Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, June 07, 1860, Image 3

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    IE? (/ASEIIS,
* Pennsylvania Railroad.
srunsleave Lewistown Station as follows:
Through Express, 5 05 a. ni. 1100 p.m.
yl.me, 0 "3 p. tn. 3 53 a. m.
M 'il Train. 8 41 p. TO'. JO 24 a. rn.
Through Freight, 11 50 p. in. 4 55 p.m.
Local Freight, 0 30 a. m. 4 55 p.m.
F A pr* - ■* Freight, 10 3o a. m. 12 35 p.m.
Foul Train, 1120 p.m.
I'. E. RODESOX, Agent.
Omnibuses convey passengers to
an.! frein all tin- trains, taking up*or setting them
down at..!! points within the borough limits.
Post Office.
Mails arrive and close as follows:
Clorc. Arrive.
Eastern Through and \v ay, t a. m. 4 p.m.
Western do. do. 2p. m. 11 a . m.
Eastern Through, S p. tn. 6 a. m.
Northern Mails. _ Bp. m. 2p. rn.
Otiu-o ours Iron: i a. in. until Bp. m. SUIKIMV IroMi
S until 9 o'clock a. in.
Ry the steamer A andcrbilt, arrived at
New York, we have intelligence from Italy
that Garabaldi was, at the latest dates,
sweeping before him the royal troops of
Kin;-. Rumba, and that the people were ri
,ing in all parts of Sicily to join in driving
from that fair and beautiful Island the ty
rants who have so long oppressed them.—
The latest intelligence is to the effect that
Garabaldi had obtained a decisive victory
at Monreale, and was investing Palermo,
from which, and the neighboring province
of Trepani, the Neapolitans were making
a hasty retreat. The town of Monreale is
within four miles of the city ot Palermo,
with which it communicates by a noble
road, and has a population of'about 10,000.
One of the royal summer palaces is in its
vicinity, which must of course have fallen
into the possession of Garabaldi. Over
0,000 Sicilians had joined his standard, and
the revolution was spreading. A party of
tin* Garab.tldians, marching towards Na
ples, had also encountered and routed some
of the Pope's troops, and the prospect was
that the whole country, from the borders
of Tuscany to the slopes of Vesuvius, will
soon be in revolt. The Chinese have re
fused the ultimatum of England and France
and the northern ports were blockaded as
the first step towards a terrible revenge.
ite of Clood Cheer. Debility and Languor.
Out of many there is but on.- infallible remedy, •
'Hollowuy's tVorlii renowned Pills,' OH I only one
source of this disorder, the stomach. When \vo cou
eider tiie sympathetic affinity existing between the ;
condition of tiie stomach and ihe action ~f th" brain,
we can ea.-ily understand the rnfiomt/e of Hollowav's
treatment. 1 hrough the stomach and th. circulation
his pills act on the general system, and by purifving .
tint blood, renoTatitlg the digestive organs, and stimn- j
lafng t! ','ctioiis ol' the liver, ilu \ give buoyancy ;
t , tile tni 1 spirits, elasticity to the'bodv. amfvigor |
1.1 r ,o. v. ■ can-titutioii. llollowiy\t "iann'-ntis tlio
■ cdv sure rem dy for old sores, ulcerated legs, etna- ;
jteous eruptions, &<>.
Dyspepsia! Dyspepsia! Dyspepsia!
VR/WJ is il? I LAC Cured?
p. i is our National Di.-enst—weak Stomach, !
feclile digestion, distress after eating, coatire habit, j
t,ij;:..,|s lift on. ttovr many suffer with it audits of- )
londutit symptoms ~f |,.w spirits, bud ta d -, coated ;
i. ;ue. ok."i'.;i. I bend, and attacks of headache! Vet ,
hwv : w k:- w a. w to ,-urc it! < b nerally, he, m e the
Is.are < • •..-Pp.ued, la sort is had to cathartics or j
laxatives. Put -tea condition was never (iced by !
• a'hariics. v. e. >s< only office i* to w a ken the digestion, >.
uud impair be integrity < : ,h* entire assimilative sys- •
l'll.l.S—a simple tncaiieat d sugar pill—have cured i
hiiadia o i the wor.-l and most obstinate eases. This ;
i- done Miupiy by improving the tone, and restoring :
th- integrity of the digestive organs, front which re- |
salt, goo* I appetite, regular habits, a clear head, and |
buoj ut spirits. ejtieii a medicine is a g-m, and only 1
re piires to be known to be appreciated.
iVee -5 cents per box. wit h directions. thx boxes sl. >
N. II.—A full set of Humphrey.- Homeopathic ripe- i
Cities, with Book of Ibrcction-. an I twenty different !
1: nedies. in large vials, morocco ease, ji.",: ditto in |
;■ i , -e. >1; case of fifteen boxes, and Hook, J.
s-utile boxes. "j cents and 50 cents.
iliese Remedies, by the single box or ease, are s.nt j
by mail >.r express, free of charge, to any address, on j
rvciptof the price. Ad.lress
I >r. F. H I'M I'll KEYS A CO.,
No. W>- Broadway. New York. J
' 1 ULl'.i niTZ, 117,.WV llcfnil A'fr-nt for |
7. ■' .. ef vicinity, end druggists '.if v I stores gene rwCy. j
LFWISTOWN, Juue 7, 1860.
Butttr, good, f* lb. 12 !
Lard. 11 i
Tallow, 10 aOO !
Eggs, dozen, 10 j
Wheat, white V! bushel, 1 250 l 30 j
red i 20
Cum, 53 j
Rye. 70 j
Oats, 30 ;
Barley, 00 to 00 j
Cloversced, 350t0 0 00 j
Flaxseed, 1 25
Timothy, 1 50
Dried Cherries, per bushel 1 75
Potatoes, 2o30 j
1 he above prices are also paid by lily- !
layer A Stanbarger. I
Barley arid Rye will be purchased at ;
Fisher's Brewery at the stone bridge, in any I
quantity, at full market prices.
Philadelphia Market.
Flour.—The market for State and AYestcrn
Flour is 5c better, but the advance cheeks the :
demand .ie* at $5 25a5 30 for superfine
State; 5 63 f>r extra do ; 5 25a5 30 fir
superfine V , |oas 65 fi.r extra do ;
- BoaG . r •!.[, p Oliio; Southern
Hour j wit! saies of DOO bbls at 585
22 . mixed to good, and 6 30a6 75 for j
extra. Canadian Flour is firm, with sales of
450 bbls extra at 5 40a7 40.
Grain.—Wheat is le higher; sales at $1 20
al 30 fur Milwaukee Club ; I 60 for prime
white Michigan ; and 1 50 fi.r white Indiana, :
Corn is lc Letter; sales at 62aG3c for Eastern,
G4aCsc for shipping, and G9J for yellow, j
Oats are quiet at 37a40c for Southern and j
Jersey, and 40a421c for Northern and AVest
erc. Rye 92c.
Cattle Market, June 4. —Dullness was the
feature of Cattle market to-day. The
offerings were very large, amounting to near
ly 2,000 head. The quality of the cattle
was generally fair, though there were a num- i
uer of inferior Beeves brought forward. The
greatest proportion of the cattle were from
Lancaster and Berks counties. These brought
lather high prices, averaging from $8 to £IC
per 100 ip.. \ r j )e e ], mc 0 f t( ie markel, the
teiid-mcy tor all descriptions was decidedly j
' ownward, amounting to a reduction of 25
to 37c.
Hie Sheep market is vtjry dull, and prices
'ate declined. Hogs sell freely. For Cows
h 'hght advance has been obtained.
The Central Shoe Store,
WILL sell shoes VERY LOW FOR
; L ASH, but a trifle higher than city
T . Gall and examine my work before pur
chasing elsewhere, for it is no trouble to show
the work. T. COX, Proprietor, i
We learn from the Globe that Shepherd
Liownover and Geo. Ilampson were filled
near Millcreck by tho last passenger train arc
ing R' o'clock ( ii Mond iy ni_Lt a
week, ihey had been in Huntingum'. during
the day, and left for their homes in the even
ing, both intoxicated. Crownnver was badly
mangled, and instantly killed. Ilampson
lived two or three hours after he had been
struck by the locomotive. They both lived
in the neighborhood of Millereek. Crownover
leaves a family.
Died. In Huntingdon, 20th ult., Jane F.,
wife of Rev. W. Sahnizer, Pastor of the
Huntingdon Presbyterian Church, and daugh
ter of Gen. John Forker of Mercer, Pa ;■ - d
28 years.
In Huntingdon, 28th ult., James Height,
at an advanced age.
In Shirleysburg, 22J ult., of Scarlet Fe
ver, Johnnie B..ggs, son of John M. and Fran
ces Clark, aged 2 years, 7 months, and 2
Centre County.
Not long ago, two Jews from Look Haven,
called on Mr. Reinhart, in Pennsvallcy, and
made a purchase of some six head of cattle.
I hoy stated that they were butchers, and own
ed a large amount of real estate in Lock Ha
ven. '1 hey agreed to pay 5 cents a pound for
the cattle, making >275, paving S7O when
they took the cuttle away, and ttie balance in
a short time. Mr. Reinhart has since learn
ed that they own no property', are not butch
ers, and that they sold the catt e for four cts.
per pound. Upon these facts he made com
plaint against them for swindling, and on
Friday last, Sheriff McCoy arrested them in
Lock Haven, and they gave bail fur their ap
pearance at Court.
talon and Snyder Counties.
A fine horse, the property of Mrs. Seechrist
of Chapman township, was stolen a few weeks
l'iie storm that passed over Snyder count v,
on Saturday evening a week, did great injury
to the grain in some parts, especially west of
Middieburg. it is said that hail fell as big
as hen eggs.
Married—John Sclinure, to Mss Mary
Jane Curl, both of Laurelton, Union county.
l)r. Shepherd Vanvalzah id' Elk county, to
Miss Moliie Grier, of MifHinburg, Union
county. Rev. Daniel Kloss, late of the theo
logical seminary at Gettysbuag, to Miss Re
becca Kloss, of Juniata county. Mr. Mc
Mulien of Columbia county, to Miss Maggie
Stuck, of Selinsgrove. John Gemberlin to
Miss Kuntz.
Died—ln Jackson township, Jacob Dubbs,
aged GO years.
Juniata County.
Married, Kurtz K Huffman and Miss Eliza
Riekenbagh, both of Walker township.
Died, on the 2t)tii ult. in Ohio, Hiram
Burchfield, formerly of Juniata county, agi J
2G years, 1 month, and 2 days.
I.t-w istown. Pa. 5
Wholesale Agent for the
Dealers supplied Itv her at my lowest rates. |
iny3l—3moi>* " E" B. LAW.
ILL sell for the low price of SBO, Ilus- J
. sey's Reaper, which I will warrant to cut !
as clean and lay the grain as neat for binding <
as any reaper that can be produced.
This reaper has been but. little used, is as •
good as new, and is for sale because I ha e 1
no use for one.
my3l-4t SIIEM ZOOK, liellevillc P. O.
Made in best manner with
an article no farmer should be without.
my3l F. J. HOFFMAN.
npHE Commissioners named In the Act of j
1 Assembly to charter a company to build
a railroad from Lowistown to Bellefonte, are |
requested to meet at Milroy, on FRIDAY, |
June 15th, to make arrangements for organi- I
zing the Company. The Commissioners are j
F. G. Francisco*. 0. W. Elder, John A. i
Wright, Dr. E. W. Halo, Jos. Reed, Davis !
Bates, E. E. Locke, Col. AVm. Reed, Win.
A. McManigil, of MifHin county, and Samuel
Van Tries, Win. Allison, George Boal, Moses 1
Thompson, AY in. F. Reynolds, and M. T. •
Milliken, of Centre county.
Lewistown, May HI, iB6O.
iBE J,
- r j 8 V' >j t r '-r r- Q
/ AFFICE on East Market street, Lewistown, !
\ / adjoining F. G. Franeiseus' Hardware .
Store. P. S. Dr. Locke will be at his < fliee
the first Monday of each month to spend the j
week. niyol
Dr. Samuel L. Alexander.
Has permanently located at Milroy,
and is prepared to practice al! thebraoch- j
£ es of bis Profession. Office at Swine- ;
hart's Hotel. my3-ly
AS, through the solicitation of many !
friends, located in Newton Hamilton in
£m the room of Dr. Atkinson, who goes to
Lewistown. He hopes by a strict attention to
business to receive the support and merit the
approbation of a generous community, lie
has the experience of twelve years' regular
practice, in which time he has had an oppor
tunity of treating diseases of almost every |
species. Office in dwelling directly opposite
the Presbyterian church. apl9—3m
&c., &c.,
Orders promptly attended to. jel6
puffs itself wherever used, is for solo at
ap26 ZERBE'S.
Zerbe's Grocery establishment.
MTIM lidfi'MilSS.
r PHE subscriber after considerable seareh
J- * jr a Sewing Machine for his own use,
has one of the above now in operation, which
are noted for their simplicity and strength.
I hc*\ Stitch, Hem, bind, teli and Gather with
out basting, making the stitch alike on both
sides of the work. They sew equally well
the lightest and h aviest fabric w it!, any moo!
• mead or silk. AYe feel warranted in reooin
mending them as the very best now in the
market for every useful purpose in a family,
for a Dre.-? maker, Tailor, or Shirt Maker
As an evidence of its simplicity Mrs. JI ,
without instruction or explanation from ativ
one, commenced work 011 it, and 111 less than
one week made 10 dresses, -1 pair of pants,
and 6 shirts, and has not experienced the least
difficulty in its operation. \V c simply ask all
to look at this machine before purchasing,
and remember these facts. YV e warrant eve
ry machine, and keep every one in repair,
free of expenses, for one year. Price FIFTY
DOLLARS. Address
J AS. M. MARTIN, Lewistown P. 0,
mv24-tf Agent for Mifflin County.
fc'eigribt's Old Stand,
Near the Canal Bridge, Lewixloien, Pa.
Strong Beer, Lager Beer, Lindenberger
and Switzer Cheese—all of the lest quality
constantly on hand, for sale wholesale or re
least to he had daily during summer.
VI. IIAMIL lOX is now opening a new
• and well selected assortment of Spring
and Summer Goods, at the old stand in East
.market, street, Lewistown, one dour west of
Mrs Patton's cheap Bonnet store, consisting of
of every variety, PANT STI FFS, of all
kinds, Challies, Delaines, Lawns, Ginghams,
Debages and Calicoes.
Also, a great variety of HOSIERY,
GLOVES, and Ladies' Gauntlets.
Nlc.slins, Hnops, Shawls and Fancy Notions.
ihe public arc respectfully invited to call
in arid examine the Goods, as I will sell cheap
fur cash or country produce.
JEstf Insurances against loss by fire will he
promptly attended to in town and country
my 24 A. T. HAMILTON.
Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, &c.
for men. women, hoys, and children, which
arc offered fur sale remarkably low.
mylO Opposite the Union House.
r I! have now on hand a splendid assor f -
T me tit of Goods such as
Kentucky Jeans, Drilling of different kinds,
; Muslin, hicachedand unbleached. \i oollenand
; Canton Flannels, Crash, Cottonades,
i Cassinctts,
i Silk, Linen and Cotton Handkerchiefs, La
dies' and Gentlemen's Hose, Buttons, Butch
I er Knives, Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives,
j Scissors, Pocket Books, Tea and Table Spoons,
i Buck and Cotton Gloves, Band Boxes, and a
groat many other things not mentioned in
this list.
j iny2i JOIIX KENNEDY k Co.
I > S. CRISTIANA it A. Ifawley'a Per-
I _IA o fumes and Hair Oil may he found at
the store of JOHN KENNEDY & Co.
I>ool'S and SIIOKS—A large and well ee
) lected stock of different kinds may be
; found at JOHN KENNEDY Si Cu's.
4 NNEAIiS A MASON'S Blacking, the
: -i.V_ best in the market, may be found at
i t^PICES —Nutmegs, Cinnamon, Alspice,
0 Cloves, ground or unground. Pepper,
I English and American Mustard, all fresh and
go.-d at JOHN KENNEDY & Co's.
1) ICE k HOMINY—We have Mpleodid
article tif Bice and Hominy which we
arc selling at low figures for cash.
my 24 JOHN KENNEDY & Co.
rpOOTII BRUSHES we are selling at great
| JL ly reduced prices, and good ones at that,
my 24 JOHN KENNEDY & Co.
SOAPS- —Fancy and Brown Soaps, a little
cheaper than can be found in town at
my 24 JOHN KENNEDY & Co's.
0< Of Oil HERRING—We have large No.
i O I Scotch Herring, for family, use which
we are selling at 60 cts per box.
my 24 JOHN KENNEDY k Co.
RKEY COFFEE and Essence, a nice
JL article used in place of Rio. at
my 24 JOHN KENNEDY & Co's.
' mvc a Rood stock of Curry Combs,
T T Cards and Brushes, which can't be
beat in quality or price.
my 24 JOHN KENNEDY & Co.
J ALOUR of any quality, by the barrel or
. hundred weight at loss than mill prices,
my 24 JOIIN KENN EDY & Co.
OILS —Fish Oil at SI.OO per gallon, and
Lard Oil at 1 25 r.er gallon, at
my 24 JOHN KENNEDY & Co's.
IT'LL ID at 18 cts per quart, Alchohol at2o
cts, manufactured at E. E. Locke's, aud
for sale at
my 24 JOHN KENNEDY & Co's.
1 i ' / k BARRELS Fish of different kinds,
lA/ v/ low for cash at
tny24 JOHN KENNEDY & Co's.
X Cheap Grocery and Yariety Store.
has now open
I • . 0F
Cloths, G&ssimeres 1
whieh wili be made up to order in the neat
est and most fashi nahle styles. apl9
'fhe subscriber having now on
hand one of the best and largest
/V stocks between 1 hilat'clphia and
Pittsburgh, i.i order 1 accom
modate business to the times, cll'ers for sale a
complete assortment of
Saddles. Harness, Bridles, foliar?. Trunks,
Whips, Hames, Valises, Carpet Bags,
| which are offered for sale low for cash, or np
i proved credit.
Among hi? stock will he found some high
ly finished sets of light Harness equal to any
j manufactured,
i Let all IU want of good articles, made by
1 experienced workmen, give him a call.
Lewistown, April 19, 1860.
STJ r <A? H v../ 02 <-L j a
mmim clothixg. !
Lewistown April 19, 1860.
Organdies ; Organdie. llobes ; Crape tie !
J.'getitge, all colors; Jlrregcs, uU col
ors ; Urregr Angiitis'', j)laid }
plain and embroidered;
i - L
White Embroideries, Jacon
etts, Collars, &c,
| Selected fnun the best stock? in the citv, |
; and for sale at low prices at
fit [> If i f -> [NTV pfc (TN,
U -jS s/- ££ LM JLS Up
j selected with care and judgment, will be
found at
corner of the Diamond, Lewistown, Pa. j
!l l' lo
-j. !
having the best and largest stock in this or
any of the adjoining counties.
For sale very low for cash or country pro
undersigned offer at private sale the
Farm :it their Mills in New Lancaster
District, Milllln county, about ton miles north
east ot Lowistown, containing
-30 of which are enclosed with good fences, a
large part post and mil, well watered by the
L ist Branch of the Kishncoqttillas creek, di
vided into convenient fields, with water in
every field on the farm except one—the re
maimler covered with good timber. The soil
is of the best quality, in a high state of cul
tivation, some GO acres being first class mead
ow. The improvements consist of a two-story
ifoi Dwelling, with all necessary ont-
J J j A buildings, a large Barn, 120 feet
Sea 11long, nearly new, with running
&water in the yard, and other con
veniences, such as Cattle Sheds enclosed, &c.
The purchaser of the property can make ar
rangements fur receiving all the surplus ma
nure from the pens at the Distillery.
A Mill, Schoolhouse, Church, <£c., arc in
sight of the farm, and three other churches
within three miles—one Episcopal, two Pres
byterian, and one Lutheran.
400 Acres of Mountain Land,
adjoining the above property, with chestnut,
oak aud other timber, which will be disposed
of separately or with the farm.
For further information inquire of
E. E. LOCKE & CO.,
Locke's Mills P. 0., Mifilin eo., Pa.
September 29, 1859.
Sugars, Syrups, Coffees, Rice, Teas,
Honey, Canned Peaches. Pickles,
Quinces, Preserves, Jellies, &c-
Which we will offer at lowest cash price.
V FELIX has just returned from the city
• with a large assortment of Groceries,
Provisions, pared and unpared Peaches, Ciler
ies, Prunes, liaisius, Figs, Oranges, Lemons,
with a host of things in the confectionery
line. You will also find at Felix's Variety
Store, a splendid assorted of China Mantel
Ornaments, such as Vases, Cups, and Saucers,
Tea Sets, and a large assortment of Toys.
XTMSII OIL, Salt, Potatoes, Beans and Dried
Apples, at • A. FELIX'S
Universal Confidence & Patron
T• . tit --a ! ' o-nti. no P.. ;a -'.ii > >of til voildt
tifv !■> the fttiiM- y <>f Prof. t.VVo, I - 11 ;i lb t ,ra
ti ve, .-nil gentlemen of the IN— are uuanimons in its
praise. A f-w testimonials only an 1 here tiv.-n:
see circular for more, and it wili be imp -tble to Gout ;.
47 Wall Street. Now York. !>• e. C •!,. 1?"
0 vru'Sf. • Your note of tin- !.-t' in-*.. IIC.K I. a
" ng Giat von hat, boa; .ia Ih> 1 1 ■ a
lum-lit. d by'the in- ■-f Woods Ha r I;. ad
requesting my eertineuto of tlie Suet if i had uo ul iee
tioll • >ve ii.
1 a" aid it to y..t* •hi rfe.'iy. 1.- i-atis. 1 tl..nk .. .It. .
>fy is about "K> years: the" cob - of my h • f auburn,
and iut am ii to enVl. s. ;',ve or •e • •--ia ...
b- „.ui to tun. ;r; y. an.: *scalp on ti, - r-.wnof mv
h ait'!:- wis 1 : .lai i ■,j:- •■ i
it. i:.*h of these ait:-.- iuer- v. :a : .
an 1 ii' ltu imirliinnths- a fuiir.h w ii -added u> them
by liuir lib!.Hi off t:..- top of mj head aud thn at >niuu
to timke me 1 aid.
In this nnphnoant predtoaiuent 1 -.■• - ndu. . ■' t..
try Wood's Hair Bestonative, mainly to arrest the fal
ling off of my hair, for I had n ally no i xptn ; a ~:i |
that trav liar eotthi ever he rest, is- ito its oi
color ex, ••[>; from dyes, i teas, however, greedy ur
prised to thai alter' the is.ioifti.nl. lib's ollh". ti : t
not only vva- the fallin.tr oft arre ted. but the eolbrwa -
rest -i ed to the gray hail -, and sens '.ility to the M-a'.p. j
I - -ui'Utui i-t a-ail to form <u my ia-ad. very nm a
to til ■ Kratifiention of my wife, t u hose Suile.Uiti a I
iv..- indin-i .1 to try it.
For tiiis. i iiiong the many obligation? I owe to ! .
- a. 1 strongly ri omtneiid all lie -bands vi ho .due the
admiration of their wives to profit by myexnmple. and
n-e it if growing gray or geuing iid. " j
V'-rv ii -eii'tilli. DEN. A. I..YYKXDHU.
T.'t..l. Wood 4 Co.. 4 Mradwry. N. ik. j
Mv lain.lv are absent from the eitv, an t I :un no
I ••rat X>. 11. Carrot Place.
P..i! 11: toll. Ala.. .T It: V g-t'i. ISSO. '
To I*. if. (i. J. WOOD : iVars-ar: Ymir -11 air Ite-t >r- !
alive" has done my hair so mta-h go .! vii• ••■ • I com- I
mem-oil the i s,. ~{* ■(. that 1 wish ; - in. l;m un t,. !
the I'l'Dl.l,' of its effects on the hair, ivhieli as.- gri at. j
A man or woman may be nearly deprlte,| of hair.and '
by a ri'.vTt to your "liair KestoVati. e." the h i m ill re- I
turn more beautiful than ever; at I, , -t this i ni> ex- j
periem . ltelieve it ail 1 Yours trulv.
P. S.- —Y on can pnblUh the above if. you like. By i
fNiblishing in ottr s.-mhi i-n pap, e yotivSt get more
patronise south. I see several of j mtr oertineates in
the Muhih: Mcrtnntt t a strong Southern papi-r.
\\ m. 11. Kennedv.
PtrtiPEfSOß O. J. Vfi.-ia: Dear Sir : Having had the
misfortune the host portion ol my la. .. f. - n
the efle: ts Of til" yellow t'eVl r. 11l N'eW < 'I e.ltl- 111 I "il.
1 was induced to make a trial of yonr jirepara'.ie' , and
found it to answer as the very tlimg needed. My hair
; i.ii.v thick ami glossy, and DO Word- can ■ .Cj i, s- lov
ol.hgaii.oiis to vo-i in giving to the afflicted sni !■ i trea
sure. FiNJHEY .JuilNS' >N.
The lb storativ,* is put up in hotih-s of three sizes,
viz : large, medium, and small: the medium holds at
least twenty per cent, mm- in proportion than the
smail. retails for two dollars per 1 utile: the Urge holds
a quart, 4 ) per cent, inure in jn oportiuii, and retails
,. .1. Y-.i■ ■i A , Pr iprietors. 441 In- adtvay. New
York, and 114 Mni ki*t tstreet, ?■:. 'bonis. Mo.
And sold by all good Druggists and Fancy Coo,ls
b.Mlcs. -d ' apS
Testimony of the whole World.
j' y - V; "
Bad beg?, Bad Breasts, Sores and I leers.
A LF. desc*ri|,tion of s.ires are remediable
j\ by the pro] : :ind <li:ig. Nt tise of this inestima
ble preparation. T - attempt to cure had legs hv plas
tering ti. 1.-- ■' the v.-onixl together is a folfv : for
should the - kin unite, a hoggv disea gd condition re
in 1 ■! - : . O "lie !'| to 'a e.-ik out w rth tenfold fe.rv in a
few d The only rational atnl sue.-sfrjtivatiuen!.
ns in,.ln a-d hv nature, is to reduce tin inti,nation (il
and ul-m tie- wiitnnl and to soothe the neigiiUiriiig
parts by rubbing iu plenty of thn Ointment ..-salt is
f weed into meat.
Diptiieria, I Iccratctl Sore Throat, a;id
Scarlet and ether Fevers.
Alt) of the above ili: s,.- may be cured bv well ru'u
bing the Ointment three tim - a day into the i-bi-t,
throat and neck • the patient: ir will soon penetrate,
and give immediate rehef. Medieine taken by the
mouth mtist ojier.ite ujn.n tie- w hole sy.-tem ere it- in
llucnee can b - felt in any local part, win n as the Oint
ment will do :is u - wit at one,-. Who ver tries the un
gin tit in the above manner for the disease-named.or
at iv similar disorders u!ie -'..ug the and iliroat,
will find themselves relieved as by i charm.
Piles, Fistulas, Strictures.
T!i ■ above class of complain:* v.ill bo removed hv
nightly foin, nting th parts with warm water, and then !
by mo.-t eft'eetnaily rnbuingin the t >intnii-nt. Personr- I
stiili-riii I from thc.-e direful phiints should lose |
rut n moment hi .invsting thrir p; igr J- honhl I
' llll'lrl>tooil tillit It If lltit SUißrlrll! m.'tvlv to Mlli'ar '
11. • < s•:: i<-nton t!io nflhct.'.l p.at<. l.u: tiu'i-i Jwt il :
rubbvl i : for mhw considerable tiinr two or three i
tint; fa ilny, tint it may ho token into the sv.-tciii. i
when. it will r. mow any hidden or wound i. ;
otloeti; illy :r- though palpable the (■>'. . There j
bread and water poultices, afb r the nibbing in of the i
ointment, tviil ih> emit service. This t< the only sure j
troiitiM 'iit for feni.-ih s. i- ; .sis of otnei rin the stomach, j
or where there may he a general hearing down. 1
Indiscretions of Youth ; Soros and liters.
Blotches. ■ also swellings, '-an. with certainty, he j
radically cured it the ointment he used tV< ely. and the ;
pills be taken night and morning as reeotmui tided in
the printed instructions. When treated in any other
way they only dry up in one pltc-c t > break ont in an
other: whereas this ointment tvill remove the humor
from the system, and leave the path nt a vigot ous and
1-.. alihy being. it will reqire time with the use of the
pills to insure a lasting euro.
Dropsical Swellings, Paralysis and Stifi'i
Although the above complaint- differ widojy inth ir i
origin and nature, yet they all require loc il treatment. ■
Many or the worst cases, of sudn diseases, will yield :
in ;i comparatively short space of time when thisotnt- I
in tit is diligently rubbed into the parts ntfecied.even j
after every other means have faded. In all serious j
maladies the pills should he taken according to the I
printed directions accompanying each box.
II '' 't tlx OiutHim' v.ul P,Vs should he nscd in tin full-m in'j j
Bad I.cgs. {Corns (Soft) Rheumatism. j
llad Breasts. (Cancers, Si-ahls.
Burns, Contra ted and store Nipples.
Bunions, Stiff Joints, •-•.re Throats.
Bite of Mosche-'Elephantiasis, skill Diseases,
toes aud .Sand- Fistulas. I Scurvy.
Flies. jOont, 'Rore Heads,
Coco-lxiv. Utiaiidul ir S w el- Tumors,
Chiego-ioot, i lings, I Ulcers.
Chilblains. Lumbago, Wounds,
Chapped Hands, Tiles, I Yaws.
( .1/ 770.YNone are genuine unless tie.* words
"H'iu.owav, New York vjcj Loxiojt,"jure discer nobleas j
a WatfT-nMirk in every leaf of the liook of directions, j
around each pot or box: the same may he plainly seen j
ly h'jtdinn the leetf to the li'jht. A handsome reward j
will lie given to any one rendering such information ;
as may lead to the detection of any party or parties !
counterfeiting the medicines or vending the same. I
knowing thorn to tie spurious.
*-k*Siihi at the Manufactory of Professor llollotvav.
SO Maiden Lane. New York", and by all respectable '
Druggists and Dealers in Medicine throughout the civ- !
Llized world, in pots, at 20e., tige. and fl each.
tt -O'hcre is considerable saving by taking tie- lar
ger sizes.
N. B. —Direetions for the guidance of pnttents.in ev
ery disorder, are affixed to each box. tnylO j
Lyon's Pure Ohio
IMIK want of really pure Brandy lias
long been felt in this country, and the opportune \
it to procure an article of such quality as to super
sede the sale aud use of the many vile compounds so
often sold under the name of Brandy, can h.- regard
oil only as a great public good. The Catawba Brandy i
possesses all choice qualities of the best imported
liquor, and is positively known to be of perleet puri
tv and of superior flavor. As a beverage the pure ar
ti.de is a remedv for Dyspepsia. Flatulency, Cramp.
Colic. Languor. Low Spirits. General Debility, Ac.. k<-.
Phvsicians who have used it in their practice and who '
have been practicing twenty-six years speak of it in
the most flattering terms, as will be seen by reference
to numerous letters and certificates.
Sole Agent for its sale in Mifflin county,
sopls-eolun> Lowistown, Pa.
Jf'.mjh ipij-s IJIqM KO PM'HI (;
The undertimei bavin.- utl Professor HUMPHREYS*
with the most satisfactory result*, and having full confi
dence in their genuineue-s, purity, and efficacy, cheerfully
recommend them t • all pers ma who wish to ho • safe, re
liable, and efficacious remedies at hand fir private or do
mestic use.
The Rev. Win. Hosmer, editor of " Tim N thorn In Im
pendent," Auburn. N. Y.: the Rev. E H. Cresser, D.lh.
Rector of St. Peter's Ch.urob, Auburn, N. V. . the Rev. P 1.
Ives, Chaph' : t of the Auburn. State Prison; the Rev.
Spencer M Rice. Rector, Neiv-Wi-dford, Mass ; the It. v.
Allen Steele, New-York Conference ; the Rev. Samuel
Nichols, East-Genesee Conference, N. Y. ; th e Rev. 1* S.
Pratt, Dorset, Yt.; the Rev. John K. Rnbte, Buffalo; A. C.
Hart, Esq., Utica, X. Y ; the Hot. Neal llow, Portland,
Me.; the Hon. Schuyler Colfax, South-Wend, Intl. ; the Hon.
George Humphreys, N. Y. ; Henry D. Cook, Esq., Editor r>f
The Ohio State journal, Columbus, Ohio; the Hon. R. 11
Graham, Molinc, 111. ; the Hon. Thomas J. Chase, Monti
cello, Fla.; the Hon. Joseph Benedict. Utica, N Y. , Win.
Bristol, Esq., ITtloa, N. Y. : A. S. P cid, Esq., I'tica, V. Y. ;
James Plunkett, Esq., Nashville, Tenn.
No. 1.-w-For Fever, Congestion, and Inflammation,
No. 2.—For Worm Fever, Worm Colic, Wet tine the Wed.
No. B.—For Colic, Crying, Teething, and Wakefulness i f
No. 4.—For Diarrhea, Cholera Infantum, arid Summer
No. 5. —For Colic, Grtpings, Dysentery, or 8100 ly Fins.
No. tl.—.For Cholera. Cholera Morbus, Vomiiin
No. 7.—For Coughs, Cold, Influenza, and Sore Throat.
No. S. —For Tooth-ache, Face-ache, and Neuralgia.
No. 9.—For Headache, Vertigo, Heat and Fullness of the
No. 10.—Dvsrufpsi t Pu is—For Weak and Deranged
Stomach, Constipation, and Liver Complaint.
No. 11.— FOR EMM ILK TRK.C;I'!. IR'.T!KS, Scanty, Painful, or
Suppressed Periods.
No. 12.—For Leucorrhea, Profuse Menses, and Baring
Down of Females.
No. 18.—For Croup, Hoarse Cough. Wad Wreathing.
No. 14.—SALT R IU'M PILLS—For Erysipelas, Eruption-,
Pimples on the Face.
No. 15.—RIPJI'M in•• Pit • s.—For Pain, Lameness, or Sore
ness in the Chest, Hi V. 1. tins, or Llmhs.
A.—For Fever an! Ague, Chill Fever, Dumb Ague, >i 1
Mismanage 1 A'- -.
P.— F T Pile. I'd lor W!"e lin". Internal r External.
O.—For Sere, W.-V.. • r Untamed Eves ti l Eyelids; Fail
ing, Weak, I'd i-r ■ i Sight
C.—For Catarrh, or ! . statidiug or recent, either with
obstruction or profuse discharge.
w. C.—For V. hooping Cough, abating its violence and
shortening its course.
In nil A tit- tiise: ■■. such as Fevers, Inflammations,
Diarrhea, Dyst Mi C'rt up, R) ennwthm, and such erup
tive diseases as Seariet Fever, Measles, and Erysipelas, the
advantage of giving the proper remedies promptly is ob
vious, and in ail sin h cases the specifics act like a charm.
The entire disease is often arrested at once, and in all cases
the violence of the attack is moderated, the disease short
ened, ami rendered less dangerous.
Coughs and Colds, which are of such frequent occurrence,
ayd which so often lay the foundation i !" diseased Itfhps,
bronchitis and consumption, may ail he St once cured by
the Fever and Cough Pills.
In all chronic diseases, such us Dyspepsia, Weak Stomach,
Constipation, 1 tv. i- Complaints, Piles, Female Debility, and
Irregularities, old Headaches, S'-re or Weak Eyes, Catarrh,
Salt Rheum, and other ol I eruptions, lite case hits specifies
whose proper application will afford a cure in almost every
Instance. Often the cure of a single chronic difficulty, such
as Dyspepsia, Piles or t'aturrh. Headache or Female Weak
ness, lias more than paid for the case ten times over.
Case of CO vials complete, in morocco, and Book $5
Case of 20 vials, anil Book, plain
Citse of 15 numbered boxes, ami Book 2
Case of G boxes, numbered, and Book 1
Single numbered boxes, with directions 25 cents.
Sinitle lettered boxes, with directions 50 cents.
Large case of '2 oz. \i a Is, for planters and physicians.. ..sls
Fort ASTUVA "MI PHTHlSlC.—Oppressed, Difficult, Labored
Wreathing, attended with Cough ami Expectoration. -Price,
50 cents per box.
FOR Exit DISCIIAUUKS AND DKAFSBS. —Discharges from the
F.ar, the result of Scarlet Fever, Measles, or Mercurials.
For Noises in the Head, Hardness of Hearing, and Ringing
in the Ears, and Ear-ache. Price, 50 cents per box.
FOR SCROFULA. —Enlarged Glands, Enlarged and Indurat
ed Tonsils, Swellings ami Old Ulcers, Scrofulous Cachexy of
Children. Price, 50 cents per box.
FOR Gi.ktT. ti. DKHILITV. —Physical or Nervous Weakness.
Either the result of Sickness, Excessive Medication, or Ex
hausting Discharges. Price, 60 cents per box.
FOR DROPSY. —FIuid Accumulations. Tumid swellings, with
Scanty Secretions. Price, 50 cents per box.
FOR SKA-SICK XK.-S.—Deathly Sickness, Vertigo, Nausea,
Vomiting. Sickness from riding or motion. Price, 50 cents
per box.
FOR URINARY DISKASFS —For Gravel, Renal Calculi, Diffi
cult, Painful Urination, Diseases of the Kidneys. Price, 50
cents per box.
FOR SKMIXAI. Exiis.-uoxa.—lnvoluntary Discharges and
Consequent Prostration and Debility, Bad Results of Evil
Habits. The r. -A successful and efficient remedy known,
and may be relied upon a s a cure. Price, with full direc
tions, $1 per box.
Persons who wish to place themselves under the profes
sional care, or to seek advice of Prof. IILWPHRUYS, can do
so, at ills office 502 Broadway, daily front S A.M. to SP.M.
or by letter.
Look over lite list; make up a ease of what kind you
choose, and inclose the amount in a current note or stamps
by mail to our address, at No. 562 Broadway, New-York,
and the medicine will be duly returned by mail or express,
free of charge.
AGENTS WANTED.—We desire an active, efficient Agent
for the sale of our Remedies in every town or community
in the United States. Addr Dr E." HUMPHREYS St CV
i C'lmi les 11 ill U hole-idle and 11 etail Agent
for L ,risioicu anil vicinity, ami druggist* ami
| stoves generally. rnyZ
mni t IF *> fT r ?. aa ,
j U UHrkWll^d
'lj>T Till O "2? J. O r-J s
Fanners and Mechanics, Ijook
to Your Interests !
! Having added to the Flour and Grain Cosiness
a large stock of
_r>i J 0 iii iii la l2h iSi r j
we otter to the public,
a general assortment at prices as low, perhaps
lower, than the same articles can be purchased
j in ti:e county. Our slock consists of
i ...
and all oilier articles in that line.
Cash, but all kinds ef Grain and
j Produce generally taken in exchangeforgooda.
Country Grocers will do well by examining
! our stock before purchasing elsewhere.
All kinds of
always on hand.
Lewistown, Apr il 21, 1859.
Pond's Fxtraet of Hamamelis,
JS one of the few domestic remedies which
have come into general use and favor,
without puffing. It is the product of a sim
ple shrub, harmless in all cases, and as a do
mestic remedy unequalled. For Burns, Cuts,
i Utilises, Soreness, iMniencss, Sprains, ltheu
iiialisiu, Jioils, Ulcers, Old Sores and Wounds,
it has not an equal. It is also used,
with great success, for Toothache, Headache,
j Neuralgia, Sore Throat, Colic, Diarrhoea,
Hoarseness, and other similar troublesome
and painful affections, while it promptly ar
rests all llemmorhages. Hundreds of phy i
eians use it daily in their practice, and give
it their unqualified recommendation. Sold
by our agents and dealers, and by
F. HUMPHREYS & Co., 502 Brodwav,
Sole Proprietors tiDd Manufacturers.
my 3
_i STORE has the largest and best assort
ment of Boots and Shoes in town. Gail and
I try them. T. COX, Proprietor,