Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, February 09, 1860, Image 3

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    22 E SASETT2S.
-•go een Persons Burnt to Death—Many
' Injured.
• terrible fire occurred between seven
' ,j lt o'clock on Thursday evening in
nblc six story tenement house, No.
1-a l;iru .street, New York. The building
. i to the sixth story with human
ue -J families in the
.sing 78 persons altogether.
-u;ciiW:l ".t first that nearly half of
nutates had |ci ished in the fire, and
reported in the morning papers. It is
definitely known that hut 18 persons
;., s t their lives.
The fire originated in a bakery on the
lioor A little girl was filling a fluid
with the wick lighted. The fluid in
. . pi caU'Jit lire, and dropping the ves
the floor its blazing contents spread
. direction, and communicated with
i shavings under the staircase. Ill
s' .neously the store was enveloped in
and almost before an alarm could
ve u. the people up stairs warned of
. , r terrible danger, the flames had shot
u the stairway and the chances of escape
cut off.
The scene of confusion that ensued, the
moment the alarm was given, was of the
Dj wt exciting ch racter. The staircase
WHS burned away, and all chance of escape
; ;!,.,t direction cut oft. Men, women, and
ca clustered at the windows, scream
j ( rassistance, and wringing their hands
ia t!e agony of despair. Many leaped
tiom the windows.
several fire-engines were promptly on
the ground. Ladders were immediately
elevated to the windows, hut the 1 ngest
of tAm did ib.i reach the fourth floor. The
fi cihen !,->cued some on the fourth lower
f. i>. ' i • obliged to abandon to their
fate ;li< • 'iits of two upper stories.
Ndtii • i on the roof, but none
muster_• enough to jump to the
■jr-i'iad —a leap sure to result in death.
6; • n the ladders, the firemen could
, . and children lying prostrate on
nd surrounded by flames, ren
■ii-ring ail to reach them ineffec
Iho firemen worked well. Platoons of
b.cc- were present who did all they could
tosive life and preserve order. Intensely
v eiling was the scene when the fire reach
ed the upper stories. High above the
shouts of the firemen and the noise of the
mikling flaines were heard the groans and
shrieks of tic 'loomed creatures in the
bnill'r.g v a tragic scene, and the
g ■> . ok with horror at the
ok tiie walls fell. An
! !i, the crowd, who were
1 . i.c fire, were kept hack by the
a ctre distance. The building
a. i.p- to'lv gutted. The water froze
ic. $• •■ -it struck the Walls, and men and
. lings were soon covered with an ice
C".:' <f trail,
ii. (.scue l*were taken to the Fourteenth-
Pr v - .iti' i: house, tiie police headquar
: '•) various houses in the vicinity.
•d injured, as fast a3 rescued
? • H spital.
our Deputy Superintendent
mg of twenty-five men at
uoritc the ruins to search
At noon no bodies had
i the belief is that those who
> in the flames were burned
.<> eiue ? > their remains being
Ternl • Explosion and Loss of Life.
'j'trt-frc liaclly
' <'• —-A most distressing casualty
recurred on I riday morning at twenty min
utes to eight o'clock, in Most rand avenue,
• n 1 'ark and Myrtle avenues, Brooklyn,
'i lie wool-hat factory belonging to
i .U'ii, which has been in opera
v -veeks blew up, and some sev-
I'ativos were either killed
; -reat was the force of
. that overal bodies were carried
■ : ii air twenty feet above the roof of
i lie following particulars
f bored upon the spot :
i of the building was com
'■ ree months since, and was
work two weeks ago. There
'•hilarity engaged in the various de
!-■ 'units about one hundred and twenty
■•'■u and one hundred girls. That morn
; ut the usual hour, the male operatives
• ! i assembled for their duties. The en-
it i -aid, had let on the steam and
die machinery in operation before the
" ' 1 in the boiler had ascended to the
- focx. 1 his, in connection with the
■Dozen state of the water in the
■ -neeting pipes, caused a collapse and a
• "W'juent explosion. It is said that the
"g.neer had resigned his position, and was
rioting one newly engaged in his duties,
,;" J specifically charged him not to let
water in below a certain level. The
t-cCuaaoii, however, seems not to have been
Ike female operatives had not arrived
•u, force, their time being eight o'clock;
were, however, about ten of them in
- tnuinung room, at work upon sewing
■y-ines. Had the explosion been delayed
. -,' 1 • tune, we should have undoubtedly
{, * , e er 'isf of killed and wounded,
-t-i.ber were approaching the factory at
: of the occurrence.
k ,he 29th ult., in Milrov, ALICE C.,
K cer of Willis V. B. and Priscilla Coplin,
j* jear, 1 month and 9 days.
D-ry township, on the 4th inet., MAR
!,tr of Joseph and Sarah Moh
- * ■■> "Cars anil Q Java.
H •■' ship, on the Ist ult., Mrs.
jL . .... ■ 'O- bDit, aged afiout 73 yearn.
" n l ' ie inst., MAGGIE
in ■ nT* iu ghtF of Mrs. Jane McDow
0m the 22d year of her age.
C n e 26th ult., in Ferguson township,
v, j. j. motthersbaugh,
o. this county, aged about 28 years.
Different Tastes—The editors of the Huntingdon
Union and Hnllidaysbnrg Standard. The former r<-
tuses to accept a tree pass over tiie railroad, and the
latter says he inserts Evans's advertise!)',••-.its—in the
stove, tor our part we never considered the votuu
tary otter ct a iVee pass a-, carrying with it any obliga
tion whatever. and in this respect we think cm he nd
of the Standard will agree with us. As forG.G. Evans'
Gift Book Establishment, it embraces many excellent
works, while his gifts have more than onee enabled us
to gratify others, and thus confer pleasure at a trifling
expense. If we have added to his business, he de
serves it. for he is a clever gentleman, who performs
his promises to the press as well as those who send
for books, of which he lias now one of the largest
stocks in the city.
Milliette .< Illustrated Monthly f;r FebniAiy
j has come to hand, with a steel portrait of Washington,
' a large colored fashion plate, and numerous other en
i craving-. This magazine is published at $1.50 per an
j num. or for $2 subscribers will receive the magazine
j one year, and also a large colored engraving entitled
j "Washington at Home," with a gift worth from 25 cts.
to SSO. Address M. A. Milliette, 320 Chestnut street.
! Philadelphia.
itS- w v had seen no denial of the statement rvspect
j ing Mr. Dorsheimer until we saw it in the Democrat,
j H having afforded the editor of that sheet an oppor
| tuuity for indulging in his natural propensity, we hope
j he is satisfied.
♦i-A meeting was recently held in Mississippi at
j which it was proposed to expunge parts of the Bible,
j on tire ground of its being incendiary. The motion
| was lost by only three majority.
| There i perhaps no disease which destroys tliehap
| piness and comfort of individuals, and families to the
: same extent as Dyspepsia or Jiuliyesfion. Previously to
the discovery of the OX Y' I'T AT ED BITTERS?, there
exist' ■' no ft .-loie* . those suffering from
tlii spread disease, which relieved it in any
marked degree.
The power of these Bitters over the above named
i disease as well as over all those having their origin in
; imperfect digestion, and functional diseases of the
stomach, as well as Asthma and general Debility is be
! yond all question. lis speedy and permanent enres
i of some of the severest and stubborn cases on record
j is sufficient confirmation of this fact.
Cop:/ oj a Letter from a School Teacher in Detroit.
Detroit, Mich., Juno 16, 1857.
; Messrs. S. SV. Fowle A Co., Boston: —ln reference to
the Oxygenated Bitters. I can say, that after having
the dyspepsia for several mouths', and almost living
• with pain and heaviness in my stomach, 1 was'pre
vailed upon by i friend who liad been cured by the
I same me if ine to try a bottle of Green's i ixygeriated
j Bitters. Before using half a bottle I felt greatlv re
lieved, and by the tun, 1 had used two bottles and a
1 halt I wa.- entirely well, and si ill remain so. I know
o; several eases more distressing even than my own.
! which have been entirely cured by this invaluable
medicine: and it gives me great pleasure to recom
mend it to any and all who may be suffering from thi
| dreadful malady. " \y. \. BACON,
Teacher of Detroit Select .School,
Prepared by S. W. Fowle Co.. Boston, find for sale
j by Charles It'itz and F. J. Hoffman. Levvistovvu. Mrs.
i Mary T. Brehman. MeVeytown. J. K. Rhodes, Newton
| Hamilton, and by appointed agents and dealers in
j medicine in nealy eveiv tow n in the State.
Can Epilepsy be Cured.
( We think tiie follow ing letter from a respectable cit
izen of Mis-issippi will answer the question, .and rc
! move ail doubt.- from every unbiased mind:
Givn.cl i. Miss.. June 5. 187>5.
l)r. Seth S. 1 lance. Baltimore, Aid.—Dear -ir: 1 take
• great pleasure in relatina a case of spasms or fits, i-u
--| red by your invaluable Pills. My. Brother J. Eigon,
i has long been alHietod with tliis awful disease. He
] was first attacked while quite young. He Wotlid have
i one or two spasms at one attack at first: but as he
j grew older, they seemed to increase likewise. Up to
| the time he commenced taking your Pills, he had
j them very often and quire severe, prostrating him
j body and mind. His mind had suffered seriously;
j but now, I am happy to say, he is cured of those fits.
! He lias enjoyed line health for the last live months
i past. His mind has also returned to its original sprigt
-1 iiness. All this I take a greai pleasure in communica
ting, as it may he the means of directing others to the
' v niedy That will c ure them. Yours respectfully.
\V. P. Lit JON. ;
No person win) is -uffV-ring from Fits, nr Sjinsitis. 1
| sltonkl negloet seinling t> I>r. Hurtoe. after this, for u j
, supply ol h:s me--t.im.ihle. JIIC.ii.-in His PRICES JUV i
j as tollow.-: one box r-'J; tvt . j-.l: twelve #24—sent by I
j 111 .1 free, on the r<-vipl of a remittance. Address j
I Beth S. Han<-e, 108 Baltimore street. Baltimore, Md.
j Mrs. Yandcrbilt, No 's.*i Stiff'.,lk street, savs <f
Being unwell, and not knowing whether it proeeed
j ed from derangement of the liver or merely hysterica,
: I was persua ied to purchase a box of ir. M'Tnties
| celebrated Liver Pi lis, prepared by Fleming Bros.,
: Pittsburgh, rid before I bud used litem all. was ett
j tire!y relieved. I timimw enjoying perfect health, and
i cheerfully recommend Itr. .Vi'Lane's Celebrated Liver j
i Pills to all similarly afflicted.
New York, March i">. 1*52.
■yT'ttrehasc-i - will be careful to ask for Dr. M'Lam'g j
bi-ot- ■* Lr i:r I'M?. manufactured by Fleming Bros., i
ol Pittsburg. Pa. There are other Pills purporting to '
lie Liver Tills, now before the jail lie. L>r. M'Lalse's I
genuine Liver Pills, also his celebrated Vermifuge,
can now be had at all respectable drug stores. Sonc
yemiiitf trir: ' itli: *iij ■ of FLEMIN'.i BIIOS.
For sale by Charles IJitz, F. J. Hoffntatt. and Mary
MARKS, Lewistown, and by coalers generally through
out the comity.
At the residence of the bride's father, in |
i Colon, St. Joseph county, Mich., on the Ist j
inst., by Rev. D. Osborn, E. It. STRUCK, of j
| Lewistown, to Miss AMELIA A., only daugh- •
| ter of Wm. Castle.
In Milrny, on the 2d inst., by Rev. A. U. 1
Still, JOIIN It. WEEKEB, Esq., of this place, j
| to Mrs. NANCY CLASS, of Aiilroy.
i In Reedsville, on the 2d inst., by Rev. G. i
Elliott, JOIIN KENNEDY, Jr., to Miss!
MARY MATTERS, both of this place.
In Philadelphia, on the 11th ult., by Rev. j
; Charles R. liale, FRANK SHOEMAKER to j
ELIZA It. ARD, granddaughter of Dr. J. B. ;
Aril, formerly of this place.
In Kishacoquilias Yallev, on the 2Gth ult., I
by Rev. A. Peaehey,CHRISTIAN H. KING,":
of Lancaster county, to Miss LIZZIE I)ET-. ;
WEILKK, of this county.
On the Sih ult., bv Elder John G. Gitick,
both of Little Valley, Mifßiu county.
LEWISTOWN, Feb. 9, 1859. j
Butter, good, f* ft. 1G
Lard, 10
Tallow, 10 |
Eggs, <j& dozen, 15
Wheat, white bushel, 000 to 1 20
" red 00 to 1 15
Corn, 55
Ilye, 70
Oats, 30 j
Barley, 50 to 60
Cloverseed, 4 00
Extra family Flour, $3 25; extra, 3 00;
superfine, 2 75 per hundred.
The above prices are also paid by Bly
rnyer & Stanbarger.
ftayßarley and Rye will be purchased at
Fisher's Brewery at the stone bridge, in any
quantity, at full market prices.
Philadelphia Market.
Flour—Superfine $5 62+ to 5 68J, extras
5 76a5 87, family GaG 25, anil fancy brands
G 50a7, according to quality; Rye Flour 4 25,
Corn Meal is held at 3 75 per bbl; Red Wheat
132a134c, white 145a150c, according to quali
ty; Rye 92c. Corn, yellow, 76c, Oats 44+a45c.
Cattle Market, Feb. 6 —The receipts of Cat
tle were smail this week, only reaching about
1,500 head ; the market, in consequence, was
brisk and prices fully 50c the 100 lbs higher
than last qn- t d. Sales at s7;tlo 75.
Cows atri.ed and s-dd at from S3O to 40 for
first quality, 20 to 30 for second, and 15 to £0
for third quality.
10,000 Sheep arrived, and sold at from 4 to
5Jc per lb, gross.
About 1,800 Hogs sold at front 8 to 9 75
the 100 lbs, net.. j
John ht I/icinier, Treasurer, in account ic it It
Mijjtin County, from Jiuuary 14, 1859, to
January 2, 1860, inclusive.
To amt. county tax assessed for 1869, $16,156 55
no outstanding 1' -Ik, 4A7,0 o
■4° do do 1567, 431 gg
do do do 1856, -57 56
Fall assessment outstanding 185,5. • 21
lax received on unseated lands and costs
allowed below in credit, 108 s-
Balance due Treasurer, not oi
Jt -0.565 91
By amt. Commiss'rs' orders lifted, $9,516 12
Court orders, Aud'rsand Clerks'pay, 58 no
do do road viewers' pav, " 61 00
do do damages, " 276 59
Draft E. S. P. paid, 116 30
Certificates fox scalps paid. 247 90
do wild cut scalps paid, 16 90
Exonerations allowed collectors 1856, 80 20
Commissions do do do 78 92
Exonerations do do 1857. 119 88
Commissions do do do 213 15
Exonerations do do 1858, 262 00
Commissions do do do 245 39
Prompt payment tax 185$, 471 35
Tax outstanding for 1858. 824 72
do do ' 1859. 6.951 57
Trcas'r's costs on deeds unstd. lands. 264 63
Balance due Treasurer last scitlcm't, 494 66
Treasurer's commission, 326 66
_ $20.56.5 91
J. 13. Selheinier, Treasurer, in account with
CommonmeaUh of Pennsylvania.
To amt. -'aid tax assessed for 1559. $11,243 80
do do outstanding 1858, 6.073 87
do do do 1657, 1,399 30
Fall assessment 185S, 7 -0
$18,721 17
By cash p'd State Treas. A p. 7. 1859. $1,558 7'
do do JuiyS, 1859, 5.:40 .->
Exonerations to collectors 1857-C 2!1 _o
Commissions do do 471 50
Tax outstanding for 1858, 1.529 12
do do 1859. 4.965 4a
Treasurer's commissions, 122 56
Balance due Commonwealth, 94 39
To amt. said licenses assessed for 18.59, $6Bl 7.0
By cash paid State Treas. July 8. 187,9. $250 00
do do do Oct. 4. 187.9. 250 On
Advertising Mercantile Appraiser's list. 24 20
Sundry licenses on which -nit was hro't
and judgment given vs. Commouw'th, 21 00
Treasurer s commissions. 33 07
Balance due Commonwealth. 103 23
To amt. said tax assess* d for 1859. s<>7s 09
do do outstanding 18741, 034 00
do do do 18.57, 101 50
$1,410 50
By amt. paid Irwin Guards for 1857. $42 79
do do do 18-58, 28 62
Amt. paid I.ogan Guards for 1858, 45 02
Armory rent for 1859. 6 86
Amt. paid Belleville Fencibles f .r 187,8, 36 £9
Auditing military account, 9 00
Amt. paid Brigade Inspector. 205 41
Exonerations collectors 1657, 56 50
Commissions do do 2 27
Exonerations collectors 1858, 194 50
Commissions do do 10 ,50
Amt. said tax outstanding tor 18.58, 249 00
do do do 1559, 495 00
Treasurer's commission, 7 76
Due Treasurer last settlement, 7 33
Balance due fund, 13 65
To amt. said licenses granted, as per certificate
of Clerk of Court of "Quarter .Sessions, s4o On
By amt. I. Coplin's license, in hands of
District Attorney for collection, sls oo
Treasurer's commission, 1 25
Balance due Commonwealth, 23 75
To unit, said lien-'es, us per Merc. A pp. list, S6O On
Ity unit, licences Thos. Stroup. John Swan,
"and John Waream, on which suit was
brought and judgment given vs. Coin.. #3O 00
Lii-ensi-s Samuel M. Aultz and John (•. M e-
I.anghlin. who have tavern licenses, and
are not subject to license for eat'g house, 20 no
Treasurer's commissions, 50
Balance due Commonwealth, 9 50
To unit, said licenses assessed for I*o9, §BO 00
By eash paid State Treasurer Oct. 4. 1559, #l2 00
Treasurer's commissions, 4 00
Balance due Commonwealth, 34 00
To amt. said li< cnsi s granted, as per certificate
of Clerk of Quarter Sessions, #455 00
Bv cash pai i State Treas'r Julv 8. 1659, #225 00
do do do Oct. 4. 1559. 100 00
Licenses of Urn. Sample A Win. Broth
ers, in hands of Ilist. Att'y forcollect'n, SO 0')
Treasurer's commissions, 21 25
Balance due Commonwealth, 78 75
To amt. said licenses assessed by Appraiser. #9O 00
By amt. paid Stale Treasurer Oct. 4,1859, $lO 00
I.'Conlin's license, on which suit was bro't
and not paid, 15 00
Sundry licenses on which suit was brought
and "judgment given vs. Commonwealth, 30 no
Treasurer's commission, 2 25
Balance due Commonwealth, 20 75
j S9O 00
Thomas E. Williams, Sheriff of Mifflin coun
ty, in account icith said county, to January
17, l&GO, inclusive.
To amt. verdict foes in Common Pleas, #4 00
do do Quarter Sessions, 35 00
Balance due Sheriff. 2ti 07
#65 07
By bill costs in Qr. Sessions A Oyer A Terminer, SOS 07
Joseph S. Waream, Register of sa id county, in
account with the Commonwealth of Penna.
To amt. outstanding at last settlement on est.
J. T. Sterrett, $215 40
do do do F. Boggs. 36 32
do do do Magd Kvcrhart, 20
do do do - John Zck. 249 59
Collat'l inheritance tax c est. Ann E.Swuggart, 119 77
do ■ do do T>. Brisbiri, 620 00
do do do Z. Philips, 20 30
#1.368 21
By cash paid State Treas. June 23,1859, slls 00
do do do July 5,1859, 200 00
Amt. outstanding est. J. T. Sterrett, 215 40
do do F. Boggs, 36 32
do do Magd. Everhart, 26 63
do do John Zook, 9 59
do do I>. Brisbin, 620 00
do do Z. Philips, 20 30
Amt. paid appraisers, 2 50
Commission on $439 77 at 5 per cent., 21 99
Balance due Commonwealth, lUO 28
We, the undersigned'. Auditors of Mifflin county,
having met together at the Court House in the bor
ough of Lewistown, and having carefully examined
and settled the above and foregoing accounts of J. B.
Selheimer, Treasurer of said county, in account with
said county and with the Commonwealth; the account
of Joseph S. Waream, Esq., Register and Recorder of
said county, on account of collateral inheritance tax
with said Commonwealth, and of Thomas E. Williams,
Esq., Sheriff, in account with said county, do cert,fy
that the same, as above and foregoing, are correct as
there stated. In testimony whereof, we have hereun
to set our hands this 19th day of January, A. D. 1860.
JOHN I). BARK, > Auditors.
January 1 to Dec mhcr'6 1. 1859, inclusive.
Assessors and assistant assessors. $532 09
John tjv artr-ell, Surveyi r. running line between
Huntingdon and Mifflin counties. 397 00
John R. Weeks, running line Armagh township. 12 96
Money refunded J. McDowell. Reg. and K< c. 31 oe
Due Sheritf at Auditors' settlement, 52 34
MilUm Co Ag. Society , annual appropriation, 90 00
Interest on money loaned county. 145 SO
Deficit in State to. t, ' 216 46
Coroner's atnl jurors" fees holding inquisitions, 33 41
Mercantile Appraiser's fees, " 16 50
A. Reed. District Attorney's fee*. i0 oo
J. D. Store road, medicine and att'd'g prisoners, 350
K. D. Smith. Clerk's lees in full, 350 oo
T. E. Williams, Sheriff, conveying pris. to E.S. I'. 66 19
John Cubbison, ice for use court. 1 oo
Bed clothing for prison, lu 00
Water rent for use of county, 50 00
D. \V. \V..ods, attorney to Commissioners. 25 up
T. E. Williams, hoarding prisoners jail fees. A ''ol 67
Stationery for county ofil. es, 16 41
Election officers" pay, 502 80
Petit jurors, K7g 53
Grand jurors. 566 &>
Justices swearing election officers, and fee- in
Commonwealth cases, 157 34
Constables returns, attending court, election du
ties. and fees ill Commonwealth c:, -cs, 564 09
Priuting in 195S ami D 59, 203 25
Witnesses fees iu Commonwealth cases, 295 53
Henry Ferer, court crier, 75 67
Repairs at jail and court house, 3! 22
Fuel for court house and juil, 231 37
William Wilson, rvie< sas Commission, r, 130 to
William Creighton. -crvices as t'ommis, iotier, 100 00
Henry Zerbe. order for interest and part of prin
cipal on two former orders, 324 24
Directors of the Poor,
•Sheriff, ami fees 111 Commonwealth cases. 144 34
J. 1,. Griffith, shaving prisoners, 1 50
rn 11.\ I > ei.ia! lA.
.4 Benevolent Institution r.tuhHshcd in/ special Endouim nt
for the Belief of the Sic/- and Distressed, afjiictcl u-itli
Vieult nt and Epidxtiuc Diseae. *. and especially for the
Cure of Diseases of the thwriat Organs.
MEDICAL Advice given gratis, by the Acting Sur
geon. to all wh" apply 1 y ■ 11<• r. with a description
oftlc ir c-m'.r.iin. (age, occupation, habits of life. Ac..)
and '• - • • of .-xtreme p iverty. M< dicin< - furnished
free of rharge. Valuable llepo. ts on Spennatorrluwi,
and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and oil the
Xeic Ilemcdies employed in the Dispensary, sent to the
afflicted in settled letter envelopes, free of charge.
Two or three stamps- for postage will he acceptable.
Address Dr. J. SKILLiN H< >I7GHTiiN. At ting Sur
geon, Howard Association, No. 2 .South Ninth street,
Philadelphia, Pa. Bv order of the Directors.
EZRA'D. HKARTWEI.L. President.
Geo. Faxrciiii.ii, Secretary. teb2-ly
Important to Families!
IT T I i'H which e\ my family.with their ordinary kitoh
\ on grease, rati make all their Soap with little 01
ru> trouble — Haul. Soft. or Enncii. It will make Lard
water soft, clean Paint, remove Urease. &c„ to perfec
tion. Abundant testimony in favor of the Snpoiiifier,
with full and valuahle receipts for making dilfi-rcnt
kinds 01 Sap. '.cut free, hv addres.-im r
No. itiHi Penn St.. Pittsburgh, Pa., or
LEWIS .JAMES A' CO., Agents.
Philadelphia. l'a.
L v).He sure you get the original and pulcutt d . rti-'e
manufactured hy the IViisylvanin Sail Manufacturing
Co., East Tarentuni, Allegheny Co.. Pa. jana-Hni
herehy given that letters testamentary on the cs
tai i- of .IOH N H AZLETT. Sen., late iif .Menno ton liship,
Miltliu county, deceased, have heen grunted to the unj
dorsigned. residing in -aid township. Ail persons in
delated to said estate are rcijQi sted to make immediate
payment, and those having claim- against the same
to present them dtllv aiithentirau •! for st ttlemellt.
j a no-It "NICHOLAS HAHTZLER. l'.xr.
■^7"3Eli ! 2
X \ r ILL he sold at public vendue, tit the
T T farni of the subscriber, three miles up
the river, from Lewistown, ou
Tuesday, February 21st,
at 10 o'clock a. in., the following Stock, f arm
ing l tonsils, <fcc.:
Large Grey Mare, large Bij 11.-o,
Colt, 3 two year old lleif.-rs,
1 or 2 Cows, 3 yearling Steers,
3 Steers from two to three years old,
Two horse Wagon, Bob Sled,
Pair of good liay Ladders,
1 Haines' Horse Power.
A number of Improved Ploughs and Corn
Corn Plough, 3 sets Gears, nearly new,
Plank Field Roller,
Cummings' Fodder Cutter, for horse power,
Singletrees, Chains, &c., itc.
A liberal credit will be given, say 6 months,
notes to be given with approved endorsers.
feb2-3t F. J. HOFFMAN.
HAS just received and opened at his es
. tablishment a new supply of
Clocks, Watches, Jewelry,
Fancy Articles, &c.,
which he will dispose of at reasonable prices,
lie invites all to give him a call and examine
his stock, which embraces all articles in his
line, and is sufficiently large to enable all to
make selections who desire to purchase.
AS?*RE PAIRING neatly and expeditiously
attended to, and all work warranted.
Thankful for the patronage heretofore re
ceived, he respectfully asks a continuance of
the same, and will endeavor to please all who
may favor him with their custom. feb'2
PTMIE undersigned offer at private sale the
Farm at their Mills in New Lancaster
District. Mifflin county, about ten miles north
east of Lewistown, containing
230 of which arc enclosed with good fences, a
large part post and rail, well watered by the
East liraneh of the Kishacoquillas creek, di
vided into convenient fields, with water in
every field on the farm except one—the re
mainder covered with good timber. The soil
is cf the best quality, in a high state of cul
tiration, some O'J acres being first class mead
ow. The improvements consist of a two-story
Dwelling, with all necessary out
£l3TTTj& buildings, a large Barn, 120 feet
JiiaJllljK long, nearly new, with running
water in the yard, and other con
veniences, such as Cattle Sheds enclosed, &c.
The purchaser of the property can make ar
rangements for receiving all the surplus ma
nure from the pens at the Distillery.
A Mill, Schoolhouse, Church, &c., are in
sight of the farm, and three other churches
within three miles—one Episcopal, two Pres
byterian, and one Lutheran.
400 Acres of Mountain Land,
adjoining the above property, with chestnut,
oak and other timber, which will be disposed
of separately or with the farm.
For further information inquire of
E. E. LOCKE & CO.,
Locke's Mills P. 0., Mifflin co., Pa.
September 29, 1859.
By the Rev. J. 11. tNC.RAII AM, I.L. D.
A new and revised edition, with the author's late--
correction-, fine volume, V2mo.. cloth. 472 page-.
Price 51.26. Published hy GEO. G. EVANS.
No. 4t!9 Chestnut street, Philadt -plua.
A literal translation in German of the Prince of the
House of David. One volume. 12m 0., cloth. 475pag< s.
Price $1.90. Published by GEO. O. EVANS.
No. 439 Chestnut street. Philc.dclphia.
By the Rev. J. H. INGKAHAM. 1.!.. D.
Out volume, 12in0., of th, 006 nag . Price 5i.25.
Published l.y GEORGE G. F.VANS.
No. : .9 t n. stmtt .street, Philadelphia.
Containing the Military and Financial Curros; nmh rlcc
of Distinguished'offleers; General Order- of
Washington, Lee and < Srocne :
Names of the Officer* ami Privates, with the Dates
of their Commissions and Enlistment-- : with a list of
Distinguished Prisoners of War, the time of their
Capture. Exchange, etc.: to which is added the Hall
pay Acts of the Continental Congrc-s, the Revolution
ary Pension Laws, and a list of the Officers of tin-
Continental Army, who acquired the right to Half-pay.
Commutation, Land Warrants, etc.. etc.
Counsellor and Agent for Revolutionary ('hunts.
One volume, 12tn0., cloth, 654 paces, l'ricc .fl .25.
True Biehrs. j Tales of Domestic Life.
Honn Scenes. Ho. ft Titm Cbmmg.
(iuldc ' Grains. | Angel and the J)■ moil.
The Martyr It fr. j Tin tc Eras in Woman's Lifi.
Sinning i>> Spend. j yen Xii/lt'- it. a Bar-It-Mir-.
iuh* oj Rent Life. j .i ngil of tin tioo ho'd.
The Old Man's Bride. ! The Hand hut in r the Ilea t.
The H'i/ Iu Prosper. j Heart It ■■;!, h* and Lift I'w-
J'hc I' It in rod Hiarl. | lures.
Tales ..I Martini Life. | I'ht Tend* of a Hot's- Inijti .
Stejis Tousled.. Heaien. J Ltetcrs front the I'. "d. < I tin-
Wh.tt Can Woman Do? | man Life.
"in the union of thrilling draiuaiic incident.-with
moral lessons of the highest importani i. th -c works
of T. S. Arthur stand forth prc-cioinciit amongst inod
ern authors."
-They have been introduced into the District, sals
bath School, and various other Libraries throughout
the country."
Each of tlu- above Books contain neatly 500 pages,
and are illustrated with finely executed mezzotint en
gravings. and bands- aii-ly i.i,>und i:t one l2mo. volume.
Price St.6o each.
Author, \rtisi. Wizard. < 'onjurer. Auiba-sador. Magi
cian. Sorcerer, Necromancer, Enchanter, K- -11110-
tcur, Professor of Sleight of Hand, etc., etc.
Written by Himself. Edited by Dr. 11. S. Mackenzie.
With a Copious Index. < arel'ully arr.-uig' I.
Bound in 011 c vol. 12mn„ cloth. 416 pages. i. e $1.06.
NATIONAL 1,1 Bit Ait V.
Life of COL. CROCKETT. I Life of GES'L SAMt'EL
Life of LEWIS WETZEL. ! HOl'STt N.
Life ot it 'L< >NICL DAN- i Livos of SOL'THEUN HE
LivesofGENERALSLEK j Public ami Private Life of
Each of the above hooks are illustrated with fine
engravings, and bound in one voliiinc, 12m0., cloth.
Price SI.(JO.
Lives of Illustrious Women
til all Ages and Nations.
Including the Empress Josephine, Lady Jane Ore - '
Beatrice < Vie i. Joan of Are. Anne Boleyn. •
<"(.:•■!. iv. Setniramis. Zeuobia. Bonnier.-. *•••.. et ' :i
tod tw'MAHY E. HEWITT. Eml-eUi-h
en.graved pot traits on stct 1. One volume, I Jlv loth,
By the Rev. HUGH STOW ELL BROWN, of the
Myrtle Street Baptist Chapel, l.ivorjiool, England.—
Eie.it S'riis. With a Biographical Introduction hv
l)r. it. SHLLT! i.\ MACKENZIE.
Published under a special arrangement witli t Leant hor.
One volume. ICmo. cloth. 414 pages. Pri -e Sl.nf.
t'pon remittance of the price of the hook and 21
cents additional for postage, copies of either of the
ahie r hook- accompanied with a handsome present,
worth from 50 cents to luf. dollars, will lie limited to
ant pcr-on in the United Suite- .
Containing the most complete list of hooks ineverv
department of Literature ever published, and which
will lie sent gratis toany person sendingtlieiraddress.
To iiisrit'c lii'inii/>tih (mil hijitoi'tibfi: (failing, siittl all
i/mii' Ot iii /> foe hooka to
No. 4 ;;i Chestnut street. Philadelphia.
.1 lid yon will he saiiatie.l tnlt it ii Hi- hail pine- ill the
country fa jeilrhnsf hooka.
'•. G. EVANS, having purchased the stereotype
plates, copyrights, Ac., of tiie " I'rince of U:e Ihnof
Dan I." - )'ilfar of Fire" etc., would call the attention
of agents to these truly valuable works.
one of the most popular and lvest selling books ever
published, l Ivor 1 so,ooo copies have been sold, and it
bids fair to outrival the "Pilgrim's Progress," or any
other similar work.
The -I'II.LAD OF FIDE." by the same author, is
now meeting with a rapid sale, over 90,000 copies hav
ing been sold since its publication: and as a compan
ion to the "Prince of the House of David." every read
er of that book should purchase ;i copy.
WAD" is a hook of great interest, and gives a vast
amount ot information relative to the Soldiers of the
Revolution, and is an invaluable hook of reference for
the descendants of its heroes and all who are interest
ed in Pension Claims, Land Warrants, etc.
Tin: MOST LIBERAL INDUCEMENTS are offered to Agents,
and upon addressing the publisher every information
will be given.
Address GEORGE G. EVANS, Publisher.
jan2o-Gt 409 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Pa.
IN pursuance of an order issuedhhr} r the
Orphans" Court of Mifflin county, the undersigned,
as Trustee, will expose to sale, by public vendue or
outcry, on the premises, on
SATURDAY, February 18, ISKIO,
the following Real Estate, to wit:
A House and Lot of Ground,
situate in Milroy. Armagh township. MitHin
M county, bounded on the south by a public
road. On the east by road leading from Me-
Munigal <Y Maclay's mill to the turnpike at
Coplin's tavern, and on the north by lot own
ed by heirs of Ramsay and others. "The said
lot contains about one acre, more or less, and in addi
tion to tiie House, other improvements are erected
thereon. Sale to commence at oue o'clock p. m. of
said daw when terms will be made know n by
Trustee for sale of Real Est. of Eph. Swanger, deed.
January 26. 1860,-ts
V/ anee of an alias order issued by the Orphans' Court
of Mifflin county, will be exposed to sale, by public
vendue or outcry, on the premises, on SATURDAY",
March 3. IS6O, the following described Real Estate, to
wit:—A Tract of Land situate in Wayne township. Mif
flin county, being the residue of a certain tract taken
by widow, beginning at stones corner of land of John
Cochran, thence south thirty-six dcg. west twenty-five
perches to post, thence by lands of same south rtfty
l'our east to corner land of Elizabeth Caster, thence by
land same north thirty-six deg. east twenty-five perch
es to post, thence along line cf Geo. Sunderland to
place of beginning, containing 2 acres and 56 perches,
more or less. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock p. m. of
said day, when terms will be made known by
janl9 Admr. Andrew Caster, dee'd.
AUDITOR'S NOTICE.—The undersigned
Autiitur, appointed by the Court of Coir.-
raon Pleas of the county of Mifflin to distrib
ute the funds in the hands of Robert Mat
thews, Esq., Trustee of Frances Gochenaur,
will attend t the duties of the appointment
at the Register's Office, in Lewistown, on
FRIDAY, the 2d day of March next, at 10
o'clock a. in. Those interested are requested
to attend. W. P. ELLIOTT,
Feb. 2, 1860. Auditor.
Dissolution of Partnership,
rpilE partnership heretofore existing be-
X tween the subscribers mrder the firm of
n. r. IIEISLER A CO., is tlits day dissolved
by mutual agreement. The business of said
firm will be settled by B. F. Ileisler.
Lewistown, January 30, 1800.
I>. T. il -islor will continue the Soap and
Candle Business a3 heretofore. fel>2—3t*
Hard Times & Tanglefoot Whisky
AX" E have now on hand 200 Bags SALT,
f T which we are selling at 135 cents per
sack, which is 15 cents cheaper than you can
buy it for in town. We will sell
Dry Goods at Cost,
and below it. We have also now on hand.
Sunburv, Wilkcsbarre A Blacksmiths', which
will be delivered any plao in town. We keep
a large and well selected stock of
Flour, Cheese, Crackers, Spices, Tobacco,
Soaps, Teas, and any other thing you may ask
for. We keep constantly on hand a large lot
; which we pack ourselves, and warrant good.
r-a r-ja STK? /--.n tr n > .
iLLA iL w w 0
We have a large stock of Liquors for medi
cinal purposes, including
Mau< ii a Lisbon, Malaya and Port Wines,
French Brandies, at ail yric.es,
Gins, of' nit qualities and ju ices,
Yankee and Jamaica Bums,
Old Whiskey, at 25 to 50 per quart.
" Tinylc/io l '' —'3oo Barrels Monongahela
Whiskey, at 3>i cts. per gallon by the barrel.
At the old stand of
Lewistown, February 2, 1800.-3t[nj
\Y E eavc to atten_
tion of the Trade, and more
especially the Physicians of the
country, to two of the most popu
lar remedies now before the public.
! We refer to
llr. ('litis. M'Laiif's Crlcbratrd
Vermifuge and Liver Pills.
We do not recommend them as
universal Cure-alls, but simply for
what their name purports, viz.:
For expelling Worms from the
human system. It has also been
administered with the most satis
factory results to various Animals
subject to Worms.
For the cure of Li vER C OM I >i. A I NTS,
HEAD-ACHE, &rc. In cases of
preparatory to or after taking Qui
nine, they almost invariably make
a speedy and permanent cure.
As specifics for the above men
tioned diseases, they are Unrivaled,
and never known to fail when ad
ministered in accordance with the
Their unprecedented popularity
has induced the proprietors,
to dispose of their Drug business,
in which they have been success
fully engaged for the last Twenty
Years, and they will now give their
undivided time and attention to
their manufacture. And being de
termined that Dr. M'Lane's Cele
brated Vermifuge and Liver Pills
shall continue to occupy the high
position they now hold among the
great remedies of the day, they
will continue to spare neither time
nor expense in procuring the Best
and Purest material, and com
pound them in the most thorough
manner. Address all orders to
FLEMING BROS, rittsborgh, Pa.
P.S. Dealer* and Physicians ordering from other*
than Fleming Bros., will do well to write their orders
distinctly, and take TUIW, but L)r. M' prepared by
Fleming Bi as. Pittsburgh. Pa. To those wishing to give
them a trial, we will forward per mail, post paid, to any
part of the United States, one box of Pills for twelve
three-cent postage stamps, or one vial of Vermifuge for
fourteen three-cent stamps. All orders from Canada must
he accompanied by twenty cents extra.
For sale by Charles Ritz, F. J. Hoffman, and
Mary Marks, Lewistowu, and dealers generally
in the county. mayl2
VJT Just received, a large supply of new
pattern COAL OIL LAMPS of various kinds
and prices, with the new patent Menill's
Burner, which prevents all smoke and insures
a steady flame equal to gas at about one
third the cost. For sale by
TAIVIDEND.—The Stockholders of the
1 J Lewistown and Tusearora Bridge Company are
hereby notified that a semi-annual dividend of FIVE
PER CENT, on the capital stock has been declared,
payable on demand at" the office of the Treasurer
CHARLES RITZ, Treaourer.
Lewistown, January 20, ISOO.-2t
GOOI> SYRUP MOLASSES at 50 cts. per
gallon, for sale by
A GOOD article of BLACK TEA for sale
ALL kinds of CANNED FRUIT, and also
PICKLES, for sale by A. FELIX,