fligE G-iIZETTE. ** _ }jfd Buck'* Table. —The monstrous ex n„rp of the Democratic party under (end'""* ' , , ro itm of Mr. Buchanan, can be proper " and fully appreciated, by an exant ■jtion of the following table. It sp-tidS, $80,000,000 a year! §7,500,000 a month !! §1,875,000 a week !!! §207,859 a day !!!! 811.100 an hour!!!!! SIBO a minute!!!!!! $3,10 a second!!!!!!! The following table exhibits the annual during the past ten years, in lading O IC Administration of Taylor, Fill pierce, and Buchanan : 1^0 —Fillmore, 42,;>06,892 11 I§sl Fillmore, 40,504,422 12 jv, )—Fillmore, 36,552,080 37 —pierce, 43,544,203 82 Pierce, 51,018,248 00 j,£ss—pierce, 50,305,393 00 jvi.id —Pierce, 00,172,401 04 j^-,7—Buchanan, 04,878,828 85 jssS—Buchanan, 80,000,000 00 [ tier tea >i and Republican Strength. — j jhe Cincinnati Gazette, speaking of the ; of a Democrat to Congress from St. Louis district by reason of the di t ;jon of the strength of the opposition be :,wi) the American and Republican can- 1 {dates, says: ' So long as the opposition keeps divided j , :0 (wo nearly equal segments the result will , "very much the same to the Administration | y;f it had a majority. We hope that a little j lisdom will be learned by experience." To this the Louisville .Journal adds : "Th e Gazette is a Republican paper. We jope that counsel will not be lost upon its po iiieal friends. A thorough union of the true s en. the conservative men, of all parties, is -acticable and desirable, and without it, j,re can be no just hope of the deliverance if the country from Lncofoco misrule." Who are for the In ion! — The follow s.' paragraph, from the Louisville .Tour si. is a full answer to the interrogatory, - Who are for the Union ?" —'• The Hon. Ta. L. Yancey, perhaps the mostinfluen al Democrat in the South, is devoting all • time and energies to getting up South si leagues for the dissolution of the 1 Ti ts. lie has formed and published a con ation and laws for his leagues, and the vmbcr of members is said to be daily and • idly increasing. And now it is a sig :ieant fact, that, of all the Democratic ■ : rs of the South, Mr. Prvor, the Hich j.'iid Sreeater, is the only one who denoun- Yancf-y's movement, and that h< de inces it avowedly upon the ground that think* it calculated to retard, instead of ustening tlie glorious cause of dissolution.'' lie re are the Union savers? Foreign Xctrs. —By the arrival of the \agio Saxon at Quebec, we have four davs ' r news from Eurojic. The news pos ■—os some points of interest. The Lon : i Times reviews editorially the lamcn- Tie conoitiofr of Mexico, and concludes o !llows: It seems there is nothing left for the l uited States but to corrs tun mate the work hate begun, and annex the land of M'titczuma and Cortes, which, even under ■ loli <,} the slave driver, will not regret illusion of the liberty of the Mexican /raw ~— 'j he- papers teem with accounts tuc Cherbourg/I (>■.<, which had conclu '* at :i banquet on hoard Le Brctagne. a V •' r '- in proposing Victoria's health, 'iii l '" a very amicable speech. U ' lit I-, ws from China indicates that the -'•dials are becoming alarmed. Tlic ; ; were advancing on Tietisin, followed tlic Americans and Russians. The ;h Mandarin has been dispatched to nc- ! Romance Syun.Jittl. —The Mankato of the 17th cays: "One of ' Bioux chiefs recently returned jfroni t brought back with hint an | Idition to liis household, in the shape of ffhite wife—a good looking, fashionable • f so, whether the democracy hasn't enough already? f\t '*° beggars tired a barn, the property '■uty t,^ ere ' near Millerstown, Lebanon "' ast because a servant refused •"nhfrlTi ® to eat * The barn and a horses and cattle were burnt. SST-Qn Saturday, says the St. Louis Democftit, a stranger made his appearance in Lagrange, Missoltli, and after making unsuccessful efforts to obtain employment, resolvfed to commit suicide. Obtaining a pistol, he placed the iuuzzle to his head and discharged the contents into his brain. I pon examination by a Competent surgeon it was ascertained that the ball passed through his skull between the eyes, and lodged in the back part of the head. Part of the brain tfras scattered over the front of his hat. He was conveyed into the of fice of Mr. Gantt, of that city, and medi cal aid quickly called to the assistance of the sufferer. After lying in an insensible condition during the day, he recovered sufficiently to give the particulars which led to the commission of the act. He gave his name as Brown, and claimed to be a native of Memphis, Tenn. Being poor and friendless, he had not eaten any thing since he left Cairo, a day or two prev ious. Discouraged at not receiving em ployment, and too proud to beg, lie deter mined to place himself bey'ond tbe pale of physical want, and shot himself as above stated, and now comes the most singular portion of this most extraordinary affair. Notwithstanding the loss of a portion of the brain and the perforation of the skull by the bullet, Mr. Brown is in a rapid way towards recovery. On Thursday he was able to sit up in bed and converse iutelli- j gently with all who called on liini. The Place fur Fishermen. —Mr. Wni. Medary, who recently went from Heading to Freeport, Illinois, writes to the Heading Adler an account of a fishing excursion in which he and a number of Berks county people participated. Mr. M. says that he and several others caught five pike whose average weight was twenty pounds each. They also caught 300 cat fish, whose weight on an average was IS pounds each, in a small stream called "Preston's Creek," about four miles from Freeport. These are con sidered small fish in comparison to some caught there. A certain one horse editor seems delighted with Hate. Pre haps he expects to secure a shower thereby. 'lhe above appears in a black mail concern published in a little town near Patterson. Let i:s author say so in the presence of Mr. Ilale, and he might get one of the ' showers' report says the Morris's used to give him when caught pilfering about their premises. Mifflin Co. Agricultural Society, A MEETING of this Society will he held on SA'ITRRAY AFTERNOON, August 28th, at 2 o'clock p. m., at the Court House in Lcwistown, for the purpose of appointing three delegates to attend the election of three Trustees for the Farmers' High School. augl9-2t GEO. FRY SINGER, Sec'v. Estate of John Stinc, Jr., deceased. OTICE is hereby given that letters of ad 1. v ministration on the estate of JOHN SUN E, Jr., late of the borough of McVey town, Mifflin county, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, the first named residing in AV aytte township and the other in Oliver township, in said county. All persons indebted to said estate ate requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against ihe same to present them duly authen heated for settlement. CYRUS STINK,) . , SAM'L STINK, j Adnirs - August 19, 1858. GIFTS! GIFTS! GIFTS! Splendid Gifts! At 4-iO Chestnut street. The only Original Gift Hook Store. fi O EV A W would In fur mMb r rier\e* and the ptfl.lic l'il Ins Hiir CM Book f-'tore ut..l PoklMtinf Hniwn is juirinnnriilly estabmtitd in Brown's splemlid Iron llniidin;, 4"'J Cli. Btnul sr ,ta ■< d.nrs l>el uv Fiftli, wlierc rie [lurclnacr oi" eacli bor.lt, ai (lie regular retail price, will r.-i eive on.- of the follow ;iig gifts, vain- <1 .ii from 25 ceiita to $100: Worth each. 55fl P.tffcrif English Lever Gold Watches, JrtfW 550 Patent Anchor do do 50 100 I.adiet*' Gold Watches, ISk ca:-es, 35 GOO Rilvpr Ilontinr Watches, tvnrr-uited, 15 500 Parlor Timepieces, 10 SOP C-uiteo Set*, E ir Drops and Pins, 10 500 I .utiles' Gold Bracelets, 5 to 12 500 Gents' Vest am! i'o't Chains, 10 1000 Gold Lorkelr, larcc size .lodide rase, 10 2000 Gold Lockets, so all size, 3 1000 Gold Pencil Gases, with Gold Pens, 5 100(1 Extra Gold Pens, with cases and holders, 3 50 2500 Ladies' Gold Pencils, 2 2500 Gold Pens, with Stiver Pent lis, 2 50 251i0 Latins* Gul.l Pens, wilii cases and holders, 1 50 6500 Ladies' Gold Binge, ] 2000 Gents' Gold Ilincs, 2 50 2500 Ladies' Gold Breastpins, 2 50 3500 Misses' Gold Breastpins, 1 50 3000 Pocket Knivi s, 1 2000 Sets Gents' Gold Bosom Studs, 2 50 2000 do' fjfkeve Buttons, 2 50 2000 Pairs of Ladies' Ear Drops, 2 50 6000 Ladies' Pearl Card Cases, 5 15000 Ladies' Cameo, Jet or Mosaic Pins, 5 2500 Ladies' 61t.1 w I and Ribbon Pins, ] 50 5000 Articles of Gold Jewelry, Gift Books, dec., not enu merated in the above, worth from 25 cents to $25. Evans' new Catalogue, which is sent free to all parts of the country, conlains all the moat popular hooks of lite day, and the newest all of which will be sold as low as can be obtained at other stores. Agents wanted in every town inthe Union. Those de siring so to act, can obtain full particulars by addressing as above. N. B —Being largely interested in publishing books, and buying front olhrr publishers In immense quantities, for cash, 1 am enabled to make larger discounts to Coun try Agents and Book Dealers than can he had at any other house in tlie country. Any book published in the United Slates, the retail price of which is one dollar or upwards, will be promptly sent, gift included, on receipt of publisher's price. An extra $1 Book and Gift given to any person ordering ten books to be sent tonne address. Bend for a catalogue. Address C. G EVANS, Publisher, aiigl9-3m 439 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Pennsylvania Railroad, ON and after Monday, May 10th, 1858, trains leave Lewistown Station as follows- Eastward. Westward. Through Express, 5 35 a. rn. 5 51 a. m. Fast Line, 9 42 p. m. 7 30 p. m. Mail Train, 250 p. m. 325 " ' Through Freight, 535 p. m. 205a. m. Local " 605 " 730 " Express Freight, 1 50 " 9 55 " On and after September Ist, the fare will be as follows: to Harrisburg, §1 80 ; to Philadel phia, 505; to Altoona, 2 15; to Pittsburgh, 5 65. £CfThe Ticket Office will be open 20 min utes before the arrival of each Passenger Train, and unless tickets are procured one half cent per mile more will be exacted by the con doctors. D. E. ROBESON, Agent. C, S, McCOY, Trustee j Lewistown, WILL CONTINUE THE Produce & Commission Business at the warehouses lately occupied by Francis McCoy, deceased. Always on hand, PLASTER, FISH aud SALT, Wilkesbarre and Sunbury STOVE COALj Linn-burners and Blacksmiths COAL. Lewistown, August 2, [l2,] 1858. Bellefonte papers copy to amount of §1.50, and charge Gazette office. TEACHERS WANTED. I PROPOSALS will lie received until the 17111 of September next, for four Male and eight Female Teachers, to take charge of the Schools in Lewistown District. Schools to be kept open six months, from October h, 1858. One of the Male Teachers to take charge of Colored school. By order of the Board, C. S. McCOY, Sec'y. Lewistown, August 12, 1858—3t. r 4< in MORE MEN wanted as Agents /" * to circulate rapid-selling valua ble FAMILI WORKS, which attract by their low prices, interesting contents, and superbly colored plates. For circulars, with particu lars, apply, if you live East, to IIENRY HOWL, No. 102 Nassau st., N. Y.; if West, to the same, No. 11l Main s.t., Cincinnati. August 12, 1858.-3 in / "t CLARK it CO., No. 2G Maiden Lane, VI • New York, Manufacturers of Gold and Silver PENCIL CASES, and GOLD PENS of every description, offer their goods direct to the country trade at the prices others charge the city dealers, thereby saving the purchaser about 20 per cent, which they would have to pay the dealers if bought from them. Our object is to sell for cash at one profit over the cost of manufacturing. Samples will he fur nished to those who may desire to see the | goods, at tbe dozen prar, and can be sent by express, with bill to collect. augl2-3m JT. DROWN, Manufacturing Jeweler, • No. 26 Maiden Lane, New York, offers his stock, consisting of a general assortment of Lockets, Chains, &c., which are offered at the low est cash prices. Great inducements to country cash buyers. aug!2-3m LEWIST OWN ACADB MY. A. J. Warner, Principal. fIMIE next session of this Institution will B commence on MONDAY, August 30th, under the supervision of the former Principal. A new system of Classification will be adopt ed in the school, and a full and thorough course of study adapted to each department. It is designed to put the Academy, in every respect, on equal ground with first class insti tutions of its kind, and thereby offer favorable inducements to students generally. ROOMS AND BOARDING can hereafter be had in the Academy Building to accom modate students—ladies or gentlemen—from abroad, or they can bo obtained elsewhere at moderate rates. Those desiring further information can ob tain circulars by addressing the Principal. Lcwistown, August 19, 1858. WEST'S Patent Gaivanic Cement CL> If 1 £1 lea fjMIR undersigned having purchnsed the _L right fur this Cement in MitHin and Cen tre counties, are now prepared to furnish una put it on roofing wherever desired—the roof being sheeted by the owner. Scientific men under the direction of government, and ar chitects and builders in v .rious parts of the country, for years have been studying and experimenting to discover some composition or article for roofing, which would resist the changes of our climate, aDd would unite the qualities of Imperviousncss to Water, Incom bustibility, Durability and Cheapness. No article now in use possesses these qualities. Shingles are not fire proof, and cannot be used upon flat roofs. Slate can only be used upon steep roofs. The contraction, expansion and rusting of metallic roofs are so great in this changeable climate that they soon become worthless, or the repairs will cost more than a new roof. The various cements and com positions which have been introduced, can be supplied only to very flat roofs, and thoy are all so affected by the action of the weather that they will melt and run in summer and crack in winter, and in a short time become crumbly and worthless. The inventor of the Galvanic Cement has labored twenty years to obviate these difficulties, and it is believed by those who have had opportunities to test the matter, that he has entirely succeeded. As now applied, First—it is completely impervious to water. AVater may continually stand upon the roof without affecting it in the least. Second—lt is fire-proof. It is so incombus tible that it will afford ample and perfect pro tection against fire, sparks and burning shin gles from another building immediately ad joining. Third—lt is durable. It is not injured by atmospheric changes, having been tested for several years by the Patentee, at Syracuse, New York. Fourth—lt is cheap. Roofs will be put on for about half the cost of tin, and will last much longer. Fifth—Repairs are easily and cheaply made. Sixth —lt is sufficiently elastic to entirely resist the expansion and contraction by heat and cold, and will remain perfect and solid in the warmest and coldest weather. Seventh—lt is adapted to all kinds of roofs, either flat or steep. Eighth—lt is valuable fur repairing old roofs. Old shingle roofs may be covered without removing the shingles. Old metalic roofs can be made perfectly tight and secure. Ninth—lt is especially adapted to all kinds of seaming around battlements, sky-lights and chimneys, and for the lining of cave troughs and gutters. Roofs which have given trouble for years, and which have continued to leak in spite of all efforls, can be made perfectly secUre by this cement. Tenth—lt has been proved to be the best article ever used for covering car tops and steamboat decks. Eleventh—This cement applied to new tin roofs preserves them from rusting, by fur nishing a coat which is at once impervious to water and an almost perfect non-conductor of heat. Twelfth—lt is the only roofing material patented which contains India rubber and gutta percha. For particulars of this cement, owners of property will please address E. LOCKE, aplf Locke's Mills, Mifflin co., Pa. WA3NTTED, At the Lewistown Steam Mill, ALL KINDS OF CSS-E&w&LEEKSfs, AT HIGHEST CASII PRICES! On hand, for sale, FLOUR, hy the hundred or barrel, RYE FLOUR, CORN MEAL BUCKWIIEAT FLOUR, FEED OF ALL KINDS. iartre quantity of Coal, Salt, Pias ter, dee. for sale low for cash. ALFRED MARKS, Affeut. • Lewistown, Oct. 8, 1857. Valuable Farm for Sale. \ DESIRABLE FARM, containing 205 -fA. Acres of the best quality of limestone land in Kishacoquillas Valley, 185 acres of which are cleared and well cuUivated, is offer ed for sale on accommodating terms. It is situate two miles from Rced.sville in an agree able neighborhood. The improvements'con- AjifpY p ' st "f a tvro c tory (above basement) ■ brick Mansion House, 32 b}- 42 f e °L MCII finished, Bank Barn, 57 Peach and other fruit trees, mountain water piped to the house, with hydrant in the kitch en and running fountain at the barn, and va rious other improvements tending to comfort and convenience. There are few more desira ble properties than this in tho county. Also, about 25 Acres of TIMBER LAND, about two miles from the farm, with a public road running through it. For further particulars inquire, either per sona lly or by letter of JOHN 11 "WE EKES, Rett! Estate Agent, nugs-tf Lewistown, Pa. LYONS' rURE CATAWBA BRANDY. j I WING received t lie sole agency of A. F. Hazard 0c 11 Go , Wholesale Druggists, Philadelphia, for the sale of this Brandy in Mifflin county, we confidently offer a to the pu'dic as a pure and unadulterated article, as the following certificates will prove: CHEMICAL Issr ECTOR'S OFPICE, J 28 Sixth st., Cincinnati, March, 1857 $ This will certify that I have this day inspected two separate lots of Catawba Brandy, one in barrels and one in bottles, manufactured by Unritxr Lyons and sold by his sol: agent, J Jacob, at the Depot. No 92, opposite the Burnet Mouse, and 113 W" , Chemist. Tile OHIO CATAWBA BRANDY not only equals but even cxrel? the best imported Brandies in purity and flavor. It is HI f.tct the BEST Brandy known. This statement is fully corroborated by the certificates of many of our most distinguished analytical Chemists. I'hr want of pure Brandt lias long been f- It in thin cnun try, and tin- introduction of an article of such quality as to supersede the sale and use of those viie compounds hitherto sold under Ihe name of Brandy, can only he re girded as a great public good. The Catawba Brandy possesses all the good qualities claimed for the hest im ported liquor, and is of perfect purity and superior flivor. It is therefore fully entitled to the patronage of lite pnb lie. We feel confident that its recepiion in (his Slate will he as favorable as thai whicii it has met with in tin fJreat West, and that the time is not far distant when the superiority of our own liquors will put an end to their importation from abroad. For Medicinal purposes this Brandy ha? tin rival, and lias long been needed. It is a sovereign and sure rcme dy for Dyspepsia. Flatulency, Low Spirits, Languor, General Debility, Ac. Also far sale, ESHELBY'S CELEBRATED STILL AND SPARKLING CHAMPAGNE. These Wines are made in the neighborhood of Cincinnati, and are guar .inlioil to he the pure juice of llie grape, and are emi nently calculated fir invalids and persons who require a senile stimulant, and for Ba< ramcntal purposes, or as a beverage will be found equal, if not superior, to the best i uported. C-Heltil Price for Brandy and Wines, *1 23 per Quart Bottle. A liberal discount made to the trade. Address CHAS. RLLZ, l.ewistown, Pa* Ft binary IS, IS3S. eoOm Joy to the Admirers of A FINE HEAD OF iiJs.il UAJJJs Ijltl-K of beauty ; it cannot exist wiihout a fine head of J- iiair Then re id ihe following,and if you ask more, ..re circular around each bottle, and no one can doubt. PROFESSOR WOOD'S HAIR RESTORATIVE. We would rati the attention of all, old and young, to lies wonder!"rl preparation which tun s back to its origi nal color gray hair, covers the head with a luxuriant growth, removes the dandruff, itching, and all cutaneous eruptions, causes a continual flntv of the natural fluids, and hence, if used as a regular dressing fa ihe hair wPI preserve iis color, and keep it from falling to extreme old age, io all its natural beauty. We call then upon the bald, the gray, r,r diseased in scalp, to use h ; and surely I he young will not, as they value the flowing locks or the witching curl, ever be without it. Us praise is upon the tongue of thousands. The agent for Prof Wood's ILitr Restorative in New Haven, received the following letter in regard to the Restorative a few weeks since : DEEP RIVER, Cons., July 23, 1 Sif>. Mr. Leavenworth—Sir:— I have been troubled with dandruff" or scurf on niv head for more lhan a year, my hair began to come out, scurf and hair together. I saw in a New Haven peper about 'Wood's Hair Restorative* as a cure. I called at your store on the Ist of April last, and purchased one bolllc to try it, and I found to my sat isfaction it Was ihe tiling; it removed ihe scurf and new hair began to grow; it is now two or three inches in length where it was ALL off. 1 have great faith in it. 1 wish you to send me two bottles more by Mr Post, Ihe hearer of this. I don't know as any of she kind is used in this plf c ; you may have i mat kcl for many bottles alter ii is known here. Yours with respect, RUFUrS PRATT. Prill APELPLLTA, September 9, 1836. Prof. Wood—Dear Sir: —Your Hair Restorative is pro ving itself beneficial to inc. The front, and also Ihe hack part of my head almost lost its covering—in fait BALP. I have used hut two half pint bottle 3 of your Restorative ai.d now the top of my head is well studded with a prom ising crop of young hair, and Ihe front is also receiving its benefit. 1 have tried other preparations without any benefit whatever. I think from my own personal recoin mcmlalion I can induce many others to try it Yours respectfully, D R. THOMAS, M. D., No. 461 Vine street VINCEKXES, IA., June 22, 1533 i'rof. O J. Wood—As you are about to manufacture and vend your latently discovered Hair Restorative, I will state, for whomsoever it may concern, that 1 have used it and known others to use it—that 1 have for sev eral years been in the habit til" using other Hair Ueslora tiver, and that I find yours vastly superior to any other 1 know. It entirely rle.anses the head of dandruff, and with one month's proper use will restore any person's hair to th original youthful color and texture, giving it a healthy, soft and glossy appearance ; and all this without discoloring the bauds that apply It, or the dress on which it drops. ! would therefore recommend its use lo every one desirous of having .a fino color and texlure to hair. Respectfully yours, WILBCN KING. O. J. WOOD A. CO , Proprietors, 312 Broadway, N. Y (in the great N. Y. Wire Bailing Establishment,) and 114 Market street, Bt. Louis, Mo., and sold by all good Druggists. STOVES '.--Stoves, Stove Pipe, Zinc, Fire Brick, Grates, and everything belonging to the stove business, for sale by augl2 F. G. FRANCISCUS. STUFF and Fencing Boards can I' he had very low at FR A NCISCBS'S. THS GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY SIR JAMES CLARKE'S Olebrated Female Pills. PROTECTED LETTERS BY EOYAL PATENT. Prepared from a prescription of Sir J. Clarke, M. I)., Physician Extraordinary to the Queen. J hi? invaluable medicine is unfailing in tho euro of all those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female •institution in subject. It moderates all excess and re moves all obstructions, and a speedy cure may be relied on. TO MARRIED T.ADIFH It is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. Each bottle, price One Dollar, 1 years the Government Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits These Pills should not be taken by females during Ike FIRST TIIRF.F. MONTHS of Pregnancy, as they ore sure to bring on Miscarriage, but at anil other time they are safe. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pain in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpita tion of the Heart, Hysterics, and Whites, these Pi'.ls will effect a cure when all other means hava failed, and although a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel antimony, or any thing hurtful to the constitution. Full directions accompany each package. Sole Agent for the United States and Canada, t JOB MOSES, (Lnte I. C. Baldwin A C 0.,1 Rochester, N. Y. N. 8.—51,00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any ao thorizeif Agent will insure a bottle of the I'il's ly rch.ru mail. For sale by Charles Rilz I)r. Vtoneroad at the Bee Hive drug store, and F\ A. Hardt& Co., Lewistown; A. J. North, Atkinson's mills, and by respectable druggists generally. sep3 The Daily Telegraph. Published tit iLirrisburg, Pa., by Geo. llergmr it Co., publi.-ht-s ihe List of letters by authority, u sure evident e of it having the largest circulation. Terms—A3 per year; the weekly and semi-weekly is also publi-hed at $2 per year. THE BALTIMORE AMERICAN, Published daily, tri weekly and weekly, by Dobbin & Fulton, 128 Baltimore street, Baltimore, Md. Daily $6 per annum, $1 for 8 months, #3 for 0 months, 32 for 1 months. Tri weekly $1 per annum, S3 for nine month*.-, 32 for six months, and §1 for three months. The It'eekly American is published at £1 ft) per annum, eieht months SI, four copies .s'•, eight copies 10, fourteen for 15. 20 for 20—all payable iu advance Philadelphia Daily .Yews, Published by J. R. Flatiigen, 136 South Third street, at four dollars per annum. The Dollar Weekly FT.vs, by same publisher, at $1 per annum. 6 copies for 33, 13 for 10, 20 for 15, 23 for 20. THE DAILY HERALD, Published every morning, Sundays excepted, by Royal M*Reynolds Sc. Whitman, Harrisburg, Pa. Terms—-S3 per year, $2 fur six, or 31 for three months NATIONAL POLICE GAZETTE r | a II IS (if cat Journal of ('rime and Crim -1 inals is in its Twelfth Year, and is widely circulated throughout the country, it contains all lhd"GreatTrials, Criminal Cases, and appropriate F.ditorlals on the same, together with information on Criminal Matters not to be found in any other newspaper. iVSubscripitions. <2 per Annum; 31 for Six Months,to be remitted by Subscribers, (who should write their names and the town, county and stale where they reside plainly,) to U. A. SEYMOUR, Editor Sc. Proprietor of the National Police Gazelle, a;>3o New York City THE LIVER IN VIGORATOR I'KEPAUED BY DR. SAN FORD, Compounded entirely from GI.TTS, TS one of the best Purgative and I.iver Medicines now before iiie public, tii.ii acts as a Cathartic,) asier, mild ler, an l mote • ffectuul than any other medicine known. It is not only a Cathartic, hut a I.iver remedy, acting first on the I.iver to eject i's morbid matter, then on I lie stom al h ami bowels to carry olTthat m itter, thus accomplish ing two purposes effectually, without any of the painful feelings exjierienc d in the operations of most Cathartics. It strengthens the system at (lie same time that it purges it, and when taken daily in moderate doses will strength en and build it up with unusual rapidity. Hie I.iver is ot.e of ihe | principal regulators of the j human body; ami when jit performs its functions j wet! tbe powers ofthesys- .item are fully developed. J The stomach is almost en- re jtirely dependent on the j healthy act onoftli'l.ivet ;for the proper perforin- j atice of its functions ; i 1 when the stomach is at ' fault the hotvels re at J j fault, and the whole sys tem suffers in conse- j *- ;qiienre of one organ—the i l.p. t.ii having ceased to do its duty. For the dis eases of that organ, one <>f the proprietor? lias j j made it his study, In aj y r?; i practice of more than 20 | years, to find some rente- Mix water in the luoulli with the liivigoralnr,and swallow both together. THE LIVER IN VIGOR ATOR IS a scientific Medical Discovery, and is daily working cures almost too great to believe. It cures as if by magic, even the first dose giv ing benefit, and seldom more than one bottle i? required ! In cure any kind of Liver Complaint, from the worst Jaundice to a common Meads'ho, all of which are the result of a Diseased l iver. nucE ONE DOLLAR run BOTTLE. 1)R. SAN FORD, Proprietor, 3t5 Broadway, N. Y lYßelailed by ail Druggists jell) Ice Cream Saloons. I WOULD roj-pectfully inform the public that I have fitted op two Ice Cream Sa loons in superior style, for the accommodation of ladies and gentlemen, whose patronage I solicit. ANTHONY FELIX, my 13 Intersection of Mill & Valley sts. JUST RECEIVED and on hand some half and quarter barrels of Spfcndid MACK EREL ; for sale cheap for cash at my2o FELIX'S GROCERY. CITOVES! STOVES!—A large assortmenlat ! low prices for sate by F. J. HOFFMAN. Real Estate in Derry Township FIAHE undersigned having removed to the I west, offers for sale his YALI ABLE FARM AND WOODLAND situate in Deny township, Mifflin county, about 5 miles north east of Lewistown, containing 200 ACI.B8 of cleared land, well fenced and divided into convenient fields, with ready access to water, and so situated as to he easily divided into two farms. The improvements consist of two dwelling houses, hank barn, wagon shed, wood house and other outbuildings. There areon the premises one of the Lest orchards in the county, both as regards quantity and quality of fruit, arid from ten to fifteen acres of choice meadow. The above is well know n as one of the most desirable farms in the county, being in a healthy an.i agreeable neighborhood, convenient to churches, schools, mills, &c. Also, 3d acres of Woodland, situate on Jack's Mountain, and an undivided half of a large tract of Timber land, situate on Shade Mountain with chestnut on it sufficient to keep the farm under good fencing for tttany years, and some locust. FRANCIS MARTIN. B@nAs Mr. Martin is desirous of disposing of the above property without delay, purcha sers are invited to call on the subscriber, who will give all necessary information respecting the same. T. G. BELL. If not sold at private sale by the Ist of Oc tober it will be disposed of at public sale, of which due notice will be given. jyß GREAT IMPROVEMENT IN eCCEIHG- i Consumption of Smoke & Gns & Sating of Fuel! fPHE subscriber takes pleasure in offering to JF his customers a new Patented Gas-burning Cooking Stove, undoubtedly the beststovc made. It is well known that all inflammable matter requires a certain amount of air to support com bustion, and if the supply is insufficient it is impossible to produce a lianie. The heat of the fire, in ordinary cooking stoves, decomposes the fuel, and as all the fresh air is admit!ed'uti der the grate, its oxygen is exhausted before if has passed through the fire chamber. The close flues at the top of the stove then act as an ex tinguisher, tending to put out the fire instead of assisting the combustion. A large portion of the fuel, therefore, passes off in the shape of smoke, clogging up the flues of the stove so as to impede the draft and interfere with the ba king,—or of invisible gas which combines with the lime and so destroys the mortar of the chimneys, loosening the bricks, and exposing the dwellings to the danger of fire. The introduction of an additional supply of cold air would cool the gas below the igniting temperature, but by the proper application above the fire of air previously heated to a tem perature of several hundred degrees (which i* one of the prominent features of the patent; the gases are inflamed in numerous jets, and their combustion is sufficient to heat the oven, even if the draft through the fire chamber ii entirely closed. In addition to the ordinary di rect draft under the grate and through the fire chamber, the gas-burner has an additional draft through the top plates, which is of itself suffi cient to maintain combustion. The upper draft not only consumes the gases, but it helps to strengthen and preserve the ce.ntre pieces whie*t arc most exposed to the direct action of the lire, and which arc made double instead of the usual single plates. By means of this draft alone, all the operations of cooking can be car ried on when the fuel is but partially ignited, and the fuel consequently burns more slowly and more economically. A sufficient evidence of the effect of the gases in heating the oven is found in the fact that the ovsn will be ready for baking even before the fire is thoroughly kindled, and much sooner than in any other. There is scarcely a doubt that before long the Gas-burning Cooking Stoves w ill supercede all others. The operation is so perfect and its consumption of fuel so small in comparison with oth"r cooking stoves, and its heal so easily regulated, (burning more or less as desired,) that every one who uses one of these stoves will have nothing else. For sale by aug 12 F. G. FRAN&SCUS. TUB Original MKT: INK KST.\UW:KD.I.>- 1 v 37, And Jirtl arttclc of the hind ever introduced under the name WA?IKa," in this pr any other omntry ; all other Pulmonic IVafers are counterfeit*. The genuine can It kiuncu by the name BRYAX being eiampttl on each Y* A FF. !V. BUY AX'S rri.MOXIC WAFERS Relieve Coughs, Colds. Sore-throat, Hoarseness. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Relievo Asthma. Bronchitis, Difficult Breathing. IMVAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Relieve Spitting of Blood, Pains in tho Chest. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Relieve Incipient Consumption, Lung Diseases BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Relieve Irritation of the Uvula and Tonsils. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Relieve the above Complaints in Ten Minutes. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Are a blessing to all classes and constitutions. BRYAN'S PULMONIC' WAFERS Are adapted for Vocalists and Publio Speakers BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Improve the oompass and flexibility of the Voice. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Are in a simple form and pleasant to the taste. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Not only relieve, but effect rapid & lasting Cures, BRYAN'S TULMONIC WAFERS Are warranted to give satisfaction to every ona No Family should be without a Box of Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers IX THE DOCSK. No Traveler should be without a Box of Bryan"* Pulmonic Wafer* IX HIS FOCKET. No Dealer should be without a supply of Bryan'* Pulmonic Wafer* FOR Ilia CUSTOMER*. No person will ever object to give for Bryan'* Pulmonic Wafer* TWTNTY-nVK (TEXTS. .1 Oft .MONKS, Late I, C. Baldwin & co., Rochester, X- V. For sale by Charles Rilz, Dr. Stoneroad at tlie Hoc Hive drug store, and F. A. Hardt & Co., Lewistown ; A. J. North, Atkinson's mrlh and by respectable druggists generally. sep3 PLXJMBRNTG. (1 EORGE MILLER informs the citizens T of Lewistown that he has commenced tho above business in connection with his office as Superintendent of tho Water Company, and is imw ready to put in NEW HYDRANTS, MAKE REPAIRS AT OLD ones, or do any other work pertaining to the business. His char ges will be reasonable, and prompt attention given to orders. Lewistown, May '2O, 1858—3 m ILT and Transparent Window Shades with |" Cords, Tassels, A.r. (Jrecn and Buff Similes, alt with Bnilrv'f Patent Filturrs. FR VNCIsCUS.