Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, September 16, 1858, Image 4

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    The Democrat's Opinion of Mr.
From the True Democrat, August 11, ISSo.
For Director of the Poor, JOHN PEACHEY,
of Menno township, one of the staunch and
reliable farmers of Kishacoquillas valley was
nominated, as a man EMINENTLY QUALI
ESTS. An effort was last year made, and
will probably be again, to sell the old Poor
House farm, with a view of purchasing one
more eligible and suitable, and therefore it is
important that A PRUDENT, SAIL, AND
rector of the Poor, for should the project be
carried out, a reckless disregard of the public
interests, such as was manifested in making
iaii contracts, might plunge the county into
"an inextricable debt. ALL WIIO KNOW
TANT TRUST the Democracy desire to com
mit to his keeping.
Dr. Bower before the Election
Last Year.
, From the True Democrat of September 10, !557.]
have FULL AUTHORITY for saying
that Dr. Bower will not vote for any appro
priation to the Sunbury and" Erie Railroad
Company. No such project is or has been
contemplated, and no such appropriation ask
ed for by that Company. This the Gazette
knows as well us we do—and yet it has the
unfairness to allege that Dr. Bower is commit
ted to such action. But further, our candi
date Dr. Bower, is opposed in toto to GRANT
loan OR IN ANY OTHER SHAPE, either
to the Sunbury and Erie Railroad Company,
or to any other corporation for any amount
whatever. Will the Gazette do the Democrat
ic party and its candidates the common justice
to say so, now that it has repeatedly alleged
and insinuated the contrary?"
[Part of another article in the same paper.]
"There is not a district in the State in which
the Sunbury and Erie bill is now made the
issue, aud not a single newspaper, of any pol
ities, (as far as we eau find,) advocates the
passage of any bill for the relief of, or to aid
the construction of that road. A Democratic
legislature last winter voted down the Sunbury
and Erie bill, by a very emphatic majority ;
and should the next legislature be Democratic,
(of which there is no reasonable doubt,) we
are satisfied no attempt to pass such a bill
will be made, not only because it is well known
it couid not pass, but because the contingency
which induced the friends of that road to so
licit a pledge of State bonds to aid the Com
pany in obtaining loans, (an appropriation
of money was never asked,) will no longer
exist. The Gaactte's incessant harping upon
the * appropriation of 50,000,000 to the Sun
bury aud Erie Railroad,' tie., is, consequent
ly, all 'Buncombe'—merely to deceive the
people, by making them believe a question is
at issue which really is not. A man must be
blind indeed who cannot see into that gamqj
—that ' great cry over little wool.' "
Dr. Bower after the Election.
<>n the tiual passage of the bill selling
(or giving away) the public works to the
Sunbury and Erie Railroad Company, and
lending the credit of the State by endorsing
the bonds, the vote stood—
• jfet^AYE—DR. BOWER WJ sujr
\\ hat voter, what taxpayer, will place
any confidence in future promises made for
or by him ? Or what voter will hereafter
believe anything the True Democrat may
say respecting the course of its candidates?
Snyder County Normal School,
rpilL next session of this Institution commen-
X ces on the 27th of JULY, and continues 22 j
weeks. Encouraged by past success, increased
efforts will be made to enable students to acquire
a sound mental, moral and physical education.
The Academic Department embraces all the
branches constituting a thorough English, Clas
sical, Mathematical and Scientific Education,
together with Music, Drawing, Painting and j
has been established and heretofore well at- i
tended, in which Teachers, and those wishing j
to become such, can prepare themselves for the >
Ttrnis—Half in Advance.
lor Board, I uitiou, Room, &c., per
session of 22 weeks, §52 to §6O |
Tuition alone, per quarter of 11 wks. §4 to §6 i
Music, Drawing, Painting and French at 1
usual charges.
can enter at any time.
For catalogues. &c., address
jlylo GEO. F. McFARLAND, Principal. j
01 ICE.—We, the undersigned, give no
i- \ tice, agreeably to the laws of Pennsyl
vania, that we intend making application to
the next session of the Legislature of Perm- j
sylvania fur the incorporation of a Rank, to j
be located in the borough of Lewistown, i
county uf Mifflin, and State of Pennsylvania, >
under the name, style and title of "THE
Mill LIN COUNTY RANK," issue to be
secured by bond ami mortgage on real estate
to be appraised by three men appointed by
the Governor, at three-fourths its cash value,
and joint and separate liability of all the
stockholders, to have general banking and
discounting privileges, with a capital of One
Hundred Thousand Dollars, with the privilege
of increasing it to Five Hundred Thousand
Wm. Cummins, YVm. Thompson,
Davis Rales, Thomas Reed,
John Henry, John D. Nagony,
Alexander Reed, Win. Reaty,
Mm. M. Fleming, Abner Thompson.
Lewistown. June 24, 1858.-6 m
OFFERS his professional services to the
citizens of Lewistown and vicinity. Of
fice three doors west of Zollinger's hat store,
East Market street. mh2s-Cm
Ho Ho
s U K4 EO \ 1> K!\ TI ST.
PROFESSIONAL business promptly attend
ed to, and chp-ges reasonable.
OF F ICE on North Main street, second door
below the town Hail, and nearly opposite the
Gazette office. je 21, 1855—1f.
T, F. McCOY,
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lewistown, Mif
fl;n ..ounty, Pa., will attend to the col
lection of accounts and other legal business
in Mifflin and adjoining counties.
Office on AVest Market street, two doors
below the True Democrat Office. iuy2o-ly
AS shown by the statements of the Board of Health of
New York, caused the death of 76 persons out of 611
deaths in one week, and 131 deaths by consumption in
duced by dyspepsia. As it is a well attested fact that
dyspepsia is the origin of the sufferings of a large portion
of those wito die of consumption, it becomes the duty of
every one to use such precautions against and remedies
for dyspepsia as science and experience have placed be
fore them, and which have proved to he efficacious. Of
this character is OK. WILLIAMS* ANTI-DYSPEPTIC
ELIXIR, in corroboration of which read the following
From Mr. R. I)' Ami, New York.
Dear Sir —My wife had been suffering with Dyspepsia
very severely for a long time, and has been attended by
two physicians for about sic weeks, from which attend
ance she received no relief. 1 recently procured your
Elixir for her, and after taking one bottle she is complete
ly cured. I can safety say I never knew of a medicine
having so quick effect in so short a time.
Very respectfully yours, RUDOLPH D'ARNI,
Teacher of Drawing and Music, 467 Broadway, N. Y.
Extract of a lelter from Mr. H. N. Winans, New York,
to his friend in Philadelphia.
Do you recollect that bottle of Williams' Elixir that
was leaking in your trunk, and you gave to me to get rid
oft Well, for curiosity, 1 thought 1 would try if it would
relieve me of the Dyspepsia, which 1 have had for some
time, and for which it is recommended, and 1 am happy
to say it has quite cured me, and would recommend it to
any one similarly affected Stgimd,
11. N. WINANS, 9i Water st , N. Y.
Dr. J. Williams —After suffering from Dyspepsia for a
considerable time and failing to obtain any permanent
relief, I was induced to try your Elixir. I must confess
I had not much confidence at tiist, but in about two weeks
was most agreeably surprised to find I was rapidly im
proving in health, ' art now much fatter th an ever before
and I am In as good if not better health than 1 ever was
in my life Very truly yours, &e.,
An Invaluable Remedy for Dyspepsia,.
Read the testimony of the wife of Mr. John Stiles, on
the Frunkfurd Road, near ltie first toll gate.
FHA.NKKOHD ROAD, Oct. 25, 1810.
I>r. James Williams—Having recently understood that
it Is tour intention to resume the preparing of your
Anti-Dyspeptic Elixir, and being anxious that others may
be benefitted by its use as 1 have been. I herewith send
you for publication, if you think proper, a statement of
the effectual cure produced on me by it. For a number
of years 1 have been suffering to such an extent that I
became so notch debilitated, arid the discstive powers so
much destroyed, Iff it It Wis With difficulty I could take
and retain sufficient nourishment to support life. Neith
er myself nor my friends were aware that my suffering
proceeded t'roin indigestion; in the year Ift.t'J my attention
was directed by my husband to your advertisement, at
that time published in some of the city papers, explaining
the causes and syuiptoais of dyspepsia, and confidently
offering a remedy. I immediately procured and used
some of your medicine with the most signal suc
cess; from a state of debility, languor, and nervousness,
and complete loss of the power of digestion, so great that
1 could take at first only five drops of the Elixir at a dose,
1 was iu a few days much relieved, and by continuing it
a short time 1 have been restored to health, strength,
and vigor, w hicti 1 still retain. 1 take great pleasure, sir,
in making known the , fficacy of your Auti Dys(ieplic
Elixir, and sincerely hope it may be the means of induc
ing others to go and be benefitted like myself.
Very respectfully, Set, HANNAH STILE:*.
The Elixir is sold in bottles at %' each, or six bottles
for #5. Proprietor, JAMES WILLIAMS, M. D ,
Chemist and Pharmaceutist,
No. 1 South Seventh street, Philadelphia.
For sale by CHARLES RITZ, Lewistown. jul>22
tWood Turning, Sawing, and
Plaster Grinding.
r UUK subscriber having leased the old Stone
adjoining the Lewistown Mills, is now
prepared to execute to order all kinds of Saw
ing and Wood Turning at reasonable rates.
kinds of Patterns and Jobbing gen
erally done to order.
PLASTER at all times on
Lewistown, April 1, 1858.-ly
Patent Galvanic Cement
_3~ J of* LJLi isJ ii"* 2.' - c i : z.'? o
fIjUIE undersigned having purchased the
I right fur this Cement in Mifflin and Ct li
tre counties, are now prepared to furnish and
put it on rooting wherever desired—the roof
I being sheeted hy the uwner. Scientific men
under the direction of government, and ar
chitects and builders in various parts of the
country, fur years have been studying arid
experimenting to discover some composition
or article for roofing, which would resist the
changes of our climate, and would unite the
qualities of linprrviowtieeaa to Water, Incom
bustibility, Durability and Cheapness. No
article now in use possesses these qualities.
Shingles are not fire proof, and cannot he used
upon flat roofs. Slate can only be used upon
steep roofs. The contraction, expansion and
rusting of metallic roofs are so great in this
changeable climate that they soon become
worthless, or the repairs will cost more than
a new roof. The various cements and com
positions which have been introduced, can be
supplied only to very flat roofs, and they are
all so affected by the action of the weather
that they will nit It and run in summer and
crack in winter, and in a short tiurc become
crumbly and worthless. The inventor of the
Galvanic Cement has labored twenty years to
obviate these difficulties, and it is believed by
those who have had opportunities to test the
matter, that he has entirely succeeded. As
now applied,
1' irst—lt is completely impervious to water.
Water may continually stand upon the roof
without affecting it in the least.
Second—lt is fire-proof. It is so incombus
tible that it will affurd ample and perfect pro
tection against lire, sparks and burning shin
gles from another building immediately ad
1 bird—lt is durable. It is nut injured hy
atmospheric changes, having been tested fur
several years by the Patentee, at Syracuse,
j New York.
| i'ourtli—lt is cheap. Roofs will be put on
for about half the cost of tin, and will last
| much longer.
Fifth—Repairs are easily and cheaply made.
Sixth —lt is sufficiently elastic to entirely
resist the expansion and contraction by heat
and cold, and will remain perfect and solid in
the warmest and coldest weather.
' Seventh—lt is adapted to all kinds of roofs,
| either flat or steep.
Eighth—lt is valuable for repairing old
roofs. Old shingle roofs may he covered
without removing the shingles. Old metalic
roofs can be made perfectly tight and secure.
Ninth—lt is especially adapted to all kinds
of seaming around battlements, sky-lights
and chimneys, and for the lining of cave
troughs and gutters. Roofs which have given
trouble for years, and which have continued
to leak in spite of all efforts, can be made
perfectly secure by this cement.
Tenth—lt has been proved to be the best
article ever used for covoring car tons and
steamboat decks.
Eleventh This cement applied to new tin
; roofs preserves them from rusting, hy fur
nishing a coat which is at once impervious to
water aud an almost perfect non-conduc,or of
Twelfth—lt is the only roofing material
patented which contains India rubber and
gutta percha.
For particulars of this cement, owners of
property will please address
ap!s Locke's Mills, Mifflin co., Pa
Neat, Cheap &. Durable.
Market Street, next door to Kennedy's Store,
Is always prepared to sup
ply the public, with all the wS I
different styles of Hats ofjpiegv/
the best and at such JEJgiSig
prices as to defy competi
tion. He has now on har.d a large assortment
of Fall and winter Hats and Caps, of all the
latest styles, which he will sell at the lowest
cash prices. He invites everybody to call and
examine for themselves, as he is satisfied that
ins stock cannot fail to please.
For the Ornish he has constantly on hand, or
will make to order, hats to their taste of any
required size or brim, at prices that cannotfail
to be satisfactory.
Country Merchants will find it to their ad
vantage to give me a call, as a liberal deduction
will be made on wholesale purchases, and es
pecially so to punctual men.
Don't forget the place, next door to Kenne
dy's store and nearly opposite the Odd Fellows'
Hall. oct22
wm:. i_,iixriE>7
91 111Qim VMIIDDU
East Market street, Leu Blown,
a few doors east of Geo. Blvmyer's store,
HAS just received from the city a choice se
lection of
Q2J Si S3 S3 'A TO S3 9
anXt Stortings, *
specially selected by himself, embracing some
very superior goods, from among which bis old
customers and as many new ones as may choose
to call, can secure articles for dress that will
vastly add to their personal appearance when
made up. Call and examine the stock, which
will be found to be all that is represented, if
not a little more. oct22
Snuff, Smoking Tobacco & Pipes!
II SL received, the largest assortment of
the above articles ever brought to the Ju
niata country. The subscriber also keeps on
Cut and Dry Maccoboy,
Broken Tobacco Rappee,
German Pipes Congress and
Clay Pipes Scotch Snuff,
Cigar Cases Matches,
Snuff Boxes &c. &c. Ac.
All of which he pledges himself to sell at
prices so low as to satisfy all. Give ine a call.
jf Benevolent established by special endowment
for the relief of the strk and distressed, aJflictcd icith
h'trulent and I'.pidemie lUseases.
fTW) all person* afflicted with sexual diseases, such as
A Speriuatorrhum, Seminal VV. akness, Impotence, Gon
orrhum, Gleet, Syphilis, the vice of Onanism or Self
Abuse, itc. Ate.
The Howard Association, in view of ihe aw ful destruc
tion of human life caused by sexual diseases, and Ihe
deceptions practised upon Ihe unfortunate victim*ofsttrh
diseases by (Quacks, several years agod'reeled their Con
sulting -Surgeon, a* a Charitable Act worthy of their
name, to open a Dispensary for the treatment of this
class ot'diseases, in all their forms, and to give Medical
Advice GKATIrf, to all who apply by letter, wiilt a de
scrtpiion of tlieir condition, (age, occupation, habit* of
life, A_r ) and in cases of extreme poverty to furnish
Medicii.es Free of Charge. It is neeolt ss to add that the
Association commands the highest medical skill of the
age, and wdl furnish the most approved modern treat
ment The Directors, on a review of the past, feel as
sured that their labors in this sphere ->f benevolent effort
have been of great benetit to the atllicted, especially to
the young, and they have resolved to devote thsniselvea
with renewed zeal to this very important but much de
spised cause.
Jusl published hy the Association, a Report on Bper
uiatorrhma, or Seminal Weakness, the vice of Onanism,
Masturbation or Self Abuse, and ot tier Diseases of the
Sexual Organ-, hy the Consulting Surgeon, which will be
sent by mail (in a sealed letter envelope) Free of Charge,
on receipt of Two Staoius for postage Address, for Re
jiort or treatment, Dr GEORGE R. CAl.lloU.N,Consult
ing Surgeon Howard Association, .No. 2 South Ninth
Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors.
EZRA 0. HEART W'EI.I., President
GEO. Fsint.'HlLO, Secretary dec 3
The Greatest Improvement of
the Age!
The most Complete, Simplest, <£• Cheapest
CornsheJh r in tho World!
J. P. Smith's Patent. November 25, ISSG.
The farmers of Mifflin county and vicinity
arc most respectfully informed that arrange
merits have been made for the manufacturing of
this celebrated machine at Lcwistown, and that
they will be offered for sale at the store of F.
G. FRANCISCUS. All persons are requested
to call and see them operate. County Rights
in the Stale of Pennsylvania for sale by the
subscriber, to whom all letters respecting the
same may be addressed.
jan2l-ly Aaronsburg, Centre Co., Pa.
Clocks, Watches, and Jewelry.
(Successor to M. Buoy,)
Market street, next door to the old stand, in
the room recently occupied by John A. Sterrct,
' ias 011 a large assort
flocks, Watches, and
V \ T " c ' ,a3 £°' ( ' alK * sl ' vcr
1 tJwßffi S watches of every kind and
price, some of them of
very superiou finish, and warranted A No. 1 ; a
spleudid variety of
5 sr->nr>nca
including breast pins, car rings, finger rings,
bracelets, cuff pins, watch guards, pens, pen
cils, spectacles, and every other saleable article
of Jewelry, as well as a lot of
Si Urn- aim JJlatrtJ J3s?avr.
Also, a great variety of FANCY ARTICLES.
|lT|=Strict attention will be given to RE
PAIRING clocks, watches, and jewelry, ami
all work will be done promptly and warranted.
Thankful for the patronage heretofore re
ceived he respectfully asks a continuance of the
same, and will endeavor to please all who may
favor him with a call.
round and scc.„4J3| ap22
TTTINDOW CURTAINS, .le.—A fino as-
TT sortmcnt of Shades, Paper for Cur
tains, 4c. E. JT. Hoffman.
RF. ELLIS, of the late firm of McCoy
• & Ellis, has just returned from the city
with a choice assortment of
Dry Goods and Groceries,
selected with care and purchased for cash,
which are offered to the public at a small ad
vauce on cost. The stock of Dry Goods em
braces all descriptions of Summer Goods
suitable for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children,
with many new patterns. His
comprise Choice Sugars, Molasses, Java, Rio
and Laguyra Coffee, superior Teas, &c.
Roots and Shoes, Queensware, and all other
articles usually found in stores—all which
the customers of the late firm and the public
in general are invited to examine.
Fish, Salt, Plaster and Coal always on
Country Produce received as usual and the
full market price allowed therefor.
Lewistown, June 3, 1858. [d]
Kennedy, Junkin & Co's
\\T lIKUK they have just received a new
T V and splendid stock of
which they offer lower than ever. They in
vite all to call at their store any and every
day, as they are always ready and willing to
wait on customers. We enumerate a few of
our goods, as follows :
Black Silks 50c to SI 37V per yard
Fancy do 50c to 1 37} "
Fancy Delaines 12 to 28c "
Ohalla 15 to 3le "
Lavilla and Du Calls 12} to 25c ner yard
Lawns and Ginghams Gj to 25c "
All kinds White Goods for dresses
Cloths and Cassimers 50c to 5 50 per yard
Mantilla,i and Shawls, Dress Trimmings,
Cottonade, Hosiery anil Glares,
Calicoes GJ to 12} c, best quality
Readyuiade Clothing, Lower Than Ever!
Brown and White Sugars, 8 to 12Ve per lb.
Coffees 12V to 14c per lb.
Best Teas and Spices
Syrups 12} to 18| cents per quart
Queenstcure and Willow Ware eery low
Hoots ami Shoes cheaper than ever
We have everything that people want, and
will sell cheaper than any other house in
town, lor Cash or Country Produce. Give us
a call. Don't forget, at
To the Public.
SThe subscriber would inform
Ivf x his friends and the public that he
'fe" "ndtewhas opened a shop in part of the
room f-ruierlv occupied by M. Montgomery,
adjoining the Post Office, where he is prepared
to make to order Ladies', Gentlemen's or
jtfoots, Matters,
of ail descriptions, of the best quality, and at
reasonable prices for cash, and front his ex
perience in the business, and determination
to please, he hopes to fjive satisfaction to all
who may favor hiui with their orders.
r <* r-y ir j ji ~'A Hip.. -.>
Done in the best manner. A share of pub
lic patronage respectfully solicited.
mv'2o-tf JOilN CLARKE.
l/IC'/fEE, & REAPER,
With Wood's Improvement.
> >■ ,
1 FARMERS who art desirous of getting
the best Mowing and Reaping Machine
in use will please scud in their orders before
the 10th of June.
Any comments upon the superiority of this
machine over all others is unnecessary, as it
is universally and justly pronounced to he
the best ever taken into a harvest field.
Every Machine warranted.
Call soon upon F. G. FRANCISCUS,
my' 27 Agent.
HOUSES AND LOTS in Town and vicin
ity, and Farms and Wild Lands dispos
ed of for a reasonable compensation.
Information given respecting Unseated
Lands, and Taxes paid if authorized by the
GEN. R. C. HAJ.E, PETER DOMA, Philadelphia.
JOHN A. WRIGHT, Freedom Iron Works, Mif
flin county.
Maj. DAVID IIOUC.H, Philipsburg, Centre co.
1 large BRICK HOUSE & 2 small FRAME
HOUSES on the lot at the corner of Grand
and West Market streets, Lewistown.
SES AND LOTS, on llale street.
1 FRAME HOUSE on the corner of Main
and Charles street.
1 BRICK HOUSE , near the residence of
Judge Parker.
ALSO, a WOOD LOT on the South side of
the Juniata ltiver, about 1£ miles from
Lewistown, containing about 56 acres, well
watered, adjoining the Pennsylvania Rail
road, with a two story Frame House on it
—not occupied. Inquire of
Justice of the Peace,
OFFICE West Market street, Lewistown, next
door to Irwin's grocery. ap29
CrEO. 7T. ELDER, ~
Attorney at Law,
OFFICE in West Marketstreet,opposite Eisen*
bise's Hotel, will attend to any business in the
courtsof Mifflin, Centre, or Huntingdon coun
ties. Lewistown. Julv ], 1653
WOOL WANTED.—Wanted, at the store
of the undersigned, East Market street,
Lewistown, 10,000 POUNDS OF WOOL, for
which the highest market price will be paid
in trade. KENNEDY, JUNKIN & CO.
Lewistown, May 26, 1858.
Fruit and Ornamental TREES,
Strawberry, Raspberry, Currant, and
Gooseberry Plants, in great variety.
— JBH. 1 nquire of WM. BITTLSU, Lewistown,
Pa., or J. E. JOHNSTON, Agent,
aug!3 Trenton, New Jersey
Suited to the Times!
Of EVery Ocncrlption.
On account of the hard times,
\. E. C. Hamilton has determined
in the prices of Boots and Shoes to persons
having the Cash. His stock comprises a large
assortment of Gents', Ladies', Misses' and
Children's Shoes, suitable for the season,
which ho will sell lower thau they have ever
before been sold in Lewistown ; a very large
assortment of fine Summer Boots anil Shoes,
of the best material and workmanship, which
he will sell at remarkably low prices, so as to
suit the times and give satisfaction to the pur
chaser. Boots and Shoes of every description
made to order, both neat and durable, and
from 10 to 20 per cent, lower than elsewhere.
AH rips sewed gratis. Repairing done on
shortest notice. Don't mistake the place, in
the Public Squaro, second door east of the
National House, at the sign of I'. F. Loop.
Lewistown, June 24, 185 S.
buyers will find it for their inter
est to call. jn~-y
THE testimony of Prof. Booth and l>r Hrinckle having
previously been published, the following Is now added:
From Prof. McClofkey, formerly Professor of Theory
and Practice of Medicine in the Female Medical College
of Pennsylvania, and late Professor ol' (Surgery in the
American College ot Medicine, Ac.
Piin.itifci.pim, Nov. 27th, IS4O.
Mr. Joseph E. Hoover:—A trial of your Liquid Hair
Dye will convince the most skeptical that it is a safe, ele
::nt and efficacious preparation. Unlike n.Hny others,
it has iu several instances proved serviceable in the cure
of some cutaneous eruptions on the head, and I have no
hesitation in commending it to those requiring such an
application. Very respectfully,
J. F. X MCCloskey, M. I).,
475 Race st. above }3th.
HOVER'S WRITINCi INKS, including Hover's Wri
ting Fluid and Hover's Indelible Inks, still maintain their
high character which has aiwaysdistinguisbed them,and
the extensive demand first created has com mtleil uninter
rupted until the present.
Orders addressed to the Manufactory, No. 410 Race
street above Fourth, (old No. 144,) Philadelphia, wilt re
ceive prompt attention by JOSEPH E HOVER,
decii Manfactiirer.
<smm is smwi&m
and a beautiful assortment of
are now selling at greatly reduced prices at
Junkin's old stand, corner of Brown and
Market streets, opposite Russell's Banking
4i®L.Those who desire to buy at prices cor
responding with the times, will please call.
kinds of repairing promptly atten
ded to. 11. W. JUN KIN, Agent.
Lewis town, April 8, 1858. •
Central Pennsylvania Wholesale and Retail
Cigar Manufactory
if-V Fi s -,' r
One duor west of the I'ost Office,
Lewistown, J'a.
\Y T IIERE may ho found the best, largest
V T and cheapest assortment of Smoking
and Chewing Tobacco and Cigars in this part
of the State.
The pure Old Virginia Diadem Twist
Atkin's genuine Smyrna Fig "
Goodwin's Fine Cut, in tin foil
Anderson's best Honey Dew, tine cut
llidgood's Juicy Fig Pounds
Competitor Pounds
Pectin's Original Honey Dew. half pounds
James Thompson's Celebrated Eldorado
Spun Tobacco—Childrey's Congress Fives
Pcnn's Congress Fives, s2* per 100 weight
Oscar's Congress Tens, 27 " "
Epp's " Fives, 25 " "
Esmeraldo Regalia Baltimores
La Real Estrellas
Gift Opera Tulipans $5.50 per m.
Concha Opera Fancy Fortunas
Eagle Principe " Laguagra
Justo Sanz do " Concha
La Napoleans Imperiadora
Alemanas Exuis
Tirabeque Omer Pascha
Washingtons Half Spanish
Virginias $G per m. Ac Ac Ac
Which 1 can sell at from $3.50 to S2O per
thousand. rayG E. FRYSINGER.
rpilE undersigned respectfully informs the
public that ho has opened a new Storo in
the room lately occupied by Jacob Everich,
between Mutthersbough's and Mayes' hotels,
East Market street, Lewistown, whero his
friends and the public are invited to call and
examine a large, neat, and well selected stock,
which is now being sold for cash or oountry
produce at very low prices. It consists of
Rich Dress Silks & Dress Goods
of every variety,
Shawls of every description, Fine Embroider•
ies and Ilea! TMCCS , Dress Trimminys,
Ribbons, dfce., and Domestic Goods
of every Known style and make,
and all other articles usually found in first
class stores. Also, a choice assortment of
jjr.imtlii (Qtottvit#.
The store will be under the management of
B. K. Firoved, well known as an attentive
and obliging salesman, who will spare no
pair to pleaso all who may favor him with
thoir custom. WM. BUTLER.
Lewistown, April 29, 1858. [N A P]
agricultural, set.
How to Make Tomato /'Y'/x. j>,
ing water over the tomatoes' in order
move the skins; then weigh tl,
place them in a stone jar, with J'" "'f
sugar as you have tomatoes, and let!.
stand two days, then pour off the
and boil and skim it until no
Then pour it over the tomatoes
them stand two days, as before thJ ,
and skim as before. After the third"!
they are fit to dry, if goo d weather- if
let them stand in the syrup *
weather. Then place on L arge J
plates or dishes and put them in the - u ?
dry, which will take about a week X
which pack them down in small vi/'
boxes, with line white sugar between evj*
layer. Tomatoes prepared in thk .
•hi /• luls aiaofler
will keep for years.
Hiving Bees.—We
ry sensible plan for hiving a swanT*
bcca_ Watching then, as the,
the hive, and seeing where they Were ... tli
ering to settle on a tree, the owners'
large woolleu-yarn stocking on a...L "
1 • j iitf'
thrust it up through the limbs, and i mn ,
diately the bce began to alight
were soon nil clustered, when he gent]
lowered the pole to a table which the
wife had prepared while he licid
and then placing the hive over the Lee
the pole was withdrawn from the stockiu-'
and in five minutes they went to work clean
ing out their new house.
The next day, the "woman folks'hived
a swarm in the same way without any m
to assist.
franylantituj Corn.—We believe there
is not sufficient knowledge among the far.
mere or the value of transplanting com.
and of the tact that it can bo done- with as
much ease as cabbage can be transplanted,
it would be valuable for every one who wish
ed to raise early roasting ears for his own
eating or for sale, because the corn could
be started in frames so as to give it two or
; three weeks the start of eorn planted the
usual way. It would be valuable also in
the held where hills are missing, as sur
plus stalks could he drawn from growiii"
hills to supply missing ones. The safe.-t
way is to make up a mixture of cow-dung,
loam and water, of the consistence of thick
porridge, and dip the roots in it as they
are taken from the ground with a trans
planting trowel, and carried in this to their
place, where, heing carefully set and sha
ded if it is sunny with a bu.-li or sonic ar
tificial stuck in the ground, tin v will U al
most certaiu to live and grow. Like all
transplanting, it is best done when the soil
is wet.
hony iuty of Mules. —We have numerous
reports of mules attaining the age nf forty,
fifty or sixty years, and Col. Middle-tun of
South Carolina stated soinc years ago that
he had one at work on hi> plantation ciirh
i ty years old ; and we have seen au accouut
i oi a mule in Ireland, certified tohatebetu
; at work since 17U7, making him over one
hundred and filly years old. This is, of
j course, a very uncommon age, but we are
satisfied that, with proper usage, mule?
would commonly attain to about fort v years
being serviceable to the last, and ihs
should be counted as one of their elements
of value.
Fruit and Tomato Jars!
j I HAVE now on band a tine assortment of
.1 JARS for putting up Fruit, Tomatoes
which every family may do well to get a sup*
1 ply of, viz :
Glass—pint, quart, and half-gallon.
; Stone Ware—pint, quart, and half-gallon.
Yellow Ware—Self-sealing quart.
Prices low. jlyS F. J. HOFFMAN.
f in exchange for Salt and Fish tt
X right prices,
aplo F. J. HOFFMAN.
Attachment of I'ulcanized India Rvbbn
Spring to the Tubes oj Grain Drills
rilME undersigned, having perfected an arrange"*" l
A || le Attachment of a Gum Spring to the Tube. 9P
Drug liars of Grain Drills, is happy !o inform farm.'*
ami ali others interested in the crowing of Wheat"'
other grains, that he is ptepared to furnish •
PRILLS, with the above article attached,at the "'"'''"J
notice, at his Foundry, in McVey town, Pa. Seeders 3 '
become an almost indispensable article to the I at"*'*
: and he will find that the attachment of the Gum
i will enhance its value at luasl one-half A" the oe
j tion and trouble caused by the breaking ot wooden p
; Is entirely done away with by this arrangement, an
! nan, or hoy, can perform nearly double the labor t
could under the old plan, with much greater ease, _
, himself and horses. There need be no fearofthe.p
, breaking, for if there is an article that w ill neither f •
rot, or wear out, the Gum Sprint is that srtic e,
hazard nothing in saying (hat my Grain Drill is '
plest in construction, most economical in per' l "'"
and therefore ;h,c piost durable ever offered tot
cultural public. The feed is so arranged that ll w '
; 1, li, ij, If, and 3 bushels per acre. Persons i del
one for the coming seeding are requested to sen
| orders as early as possible. Direct to McVeytow ■
fiin county, Pa., nr FG. FRA.MTSI I _■* miVEB *
E. 1.. FAXON, Hollidayshurg, Blair co , '. , c , a ,
BRO., Harriaburg, Pa., who are authorized to
agents, atuitVoni whom any fhrther Information tua.
1 tained. pjr-
PRICB OP DRILLS, with the attachment, 9- ■
uiers who already have drills, tan have tin ma e
the India Rubber Spring attached, for from >1" " f!)
o>AII brandies of the FOUNDRY . ij-ilsd.
carried on, for which orders are respectful^)
McVeylown. June IS, 1850.