Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, March 08, 1860, Image 3

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    I : : .r s a- a. z ej? c:- s. :
Pennsylvania Hail road.
r . -!< .v Station as follows:
ih Express. 6 30 a. in. 1 In a. in. ■
I it In p. ni. 10 58 a.m.
-V " , 4 11p.m. 250 p.nt. |
i tßii • j-*,vig ht, I H1 a. m. 345 p.m.
I . ht. TlOn. in. 345 p.m.
•'Tvp ight. l3sii. rn. 12 45 p.m.
I D -.' " ', r 1156 p.m. 1135 p.m.
D. K. ROBESON, Agent.
muz 2J iivm*
-j--,,, ]>oo|>lc's Party arc invited to attend
r> . tiuis at John G. McGlaughlin's Hotel !
*„ friJay evening next, to consider the j
ri.-ty of nominating :i Borough ticket !
supported at the ensuing spring elec-
L-wietown, March 8, 1860.
t. -Quite a commotion was caused in i
... Third street one day last week by
arrest of six " ladies" by Constables
■„ . ,ii and Mathews, charged with drunk
.. ... disorderly behaviour, and half a
■ ..... other matters not congenial with j
.. .inc. They were introduced to Es-
Weekes, who after an apropos chat '
i them liberated three on bail, and con- i
r . i the others to the care of Sheriff !
V, . iiams. The whole party will he in- '
; - ; iced to the judges, lawyers and
u-yrs at April term, all of whom it is to !
, h. ped will give them a grand reception !
.- will not soon be forgotten.
; ~r the information of all persons con
rw-d, we b 'v . . t.ouce that by re I
t oi a o umber of citizens we shall !
.rcafter \ uhlish the names of all persons ,
•• ritiLT hail in cases similar to the above.
•; .i-r was arrested on Saturday lastui
• i.bint oi his wile, who charged him
a violent assault and battery on her
. ting her with his fist, making threats
: punier, ap<4 refusing provide the no-
Mi'ic? of life to the \yifo and children,
•a her testiinoiiy, it appears that Pager ,
...- L 'lae in the aftemoeti aiid demand- ,
a-.othi.' rto ext lie wa told there |
n i Lrcjt- > i:i the house, nor any other j
.. whereupon the inhuman husband ,
- . rclv reprimanded her for not working I
r A 2_iug bread for him. A few hours j
, .avards th* i-mstable called ai ins house, j
. l aud in Pager's possession the ton j
I to wit, a bottle well tilled i
::i _-!tf •?. He was then taken to the f
iu institution, and on Monday brought 1
injustice Hoover tor a hearing, who, j
, v:iii:in:.tion. Coinmittcd him six days '
- 4 vagrant, an d in default of bail for !
•• Laying his wife.
£44 Ibe 1 athcr has been variable r.ince
:r L-t, iiio igh not very unpleasant, j
. tin "1 - t;I e .
\ loh "j*...day night and during Sun j
■ voids which blew with tremendous l
' a Monday it again became warm j
■ ;. . 4:.'. (;u Tuesday n'ght move 1
■ ■ " 5° to is still
iy vfli a raw atmosphere.
la laud dabblers are about with
- -• •p n-.ts and other coptfivances i
- • car waters . f the few suckers, &c. ? |
- catching yet remaining, and in doing !
. ying sj aw;i enough to till the ;
"-r i'J ai' w years with tine fish. It is '
-- -f law to ft - h with nets of any kind |
. G the tributaries tf the Juniata —
- v' act whivh ougltt I> ho strictly j
- iig ti... j irticuhu's of the death :
Mrs stinsor. at Evansville, Indiana, j
wen r.-ceived ; it is reported however j
sue was burnt by iluid.
bi mi-■. 'rMgtic-J. wishing to proceed with
J'-k c-f "Fixing Up" the old graveyard.
. '• we written proposals up to March ;
■ r pointing and white-washing of '
ii'g'd' 6 , wa '' outside and in. (We will fur- •
• ihs :ime fur white washing.)
I . take this opportunity of saying i
j .. who promised to contribute, that
J • be cbligr-d il they could do so now, |
- L" : 'd-' 5 , ;l K rf -'it deal of work yet to be j
I y y hope "A Fanner," and our other i
: ' when they are in on court;
remrnt i><'' that we are making an
••av the Old Graveyard become an
• Jit to the town, instead of a reproach.
March sth, 1860.
For the Gazvtte.
Scarlet Fever.
f Editor.— Some weeks ago 1 saw acom
. "Cation in your paper on the subject of
' t ' ie Scarlatina form. The article
to ! e directed to the people, but I
- r a I'hysician might have the privilege
culcate some principles in the ,
e I >eo P' e re l at ve to the treatment
4V;'"l C ' Tfl f'' acp ' be accuses physicians of
1 i, ( " n, s, utj der false ideas in regard to dis j
I 1 nr-'F they think, "disease is a
I V w \" f' 11 e . Dt ity, like a mad dog in town." ,
h'x hi 'B nort ' 3 the idea, and then, be
.l • * r "^, 06 the article, he contradicts it
I *".V W v, "T." bodies get obstructed
I itdair ih ))°v ' u ® atnma tory from bad food,
41 r '*■ Now he acknowledges that there 1
~ c ' obstructions in the system, which j
idea we believe, end moreover we believe that
that obstruction must he gat clear of before
the person can bo restored to health. .Win
he accuses ti.e physicians for killing more
than they cure. Now, my dear iViend, that
;is rather hard language," hut perhats vou
j think you can prove it. If so, just keep the.-e
wunis m view " I lie old must die, and the
young may die," and see if thev do net mod
ify such statements,
Next, as regards the treatment of said dis
ease and drugs used in the same. lam of
opinion, when 1 look at the list of drugs
| which the Dr. mentions over, that he knows
i nothing about drug medication, for where is
there a physician that practices medicine who
■ says, in treating scarlet fever, he wishes the
vital action to leave the surface and settle on
the internal organs? Nowhere! Let me in
conclusion sum up some little experiences in
i said disease. Out of thirty children taken
si.-k with scarlet fever, the died hi fore n phy
sician could he got; three died out of the re
|ni tinder, and twenty-two recovered. Now
| does that look as though more die from the
1 treatment than from the disease?
A i'll t hJGiAM.
®©.„The Democrat say.; we are mistaken as j
; to the mail Jettinga being published in one !
paper only in each congressional district* j
Such was certainly the ruie sometime ago, j
and if the practice has been changed it ,nu -t 1
| have been Bicrco or Buchanan, j
tireat Remedies'
j To f-uri- : v-vt-ro or Colli, use Dr. Wi-tar - I
Bftlftom uf U :1,l Ciiorry —to enre T'ough.
| ( roup or iSroiiehiti-!. iise Dr. Wistar's Balsarii of Wild j
I Cli'-i ry—to arr -a predisposition to Coiisuinpliou, ue !
| Dr. W istur's B.ilsaiii of Wild Cherry-—to • ure i 'vspt-p- !
; --in or Indigestion, use the Oxygennt-ed Bitters—to
cure A-t!nu;u Aei.i y or Heart Burn, use the Oxyge
nated Bitters. These remedies perform all tliey prom
■ i>e. Tliey relieve still'eriug, euro disease, restore
: Dealtii, thus iitturiiing consolation and comfort to the i
sick md afflicti.!. v her. discouragement and snft'ering !
existed iiefore.
Clyde \V..iN. v.. Mureii In. 1867. j
Mi - r>. S. v. !•'.• !•• A 1 -. I "!,i inippy to state tiiat !
I I hat iv-e i til Oxygenated Hitte sii iut practice for 1
i the list tiiree year- in the treat hie lit of Dyspepsia, |
General I . oility. Indigestion, and Ati'eetiohs ot the ]
; I.e. u itl tile most Mitisfa.-tory results, and w..iiid i
• r'e-oitiilly rei'OIIIIIICMIi ti> those suffering frolM thrse I
! di-ti-. -sing dis. as. - to give tins \nlird.!.- medicine a !
trial. Respectfully yours. J. E. Sum. M. 1
Exeter. Me.. Sept. 30.—This certifies {lie- I)
■ mmeiidcd i lie use of Wistar's Balsam of Wo • 11
for Disease -of tiie Lurigsfur tU. '•■:!( sp. •„ . I many j
Bottles, to tnv ktioivlcdge, have been n- Ibymy . -i- i
ticnts. 0.l jvitii lienebeiat results, in tiro eases.where i
it was tiioiiLdit eonfiriiled Consumption had taken i
! plfti-r, the W lid cle-rry effected ;i cure.
E. B 'VL>MN. Flivsiciiui at Exeter Corner.
The oniy genuine Balsam iuis ttie written signature ;
: of I. lit "ITS on tin- wrapper.
Frepart d 1-y M \V. Foivle A Co., Boston, and for side
I l>y ('.'miles lip/, and F J Hotliiian, Leuistoivn, Mrs.
- Mary i'. Brei.iuun, Vti-V ey:.,wn, J. K. Rinxies,Neivton
j Hamilton, anil i y appointed agents and dealers in
j niedii me in uejdy .-very town in die State.
Reason and Com men Sense.
; ' 'ur readers may reineuiber ue have 1.11 eev ral IK>- j
easimis sp,>k;en*in verv eulogistic terms of a pre para- '
j ti ■ll which Iv. .->!>, ts.. H-in'-c. of IGB F iltiVnOl c street. .;
i Baltimore. Md.. htm dis. ov.-ri d fertile cure of Epih-p- i
i t. • i its. Now. in 'h ;n v so. we haw been actuated hy |
tie very best iii..-:v.'r, viz: tiio alleviation of human '
} suffering. From ein-timstarices whieli have lately i
; come to our knowledge, we fear there is a certain class
: of p.-. sous who are not disposed to try this remedy in j
j common si m . maiiic r. W'e •t.ii e fact of se- !
.! 1- -tinga particular ease in a towft wlierepcriiaps there l
j are six or eight cases, and trying iton otfe ease. Now. ;
j perhaps the ease selecg-d migli; Is- the only one of |
i tiie who!, number li. it -would j. >; e.g-e. iiiis is -
' n. ither doing tlieni: Ives nor the medk-tne justice, j
| II - dozen persons- wer-- stricken down with cholera !
m on.- totvn or .o-utiihoriio.wl, w-aild they all send for j
a phy-i, lan. or y/oqld only '.t;e employ him. and all j
j wait and s.-e it he cured tiie tirst patient ? That plan I
■of nr. odiire woiijd ! ; e ' tost atisurd. So in the case !
I of Dr. Ham . s remedy, every one who has Fits khc.lld i
i try it for a rea-nnablo. leiigfh of time, li will not cure j
! or u, ek : iiiing wortii doing .an b.- geconi- !
j plishe'd at once. IVI. e i- easily done, is as • asily un- J
"lone. The e'ow'ii of time i- enduring. From the '
most resj)< -table testimony we have • xaiiiined. we '
feci assured tiiat t>y a proper perseverance in this j
remedy, nim- .-as. - of Epilepsy out of t.-n i:. ./ bo ;
etired. Tie- Fills :-r- sent i.v mail fr--<* of postage to !
any partofth- world. I'rice. "in-box s.i, twos.'., twelve
i.'i. Yog w ill ijnd the address above.
Worms I Worms!
! Various theories have been started relative to the !
orig n i-f intes-tiiud worm .. nd yet the question isstill ,
n vexed one among medieai aathwities. Of <MM foet, ;
j however, .all ;ir- informed, tuiti in which all agree—the j
i fatal nature of tD• influence tliey exert on children. 1
i At thi.- season of tie year, tltp attacks of worms are !
| most frequent as weii as most dangerous. We take j
i-lei - ur- ; i directing the attention of parents to the '
Vermifuge ot Dr. M Lane, prepared by Fleming Bros., j
Fite biirgli. It is one of tiie most extraordinary ined- j
i'-iic-s ever introduced t-> the public, and lias never 1
failed of success u io-n a ied.
Fur-.-iiasc'-s will b .-arei'-il to ask for Or. if"Lane's
i ' hrated 45.) -i-Yi/yr-. manufactured by Fleming Bros., i
' of Pittsburg. Pa. All other Vermifuges in eompari- j
| -on with this medicine are worthless. Dr. M Lane's '
i geuiuiie Verinifug -. also his celebrated Liver Pills. !
caq now be hud & all respectable drugstore*. None i
I genuine ici*hnnt th' signature (if FLEMING BI'OH. !
! For sale by < h.-irhs Ritz. F.J. Hoflinan. ami Mary I
Marks. Lewiitown. and by dcaiers generally tlirougli- I
i out the county.
At Philadelphia, on Thursday evening, Ist
in>t., by Rev. James Sedd n, THOMAS COX,
of Lewistown, Bit., to Mrs. M ATILDA HALL,
• of Frankfoi y.
At McYeytown, on the 28th nit., by Rev.
D. D. Clarke, EDWARD IT A U NEB to Miss
f.itERKT Foi-.k. Adams county, Ohio. |
On the evening of the 2?>d February, at the I
j resiJeiict; oi Rev. M. HENRY KIRK
, to Miss AGNES 0. MORRISON, formerly of
i Levvistu'.vn.
LEWISTOWN, March £, 1855.
Batter, good, HJ. 15
Lard, 10
Tallow, 10
Eggs, dozen, 12
Wheat, white bushel, 000 to 125
" red 00 to 1 20
■ Corn, 00
i Rye, 70
I Oats, JO [
Barley, 50 to 00
Cloverseed, 4 00
Extra family Flour, $3 25; extra, 3 00;
superfine, 2 75 per hundred.
The above prices are also paid by Bly
myer k Stanbarger.
6f&"Barley and Rye will be purchased at
, Fisher's Brewery at the stone bridge, in any
| quantity, at full market prices.
Philadelphia Market.
Flour—Standard and superfine $5 75a587J, :
extra 6 12J per bhl. and a few small lots su
perfine at 6 50a7 25 per bbl, as in quality; j
Rye Flour 4 25 and Corn Meal 3 50 per bbl. j
Wheat—Good and prime red 139a140e, ;
white 155ulG0c; rye Q2; corn, yellow, 73a75c:
oats to 4-i;i44Ac.
Cattle Market, March s.—The receipts of
Beef Cattle reached about 2,100 head th.s
week. The market was very dull, and prices
have a downward tendency. Sales at s7all 50
as in quality.
9,800 Sheep sold from to 6J per lb. (
300 Cows sold at frum 2Q to 50 per Jieid,
as in quality.
About 1,700 head Hogs 6old at from 7 75u
875 per 100 lbs net. For still hogs 7to 8 50, j
corn hogs Baß 75 per 100 lbs, as in quality.
.Boys' and Girts Oicn Magazine, published monthly at
; ~cents a year, copies, 7 cents—Five copies,
?a 00 a year—Ten copies.?*. SO. This work is designed
to inculcate in youth the spirit of Truth and Wisdom,
tins importance uf acquiring knowledge, and of using :
it weil. by means of good examples in plcusiug stor
ies, l>y unfolding the wonders of science, natural lits
! torj. and the like, in snch away as to render it amuse
ment, not study. 1 hough deveted chiefly to titeyotitig,
1 older heads w ill find amusement and instruction in
; pages. Address, William 1.. Jones, 102 Sixth Ave
| nue, New York.
B?®,. i he Burgess amFTown Council of Cor
; siea, Jefferson county, in view of hoops we
presume, direct the siue walks on Main street
to be made 20 feet wide, and on ail other
streets 12 feet. Crinoline can spread itself'
! there.
Ihe Selinsgrove Times, a democratic
1 lucofuco paper, says that there is not a more
intolerable people living than Protestants !
MMftUHaa^^r-_niaraoi- ■■ „ r -jj- mmm
I List of Causes for Trial at Adjourned Court,
March if, ISSO,
Xante* of fhune.i. y O . T.
j Miller, Kycd & Co. vs. Mcvandcr ct ul 34 Au. , r >4
, J<>ucul 1 Milhkuu vs. It. A. Means. 17a
JD. Vv. Mi t'i.rinfik vs.'P. At 1 i ight, VJ •• ,y;
j Hubert Ft rsythe vs. Hottrv hchr. 114 Apr. of
E. T. t.'opc vs. X. tY. StOfrctt. 79 r,s
j I>. Hoovei vs. J. Hoover's :ctinrs. ss
! I>. Snyder's Er'r vs. H. Smith's Ei.V. ":j
• Rachel Rhodes vs. W. iH. F.rwtn, lei •• •*
:J. P. Verger vs. Saumd Comfon. 17a •* '-s
i John A. Ross vs. TVILO. 1). h is) . •
j Thomas Ihiiulall v.s .lotin Sitinip. la Au r .
Woods. McFarlanc & Co. Vs. A. w. UridT, 113 "
.Maiitda Wcrtz vs. <i. W. Hh-wart, 209 •• "
Williams vs. W. Heed. 224 *•
I Dull vs. John Phillip's Admr. 70 Nov."
Little & Co. vs. furrier & McCoiuiick, S7
|M. L. Hallowcll ,t <_'o. vs. Stuuc, s8 .. ..
■ Zimmerman et ah vs. Burns, lii; •• ••
i J. Gibbons, end. &•-. vs. W. Heed, 144
, E. L. Benedict vs. John Kyle, 117 J:,.,. so
J. thill and wife vs. W. M' t'rum and wife. 74 Apr. -
Same v s. Daniel Blatt and wife, 77,
So-riyit A; C >. for use vs. Mi-Manigil'sadm's 79 Aug. "
Mi-Williams & Co. for use vs. Same, .SO ••
t'anticld vs. A. I*. Jacob's Ex'rx. 119
mho H. J. WALTERS, Froth y. *
List of Causes for Trial at April Term, 1860.
Xo. T. y.
; -Jolin Long vs. George Swine, 7S Apl. W>u
! Joseph Millikcn vs. H. A. Means. 170 Aug. i;-t
, D. \\ . Mcformick vs. F. Albright, 'Xi ; >,
! Robert Forsythe vs. H nry Lchr, 114 Apl. i ->7
< "oni. for use"vs. Mi-Briih- .'-t ah. MO Jan. ls:,s
j Kacht-I Rhonda v. W. i It. Erw in. J1 Apl. "
■ i : : i'.'Yergcr v (-'.unit i Comfort, 179 '•
W i ui . itail & i opim, I>s •• u
.mi A. Ro.-- vs Tlico. D. Irish. 199 " u
la. . ,as' Randall vs. John Shirnp. 10 Aug. "
: V\'ooil t . .McFarlanc <£ i:i>. vs.VY. Graff. 113 ••
i >i-::1i1h Yv crta vs. Geo. W. .Stew ,rt. 209 "
j Williams vs. W. Reed. 224 •• "
! Sager vs. Yc tccr & I\i; 1. 44 Nov. "
■ Dull vs. John VfiillipVAdmr. 70 '• "
! Li'tle J, Co. vs. Gurrter & McCorn.ick, K7 ••
iM. L. Hailowell Iz Co. vs. Same, t>J •• '•
j Zimmcrriian et al. vs. Burns, 110 •• '•
j J.Gil lions, end. v. . W. Rccij, l+ "
i K. L. it. nedin vs. John KyTc,' lli Jan. 15.V.1
i John GalJ ,v wife vs. W. Mct'rtsin wife, 74 Apl. -
•Same vs. Daniel Blatt A wife, 75 ••
j Stcrrett A co. for use vs. MeManigir-adm. 79 Aug. '•
! MeWilliaius A Co. for use vs. Saute. so " •*
| CaiiftcM vs. A. P. Jacob's Ex'x. 119 " '•
' E. L. Benedict vs. J. Dingcs. 31 Nov. '-
| .Woods, McFarlanc A CO. VS. W. Reed, 94 •• '•
Sttme vs. Titos. Rccd. 95 ••
i Storrctt fur use vs. Jones et al. 101 ••
j t'cntrul Ins. Co. vs. W. Re d et al. 10 Jan. Isss
! Duncan's Ex. for use vs. Hilling's Admr. "t> Aug. 1559
mhS H. j. WALTERS, Frothy.
HAVING accepted art agency for the Mor
. ris Nurseries, West Chester, ihi., I am
prepared to order and furnish all kinds of
Fruit and Ornamental
-Xi 12^1^2."X/"2.C0.
Apple Trees for Sumpicr, Autumn or B inter,
i Bear Trees do do do
Dwarf Pear Trees, Peach Trees, flu in Trees,
A pr I ce t Trees, Q r n ain en la 1 Trees, Grape Vines',
i Strawberries, Gooseberries, Baspberries,
Lawtou Blackberrry, Ac., &c.
As tht? .Morris Nurseries are near our own
: latitude, trees from them arc well calculated
i lor this climate. Those desiring Fruit Trees,
; Ac., will do well to call and examine descrip
tive catalogues,
mhl F. J. HOFFMAN.
G1 ARDEN SEEDS!—-A good supply of
T fresh Garden Seeds on hand and for sale
by [mhl] F. J. HOFFMAN.
Grass Seed at $1 per bushel, for stile by
mhl F. J. HOFFMAN.
/ (OFEEL!—Any one wanting an unusually
j Vy fine article of Coffee will find it at
mhl F. J. HOFFMAN'S.
SEED POTATOES!— I have for sale, at low
prices, tiiree new varieties of extra early
; Potatoes, abundant bearers and finest quality.
| Also, two varieties of lata Potatoes, good
bearers and good quality. All who want a
good article for seed should supply themselves
in time. [mhl j F. J. HOFFMAN.
CVFFIC'E in tiie building formerly occupied hy
1 Jos. W. Parker, west corner of the Dia
; ntotid, Lewistown, Pa.
Will practice in all the courts of Mifflin and
; adjoining counties. septb-6m
.1 lier,i role at Institution egtabHskei by infH Endotcment
for thi li' iff cf the Sick and I>istres.<i>yl, afflicted with
I'l rulcut and hfjtidemie Ihs-aees, and espsxtaUn for the
j Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Organs.
MEDICAL Advice given gratis, by the ActingSur
gf-uu, to all who apply by letter, with a description
| of their condition, (tige. occupation, habits of life. Ac.,)
and m cashs of extreme poverty. Medicines furnished
free of charge. Valuable Deports on Spermatorrhica,
and other Diseases - t jlie Bexutd Grgajis, and on tiie
.Vctc li'medics eniployed in thc'Dispcjsury, sent to the
afflicted in sealed fetter envelopes! free of 'charge.
Two or three stamp- for postage will be acceptable.
Address Dr. J. t-KILLIN HoUGHTON. Acting Sur
geon, Howard Association, No: 2 South Ninth -trect.
Philadelphia, Fa. Bv order of tie; Directors.
GEO. FAIECHILD. Secretary. feb2-ly
The Daily Telegraph,
Published at llarrisbure, Pa., by Geo. Bergner &Co.,
pubiHbes the I.iat of Letters by authority, a sure evidence
of it havinK the largest circulation.
Tetins— per year; the weekly and semi-weekly is
also published at $- per year.
Hanover Gloves.
4 NEW supply of Wolfs Hanover Gloves
1 j\_ just received and for sale by
octG Sole Agent for Mifflin County.
Cheaper than the Cheapest!
G1 LASSWARE.—TumbIers at 75 cents and
T 81 per dozen; Goblets, Pitchers, Fruit
Stands, Covered Dishes, &c. very cheap at
aug4 ' ZERBE'S.
OTICE.—An election will be held at the
house of Wm. Brothers, in Reedsville,
j on the SECOND MONDAY (12th) of March,
1800, to elect a President, six Managers and
Treasurer of the Lewistown <fc Kishoquillas
Turnpike Company, for the ensuing year.
feblP ' President.
To Merchants.
are now receiving by. each arrivnl
L Y from Europe fresh additions to our
stock of
We have always a full line of
Hosiery and. Gloves, Undershirts,
Cravats, &c., &c.
Merchants will find our stock as large and
complete as that of any house in the Northern
Cities, and having connections i;i all the
Blapfacluring Districts of Europe,
we are able and determined to sell as low as
any house in this country.
Baltimore, March 1, 1h60.-2nr :
i\os. 10-3, 103 and 107 North Second Street,
are now receiving our Spring Stock,
Y t which will comprise a large and desira
ble assortment of all kinds of
Strayr and Lace Goods.
Our stock of blowers and,Buches will he i
unusually large this season, and we would .
invite special attention to that department. !
Please call and examine them before making
your purchases. feb23—lm
No. DM? Market Street, Pliiladelj hia.
I t/ii; Nickel St leer, and Silver Plater of Dorks, \
Spoon?, JMCUCS, Butler Knives, Castors,
Ten Sets, Urns, Kettles, Waiters, flut
ter Dishes, lee Ditchers, Cube
Baskets, Communion {fare,
Cups, Mu./s, Goblets, We.
Wilt, a general a-.vnameut. comprism*; but tht !
6< --' quii/itt/, main <.f tlie '■< a nmlnuls ami luc Hi/ nhtr !
tyi. >-.>nstitu::m_' them a -• r-. i.-.-able and durable article \
tm- li'-tels. Sk-auiboals and Private Families.
<Jld Ware n-plated in tiic- 6. ' manner. ti bi.*t-ly
Important to Families !
AT T ITII which every family, u h their ordinary kit -li-
V en ureas'-, can make "all tlu ir Soap with "little or
i>■ > trouble— llrwl. Soft, ur h'anri/. it will make hanl
water yfi. <-iv:in Paint, remove Grease. Ac... to perfo
rm;. Abundant testimony in favor of tlm Sapo:iiti r,
'.villi full and valuable n-.-eipU for makingdirierent
Uiii'la of Soap, sent flee, bv addressinit
Nc. ."00 lVim-St.. Pittsburgh. Pa., or
LEWIS J.A.VKS A co„ A cents.
Plii!a<ielphia, Pa.
V v .lie sure you get ttu original and patented artiele
maieUaeturcd by the Pensylvimia Salt Ma mi feet u ring
Co.. Ka • Tarentuni, Aileglieiiy-Co.. P;„ .jaii.A-.'tm '
rplIK Second Session of this Institution
1 will commence on MONDAY, February
—olh. o, T ew classes will tlieri be formed as cir
cumstances require. particular attention will
be given to those preparing to 'teach.
Those wishing to study and practice Music
may be assure 1 of the best advantages.
Miss S. K. A zrit will continue to give
instructions upiiii the Piano.
Rates of Tuition, JJ.'JO, J4.50 or JO.OO,
according to the grade of studies.
For further information addres3
novlT M. J. SMITH, Principal.
Fruit Trees?
I s Oil sale by the subscribers, an assortment
_ of the choicest kinds of Fruit Trees, at
the following reduced prices:
APPLF. TREES at 22 cts.
PEACII " 18 cts.
PEAR " 50 cts.
CIIERHY " 50 cts.
PLUM " 50 cts.
Great reduction made to those purchasing
by the quantity. Farm ere and others wishing
to plant Orchards' would do weh' togive us a
call. Those wishing anything in cur line that
we have not now on hand can have it by ad
dressing us in season.'
i Lewistown, February 23, iSGO.
Kennedy & Junkin'e
lIIMJI MB3I 351013,
j rpHK undersigned have just received a choice
I selection of seasonable goods and
cheaiee. THAN ever.
As tirr.ei are hard and money is scarce, we
I will make :t an object to sell cheaper /.Lan the
! cheapest, (and no mistake.) We have all kinds
! of goods, such as De Lames, French Merinoes,
! Fiorina Lustres, VVool Plaids, Broche, Plaid,
| and Cashmere Shawls, Cloths, CaSsimeres, Sat
inets, Muslins, and of Calicoes a good assort
ment. Also, a prime article of Shatter Flannel
warranted net to shrink by washing. All Wool
Flannels, white, red, green and yellow at all pri
we have a tine lot of Opera, Maraposa, and
childrep'3 Caps ,osuit the season at ve
jry low prices. H'e have also a choice assort
! ment of
jFamUfi (groceries,
such as Coffee, Sugar, Teas and with
i Spices of all kinds, as well as
<trEi:\stßE, WILLOW HIKE, :
2nd in fact everything that is generally kept in
• stores.
I'lease give us a call and examine for your
j selves, as we are determined not to be under
sold by either Jew o? Gentile.
All kinds of country produce taken in ex
change for Goods and the highest market price
paid for same. Ground Alum Salt at 1.35 cash
per sack, and full sacks. Also Dairv Salt,
UD '-2 d ££ o
OFFICE on East Market street, Lewistown,
adjoining F. G. Franciscus' Hardware
Store. - - jy2B
Executors' Sale.
ffMTE undersigned, Executors of the Inst
X will and testament of Wm. Barefoot, late
of Armagh township, Mifflin county, deceased,
will offer at public sale, on the premises, on
Saturday, March 24, 1860,
a tract or piece "of land, situate in said town
ship, lato the property of said decedent, ad
joining lands of 4,'eter Barefoot, Wm. ij. Mc-
Niu and. others, containing
more or less, all cleared and in a good state
of cultivation.
Also, or.e piece of WOODLAND, said
township, aujoiuiug latmj „f Deter Barefoot,
James M. Brown, ami the mountain survey,
containing TWO AGUES.
Sale to commence at ID o'clock a. ;n. of
said day, when terms will Ue made known by
JAMES BAIiKFOOT. \ Executors.
February 23, IhGO.
ML MB 111 I' llt II
r gMIE undersigned offer at r,rivete sale the
Farm at their Mills in New' Lancaster
District. Mifflin county, about ten miles north
east of Lewistown, containing
230 of which are enclosed with good fences, a
large part post and rail, well watered by the
Last Branch of the Kishacoquillas creek, di
vided into convenient fields, with water in
every field on the farm except one—the re
mainder covered with good timber. The soil
is ct the best quality, in a high state of eul
tivaiion, some GO acres being first class mead
ow. The improvements consist of a two-story
Dwelling, with all necessary out
&&£ j fjjit buildings, a large Barn, 120 feet
1 'ME long nearly new, with running
water in the yard, and other con
veniences, such as Cattle Sheds enclosed, <!fcc.
The purchaser of the property can make ar
rangements for receiving all the surplus ma
nure from the pens at the Distillery.
A Mill, Schoolhouse, Church, 4c.. are in
sight of the farm, and three other churches
within three miles—one Episcopal tiyo I'res
byterian, and one Lutheran.
400 Acres of Mountain Land.
I adjoining the above property', with chestnut.
\ oak and other timber, which will be disposed
i of separately or with the farm.
Fur further information inquire of
E. E. LOCKE & CO..
Locke's Mills p. 0., Mifflin co., Pa.
September g'., I6w.
4 UDITOU'S NOTICE.—"phe undersigned
i \ Auditor, appointed by the Orphan's
Court of the county of Mifflin, to distribute
the fund in the hands of Daniel Bcshthtr; Ad
j ministrator of Uuao &>mfth late of Dee.ttui
| township, dee'd., wiii attend to the duties of
the appointment at the Register's Office, in
! Lcwistown, on Friday, the pth day of March
! next, at 10 o'clock 'A. M. Those interested
1 are reouestcd to attend.
feblu Auditor.
, 4 EDITORS NOTICE.—The undersigned
' il. Auditor, appointed by the Orphan's
i Court of the county of Mifliu to report on ex
ceptions to the Guardianship account of An
1 drew McFarland, Guardian of Sidney M. and
James 11. Jackson, will attend to the duties
of that appointment at the Register's Office
in Lcwistown, on Saturday, the 10th day of
March next, at 10 o'c! >ck A. M. Those in
teres 4 - 1 i quested to attend.
I feblu. Auditor.
Estate of .Uary Barefoot, dee'd.
j is hereby given that letters of ad
I Jl 1 ministration on the estate of MARY
, BAREFOOT, late of Armagh township, Mif
i flin county, deceased, have been grrtuted to
i the undersigned, residing in Bidd township.
: Ail persons indebted to said estate are reques
ted to'make immediate payment, and those
having claims to present them duly authenti
cated for setilcioflnt." '*
I feblG-Gt* PETER BAREFOOT, Adinr.
Estate of Lazarus itceiy, dee'd.
N OTICE is hereby given that letters of ad
nii'r.is.tration on the estate of LAZARUS
STEELY, late of the borough of Lewistown,
i .Mifflin county, deceased, have been granted
to the undersigned, residing in said borough.
All persons indebted to said estate are requee
| ted to make immediate payment, and those
| having claims to present them duly authenti
j cated .'or settlement.
mhl-Gt Administratrix.
A Time and Place for all Things.
And nmoug tiiem a Time nnd rinee lo
!f. E. Corner \\. Market and Wayne SO.,
i I I A\ F1 just returned from the eastern cities
JLJL with a large and varied assortment of
2 A> ii Cf ii i> tS
O of all kinds, including very choice!
fi ! patterns of !
SHAWLS, 4c, ,|
and in connection with Gentlemen's ©w
© Wear, |
0 Si ® U HI f9 $ :
S* Cassimeres.Ve stings, <Src., !
' © •"•©*
w i Groceries, j
i j Qneensicare, |
! Glassware,
! . Cutlery, >-•
71 Carpets, !
5: 2.
Caps, **
jr Hoots, : ®
SB Shoes,\
C """
and all other articles kept in large
figT'Wool and Country Produce generally
taken in exchange for Goods. novlO
The great standard medicines qf ike present
age, have acquired their great popularity only
through years of trial, Unbounded satisfac
tion is rendered by them in qll epics; and the
people haw pronounced them worthy;
Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice,
Debility of the Nervous System,
Diseases of the Kidneys,
and all diseases arising from a disordered
liver or ueaimess of the stomach and digestive
organs, arc speedily and permanently cured by
The Balsamic Cordial has acquired a '
reputation surpassing that of any similar pre
paration extant. It icill cure, WITHOUT FAIL,
the most severe and long standing
Covgh, Cold, or Hoarseness, Bronchitis. In
fluenza, Croup, Pneumonia, Incipient
and has performed the most astonishing cures
ever know K of
Confirmed Consumption.
A few doses trill also at ones cheek and
cure the most severe Diarrhoea proceeding
These medicines arc prepared by Dr. C. M.
JACKSON & Co., No. 418 Arch Street, Phila
delphia, Pa., and are sold by druggists and
dealers in medicines everywhere, at 75 cents
per bottle. The signature of C. M. JACKSON
will be on the outside wrapper of each bottle.
In the Almanac published annually by the
proprietors, called EVERYBODY'S ALMANAC,
you will find testimony and commendatory
notices from all parts of the country. These
Almanacs are given away by all our agents.
For sale In Charles Ritz, F. J. Hofl'msr, and
.Mary M.-rks, Lew is town, pnd
in the county. ' mayl2
W E , beg leave to call the atten
tion ot the Trade, and more
especially the Physicians of the
country, to t\£o of the most popu
lar remedies now before the public.
We refer to
Dr. ('has. !N'Lan'* Celebrated
Vermifuge and Liver Pills.
We do not recommend them as
universal Cure-alls, but simply for
what their name purports, viz.:
For expelling Worms from the
human system. It has also been
administered with the most satis
factory results to various Animals
subject to Worms.
For the cure or Li v ER CO M in. A I NTS,
HEAD-ACHE, In cases of
preparatory to or after taking Qui
nine, they almost invariably make
a speedy and permanent cure.
As specifics for the above men
tioned diseases, they are Unrivaled,
and never known to fail when ad
ministered in accordance with the
Their unprecedented popularity
lias induced the proprietors,
to dispose of their Drug business,
in which they have been success
fully engaged for the last Twenty
Years, and they will now give their
undivided time and attention to
their manufacture. And being de
termined that Dr. M'Lane's Cele
brated Vermifuge and Liver Pills
shall continue to occupy the high
position they now hold among the
great remedies of the day, they
will continue to spare neither time
nor expense in procuring the Best
and Purest material, and com
pound them in the most thorough
manner. Address all orders to
FLEMING BHDS. Pittsburgh, Pa.
P. ?. Dealer* ami Physicians ordrring fri.jn others
than Fleming Bros., will do well to write their orders
distinctly, and talc, none tail Dr. .1f Larte'i, prepared by
Fleming Bros. Pittsburgh, J'a. To .those wishing to give
thetn a trial, we will lot-ward per mail, post paid, to any
part of the United States. one boa of l'lils for twelve
three-cent postage stamps, or one vial of Vermifuge for
fourteen t breeder t stamps. All orders frtm Canada must
be accompanied by twenty cents extra.
For sale by Charles Rilz, F. J. Hoffman, and
Mary Marks, Lewistown, and dealers generally
in the county. stayl2
Dissolution of Partnership.
THE partnership existing between W. B.
& F. J. Hoffman, under the name of W.
B. Hoffman & Co., will be dissolved by mu
tual consent on the Ist March next. The
Lumber business will be thereafter continued
by W. B. Hoffman. As we are anxious te
close up our accounts, persons knowing them
selves indebted will favor us by calling and
making settlement.
February 9, 1860.