2 H sft'V A 2 E T T 2 . Pennsylvania Kailroad. 1.-ftias leave Levnstown Station aa follows: WESTWARD. SASTWASD. -h i xpress, 6 30 a. m. 1 lo a. m. ■' ' 0 10 p.m. 10 6b a. m. rl'lr'.. 4 11p.m. 2 30 p.m. ■ Freight, 100 a.m. 343 p. in. ; J Freight. • to a- m. 346 p. m. t'tDri-- Freight. lIJ & a - m - 12 46 P- m -7,i freight, 11 33 p.ui. 1135 p.m. D. E. ROBESON, Agent. FROM EUROPE. ■[he most important intelligence from the , • ntinont is the announcement that King Vic ■ r Emanuel has formally accepted the profi led sovereignty of Modena, Farma, and the llomagna. [he Great Eastern, we are now told, we mat look for in Juno, as she will sail for New York the last of May or early in Juue. The IJreut Eastern and the Prince of Wales are to be the British Lions in America for the hummer months. The Directors of the Great ~,tera have subscribed $500,000 to put the iteamer afloat. News has been received of the death of the Bhah of Persia. The annexation of Savoy to France has been definitely settled by France and Sard in i.i, and the treaty signed. The proposition in favor of the vote by bal lot has been rejected by large majorities in heth Houses of Parliament. The Reform bill was under debate in Par liament, but attracted little interest. A squadron of four vessels, beaded by the Screw Steamer Hero, is to convey the Prince ~f Wales on his virit to Canada. The Lon d ii Titms strongly recommends that he makes r, tour of the Tinted States, and feels sure that a visit to the President will be appreciated. Mrs. Jameson, the authoress, is dead. Florence N igi.Ungale is seriously ill. Prayers fur her recovery have been offered in the gar lisoii chapels. The Council of N ice has voted against the annexation to France, and sent a deputation to Turin on the subject. Signer Farina has formally presented tu the King of Sardinia the votes of the -Unit irn Provinces in favor of annexation, it is reported that Peidniont wants a loan f one hundred and fifty millions of francs. Austria declines to renew diplomatic inter course with Sardinia, owing to the flagrant violations of the treaty of Zurich. A telegraphic despatch from Bombay reports important tariff alterations, including K> ner teat, increase on twist and yarns. Lite commercial treaty between France and England is in full operation. A terriidc slaughter had taken place in In dia. One thousand persons were murdered. A despatch from Modena, dated Friday, gives the result of the voting in the .Thnilian j r wince, as follows: 1..ml number inscribed on the lists 526,258 The number who voted 427,512 I'.ir annexation 420,000 F -r separate kingdom 756 Fau ceded 750 A great manifestation in favor of the Pope tuuk place at the Vatican on Friday. If we may believe a statement published in the Fa ii< Constitutional, the Pope lias addressed to King Victor Emmanuel a 'm-mit-jry,' warning inn that lie h'.s broken the laws of the : lii.fcii, and is formally excommunicated, 'ii .ugh the I* >po will not, at least until after fur'ii-ir e nsideraiion, resort to severer niuas uneg. A reiii.iriiabie proof of the uneasiness which tbe Ft ncli designs on .Savoy have aroused in iieruiinj. is aff rd;d by the fact that it has lit< F :M deemed d> -liable to give an official con- Iraiictioii to a report that a French Envoy at M'inicil had began to speak of the cession of the Bavarian pnhtinr.te to France. It is I -ported at Dresden that not only the i'rus-ian Government, but the Saxon also, '■■■ i 'a: tiatir.g with tlieir allies, the Zulver- ' IMS on the subject of concluding a treaty v . ii 1 iaiijj similar to that just coucluded e.t'n England. Death o: James K- Paulding' •lames Kiike Pauldiug, the well known American an li r, died ;;t ii"i- country seat iifar U vle Park, en the Hudson, on Wednes day April 4th, lct.Q, in tite Mst jear of his ■y. Mr. P.tulding was a veiy prolific wii t-r. 1 .*.!• *, e*says, r-.cn)*. (satirical and pa tactic,} hi. r; - -titles and noele, and many anunyr fugi'iv,; pieces, proceeded from his pen. 1 hough no active politician, he held iucce-sively several prominent public offices. In I*l4 lie was appointed Secretary to the t.f Nary t'onimissioners, then first es "thshed. After holding this position for a av years, he resigned to take the office of Navy Agent for the port of New York, which ■l6 held ii.r twelve years, under different ad ''oiiistrationj, and finally resigned on being plai d at the head of the Navy Department v i resident \an Buren. All these offices ver ; Lot owed without any solicitation on his tti't, or that ol hi* friends. According to his usuai custom. Mr. Paulding resigned a short tmie beforo the inaugurate n of President rnson, and retired to his country seat on banks of the Hudson, where he passed the remainder ol his life in the caltn pursuits of Vucolture, still preserving in all their fresh | (SS the rural and iitcrarv tastes acquired in ■ his youth. filicide. —A young and beautiful woman, Syose name was Anna Maguire, while living wit i a notorious fellow, in fit. Louis, connnit * suicide on the 29th ult., by taking arson r, i> UD f° r tuuate creature, says * I 'publiean, lias been an eventful one. h 0 j received a good education, and was laughter of respectable parents in lili- age of seventeen, six years ago, | e Was se,?n in Cincinnati, where she was n J. in as Josephine Frank. A short time "wards she came to St. Louis, where she 6s called Mrs. Wilson, and afterwards sev \\ j • Dame "- She was at one time en od?f ma theatre. Last year she was niar dfa ! , L a S u ' re > and Maguire having Lr , e her months ago, she formed an ri , C me . r ' t % Lundy. She was mar k • 1 • luguire under the name cf Anna S. jjf B , e has attempted to destroy her W IT n '. ne different occasions—stabbing u! , ee ferera ' times, and taking ar- a ;, chlo J ruform and morphine. She was al duo. ''l t0 °Pt uni eating, and under its in - ce became very much excited. jJlif* C, "' rch '* Simultaneously Struck by c "/"'i^.—ln a debate which recently oo ief r' n ' e ouse Commons on the sub li„i,/- protecting public buildings against ' in K Mr. Freeland, a member, read the 'f> ance 0 f a despatch from tho Knglish S un i ee r at T P russelp . stating that on the third m . February a violent thunder storm of a ' aD ied by an unprecedented heavy fall twoh! W 'i had , OVCrB P rea J Belgium ; and that lv p . . urc " es were simultaneously struck a, "Rbtning. The accident was quoted for lie rr** ur S' n £ u P on the Board of Pub j: 0 , ?.j. s the necessity of protecting the pub 'eddmgs with lightning conductors. Huntingdon Chanty. n rtl Globe v-^,our friend Mr. 1 en. \\ hittaker. a son of Capt. John Whitta ker. of tins place, started for California on 1 uosdsiy night - f J ; ,s t week. A slight fire occurred at the Pennsylvania Kan road Depot on Wednesday !a.-t. The 1 Aiues were checked before any damage was done. A lad, son of Henry Ilonstoin, was kicked in the month by a mule on Wednesday last, which rendered him senseless for a time, and knocked all his front teeth out. We learn he is recovering. Gabriel J sen berg, of Porter township, con lined in the County Asylum at Shirleysburg, in a state of imbecility of mind, in attempt ing to escape through a window of his room on \\ cdnesdiiy a week last, fell to the ground, a distance of twenty-two feet, and was instant ly killed. A log dwelling in Petersburg, occupied by Mrs. Do Armit, together with most of its con tents, was destroyed by tire on Thursday last. I he house adjoining, occupied by Abraham Cress well, was also on tire, but escaped with slight damage. The store of Konigmacher & Bauman at Mapleton was robbed on the Ist instant of SIOO ln o's oii the Farmer's Bank of Luneas tei, and about SIOO in silver, two checks ou leuna. K. R. Co., one for $2.25, payable to beui. Moore, and one for $12.33, 4 new silver watches, a new suit of clothes, a blue pilot cloth overcoat, a French, black, low-crowned hat, a pair oi new walking shoes, and other aitic.es ot clothing were taken, 'the I nion says the robbery was committed hv a man named John L. Hippie. Married, James Ilunter to Miss Mary June Anderson, both < \ Greenwood Furnace. Jas. Oattcnkirk to Miss L. A. Allison. James < oiitter ot Gil township. Hunt, co., to Mrs. Mary Lauter, of Lake township, Juniata co. Augu.-tas Kberman to Jennie Seohrist. Died, at Spruce Creek, Mary Honsor, aged 25 years, 7 months and 15 days. In Walker township, John Anderson, aged 8 years and 'J months. Near Shirleysburg, on the 30th ult., John Bcatty, at an advanced ive. Juniata County. ihe Sentinel says, we understand that a sufeiuaker'sshop occupied by a Mr. Kainrtnan residing two miles north of Riehfieid in Juni ata county, v.as entirely destroyed, together with all its contents, by lire ot.e night last week. Besides the usual "appurtenances' generally to shops of this kind, tin re was quite a quantity of meat in the 'loft,' ii"! this iuet fairly induces the belii'f which we understand is very genera!, that the lire is the work of an incendiary, lie stole the iiicitt, &ui tlu'n set liie to too shop, ii! order to create the impression that it had burned j with the shop. As the numbers f the MeAiisferville llrass Band were returning home l'i tn Iliehfi Id < n Tuesday evening of last week, the horses at i tached to the wagon became frightened about J miles v.e.-t of ItichSeld and r%n oif. Mr. K. A. Margritz. and .Mr. L'avid .V.raver re eeivt- i injuries, the former very soveiely, and the latter slightly. I he Register has the following notice of the Mifflin ounty Bank: 1 he l.'gß) tiure pa-red the bill for the in corporation of a wild cat bunk at Lewistown over the Governor's veto. It is a very mod est allair, and we shall dissect the Charter, ao i show up its weak points tothecitizens of this i unly and elsewhere, uc soon as the thing g : ts in full blast.' [As Dr. Crawford, the Senator from Mif flintown, voted for this bank bill in ali its sta ges, we suppose the it 'gister will not object to holding him up too?) Married. Henry D. Long to Mary Ann M uiberk. both of Walker township. Died. <-it the 30th ult., Elizabeth Ann Roll in in, infant, aged id days. 30 th March, Margaret Klizabeth Ree.-o, aged o years and 1 month. Frightful. —The Atlantic (Ga) Locomotive, March 30, relates the following under the caption of "'devilish deed of a negro woman." \Y e learned through a gentleman from Penliehi, n for the rash and inhu man act, that she wished to die, and did not wish any of her children to survive her." Wonderful, Hut True. A few J:<\since, Mr. It. Beadle, <>i' Huutsville, Mahanm. called on is and gave us permission to puis list, f.-.r the l.cncfit <>f -uttering humanity. tlie astonish ing cure which had heen ettccicd in the ease of his wife by tin- us.- <•( I>r. fiance's Vcgctubl" Epileptic Pills. He informed us. that at the time iiis wife com menced using the medicine, her system was so entire ly prostrated, l.y the number of spasms site had un dergone, as to reduce her weight to PH) pounds. Since she has heen taking the pill-, she lias entirely got over the spasms and has gained in weight and bodilv health. She now weighs at least 200 pounds, and declares she is in l etter enjoyment of health than ever before in her life. Mr. Beudio also related the easy of Mr. Har rison I.ightfoot of the same town, who has been en tirely cured of the worst form of Epilepsy bv these same pills. Mr. Lightfoot's ease was so bad that he never passed a week without having an attack, often falling down in the street. II" has not had an attack for more than a year. Mr. He tulle thinks that if the pills ev.-r fail in curing a ease, it is for the want of a propi r perseverance on the part of the person in ta king them, as he feels ussim-d from observation in the ease of his wife, that if they are taken for a sufficient length of time, they will eure any case. Sent to any part of the country by mail, on the receipt of a remit tance. Addres- StTii H Hixcr, lus Baltimore -treet, Baltimore, Md. Price, one box, $3: two,ss; twelve,? - .'!. ! Xe Family should be without Them. We speak of MeLunt 's Liver Pills, prepared by Fleming Bros.. Pittsburgh. Pa., which have become an indospensable Family Medicine. The frightful symp toms which arise from adiseased Liver manifest them selves, more or less, in every family; dyspepsia, sick headache, obstruction of tin menses, ague and fever, pains in the side, with dry, hacking cough, are all the results of hepatic derangement—and "for these Dr. Mo Lane's Pills are a sovereign remedy. Thev have never been known to fail, ana they should be kept at all times by families. DBUSCTIOXS.— Take two or three going to bed. every second or third night. If they do not purge two or three times by next morning."take one or two more. A ifigKt breakfast should invariably follow their use. Tbo Liver Pills may also be used where purging is simply necessary. As an anti-bilious purgative, they tiro inferior to hone. And in doses of two or three, they give astonishing relief to sick headache; also in slight derangement of the stomach. ft\*L-Purchasers will be careful to ask for Dr. Mt- Lane* CrJfbrntrti I. •■cr /v" : . manufactured by FLEMISH BBOS., Pittsburgh. Pa. There arc other P.lis purport ing to be Liver Pills, now before the public. Dr. Mc- Laue's genuine Liver Pills, also his celebrated Vermi ftige, can now he had at all respectable drug stores. None genuine without the signature of FLEMING BROS. For sole by Charles Kitz, F. J. Hoffman, and Mary Marks, Lewistown, and by dealers generally through out the county. I EVERYBODY says the CENTRAL SHOE JL STORE has the largest and best assort ment of Roots ami Shoes in town. Call and try them. T. COX, Proprietor. THE MARKETS. LEWISTOWV. Aori! 12 1860 Butter, good, lb. 15 al6 JF,T- IO Lilloir 10 n II Eggs, P* dozen, JQ Wheat, white pi bushel, 120 to 125 red 1 15 to 1 £0 Corn, ,;<> %e, 70 Oats, gQ ® arle y- , 50 to 60 C overseed, 3 50 to 4 Co flaxseed, ] .v- Timothy, j 7Q Pried Cherries, per bushel 75 Apples, pared ' ' 1 50 " unpared 100 Beans, 90 to 1 00 Peaches, pared 2 50 " unpared 1 50 Potatoes, 30 The above prices are also paid by Bly mycr Sc Stanbarger. 65a?' barley and liye will be purchased at Fisher's Brewery at the stone bridge, in any quantity, at full market prices. < brreeted by MARKS JT Willis ar SU-.un Mill. RETAIL PRICES. The Mills are retailing Family Flour at 86 :v 6 50 ; superfine 5 75. Famliy Flour, by the hundred, 3 25 a 3 37; superfine 3 a 3 12. Corn Meal 1 50 per hundred. Bacon—Sides cash 9, trade 10; Shoulders cash 8, trade 9; llain cash 10, trade 11. Candles 16, Sugar is retailed at 8, 9, 11, 12, and f-i, ac cording to quality. Syrup Molasses 12, 10, 13 cts. per quart. Onions 50 per bushel. Salt 1 50, Mill Fead $1 per hundred. Chopped Oats and Corn 1 35. Potatoes cash 35, trade 40. llay—Timothy S per ton. Beeswax 28 cts. per pound. Soap, country 8 cts. Feathers 40. IV ool—Full Blooded 40 a 45. Tub Washed 30 a 33 ; Pulled 25 a 30. Philadelphia STarkef, . Cattle Market, April 9.—The receipts of I Beef Cattle wore small this week, oni v reach iug about 1,750 head. Prices remain about sim as ! quoted, Let the market is doll. 5.500 Shc-i p arrived and sold at Phillips' during the week, at from 5c to C- c per lli. - 200 Cows arrived at sold at Wei ntz's at ! fn i.i S2O to 45 per head, as in quality. 50 1 also .- old at Phillips', at the samu j t tce. ISOO head of Ilogs arrived—still fed sell ing at from 7,50 to 8,30, and corn fed at fri in 8 to 9 per 100 lbs net. according to quality. l'luur—Superfine 85,75, extras 0a0.50, and extra family and fancy brands 6,75a7 ; rye flour 4,25 ; corn meal 3 GO. Good red wheat is wicth 145a140c, and white 165a 170 c, inferior 10 less ; corn 75G;, oats 44.jc, Cloverseed 4a4,50 per bushel. -*JSK*K Lyon's Pure Ohio CATAWBA Bit AND i'. 'PII H want of realty pure Brandy lias I. '.RUM B I-ii felt in tin- nuntrv, tutd the opportui i ty tc procure tin article <•!' sm-h quality Bo 3 SUP'-R --.-ede tin* -all- aad Use I>F t'U- many \IU <'iinpi.ilil.!s .-O 1 ufton sold under the name of liiiuuly. can be regard- | ed only as a gn-rit public good. Tie Catawba Brandy ! JIOSSOSSI-s all tin- clioict" qmihtic.-- of the best imported liquor, and i- positively Known to bo ol' perfect pari- ' t> and of superior flavor. As ab. vi-rvce the pure ar- . lick* i*- a remedy for iiyspepsia, Flatiueiiey . t'ramp. 1 '"tie. Languor, l. Spirit . in it! liciiility. ii-.. . \ ! '}.\ ,-c inns who have u- . I it iu tic-.r pra -ti<-3 ami who , ii.tve been prtietieiiig tvventy-.-i\ yea".- -per.k of it in 1 tie ni-.st flattering terms, n- will I. - seen by reference ! to imim roil- letters and et-nin ales. Sole A NEAT for its sale in .MitTlin count v. • ilAlik'BS KITZ. sepls-iotoin Lewistovvn. J'a. * Si Our Musical Friend" /41 It Ml SICAL F ill MX i >, ;i rare cou;- V_* p inion for the winter months. Km)/ l'iaiiist. j Stent!.t proetire tlii* weekly j.uhiiea- K) ( i n .Voe/rr, j lion-.1 \'i-al ami i'i.-mo-Forte Mu- Aycri/ Tairlu r, ,- sie, eosttng but in Cents a number. ■ Evuy I'lijii/, ' and pronoun.- -,! )•■,- the entire press j Kcery Amntiur, I of tlie country to be Kin and f ri; of the Kiu I in tin World." j Twelve fu!l-.-izod |U-.S of Voea! and Piano- L-'orte Mu sic ("or HI T FNTS. V • arly. fa; Half-"- -arly. Quarterly. S'.Ki. j Subserilie to "Our Musical Friend." or order it from j tlie neiqest iievvs-tiealer. and YOU will liave music ! eiiotittli t-'I your entire family, AN-t at an insigiutieant eosi: AND it you want Music for the I- lute. Violin, Cor net. < lanonet. Aeeordeon, c-O subscribe to the • .SOLO MELODIST,'' Containing twelve pages, costing only b> centsr.nuni- i her: Yearly, *2.30: Half-yearly. V 1.26. Ail tits HACK numbers a: 10 cVuts.'aud bound Vol- j uiucs ot kir ALll.siei.l Friend," eontaiuiuo 1" numbers. . AT 82.30 eaeli. constantlv on hand. C. B". SEYMOUR A CO., febll>-2m 107 Nassau ST, New York. S5-3 -~ \ ' r s s/t r- 0 j I w t SACKS Ground Alum Salt, at $1.45 ; J.F'w per sack, at 11. ZEHBE'S Clieup Grocery. aug4 J ....... . h .... riLiE DETERSIVE SOAP is for sale at Zer- X be's Cheap Grocery Store. Try it—it is the i best article ever introduced ap2l Hanover Gioves. 4 NEW supply of Wolf's Hanover Gloves | j\_ iust received and for sale by It. F. ELLIS, oct6 Sole Agent for Mifflin County. ©BO. 7/-. ELDEB,, Attorney at Lav/, Office Market Square, Lev-istcwn, will at tend to business in Mllllin,Centre and Hunting don counties. MY 26 JNO. R. WEEKES, Justice of the Peace, JsCTtUrtirv K Suvforjior, OFFICE West Market street, Lewistown, next door to Irwin's grocery. ap29 REMOVAL. s - s * CUMMXNOB Tg begs leave to announce that he has re moved his office to Mrs. Mary Marks' Drug and Variety Store, on east Market street, a few doors below the Union House. The Post Office has also been ramoved to the auicsd lace. mh3l tf G1 ARDEN SEEDS!—A good supply of ( fresh Garden Seeds on hand and for sale by [mhlj F. J. HOFFMAN. T J UNGARIAN MILLET or Honey Blade _1 JL Grass Seed at £1 per bushel, for sale by mhl F. J. HOFFMAN. Military Election Notice. Mifflin County Cavalry " ill take no -1 tiee, that an election will be held at Mil l-ny. on Saturday, the 1 4th of April, for the purp se cf electing a Captain to fill the va cancy occasioned l>y the death of Moses T. Mitchell. DANIEL EISF.XBISE, a 3 Brig Irtsp. 2d Brig. 14th Div. P. C. M. Estate of Gen. David fiillikrn, deceased. "VTOTICE is hereby given that letters of ud i\ ministration on the estate of GllX. DA VID MILL!KEN, late of I' nion township, Mifflin county, deed, have been granted to the undersigned, residing in Brown township. All persons indebted to -aid estate are n gues ted to make immediate payment, and tho.-e having claims to present them duly nuthenti cated (or settlement. aps. Gt D. I'. MILLIKEX, Adinr. ♦State Constitutional Union Con vention. Declaration of Principles. VON INTERFERENCE with the whole JLv question of Slavery as not being a sub ject of Congressional Legislation. The maintenance of the Constitution, as ex pounded by the Supreme Court of the United States, and the enforcement of all laws en acted by Congress. Protection to the industrial interests of the whide country, and prudence, economy and purify in the administration of public affairs. Citizens of Pennsylvania, who are opposed to political taction and -ectional issues, who are desirous of removing the causes which have endangered the Union of the States, and restoring i annony amongst the people, by forming a truly National Party, based up . the above principles, nr. requested 46 bend delegates to the State Convention, t as-em hie at Lancast r, on the both of April, 18G0, at 12 M . fur the purposeof electing delegates to the National Convention, to b' conven ed at Baltimore, on the Orb of May, Ipyl, to nominate eandidut.s fr the Presidetu:y and \ ice Presidency of the United States. By order of the Executive Committee. CLUKLES LANCASTER, C-airman. F. C. PLCIIIN, Secretary. apo-tf Philadelphia. Kishacoquillas Seminary. P. Williard, A. JVT., Principal. rpHE somtner session of this institution _L vvtli open, undo, the nt ■ t rganigatiou of the Board ol i rusiecs, on 'i'l FSDAY, the Ist el .day. arid o. ntioue 21 weeks. It is designed to be n strictly 15 -t class boarding school, affording to both sexes aii the advantages to be found in any similar in stitution. Satisfactory boarding and ail necessary ac commodations furnished in the s minarv buil ding. 1 f.RUs. — Boarding, furnished ro< m, and tu ition in English branches, SSO per session one half strictly in advance. No reduction for lost time, except in cases of prt traded sickness. For particulars address S. W ATTS, score tary 1 I the Board, Belleville Pa., or the Piin cipel, Kishacuquiilas, Mifflin county. Pa. Ki-hacoruilias March 29 h;'oo.-Gi* The Central Shoe Store, VIRILE sell shoes VFitV LOW FOB i T CASH, but a trifle higher tlian city work. Call and examine my work before pur chasing elsewhere, for it is no trouble to show the work. T. COX, Proprietor. Dissolution of Partnership. 'P EL partnership heretofire existing bc- X iween the undersigned, trading under the firm of Biymyer A Brisbin, i- dissolved by mutual consent, to take effect from and after the first day of April, 1860. All per sons indebted are requested to call without de lay and make payment, and those having claims to present them fojr settlement. A. BLYMYKR. S. -J. BRISBIN. Lewistown, March 29, 1800-41. B©.-. I he business will be continued by S. ' J. Brisbin, THE ONLY PREPARATION WORTHY OF Universal Confidence & Patron age. Fi)R STATESMEN, JUDGES, CLERGYMEN. Eddies and ♦iemlenji-n. in a!! parts of the world s- ' liiy to the efficacy ol Prof. O. J. Wood's Hutr iiostora- j live, and gentlemen of the Pros-: arc unanimous in its i praise. A few testimonials only can ho here given: see -irculur for more,and it will he impossible tocloubt. i ■l7 Willi Street. New York. Dec. 2oth, t)8. j ENTI.EMKN : I our LUITE of titc 15th ins;., ha- been ! received. saying that y,,u had heard that 1 had been benefited by the lee .>1 Wood's Hair Restorative, and ' ft ijuesting my certiii. an of the l'aet if 1 had no objec- ' tion to giv ;• it. I award it to you cheerfully, because I think it due. My age is about 5o years; the color of my hair auburn, i and inclined to our!. Some live or six years since it began to turn gray, an 1 ttic s.aip on Che "crown of : head to Jose its sen- iia'hty and dandruff'to form upon j V 1 " ' se disabilities increased with time,! and anew . tr months since p. fourth was added to them ' '•J' hair tailing oft the top oi'inv head ami threatening ' to make me bald. ' I In this untileas-mt predieair.ent, I was induced to : try Woods Hair l\*storali ve. mainly to am st the fa!- nng oil ii n,y hair, for 1 had really no expeetaii .nt that gray hair could ever be restored to its original color except from dyes. I was. however, greatly sur- ' prised to find after the use of two bottles only, that i not only was the lulling off arrested. but the color was | restored to the gray hair.-, and sensibility to the scalp, j and dandruff ceased to form on my head, very muen : to the gratification of my wife, at whose solicitation I : was induced to try it. For this, among the many obligations i owe to her | sex. I strongly recommend all husbands who value the j a ii. n rati on of their wives to profit by my example, and t use it if growing gray or getting bald. Very respectfully. BEX. A. LAVENDER, i To O. J. Wood . J. W OOJ) A CO.. Proprietors, 441 broadway. Nt w \ oik. and 114 Market Street, St. Louis. Mo. And told by all good Druggists and Fancy Goods . Dealers. * a po | To Merchants. A1 " E are now receiving hv each arrival n from Europe fresh additions to cur stock of FANCY GOODS, SI SPENDERS, VIOLINS PEIiriJIERY, PORT HONNAIESy FANS, HAIR BRUSHES, ACCO&DENOS, Ac. Wc have always a full Hue of Hosiery and Gloves, Undershirts, Cravats, &c., &e. Merchants wiil fiud our stock as large av.d complete as that of any hou-e in the X rtliern Cities, and having e.nnec.thuis in all the Blamifuc-uring liUtriets uf Euriip •. we are able and determined t • sell m L.v; a any house in this country. FEED. ncxEY & SONS, -30 B -.uivn-Hi; ST., B.H.tsm HI Baltimore, March I, 1;-G0.-2n. SILVER PLATED WARE, BY HARVEY FILLET, >.o. Market Stmt, Phiiadeljliln, MANt'r.\CTtT,ER OF Ft ae A id.l Silver, anil Silver I'-.al-r of }'• Spooni, Livl'ißuffer Knifes, Castors, Tut &■{.*, l r rns, Kettles, Waiters, Ihi! ter J lis ties, Ice Flickers, Cake Ji'isitls, Coi/iiitUition 1 fare, Cops, Aluys, Gob!i is, dr. With a general a-.-.-rtm, r.t, comprising xor.< but thi b- ■' i. iu;ui.' vi !'.;•■ 6 : .1 i .Hit u (rt to® ititrni: themaserviconbleami dtn hie Hrti I .'l" ljotei-, iSteaiul Oitl - iu.4 Private FJuiiihts. !>:•. Wore re-oiat- -i iij th- be, ', meaner. fehSMy Important to Families ! SAPONIFIES?! the reiki i nula sou- HW.M: • \* r l iII uiii !. vv- j y family, with their czUiiu- r\ kitch tl en ftr ase, ex ft make all their Soap with littjc .r no tr.-nb: Soft, car l oom, li uii! iivr-- lurcl water soft, elqau Paint, remove ureas ■ >• ••.. to peifac tion. Unuwiant t -stimony in favor .•? ■' ,• ' • v.tii-r, | with lull alio valuable wooipta ft r psaktng uitierent kinds ol S<. -i.t free, L.\ i-Mi . ,in • UFFU'E <>F TilE ft XV. No. '.'.'-J IV-na Sr.. Pnt-V : ;:, p ~ - LEWIS JAM .is i 0.. r - U u. > Phiin ! .•. P... sqrt >••.: e< ; ti;eori,-'n::L.nvi| . out- .i;,rti. ... rnanuft tared by i..,- Pensyjftmia salt Manufecturing 1 (Jo., East Taremam, A'leglu-uv Co., Pa. jan&-wni" VALUABLE f\M PRIVATE SALE, Tpi.'F un b.-r-igned ofibv at pri-.ale i 1.,- Farm at their Mills in New Lanen-:'.! District, Mifflin county, nb >ut tep miles n .rth ea-t of Leuibtown, c-ot taii.in" 259 ■ f v,"l -eh a v e end y.?ed with good fence", a•• large part post and rail, v eil v-utcred by the ' East Branch of the Ki-baciquitTns creek, di- , vided into convenient fields, wiili water in ; every field on the farm except one—the re mainder covered with good timber, l'he soil is i f the b".st quality, in a high state of cui ' tivation, some GO acres being fir.-t cla.-i mead- ! ovr. The improvements consist cf r two-story | Dwelling, with ail ncepssavy nut- j j 'jIA huilding-, a large Bbiii, 120 fes I {|JE long, n-"tir!y new, wit': rur.iUng j ixifr' { nfff tft'Tnf'T in tiie yard, and other con- j venieuces, such a" Cattle Siieds enclosed. St>\ } The purchaser of the property can make ar- j rangements for receiving all the surplus ma- I nure from tho pens at the D.stilleiy. A Mill, Svihoolhouse, Church, ft:., are in sight of the farm, and three other churches within three miles—one Episcopal, two Pres byterian, and ore Lutheran. ALSO, 400 Acnes of Mountain Land, adjoining the above property, with chestnut, oak and other timber, which will V disposed of separately or with the farm. For further information inquire of E. E. LOCKE I CO.. Locke's Mills P. 0.. Mifflin co.. Pa. September 29, 1859. STUDY ECONOMY! AXD BUY YOUR | Boots and Shoes j AT TUP. Central Boot and Shoe Store. W here none hut the best home- , V made work is kept. All mpwoik is made under my immediate su- ! pervisiun, and as I have had long experience j in the Shoe Business, I can safely recommend I ray work. I use none but the best material I and none hut the best workmen are in my ( employ. On hand, a large assortment of ev- [ cry style, such a men's fine calf, kin. and j stogy boots, calf monrnes. English ties. • t'.c -. and 'l og; t a ke-y of beys' • sO ;os. \V e will make ro order every article ; in onr line 'v.ih Uis patch, and in the most inc oh"riical style. Dun't forget the Central Shoe 1 Store in the public square. nih29 T. COX, Proprietor. Great Reduction in Prices. 1 DOLLARS for Manny's Mowing and ! i Reaping Machine, with Wood's im provements, each Machine warranted to do j its work right, or no sale. mh29 ' F. C. FRANCISCUS. 1 X/V DOLLARS for fho only perfect and ■ 1 eJU reliable SELF RAKING AND MOWING MACHINE EVER MADE.— Manny's self Raking and Mowing Machine, with Wood's Improvements, is confidently recommended as being just the machine that | Farmers want. Call and see them at ruhs9 F. G. FRANCISCUS. Twrbo&s One and Two IL.ree MOWERS, • V T for sale by rah 29 * F. G ITiANCrSCUS. QELF RAKING ATTACHMENTS.—The Self Raking attachments can be put on all Manny's Mowers and Reapers sold since 18od. mhl9 V. G. FRANCISCUS. 1 NAILS and Assorted Spikes, ; Jl?4y/ at very low rates for cash, for sale by iuh29 F. G. FRANCISCUS. " j CtOAL OIL! COAL OIL I—A very super j / ior articlo of Coal Gil at SI,OO per gallon, ; for sale by ml>29 F. G. FRANCISCUS. ( D 2, a. rn ~~cR =o* US 523 i OFFICE on East Market street, Lewistown, j adjoining F. G. Frariciscus' Hardware Store. jy2B ' Si g ~ W *. te £ te f f f 9- H 111 i DR. HOOPLAND'S * GERMAM BITTERS, AND R. IIOOrL I.VD S BALSAMIC CORBLIL, i ilt great standard medicines of the present Cje, have acquired their gnat popularity only f trough years of trial. Unbounded satifac tojri is rchu ered by them in ell cases ; and the people have pronounced them worthy. liver (omplaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Debility of the .Nervous System, Diseases of the Kidneys, and all diseases arising from, a disordered liner or weakness of the stomach end digestive or gar,.', are speediiy and permanently cured by the GERMAN BITTERS. The Balsamic Cordial has acqujtd a reputation surpassing that cf any similar pre para 1 ion extant. It mil aire, WITHOUT FAIL, the most sci'crc and long-standing Cough, Cold, or Hoarseness, Bronchitis, In fluenza, Croup, Pneumonia, Incipient Consumption, and has performed the in st astonishing curt? evsr known of Confirmed Consumption. A few doses icill also at once check and cure the most severe Diarrhoea proceeding, from COLD IN THE BOWELS, These medicines are prepared by Dr. C. M. JACKSON & Co., Ao. 4IS Arch Street, Phila tlelphia, I'a., cr. J arc sold by druggists and dealers ir. medicines everywhere, at 75 cents per bottle. The signature of C. M. JACKSON trill be on the outside scrapper of each bottle. In the Almanac published annually by the proprietors, called EVERYBODY'S ALMANAC, you will find, testimony and commendatory notices from all parts of the country. These Almanacs are given auay by all onr agents. For "aV I'*-* Cher' P . ■ ! T •icfirnen. nti-t Vary i V..* • ' v d ti-svs:ngenerally in the conn!). 00)12 DR. M'LANE'S CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE LIVER PILLS. W E . beg leave to call the atten tion of the Trade, and more especially the Physicians of the country, to two of the most popu lar remedies now before the public. We refer to Dr. Chas. M'Lane's Telebrnted Vermifuge and Liver Pills. We do not recommend them as universal Cure-alls, but simply for what their name purports, viz.: THE VERMIFUGE, For expelling Worms from the human system. It has also been administered with the most satis factory results to various Animals subject to Worms. THE LIVER PILLS, For the cure of Lr V ER CO MPLAINTS, all BILIOUS DER ANCEMENTS, SICK. HEAD-ACHE, &c. In cases of FEVER AND AGUE, preparatory to or after taking Qui nine, they almost invariably make a speedy and permanent cure. As specifics for the above men tioned diseases, they are Unrivaled, and never known to fail when ad ministered in accordance with the directions. Their unprecedented popularity has induced the proprietors, FLEMING BROTHERS, PITTSBURGH, PA. to dispose of their Drug business, in which they have been success fully engaged for the last Twenty Years, and they will now give their undivided time and attention to their manufacture. And being de termined that D". M'Lane's Cele brated Vermifuge and Liver Pills shall continue to occupy the high position they now hold among the great remedies of the day, they will continue to spare neither time nor expense in procuring the Best and Purest material, and com pound them in the most thorough manner. Address all orders to FLEMING BROS. Filtsburgli, Pa. T. S. Dealer* and l'hysicia.n ordering from ether* than Fleming Bros., will d. w.-ll to write their ordere distinctly. and ti7:c none but Or. 3VLane' 3, prepared by Fleming Brot. Pittsburgh, Fa. To tboae wishing to giv them a tHal, we forward per mail, post paid, to any part of tha United 'States, one box of Pills for twelve throo-ceut pottage stamps, or one vial of Vonr.lfuga for fwi'.-toan throeeent stamps. All orders from Canada must bo accompanied by twenty cents extra. For sale by Charles Ritz, F. J. Hoffman, and Mary Matks, Leu istown, and dealers generally iu the counly. tnarli! Notice to Taxpayers. rpAXPAYERS are hereby notified that firo X per cent will he allowed on till State or county taxes paid into the hands of collector on the duplicates of ISGO, on or before tha. firs* day of July next. IYM. CREIGHTQN, JOHN PEACIIEY, R. BUATTON. Lewistowu, March 15, 1860. Com'rs. TTTHITE WINE, Vinegar, and Cider, on T T hand and for ea'e by A. FELIX.