THE [from the Genesse© Farmer.] Election Cake. —Four pounds flour, two pounds butter and two of sugar. Stir the butter and sugar together thoroughly: then mi half of it with the flour, together with a In; ' krful of homemade yeast, and one ,unrt of warm milk. Beat it aud pat it vith both hands, until the ingredients are thoroughly mixed. Then let it stand in a warm place until it is light, say five or six hours. Theu add the remainder of the butter and sugar, two pounds of raisins, and a small quantity of pulverized mace. This may stand over night, and put in pans lor baking early in the morning. It should rise in the pans, and then bake an hour in a slow oven. This cake requires no eggs, and is used by economical housekeepers iu winter, when eggs are dear. The loaves nicely frosted, will be preserved moist for a long time. French Rolls. —Rub two ounces of but ter into one pound of flour. Mix in the whites of three eggs beaten into a froth, and a spoonful of 3'east. Milk to make a stiff dough, aud salt. They can be made over night, and divided into rolls for break fast. Bake ten minutes. Cook its. —Two eggs, one cup of sugar, one of butter, one half teaspoonful of saleratus, dissolved in a tablespoonful of milk. Heat the eggs and sugar very thor oughly before adding tlie butter, cold. Add flour sufficiently to roll. Pumpkin Pie. —One cup of grated pumpkin, one egg, enough milk for one pie, cinnamon, a little salt, and two tablc spoonsf'ul of sugar. West Point Cake. —One pound of sugar, one pound Hour, one half pound of butter, five eggs, one cup of cream and one tea spoonful of soda. Lucy's Delicate Cake. —The whites of four eggs, one cup of sugar, half enp of butter, two spoonsful of milk, half teaspoon ful of creaiu tartar, one-fourth of a tea spoonful of soda. FLvor with lemon. J'dly Cake. —Four cups of flour three of sugar, one of butter, one ot sour cream, live eggs, one teaspoonful of saleratus. Hake thin and spread a layer of jelly be tween. This is excellent. Jackson's Jumbles. —Thiee cups of su gar, one and a half cups butter, one of sweet milk, five of flour, two eggs, one small tea spoonful saleratus, and a little fruit sprink led over the top. Soda Sponge Cake. —The whites of six eggs, one cup white sugar, one of flour, one teaspoonful cream tartar, one of soda, one of essence of lemon, and a little salt. -1 Very JVice Gingerbread. —Two cups molasses, one of sugar, one of sour milk, one of butter, five of flour, one teaspoonf'ul saleratus, and one tablespoonful of ginger. Lemon Cake. —One pound sugar, three quarters of a pound butter, seven eggs,one pound flour, the juice of one lemon and the rinds of two. Hake in a moderate ov en. Cynthia's Ginger Cookies. —One pint molasses, one cup sugar, one of butter, one half cup of water, one tablespoonful gin ger, and one of saleratus. Cream Cake. —One cup of butter, two and a half of sugar, four of flour, five eggs, one cup cream, and a little saleratus. Sea son with lemon or cinnamon. Leather Gingerbread. —One cup molas ses, seven tablespoonsful water, five of lard, one teaspoonfui saleratus, a little salt, and cinnamon or ginger. father s Cake. —Two cups sugar, one of ■'ur cream, one-half cup butter, four eggs, two cups of raisins, saleratus and spice. -Maxim. —A good cook never sticks a fork into meat while cooking, as it leaves a : plaoe for the juices to escape through. A6BI6D3tHJBAi, New and Valuable Plants to Cultivate. The Tomato. —i)r. Bennett, a professor uf some celebrity, considers the tomato au invaluable article of diet, and a most sov ereign remedy for dyspepsia and indiges tion ; and that it should be constantly used lor daily food either cooked, raw, or in the form of catsup. It is the most healthy ar ticle now in use. We opine the doctor is about right, and that the tomato should be grown in every garden. We find the Fee g et < 'oru. the Constantinople and TCgg s Txcelswr are two of the best vari eties we have grown. They are early, large, 10 and 1--rowed, well filled, sweet and de licious. Of leas, we will mention two varieties out of the many we cultivate, as the best' The JJ'csf India Sugar Pea (edible pods), and the Poor Man's Pea. We will tell why this is called the Poor Man's Pea. Jt is this: they are so rich and nutritious that they require uu butter or other ingredients to seasou them. In height, about two feet; pods hang in clusters, aud can pick a mess in a few minutes. Lettuce. — Ihe Grand Admiral; heads large, very tender. California Curled Parsley. —A biennial of easy culture. Of our common parsley, from the lung time the seed lies in the ground without germinating, it has been said that 'it goes nine times to the devil and back before it comes up.' These jour neys require ordinarily a month or more. We find no such delays of the germinating of the California Mammoth Curled Parsley. This is extra for garnishing; giving a de licious flavor to fresh meats, soups, etc., and should be grown in every garden. Mammoth Mustard. —This is truly a gi gantic plant. It has a large curled leaf; ex tra for greens or salad ; a profuse seeder — much more so than the common, and of better quality. Strawberry Watermelon. —This is our choice variety. Cucumbers. —The Man oj Kent is quite a novelty. We have grown specimens 18 inches in length. The Early Green Rus sian and the Early White Russian arc two very early and desirable varieties. Briyfs Prolific Pickle is the smallest of all cucumbers, and good for pickling. Fcnyreek. —An annual medicinal plant, the seed of which is valuable for the res toration of the hair. Take half a teaspoon ful of the seed, put it in half a gallon of cold water and let it stand 40 hours; then wash the head twice a week, and it gives the desired effect. It is also one of the best ingredients for a condition powder for horses and cattle. Fenyreck is a hardy plant, of easy culture, and should be grown more extensively. Plant in drills tea inch es apart and eight inches asunder. West Italia GliirJein. —About the size ola butternut; stem five to six inches in length. Tick the fruit when young and tender, and reserve the stem, as it is handy to take them from the dish. As a pickle we prefer them to the cucumber. HY/ifer Squashes. —The Hubbard isoue of our choicest and best varieties. Lota/ purple Egg Plant. —This variety is preferred for family use. When two or thiee inches in diameter, cut in thin slices and fried in butter, or used in stews or soups, they are quite a rarity. The white Egg Plant is very ornamental. Chufa (Earth Almond). —This produ ces tubers about the size of an ordinary bean, and resembling in taste a chestnut, but more delicious. Weld, on Dyer's Weed (.Reseda luleola). —This produces a splendid fast-yellow col or, for all kinds of silk, cotton, linen, mo hair and woolen goods. The same yellow color serves for painting also, as the' Dutch pink' is made from it. Wold is a very har dy biennial plant. How in July or August, and harvest in July the next year, when in bloom and beginning to turn a light yellow color, by merely pulling up the whole plant, and put up in small shocks, so as to thoroughly dry. It can be kept a number of years without altering its color ing qualities.— Genesee Farmer. / 10FFEEI—Any one wauling an unusually \_J fine article of Coffee will find it at mhl F. J. HUFFMAN'S. P 1 ARDEN TOOLS for sale bv U mhl F. J. HOFFMAN. YI7IIITE Stoneware by the set, 40 pieces T T in a set, at $4, 54.30 and So, warrant ed good. Also, various other articles, such as Toilet Sets, Tea Sets, Dinner Sets, &e. at aug4 ZERBE'S. TAILORING! ~ J 5 !! unt lersigned having tsy yS made arrangements for-early receipts of the fashions, is ! prepared to do all kinds of | TAILORING WORK, at his j K§j£| PM-ft shop on Valley street, a few i fHll f? la doors west of the Logan gtS House, on as reasonable terms I f|fl 1 y<|i an d as W ®H and promptly as \f\ f 3 1 h can be done elsewhere.— ,'j- lj fl J Give me a call and satisfac will be guaranteed. sepls N. MAHANEY. GREAT EXCITEMENT! iM GOODS! WOODS! JUST RECEIVED AT Kennedy & Junkin's nm 39m THE undersigned have just received a choice X selection of seasonable goods and cheaper than ever. As times are hard and money is scarce, we i will make it an object to sell cheaper than the cheapest , (and no mistake.) We have all kinds I °f goods, such as De Laines, French Merinoes., Fiorina Lustres, Wool Plaids, Broche, Plaid, and Cashmere Shawls, Cloths, Cassimeres, Sat inets, Muslins, and of Calicoes a good assort ment. Also, a prime article of Shaser Flannel warranted not to -shrink by washing. All Wool Flannels, white, red, green and yellow at all pri ces. mm fnn we have a fine lot of Opera, Maraposa, and children's Woolen Caps to suit the season at ve iry low prices. We have also a choice assort- I meat of iFciniUii (Srocmca, such as Coffee, Sugar, Teas and Rice, with Spices of all kinds, as well as BOOTS AND SHOES, READY-WADE CLOTHING, WILLOW WARE, and in fact everything that is generally kept in stores. Please give us a call and examine for your selves, as we are determined not to be under sold by either Jew or Gentile. All kinds of country produce taken in ex j change for Goods and the highest market price | paid for same. Ground Alum Salt at 1.35 cash ; per sack, and full sacks. Also Dairv Salt. decls KENNEDY & JUNKIN. CAADIES A.VD COYFECTIOYERY Of nil kinds sold to retailers and parties, at the lowest wholesale prices, at | a g 4 ZERBE'S. HONEY, by the gallon, for sale by de ls A. FELIX. E.2M07A1. The Fubscriber would respect- PW \ fully inform his friends and the public that he has removed his shoe store from the room next to Davis's to the second room east of Franciscus's Hard ware store, where he is prepared to make to order all kinds of Boots, Shoes, or Gaiters, of the best material and workmanship. Also a large assortment of HOME MADE M ORK on hand. Being desirous to close out his stock of Eastern work, he will sell it for cash at pri ces which will defy competition. Men's boots from SI 75 to 3 25 Women's " 90 cts to 150 Boy's " 87 cts to 2 12 Misses " 50 cts to 1 37 Thankful for past favors, be would respect fully invite his friends and those interested to call and examine for themselves at the sign of the BIG SHOE, East Market street. JOIIX CLAIIKE. Those indebted will please call and settle their accounts before the Bth of April. mh22 J. C. ITEW ICJSIO STCF-E, So. 93 Slarbct Street, Harrisburg. Instruction Books, 711 SICJL .MERCHANDISE GENERALLY. IP H ® ©3 MELOIJEO.VS, U UJT.IRS, VJOLLYS, FLUTES, .ICCORDEOXS, Bfc. jly 14- ly 0. C. B. CARTER. AND ASTHMA CORED. T)r. H. James discovered, while in the East Imiles, a certain cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, ami General Debility, The remedy was discovered by him when bis only child, a daughter, was given up to rtie. His child was cured, and Is now alive and web. Desirous of benefiting bis fellow mortals, he will send to those w ho wish it, the recipe con taining full directions for making mid successfniiy using tliis remedy, tree, on receipt of their names with stamp for return postage. When received, take it to Mrs. Mary Marks, Druggist, Lewis'.own, I'a. There is not a single symptom of consumption that it does not at once 8 take lioldof and dissipate. Night sw eats, peevishness, I Irritation of the nerves, failure of memory, difficult I expectoration, sharp pain in the lungs, sore throat, # chilly sensations, nausea at the stomach. Inaction of/ tile bowels, wasting uway of the muscles. Address S O. I*. BROWN it CO., lid tt ;54 John st. X. York, (mhb^ HOWARD ASSOCIATION. PHILADELPHIA. .4 B> nccolent Institution established bji special Emloicinret for the Relief of the Siek and Distrusted, atHictnl irith Virulent end Epidemic Discuses, and especially for the Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Onjans. MEDICAL Adviee given gr:iti.*<, t>y tin-Acting Sur geon. to all who apply by letter, with a 'lescription of their condition, (age, occupation. habits of life, Ac..) and in cases of extreme poverty, .Medicines furnished free of charge. VtUunhh Reports on Spermatorrhea, and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the JVeic Remedies employed in the Dispensary, sent to the afflicted in sealed fetter envelopes, free of charge. Two or three stamps for postage will he acceptable. Address l>r. J.SKILLJN HOI'GHTuN. Acting Sur geon. Howard Association, No. 2 South Mi nth street. Philadelphia, Pa. Bv order of the Directors. KZHA'D. HEART WELL, President. GEO. F.vxr.eniLD, Secretary. feki-ly Fruit Trees! sale by the subscribers, an assortment . of the choicest kinds of Fruit Trees, at the following reduced prices: APPLE TREES at 22 cts. PEACH " is cts. PEAR " 50 cts. CHERRY " 50 cts. PLUM " 50 cts. Great reduction made to those purchasing by the quantity. Farmors and others wishing to plant Orchards would do well to give us a call. Those wishing anything in our line that we have not now on hand can have it by ad dressing us in season. WARNER & BUTTS. Lewistown, February 23, 1300. rilllE subscriber would respectfully inform I the public that he has on hand a large and choice stock of all kinds of lumber. It comprises 2, 11, Ij, 1, ij, and inch WHITE PINE BOARDS. JOISTS, SCANTLING, Lap and Joint SHINGLES, Shingling and Plastering LATH, GARDEN BALING, DOORS, WINDOW SASII, SHE TIERS, BLINDS, and WORKED FLOORING. The undersigned being a house Carpenter, he is prepared to fill orders for Doors, Sash, kc. f to the best advantage and on the short est notice. His Lumber Yard is on Third Street, west of the Academy, where he will be pleased to see all who may favor him with a call. mh22 WM. B. HOFFMAN. Notice to Tax Collectors. f IMIE Collectors of State and County Taxes JL for 1857 and 1858 are hereby notified to pay over the balances due on their respective duplicates forthwith, or I shall feel impelled to issue warrants against them, the condition of the treasury rendering such a course abso luteljr necessary. The Collectors for 1859 are also notified to prepare themselve to settle their duplicates by April Court. WM. C. VINES, Treasurer. Lewistown, March 1, 1860. LADIES, IT will be to your advantage to buy your Shoes at the CENTRAL SHOE STORE. A fine assortment of gaiter heels, kid heels, the best in town ; Goat heels, buskins, slipper heels, for Misses' and Children, a fine variety, all of which will be sold at the lowest possi ble prices for CASH. Call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. T. COX, Proprietor. SEED POTATOES! —I have for sale, at low prices, three new varieties of extra early Potatoes, abundant bearers and finest quality. Also, two varieties of late Potatoes, good bearers and good quality. All who want a good article for seed should supply themselves in time. [mhl] F. J. HOFFMAN. Wanted! Wanted! 1 A A/ t A PERSONS of both sexes to lU*v'l/V/ make money by buying cheap Groceries, Baskets, Tubs, Buckets, Churns, Water Cans, Brooms, Brushes, &c. &c. at aug4 ZERBE'S. THE BILTIHORE AHEKIt A!f, Published dailv, tri weekly and weekly, by Dobiin &. Fulton, 128 Baltimore street, Baltimore, Md. Daily 56 per annum, 51 for 8 months, 53 for 0 months, 52 for 4 months. Tri-weekly 51 per annum, 53 for nine months, 52 for six months, and 51 for three months. The Weekly iwericun is published at 5] 50 per annum, eight months #l, four copies 55, eight copies 10, fourteen for 15, 25 for 20—all payable in advance. The Dally Telegraph, Published at Harrisburg, Pa., by Geo. Bergner &Co., publishes the List of Letters by authority, a sure evidence of it having the largest circulation. Terms—s3 per year; the weekly and semi-weekly is also published at 52 per year. a pHELPS BriQV;. (©FOR THE PERMANENT) (7 , 7j This is offered as affording a means of speedy cure for the large number that die annually iu our land of that fell scourge. Consumption, to which, unfortu nately, so many predisposing causes exist. YTouth uud age are alike subject to its ravages. cau name one or more of his ne'I CCGRAND ST. .§ ii.Tat irr if rvi— \ - For sale by J. M. COGLEY, Book, News, and Periodical Depot, sole Agent in Lewis town, Pa. mlils 3m. To Housekeepers. SOMETHING NEW!—B. T. HAB BITT'ss BEST MEDICINAL SALERATUS 08 Is manufactured from common salt, and is 68 {prepared entirely different from other Snlera-J * sd |Um. All the deleterious matter Is extracted in !^ D /{_) such a manner as to produce Bread, Biscuit,!/0 ia ml all kinds of Cake, without containing a/.t, WO particle of Saleratus when the Bread or Cake OO AST) |is baked; thereby producing wholes'mie results J AND Every particle of saleratus is turned to gas and ipasses through the bread or biscuit while ba -68 king; consequently nothing remains but com 68 AN[) jmon salt, water and flour. You will readily ! A rw/'k perceive by the taste of this saleratus that it is . '"jentirely different from other saleratus. | /'O It is packed in one pound papers, each wrap-.VMS jper branded, "B. T. Babbitt's Best Medicinal: As ® j Saleratus," also, picture, twisted loaf of bread, * ND / 0 with a glass of effervescing water on the top i / () yo: When you purchase one paper you should pre ,o viOjsKrve the wrapper, and be particular to get thejOci AND! next exactly like the first—brand as above. 'AND Ftiil directions for making Bread with this! [Saleratus and Sour Milk or Cream Tartar, Willi (j8 accompany each package; also, directions for 68 . [making all kinds of Pastry; also, for making: and; ' . ' - AND P*,. , Soda Water and aeidhtz Powders. : V' KLA.KE YOUR OWN SO A? ™ 68 with 68 and! B. T. Babbitt's Pure !ad 70 Concentrated Potash 3 70 08 Warranted double tlie strength of ordinary j Potash ; put up in cans—l lb , 2 lbs., 3 lbs., 61 £J ,I> lbs. and 12 lbs.—with full directions for making! ANa 70 Hard and Soft Soap. Consumers will find li.isj7o the cheapest Potash in market. { 08 Manufactured and for sale by 08 AND B T BABBITT, and a! 6 s &70 Washington st , New York, ... '"i je'J and No. 3S ludia st., Boston. THE EXTENSIVE STOCK OF & ssiwjisb WATCHES, CUIUS, BRACELETS, RINGS, BREASTPINS, AND OTHER JEWELRY; PAIT3Y ARTICLES, CLOCK.S, and a beautiful assortment of BOOKS AND STATIONERY are now selling at greatly reduced prices at Junkin's old stand, corner of Brown and Market streets, opposite Russell's Banking House. " S^,Those who desire to buy at prices cor responding with the times, will please call. •©"'All kinds of repairing promptly atten ded to. 11. W. JUNKIN, Agent. Lewistown, April 8, 1858. Great Excitement in Virginia! ASD ALSO AT THE PEOPLE'S SHOE STORE, 111 Lewistown. s& <&> EEASOL-fflSsr & CPAKE pleasure in announcing that they have J[ just opened, in West Market stieet, nearly opposite Maj. Eisenbisc's Hotel, a HOOT AND SHOE STORE, and will constantly keep on hand a lull assortment of Boots and Shoes ol all kinds and sizes. They have just received from the eastern cities a very extensive assort ment of Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, for ladies', gentlemen's and children's wear, all ot neat finish and excellent manufacture, which they will sell, for CASH ONLY, At Least 25 Per tent. Cheaper than the same can be purchased elsew here, as will be seen by referring to the following Price List: Men's Eine Calf Boots, $3 95 to 3 50 " Kip Boots, 220t0 300 Boys' Boots, 1 25 to 2 00 Youths' Boots, I 00 to 1 05 Men's Brogans, 1 00 to I 40 Boys' " 1 00 to 1 10 Youths' " 62 to 75 Ladies' Ivip and Calf Boots, 00 to 1 o0 Misses' Morocco & Goat Boots, heels, 05 to 1 25 Children's Shoes, 25 to 65 Ladies' Congress Gaiters with heels, 1 50 to 1 60 " " " without " 125 to 130 English Lasting Gaiters with heels, 1 30 " " " without " 125t0 130 " Morocco Boots with heels, 150 to 160 " " " without heels, 1 10 to 125 " Goat Boots with heels, 150 to 155 " " " without heels, 110 to 125 Misses' Calf Boots with heels, r5 to 95 " " " without heels, 75 to 85 Having bought our goods for cash, they were put at the lowest figure, and hy doing an EX CLUSIVELY CASH BUSINESS, customers are not made to pay for bad debts—hence our low prices. TRUNKS, VALISES, &e., always on hand and for sale cheap. We respectfully solicit a liberal share of pub lic patronage. ilecß The Theatre of Business, Under the Odd Fellows' Hall, Fast Market St., LEWISTOWN, FA. N. Kennedy's Store of Wonders, \"l TI.TI entirely New Scenery of Goods, f'V which he offers cheaper for Cash or Country Produce than any house in the town. He invites both great and small t > give him a call, and get the full value for their money. The following is a list of the kind and quan tity of goods, viz: Dry Goods, very cheap [ c hy prices A large stock of Boots and Shoes, sailing at do do Hardware at city prices do do Queens ware do do do Cedar and Willow-ware do do Brooms and Bed Uords do do Hosiery and Gloves do do Notions of all kinds Carpet Chain and Carpet at city prices Segars, Tobacco, Spices, Teas, Soaps Cheese, Crackers, Cotton Laps Fluid, Alcohol, Sperm Oil, Fish Oil Cologne and Ilair Oils Groceries, Prime Coffees at 12a14c Sugars, white and brown, at 7, 9, 10, 12a 14e Syrups and Molasses, best quality, 12 to 18e Salt, Herring and Mackerel such as Whiskey, Brandy, Gin and Wine, of the best quality, by the barrel, gallon or quart. The above is but a synopsis of the kind and quantity we keep. Give us a call. We charge nothing for showing goods. Don't forget the Odd Fellows' Ilall. N. KENNEDY, Proprietor. janlO J AS. FIIIO\ ED, Salesman. THE STEAM MILL AGAIN IN MOTION! Farmers and Mechanics, Look to Your Interests ! Having added to the Flour and Grain Business a targe stock of ©IB® (SlimniisSa we other to the public, WHOLESALE OR id £ TAIL, a general assortment at prices as low, perhaps lower, than the same articles can be purchased in the county. Our stock consists of FISH, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, RICE, SYRUPS, CEDAR-WAItE, SPICES, and all other articles in that line. Cash, but all kinds of Grain and Produce generally taken in exchange for goods. Country Grocers will do well by examining our stock before purchasing elsewhere. All kinds of COAL, SALT AND PLASTER, always on hand. MARKS & WILLIS. Lewislown, April 21, 1859. !) A YiJ 3 J] T A Splendid Large Extended Oven Gas Burning Cooking Stove. FOR COAL OR WOOD. IT has long been a favored object with stove to construct a flat top down draft Cooking Stove that would combine all the ad vantages of excellent draft, large oven and good baking properties, with the use of a moderate amount of tuel. These desirable qualities have all been combined in the Hat top Gas Burning Cooking Stove, the DAYLIGHT. This beau tiful stove, the result of many years' experi ence, and combining all the improvemeuts of the age, is one of the most perfect made. It operates in the most perfect mariner, and in sit uations where other llat top stoves would fail to operate. The Daylight, during the past year, has given the most entire satisfaction, and is surpassed by no stove of the same class. It is new in design, beautiful in appearance, unsur passed in its operations, and a great saver of luei. I hey are warranted to give entire satis faction. Call and examine the Daylight, at the 1 in and Stove Establishment of no *24 J. IRWIN WALLIS. Great Reduction in Sugars! 8 0, and 10 cents for Brown, and White .Sugars at 11 cents, at ZERBE'S. Cheaper than the Cheapest! | ARE.—Tumblers at 75 cents and \A SI per dozen: Goblets, Pitchers, Fruit Stands, Covered Dishes, Ac. very cheap at ZERBE'S. O HOE I INDINGS.— A full assortment of ►J7 shoe findings on hand, some articles much reduced in price. F. J. HOFFM -VN What Everybody anrjls. EVERYBODY'S LAWYER And Counsellor in Business, BY FRANK CROSBY, OF THE PHILADELPHIA BAR. Ir TELLS YOU how to draw up Partnership Pa pers and gives general forms for Agreements of all kinds, Bills of Sale, Leases & Petitions. IT TELLS YOU how to draw up Bonds and Mort gages, Affidavits, Powers ot Attorney, Notes and Bills of Exchange, Receipts & R'cleases. IT TELIS Yolr the Laws for the Collections of Debts, \v-ith the Statutes of Limitation, and amount and kind of property Exempt from Execution in every Stale. IT TELLS YOU how to make an Assignment prop erly, with forms for Composition with Credi tors, and the Insolvent Laws of every Stale. IT TELLS YOU the legal relations existing be tween Guardian and Ward. Mastci and Ap i prentire, and Landlord and Tenant. IT TELLS YOU what constitutes Libel and Slan der, and the Law a- to Marriage Dower, the Wife's Right in Property, Divorce & Alimonv. IT TELLS YOU the Law for Mechanics' Liens in every State, and the Naturalization Laws of this country, and how to comply with them. IT TELLS YOU the law concerning Pensions and how to obtain one, and the Pre-emption Laws to Public Lands. IT TELLS YOU the Dw for Patents, with mode 1 of procedure in obtaining one, with Interfer ences, Assignments and Table of Fees. IT TELLS YOU bow to make your WiB r and hotf to Administer on an Estate, with the hw and the requirements thereof in every State. ITTKLI.S YOU the meaning of Law Teims in genera.' use, and explains the Legislative, Ex ecutive .ind Judicial Powers of both the Gen eral and folate Governments. IT TELLS Yoir how to keep out of law, by show - ing how to do your business legally, thus sa ving a vast amount of property, and vexatious ! litigation, by its timely consultation. Single copies will be sent by mail, postage paid, to every Farmer, every Mechanic, every ; Man of Business, and every body in every State, on receipt of §l, or law style of binding $1.25. SIOOO A YEAR can be made by enterprising j men everywhere in selling the above work, as ' our inducements to alt such are very liberal, j For single copies of the book, or for Verms to agents, with other information, apply to or ad dress JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher, nov24 6m 617 Sansom st., Philadelphia. MOFFAT'S LIFE PILLS AND PHtENIX BITTERS. jjUHE reputation of these very celebrated veg- U eiable remedies is now unequalled by any others in this country or in Europe. Thev are fully established as the most universal family medicine now in use, and they will maintain their pre-eminent renown by the intrinsic and comprehensive virtues which acquired it. The usual modes ol puffery would be unworthy of I them and is unnecessary. Thousands and lens i of thousands of persons now living in perfectly restored health can testify, as thousands have testified, to their prompt and decided eilicacy not only in all ordinary derangements of health, frotn Impaired Digestive Functions,Costiveness, Bilious and Liver Complaints, Rheumatic and Intlaminatory Colds, Coughs, Nervous Weak ness, Loss ol" Appetite, Failure of Flesh, Head ache and Impure Stale of the Blood and other tin ids, hut also in Rheumatism, Fever and Ague, : other Intermittent Fevers, Asthma, Bronchitis, i Cholic, Pleurisy, Palpitation of the Heart, Rush ■ ol Blood to the Head, Settled Pains in the Joints, Limbs and Organs, Affections of the Bladder and Kidneys, Jaundice, Dropsy, Piles (however inveterate), Habitual Costiveness, Serous and Bilious Looseness, Obstinate Headache and Giddiness, and an immense number of other maladies, They require no dieting nor confine ment, are perfectly mild and pleasant in their operation, but w ill powerfully restore health— the greatest of earthly blessings—to the most ! exhausted and dilapidated constitutions. | Prepared and sold by 1)R \VM B. MOFFAT, oetC-lv* 335 Broadway, N. V*. Acal, Cheap A- DnraMr. W. G. ZOLLINGER, Market Street, next door to Kennedy's Store, K Is always prepared to sup ply the public with all the *|g / di lie re tit styles of Hats oflNfc&j - the best qualities and at prices us to defy tion. lie has now on hand a large assortment of Fall and winter llats and Caps, of all the latest styles, which he will sell at the lowest cash prices. He invites every body to call and examine for themselves, as he is satisfied that his stock cannot fail to please. For the Ornish he has constantly on hand, or will make to order, hats to their taste of anv required size or brim, at prices that cannotfail to be satisfactory. Country Merchants w ill find it to their ad vantage to give me a call, as a liberaldeduction will be made on wholesale purchases, and es" pecially so to punctual men. Don't forget the place, next door to Kenne dy's store and nearly opposite the Odd Fellows' Hall 0c122 Oh! That's the Place! The Sign of the inn com POT! TF you want a tasty COAL BUCKET, I If you want a good TIN BUCKET, It you want a strong DISH PAN, II you want the best LARD LAMP now in use, If you want a hundred other tin articles, If you want a Stove or two for less than cost, It you want any sized stove pipe or drum, It ye Merchants want anything >in our line, send in your orders and we will fill them out prompt ly and warrant all we send you to 'hold in and out, and consequently there will be no trouble with leaky ware. Now all ye people, let not Vvant be your master, but come or send, and be careful for nothing except that you bring with you a few of the shiners, and J. IRVIN VVALLIS will wait on you with pleasure. novlO DENTAL CARD. tJ22Sg]®*i The subscriber respectfully in- the citizens of Miffiin and counties, that he is pre pared to do all kinds of work in the line of his profession. Whole sets, partial sets, or single teeth prepared and inserted in an elegant and workmanlike manner. Professional attendance at the residence of any who may desire it, either in town or country. Charges moderate, to suit the times. Office at the rooms formerly occu pied by Dr. Brown, on Main street, nearly op posite the Gazette Office. „ „ _ SAMUEL g. MCLAUGHLIN. N. B.—The extraction of teeth on the most approved principles. REFERENCES— Drs. T. A. Worrall, T. Van Va zah, Robert Martin, S. S. Cumraings, and J. I. Marks. ap l4 Philadelphia Dally \ews, Published by J. R. Flanigsn, 13ci South Third Street, 41 four dollars per Th e Delluf [fttii.. • -.u. annum, copies for Is?'*'' b> P ub Us Pr for 15, as e nr "?