MRI€UraiRM, Whitewashing—Good Whitewash. This is a subject upon which our fann ers require 'line upon line and precept upon precept.' Whitewash is one of the most valuable articles in the world when properly applied. It prevents not only the decay of wood, but conduces greatly to the healthiness ot all buildings, whether of wood or stone. Outbuildings and fenc es, when not painted, should be supplied once or twice every year with a good coat of whitewash, which should be prepared in the following way: Take a cleau, wa ter tight barrel or other suitable cask, and put into it half a bushel of lime, Slack it hy pouring water over it, boiling hot, and in sufficient quantity to cover it five inches deep, and stir it briskly till thor oughly slacked. When the slacking has been effected, dissolve it in water, and add two pounds of sulphate of zinc, and ot common salt. These will cause the wash to harden, and prevent its cracking, which gives an unseemly appearance to the work. If desirable, a beautiful cream color may be communicated to the above wash, by adding three pounds of yellow ochre, or a good pearl or lead color, by the addition of lamp vine or ivory black. For fawn color, add four pounds of umber—Turkish or American—(the latter is the cheapest,) one pound of Indian red, and one pound com mon lampblack. For common stone color, add four pounds of raw umber, and two pounds lampblack. This wash may be applied with a com mon whitewash brush, and will be found much superior both in appearance and du rability to common whitewash. From the Farmer and Oardcner. What Kind of Root Crops Shall Far mers Attempt to Raise ? Much has been said to induce farmers to raise root crops for feeding stock in win ter, but still comparatively few roots, ex cept turnips and rutabagas, are raised by the farmers of Pennsylvania. The chief reason why farmers have not attempted this work more generally, I think, is because they know that carrots and parsnips, the best of roots, are very difficult to raise, without too much labor in hand weeding to render them profitable. Nobody, 1 pre sume, doubts the value of carrots and pars nips as food for stock. Horses eat carrots in winter with great avidity, and they are exceedingly beneficial to them. For cows, no better roots can be raised than either carrots or parsnips. Put farmers generally, do not know how to cultivate them with horse hoes, and carrot cleaners, or they have not the proper tools, and are slow to buy them. Now, while I advise all enterpris ing young farmers to learn how to raise the roots referred to, by means of horse hoe, v MHI F. J. HOFFMAN. "VirillTE Stoneware by the sot, 40 pieces Y T in a set, at $4. $4.50 and $5, warrant ed good. Also, various other articles, such as Toilet Sets, Tea Sets, Dinner Sets, &c. at _aug4 ZERBE'S. CANDIES AND CONFECTIONERY OF all kinds sold to retailers and parties, at the lowest wholesale prices, at a "g 4 . ZERBE'S. (CULTIVATORS, Cultivator Teeth, Culti- Lni° r *' a^€S aT *d Bolts, for sale by mb - 9 F. ft. FRANCISCUS. GARDEN SEEDS of every variety, some very superior, just received and for sale by mh29 F. G. FRANCISCUS. SPAIN'S Patent Churns ; Common d0.,"a1l sizes, at very low rates. F. G. FRANCISCUS. QHA KEGS NAILS, SPIKES and fJY /V" BRADS, as good as the best in the market, at very low rates for cash. AP!2 F. G. FRANCISCUS STUDY ECONOMY! AND BUY YOUR Boots and Shoes AT THE Central Boot and Shoe Store, Where none but the best home made work is kept. All my work made under my immediate su pervision, and as I have had long experience in the Shoe Business, I can safely recommend mv work. I use nuDe but the be&t material and none but the best workmen are in my employ. On hand, a large assortment of ev erv style, such as men's fine calf, kip, and stogy boots, calf nionroes, English ties, low ties, and brogans : a tine assortment of boys' shoes.- We will make to order every article in our line with dispatch, and in the most me chanical style. Don't forget the Central Shoe .Store in the public square. mh29 T. COX, Proprietor. Great Reduction in Prices. 1 ' DOLLARS for Manny's Mowing and J Reaping Machine, with Wood s im provements, each Machine warranted to do its work right, or no sale. mh29 F. G. FRANCISCCS. 1 DOLLARS for the onlv perfect and isjlj reliable SELF RAKING AND MOWING MACHINE EVER MADE.— Manny's self Raking and Mowing Machine, with Wood's improvements, is confidently recommended as being just the machine that Farmers want. Call and see them at mh29 F. G. FRANCISCCS. \\7" OOD'S One and Two Horse MOWERS, Tt for sale by mh29 F. G FRANCISCCS. SELF RAKING ATTACHMENTS.—The Self Raking attachments can he put on all Manny's Mowers and Reapers sold since 1856. mh 19 F. G. FRANCISCCS. 1", / vKEGS NAILS and Assorted Spikes, )\ ' at very low rates fur cash, for sale by mil 29 F. G. FRANCISCCS. * CIOAL OIL! COAL OIL!—A very super / ior article of Coal Oil at SI,OO per gallon, for sale by mh29 F. G. FRANCISCCS. Lyon's Pure Ohio CATAWBA BRAOY. r PHE want of really pure Brandy has JL long been felt in tins country, and the opportuni ty to procure an article of such quality as to super sede the sale and use of the many vile compounds so often sold under the name of Brandy, can be regard ed only as a great public good. The Catawba Brandy possesses all the choice qualities of the best imported liquor, and is positively known to be of perfect puri ty and of superior flavor. As a beverage the pure ar ticle is a remedy for Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Cramp, Colic. Languor, Low Spirits. General Debility, &c., ic. Physicians who have used it in their practice and who have been practicing twenty-Six years speak of it in the most flattering terms, as will be seen by reference to numerous letters and certificates. Sole Agent for its sale in Mifflin eountv, CHARLES RITZ. sepls-eolom Lewistown, Pa. J: Our Musical Friend." nUR MUSICAL FIIIEND, a rare com- V ' panion for the winter months. Ever;/ Pianist, Should procure this weekly publica- Evt-ry Singer, tion of Vocal and Piano-forte Mu- Every Teacher, ■ sic, costing but 10 Cents a number, Every Pupil , and pronounced by the entire press Every Amateur, of the country to be ' The Best and Cheapest Work of the Kind in the World.'' Twelve full-sized pages of Vocal and Piano-Forte Mu sic for lo CENTS. Yearly. So; Half-yearly, $2.50; Quarterly, 51.25. Subscribe to "Our Musical Friend," or order it from the neaiest news-dealer, and you will have music enough lor your entire family, and at an insignificant cost: and if you want Music for the Flute, Violin, Cor net, Clarionet, Accordeon, etc., subscribe to the "SOLO MELODIST," Containing twelve pages, costing only 10 Cents a num ber; Yearly, 52.50; Half-yearly. $1.25. All the back numbers at 10 cents,"and bound Vol umes of "Our Musical Friend," containing 17 numbers, at $2.50 each, constantly on hand. 0. B. SEYMOUR & CO., febl6-2m 107 Nassau St., New York. TATLO RING! gat. The undersigned having ijg made arrangements for early receipts of the fashions, is prepared to do all kinds of TAILORING WORK, at his fiik shop on Valley street, a few Bf f < £ doors west of the Logan aH |lflߧii House, on as reasonable terms flUl i iMI and as we " and P rom pHy as if If ill can done elsewhere.— / I it J Give me a call and satisfac ■'WSßßbition will be guaranteed. sep!s N. MAHANEY. GREAT EXCITEMENT! NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! JUST RECEIVED AT Kennedy & Junkin's im SWU. r |Ml E undersigned have just received a choice JL selection of seasonable goods and CHEAPER THAN EVER. As times are hard and money is scarce, we will make it an object to sell cheaper than the cheapest, (and no mistake.) We have all kinds of goods, such as De Laines, French Merinoes, Fiorina Lustres, Wool Plaids, Broche, Plaid, and Cashmere Shawls, Cloths, Cassimeres, Sat inets, Muslins, and of Calicoes a good assort ment. Also, a prime article of Shaser Flannel warranted not to shrink by washing. All Wool Flannels, white, red, green and yellow at all pri ces. IB sum we have a fine lot of Opera, Maraposa, and children's Woolen Caps to suit the season at ve ry low prices. We have also a choice assort ment of jFamUt) (groceries, such as Coffee, Sugar, Teas and Rice, with Spices of all kinds, as well as BOOTS AND SHOES. READY-MADE CLOTHING, of the muscles. Address y O. P. BltOVv N AO' ,32A 34 John st. N. Vork. (iuiiS^ HOW AR D ASSOCIATION. PHILADELPHIA. .1 Benevolent Institution established by special Eiidotcment for the Belief of the Sick awl Distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases, awl especially for the Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Organs. MEDICAL Advice given gratis, by the Acting Sur geon, to all who apply by letter, with a description of their condition, (age. oeeupation. habits of life. &c~) and in eases of extreme poverty. Medicines furnished free of charge. Valuable Reports on Spermatorrhoea, and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the New Remedies employed in the Dispensary, sent to the afflicted in sealed fetter envelopes, free of charge. Two or three stamps for postage will he acceptable. Address Dr. J.SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Acting Sur geon, Howard Association, No. ~ South Ninth street, Philadelphia. Pu. Bv order of the Directors. EZRA" D. HEARTWELL. President. GEO. FAIRCHILU, Secretary. feb2-ly Fruit Trees! 17 OR sale by the subscribers, an assortment of the choicest kinds of Fruit Trees, at the following reduced prices: APPLE TREES at 22 cts. PEACII " 18 cts. PEAR " 50 cts. CIIEURY " 50 cts. PLUM " 50 cts. Great reduction made to those purchasing hy the quantity. Farmers and others wishing to plant Orchards would do well to give us a call. Those wishing anything in our line that we have not now on hand can have it by ad dressing us in season. WARNER & BUTTS. Lewistown, February 23, 1860. LUMIRFIFI. fTMIE subscriber would respectfully inform I the public that lie has on hand a large and choice stock of all kinds of lumber. It comprises 2, lA, I], 1, J, and £ inch WHITE PINE BOARDS, JOISTS, SCANTLING, Lap and Joint SHINGLES, Shingling and Plastering LATH, GARDEN PALING, DOORS, WINDOW SASH, Sill TIERS, BLINDS, and WORKED FLOORING. The undersigned being a house Carpenter, he is prepared to fill orders for Doors, Sash, &c., to the best advantage and on the short est notice. Ilis Lumber Yard is on Third Street, west of the Academy, where he will be pleased to see all who may favor him with a call. mh22 WM. B. HOFFMAN. Notice to Tax Collectors. frHIE Collectors of State and County Taxes I for 1857 and 1858 are hereby notified to pay over the balances due on their respective duplicates forthwith, or I shall feel impelled to issue warrants against them, the condition of the treasury rendering such a course abso lutely necessary. The Collectors for 1859 are also notified to prepare themselve to settle their duplicates by April Court. WM. C. VINES, Treasurer. Lewistown, March 1, 1860. LADIES, IT will bo to your advantage to buy your Shoes at the CENTRAL SHOE STORE. A fine assortment of gaiter heels, kid heels, the best in town ; Goat heels, buskins, slipper heels, for Misses'and Children, a fine variety, all of which will be sold at the lowest possi ble prices for CASH. Call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. T. COX, Proprietor. OEED POTATOES!—I have for sale, at low prices, three new varieties of extra early Potatoes, abundant bearers and finest quality. Also, two varieties of late Potatoes, good bearers and good quality. All who want a good article for seed should supply themselves in time. [cuh 1] F. J. HOFFMAN. Wanted! Wanted! 1 /"v AAA PERSONS of both sexes to JLU. UUI/ make money by buying cheap Groceries, Baskets, Tubs, Buckets, Churns, Water Cans, Brooms, Brushes, &c. &c. at aug4 ZERBE'S. THE BiLTIHORE AHERICiS, Published dailv, tri-weekly and weekly, by Dobbin A. Fulton, 128 Baltimore street, Baltimore, Md. Daily $6 per annum, $i for 8 monlhs, $3 for 6 months, #2 for 4 months. Tri-weekly #4 per annum, #3 for nine mouths, $1 for six months, and $1 for three monlhs. The Weekly -Jmeriean is published at #1 50 per annum, eight months sl, four copies $5, eight copies 10, fourteen for 15, 28 for 20—all payable in advance. The Daily Telegraph, Published at Harrisburg, Pa., by Geo. Bergner A Co., publishes the of Letters by authority, a sure evidence of it having the largest circulation. Terms—s3 per year; the weekly and semi-weekly is also published at #2 per year What Everybody Wants. EVERYBODY'S LAWYER And Counsellor in Business, BY FRANK CROSBY, OF THE PHILADELPHIA BAR. IT TELLS YOU now to draw up Partnership Pa pers and gives general lorms 'or Agreements of all kinds, Bills of Sale, Leases & Petitions IT TELLS YOU how to draw up Bonds and Mort gages, Affidavits, Powers oi Attorney, Notes and Bills of Exchange, Receipts & Releases. IT TELLS YOU the Laws for the Collections of Debts, with the Statutes of Limitation, and amount and kind of property Exempt from Execution in every State. IT TELLS Y'OU how to make an Assignment prop erly, with forms for Composition with Credi tors, and the Insolvent Laws of every Stale. IT TELLS YOU the legal relations existing be tween Guardian and Ward, Master and Ap prentice, and Landlord and Tenant. IT I'ELLS YOU what constitutes i Abel and Slan der, and the Law as to Marriage Dower, the Wife's Right in Property, Divorce& Alimony. IT TELLS YOU the Law for Mechanics' Liens in every State, and the Naturalization Laws of this country, and how to comply with them. IT TELLS YOU the law concerning Pensions and how to obtain one, and the Pre-emption Laws to Public Lands. IT TELLS YOU the law for Patents, with mode of procedure in obtaining one, with Interfer ences, Assignments and Table of Fees. IT TELLS YOU how to make your Will, and how to Administer on an Estate, with the law and the requirements thereof in every State. IT TELLS YOU the meaning of Law Terms in general use, and explains the Legislative, Ex ecutive and Judicial Powers of both the Gen eral arid State Governments. IT TELLS YOU how to keep out of Jaw, hy show ing how to do your business legally, thus sa ving a vast amount of property, and vexatious litigation, by its timely consultation. Single copies will be sent by mail, postage paid, to every Farmer, every Mechanic, every Man of Business, and everybody in every State, on receipt of §l, or law style of binding §1.25 §IOOO A YEAR can be made by enterprising men everywhere in selling the above work, as our inducements to all such are very libera). For single copies of the book, or for terms to agents, with other information, apply to or ad dress JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher, nov24 6m 617 Sansom st , Philadelphia, MOFFAT'S LIFE PILLS AND PHffiNIX BITTERS. reputation of these very celebrated veg -^ THIS remedy is offered as affording ft means of speedy cure for the large number t'.iat die annually in our laud of that fell scourge. Consumption, to which, unfortu nately, so many predisposing causes exist. Youth and age are alike subject to its ravages. can name one or more of his acqnaiutances who is sub ject to some form of lung or tiiroat complaint, which, if not attended to in season, inevitably consigns the suf ferer to a premature grav. To such, help is at hand if they will but avail themselves of it. and hope.—the har binger of brighter days.—may be awakened without fear of chilling disappointment. L'r O. l*tiM.PS BROWN'S ACACLVN BALSAM does just what is claimed for it. and may be relied upon by the sick as being the most success ful in curing lung and throat disorders, of any remedy known at the present day. The many phases assumed by Consumption justifies the apprehension of those who have reason to fear its approach, either from constitu tional or hereditary tendency. While the discoverer of this remedy does not believe that people should bo constantly dosing themselves with medicines there are many cases where disease is too long allowed to remain unchecked in the system ; and a slight cough, regarded at lirst a* simply an annoyance, ceases only with the life o! the patient. An impure state of the blood, through debilitation of the lungs, rills the system with morbid humor*, and pulsation becomes feeble or acceler ated to a feverish intensity—the heart, liver, and kid neys, separately performing functions of vital necessity to our well being, are impeded in their regular action— the digestive organs falter in their task, and refuse to perforin the process of separating tie nutritious elements from food, and the whole mental being is well nigh ready to sink under the burden of life. The patient so afflicted, accounts his case a complication of disorders, and often refuses to resort to medication from his thorough dis belief in any prospect of cure. To such of the ACACIAS- BAIAAII. a- thoroughly worthy the confi dence of all. Every symptom of Consumption is surely and jiermanentlv eradicated b.v its use. Its effects ai-* none other but strengthening end renovating to the en tire eyittem. Bronchitis, Asthma, Coughs, Colds, and General IVhilitv. are effect 11 allv cured bv its use. Night- Sweats. Ixtss of V'kvsh. and Wasting away of the Muscles, Loss of Appetite Soreness . T. BAI3- O BITT'S BEST MEDICINAI, SALERATUS 08 I manufactured from common salt, and is 08 • reparod entirely different from otln r ft.ilera-1 n i *is All the del teriius mutter is \>ntctedin ANO 70 such a manner as to produce Ureud, Biscuit, 70 i'iJ and .all kinds of Cake, without ( .uu.lining a "SCv particle of Saleratus ivlu n tlie Br'ad or CakejOct AND is baked; thereby producing holes mie results J AND Every particle ofsaleratus is turned to 'passes tlirousili the bread or biscuit while ha-1 ()S king; const ijaerilly nothing remains but coin 08 ANl) |mon salt, water and fl >ur. You will readily L KD . perceive hv the taste of ibis saleratus that it is ... •""lentirely different front other saleratus. '*• # 1' is pi< ked in one pound papers, each wrap IJO jper branded, "It. T. Babbitt's Best Medicinali iD Sale rams," also, picture, twisted loaf of bread, i * • ND 70 with a glass of effervescing water on the top 70 no When you purchase one paper you should pre "As|serve the wrapper, and be particular to get the v>o AND next exactly like the first—brand x above. AND 70 , Full directions for mrtking with thisl^Tl Saleratus and Sour Milk or Cream Tartar, will' 08 accompany each package; also, directions for 08 AX : making all kinds of Pastry ; also, for makingj Soda Water and Seidlitz Powders. ~Vx 3VXA3CE YOUR OWN SOAP (8 win. 68 AN D | B. T. Babbitt's Pure AN D 70 Concentrated Potash, 70 08 Warranted double the strength of ordinary fttf ] Potash; put up in cans—l lb , 2 lbs . 3 lbs., " >S U " ' '^" )s —with full directions for makingl^* 0 70 Hard and Soft Soap Consumers w ill find this j7O _ the cheapest Potash in market. | 08 Manufactured and fur sal" by 08 AND . B. T. Buißirr, *•, | Nos 6S &70 Washington st., New York, ~ ■CC je9 and No. 39 India st., Boston. 0 THE EXTENSIVE STOCK OF ©@lMg) (2s ©HIW2SIB WATCHES, CHAINS, BIUCIsLIsTS, RINGS, BREASTPINS, AND OTHER JEWELRY; PANSY ARTICLES, CLOCKS, and a beautiful assortment of BOOKS AND STATIONERY are now selling at greatly reduced prices at .Junkin's old stand, corner of Brown and Market streets, opposite Russell's Banking House. ® who desire to buy at prices cor responding with the times, will please call. *©~All kinds of repairing promptly atten ded to. H. W. JUNKIN, Agent. Lewistown, April 8, 1858. Great Excitement in Virginia! AND ALSO AT THE I PEOPLE'S SHOE STORE, In Lewistown. JB <3 AS 'PAKE; pleasure in announcing that thev have X just opened, in West Market stteel, nearly opposite Maj Eisenbise's Hotel, a BOOT AND SHOE STOKE, and will constantly keep en hand a full assortment of Boots and Shoes of all kinds and sizes. They have just received from the eastern cities a very extensive assort ment of Boots, Shoes arid Gaiters, for ladies' gentlemen's and children's wear, all of neat finish and excellent manufacture, which thev will sell, for CASH ONLY, At Least 25 Per Cent. Cheaper than the same can be purchased elsewhere as will be seen by referring to the follow ing Price List: Men's Fine Calf Boots, §3 95 t 0 330 " Kip Boots, 220t0 3no Boys' Boots, 1 25 to 2 00 Youths' Boots, 1 00 to 1 05 Men's Brogans, 1 00 to 1 40 Boys' " 1 00 to 1 10 Youths' " 62 to 75 Ladies' Kip and Calf Boots, . 00 to 1 50 M isses' Morocco & Goat Boots, heels, 05 to 1 25 Children's Shoes, 25 to 65 Ladies'CongressGaiters with heels, 150 to 1 60 " without " 125 to 130 English Lasting Gaiters with heels, 1 30 i " " " without " 125t0 130 " Morocco Boots with heels, 150 to 160 " " " without heels, 110 to 125 " Goat Boots with heels, 150 to 155 " " " without heels, 110 to 125 Misses' Calf Boots with heels, s5 t 0 95 j " " " without heels, 75 to 85 Having bought our goods for cash, they were put at the lowest figure, and by doing an EX CLUSIVELY CASH BUSINESS, customers are not made to pay for bad debts—hence our low prices. TRUNKS, VALISES, &0., always on har.d and for sale cheap. We respectfully solicit a liberal share of pub lic patronage. decß The Theatre of Business, l uiler the (I lit Fellows' Hull, East Market St., LEM ISTOM.Y, PA. N. Kennedy's Store of Wonders, \\ ' 1 I'll entirely New Scenery of Goods, v ? which he oilers CUEABEK for Cash or Country Produce than any house in the town, ile invites both great and small to give him a call, and get the full value for their money. The following is a list of the kind and quan tity of goods, viz: Dry Goods, very cheap [city prices A large stock of Boots and Shoes, selling at do do Hardware at city prices do do Queensware do do do Cedar and Willow-ware do do Brooms and Bed Cords do do Hosiery and Gloves do do Notions of all kinds Carpet Chain and Carpet at city prices Segars, Tobacco, Spices, Teas, Soaps j Cheese, Crackers, Cotton Laps j Fluid, Alcohol, Sperm Oil, Fish Oil , Cologne and Hair Oils ; Groceries, Prime Coffees at 12a14e Sugars, white and brown, at 7, 9. 10, 12a140 | Syrups and Molasses, best quality, 12 to 18c Salt. Herring and Mackerel such as Whiskey. Brandy, Gin and Wine, of the best quality, by the barrel, gallon or quart. The above is but a synopsis of the kind and quantity we keep. Give us a call. We charge nothing for showing goods. Don't forget the Odd Fellows' Ilall. N. KENNEDY, Proprietor. junl9 JAS. UROX ED, Salesman. THE STEAM MILL AGAIN I3VT MOTION! Farmers and Mechanics, Look to Your Interests ! Having added to the Flour and Grain Business a Jarge stock of <§■ 2B © p m ib 11 m & q we otfer to the public, WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, a general assortment at prices as low, perhaps lower, than the same articles can be purchased in the county. Our stock consists of FTSII, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, RICE, SYRUPS, CEDAR-WARE, SPICES, ami all other articles in that line. £Cj =i I erms Cash, but all kinds ef Grain and Produce generally taken in exchange for goods. Country Grocers will do well by examining our stock before purchasing elsewhere. All kinds of COAL, SALT AND PLASTER, always on hand. MARKS & WILLIS. Lewistown, April 21, 1859. aia v i(1 A Splendid Large Extended Oven Gas Burning Cooking Stove. FOR COAL OR WOOD. IT has long been a favored object with stove dealers to construct a flat top down draft Cooking Stove that would combine all the ad vantages of excellent draft, large oxen and good baking properties, with the use of a moderate amount of fuel. These desirable qualities have all been combined in the flat top Gas Burning Cooking Stove, the DAYLIGHT. This beau tiful stove, Jhe result of many years'experi ence, and combining all the improvements of the age, is one of the most perfect made. It operates in the most perfect manner, and in sit uations where other flat top stoves would fail to operate. The Daylight, during the past year, has given the most entire satisfaction, and is surpassed by no stove of the same class. It is new in design, beautiful in appearance, unsur passed in its operations, and a great saver of fuel. They are warranted to give entire satis faction. Call and examine the Daylight, at the Tin and Stove Establishment of J. IRWIN WALLIS. Great Reduction in Sugars! 8 9, and 10 cents for Brown, and White 9 Sugars at 11 cents, at ZERBE'S. Cheaper than the Cheapest! GLASSWARE. —Tumblers at 75 cents and $1 per dozen ; Goblets, Pitchers, Fruit Stands, Covered Dishes, &o. very cheap at *"g4 ZERBE^S. SHOE FINDINGS.—A full assortment of Shoe Findings on hand, some articles much reduced in price. F. J. HOFFMAN.