Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, September 02, 1858, Image 3

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Zl k'K. to Your Home.—A correspon-
M ,f the Potter Journal, writing from
gives the following good advice
JARNIERS anl mechanics. We commend J
4 their earnest consideration, as being I
/ JG applicable to this as any other J
|Aou have a comfortable home—a place !
you ran call your own—where you can j
'nest industry and economy earn enough
./port your family and keep them from !
t" 5 ' jon't get the ' western fever' and 'sell j
F.7„T ST' CK T0 TLL!U HOMO AS y° U would to
• V tried friend. It is true that hundreds j
''Zeiling out an<l CEMI,, S west * jut do THE Y !
fi/'acr and plenty—a paradise where they j
Li from all their labors, and live on the !
f/f the land?' No, sir. But with disap- !
,; n tnient do they sec that they have been j
? ' / rmed; that instead of peace and plenty ;
f'v liave not even the necessaries of life. I 1
7nt pretend to say that this is the case with j
,/ on e, but it is a general thing. People |
"/'come west with their families are dissat- I
*/,; ,vit!i the country. Then stay on your I
/,,/ which you have labored long and hard
"'/euro,) and let not the fictitious tales of j
H west so excite your imagination as to ren ;
/ Vl .u unlit to enjoy the blessings that might j
rte'rwise be derived from your pleasant little
/lie. Yuu must remember that it requires
[,, r , perseverance, and more capital to com I
/nee business with here than it does in the
gytern States."
is no room fur quarieliug just
, among the opposition of this State, and
fi move that all dissensions in thp different
districts be kicked out.
jaf Allison White recently stated that he
take the same course he pursued on
jic Kansas question, bad he to go through j
at: ordeal again. Wc doubt whether his j
will pursue the same course this !
3!! they did two years ago in voting for him. |
jgf-The opposition convention in York!
sunt)' has nominated Captain A. W. Kiehel- !
;p r eer as their candidate for State Senator, i
captain is one of nature's noblemen and
i-ervts to be elected, llanuver, his native ,
:kc£, will no doubt give him an endorsement
vortlry of its ancient political fame.
(goalee the Oxygenated Bitters, and you j
.fiil have wo cause to complain of lassitude, :
lability, or any of those complaints inscpara
>!e front our spring weather. . They are reg- !
thrly prescribed by some of our most eini
coi.t physicians, in cases of indigestion and
noral debility. Sold by C. Ritr., Lewistown.
.funky-a*'l Defiant. —The town of Staun
n, \ a., is at present in the hands of a Vigi
llce committee. A lew nights since they
ailed dowm two liouscs occupied by persons
ill fame, and notified occupants of other
iuuses .to <quit the place, ur the same law
s.uld be administered to thorn.
Tiie VVumbu Who JLives Without liating.
A medical correspondent of the Newark
Advertiser, having recently visited Mrs.
Simeon Hiiys, "THE woman who lives with
out eating," at Chester, Warren county,
NEW York, says :
The clear, discriminating statements of
lYnf. YUTT Huron, of the medical depart- ,
MENT of the New Y<rk University-, who
- W her recently, and of my invcsflgating
ifieiid. Dr. IJimnan. of Brooklyn, who saw
i.r to-day, and with whom I intended to
leave MC in little doubt with regard to
the case.
It is unquestionably one of hysteria in
it.- most aggravated form. Little food is
I quired in such cases, and this little is •
unquestionably administered. Jt appears :
that two sisters have had somewhat similar
attacks of hysteria, which indicates the I
institutional tendencies of the family, I
That implicit credence is not placed in the
statement of Mr Hays, after all, may be j
inferred from the fact that within the lust j
I< v.- JAV- the citizens have met to appoint 1
. vigilance committee TN watch and deter- |
mine conclusively whether food is taken or !
not. There is not here a want of motive. !
Although THE husband has properly refused
to TOU-eiit to let his wife go to Albany or
NEW \ ork lor exhibition; she lias been re-
UIOV—I TIJ A sort of exhibition-looking build
in;' in A village accessible to Ualdwell by
& FILUUL road. Here Mr. Hays, the hotel
LRJ CRS aud gate tenders find their incomes
ami business increased. Doubtless they'
■RL sensibly that "it is an ill-wind that
•uws nobody any good."
' an a Schoolmaster Kiss a Echo dmis-
TR^. — Ihe question ha- been up for decis
ion in the town of Palmer, Mass. It seems
TIC principal of a leading school undertook
to kiss a female assistant. She like all
-itlits that want to show a proper shyness
upon such occasions and make folks think
that they don't like to be kissed, resisted
the gallant attack just long enough to make
the victory more sweet, and to give founda
tion to the story that the whole thing was
again.st her will. The story of the trans
ition got out, and the strait-faced school
eommittee took it in hand. They declared
that they couldn't stand it, and they forth
with expelled the teacher. The people of
TIIC town, however, with enlarged views
of the fallibility of human nature, intend
'■> keep the teacher at their own expense,
ITID have petitioned for a general town
meeting to see whether the voters arc unwill
•o;' that a school teacher shall continue to
HE a man.
T Problm. — Whoever originated the
BLOWING deserves to have his name hand
"i down to posterity : If a despatch from
England tn America gains on the sun so
F to reach here. 4 I hours by the clock HE
:'' R - it left England, at what time would it
-rive at the point of departure, were a
LALLE carried entirely around the world ?
/OULD not arrive the day before it left
-&■* only the time exhausted in making the
' !R euit ?If so, then, with a continuous tele
-R:ph line around the world, why not send
* despatch around and around until it
R,; chfed back to Adam, and let biin know
' ut bis children are about these " latter
The itlasonic Publishing Association
PUBLISH (he Mofttfcfy Masonic Maaahine
of Hie Age, entitled
It is devoted exclusively to the instruction
and entertainment of Freemasons, 'their
WiveSf Families, and Friends. Each number
contains Portraits of Distinguished Freema
sons and other Engravings, by the best ar
tists ; and the Articles by
Wr Mack J 5 •<>. Oliver, Giles
F Yates, Albert Pike* Rob. Morris,
John Dove, J. Theo. Holly,
and others, comprise Masonic Law, History,
Jurisprudence and Belle Leitres, from the pens
of the Leading Masonic Authors of the pres
ent century.
As a Masonic Monthly Magazine it has no
equal, either in beauty of mechanical execu
tion or value ol its articles, in the world.
Each monthly part contains as much read
ing matter, nut to speak of the costly engra
vings illustrating the same, as all the other
monthly issues of the Masonic Press of
America rolled into one.
It is acknowledged to be the Monthly Mag
azine of the Age.
Single subscription, 1 year, postpaid, S3 00
2 years, " 500
Clubs of two to eight, each, 2 50
Clubs of any number above eight, each, 2 00
The cash in all cases must accompany the
orders. The subscriptions for each year
commence with the first (January) number
of that year, thus supplying the subscriber
with the Masonic liomauce scries complete.
But the work being stereotyped, any number
or series of numbers will be mailed, postpaid,
on receipt of the price. 25 cts. each. Ad
dress J. F. BRENNAX,
Secretary M. P. Association,-
au'2G.4t* Louisville, Ky.
Valuable Farm for Sale.
V DESIRABLE FARM, containing 205
Acres of the best quality of limestone
land in Kishaeoquiilas Valley, ISS acres of
which are cleared and well cultivated, is offer
ed fur sale on accommodating terms. It is
situate two miles from Reedsville in an agree
able neighborhood. The improvements con
jk siat of a two story (above basement)
brick Mansion blouse, 32 by 42
11111 feet, well finished, Rank Ilarn, 57
.fisKSRSs by 90 feet, an Orchard of Apple,
Peach and other fruit trees, mountain water
piped to the house, with hydrant in the kitch
en and running fountain at the barn, and va
rious other improvements tending to comfort
and convenience. There are few more desira
ble properties than this in the county.
Also, about 25 Acres of TIMBER LAND,
about two miles from the farm, with a public
road running through it.
For further particulars inquire, either per
i sonally or by letter of
Real Estate Agent,
augo-tf Lewistown, Pa.
At the Lewistown Steam Mill,
023- 02. 22 S3T 9
On band, for sale,
PLOT, R, by the hundred or barrel,
&S&"A large quantity of Coal, Salt, Plas
ter, 4c. for sale low for cash.
Lewistown, Oct. 8, 1857.
T, F. McCOY,
VTTORXKY AT LAW, Lewistown, Mif
flin county, Pa.., will attend to the col
lection of accounts and other legal business
in Mifliin and adjoining counties.
Office on West Market street, two doors
below the True Democrat Office. my2o—ly
U' A VINO disposed of my stock of Goods,
. all persons indebted to me by note or
book account, are requested to call and make
settlement, as 1 intend placing the accounts
in the bands of an officer for collection in
thirty days from the date of this notice.
Lewistown, Juno 10, 1858.
Wood Turning, Sawing, and
Plaster Grinding. '
rpHE subscriber hav ing leased the old Stone
r Mill adjoining the Lewistown .Mills, is now
prepared to execute to order all kinds of Saw
ing and Wood Turning at reasonable rates.
kinds of Patterns and Jobbing gen
erally done to order.
SdrGROUND I'LASTER at all times on
Lewistown, April !, 1858. -ly
Estate of Johu Stine, Jr., deceased.
~VTOTICE is hereby given that letters of ad
_Lv ministration on the estate of JOHN
STINE, Jr., late of the borough f McVey
town, Mifflin county, deceased, have been
granted to the undersigned, the first named
residing in Wayne township and the other in
Oliver township, in said county. All persons
indebted to said estate are requested to make
immediate payment, and those having claims
against the same to present them duly authen
ticated for settlement.
SAM'L STINE, j Admrs -
August 19, 1858.
Pennsylvania Railroad.
ON and after Monday, May 10th, 1858,
trains leave Lewistown Station as follows •
Eastward. Westward.
Through Express, 5 35 a. m. 5 51 a. m.
Fast Line, 9 42 p. m. 7 30 p. m.
Mail Train, 250 p. in. 325 "
Through Freight, 5 35 p. m. 9 05 a. in.
Local " C 05 " 7 30 "
Express Freight, 1 50 " 9 55 "
On and after September Ist, the fare will be
as follows: to Harrisburg £1 80; I-. Philadel
pbia,s 05; to Altoona, 215; to Pittsburgh, 505.
ftf"The Ticket Office will be open 20 mm
utes before the arrival of each Passenger
Train, and unless tickets are procured one-half
cent per mil £ more will be exacted by the con
ductors. P- E. ROBESON, Agent.
lARAME STUFF and F ucing Boards can
' hi; had very low at I'RANCISCL'ri n.
Splendid Gifts!
At 4.19 Chestnut street. The. only Original
Gift Book Store.
UI G. E\ AN.-j would Inform his friends and I lie public
• thai his Star Gift Hook Store and Publishing House
is permanently established in Brown's splendid Iron
Building, 13'J Chestnut St., two doors below Fifth, where
tlio purchaser of each book, at the regular retail inicc,
will receive one of the follow ing gifts, valued at from 35
! cents to §100:
Worth each.
! 550 Patent English Lev. r Gold Watches, 5100
550 Patent Anchor do do 50
100 Ladies' Geld Watches, lbk cases, 35
600 Silver Hunting Watches, warranted, 35
500 Parlor Timepieces, 111
I 500 Cameo Sets, Kir Drops and Tins, 10
j 500 Ladies' Gold Bracelets, sto 13
| 500 Gents' Vest and Fob Chains, 10
! 1000 Gold Lockets, large size double case, 10
3000 Gold Lockets, small size, 9
' 1001' Gold Pencil Cases, with Gold Pens, 5
; 100.1 Extra Gold Pens, x\ ith cases and holders, 3 50
! 2500 Ladies' Gold Pencils, 2
2500 Gold Pens, with Silver Pencils, 2 50
2500 Ladies' Gold Pens, Willi cases and hold, rs, 1 50
; 6500 Ladies' Gold Rings, 1
2000 Gents' Gold Kings, 2 50
j 2500 Ladies' Gold Breastpins, 2 50
3500 Misses' Gold Breastpins, 1 50
3000 Pocket Knives, 1
2000 Sets Gents' Gold Bosom Studs, 2 50
2000 do Sleeve Buttons, 2 50
; 2000 Pairs of Ladies' Ear Drops, 2 50
5)000 Ladies' Pearl Card Cases, 5
15000 Ladies' Cameo, Jel or Mosaic Pins, 5
j 2500 Ladies' Shawl anil Ribbon Pins, I 5o
5000 Articles ni G..ld Jewelry, Gift Books, &.C., not enu
merated in the above, worth from 25 cents to <125.
Evans' ne'.v Catalogue, which is sent free to all pa its
of the country, contains all the most popular hooks of the
day, and the newest publications, ail of which will he
sol.! as iuw as can he obtained al olhr r stores
Agents wanted in every town in ih Union. Those de
siiiog so to act, can obtain full particulars by addressing
as above.
M B.—Being largely interested in publishing bonks,
and buying from other publishers in immense .juanthies,
for cash, 1 am enabled to make larger discounts to Coun
trj Agents and Book Dealers than can he had at nnj other
house in the country.
Any Iw.ok published in the United Stales, the retail
price of which is one dollar or upwards, will be promptly
sent, gift included, on receipt of publisher's price.
An extra §1 B.iok andfift given toany person ordering
ten books to be scut to one address. Send for a catalogue.
Address ft G. EVANS, Publisher,
augib-3m 12P Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
Joy to the Admirers of
'IVVI.K of beauty ; it cannot exist w it hoot a line head of
A- hair Then read iht following, and if >ou ask more,
see circular arouml each bottle, and no one tan doubt.
We would call the attention of all, old and young, tn
! ill s wonderful preparation which lurns back to us origi
■ nal color gray hair, covers the head with a luxuriant
j growth, removes ihe dandruff, itching, and all cutaneous
' eruptions, causes a continual flow of Ihe natural fluids,
i ami henre. if used ;;s a regular dressing f. r ihe hair will
! preset ve its color, and keep it fmui falling to extreme old
| age, in al! its natural beauty We call then upon the
i bald, the gray, or diseased in scalp, i>> use it ; and surely
: the young will not, as they value ihe flowing lo< ks or the
w itching curl, ever ire without it lis praise u upon the
I tongue of thousands. The agent for Pmf Wood's II ur
i Kestorative in Now Haven, received the follow ii.g letter
i in regard to the Restorative a few weeks since :
Dkep Rtvsa, Comm., July 23, 1856.
Mr. Leavenworth—Sir:—l have been troubled with
j dandruff or scurf on my in ail for more than a year, my
: hair began to come oul, scurf and hair together I saw
in a New Haven paper about 'Wood's Hair Restorative'
as a cure. I call, dat your store on the Ist of April last,
and purchased one bottle to try it, and t found to my sat
| isfaction it was the thing; it removed tint scurf and new
; hair began to grow; it is now two nr three inches in
' length where it was ALL off. I have great faith in it. I
j wieh ton to send me two bottles moie by Mr. Post, the
j bearer of this. I don't km.tv as any of the kind is used
' in this place; >ou may tnv.* a market for many bottles
after it U known here. \ ours with respect.
PlitlxdeLetti a, September 9, 18.56.
j Prof. Wood—Dear Sir:—Your Hair Restorative is pro
' ving ili-elf beneficial to me. The front, and also the lock
j part of my head almo-t lost its covering—in fact BALD
i i have used but two half pint iMiitles of your Restorative
I ai d now the top of my head is well studded w ill. a prom
ising crop of young hair, and the front is also receiving
i its benefit. 1 have tried oilier prej>aralions w itlmut any
benefit whatever. I think from my own personal re com
i menrtatron I can induce many others to try it.
Yours respectfully, D It. THOMAS, M. P ,
No 461 Vjp ( . street.
Vt.vct.vXßs, l\.. June 22, !853.
Prof. O J. Wood— As ro'i uru shout to manufacture
and vend yrmr recently discovered Hair Restorative, 1
will slate, for whomsoever it mny concern, that i have
used it and known others to use it—that I have for sev
eral years been in the habit of using oilier Ilir Reslora
lives, and that i find yours vastly so ter'or to any other I
know. It entirely cleanses the h.Cnid of dandruff, and
with one month's proper use Will rt store any person's
hair to the original outhf'l color and texture,giviue it a
healthy, soft arid glossy appearance ; and all this without
discoloring the 1) nils that apply it, or the tires* on w hicli
it drops. 1 would therefore recommend its use to every
one desirous of having a tine color and texture to hair.
Respectfully yours, WILSON KINO.
O. J. WOOl) &. CO , Proprietors. 312 Broadway, V Y
(in the great V V. Wire Railing Establishment ) and
111 Market street, St. Louis, Mo., and sold by all good
Druggists. jelO
MECHANICS, Inventors, Manufacturers and
Farmers.—The Scientific American ha*
now reached its Fourteenth Year, and will enter
upon a new volume on the 11th of September
It is the only weekly publication of the kind
now issued ia this country, and it has a very
extensive circulation in all the States of the
Ltiion. It is not, as some might suppose from
its title, a dry abstruse work on technical sci
ence; on the contrary, it so deals with the great
events going on in the scieutiiic, mechanical and
industrial worlds, as to please and instruct every
one. If the Mechanic or Arti/au wishes to
know the best machine in use, or iiow to make
any substance employed in his business—if the
Housewife wishes to get a recipe for making a
good color, &c.—if the Inventor wishes to know
wiiat is going 011 in the way of improvements
—if the Manufacturer wishes to keep posted
with the times, and to employ the best facilities
in his business—if the man of leisure and study
wishes to keep himself familiar with the pro
gress made in the chemical labaratory, or in the
construction of telegraphs, steamships, rail
roads, reapers, mowers, and a thousand other
machines ard appliances, both of peace and
war—all these des'ultrata can be found in the
Scientific American, and not thai:here.. They
arc here presented in a reliable and interesting
form, adapted to the comprehension of minds
unlearned in the higher branches of science
and art.
TERMS—One copy one year, §2 ; one copy
six months, $1; live copies six months, $4 ; ten
copies six months, j>B; ten copies twelve months,
>ls; fifteen copies twelve months, &22 ; twenty
copies twelve months, S2B, in advance.
Specimen copies sent gratuitously for inspec
tion. Southern and Western money, or postage
stamps; taken for subscriptions. Letters should
be directed to MUNN <fc CO.,
128 Fulton street, N. Y.
'Messrs. Munn & Co. are extensively engaged
in procuring patents f r new inventions, and
will advise inventors, without charge, in regard
to the uovelty of their improvements, auglb
To the People of Hlfßla County .
| ANNOUNCE my* If as an Independent
1_ Candidate for the Legislutui., 'pledging, if
elected, to support all in. ..surer, calculated to
promote the interest of the people.
augs* S. BELFORD.
Real Estate in Derry Township
undersigned having removed to the
JL west, offers for sale his VALUABLE
I' ARM AND Vi OODLAND situate in Derry
township, Mifflin county, about 5 miles north
east of Lewistown, containing
of cleared land, well fenced and divided into
convenient fields, with ready access to water,
and so situated as to be easily divided into
two farms. The improvements consist of two
dwelling houses, bank barn, wagon shed,
wood house and other outbuildings. There
areon the premises one of the best orchards in
the county, both its regards quantity and
quality ot lruit, and from ten to fifteen acres
ot choice meadow, lite above is well known
as one ot the most desirable farms in the
county, being in a healthy and agreeable
neighborhood, convenient to churches, schools,
mills, &c.
Also, do acres of Woodland, situate on
.Jack's Mountain, and an undivided half of a
large tract of Timber land, situate on Shade
Mountain with chestnut on it sufficient to
keep the farm under good fencing for many
years, and some locust.
B'SL.As Mr. Martin is desirous of disposing
of the above property without delay, purcha
sers are invited to call on the subscriber, who
will give all necessary information respecting
the same. T. G. BELL.
If not sold at private sale by the Ist of Oc
tober it will lie disposed of at public sale, of
which due notice will be given. jyß
Consumption of Smoke Gas Saving of Fotl!
THE subscriber takes pleasure in offering to
1 bin customers a new Talented Gas-burning
CookingStove,undoubtedly the heststove made.
It is well known that all inflammable matter
requites a certain amount of air to support com
bustion, and if the supply is insufficient it is
impossible to produce a flame. The heat of
the fire, inordinary cooking stoves, decomposes
the fuel, and as all the fresh air is admitted un
der the grate, its oxygen is exhausted before it
has passed through the fire chamber. The close
flues at the top of the stove then act as an ex
tinguisher, tending to put out the fire instead of
assisting the combustion. A large portion of
the fuel, therefore, passes off in the shape of
smoke, clogging up the flues of the stove so as
to impede the draft and interfere with the ba
king,—or of invisible gas which combines with
tint lime and so destroys the mortar of the
chimneys, loosening the bricks, and exposing
the dwellings to the danger of fire.
The introduction of art additional supply of
cold air would cool the gas below the igniting
temperature, but by the proper application
above the fire of air previously heated to a tem
perature of several hundred degrees (which is
one of the prominent features of the patent)
the gases are inflamed in numerous jets, and
their combustion is sufficient to heat tne oven,
even if the draft through the fire chamber is
entirely closed. In addition to the ordinary di
rect draft under the grate and through the fire
chamber, the gas-burner has an additional draft
through the top plates, which is of itself suffi
cient to maintain combustion. The upper draft
not only consumes the gases, but it helps to
strengthen and preserve the centre pieces which
are most exposed to the direct action of the
fire, and which are made double instead of the
usual single plates. By means of this draft
alone, all the operations of cooking can be car
ried on when the fuel is but partially ignited,
and the fuel consequently burns more slow I v
and more economically. A sufficient evidence
of the effect of the gases in heating '.fie oven is
found in the fact that the overt, w ill be ready
for baking even before the, f, rc j s thoroughly
kindled, and much soo; lCr than in any other.
I here is scarcely a doubt that before long
the Cooking Stoves will supercede
all Others. The operation is so perfect and its
consumption of fuel so small iu comparison
with other cooking stoves, and its heat so easily
regulated, (burning more or less as desired,)
that every one who uses one of these stoves will
have nothing else. For sale by
aujlii F. G. FRANCISCL'S.
And Jim article of the krttd en r introduced under Iks
nam* of I'T LJIO.VK WAFKKS," m this or any other
country; till other I'ulvton.c IVof in are counterfeit*.
The rrenume can f.e kmr.cn by the ucms BUV AN boioif
*tamytd on each WAFER.
Relievo Coughs, Colds, Sore-throat, Hoarseness.
Relieve Asthma, Bronchitis, Difficult Breathing.
Relieve Spitting of Blood, Fains in the Chest.
Relieve Incipient Consumption, Lung Dieeasea.
Relievo Ixr.taticn of the Uvula and Tonsils.
Relievo the above Complaints in Ten Minutes,
Arc a blessing to all classes and e-mstitoHoiis.
Arc Adapted for Vocalists and Public Speakers
Improve the compass and flexibility of the Voice.
Are in a simple form and pleasant to the tasta.
Not only relieve, but effect rapid & lasting Cures.
Are warranted to give satisfaction to every one.
No Family should be without a Box of
BryauS Pulmonic Waters
No Traveler should be without a Box of
Bryan's Pulmonic WAFER#
No Doaler should bo without a supply of
Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers
No person will ever objoct to give for
Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers
JOS A/OSES, Late I. <' Bntihvin & co., Rochester, \' Y.
For sale by Charles Ritz, Dr. Stoneroad at
the Bee. Hive drug store, and F. A. Hardt &
Co., Lewistown ; A- J. North, Atkinson's mills
and by respectable druggists generally. sep3
(I EOKGE MILLER informs the citizens
_X of Lewistown that he has commenced the
above business in connection with his office
as Superintendent of the Water Company,
and IS now ready to put in NEW HYDRANTS,
MAKE REPAIRS AT OLD ones, or do any other
work pertaining to the business. His char
ges will BE reasonable, AND prompt attention
given to orders.
Lewistown, May 20, 1858—3 m
r1 ILT and Transnareut Window Shades with
J C i.edit, Tassel*, aus. Grceu ati.i Belt* ffliudcs, a'.!
with Bailcy'd Patent Fixtures. FKANCIBCL'S.
Celebrated Female Pills.
Prepared from a prescription of Sir J. Clarke, If.
D., Physician Extraordinary to the QUCCP..
this invaluable medicine in unfailing in tlio cure of all
those pain Ail and dangerous diseases to which the female
-onstitution is subject. It moderates all excess and re
moves all obstructions, and a speedy cure may be relied on.
It is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on
the monthly period with regularity.
Each brittle, price One Dollar, bears the Government
Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits
Theft Pills should not he taken by females during tke
FIRST THRF.K MOUTHS of Pregnancy, as they are
sure to bring on Miscarriage, but at any other time they
art safe.
In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Tain in
the Back and I-imbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, I'ulpiOt
tion of the Heart, Hysterics, and Whites, those i'i.ls will
effect a cure when all other means have failed, and
although a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, ea! miol
antimony, or any thing hurtful to the constitution.
Full directions accompany each package.
Solo Agent for the United States and Canada,
t JOB MOSES, (Late I. C. Baldwin It C 0.,)
Rochester, N. Y.
N. 8.—51,09 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any au
thorized AgCnt will insure a bottle of the Pi Us by return
tnail. v
For sale by
Charles Ritz. Dr. Wloneroad at
the lice [live drug store, anl F. A. Hardtifc
Co., Lewistown ; A. J. North, Atkinson's mills,
and by resectable druggists generally. sep3
The Dally Telegraph,
Published at II irrisliurs, Pa., by Geo. Uergner t fn.,
publishes the List of Loiters by authority, a sure evidence
of it having? the largest circulation
Terms— |>*-r year; the weekly and semi-weekly is
also published at per year.
Published daily, tri weekly and weekly, by Dobbin 4r
Fulton, I*sß Baltimore street, Baltimore, Mil.
Daily st? per annum, $1 for 8 months, $3 for 0 months,
4:2 for 1 months. I'ri weekly .$1 tier annum, 33 for nine
month", Sri for six months, and > 1 for three months.
The Weekly fimericxu is published it $1 50 per annum,
eight months 31, four copies .3.1, eight copies 10, fouiteen
for 15, 50 for 50—all payable in advance
i'hiladelpuia Daily News,
Published by J. R. Flanigen, 130 South Thud street, at
four dollars per annum.
The hollar Weekly JY- ws, by same publisher, at 31 per
annum, ti copies for $5. 13 for !0. 20 for 15, 25 for 20.
Published every morning, Sundays excepted, by Royal
M'Reynolds ic Whitman, Ilarrishurg, i'a.
Terms—33 per >ear, $5 for six, or 31 for three months
H IS Great Journal of Grime and Crim
_|_ trials is in its Twelfth Year, and is widely circulated
throughout the country. It contains all the Great Trials,
Criminal Cases, and appropriate Editorials on the same,
together u ith information 011 Criminal Matters not to be
found in any oilier newspaper.
to-Suhscripitinns, #2 per Annum; S I for six Months, to
be remitted by Subscribers, (who should write their
names and the town, count) ami -tate where they reside
plainly,) to it. A. csEY.MOHIt,
Editor sc. Proprietor of the National Police Gazette,
ap3o New York City.
Ccwpoiiiided entirely from GUIS,
rs one of the best Purgative ami Liver Medicines now
A before tbe. public, that acts as a Cathartic,easier, mild
er, and more effectual than any other medicine known. It
is not only a Cathartic, but a Liver remedy, acting first
on the l.iver to eject its morbid matter, then 011 the stom
ach and bowels to carry off that matter, thus accomplish
ing two purposes effectually, without any of the painful
f. clings cxperienc d in the operations of most Cathartics.
It strengthens the system at the same lime that it purges
I it, and when taken daily in nu iierale doses will strength
| en and build it up with unusual sapidity.
'f hi* Liver is iks of lief iprincipal regulators of the
human body ; anil whenj il performs its function*
well the powers of thesys-j ,'tein are fully developed.
The stomach is almost en-j
healthy'actionof thel.iver !for the proper perform
anie of lis functions ;ilT—wln n ihe stomach is al
fault the bowels air jfaujr, and the whole sys
tem suffers in *use-i "-s iquetice of one organ—the
I.u in-having ceased to. -do lis duty. For the dis
ea-es of that organ, one O iol the proprietors ii:,s
made it his study, in
years, to find some reuie- i— ly wherewith to counter
act the many derange- jmeiits to which it is liable
To prove that this rem |e.ly is at last found, any
person troubled with LIV-I ~1 ■EU CE PLAINT in any of
its forms, has but to try aj jbottle and conviction is
certain. These Uums re ! I move all morbid or bad
matter fiom the system,| £— supplying in their place a
healthy Cow of bile, in- ;P=3 ivigoraliug the stomach,
causing food to digest ! well. .irifiv<r tie bloml.
giving tone and health to! , jlhe whole machinery, re
moving the cause of Uis ease—elfi cling a radical
cure BILIOUS ATTACKS! jare cured, and what is
better, previ tiled, by iccasional use of ihe l.iv
er Invigoralor. One dose j after eat in; is sufficient to
relit:vi! the stomach and' """v : prevent llm I'.nd from ri
sing and souring. Only i jnuo dove taken hi fore re
tiring prevents I hare Only onu dose ta
ken at niglil loosens tile j ibowels genliy, and cures
<os i IVLNESS. One d'tst .-J- - J taken after achtmalw Hi
cure DVSIU'M.C. (J-liney'', .lose of two teaspm-nfuls
will ALII ays relieve Si K JJ U&ADA : HE.
One bi t:I • : kcii lor ft: , • ma'e obstruction removes
the cause of the disease: m l n akesa p. rf. cteure.
Only one do.-iiimu diate-i I ly relieves < HOLJC, while
one .lose often repeated is' ia sure cure f. t CU.OI.LKA
Mount s, and a preventive t.ft C'HOLEIIA irv-Only one
bottle is needed to throw out oft the system the eStcts of
medicine after a long sickness. One b, tile taken for
JAI NDti E removes all sali >wuessor uniiatural color from
the sktn One dose taken a short time before eating g. Vi s
vigor to the appetite and makes food digest well One
dose often repeated cures CHRONIC DI ARRHEA in iis w..tsl
forms, and Summer and Bowel Complaints yield almost
to the tirst dose. One or two doses cures attacks c ttisi d
by Worms 10 Children ;. there is no surer, .-afor or speed
ier remedy in She world, as it NEVKK iail> A few bottles
cures DROPSV, by ex,iilr:g the absorbents. We take
pleasure in recommending this memento as is preventive
for i'EVKK AND AOLE, ( ILILI. KRVER. and all Fevers of a
Bilious Type. Ii operates wuh t ertaiuty, and thousands
are wiling to testify to it wuml rful virtues
AH w ho use it sre giving their unanimous testimony in
its favor.
e:-Mi\ water in the mouth with tin. Invigorator, and
swallow both together
Tlill LIVER IN V IGOR ATOU is a scientific. Medical
Discovery, ami is dally working cares almost too great to
believe. It cure.- us if by magic, i ven the first dose giv
ing benefit, and seldom mure than one bottle is required
to cure any kind of Liver Complaint, from the worst
Jaundice to a common Headache, all of which arc the
result of a Diseased Diver.
DR. SANFORD, Proprietor, 345 Broadway, N. V
it-Retailed by all Druggists. jclO
Ice Cream Saloons.
I WOULD respectfully inform the public
that I have fitted up two Ice Oreaua Sa
loons in superior style, for the accommodation
of ladies and gentlemen, whoso patronage 1
solicit. ' ANTHONY FELIX,
myl3 Intersection of Mill Valley sts.
J UST RECEIVED and on hand home half
and quarter barrels of Splendid MACK
EREL ; for sale cheap for cash at
QTOVES! STOVES!—A large assortment a t
O low prices ldr sale by F. J. HOFFMAN
C. S. McCOY, Trustee.
Produce & Commission Business
at the warehouses lately occupied by
Francis MaCoy, deceased.
Always ou hand,
H'ilkesbarre aud Suubury STOVE COAL,
Linicbunicrs aud Blacksmiths COAL.
Lewistown, August 2, [l2,] 1858.
r.cllefontc papers copy to amount of $1.50,
and charge Gazette office.
PROPOSALS will l>e received until the
lith of September next, for four Male
and eight Female Teachers, to take charge of
the Schools in Lewistown District. Schools
to be kept open six months, from October 1,
1858. One of the Male Teachers to take
charge of Colored school. By order of the
Board, C. S. McCOY, Sec'y.
Lewistown, August 12, IS53—St.
*V X j w | MOIIE MEN wanted as Agents
ZyJvU to circulate rapid-selling valua
ble FAMILY WORKS, which attract by their
low prices, interesting contents, and superbly
Colored plates. For circulars, with particu
lars, apply, if you live East, to HENRY
110 WE, No. 102 Nassau st., N. Y.; if West,
to (lie same. No. 11l Main St., Cincinnati.
August 12, 1858.-3 in
G1 S. CLARK ii CO., No. 20 Maiden Lane,
f • New York, Manufacturers of Gold and
of every description, offer their goods direct
to the country trade at the prices others charge
the city dealers, thereby saving the purchaser
about 20 per cent, which they would have to
pay the dealers if bought from then:. Oui
object is to sell for cash at one profit over tho
cost of manufacturing. Samples will be fur
nished to those who may desire to see the
goods, at the dozen price, and can be sent by
express, with hill to collect. augl2-3m
JT. DROWN, Manufacturing Jeweler,
• No. 26' Maiden Lane, New York, offers
his stock, consisting of a general assortment
of Lockets, Chains, <Cc., which are offered as
the lowest cash prices. Great inducements tc
country cash buyers. augl2-3m.
A. J. Warner, Principal.
fJMIE next session of this Institution will
X commence on MONDAY, August 30th,
under the supervision of the former Principal.
A new system of Classification will be adopt
ed in the school, and a full and thorough
course of study adapted to each department.
It is designed to put the Academy, in every
respect, on equal ground with first class insti
tutions of its kind, and thereby offer favorable
inducements to studeuts generally.
ROOMS AND BOARDING can hereafter
be had in the Academy Building to accom
modate students—ladies or gentlemen—from
abroad, or they can bo obtained elsewhere at
moderate rates.
Those desiring further information can oh
tain circulars by addressing the Principal.
Lewistown, August 19, 1858.
Patent Galvanic Cement
r? 3 cc£> rgr* CSJ CSD if 2 iya _
fJMIE undersigned having purchased the
1 right for this Cement in Mifflin and Cen
tre counties, are now prepared to furnish and
put it on roofing wherever desired—the root
being sheeted by the owner. Scientific men
under the direction of government, and ar
chitects and builders iu various parts of the
country, for years have been studying and
experimenting to discover some composition
or article for roofing, which would resist the
changes of our climate, and would uh'rte the
qualities of Intpcrviotisness to Water, IHCOIU
bustibility, Durability and Cheapness. No
article now" in use possesses these qualities.
Shingles are not fire proof, and cannot be used
upon flat roofs. Sbvte can only he used upon
steep roofs. The contraction, expansion and
rusting of metallic roofs are so great iu this
changeable climate that they soon become
worthless, or the repairs will cost more than
a new roof. The various cements and com
positions which have been iutroduced, can bo
supplied only to very flat roofs, and they aro
all so affected by the action of tho weather
that they will milt and run in summer and
crack in winter, and in a short time Lecoms
crumbly and worthless. The inventor of the
Galvanic Cement has labored twenty years to
obviate these difficulties,, and it is believed by
those who have had opportunities to test the
matter, that he has entirely succeeded. As
now applied,
First —It is completely imueivkias to wale;
\X ater may continually stand upon the roof
without affecting it in the least.
Second —It is fire proof. It is so incombus
tible that it will afford ample and perfect pro
tection against fire, sparks and burning shin
gles iioan another building immediately ad
j joining.
Third—lt is durable. It is u<it injured" by
atmospheric changes, having been tested for
several years by the Patentee, at Syracuse,
New York.
Fourth—lt is cheap. Roofs wiil be put on
for about half the cost of tin, and will last
much longer.
Fifth—Repairs arc easily and cheaply made.
Sixth —lf is sufficiently elastic to entirely
resist the expansion and contraction by heat
and eold, and will remain perfect and solid in
the warmest and coldest weather.
Seventh —It is adapted to all kinds of roofs,
cither flat or steep.
Eighth—lt is valuable for repairing old
roofs. Old shingle roofs may be covered
without removing the shingles. Old nietalic
roofs can be made perfectly tight and secure
Ninth—lt is especially adapted to all kinds
of seaming around battlements, sky-lights
and chimneys, and for the- lining of eave
troughs and gutters. Roofs which have given
trouble fur years, and which hate continued
to leak in spite of all efforts, can be made
perfectly secure by this cement.
Tenth—lt has been proved to be the best
article ever used for covering car tops and
steamboat decks.
Elcveuth—Thi- cement applied to new tin
roofs preserves them from rusting, by fur
nishing a coat which is at ouce impervious to
water and an almost perfect non-conductor of
Twelfth —It is the only roofing material
patented which contains India rubber and
gutta percha.
Kor particulars of this comont, owners of
property will please address
ap!s Locke's Mills, Mifflin <*.. Pa.