Whole No. 2556. BLYifIYER & STANBARGER, PRODUCE i COMMISSION KBROHAXTTS, Year (anal Ba*in, Lewistown, Pa., Will lurcliase every description of Produce at current prices. ALW AY S ON nAX D , p, iSTKIt, SALT, FISH, STOXE COAL of assorted sizes. LIMEBURNERSf ' ,p BLACKSMITHS' COAL. GEO. BLYMYER, dec 2 C. C. STANBARGER. 7K.TJTT TRESS i HAVING accepted an agency for the Mor ris Nurseries, West Chester, Pa., I am jrepared to order and furnish all kinds of Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Apple Trees for Summer, Autumn or Winter, Pear Trees do do do Jhvurf Pear Trees, Peach Trees, Plum Trees, Apricot Trees, Ornamental Trees, Grape Vines, Strawberries, Gooseberries, Raspberries, Lawton Blackberrry, &0., fcc. As the Morris Nurseries are near our own latitude, trees from them are well calculated tor this climate. Those desiring Fruit Trees, a-. will do well to call and examine descrip tive catalogues, in hi F. J. HOFFMAN. '35? A O DO JEL* J(VE "TST . rpilE Second Session of this Institution 1 will commence on MONDAY, February _ :h. New classes will then be formed ascir cumsunces require. Particular attention will b' given to those preparing to teach. 1:. wishing to study and practice Music huy t assured of the best advantages. M S. K. YanDlzer will continue to give instructions upon the Piano. Kates of Tuition, 53.00, $4.50 or $6.00, according to the grade of studies. For further information address luvlT M. J. SMITH, Principal. McALISTERVILLE ACADEMY Juniata fonnty, Pa. GEO F McF. IRI.. i.\'l), Piincipal $,• Proprietor. J.ICOI• MILLER. /'"/ of Mathematics, Sfc. ,Ui.sJXXIES CRIS T, Teacher of Music, S, m c. The next session of this Institution com mences on the 26th of July, to continue 22 weeks. Students admitted at any time. A Normal Department will be formed which will afTtiid Teachers the fce-t opportunity of preparing for fall examina tions A NEW APPARATUS has been purchased, Lecturers engaged, &c. Terms—Boarding, Room und Tuition, per si—: mi. to >6ollll SIDE OF HARkET STREET, LE I STOW X, PA. V[A> just received and opened at his es- L taliiidimenc a new supply of Clocks. Watches, Jewelry, Fancy Articles, &c., which he will dispose of at reasonable prices. He invites all ti give him a call and examine in- st .k, which embraces all articles in his line, and is sufficiently large to enable all to make selections who desire to purchase. {©"REPAIRING neatly and expeditiously attended t >, and all wurk warranted. Thankful f r the patronage heretofore re ceived. he respectfully a?ks a continuance of the sain.', and will endeavor to please all who may fn. r him with their custom. feb2 EDWARD FRYSINGER, WHOLESALE DEALER & fIA.HFACTTRER or CMiARS, TOBACCO, SMW, &C., &c., IPiio Orders promptly attended to. jelfi New Fall and Winter Goods. T) F. ELLIS, of the late firm of McCoy 1A • & Ellis, has just returned from the city with a choice assortment of Dry Goods and Groceries, ?'?eted with care and purchased for cash, *hich are offered to the public at a small ad duce on cost. The stock of Dry Goods em braces all dsscriptions of FALL AND WINTER GOODS suitable for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children, *'th many new patterns. His (Kroccrtts comprise Choice Sugars, Molasses, Java, Rio and Laguyra Coffee, superior Teas, ipwu&ssnnim) hit