Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, January 19, 1860, Image 3

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    ri E
•* ■*
will be German preaching in
■ ] jCC ture Room of the Lutheran Church
. Sunday afternoon next, at 2 o'clock.
KEUGIOUS. —The annual Protraeted Meet
of the Lutheran Church commenced in
, i lace on Sunday morning last, on which
a'ion Rev. 11. Baker delivered an exhorta
! the duties of professing christians,
pertinent remarks as to others. These
Pi.gs will probably continue for some
and a# from the commencement they
i. . largely attended, we look for good
. . many who seemingly forget God,
; t it is appointed for all living, perhaps
few hours, a few days, a few months, or
'.t-.it> to die. Was each one to bear in
f , nstantly the injunction
v charge to keep I have—
A ii'i.l to glorify:
A never dying soul to savo
And tit ft for the sky"—
r different would this world be from what
i v? II w many profane oaths would be
- k-'d almost as soon as conceived—how
ii, i ■ injury and wrong to our fellow be-
j n _, avoided ?
PENNA. RAILROAD.—The business trans
acted at 1 .ewistown Station during the
.. -ith of December, 1859, was as follows:
Freight received, 81,411 00
Fnigbt forwarded, 3,53 i -14
TulD collected, 30 28
Freight receipt?, 4,990 7S
lV<noger receipts, 1,191 00
T ta! receipts for December, JO,IBI 78
Among the principal articles forwarded
during the same month were the following:
Fruit, 9,900 lbs.
t'loversecd, 00,390 "
"utter, 14,025 *'
Eggs, 2.205 "
Ao's, *23,905 44
, t . 150,830 44
1' -uiiry, 8,740 "
Fiour, 1,(00 bbls.
Whiskey, 29 "
Alcohol and Fluid, 71 "
11 'gs, 158
Horses, 25
rattle, 81
Sheep, 1,182
'•'lie following is a general statement of
business of the road at this station du
r ■ the year 1859, being an increase of
v than 810,000 over that of 1858 :
Freight received, *23,708 52
l'rei"ht f irwurded, 31,405 72
collected, r,12 98
1: iglit r c-ipts, 55,687 22
lWeng - r receipts, 15,1 <5 54
Total receipts f..r 1859, *70,802 70
The amounts of some of the principal
snides of frcisrht forwarded during the
ir were a> follows :
Fruit, 29,400 lbs.
('loverseed, * 540,250 4 "
flutter, 14<,810 44
iUr-,, 208.035 44
Ax *, u02,84il 44
1,528,670 44
JVultry, 25,085 44
11.ur, 10,307 bids.
Whiskey, 735 44
Ale hol'und Fluid, 898 44
Hogs, 4.678
!I 459
i ittle, 2,230
Sheep, 0,535
\ "tor an examination of the law, J u Jge
:--r -anre to the conclusion that a sentence
tii penitentiary f>r adultery was not au
- : z'-ti, and -1 soph B ought and Jude Gib
' to were acci: ling'y setenced to the county
•; > s-.r 4x mouths. The other parties were
:> at ih" city by the sheriff.
Dr. X. Ilurev, convicted of fornication
n<i bastardy, had the usual sentence passed
n Lim, failing to comply with which, he
-■ • in the county jail.
But i.e of the following causes was tried
during the li- st week, in consequence of the
; n:criminal business. On the second
• ;J . \\ ilson was anxious to dispose of
■ ' -••"her i : other cases, which were con tin
-4 a account of the illness of one of
t'-m . .rneys.
i :<acr i.r use Fisher vs. Leibert Discon
t;nue i.
H Met' -rniick vs. T. & J. M. Brown—
r Plaintiff for *25.
' HI. ii.r use vs. Mcßride et al.—-Two ver
"■ tie for Jos. Milliken & Sou for $564.16;
pr: r Samuel Withrow for $364.93.
u- 'Y Uit " v,a - brought on official bond of Geo.
" Mcßride as Receiver of It. Allen & Co.
- - ii i.t against Mcßride and J. J. Dull and
"M b B gl e 's estate.
N --nu(-l Comfort vs. Theo. D. Irish—Yer
- V r blaintiff for $24.10.
lr 'M in's Exrs. vs. Cyrus Alexander et al.
• pigment for Plaintiff; amount to be liqui
- ■ by Pmthonotary.
• . e id same vs. Robt. slcManigil's
ct al: same vs. Wm. J. Thompson et
M i use vs _ McManigil'e Admr.,
-"■• at -ume as the above.
fk I'enepacker vs. W. Lytle et al.—
for Plaintiff for $579.58.
D . McCormick vs. A. Aurant—Verdict
-' Plaintiff for $133.
v-nedict s. Cumuiinga—Verdict for Plain- S
y jr 5341.38.
a-'i r v . B * Sterrett et al.—-Judg
r. 'aintiff for $4155, with stay of ex-
Y* till Ist April.
j Tympany v B . L. &K. Turnpike Co.—
W b nt l [' jr J'faintiff for $131.40.
'k alters vs. J. I. Langton—Cause
, - 1 ahd jury charged, when the Plaintiff i
;j a honsmt.
j* a , r \s. McManigil'e Admr. et al.—
r Rfaintiff fur $2018.54,
-Jurv V" f ' VS- Albright, surv. part., &c.
time.[\ s *" rn and after progressing some
-' sf o w a .B in consequence
-"lurtnality in taking depositions.
t r ' ° u rned Court was ordered to be held
--wwrth week in March.
I h
■ • ie weather continues moderate, with
'°nal snow squalls.
SHERIFF S SALES. —The following property
was disposed of by the Sheriff at hist term :
A house and lijt in \\ est Market street,
Lewistown. as the property of Julian Riddle',
to C. C. Stan burger fur S6OO.
A tract of land in Oliver townshio a* the
property of Michael Rhodes, to Parker A Ben
edict for sls.
21 acres in Oliver township, with some im
provements, as tho property of Jacob Ernest,
to Samuel Drake for $230.
A lot on Juniata street, Lewistown, with
' improvements, as the property of Samuel Mc
! Graw, to E. L. Benedict for SSO.
A house and lot on A'alley street, Lewis
town, as the property of Wm. Montgomery
to J. W. Shaw for SGOO.
150 acres of land in Wayne township, with
improvements, as the property of Samuel 11.
| Bell, to John Long for sllOl.
10 acres in Oliver township, with improve
ments, as the property of David Lucas, to
George Shegan for SIOO.
A house and lot on Valley street, Lewis
town. as tho property of David Sunderland,
to James Burns for SBOO. The marble yard
property was sold to the same purchaser for
S2OO. r
gsgrWe heard it stated the other day, that
a wagon laden with several tons of iron had
been upset on Stone Mountain, and fell upon
James Summers, the driver.
cattle and sheep were killed last
week by a locomotive about 8 miles up the
river, by whom owned we have not learned.
C A HERON Ci.ru.— This Club met in the
Town Hall on Friday evening, January 13th,
i pursuant to adjournment—James AlcCord in
the chair, Geo. W. Soult, Secretary pro tem.
'1 be committee on resolutions reported the
following, which were adopted:
WHEREAS, From the course that political
| events are now assuming, it behooves us as
1 good citizens to look forward with unusual
thought and judgment to the person who will
next occupy the Presidential chair of this
great nation. In selecting a candidate we
should bo careful that upon all questions im
portant to the growtli and stability of our
Lnion such person be steadfast and worthy
of the great responsibility and trust placed in
him—oue who knows and cares for the inter
j ests of all. and the'L'nion forever. Therefore,
Resolved, That in Simon Cameron, of Perm
sylvunia, we have such a man—a stern, un
bending patriot, devoted to the Union—one
: who will harmonize the North with the South,
, allowing to each their respective rights arid
j privileges as guaranteed by the Constitution;
I strongly conservative; not tinctured with the
J bitter feuds now raging between the North
J and South; but will restore our beloved coun
' try, now so terribly prostrated by the imbecile
! administration of James Buchanan, to its once
: prominent position among the nations of the
; earth.
Itesolfcd, That in Simon Cameron we have
| the friend and advocate of Pennsylvania's now
j greatest necessity, always her interest. Pro
i lection—who has unflinchingly insisted upon
her claims in the Hull of the Senate of the
U. S., and when his brother Senator, fearing
tho frowns of a tyrannical Administration,
was hushed in quiet, his voice rang like a
clarion blast, silencing aii others, in advocacy
of Protection.
Jtesolced, That it thai! be our constant aim,
by all honorable and fair means, to elevate
him to the seat nee occupied by Washington,
Jefferson ;ad Jackson, and that in doing so
we fully believe in bis ability to administer
the govnerment of our great country with
justice, energy and credit, and that lie will
reflect honor upon the old Keystone State from
which he hails.
Jtesolced, That this association shall be
known under the name of the Lewistown Cam
eron Club, aud that we bind ourselves to use
all honorable means for the nomination of
Simon Cameron for the Presidency, at the
Convention to be held at Chicago, on the 13th
June, 1860.
Jtesolced, That the Union can be saved.
Jtesolced, That, as Republicans, we w:ll
save it.
Messrs. John Hamilton, Jos. Alter, Reuben
Smith, John Cufebison and G. W. Soult were
appointed a eonnnittee to prepare a constitu
tion. Adjourned to meet on Friday evening
Fire—Two Children Burnt.
The following letter came to hand after a
small part of our edition had been worked off".
LOCKE'S MII.LS, 4 a. in., Jan. 18.
Mr. Frysinger—This morning, at 1 o'clock,
we were aroused from our slumbers by the
alarming cry of 44 Fire!" and springing out
of bed and as hastily as possible throwing on
my clothing, I met at my door tho wife of
one of my neighbors, Michael Garrity, in her
night clothes, barefooted, and crying 44 Oh,
my children—they are burnt!" Leaving her
in the care of the females of my family, I
hastened to the burning building, about half
a mile, which on my arrival, I found wrapt
in flames, the interior burnt out and the roof
fallen in, with nothing saved but a few arti
cles that were near the back door of the
The lirst alann was given to the family by
a little daughter of Mr. Garrity, who says she
was awakened by the fire burning her arm.
She was sleeping with her brother of about
ten, and sister of about five years of age, both
of whom perished in the flames. On awaking,
she aroused her , brother Patrick who was in
an adjoining room, and finding it impossible
to descend the stairway, they made their es
eapc by jumping out of the second story win
dow. Tney say that the two little children
were both smothered and burning before they
escaped. Instantly arousing their parents,
they with great exertions got them out of the
burning building. The father has been almost
helpless for the last fifteen months from par
alysis, and the mother is subject to falling
spasms, often falling to the floor in the midst
of her household duties. They have been a
sorely afflicted family during the-past year,
and this additional affliction will bear heavily
upon them.
Young Patrick acted nobly in saving his
parents, as at the time he entered their room
they were both asleep aud surrounded by the
flames. lie did not save the clothes he had
laid aside on retiring. lie made an effort to
get to the two children after he had rescued
his parents, but found after climbing the post
and getting on the shed, where a window
opened to the room in which they lay, that
the bed was entirely consumed, and he could
not see anything of them. It is not known
how the fire originated. Patrick and his sis
ter both say it commenced in tho room where
she and the two children slept, and Judy says
she blew out the lamp when going to bed, and
left it on the window sill. No stove pipe pass
ed through that room, and no fire was kept in
that part of the house. E. F. L.
LEWISTOWN, Jan. 19, 1859.
Butter, good, lb. 17
Lard, 10
Tallow, 12
Eggs, p dozen, 16
Wheat, white bushel, 000 to 120
red 00 to 1 15
Corn, 55
K ye, 70
Oats, 30
Barley, 50 to 60
Cloverseed, 4 25
Timothy, ] 50
Pork, per 100 lbs., 5 00 to 5 50
Extra family Fiour, $3 25; extra, 3 00;
superfine, 2 75 per hundred.
'1 he above prices are also paid by Blv
mycr A Stan Larger.
fiSs!Pßarley and Rye will be purchased at
Fisher's Brewery at the stone bridge, in any
quantity, at full market prices.
Philadelphia Market.
There is no change in the Flour market,
and the home trade are the only buyers, at
prices ranging from $5 50 to 5 75 for super
fine ; 5 75a6 for extras, and from G 25 to 7 25
for extra family and fancy brands, according
to quality. 1\ heat comes in slowly, and the
market is stationary, with but little demand
for milling ; sales include prime red at $1 35
al 36. mostly in the cars. White is quoted at
I 40aI 50, and very little selling. Rye is held
at 92a93c.
Cattle Marlct, Jan. 16.—The receipts of
Beef Cattle were large this week, reaching
about 2,200 head. The market was dull, but
prices about the same as last week. Several
extra lots of Cattle were sent to New York.
Sales at s7alo the 100 lbs, as in quality.
About 200 Cows sold at prices ranging from
$25 to GO per head, as in quality.
5 500 Sheep arrived and sold at the Avenue
Yard, at from 5c to 51c per lb, gross. The
arrival of llogs reached about 2000 head; the
stock was very superior and prices tending
upward. The market closed brisk, at prices
ranging from $7 to 8 per 100 lbs, net, us in
r TMIE undersigned offer at private sale the
Farm at their Mills in New Lancaster
District, MitHin county, about ten miles north
east of Lewistown, containing
230 of which are enclosed with good fences, a
large part post and rail, well watered by the
East Branch of the Kishacoquillas creek, di
vided into convenient fields, with water in
every field ou the farm except one—the re
mainder covered with good timber. The soil
is cf the best quality, in a high state of col
tivation, some 60 acres being first class mead
ow. The improvements consist of a two-story
Dwelling, with all necessary out-
JpSl J j j|A buildings, a large Barn, 120 feet
11 lift long, nearly new, with running
ff" w< lter in the yard, and other con
veniences. such as Cattle Sheds enclosed, etc.
The purchaser of the property can make ar
rangements for receiving all the surplus ma
nure from the pens at the Distillery.
A Mill. Sclmolhouse, Church, &e.. are in
sight of the farm, and three other churches
with";:; three miles—one Episcopal, two Pres
byterian, and one Lutheran.
400 Acres of Mountain Land,
adjoining the above property, vuh oiiesuiut.
oak and other timber, w' "eh will bo disposed
of separately or with the farm.
For further information inquire of
E. E. LOCKE & CO.,
Locke's Mills P. <>., Mifiiin co., Pa.
| September 29, 1859.
A Time and Place for all Things,
Ami nraon? tliem a Time and Place lo
V. K. Corner U. Market and Wavue Sts.,
HAVE just returned from the eastern cities
with a large and varied assortment of
2 j
w . I
i © of all kinds, including very choice.
| © patterns of ! p.
3 SHAWLS, &c., £
'and in connection with Gentlemen's!
; | Wear . J
(S&®WIESSs> 12
j £- Cassimeres, Vestings, &e.,i
C 1 o*
W j (? roccries,
I® | Qneensware, q
rf Glassware,
i j Cutlery, nj
| j Carpets, W
©5 ifate, i 2^
6 ' a 1
** Boots, ©
PS Shoes, &
and all other articles kept in largp
I stores.
JtiSyWool and Country Produce generally
I'taken in exchange for Goods. novlO
and everything fop wear or use generally,
is the store, where choice can be made from
| the largest stock in the county, at prices that
cannot fail to be satisfactory, oct2o
CIOAL OIL! COAL OlL!—Without smell,
/ smoke, or any unpleasantness, at $1 25
per gallon. This oil is manufactured in New
Brunswick, is far superior to any other Coal
Oil made, east or west, and is more economi
cal, burning at least 20 per cent, longer than
i other oils. For sale by
j jans F. G. FRANCISCUS.
&e., &c.,
Orders promptly attended to. jelG
Christmas is Near at Hand!
,4 ND FELIX has just returned from the
/\ City with a splendid assortment of
se'e-j Xy :j)
China CrnaniPiital Vases. Dishes, Cups ami
Saucers, Pitchers, &c.,
By the Box or Pound,
Peaches, Raisins, Currants, Figs, Prunes,
Almonds, &r. s Ate.
tUsOTDon't forget to call at Felix's Variety
Store to purchase your holiday presents,
dec 15 A, FELIX.
Don't Forget Your Interests !
Men, Women and Children
At anted to Buy
The subscriber would respect
rW \. fully invite the community at
to call and examine his
stuck ol Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, a large as
sortment of which ho always has on hand,
Loth of his own and city manufacture.
Gentlemen, if you want a W ATEK-PROOF
BOOT, call at Thomas Cox's Home Boot and
Shoe Store, as he is sole inventor of a compo
sition which will make leather water-proof,
smooth, soft and pliable, and will wear at
least one third longer. Hundreds of referen
ces can be given of prominent men who are
now wearing them, and enjoying the comforts
of dry and warm feet.
To the Ladies he would say, he uses the
best oil dressed Morocco, which will keep the
feet warm and dry, and is soft and pleasant.
Particular attention is paid to the city
fashions, in order to get up first class work,
equal to the best city work. All kinds of
Home Made Work kept on hand and made to
order at the shortest notice.
It is my intention to attend closely to busi
ness, make good work, sell cheap Jor cash,
and thus hope to be sustained by an appreci
ating public. THOMAS COX.
Lewistown, Dec. 22, 1859.
Kennedy & Junkin's
! mm mu 3M
rPHK undersigned have just received a choice
X selection of seasonable goods and
As times are hard and money is scarce, we
will make it an object to sell cheaper than the
I cheapest , (and no mistake.) We have all kinds
! of goods, such as L)e Laines, French Merinoes,
Fiorina Lustres, Wool Plaids, Bruche, Plaid,
' and Cashmere Shawls, Cloths, Cassimcres, Sat
inets, Muslins, and of Calicoes a good assort
ment. Also, a prime article of Shaser Flannel
warranted not to shrink by washing. All Wool
Flannels, white, red, green and yellow at all pri
we have a tine lot of Opera, Maraposa, and
! children's Woolen Caps to suit the season at ve
ry low prices. We have also a choice assort
| ment of
jpatuils (Svomics,
such as Cotfee, Sugar, Teas and Itice, with
Spices of all kinds, as well as
and in fact everything that is generally kept in
Please give us a call and examine for your
selves, as we are determined not to be under
sold by either Jew or Gentile.
All kinds of country produce taken in ex
change for Goods and the highesi market price
paid for same. Ground Alum Salt at 1.35 cash
per sack, and full saeks. Also Dairv Salt,
Cloths for Cloaks.
I A DIES desirous of purchasing Cloths for
J Cloaks, are requested to call at my estab
lishment in Market street, where I will sell to
them only, for cash, Cloths2s percent, cheap
er than the same quality of goods can be pro
cured at any store in town or Country.
~ WM. LL\D.
Lewistown, December 1, 1859.
Estate of Jlary Sigler, dee'd.
is hereby given that letters of ad
ll ministration on the estate of Mary Sigler,
late of Crawford county, Ohio, deceased, have
been granted to the undersigned, residing in
Decatur township, Mifflin county, Pa. All
persons indebted to said estate are requested
to make immediate payment, and those having
claims against the same to present them duly
authenticated for settlepient.
jans-Gt GEO. SIGLER, Admr.
Estate of Alicbael Shonghrnrv, dee'd.
OTICE is hereby given that letters of ad-
A1 ministration on the estate of MICHAEL
SHOUGHENCY, late of Brown township,
Mifflin county, deceased, have been granted
to the undersigned, residing in said township.
All persons indebtod to said estate are reques
ted to make immediate payment, and those
having claiiqs against the game to present
them duly authenticated for settlement.
dec22-6t* JOHN HOY'f, JR., Admr.
Estate of Yost King, Uec'd.
OTICE is hereby given that jotters of ad-
X A ministration on the estate of YOST
KING, late of Menno township, Mifflin coun
ty, deceased, hayc been granted to the under
signed, the first named residing in Brady
township, Huntingdon county, and the latter
in Menno township, Mifflin county. AH per
sons indebted to said estate are requested to
make immediate payment, and those having
claims against the same to present them duly
authenticated for settlement.
docls-Gt*[oj Administrators.
Which ho will dispose of at low prices for
Cash, to all who will favur him with
their custom.
Call and Examine !
Lewistown, December 22, 1859.
AVhat Everybody Wants.
And Counsellor in Business,
1 IT TELLS YOU how to draw up Partnership Pa
pers and gives general forms for Agreements
I of all kinds, Bills of Sale, Leases & Petitions.
| IT TELLS YQV how to draw up Bunds and Mort
gages, Affidavits, Powers of Attorney, Notes
and Bills of Exchange, Receipts & Releases.
I IT TELLS YOU the Laws for the Collections of
Debts, with the Statutes of Limitation, and
amount and kind of property Exempt from
Execution in every State.
IT TELLS YOU how to make an Assignment prop
erly, with forms for Composition with Credi
j tors, and the Insolvent Laws of every Stale.
| IT TELLS YOU the legal relations existing be
tween Guardian and Ward, Mastei and Ap
prentice, and Landlord and Tenant.
IT TELLS YOU what constitutes Libel and Slan
der, and the Law as to Marriage Dower, the
Wife's Right in Property, Divorce& Alimony.
IT TELLS YQV the Law for Mechanics' Liens in
every State, and the Laws of
this country, and how to comply with them.
IT TELLS YOU the law concerning Pensions and
how to obtain one, and the Pre-emption Laws
to Public Lands.
IT TELLS YOU the law for Patents, with mode
of procedure in obtaining one, with Interfer
ences, Assignments and Tabic of Fees.
IT TELI.S YOU how to make your Wii),and how
to Administer on an Estate, with the law and
the requirements thereof in every State,
i IT TELLS You the meaning of Law Terms in
general use, and explains the Legislative, Ex
ecutive and Judicial Powers of both the Gen
eral and State Governments,
j IT TELLS YOU how to keep out of law, by show
j ing how to do your business legally, thus sa
i ving a vast amount of property, and vexatious
j litigation, by its timely consultation.
Single copies will be sent by mail, postage
j paid, to every Farmer, every Mechanic, every
! Man of Business, and everybody in every State,
; on receipt of sl, or law style of binding $1.25.
SIOOO A YEAR can be made by enterprising
men everywhere in selling the above work, as
our inducements to all such are very liberal.
For single copies of the book, or for terms to
agents, with other information, apply to or ad
dress JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher,
nov2-l-6m 617 Sansom st , Philadelphia.
Full Length Steel Engravings of
TNCI.ITDING a view of Mount Vernon in the engra-
L ving of Washington. These splendid engravings are
troui original paintings by Hicks, and are engraved on
steel in the highest style of art. They are each 25x35
inches, each containing six SQUARE FEET. SO many
coarse, miserable pictures have been palmed upon the
public as works of art—and especially in clu-ap, black and
muddy engravings—that it is difficult to convince persons
of taste that they are safe in ordering iviiat they have not
first seen. We have paid (lie first artists their own pri
ces, amounting to many thousand dollars, to produce en
gravings that are really beautiful, as well as the BEST
portraits, ami that shall he splendid ornaments to any
parlor. (O-Opinions that can be relied on :
o>The Editor of the New York Observer says:—"These
engravings are genuine works of art—the likenesses are
admirable. The portrait of Mr. Everett will take prece
dence of all others."
a>The New York Christian Advocate says:—"They
are among Ihe finest engravings we have ever seen, and
Tcrius. Almost Gratis.
We will send, postpaid, securely packed in rollers—
Either Engraving and a $3 Magazine one year, for $3.
Both Engravings and a #3 Magazine one year, for St.
SOAgents who remit #3O at one time will have an extra
copy of each engraving. The Magazines are
a>By a special arrangement, the entire year's subscrip
tion to the Magazines is paiij oyef by us to tip- publishers,
and subscribers receive their supply for tiie year direct
from their respective publication offices. The cost of the
engravings ps paid only by tl)e difference between the
lowest wholesale and the regular price of the Magazines.
OEngraviiigs sent nt once, and subscriptions to period
icals commence with current issue, unless otherwise or
dered. Money at our risk if proof is retained of having
been milled Firs! impressions are best, therefore send
early. Address O. 11. BAILEY Sc CO.,
(At Wm. liall fe Son's Music Store,) 513 Broadway,
novlT-lQt New York.
Oh! That's the Place!
Tbe Sign of the
lilt Ml POT!
JF you want a tasty COAL BUCKET,
If you want a good TIN BUCKET,
you want a strong DISH PAN,
If you want the best LARD L,AMp now in use,
If you want a hundred other tin articles,
If you want a Stove or two fop jess than cost,
If you want any sized stove pipe pr drum,
If ye Merchants want anything in our line, send
in your orders and we will fill them out prompt
ly and warrant all we send you to boid in and
out, and consequently there will be no trouble
with leaky ware. Now all ye people, let not
want be your master, but come or send, and be
careful for nothing except that you bring with
you z. few of the shiners, and J. IRVIN WALLIS
will wait on you with pleasure. novlO
Iron! Iron! Iron!
I HAVE now on hand and shall continue to
keep a well selected stock of all kinds of
Iron wanted for the trade, at low prices for
cash. Valentines best Horse Shoe for sale at a
low figure by F. J. HUFFMAN.
sf # ? ® i* ?
rMfn i i f S
The great standard medicines of the present
age, have acquired their great popularity only
through years of trial. Unbounded satisfac
tion is rendered ly them in all cases; and the
people have pronounced (hem worthy.
Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice,
Debility of the Nervous System,
Diseases of the Kidneys,
and all diseases arising from a Jisordereei
liver or weakness of the stomach and digestive
organs, are speedily and permanently cured by
The Balsamic Cordial has acquired a
reputation surpassing that of any similar pre
paration extant. It will cure, WITHOUT FAIL,
the most severe and long-standing
Cough, Cold,, or Hoarseness, Bronchitis, In
fluenza, Croup, Pneumonia, Incipient
and has performed the most astonishing cures
ever knou-n of
Confirmed Consumption.
A few doses will also at once check and
cure the most severe Diarrhoea proceeding
These medicines are prepared by Dr. C. M.
JACKSON & Co., Xo. 418 Arch Street, Phila
delphia, Pa., and are sold by druggists and
dealers in medicines everywhere, at 75 cents
per bottle. The signature of C. M. JACKSON
will be on the outside wrapper of each bottle.
In the Almanac published annually by. the
proprietors, called EVERYBODY'S ALMANAC,
you will find testimony and commendatory
notices from all parts of the country. These
Almanacs are given away ly all our agents.
For sale by Charles Ritz, F. J. Huffman, and
Mary Marks, Lewistown, and dealers generally
in the county. may 12
W E . beg leave to call the atten
tion of the Trade, and more
especially the Physicians of the
country, to two of the most popu
lar remedies now before the public,
We refer to
Dr. Clias. M'Lane's felrbrnied
Vermifuge and Liver Pills.
We do not recommend them as
universal Cure-alls, but simply for
what their name purports, viz.:
For expelling Worms from the
human system. It has also been
administered with the most satis
factory results to various Animals
subject to Worms.
For the cure of Liv ER COM PLAINTS,
HEAD- Ac HE, &c. In cases of
preparatory to or after taking Qui
nine, they almost invariably make
a speedy and permanent cure.
As specifics for the above men
tioned diseases, they are Unrivaled,
and never known to fail when ad
ministered in accordance with the
Their unprecedented popularity
has induced the proprietors,
to dispose of their Drug business,
in which they have been success
fully engaged for the last Twenty
Tears, ana they will now give their
undivided time and attention to
their manufacture. And being de
termined that Dr. M'Lane's Cele
brated Vermifuge and Liver Pills
shall continue to occupy the high
position they now hold among the
great remedies of the day, they
will continue to spare neither time
nor expense in procuring the Best
and Purest material, and com
pound them in tfie most thorough
manner. Address all orders to
FLEMING BROS. Pittsburgh, Pa.
P. S- Denier* and Physicians ordering from others
than Fleming Bros., will do wt*!l to write their orders
distinctly, and tike none but Or. ULane't, prejxired by
Fleming Brns. Pittsburgh, Pn. To those wishing to giro
thorn a trial, we will Sirward per mail. po paid, to any
part of the United States, one box of HHs for twelve
tfcree-cent postage stamps, or one vial of Vermifuge for
fourteen three-cent stamps. All orders from Canada must
be accompanied by twenty occte .extra.
For sale by Charles Ritz, F. J. Hoffman, and
Mary Marks, Lewistown, and dealers generally
in the county. mayl2
Just received, a large supply of new
pattern COAL OIL LAMPS of various kinds
and prices, with the new patent Menill's
Burner, which prevents all smoke and insures
a steady flame equal to gas at about one
third the cost. For sale by
G OOD SYRUP MOLASSES at 50 ets. per
gallon, for sale bv
novin ain.tilEß & BRISBirv.