Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, August 19, 1858, Image 3

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    I.J 3A2ESTE.
from UTAH.
. jVom Salt Lake City, to .Tune
vVC been received. The news is,
unimportant. We make some
from the correspondence' of the
ir k Times:
. fu-roes returning from the soutli
hnients continue to line the road
' t ° ir tni ins of wagons, herds and
s.meoi these trains present scenes
~i nS pleasant to the eye. Here
young L'irl of eighteen, with bare
■| |,alf clad form, driving a yoke
'. u ,j there a tender little girl of
'eight years of age, whipping up
three obstreperous pigs, dragging
' f eo t wearily and painfully over
(.ravel road. The wagons arc
b|ed up with the coarsest and
l t furniture, with a chickcn-coop
ickling occupants strapped upon
Sometimes the pig occupies
and the chickens are packed in
' vehicle with the children. But
jre, poverty—squalid poverty —
turn as you will. Spend half an
a merchant's store, and you will
omen and young girls in plentiful
approaching with a few potatoes,
a handful of onions, a pound
butter, which they—half'hop! ng-
H doubtingly —otter in barter len
ds —a yard of cotton, en- calico, or
'/thread —casting their eyes wistfully
jhile over the well-tilled shelves of
. j wliich they arc so much in need.
. .pie have been warned not to trade
'tlte Gentiles, but the eases are so
. xs in which the law of necessity is
r than the Church, that the nier
. arc driving a brisk trade, sending
r barter supplies of provision to the
where they find sale,
informed you a week ago that the
jjoud House, opened as a hotel by its
r. had been suddenly closed by Brig
v.rder. Since then fleberC. Kimball
rureiia.-ed the establishment and put
- at into it, under whose management j
.in full blast. Townscnd who owned j
: rty and several adjoiniugbuildings j
i! been fool enough to " consecrate" |
the church, has been ordered away J
: the city for his temerity in opening it
.-Li _ Gentiles to board without Brig
c f.oisent! You are already aware I
se tliut when a Mormon "consecrates"
..•j'crty, he makes a regular deed of j
ttrigham as (to use the accustomed ;
w lierc,) " Trustees in trust for the
L'h of Jesus Christ of Latter Bay
Thus he absolutely signs away all
st.J over the property he litis acquired
Mines a beggor the moment tic dare
the despotic will of his priestly su
■rl Bo you understand that these are
11 facts, incident to life in a Territory
IHitcd Slates under the American
,-nation, and in this nineteenth cen- 1
I ' I
Hie army is still at "Camp 1-luyd, 111
j r Valley, but will probably move soon '
in it.- eastern extremity, 15 or 1 I miles j
ither westward. A line of daily stage ;
between this city and the camp j
L hcen established and is liberally patron- :
I The Volunteer Battalion is to start
i Mondnv next on the march for fort
iivenworth, where it will be discharged.
1 lueinbers of the corps who prefer to be
urged here, and he employed in the ;
rrernia.-ter's Department, aiM to he pro- j
■I for in that way, and those who desire
."j to California are to be discharged at ,
p with two mouth's rations.
We have news here of a fatal allray at
amp, a tew days ago, between two team
rs, named Simpson and "Walker, in which
latter killed the former,almost instantly,
a - veic blow in the neck with a Bowie
oik. Simp- in is stated to have been a :
■-ad Texan bully. lie had attacked
biiker. who is alleged to have acted in
l! defence. But your army Correspondent
buhth-- will give you the particulars with
norc accuracy than 1 can at tliis distance,
'ocr/iiiiis from the Army have been l're
late, under circumstances leading
otiie conviction that the Mormons arein
■iting it.
-V'tCvithstamling the people in this city
ovc quite settled down in their homes
suu, we had no public service last sabbath,
tit is said there is to he no public assem
!'f/e of the people again until winter.
■ church leaders, however, are almost
ti-taiitly in council. Brighani remains
ai-taiitly Con lined to his house, and has
been seen out of doors since his arri
-1 in tire city. All the gates in the walls
tiiicli surrounded his block are locked and
sto'l, except the one directly in front of
L own private office, at which a guard of
-re men is stationed continually, and no
is admitted even within the outer gate
wil hi name has been sent in, and Brig
* has consented to see him.
for my part I am heartily sick and tired
; intercourse with this strangely anoma
,|v people, wliero no man considers it
!l ith bis dignity to play the spy, and
" j W; any one dares maintain a shade of
; niy independence.
byinnr ou t—Tj lC Frazer river excitement.
President, while at Bedford, gave
shoulder to the anti-Lecompton dem
its in Lin invitations to dinner.
*&-The editor of the Selinsgrove Times
brutally knocked down in the street late
by a man named Nathan Moyer, and has
in <l him over to appear at court.
*SPAn advertising agency in New York
Ajling itself " Carey & C 0.," is probably a
&u<l. A number of papers in this State
published their advertisements, and we
will get taken in. An Indian Root Pill
unless we are much mistaken,
5 the same stamp. If the country press
dd throw all matter from unknown parties
the table or into the fire, as we gener
there would be fewer such swindlors
tetter from B. Rush HetriUiu, Esq.
IJ. Kut-U Petri ken, who has been noim
nated by Clinton county as a candidate ibr
Oongroaddressed the following n ly to
some inquiries from Sullivan county :
LOCK HAYEW, July 30th, 1858.
Pr. J. JI. Jleacock, Dushore, and Augustus
Lippincott, Ilills Grove, Sullivan county,
Gentlemen—Your favor of the 28th inst. is
received. Your inquiries are unquestionably
right, and it gives me pleasure to answer.
The political war which is now waging be
tween the people on the one hand, and the
hungry parasites hanging "upon the National
Treasury under the control of the Slave No
bility, is, when divested of claptrap names
designating party organization, simply acou
test between free and slave labor.
This contest has been going on siueo the
Nullification or Revolt of South Carolina
against the Tariff law of 1828. Previous to
that revolt, and while our rulers were actua
ted by the same spirit of justice which anima
ted the patriot fathers of the Rovolution, free
dom and protection of domestic industry went
hand in hand. Up to that time the National
Government was conducted as the Constitution
ordaius it should be, "to promote the general
welfare and secure the blessings.of Liberty"
to the people. Rut when we come to examine
events since, we find in each Congress where
Slavery has had full sway through the sham
democracy, the interests of free labor have
had to give way by a modification of the rates
of duty and the abandonment of discrimina
ting protection. This has been pet severed in
to the extent that now we have ad valorem
duties under the Tariff Act of 1857 of the
most ruinous kind.
To Senator Rigler you must charge this
wrong. It was he who betrayed Ponnsylva
nia—'tis he and his Lecompton followers who
serve the slave power and betray the people.
Lecompton and the abrogation of all pro
tective discrimination are events that come
together; oppression and wrong; popular
rights disregarded in Kansas; free industry
destroyed in the States. In this district our
productions are varied. We have varied ag
ricultural products; we have irou manufacto
ries ( eery quid now) ; we have bituminous
coal mines and large lumber interests. Even
under the Tariff of 184G tbese-intorests were
protected to some extent, possibly in all, save
iron sufficiently.
In the British possessions of Noith Amer
ica all the productions common iu this district,
save iron, are abundant. Lumber, bituminous
coal and breadstuff's are staples. Cotton, rice
and tobacco are cultivated by slave lal>or.
During the year 1854 a treaty was made with
Queen Victoria, by which the productions of
the British Possessions, lumber, coal and
breadstuff's, come in FREE of duty, in direct
competition with our FREE LABOR, that the
products of SLAY K LABOR, cotton, rice and
tobacco, may have free market in her domin
ions on this continent. The chief preiuc
tions of our own people were thus sacrificed,
and the prosperity of this portion of our good
I uld commonwealth checked.
That same year the Missouri Compromise
! was repealed, and that policy inaugurated
which has resulted in the Lecompton Consti
tution and the l>rcd Scott decision. Encour
aging slave labor and discouraging and op
pressing free labor, are events which come
appropriately in connection with the wrongs
to the people of the territories in the Kansas
legislation of the General Government, and
; the decision of the Supreme Judiciary by
| which slavery cover.- the land.
That policy which crushes free labor in the
| old States keeps it out of the new—for i! sla
; very may go there free labor cannot. Thus
; whenever the sham Democracy have the sway,
i slavery has the ascendant, and nothing like
I justice to ("rot interests can be expected. Fur
these and other reasons, which if written
would he too long fur ;i letter, 1 am in favor
of that policy which favors jrec men and most
especially tlmt policy which will protect (heir
industry, through their productions, nguin-t
ruinous competition from abroad, by discrim
inating duties, specific where the quality of
the article is not too varied to allow that mode.
I am in favor of abrogating the I'eciprocity
treaty, admitting the productions of the Jkit
i.-ii provinces free.
In whatever position I may be placed, I will
assiduously work to effect these objects; in
Other words, f shall endeavor to promote the
interests and dignity of labor. The tru dig
nity of labor is in its resuits and not in the
conventional form in which it is employed.
In ISSO, according to received authority,
there were 2,400,000 employed in agriculture,
of the white male population over '/"teen years
of age, and 1.0%,000 in commerce, trade,
mining, manufactures and mechanic arts; of
these 3dS,OOU were employed in mining, com
merce, ocean and river navigation—leaving
one and a quarter of a million for mechanics
and manufacturers, just half the nut iber en
gaged in agriculture. The productions < f
these millions of free people, aided and in
creased as they are by the intelligence of the
age and labor saving machinery, is surelv
worthy of attention. Their happiness and
prosperity, and that of their wives and little
ones, should certainly receive more attention
at the hands of the government than tho slave
driver and bis " chattels," for there are only
350,000 slaveholders in the I'nited Btates—
yet the contrary is the fact. The slave wncr
rules through party drill and party machinery,
and in this way thousands of good and true
men in other things forget their own and their
country's cause in the temporary joy of parly
triumph. If this course is pursued much
longer, where will this republic bo? Liberty
! crushed out—despotism instead ! If party
drill can make Free Industry forget her
wrongs; if party machinery can make us for
get or forgive our rulers, who have attempted
to force upon an unwilling peopio a govern
mcnt not of their choice; if a party can make
us forget the corruption, brib ry and extrav
agance of our present national ruler?, we have
but one thing more to forget, and that is that
we ever were free. I atn one of tin *e who
cannot forget, and if J am a can 'Mite for
Congress, I am the candidate to be .• Me l f
by the people who cannot forget their wrong i
and injuries.
With respect, yours truly,
An August Luxury. —A country friend
caters the following novel luxury for the
green com season. It is nothing 1 . a- than
a "green corn cake:"— Take a dozen or
two ears of corn, the sweet varieties pre
ferred; husk, and without boiling, grate off
the grains. Stir into this about two table
spoonsful of flour for every dozen car., and
also an egg previously well beaten, a little
salt and a very little sugar. Ti fhecorn be
sweet, about two tablespoomful to every
dozen ears. Let the whole be well stirred
and baked, in a greased tin pan, for an
hour, in a hot oven. Then cat with fresh
butter or cream.— Eastern Id
An extraordinary narrative, having much
of tit-.? Fug-how or < niiiril appearance, i.
given in a late number of tbe Alht Califor
nia. One " Fried rich Li eh ten burger, M.
I D., Ph. I).," writes the circumstances of
the death and petrifaction (not putrefac
tion) of his friend "Ft nest Fluchterspicgel,"
near Fort Lang-ley, in the Frnzer River
region. Roth were J Tussian.-, and both
i were scientific men. Ernest and a com
panion, named YVilhclm Fiedler, were in
j the habit, when no gold was to be found,
! of gathering and opening gcoiles, which are
masses of quartz, containing cavities lined
with crystal. Sometimes these contain a
certain fluid, called the voter of crystalti-
I zntion. Ernest one day broke open one
: which contained a half pint of water. With
a jesting remark, ho drank it ail off. Re
fore he got back to camp he began to feel
ill, and soon afterwards died. I [is body
became immediately very rigid, and Fried -
j rich undertook a post mortem examination,
j The kuiio grated on the flesh; the blood
| vessels were hard as if ossified; theitoin
\ aeh and its contents were turned into -done;
i the heart was like a piece of red jasper.
| and in a little while poor Ernest Fluchter-
I spiegel was a mass that could only be dis
sected by stimo cutters. Having cut out
j Hie heart ami a few other choice bits of his
old friend, Fricderich buried the rest of
him. He made some experiments on the
specimens lie had, and found that they were
densely impregnated with silica. In fact,
by drinking hail' a pint, poor Ernest had
himself turned into quartz. " Freiderich
Liclitcnbcrger, M. I)., J'h. I).," is delight
ed with his discovery, and says that ho is
going to send the specimens he has to the
Academy of Natural Sciences, J'hiladel
phia, lor examination.
The Energy of a Humanitarian. —lt was
remarked of Pope Alexander that he never
J did what he said, and of his son Borgia that
he never said what he did. Professor Ilollo
| way, the great physician and philanthropist,
: reverses both these maxims, lie docs what
! he says, and in order that all the sick may
j know what his remedies will accomplish, he
| tells them through the press what they have
already done. This, it appears to us, is a
course that every friend of humanity must
approve. The physician who makes a grand
discovery in his art—who in fact fathoms the
j very sources of disease, and draws from na
ture the means of its extermination—is moral
ly bound to extend the blessed boon to the
! utmost of his ability. Eo believing, Profes
j sor Holloway has availed himself of every
channel of information and intercourse that
j could facilitate tiie diffusion of his Pills and
; Ointment in all quarters of the globe. His
energy and enterprise, stimulated by a noble
desire to heal and save and strengthen the
martyrs of disease in every land, have carried
these hygoian preparations over shore and sea
ito the ends of the earth. There is no motive
j so powerful in the heart of a genuine pbilan
! thropist, as the wish to ameliorate suffering
and better the condition of mankind. YVhat
impediments will it not overcome! It nerves
i the heart of the patriot to save his country,
; it lights the lamp of the philosopher to amend
i mar, it invigorates if it does not inspire the
j Christian physician in his combats with the
j destroying angel. Success, uniform and uni
versal. lias crowned the efforts of this great
humanitarian. In all climates his medicines
I have curtailed the census of mortality. The
! attention of governments, institutions, men of
' science, the press, the masses, has every where
; been attracted to them. And this is but "the
i beginning of the end." Should their sale
j and dissemination continue to increase for ten
; years more in the ratio of the last five years,
| there will not probably be a square league on
: the accessible portion of the globe unincluded
jin the area of their usefulness. Onward, ev
er onward! is the motto of their indefatigable
j inventor, as he directs the vast system of
i tran-it and correspondence, whose centre is
j in this city, and whose ramifications extend
J to the utmost limits of the circle of trade.—
; London Mark Lane Express.
C, S. McCOY. Trustee.
Le wist own,
Produce & Commission Business
at the warehouses lately occupied bv
Francis McCoy, deceased.
Always on band,
Hilkcsbarrc jstid Suuhury STOVE iOAL,
Lime burner* anil P.laik uiiths COAL.
Lcwistown, August 2, [l2,] 1858.
Bellefonte papers copy to amount of $1.50,
and charge Gazette office.
i) UOPOSALS will lie received until the
. 17th of September next, fur l'uur Mule
and eight Female Teachers, to take charge of
the Schools in Lewis town District. Schools
to he kept open six months, from October 1,
1838. One. ut the Male Teachers to take
charge of Colored school- By order of the
Board, C. S. McCOY, See'y.
Lowistown, August 12, 1858—Bt.
-) "/ W L MOIIE MEN' wanted as Agents
'* ' to circulate rapid-selling valua
ble FAMILY WORKS, which attract by their
low prices, interesting contents, and superbly
colored plates. For circulars, with particu
lars, apply, if you live East, to HEN BY
lIOWE, No. 102 Nassau st., X. Y.; if Wct,
to the same, No. J II Main st., Cincinnati
August 12", IS3S-3m
/ 1 &. CLARK A < JO., Xo. S Maiden Lane.
'T New York, Manufacturers of Gold and
of every description, offer their goods direct
to the country trade at the priei g others charge
the city dealers, thereby saving the purchaser
about 20 per cent, which they would have to
pay the dealers if bought from them. Our
object is to sell for ea h at one profit over the
cost of manufacturing. Samples will be fur
nish-.-I to the. • who may <1 "re to see the
good", at the 't'cxix and can b A sent by
express, with bill to collect. augl2-3m
JT. DROWN, Manufacturing Jeweler,
• No. Maiden Lane, New York, offers
his stock, consisting of a general assortment
of Lockets, Chains, &c., which are offered at
the lowest cash prices. Great inducements to
country cash buyers. augl2-3m
(f lI.T and Transparent Window Shades with
J r-jpfj*, Tas** Ai- (ircen and HutF Shades, all
with!*, FR *sa fiis
Real Estate ill Derry Township
7|Mf'E undersigned having removed to the
J west, offers for sale his VALUABLE
FARM AND WOODLAND situate in Derrv
township, Mifflin county, about 5 miles north
east of Lewistown, containing
200 -A.CI\EIS
of cleared land, well fenced and divided into
convenient fields, with ready access to water,
and so situated as to be easily divided into
two farms. The improvements consist of two
dwelling houses, bank barn, wagon shod,
wood house and other outbuildings. There
are on the premises one of the best orchards iu
the county, both as regards quantity and
quality of fruit, and from ten to fifteen acres
ot choice meadow, 'ihe above is well known
as one of the most desirable farms in the
County, being in a healthy tiiiu agreeable
neighborhood, couvenien Unchurches, schools,
mills, Ac.
Also, 35 acres of Woodland, situate on
Jack's Mountain, and an undivided half of a
largo tract of Timber laud, situate on Shade
Mountain with chestnut on it sufficient to
keep the farm under good fencing for many
years, and somo locust.
CrfW-As is desirous of disposing
of the above property without delay, purcha
sers are invited to call on the subscriber, who
will give all necessary information respecting
the same. T. (J. BELL.
if not sold at private sale by the Ist of Oc
tober it will Ire disposed of at public sale, of
which duo notice will he given. jyß
Consumption of Smoke k Gas k Saving of Fuel!
rTMJK subscriber takes pleasure in offering to
J[ his cu-tomers a new Patented Gas-burning
Looking Stove, undoubtedly the best stove made.
it is well known that all inflammable matter
requires a certain amount of air to support com
bustion, and if the supply is insufficient it is
impossible to produce a flauie. The heat of
the fire, in ordinary cooking stoves, decomposes
the fuel, and as all the fresh air is admitted un
der the grate, its oxygen is exhausted before it
has passed through the fire chamber. Tfie close
flues at the top of the stove then act as an ex
tinguisher, tending to put/rut the fire instead of
assisting the combustion. A large portion of
the fuel, therefore, passes off in the shape of
smoke, clogging up the dues of the stove so as
to impede the draft and interfere with the ba
king,—or of invisible gas which combines with
the lime and so destroys the mortar of the
chimneys, loosening the bricks, and exposing
the dwellings to the danger of fire.
The introduction of an additional supply of
cold air would cool the gas below the igniting
temperature, but by the proper application
above the fire of air previously heated to a tem
perature of several hundred degrees (which is
one of the prominent features of the patent)
the gases are inflamed in numerous jets, and
their combustion is sufficient to heat the oven,
even if the draft. through the fire chamber is
entirely closed. In addition to the ordinary di
rect draft under the grate and through the fire
chamber, the gas-burner has an additional draft
through the top plates, which i> of itself suffi
cient to maintain comb Aton. The upper draft
not only consumes the gases, but it helps to
strengthen and preserve the centre pieces which
are most exposed to the direct action of the
fire, and which are made double in-fend of the
usual single plates. By means of this draft
alone, all the operations of cooking can he car
ried on when the fuel is but partially ignited,
and the fuel consequently ■ bums more slowly
and more economically, t sufficient evidence
of the effect of the gases in heating the oven is
found in the fact that the oven will lie ready
for baking even before the fire is thoroughly
kindled, and much sooner than in any other.
There is scarcely a doubt that before long
the Gas-burning Cooking Stoves will supercede
all others. The operation i" so perfect and its
consumption of fuel so small in comparison
with other cooking stoves, and its heat so easily
regulated, (burning more or less as desired,)
that every one who uses one of these stoves will
have nothing else. For sale by
tn% ON -.MI. MENU XS ESTAKIU£| in 1837,
And first nrticlc of thr kind ever introduced under the
n.t'Ht of 44 L'RLM'XIC W A • F•. >." in this or unit other
eoiif.tr>'; alt other Pulmonic H>. f rs are eounirrf&ts.
'/ Ac i/ -; un cCM 1 F ti it tx l-o the MM BRYAN being
situ: ped on cne/i \V A KKK.
Relieve Coughs. Colds, Sore-throat, Itoarseness.
itjtYAN f i'l'l.Mi'Xli WAFERS
Relieve Asthma, Bronchitis, Difficult Breathing.
Relieve Spitting of Blood, Pains in the Cheek
Relieve Incipient Consumption, I,ting Diseases.
Relievo Initation of the Uvula and Tcnsila
Relievo the above Complaints in Ten Minutes.
Are a blessing to ail classes and oonstatntioas.
Arc adapted for Vocalists and Public Speakers
Imprcvc the Compass and flexibility of tho Voice.
Arc in a simple form and pleasant to tho taste.
Not only relieve, bat effect rapid & lasting Cures.
Aro warranted to give satisfaction to every one
No Family should be without a Box of
Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers
No Traveler should be without a Box of
Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers
No Dealer should bo without a supply of
Bryan's Pnlmouic Wafers
No person will ever object to give for
Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers
J i/ JUU6KS, Late I. ' ■ Baldwin A. to., Rochester, \Y.
For sale by Charles Jtitz, Dr. Stoncroad at
tiie Bee Hive ding store, and F. A. Hardt At
Co., Lcwistown; A. J. North, Atkinson's mills,
and by respectable druggists generally. sep3
T. F. MeCOY,
A TTOKNEY AT LAW, Lcwistown, Mif
j\. flin county, Pa., will attend to the col
lection of accounts and otter I gal basincpr
in MilHin and adjoining counties.
Office on "West Market street, tvro doors
below the True Democrat Office, my2o-1 y
To the People of WlWin County,
1 ANNOUNCE myself as an Independent
Candidate for the Legislature, pledging, if
elected, to support all measures calculated to
promote the interest of the people.
1 au'.r r * ' S ' LFLFOBD.
At the Lewistown Steam Will,
U: a
On hand, for sale,
FLO I R, b>/ the hundred or barrel,
JS@F~A large quantity of Coal, Salt, Plas
ter, Ac. for sale low for cash.
Lewistown, Oct. 8, 1857.
Valuable Farm for Sale.
A DESIRABLE FARM, containing 205
FX. Acres of the best quality of limestone
land in lvi-hacoquillas Valley, 185 acres of
which are cleared and well cultivated, is offer
ed fa salo on accommodating terms. It is
situate two miles from Reedsviilc in an agree
able neighborhood. The improvements con-
JkyrjK s ' st °f a two story (above basement)
brick Mansion House, 32 by 42
• well finished, Bank Barn, 57
cassSfc by 90 feet, an Orchard of Apple,
Poach and other fruit trees, mountain water
piped to the house, with hydrant in the kitch
en and running fountain at the barn, and va
rious other improvements tending to comfort
and convenience, "'here are few more desira
ble properties than this in the county.
Also, about 25 Acres of TIMBER. LAND,
about two miles from the farm, with a public
road running through if.
For further particulars inquire, either per
sonal!-/ or by letter of
Real Estate Agent,
augo-tf Lewistown, Pa.
HAVING r<:r-:|Ve<l the sol- nrency i.f A. l-\ ihitaril At
Co , VVliu!.:!<• Dr.iy-n-ts, Piiihtih'fiiliia, for tin.- nli>
of tlii- Itrnmly in MilHin county, w< cutifiil-.-iit'y offer it
to the pu'Sic ;is a pure nml nnaititlterated article, as the
follow iujr certificates will prove :
2S Btxtli it., Cincinnati, March, lbo". Y
This will certify that I hive t'ii* Juy Inspected two
separate lots of Oatavt ha llratidy, one in barrels and one
in hollli'B, manufactured hy Lcuritxe I,tons, and sold t-y
his sole agent, J, Jacob, at the Depot, No. 9*J, opposite
the Hornet Ifouse, and 141: West Third street, Cincinnati,
and find ilieia both Ft OE ami FIIEE from all poisonous or
deleterious drugs, and as such have marked the same a.s
the law directs. Given under my hand at my office.
[Signed] fll it A.u ('ox,M I).,
Inspector of Alcoholic Liquors,fee.
Xr.w VOKK, (Hi Prince st., July 23, 1657.
Dear Sir: 1 have received a bottle of Lyons' Pure
Ohio Catawba I'randy, furnished hy Mr A. ltalston, Jr.,
of I.nc.kport, N. V„ for aiialyzation, and I find it to con
tain only those ingredients which exist iu FCHS BKANDV.
Tl.e pr ijiortb.n of alcohol obtained from it is 47.00. I
believe this sample to lie pure Hi tody without adultera
tion—ll. : flavor t.f it is delicate and peculiar.
[Signed] JAS. R CHILTON, M- P , Chemist.
The OHIO CATAWBA BRAN DY not only equals but
even ex. els the hest imported Brandies in purity and
flavor. It is in fact the BES T Brandy known. This
statement is fully corroborated by the certificates of
many of our most distinguished analytical Chemists.
I'iic want of pure Brandy has lons been fell in this coun
try, am! tli" introduction of an article of such quality as
to supersede the sale ami use of those vile compounds
. hitherto sold uuder the name of Brandy, ran only he re
garded -o a great public good. The Cataw ha BranJy
possesses ail the snort qualities claimed for the best im
ported liquor, ami is of perfect purity and superior II ivnr.
It is therefore fully entitled to the patronage of the pub
lie. We feel confident that its reception in this State
will be as favorable as that which it has oat with iu tin-
Great West, ami that the time is not far distant when
the superiority of our own liquors will put an cud to
their importation from abroad.
I-'or Medicinal purposes Ibis Brandy has no rival, and
has long been ic-. iit ik 1; is a sovereign and sure reuie
ilr for D-, spep-ia • Flatn'enry, I.ow Spirits, Languor,
General Debility, dec.
made in ihe neighborhood of Cincinnati, and are guar
untied to he the pure juice of tbe grape, and are emi
nently - altulatt d for invalids and persons who require a
gentle stimulant, and for .Sacrauieulul purposes, or as a
beverage v. ill be fount! i qual, if not superior, to the best
(-'-Retail Price for Brandy and Wilms, .?1.25 per Quart
Bottle. A liberal discount made to the trade.
Address ( HAS ttITZ, Lewistown, Pa -
February 1-, l v >. ct 6m
Joy to the Admirers of
iliiJii JJAJii.
TIAT.K of beauty ; it cannot exist without a line head of
J- Irur Then toad the following, ami if you ask more,
■o-e . in ular around eacb bottle, ami no out' ran doubt
Wi won! ! rail the alieiition of ail, old ami young, to
th;.-, wonderful preparation which turns back to its origi
nal color rray Ivljr, cover* the head with a luxuriant
growMHO.'l I it dandruff, itching, and all cutaneous
eruptions, causes n continual flow of the natural fluids,
an.l hence, if use! as a regular dressing for the hair w ill
preserve its color, ami keep it from falling to extreme old
age, in all its natural beauty We call then upon the
bald, tbe gray ,or ilis, as.a! in scalp, to use it ; and surely
the voting will not, as they value the flowing locks or lire
witching curl, ever be without it. its praise is upon the
tongue i f thousands. The agent for Prof. Wood's Hair
He-iterative in New Haven, received the following letter
in regard to the Restorative a few v.esks since:
DBBP Ktvgu, Cons., duly 23, lSib.
Mr Leavenworth —sir;—1 have, been troubled with
dandruff or si utf on my hetd for mnrc timn a year, my
hair began to come out, scurf and hair together. I saw
in a New Haven paper about ".Vand s Hair Restorative'
a cure. : call. !at your stor. on the Ist of April last,
and purchased one bottle to try if, ajiil 1 found to my sat
isfaction :l was the thing; it iamoved the scurf and new
hair In gau l grow; it is now two or three inches in
length where it was AM. off I have great faith in it. I
wish you to send me two bottles more hy Mr. Pest, the
bearer of litis- 1 don tkn -w ,is any of the kind is used
in tins place ; you may have a market for many bottles
after it ts knov. n Mere. Yours with n.-pe. r,
I'iiaAUCU tIU, tscp'embei ISai>
Pro. 4 . U ',i- fly *r (." —Youi Hair Restorative is pro
ving uselt oeueticiai to inc. The front, am! also the back
part of Hi a head almost lust its covering—lu fact B.u.b
I have used but two half pint boules of your Restorative
a i now the top of my head is wcri studtb d with a prom
is-ng crop of young imir, and tlic front i.- also receiving
its ben lit. I have tried other preparations without any
;em fit whatever. 1 think from my ow ti pcrsoual rccbt-.t
r nriu'.io: 1 can induce n any others to try it
Yottr rcsreiMul.,, 1) R. TIIOMAa, M D-,
No. .Or \ me street
VISet.NXEs, 1a , June 2a, Idas
l'rof 11 .!. Wood -Ai you ;.fc about to nialiufectrire
a.ef vend your recently ill rnvrrod Hair Restorative, I
will stale, for whuunoevcr it may concciß, that 1 have
iis.'il it and known others to no it—that I have for sev
eral >■ at - been HI the habit of using other Hair Restore
lives, and ill at I iitid yours vastly superior to any other 1
know. It entirely cleanses the head of dandruff, anil
witli one month's prop, r use will restore any perron's
hair lo the original y uthful color ami texture, giving it a
healthy, sort and glossy appearance ; and aH this without
discoloring the hands that apply it, or the dress en which
it drop? I would therefore recommend its use lo every
oin desirous of having a fine color ami texture lob tit.
Respectfully yours, WILSON KING.
<>. J. WOOD & GO , Proprietors, 312 Broadway, N Y
(in the groat N. Y Wire Railing Establishment,) and
til M trk.-l street, St Louis, Mo., and sold by all gw I
Druggists. j e (0
OTOVKS !—Stoves, Stove Pipe, Zinc, Fire
O Brick, Grates, and everything belonging to
the stove business, for saio bv
jHRAME STUFF and Fencing Hoards can
he h*r! very I V " "" f '
Celebrated Female Fills;
Prepared from a prescription of Sir./. Clarke, M.
D., Physician Extraordinary to the Queen.
This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the euro of nl!
those painful anu dangerous diseases to which the fomafo
constitution is subject. It moderates all excess and re
moves all obstructions, and a si.eedy cure may lie rel : cl OP.
It is peculiarly suite 1. It will, in a short time, briny on
the monthly period with regularity.
Each bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Government
Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent conn, erfeits
These Pills should not be taken by females during the
FIRST THREE MOy'FIIS of Pregnancy, as they are
sure to bring on Miscarriage, but at any other time they
are safe.
In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pain in
the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on flight exertion, I'alpi'a
tion of the Heart, Hysterics, arrl Whites, these Tills vriU
efTect a cure when all other means have faded, ae 1
although a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel
antimony, or any thing hurtful to the constitution.
Full directions accompany each package.
Sole Agent for the United States and Canada,
l JOB MOSES, (Late I. C. Baldwin & C 0.,)
Rochester, X". y.
N. 8.—51,00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any au
thorized Agent will insure a bottlo of the Pills by return
For sale W
Charles Ritz. L)r. Stoneroad at
the Dee Hive drag store, and F. A. Jlardt&
Co., Lcwistown; A. J. North, Atkinson's mills,
and by respectable druggists generally. sep3
The Daily Telegraph,
Published at Harrisburg, Pa., by Geo. Berener ft Co.,
publishes (he I.isi of Letters by authority, a sure evidence
of it having the largest circulation.
Terms—s3 per year; the weekly and remi-tveWy it
also published at jS per year.
Published duilv, tri weekly and weekly, by Dobbin St
Fulton, lit) Baltimore street, Baltimore, M.I.
Daily s'fi per annum, 51 for * months, 53 for C month",
$2 for 1 months. Tri weekly 51 per annum, 53 for nine
mouths, 52 for six months, and 51 for three months.
The Weekly hncricnn is published at f! T'.l per annum,
eight months 51, lour topics S3, eight comes 10. fourteen
for 15, 20 for 20- all payable in adv.mr .
Philadelphia Daily i\cws,
Published by J. 11. Flanigen, Eld South TMrd -trc-t, at
four dollars per annum .
Tlie Dollar Weekly -Wtrs, by rune puidishof, at $\ per
annum. 0 copies for 55, 13 for 10, 20 for 15, 25 for On
Published every morning, Sundays excepted, by Royal
M'lteynolds 4c Whitman, llnrris'.lirg, Pa.
Terms—s3 per year, 52 for six, or 51 for three months
r ■ 11 IS tircal Journal of Crime an<l (*rill-
JL. inals is in Us Twelfth Fear, end is id. Iy circulated
throughout the country. It contains all the Great Trials,
Criminal Cases, and appropriate Editorials on the same,
together ith information on Criminal Matters not to in
found in any other newspaper.
c>.--ulis.rij.il ions, 52 per Annum; 51 for Six Months,to
In- remitted by Suhseribers, (who should write their
names and the town, county runlet ate where tiny res id"
, plainly,) to - ffd A." 3EYMOITR,
Editor & Propr'. tor nf tile National Police Gazette,
ap3o New York City
Compounded entirely from CISS,
rS one of the he>-t I'ti'iintiVe and f.iver ?Ir divinm-" now
before the public, that in t.: M ;t tTilhtirtii', easier, mild
er, ami more effectual than an} other medicine K/iovvn. 11
is not nnty a Cathartic, Wit n T.ivor remedy, acting fir-"
on the l.ivcr to eject its morbid matter, then on Ihe stom
r h and bowels to i arry off that n alter, thus accomplish
ing two purjeisi s effectually, without any of the painful
feelings c Aperient; d if. the operations of most f athartics.
It strengthens the system a! the same time that it purges
it, and when lak'-n daily in moderate doses will strength
en and build it up with unusual rapidity.
'lhe Liter is orieof the {principal regulators of the,
human body; and when lit pel forms its functions
well the powers of ihesy si . 'em are fully developed
the stomach is almost en- /.* tirely dependent on the
healthy act onofthel.ivei {for the proper pi i form
ame of its functions; j when the stomach is at
fault the bowels aie atjfault, and the whole sx
tern suffers in 'quenee of one organ—the
Liver—having ceased to! |do its duty. For the df:
ea-es of that organ, one i""**" 'it the proprietors has
made it his study, in Ayr* 'practice of more than I'd
years, to find soim reme-ij— jdy wherewith to counier•
art ihe many derange-j ments to xvliit hit is liable
To prove that this rem icily is at last found,any
person troubled xx Uh I.IV-' 'I KK • PLAINT in any ot
its forms, has but to try a i | bottle and conviction i-.
certain. These Gums re-j j move all morbid or bait
matter from ihe system, r~ supplying in llieir place a
healthy flow of bile, itx-lptj Ivigoraling the stomach,
causing food to digest'c— _ ixve!'.. vurifuia? thtblooJ
giving te tie ar.d health to , the whole machinery, r;
moving the cause of {ease effecting a radica'
cure BILIOI s ATTACKS: are cured, and what is
better, prevented, by the' _ occasional use of the Liv
er Invigorator. One dose i*"* [after eating is sufficient to
relieve the slom . h and I 'j prevent the food front ri
sing and souring Only dose taken before re
tiring prevents KIOHT- " ' MAMF. (inly one dose ta
ken at night loosens the ;bowels gently, and curea
COSUVKNKSS One dosetaken after each weal wii'
cure DYSPEPSIA. &>One I Aldose of txvo uaspooiiful.
will always relieve SICK HEADACHE.
One bottle taken let t'e-,\male ob.-aructwaremove
the cause of the disease laud makes a perfect cure
Only one dose immediate-1 Hy relieves CHOI.IC, while
one dose often repeated is l <a sure cure for CHOLERA
Mount s, and a preventive of Cnf.RRA OOnly fine
bottle is needed to throw out of the system the effects of
medicine after a long sickness. One bottle taken f..-'
J A IN nit E remove* all subtowness or unna Hi mi color from
the skm. One dose take:.;, short lime be tpre eating gives
vigor to the appetite and makes Tom! digest well One
dose often repeated cures CHRONIC Dt.xsr.uEA in its worst
forms, and Suuunir and Bowel Complaints \iehi almost
to the firs! dose. Oiic or two doses cures attacks caused
by Worms in l itildr' n : titer. is no surer, safer or speed ■
itr leu., dy :n tit. 1 xvoild, as it NE .LK fads. A few bottle
cures I'KofsY. !>> exciting ik: absorbents. We take
pleasure in rcconue titling ti.n. n I'it'.r.e a. apu ventix,-
for FEVER XNO A is. CHILL FKCEII, and all Fevers of .
Bilious Ty| l! operates with certainly, and thousands
arc willing to testify to its wonderful viituea
All who L.-u :t aie jiving ittsir uuauiiuouitesit.uoi.y ia
its faVor
it-Mi* water in the mnu;h \'. ith tfn in'. .goratxir,ami
swallow both togeller.
TIIL LIVER LWIUORATfJR >, .. ei. niifi. Medical
Discovery v ad t ib' .lyi xx orbing cures almost too great t>
believe. Si cures as ff hy magic, evtix the first dose giv
ing benefit, an t seldom more than one bottle is required
to enre <xuy kind of Livci Complaint, front the wois'
Jaundice to a common Headache, all of which are tlw
res tilt of a Diseased Liver
DR SAN FORD, Proprietor, 343 Broadway, N. V.
dj-Ketatled l>v all Druggists. jelO
Ico Cream Saloons.
1 WOULD respectfully inform the publio
that 1 have fitted op two Ice Cream Sa
loons in superior style, for the accommodation
of lauic: and gentlemen, whose patronage I
solicit. ' ANTHONY FELIX,
tnyiO Intersection of Mill & Valley sts.
I T UST RECEIVED and on hand seme half
tl and quarter barrels of Splendid MACK*
i EREL ; for sale cheap for cash at
QTOVESI STOVES!—A lantc assortment at
low prices for sale by F. J. HOFFMAN.