .40 turn. 4.., p.m.
• K 7.-t -l.r, Li 3d a. tit. 12 35 j..m.
L • 11 2u p. m.
1 rutin 1
I'. E. It itiKsoN. Agent.
•i.r.uth's ttimiibllSC- e uvey ] a--eiit"ls to
r .ii the tr.-.iu-. takiii: tli i setting them
ir ••' •
■*' . ,11 ~.,i::t- within the is . - tli'- limits.
Post < Hiice.
~ *. -jire and e! —* as full .v., :
Close. A. ~
, ~.r n Thi agh aud Way, ba.ni. I |!'- 1 "*
, ii*. i |. iti. 11 ;i. iii.
1 Threiigh. k in. .* a. m.
: 'n,ru Mail". . . p. ~ , - I'-'n
•' .--rs from 7a. to. tuitil sp. m. Su uLiy t, an
. ai'jdelVk a. I".
Liacola and Seetionalism "
yj r [{eiijatnin. of Louisiana, in his late
in tli*' Senate of the I tiited States,
; that lie thought L : nenln was to be pro
, 11 1> uiglas for the Presidency. Mr.
|. j,; t:nit anticipates the sentim tut of the na
il.* charged Douglas with
, ■• the speeches of Mr. Lincoln. By the
j.. jj r> lPuijaui'm is not alone in his pref
,-giceof Lincoln over Douglas. Consorva
—n-'t allied to the Republican par
, _,re everywhere f mud, who see nothing in
the historv, principles, an 1 pnlioy of Lbigoln,
i ienii-bteiit with the goo I of tlte c uintry. lie
hi- been a fair, frank, out -p ik :i man—the
lealcr, in the West, of the oj posit! >n to the
J'-itiht Oligarchy, but in no respect reckless
m i radical upon the political on lions of tlic
iv. lie has utterly repudiated all invasion
f the constitutional rights of slaveholders,
a:, i strenuously maintained tlte doctrine of
State Jlights. Why should not such a man
1,., trusted with tho affairs of tho nation ? Is
] > n M honest? The most hitter opponent
,1, ii M deny lii.s 1; incsty, and among the ;• o
el" the West ho is kit twn i,y tin; souhriipn-t
of *ll mest old Abe.' What r title could
to conferred upon a public man ?
Mere political parti/, in s, who do not stop
tiimpiire lbr truth, will < ty of Mr. f/n > do,
that ho is an enemy of the Union —a Soeti >n
..li-t —an Abolitionist —thai lie wiibhel'i sut
jf.s from the American >■. 1 !!••;•< in Mi'xico.
These and similar charges are nj t ie by men
. .titute of political lione-ty : but tin- public
r rds will triumphantly vindicate him fnon
-uch charges. Aotliing i- clearer than
• it in lSof't, the people were frightened into
the support of Mr. Buchanan, They were
erar. ly told that Fremont w tt Li set the i.e
iiPx of die South free—that they woul 1 eov ,
the north like locusts—-that the Union j
wi'iiid be dissolved ! Tho same thinor will ! e
d-.nc in ISGH. It vvorke Iso well in ithat
h must expect the j>arn * to he played over
:;iin. Alth:iu<>h the of 1 s oG will not •
vi.ak now as it did th n, it is well enough to
make known the precise position of tin* Re- j
fgblicitii candidate, upon the Slavery rjues i
tt m. It is especially appropriate at tliis time •
w I. ■ II thousands of patriotic citizens who (
:nv(: heretofore acted with the Democratic
I irty —having lost confidence in leaders who
litv" become sectional and corrupt—are anx
-1 i.-!y tnipiirinj; for whom they can vote for 1
At l ieeport, Illinois, on the 27th August, ;
D'd, Mr. i. ticoln made the fd'otving reply f
: i*" -r. it >r Douglas' biiit f indicrm-ttt against !
... .
ban i- an abolitionist; and that being the on- ;
■lib-gatioii made against him at this time— |
!. s Inacstv, purity, and ability, being conce- '
•: d-uv hope that every person who wishes
Li know Mr. Lincoln as he is, will read it
carefully. A more const'rvaticc roc >rd no j
friend of our country and its institutions can j
; -dbly desire:
h'uistioii |. '1 desire to know whether i
!. uculn today stands, as lie did in 1851, in j
Uvur o| tie uiKMndition.il repeal of the Fugi !
lar Slave law ?
Answer. "1 do not novr, nor ever did, stand
i favor of the unconditional repeal of the
1 ugitive Slave law.
0 2. ' 1 desire him to answer whether he
Hands pledged today, as he did in 185 4,
•Vun-t the ndmi-sioit of any more Slave
"de* into the I niou, even if the people want
A- '1 do not no-.v, nor overdid, stand pledg
• against the admis.-i >n of any more Slave
N-'cs into the Union.'
'!■ o. '1 want to know whether he stands
1 -edged against the admission of a new State
int.. the 1 m -n with such a Constitution as
people of that State may see tit to make?'
A. - 1 do not stand pledged against the ad
tnissi.tn of a new State into the Union with
s ~li at onstitution as the pet p'e of that States
any see fit to make.'
4. ' 1 want to know whether he stands
tn-day pledged to the abolition of Slavery in
the District ol Columbia?'
A. ' I Jo not stand to-day pledged to the
abolition of Slavery in the District of Colum
=. ' I desire him to answer whether he
- 'oid- pledged to the prohibition of the slavc
between the different States?'
A. 1 do m.t stand pledged to the prohibi
'■ !i 'd the slave-trade between the different
'!■ G. 'I desire him to answer whether he
ch pledged to prohibit Slavery in all the
1 ruuries ol the United States, north as well
di ! the Missouri Compromise line ?'
' am impliedly, if not expressly, pledg
a belief in the right and duty of Con
v s to prohibit Slavery in all the United
l! 't erritories.'
. <• '• '1 desire him to answer whether he
' 'pposed to the acquisition of any new ter-
Un ' oss slavery is first prohibited there
-1 am not generally opposed to any ac
l"->.ton ol territory ; and in any given case,
w "ti!d or would not oppose such acquisition,
.T, e'j as I might think suoh acquisition
t! d or would not aggravate the Slavery
"luestion among ourselves.
"w, my friends, it will be perceived, up
n ,ni examintion of these questions and an
' !s . that so far I have only answered that
n , ot to this, that, or the other.
' "age has not framed his interrogatories
' ask me .anything more than this, and I
"""wered in accordance with the inter
t-D'oncs, and h ave answered truly that 1
am not pledged at all upon any of the point
to which I have answered. But lam not dis
I posed to hang upon the exact form of his in
, terrogatory. lam rather disposed to take up
! at least Pome of these questions, and state
| what I really think upon them,
j As to the first one in regard to the Fugitive
Nave law, I have never hesitated to sav and
I do not now hesitate to say. that I think, un
f , lie Constitution of the United States, tlte
people of s mthf r i Stat, s ireenti Dd t ■ a Coo
gressjonal Fugitive Slave law. Having said
•oat, 1 h ive had nothing to sny in regard to
the existing Fugitive Slave law. further than
tout I tilt nk it should have been framed so as
to he free from stone of tlie objections that
pertain to it, without lessening it< efficiency.
And, inasmuch as we are not now in an agi
Hato n iti regard to an alteration or modifi
cation oi that law, I would not be the man to
introduce ir as a new subject of agitation upon
tiio general question of Slavery.
In regard to the other quest! n.nf whether
i am pledged to the admission of any more
Slave States into the Union, J state to you ve
r_\ Lankly, that { would he exceeding! v sorry
over to 1.0 put ir; a position of having i i pass
upon that question 1 should he exceedingly
g'u-i to know that there would never lie an
other Slave State admitted into the Union ;
but 1 must add that, if SI ivory shall he kept
out of the Territories during tho territorial
existence oi any one given Territory, and
, then the people shall, hiving a fair chance
, an : a clear J; Id, when they come to adopt
toeir Constitution, do such an extraordinary
tiling a> to adopt a Slave Constitution, urtin
fluence Iby t !m a -t;ipresence of theinstitu
! tion among them, 1 see- no alternative, if we
own the country, but p> admit them into the
1 nioti.
Ihe third interrogatory is answered ly the
answer to the second, it being, us 1 eonceivc,
the same a- the soconti.
• he fourth one is in regard to the abolition
of P. .very in tin: District of Columbia. In
relation to that. 1 have my mind very distinct
ly made up. ! should be exceedingly glad to
see Slavery abolished in the District of Col
unibia. I believe that Congress possesses the
cunstitional power to abolish it. Vet as a
member <■'. Congress, 1 ,-hoiji.i not with inv
pr sent views, be in iavor of endeavoring to
abolish .Slavery in the District of Columbia,
unless it would be upon these conditions:
l'irsf, that the abolition should be gradual;
second, rhat ii ,-.i mid be on a vote of tho ma
jority id qiiiiLH.-.1 voters in the District; and
third, that compensation should he made to
unwilling owner-. With these three condi
tions, ! cordo.-.-; 1 would be esc 'eding'y glad
to see I ongi-. -s abolish Slavery in the Dis
trict of Columbia, and in the language of
lienry ( ay, 'sweep from our Capital, that
foul hint upon our nation.'
In regard t-> the fifth interrogatory, 1 most
s iv here, that, as to the abolition of the slave
trad. - beta on the dill rent States. I can truly
answer, as 1 have, that 1 am pledged to noth
ing about ;f. It ;s a subject to which 1 have
not given that mature con.si leration that would
make me feel authorized to state a p isirion so
as to hold myself entirely bound by if. In
oth-.-r w rds. that question has never been
prominently enough before nj° to induce me
to investigate whether we really have the con
stitutional power to do if. ' could investigate
it, i! I had sufficient time to bring my elf to
a conclusion upon that subject; but I have
not done so, and I say so frankly to you h f> re
md to Judge Douglas. I must say however,
that if I shoe.! 1 be of opinion that Congress
1 H-s possess the constitutional power to abol
• sli tii - -lavetra le among the different States, 1
1 slioui i still not he in favor of the exercise .
of that power, unless upon some conservative
principle, as J conceive it akin to what 1 hare
said in relation to the abolition of Slavery in j
the District of Columbia.
B£!i„Dr. L. 1. , Baltimore, will please forward ;
S5, which will pay for the advertisement spo- 1
ken of.
W. C., Brooklyn, can remit 52.50, ulien
his request will ho complied with.
Plenty lmitators of lleenan and Sayers. ■
defa'eition of a government ;
officer is repot ted—amount 575.000 or SIOO,
000. Small fir Buchanan's admini.-tration.
feajf-Judgo Black is an aspirant f>r a seat
on the Supreme Bench in place of .Judge
Daniels, deceased, l! nominated, he will
propahly lie rejected.
The Covoije investigating committee
have smoked out the fact that men were regular
ly employed in this State in ISSG, to circulate
iikgai naturalization papers in order to make
votes for Buchanan.
©sgfThe house of John "Wayne, near Mid
dleburg, Snyder county, was destroyed by
lire on Monday a week- Only a part of the
furniture was saved. The house was not in
B®Thc real cause of the cattle disease is
thus described by a Boston medical man :
" Infiltration into and thickening of tlie inter
lobular tissue, and exudation into the bron
chial vessels and air cells." This is as " clear
as mud," and our readers will of course
thank us for the valuable information.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN.—One of the most inter
esting iiml its. fit) publications which comes to our
sanctum is the Scientific American, it weekly publica
tion. <levoted to popular si i.-iiee, new inventions, and
tin- whole range of mechanic andmanttfaeturitii-,ivts.
Tli- Scientific Amerieau has been published ji.r tif
teen y.-ars. by the well known Patent Solicitors, Mrs
sis. .iliiiut A Co. ."'.7 Park Row. New York : and has
vearh m.-rease.l in interest and circulation, until it
11.1 - attained. w.- u ndcrs ta a. I. a early au.noo - liltseri! a-rs.
which is the la st ot evidence that the publication is
appreciated by the reading public.
To those of our Tenders who may not be familiar
with tiie character ol tin- paper, we will state some of
the subjects of which i' treats. Its illustrated des
criptions of all the most important improvements in
steaui and agricultural machinery, will commend it to
the Engineer and Farmer, while the new household
inventions and shop tools which are illustrated by en
gravings and described in its columns, with the practi
cal ree.-ipts contained in every number, readers the
work desirable to housek>-> pet s, and afinosi indispen
sible to every mechanic or smith who has a shop for
manufacturing new work, or reputing old.
The Scientific American is universally regarded a
the inventors advocate and monitor: the rei>ositorv of
American invention-, and the great authority on law
and ail business connected with patents. The Official
last of Claims, as issued weekly from the Patent Of
fice, in Washington, are publish- d regularly in its col
umns. All the most important Patents issued bv the
t'nited States Patent Ollice are illustrated and des
eribed on its pages, thus forming an unrivaled hjstory
of American inventions.
It is not only the best, but the largest and cheapest
paper devoted to Science. Mechanics. Manufacturers,
and tin- useful arts published in the world. Hon.
Judge Mas-.n, formerly Commissioner of Patents, is
not only engaged v. th i fie publishers in their immense
Patent "Agency department, but as a writer on Patent
Laws and Practice, fits ability is forcibly port payed in
the columns of this paper.
The Scientific American is published once a week,
'every Saturday.) each number contains ltf pages of
Letterpress, and from hi to 12 original engravings of
New Inventions, consisting of the most improved
Tools. Engines. Mills, Agricultural Machines, and
Household Utensils, making 62 numbers in a year,
comprising k32 pages, and over 500 Original Engra
vings. printed on heavy, fine paper, in a form express
ly for binding, and all for $2 per annum.
A New Volume commences on the Ist of July, and
we hope a large number of our townsmen will avail
themselves t.f the present opportunity to subscribe.
By remitting 52 by mail to the publishers, Mrxx A Co.
157 Park Row, New-York, they will send vou their pa
- ■
per one y e.-ir. at the on.l <-f which time vou will have
a v.ilunio which you would not part with*f..r treM.* u
'•".si. l ;,e pal, Ushers" express their willingne-s to
mail a copy of the paper i juch as uu\ wi-hto
see it with.att charge.
Rook Notices.
with numerous plates which h:..-ju-t issued from the
press of Mr. G. G. Evans. Philadelphia, has been laid
on our table, it seems to have been the desire of the
author of this work to do full justice to American val
or and patriotism, and to present truthful picture-'of
that memorable war. ami of the great chief who
springing from the people, a frontier \> .-ri.-r. v.ithoiit
• rV K 7i"V' n " r ox i" {n mih' iry atfairs. w.a- en
• led l.v h.s stout heart, hi s:va-i., U s intelh-et. and a -
'" t P : ' r rioti-in. to repoi. puiii-i, and n- ,rh d, --• , x
; solar or tun most mere."oars soldi r- that Were .-v"r
sent forth by any power oil tfi" earth.
The pi i. of this w >rk is one dollar, ami on receipt
of twenty-oue cents additional for postage, a eopv of
to.- boos tog -;!, -r with .. Imn 'tsooie present worth
. lioin tiny ce-nts to one li'imlre-l dollars ■,< :!! ),.
i!l ' l .' " " *-'• Evans, N .-l;n o-unit tret t.
1 hitadelphia.
wit.i a fine portrait and othei plates. \\ i iti.-ti bt i 14
.1 irtlev. E-ij.. ha- also been t .rward-d to n- I v the
publisher. Mr. G. G. Kvutis. Philadelphia. The" Km
pie-- Josephine wo* one ef tise mow remarkable of
ad t.ie ( -x'raordi utrv characters who rose into con-pil
lions put lj - positions in i-oiiseoueiice of the French
R;o oliition. Wutiderfttl were the events iff li~r lit'.-.
With he kindest and p.ost aitvoiiutiate of i.uman
hearts, -he united the sternest principles ol rci-tifude
and a e .uiprelieii-.ive genius. The author has lreelv
drawn upon various •••:; us who have recorded aaee
and traits of .b.sei.iuiie. a, . I.,tail t<> them, with
the tend -r i gret of atf •.uion. win Hi. tuo late, reeog
m/.ed her full value by Napol. oil himself, m In-e1,,-.
iug years, and it i- hoped tii.it thehuuk will be reliable
a- well as entertaining. Full - f truth, vet it is the ve
ry romance of biography. This work'will he sent bv
mail, free of postage, on the receipt of one doliar anil
tvveiity-une cents, and it. a bbtion handsome present
worth from fifty cents to one hundred dollars, will Is.
forwarded with it. Address G. G. Evans No.4tfy chest
nut street, Phi: . lelphia.
-x- -
II: of flood Cheer. Debility and I-auguor.
Oil' of many tlicre is but on.-, inf tllibie remedy,
'H olio way a World reiiow.ied P.lis.' an I onlv one
souree ol tliis tiis-.r.i- .. the -totnaeii. When we . on
aider the sympathetic affinity existing between the
eomiitaei ol the stoin i- h and the a tiou of the bra n.
We •■all ea-.iy uuocr-tan 1 the „ t 'F. ol lb.banco -*
n-atmcnt. i hreugh tlte -mma.-li and theeireuia ~,n
h.s Pills act on the general system, and by purifying
tm- blood, renovating the digestif* organs!tthd sttimc
luting the secretions of the liver, they give buovam v
to the 1 iiini.U -[..l it-, oh -lieitv to the bo.lv, and*Mgor
to the wholeconstittition. liolloWay'sOi itinenti- t ie
only sure rctnctly for old sores, ulcerated logs, cuta
neous eruptions, <*•-.
Dyspepsia I Dyspepsia! Dyspepsia!
II imt is it ? lLjic Cured/
i'y-pej.-ia is our National Disease—weak Stomach,
feeote dig.-.-lion, distress after eating, costive habit!
billions condition, flow many suffer with it and it.-at
tendant symptoms of low sp.rus. bad ta.-10, to; led
t ingiie, oiisimiieti head,andat . C t-ol beadaehe: Vet
how lew know how* to cure it 1 Generally, because the
bowels are cousiiputed, resort is had to cathartics or
laxative*. Hut mu a a cuuiiiuon was never cured by
i atnat tie.-, u no e only utih e i.- to wcttlieli the dig slioii.
and impair the integiity of the cut in as.-aiiilaiive -v.—
Pll-HS—a siliipl • nieiliea'o d sugar pill—have cured
hundreds of the worst and most obstinate cases. J his
is done simply by improving the lone, and la-storing
the integrity of tlte digestive organs, from which re
sult. good appetite, regular habits, a clear head, and
buoyant spirit-. Su.-h a medicine is a gem. and onlv
requires to be known to be appreciated"!
I'riee ga e,nits per box. with directions, six boxes sl.
N. 14.—A toll sec of Humphreys Homeopathic Spe
eiti witii Hook of ldireettoiis. and twenty different
1! medics, in l arge vials, morocco ease, ?sj; ditto ill
plain ease, j-i ; ease .-t titieell 1 1 0\I• -. and llui.k. fil.
single boxes, 2 > cents and iki cents.
I liese Remedies, by the single box crease, are sent
by mail or expre.-s. tree ol charge, u, any addre-.-. on
receipt ..i tiie price. Address
No. hiig llroitdwitv. New York.
CHARLES 11ITZ. II ho/est'r a,fl 12~. tint Arm tor
v. r"< inity, ll u- 1 druggist* "NIT store* <JT a rutty.
Lewisto.vn, June 21, ISCO
Butter, good, lb. 12
Lard, 1 l
Till low, 11 a 00
Lggs ? £ dozen, 10
"Wheat, white % hushe], 1 25ftl 30
red 1 20
Corn, 55
Bye, 05
Outs, 30
Barley, 00 to 00
Clove rseed, 3 50 to 0 00
1-lax seed, 125
Timothy, 2 00
Wool, washed, 37
unwashed, 25
Dried Cacn ies, per bushel 1 75
Potatoes, 25a30
Tho above prices arc also paid by Jily
myer tan Larger.
Philadelphia Market.
The flour market is very inactive; there
is no demand for export, and the rt toilers and
bakers are the only buyers at So 25 a5 37A
for superfine, 5 50a5 To fur extra, 5 87a6 121
for family, and from 0 2d up to 7 per bid for
fancy brands, as iti quality.
Wheat—l 28a 1 3U for Pennn. red, 1 35
al 40 for Delaware red, and 1 35al 45 for
white, Rye is dull at 770. Corn, Southern
yellow sold at 08e.
C'loverseed is wanted at 4 50a4 52 per bus,
but there is none offering.
Cattle Market, June I>S.—The receipts of
beef cattle are unusually large this week,
reaching about 2,000 head. Sales at Balo.
Cows arrived and sold during the week at
from 825 to 50 per head, as in quality.
10S3 Hogs sold at the Avenue Yard at from
7 50 to 8 50 per 100 lbs. net.
The arrival of fat llogs at ImhoflF's Yard,
were 1195 head, still-fed at from 7 0o to'
8 25, and corn fed at from S to 8 5Q per 100
lbs. net, as in quality.
-Not t.. tlu Human Fami'v.*'
** Hats ooino QUt ol their holes to tlit
Cost Sir's
Mats—Roaches—Mice—Moles—Ground Mice— Bed
Jtugs—tnjs—Moths—Mosquitoes—Fleas—insects on
Plants, Fowls, Animals, Ac., Ac.—in short, everv sp< -
ries of
hi years established in New York Oh/ used hv the
city I'l.-t ( mice—the City Prisons and Station IlJuse
—the ( itv Steamers. Ships, A,-.— the City Hotels. •• As
ton. "St. Nicholas," Ac.—and bv more than 20,000 pri
vate familes.
fto.Druggist o and Retailers everywhere sell them,
liolesale Aire tits iii all the large etti. - and
<1 V!:: BEWARE!!! of spurious imitations.
TfO.fl.u" Samp!.- Boxes sent by Mail.
*•>„ Address Orders—or for "Circular to Dealers" to
512 Broadway, (Opposite St. Nicholas Sots],) X. V.
For sale by Charles Ritz, Lewis-town Pa. jell.
OAN IOS COFFEE, an article not often to
kJ be had in this place, for sale at
ap2G /CUBE'S.
MACKEREL, Shad, Herring, by the bar
. rel, half and quarter, cheap for cash at
The Central Shoe Store,
T T CASH, but a trifle higher than city
work. Call and examine my work before pur- !
chasing elsewhere, for it is no trouble to show 1
the work. T. COX, Proprietor. ,
"\\""ILL be received until FRIDAY F.YEN-
T 7 IXG, June 29th, 1860, by William
Brothers, the Secretary of the 15 >ard of School
I Dinotors of Brown township, for HI'ILDIXG
| A SXIIUOLHOI SL 2G by 34, and 12 feet in
the story, stone foundation.
Plans and specifications can he seen at the
office of the Secretary in Reedsville.
The building to be either of brick or frame
Proposals to bo received for both.
jel4 Secretary
1V T IBR be received by the B and ol Scho 1
? r Directors nt Bratton township i n
SATURDAY, 30;h June, fr a SCHOOL
IfOl SL to he hnilt on the plan Xn. tliree of
the School Architect, to lie erected in Kanti
man's sub district, one mile m.J a half Fast
of Manaynnk Staii.jn, P. R. R. The lettin-'
! to take place on the ground w'
WILLIAM REYNOLDS, Sco'y. Jc 14 ." I r.
Estate of John c # Daniels, deceased.
OID'E is hereby given that letters testa
j X mutuary on the estate of .JOJ! \O. DAN*-
ILLS, late td Way no townsl. MitHin coun
ty, doceast 1. have been granted, to the under
signed, residing in said township. All those
indebted to said estate will please make im
mediate payment, and those lon ir.g claims
present them dulv authenticated for tottle
J '' 4—f't Executor.
I'.state of Samuel Natter, deceased.
"V" (IT IDE i - hereby given that letters of Ad
it ministration de lion's nun on the estate
of SAMUEL MATTER, lata of Armagh
township, deceased, have been granted to the
undersigned, residing in the borough of Lew
istown. All persons indebted to said estate
are requested to make immediate payment,
and those having claims to present them du
ly authenticated fur settlement.
j'll-Gt Administrator. j
Pond's Fxtrac-t of Hamamelis,
IS one (d the few domestic remedies which 1
_ have come into general u<e mid favor, j
without puffing. It is the product of a sim- !
pie shrub, harmless in all cases, and as a do- ;
ni"stie remedy unequalled. For Hums Cut.*,
linns,.:, Si'iintss, Jjii.nufss, Kjunins. Illicit
nun'ism, Hats, Liars, (JUL Sores and li'ii/nds,
it has not an equal. It is also used,
with great success, f.r Toothache, Jl adache, ;
A i urul,jut, S"i'6 T/n'oaf, Cuti<", JJiarr/tant,
II sarsenet:.*, and other similar troublesome
and painful affections, while it promptly ar
rests all II 'ni.iorliai/'S. Hundreds of pliysi
cians use it daily in their practice, and give
it their unqualified recommendation, bold
by our agents and dealers, and hv
F. Ill' MPH UKYS & Co,, sG2'Bi-odway,
Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers.
my 3
LcwDtown, Pa..
Wholesale Agent for the
Dealers supplied by her at my lowest rates,
my3l-3mos* lv B. LAW.
lA\ IIiL sell for the low price of ?SO, llus
sey's Reaper, which 1 will warrant to cut
us dean nnd lay the grain as neat for binding
as any reaper that can be produced.
This reaper has been but )ittl3 used, is as ;
good as new, and is. for sale because I ha c I
no use for one. j
inyMl—lt SIIEM ZOOK, Belleville P.O. |
Made in best manner with
an ariieie no farmer should be without,
mvol F. .J HOFFMAN.
Sugars. Syrups, Coffees. Rice, Teas,
Honey, Canned Peaches. Pickles,
Quinces, Preserves, Jellies, ire-
A\ Inch Viq will offer sit ofisli pricp.
V FELIX has just relume! from the city
• with a large Assortment of (Groceries,
Provisions, pared and unpared Poaches, Ciler
ies, 1 runes, Raisins, Figs, Oranges, Lemons,
with a host of things in the confectionery
line, "You will also find at Felix's Variety
otore, a splendid as irted of China Mantel
Ornaments, such as Y asgs, Cups, and Saucers,
Tea Sets, and a large assortment of Toys.
Xeal, Cheap Durable.
Market Street, next door to Kennedy's Store,
> I* always prepared to sup
lie rent styles of Hals
1 best qualities and at
prices as to defy competi
tion. He has now on hand a large assortment
of Fall and winter Hats nrl Caps, of ail the
latest styles, which he \ 11 sell at the lowest
cash prices. lie invites everybody to call and
examine for themselves, as he is satisfied that
his stock cannot fail to please.
For the Ornish he has constantly on hand, or
will make to order, hats to their taste of any
required size or brim, at prices that cannot fail
to be satisfactory.
Country .Merchants will find it to their ad
vantage to give me a call, as a libcraideduction
vyill be made on wholesale purchases, and es
pecially so to punctual men.
Don't forget the place, next door to Kenne
dy's store and nearly opposite the Odd Fellows'
Hall oct22
_J SIOiIE has the largest and best assort
ment ot Boots and Shoes in town. Call and
try them. T. COX, Proprietor.
' AH! TAR ! —For sale at Zerbe's
JL Cheap Grocery and Variety Store.
I)EST of country Bacon, Hum, Dried Beef,
P at A. FELIX'S.
Great Reduction in Sugars!
8 9, and 10 cents for Brown, and White
* Sugars at II cents, at ZEKBE'S.
IT ISII OIL, Salt, Potatoes, Beans and Dried
. Apples, at A. FELIX'S
fIMIE subscriber after considerable search
X for a Sewing Machine for his own use,
has one of the above now in operation, which
are noted for their simplicity and strength.
They Stitch, Hem. Bind. Fell and G ither with
out basting, m iking the stitch alike , u both
sides of the work. They sew equally well
toe lightest and heaviest fabric with anv spool
thread or s:ik. We feel warranted in recoui
mending them a< the very best new in the
market for every useful purpose in a family,
lor a Dressmaker. Tailor, or Shirt Maker.-L
As an to id-nee of its simplicity .Mrs. M .
without instruction or explanation from any
one, commenced work on it, and in le-s than
' one week made 10 dresses, 1 pair of pants,
an i J shirts, and has not experienced tlm least
diffi tulty in its operation. Wesiuq.lv ul all
to look nt this machine before purehasim r ,
and remember these facts. We warrant eve
ry machine, and beep every one in repair,
free of expenses, for one year. Price FIFTY
DOLLARS. Address
JAS M. MARTIN, Low istown P. 0 ,
my24-tf Agent for Mifflin County.
Eeigrist's Cld Stand,
?\'i7rff s * Canal Jiridae, Lewisioicn, l\i.
Stropj Beer, Lager Beer, Lindenberger
and Swit/.er Cheese —all of the lu st quality
constantly on hand, for sale wholesale or re
} east t i he had daily during summer.
VI. HAMILTON is now opening a new
e and well selected assortment of Spring
and Summer Goods, at the old stand in East
Market, street, Lewistown, one door west of
Mrs Purtnn s cheap Bonnet store, consisting of
of every variety, PANT STUFFS, of all
kinds, Challies, Delaines, Lawns, Ginghams,
Dehages and Calicoes.
Also, a great variety of IIOBIERY,
GLO\ KS, and Ladies' Gauntlets,
Mushns, Hoops, Shawls and Fancy Notions.
The public are respectfully invited to call
in and examine the Goods, as I will sell cheap
for cash or country produce.
fcaTlnsurances against loss Ly fire will be
promptly attended to ;n town arid country,
my 24 A, T. HAMILTON.
jy&g Nv
Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, &c.
fur men, women, boys, and children, which
are offered for sale remarkably loir.
mvlO Opposite the Union House.
Juniata County. Pa.
LEO. /■'. An 7.//>'/,.7.V/), Principal S, Proprietor,
.hiCOH MILLER, Prof. of dhtlhematics, s•<;.
Jiliss pi S. CfilS T, Teacher of jijusic, s,c.
The next session of this Institution com
mences on the 26th of July, to continue 22
weeks. Students admitted at any time.
A Normal Department
will be formed which will afford Teachers the
best opportunity of preparing for fall examina
A NEW APPARATUS lias been purchased, j
Lecturers engaged, A-c.
Teh ms —Boarding, Room mid Tuition, per
session,-bio to jj6U. Tuition alone at usual rates.
sent free on application.
<2x_,O<2:E£^ 7
and a beautiful assortment of
are now selling at greatly reduced prices at
; -lunkin's old stand, corner of Brown and
: Market streets, opposite Russell's Banking
fl¥?L.Those who desire to buy at prices cor-
I responding with the times, will please call.
.BsSyAll kinds of repairing promptly atten
ded to. 11. W. JUN KIN, Agent.
Lewistown, April S, 1858.
U AS just received and opened at his es
. tablishrnent a new supply of
Clocks, Watches, Jewelry,
Fancy Articles, &e.,
which he will dispose of at reasonable prices.
He invites all to give him a call and examine
l his stock, which embraces all articles in his
line, and is sufficiently large to enable ali to
make selections who desire to purchase.
Jgy-REPAIRINQ neatly and expeditiously
attended to, and all work warranted.
Thankful for the patronage heretofore re
i ceived, he respectfully asks a continuance of
' the same, and will endeavor to please all who
! may favor birn with their custom. feb2
3d l O> E2 L 33 33 a
PA 1,7, AT
istmrn April 19, iSfVi.
(>r;/<tn<i us ; On/midir • Cnrpr J>
Jjsj/oujr, <dl cnlor* ; liei't ni's, all cd
or.< ; Hrrt-tft' Aia/fadc, jdaiil,
jtfuiH mid rmLioidc/cd;
White Embroideries, Jacoii
etts. Collars, &c.
Selected IV on the hot stocks in the cUv,
and fur sale at low prices at
3 B ® S3 * j| j 3s^
selected with care and judgment, will ha
found at
<• .rner of the Diamond, Lewistown, Pa.
For sale by GEORGE BLYMYKii.
having the best and largest slock in this or
any of the adjoining counties.
Eur sale very low fur cash or country prc>
THE undersigned offer at private sale the
Farm at their Mills in New Lancaster
District, Mifflin county, about ten miles north
east of Lewistown, containing
230 of which are enclosed with good fences, a
large part post and rail, well watered by the
Last Branch of the Kishacoquiilas creek, di
vided into convenient fields, with water in
every field on the farm exeept one—the re
mainder covered with good timber. The soil
is i f the best quality, in a high state of cul
tivaiion, some GO acres being first class m-'ad
ow. The improvements consist of a two-stoi v
Dwelling, with all necessary out
£33 ( ■W buildings, a large Barn, 120 fm
11 Eg' un n- nearly new, with running
L in the yard, and other con
veniences. such as Cattle Sheds enclosed, Ac.
The purchaser of the property can make ar
rangements for receiving all the surplus ma
nure from the pens at the Distillery.
A Mil!, Sehoolhouso, Church, oce., are in
sight of the farm, and three other churches
within three miles—one Episcopal, two Pres
byterian, and one Lutheran.
400 Acres of Mountain Land,
adjoining the above property, with chestnut.
| oak and other timber, whiah wiil be disposed
of separately or with the farm.
For further information inquire of
F. E. LOCKE & CO.,
Locke's Mills P. 0., Mifflin co., Pa.
September 20, 1850.
Xow's the Day and Now's the llonr!
The Largest Stock of
in the county, nt prices cheaper than Jain
been offered in ten years !
II AVIXG bought an entire new stock of
I Boots and Shoes for cash, with the ad
vantage of low prices caused by the strikes
in the east, the undersigned now offers to the
public rare inducements to call and purchase
Mens' Calf Boots, from 52.5G to 3.50
" Kip, " 2.00 to 2.75
" and Boys' Gaiters, DO to 2.00
" coarse Brogans, 00 to 1.25
Kip and Calf Brogans, 1.25 to 1.62
Women's Gaiters, Congress Heels 90 to 1.60
Boys' Shoes, 75 to 1.12
Women's Slippers, 50 to 62
Children's Shoes, from 19 to 62
A large stock of HOME MADE WORK
constantly kept on hand, which will be offer
ed at very low prices.
Manufacturing of all kinds <j° ne short
notice, and fits warranted.
Men's Calfskin Boots made from ?4.50 to
G.OO, according to quality.
Repairing promptly attended to.
Opposite the Post Office,
Lewistown, May 10, 1860.
QUEEXSWARE. — Afinclotof newstyles,
, and an assortment of GLASSWARE,
just received at ZERBE'S
/ lARPET Chain can be had at
ap26 ZERBE'S.
SHAD AND MACK ERE L, in whole, half
and qr. barrels, or by retail, can be had
n ERRING, in whole, halfandqr. barrels,
.or by retail, for sale at ZERBE'S.